#charleston blues
soufcakmistress · 1 year
Charleston Blues
Part IV
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Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick Black OC
“I took it upon myself to personally bring you this small token of our appreciation and a warm welcome to Charleston from the CNWL and me as well. I hope you’ll be able to make a home here.” Mrs. Warner had her best curls pieced and placed perfectly on her heart shaped face. She showed every tooth in her mouth shoving the massive home baked apple crisp into Erik’s chest. 
“My freezer box is full to overflowing with desserts but thank you anyway! And you said your name was…”
“Warner. Stella Warner. My husband is also a business owner; he owns his own barbershop on the peninsula. Mr. Stevens, how you liking the south? The climate seems to be agreeing with you.” 
He walks to the back where a small break room lies with a table and two chairs and a refrigerator, with Mrs. Warner following like a yearning puppy. “Hotter than what I’m used to, but it’s beautiful. Everybody has shown such hospitality. Including you, little lady.” Erik winked at Mrs. Warner and she fought not to swoon and sway. 
“Well, I have to get a move on now. The club will be convening soon and I have to get my kids situated. Surely you understand right?” Stella blinked her brown eyes right in his face, curious and mischievous. “You don’t have to leave so soon Stella..”
Erik swaggered to the front and told Jerry to flip the sign on the door and go take a break. He came back in there with her coy eyes flittering every which way and Erik fought to pull at his dick in his pants. “She’s ripe for the taking, as long as you’re up for what could come next.” Erik’s God encouraged Erik’s fervor for the female form—this would be his first dip into the abyss since he was chosen by Badoru.
Erik brushed off his God’s warning and pounced on the willing prey. Erik hadn’t made it back two steps in the break room before Stella jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Damn. You even finer up close.” Her tongue moseyed into his mouth and one thing led to another that afternoon... 
Chantilly straightened her hat on her head and licked her teeth for any lingering lipstick as she walked into the clubhouse. Black women of all shades flittered about as the meeting was about to begin. It was impeccably decorated with a homey touch too. The cream walls had several framed portraits of past events and fundraisers held by the club, on-site and off. 
“Cousin! I so glad you came!!!” Frieda popped out from a back room, and embraced Tilly with so much tenderness. Tilly knew that she meant well, and after all that Frieda did for her, this was the least that she could do. 
“For you, I will do anything. Some familiar faces in here. Jacqueline Shackleford, Mary Boozer, even Edith Jenkins. Y’all don’t leave no stone unturned huh?”
Frieda rolled her eyes, shuffling the stack of papers in her hands. “Give it a chance. Who knows? You might end up enjoying yourself. Just try. For me.” Tilly squeezed Frieda’s shoulder and acquiesced. Frieda moseyed to the front where the rest of the officers began to congregate, while Tilly browsed the food table. “Mmm, this cake looks just as dry. They definitely need my help, gracious.” 
Tilly picked up a few finger sandwiches and found a seat, while some other women turned up the radio by the opened window. “The pastor’s vehicle was found on Johns Island. He was sighted walking along Sullivan Avenue but has not been sighted ever since. Theodore Dunne has been the lead pastor of his church for over 15 years working in ministry with a special interest in children. If you have any idea about his possible whereabouts, please call the tipline. And in other news of the Lowcountry, more and more colored people are becoming business owners and trailblazing into areas of Charleston with a different demographic…”
Several women gasped and clutched their pearls at the pastor’s disappearance. Tilly feigned like she was aghast but inside, she rumbled with laughter. Little did they know, Theodore Dunne would never be seen again. “Ladies, ladies—simmer down now. We’re about to begin.” The sickly sweet drawl of her former arch enemy Melissa nearly turned her stomach. Of course, she would be the president—her bossiness and penchant for getting in people’s business was legendary on Johns island. 
“Welcome ladies to our midweek meeting for the Club for Negro Women of the Lowcountry for the greater Charleston area. I see a whole lot of new faces, and I’m so happy to have y’all with us.” Melissa scanned her eyes among the faces and let them linger a second too long on Tilly. Tilly couldn’t read her expression but she would make sure to personally greet her before the meeting concluded. 
