carstairsstan · 3 years
6 Reasons NOT to hate Grace
1. SHE WAS 8
Like she was 8 when Tatiana literally bought her and she was trapped in a house that was never cleaned(most people would have gone crazy) with Tatiana a.k.a. THE MOST CRAZY PERSON EVER. 
2. JESSE(and his death)
Then Jesse here is her “brother” in every way except blood since she can remember (she can’t even remember her real parents so that is even worse for her), is nice to her and secretly teaches her to fight and then later just comes along and dies. She follows along with whetever Tatiana tells her to do because she thinks it will bring THE ONLY PERSON SHE CAN REMEMBER WHO WAS NICE TO HER back to life. Even Lucie wants to bring Jesse back to life(he is that loveable).
Along the way, Tatiana turns her into her emotionless weapon so Tatiana get back at the Herondale(and all Shadowhunters). So the lack of emotions is not her fault it is Tatiana’s.
Grace sees Tatiana as the only mother she ever had so obviously she would like to please her, but she was also slapped by Tatiana many times so it’s a weird relationship. 
When James comes along, she low-key doesn’t want to do this, but she is pretty much is controlled by Tatiana because she wants Jesse brought back to life and she is afraid of Tatiana. So she has to do it. 
She takes off the bracelet(gracelet) when her mother is “ill” because she isn’t there to control her, that just proves that it isn’t Grace that wants to do this it is Grace’s fear of her mother and her desire to bring Jesse back to life, plus she probubly thinks Belial can do anything because come on he can make Grace able to contol men and makes the Loyaly Binds Me bracelet(what can’t he do? Come down to Earth, but Grace doesn’t know that) like anyone with common sense would be afraid of him. EVEN THE MERRY THEIVES, CORDELIA, AND LUCIE ARE AFRAID OF HIM(with good reason). She is scared enough to use a power that she doesn’t like and try to escape Tatiana.
Therefore, yes Grace made a lot of bad choices but she is reedemable, just as Alastair made a few bad choices in the Academy but is still very much reedemable. Grace is simply misunderstood by the fandom. If you got this far down then thank you for being open-minded enough to read this.
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fairetaire · 4 years
Matthew: *mumbles* your sibling is pretty
Alastair: *mumbles back* yours is too
Matthew: huh
Alastair: what? when? how? where?
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trislutteur · 4 years
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Baby Thomas, i really love too much this guy from Chain of Gold ~ The Last Hours by @cassandraclare
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carstwood · 4 years
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okay but he is hot like REALLY hot
art by: gabriella bujdoso
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dru-and-ash · 4 years
Do you know what happened to ashrosales or charlesfairchild? It says it is deactivated and you guys are my favorite Ash tumblrs.
Ohh dear Anon that's very sweet of you
They're fine just changed username, you can find Koda @calligraphywitch
I missed being here ranting about Ash all day and night long but I honestly don't have any time
Thanks for letting us know you love our boy we love him so very much too 🥰
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kingofcurses · 4 years
Mutuals as TRSOM characters 💙
alec- @christophers-lightwood
magnus- @tenthprinceofhell
leon verlac- @charlesfairchilds
aline- @lavanyalol
asmodeus- @khaleesiofalicante (i think it's you who calls him asmodaddy? it's someone I think)
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thomaslightwood · 4 years
Thanks for the tag @moonbender @mark-blackthorn-bi-guy 💙
rules: only using song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and tag 10 people
artist: Queen
what’s your gender?: Killer queen
how are you feeling?: I'm going slightly mad
if you could go anywhere: Now I'm here
favorite mode of transportation: I'm in love with my car
your best friend: We are the champions
favorite time of day: Night at the opera
if your life was a tv show: Who wants to live forever
relationship status: Somebody to love
Tagging: @fair-y-child @ash-kit @a-very-gay-spider @grace-and-jesse @charlesfairchilds
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so everybody knows that fairstairs is supposed to be matthew and cordelia right?? but the thing is it’s not their first names it’s their last names so fairstairs could still oh so easily be alastair and charles and that in itself makes me wanna kill someone cuz honestly FUCK CHARLES.
but the same issue remains w pretty much all the ships that are last names cuz even though most of us know what they’re s u p p o s e d to be, they could still be literally anything. unless ofc the two are the only two people left of their bloodlines then sure go for it, like in the beginning or tmi w jace herondale and clary fairchild n that’s one of the few that could work but we sTILL went w clace; and i love the ship name don’t get me wrong it’s great but the last name ships thing still kinda annoys me. but yeah rant over heh sorry for that lmao :))
#thelasthour #theinfernaldevices #theshadowhunterchronicles #matthewfairchild #charlesfairchild #charlottefairchild #henryfairchild #jamesherondale #lucieherondale #willherondale #tessaherondale #tessacarstairs #jamescarstairs #cordeliacarstairs #alaistercarstairs #sonacarstairs #eliascarstairs #jesseblackthorn #tatianablackthorn #graceblackthorn #christopherlightwood #annalightwood #gabriellightwood #sophielightwood #cecilylightwood #gideonlightwood #thomaslightwood #barbaralightwood #eugenialightwood #magnusbane #ragnorfell #malcomfade #fairstairs #heronthorn
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montilyets · 5 years
i saved a bunch of urls when i got my hands on chain of gold and i'm not planning on using any of these, so if anyone wants them, they're up for giveaway if you immediately use them. otherwise they're uft.