Tilly sipped her tea in silence as she listened intently at the agenda at hand. Roll was called and all of the newcomers were met with a warm welcome after a quick introduction and any possible legacy ties. Idella Morrow, the chapter Vice President, thanked several committees for their efforts for the Spring Fling for the high schoolers on the peninsula. All efforts now needed to be put toward the Cotillion at the end of the year. All of the women seemed so engrossed and engaged, Tilly could sense the sisterhood in the room. Several women began to interject with their suggestions and contributions to the cause. 
“My sister does hair out of her home, she could do some of the young ladies’ hair.”
“I’m a seamstress, please send the girls and boys to me for their gowns and suits.”
“We should fry some fish after the men’s softball games to raise money for the households unable to cover those costs right now, y’all know we right there on the water.”
“You’re just as valuable to this community as these women are. Show what you can do. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.”
Timidly Chantilly raised her hand in a fit of courage from her mother. “Ladies, I am a professional pastry chef. I actually have a bakery opening in the very near future off of Meeting Street. I would be honored to to assist in any bake sales and take care of the cake for the Cotillion as well.” 
“Aren’t we so lucky to have such an addition as Chantilly Davenport? The Club of Negro Women of the Lowcountry would is made better with your presence after such tragic circumstances that fell over your family. You’re looking much better these days, isn’t she ladies?” They all begin to clap for her, enraging Tilly. Bitch still knew how to capitalize on an opportunity to embarrass her. Maybe Tilly would become a permanent fixture; let’s see how Missy would like that. “Stay your hand, Chantilly. Her time will come.”
Fixing her lipstick, Mrs. Warner perked up to throw her hat in. “Well for all you moms with sons, y’all know y’all can come to my husband’s barbershop for their haircuts. I also have gotten some intel on that colored Yankee shaking up King Street.” She was so sure of herself by the way she twisted her lips up. 
“Now now ladies, we are not ones to gossip! Although he is quite handsome. What’s the fella’s name?” Missy inquired, nibbling on the cap of her pen. 
“His name is Erik Stevens and he’s from Massachusetts. He was in the Navy and was in the service during Korea. Said the things us colored folk down here experiencing made him want to do something! He’s quite the looker….” 
Sipping her tea to get the nasty taste out of her mouth, Tilly’s heightened intuition confirmed everything she already deduced. Mrs. Warner wasn’t just keeping her marital bed to her husband; it was written all over her face. Erik Stevens. The Yankee vet that shook up the lowcountry. With a smile like that, he has to be up to no good. 
Davenport Desserts & More would be opening in the next month. Tilly was still waiting on an industrial mixer to be delivered, and she could have sworn the electrician would be by to check the circuit breaker by 2. Here it is, coming up on 3:15, and a no show so far. 
These were the times she hated. With a snap of a finger, Ursilene could speed things along. But she didn’t want to overstep. Ursilene was an asset and the catalyst for change in her life, which is why she had to be discerning. She still had to live and be normal in Charleston and behave as normal. So human problems still plagued her. It kept her humble.
She painted the inside of the bakery sea foam green just like Ursilene’s colors. The wall facing the street was getting an extra coat when the slow wheeze of an old muffler came trudging down Meeting Street. On instinct, her stomach dropped into her butt.
Officer Josiah Morton was the resident hard ass, dying to prove a point. Charleston was very segregated and he would do anything in his power to keep it that way. Yet Josiah had a wandering eye that left him full of self hatred. Black women were beneath him and yet they occupied his mind. A sick combination of contradictions with too much power at his disposal. The police cruiser came to a halt in the front of the bakery. 
The electric sign was on its way and there was still paper on the windows shielding the inside. Tilly hadn’t known that the officer was approaching until she felt the pull from Ursilene. “He’s here to intimidate. Stay on guard, and he’ll leave.”
Tilly’s hand shook a bit painting upward with the paint roller. This particular pig was an incessant nuisance for this community and by the way his chest was poked out with that slimy smile of his—he’d been waiting to corner Tilly. 
“You working for some folks here, gal?” His sly eyes roamed Tilly’s body and lingered on her round bottom in her overalls. She wanted to kill him where he stood.
“Not quite, Officer. Seems that luck has turned in my favor, I own this place.” She had the audacity to look in this white cop’s eye because she was a Davenport and they were proud people. Tilly saw how he ogled her with no regard for how she felt, and that ungodly anger swirled in her chest again. The slimy officer twirled a kinky ringlet of Tilly’s mane tied under a bandana, leading it down her arm. 
“You’ll have to make me something special once you’re all opened up, gal. I’ll be sure to pop up and every now and again….make sure you don’t get outta hand.” Tilly gulped down her ire until a smooth candy red Camaro parked behind the police cruiser. There’s no way..
“Everything okay here baby? I apologize for being a little late, I had to square away with Jerry before I closed up. I see we have a visitor..” Erik swaggered right up to Tilly, and gently brushed the officer aside and placed those unbelievable lips on her neck. The sensation that flowed through the both of them was unnatural, much like what had occurred already. Yet it felt ancient and familiar. 
Erik’s hand guided her face to his and they stared at each other momentarily before the officer cleared his throat. The haze wasn’t totally broken between the pair but Tilly was able to separate herself from him. However, not far enough to spoil the act. “This is Officer Josiah Morton, baby. One of Charleston PD’s best and brightest.” 
Erik shook the officer’s hand and looked him square in the eye. Erik easily was in a different weight class than the officer and stood almost a head above him. “Erik Stevens. United States Navy. Just made my way down south to help some vets and fell in love all the same. Isn’t she a stunner?” 
The hairs on the back of Erik’s neck stood up—he loved to gaze at her mouth specifically her cupids bow. But the wrath fought to overwhelm and it made his spine straight as steel as another cop abused his power. “Control yourself, Erik. Protect her, and that’s all.” 
Officer Morton turned red as a beet at the nerve of this uppity Yankee negro. He did shake his hand while he measured the man up. Josiah knew he would be overpowered man to man….but he had a different kind of power to aid him that Erik couldn’t access. “Stevens, is that it? You serve in Korea?”
“That’s right Officer. With the seals. We did what needed to be done.” Erik squeezed his arm around Tilly, and clenched his jaw. The tension was very high in this small space, and Tilly made sure to diffuse the pressure. “Well Officer, as you can see we have everything under control. Thank you for your….initiative to keep an eye on this community.”
She pinched Erik on his side and his head whipped towards her, with confusion and anger all in his features. The officer slowly dragged back to his cruiser and left them in a cloud of exhaust smoke. 
“I’ve beat men up for much less with the shit you just pulled. You don’t know me!” 
“Oh Miss Davenport, surely you don’t mean that. You played it tough, but your knight in shining armor came to save the day. You ain’t know?”
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dalencio · 30 days
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Charleston, South Carolina.
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azxif · 6 months
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found-in-nomadland · 1 month
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Vibes by the pond ✨
Charleston, Rhode Island
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movieposters1 · 6 months
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Another Cappyverse next gen artwork - This time it is a pen drawing of the characters in The Spacetries, Beach City run by Blue Lace Agate and Hessonite because Lars and The Off Colours are Plumbers, an intergalactic law enforcers in this verse.
Angel Larimar (Fusion) belongs to the Lead Character Designer on the Steven Universe Movie and Steven Universe Future, @beckyandfrank.
The idea of Hessonite running a bakery belongs to @bludmd23.
Calypso Charleston belongs to @cooltmoney95.
Grise, a radioactive aquamarine belongs to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me).
The concept of radioactive gems belongs to @dangerpack.
The Cappyverse belongs to @ej-cappy-universe.
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thorsenmark · 1 year
Adventures While Exploring the Mojave Desert by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A setting looking to the northwest while taking in views across the Mojave Desert setting at a roadside pullout along California State Route 127. The Valjean Hills and Kingston Range are off in the distance.