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calligraphywitch · 4 years
Who has Charlesfairchilds as a username? I'll do anything for it back pls.
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kingofcurses · 4 years
mutuals as downworlders
@jesseblackthorns as lily chen
@tenthprinceofhell as kieran
@tyherondaletrash as maia
@a-very-gay-spider as magnus
@thomaslightwoodx as elliot
@dianabarryy as hypatia
@charlesfairchilds as raphael
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kingofcurses · 4 years
mutuals as animal crossing characters
@tenthprinceofhell as kk slider
@matthewwfairchildd as isabelle
@christophers-lightwood as daisy mae
@charlesfairchilds as tom nook
@gilleboll as bob
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thomaslightwood · 4 years
Thanks for the tag Teo @fair-y-child 💜
nicknames: Sav, Sisi, ect. Many people call me differently, it's hard to tell every one of them.
zodiac sign: sagittarius
height: 1.69
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
last thing I googled: how I met your mother characters (I was curious about their age)
song stuck in my head: Jailhouse rock by Elvis Presley
following: 381
followers: 1478
amount of sleep: around 6-8 hours
lucky numbers: 3, 7, 56
dream job: psychologist/writer
wearing: my pajamas - purple shirt and pink trousers
random fact: I envy Thomas for his great memory because I wish to be as good as him with languages but they're not my thing at all 🙃
favourite song: who hurt you!?
favourite instrument: piano maybe 🤔
favourite author: Cassandra Clare and Patrick Ness at the moment. Soon I will start reading more of Alice Oseman and Benjamin Alire Sáenz (because Heartstopper and AaDDtSotU are one of my favorite things ever) and I think they have the potential to be my favorite authors.
favourite animal noises: umm, I'm not sure. I'm not into animals.
aesthetic: old books, endless library, bleeding heart, empty room, cracked glass, night sky, solitude, black and white photos, gray, purple, blue and red
Tagging: @greyson-toll-lover @a-very-gay-spider @cordeliaxcarstairsx @charlesfairchilds
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okay hi so i have something to say. i saw a theory that Matthew might become a vampire and i think that while its always possible it’s not very probable. all of cc’s immortal characters have turned up in some way or the other throughout the books. Magnus, ofc he’s always there, the poor guy seems to get pulled into every generation of bullshit. Ragnor Fell, he’s a pretty minor character but still has an important part, no matter how small, still monumental in almost all of the series. he’s a part of tmi, he’s in both the last hours and the dark artifices and maybe even the infernal devices but i don’t remmeber him being there rn. Malcom Fade, before tda he was literally a freakinf blip on their radar he’d been mentioned like once before and then was completely forgotten; until, ofc he decided to pop in and he a catalyst to fuckinf up a million people’s lives. Jem n Tessa, they too have a habit of sticking around, probably because of their descendants, i mean it shows in the family tree that Jace is descended from Tessa and Will which makes Tessa his great-great-great-something-grandmom. Jem, ofc sticks around cuz Herondale, n later on, in tda, the Blackthorns would also be descendants of Jesse and Lucie which makes them related to Tessa in the same was as Will. Emma carstairs is also obviously there, who is a Carstairs, making Jem protective ofc. C h u r c h cuz istg that cat is fucking immortal he’s almost as old as Tessa, like he does not die honestly idek. So, taking into account a l l of these people, frankly i cannot think of another immortal who hasn’t turned up yet. That means that if Matthew was immortal, it’d be completely out of pattern for him to just not turn up. And yeah, i understand shame and guilt for the Great Sin and that, but u cannot tell me that Matthew would stay far far away and w a t c h as all of his closest friends descendants, James, the Lightwoods, Cordelia/the Carstairs, his BROTHER Charles (cuz the fairchild line has to continue some way or the other and that’s a whole other rant), Lucie n Jesse, and honestly, the list could go on that’s literally just his closest friends (and charles). You c a n n o t tell me that this m a n who was oh sO protective of his friends would just stand by and do n o t h i n g as the descendants of the poeple he loved most are being fuckikg murdered. According to me, at least, he’s not the kinda character who wouldn’t intervene. Annnnddd also, Jem and Tessa canonically (i think?) have traveled everywhere together and it’s simply not possible that they haven’t come across one another yet, and i’d really really wanna believe that Tessa would find Matthew and look after him for James, and Lucie and Charlotte and Henry and all of their other friends cuz they’re the immortal ones who get to watch their friends and loved ones die yAy *cue fake cheering sound effect*. Also, going up to the Charles continuing the Fairchild line thing, personally, i don’t like the prospect of Clary having descended from Charles soooo :) But yeah rant over, i’m so sorry i have a 40min discussion w myself yesterday and i could n o t get this out of my head so here it is. :)
#thelasthour #theinfernaldevices #theshadowhunterchronicles #matthewfairchild #charlesfairchild #charlottefairchild #henryfairchild #jamesherondale #lucieherondale #willherondale #tessaherondale #tessacarstairs #jamescarstairs #cordeliacarstairs #alaistercarstairs #sonacarstairs #eliascarstairs #jesseblackthorn #tatianablackthorn #graceblackthorn #christopherlightwood #annalightwood #gabriellightwood #sophielightwood #cecilylightwood #gideonlightwood #thomaslightwood #barbaralightwood #eugenialightwood #magnusbane #ragnorfell #malcomfade
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