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doctorwhoisadhd · 2 years
woah i jsut realized . the fridays have the longest standing connection to parker macmillan of all 24 main teams on account of that one time we hexed him
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manwalksintobar · 2 years
The Cat and the Saxophone (2 A.M.)  // Langston Hughes
EVERYBODY Half-pint,— Gin? No, make it LOVES MY BABY Corn. You like Liquor, don’t you, honey? BUT MY BABY Sure. Kiss me, DON’T LOVE NOBODY daddy. BUT ME. Say! EVERYBODY Yes? I’m your BUT MY BABY sweetie, ain’t I? DON’T WANT NOBODY Sure. BUT Then let’s ME, do it! SWEET ME. Charleston, mamma! !
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bbqbills2 · 5 months
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Personalized designs and seamless indoor-outdoor connections will be the main priorities in 2024. Innovative trends are changing our perception of and use of outdoor areas, which is leading to some interesting advances in the realm of patio design. With cutting-edge technological integration, eco-friendly materials, and adaptable layouts, the newest 2024 patio trends are sure to take your outdoor living to the next level. These trends provide unlimited inspiration for designing the ideal outdoor paradise, whether your vision is of a space for rest or a vibrant gathering place. Explore all possibilities to create inviting and functional outdoor spaces for any lifestyle with these 2024 patio trends! BBQ Bill's designs and installs cantilever pergola, louvered and alumawood outdoor patio covers for any backyard.
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2024 Patio Trends: Blending Indoor And Outdoor Spaces
According to Houzz, the demand for outdoor spaces has increased by 50% since 2020, signaling the growing popularity of seamless indoor-outdoor living. This reflects homeowners’ increasing desire to create a harmonious living environment by integrating the natural beauty and open feel of the outdoors with the comfort and aesthetics of indoor places.
Black PergolaWhite PergolaBlack pergola trend >>White pergola trend >>
New 2024 Patio Cover Trend: The K-BANA™ Manual Roof
The preference towards blending interior and exterior areas emphasizes the significance of design components that establish a coherent whole. A smooth indoor-outdoor transition requires extending flooring materials from interior to outdoor spaces, utilizing complementary or comparable color schemes, and incorporating natural components like stone and wood.
Like Azenco Outdoor’s K-BANA™ Manual louvered Roof, you may match the manual louvered pergola’s floor color to your patio’s. These architectural choices create a harmonious transition between indoor and outdoor surroundings and improve the visual appeal of living areas.
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Additional Features That Makes The Difference
The practicality of these spaces is also greatly improved with the addition of features like  BBQ island kitchen, fire features, fire bars, fireplaces, fire pits, fire grills, fire rings, pizza ovens, BBQ grills, griddles, smokers, cookers, rotisserie, refrigerators, heaters, sinks, patio covers, outdoor accessories and cozy seating. With the addition of these options, living space is expanded beyond the typical boundaries of the house, offering new opportunities for entertainment, relaxation, and taking in the scenery. Retractable screens increase the adaptability of your pergola and make it easier for homeowners to adapt to shifting weather patterns and personal preferences.
Architectural features like motorized louvers enable seamless interaction. Simple transitions between natural light are made possible by Azenco Outdoor’s R-BLADE™ motorized louvered pergola, allowing dynamic interactions between interior and outdoor areas.
Embracing Multifunctionality And Customization In Patio Design
A statistic from the National Association of Realtors (2023) shows how the world of home design is always changing: 64% of homeowners currently want their patio to serve several purposes, a percentage that is predicted to increase by 5% in 2024.
Multifunctional patios are becoming the heart of the home, hosting everything from quiet, sunny meditation sessions to outdoor offices and mostly lively evening soirees under the stars.
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Covered Functional Outdoor Kitchen
Customization is at the heart of outdoor living, a trend shaped by modern homeowners’ interests and lifestyles. Based to the National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA), 75% of millennials have expressed an interest in outdoor kitchens in 2023. The number of entertainment areas has risen by 40% since 2021, suggesting an increase in interest for personalized patio spaces that expand beyond functionality.
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Pergola Customization
Patio customization possibilities are endless and adaptable to a wide range of design preferences. Azenco Outdoor’s R-SHADE™ insulated roof pergola provides architectural elegance and shade, while the R-BLADE™ louvered pergola offers a breezy feel. From integrated fire pits to comfy seating areas, each feature can be customized to meet the homeowner’s needs, transforming the patio into a real extension of the home’s living space.
The distinction between indoors and the outdoors is fading away as personalization and customization become more and more significant. Today’s homeowners seek solutions that represent their aesthetic preferences while also meeting the necessities of their specific lives. The opportunity to customize their outdoor buildings and furniture so that each space is not only functional but also a true statement of personal style and vision.
R-SHADE™ insulated roofR-SHADE™ insulated roof
Smart Solutions: Technology Enhances The Patio Experience
With 82% of homeowners interested in outdoor innovation (NKBA, 2023) and a $154.4 billion worldwide smart house industry (Statista, 2023), smart solutions are becoming a growing trend in patio design. From motorized louvers to integrated LED lighting, technological advancements are transforming the way we interact with and enjoy outdoor areas.
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Home Automation Extends To Outdoor Spaces
Outdoor automation takes the lead, providing both convenience and efficiency. Motorized louvers offer personalized shading solutions, allowing homeowners to control sunlight exposure and ventilation to their liking. Integrated LED lighting not only lights the patio area but also provides energy-efficient solutions that help to save costs and promote sustainability.
With the development of smart controls and voice-activated assistants, it is now possible to operate patio amenities such as lighting or heating and cooling elements with simple voice requests or at the touch of a button, adding ease and refinement to outdoor living areas. Smart solutions allow homeowners to take their patio experience to the next level by providing the ideal environment for entertaining guests.
Future-Proofing Your Patio Investment: Durability And Adaptability
Durability and adaptability are crucial factors for homeowners wanting to invest in their outdoor areas in the fast-growing outdoor living product industry, which is estimated to reach $26.8 billion by 2027 (Freedonia Group, 2022). As the business expands, the demand for long-lasting, adaptable patio structures increases. These 2024 patio trends are demonstrated by Azenco Outdoor’s durable, weather-resistant aluminum pergola structures, which not only provide greater longevity but also have a modular design that allows for future customization.
The growing patio trends such as versatility, customization, and smart technology are key. Having spaces that adapt easily to our needs, whether for a peaceful retreat or lively social gatherings is becoming a must-have. With smart tech integration, convenience is at every homeowner fingertips, making outdoor living both sophisticated and sustainable.
Selecting Knowledgeable Professionals
However, creating this desired area requires choosing the proper partner for the job. That’s where BBQ Bill's broad construction network comes in, giving you access to qualified contractors who can bring these ideas to life in your own house. They recognize the value of designing long-lasting, adaptable environments that reflect your taste. So, when contemplating these ideas for your patio, remember the importance of hiring a reputable contractor who can ensure your outdoor space is not only built for today but also for the future.
More About The Home Golf Simulation Clubhouse Project >>
Conclusion: 2024 Patio Trends
transforming your outdoor space into a haven of comfort and style hinges on selecting a partner that matches your vision and standards. Azenco Outdoor stands out as that ideal partner, offering a widespread network of skilled dealers ready to update your dream patio. Their commitment to crafting durable, flexible covered living spaces tailored to your preferences ensures not just an aesthetic upgrade but a long-term investment in your home’s value and your quality of life. Embrace the opportunity to work with pergola contractors who understand the essence of quality and innovation. Reach out to us today, and take the first step towards creating an outdoor area that perfectly embodies your idea of outdoor living, ensuring it thrives for years to come.
Outdoor Living Store in Las Vegas
For more than 30 years, outdoor barbecues and kitchen solutions have been the name of the game at BBQ Bill’s. We are your premier barbecue store in Las Vegas, NV, that can help you create the ideal outdoor cooking and living space based on your style and budget.
We design and install custom outdoor kitchens, BBQ island kitchen, fire features, fire bars, fireplaces, fire pits, fire grills, fire rings, pizza ovens, BBQ grills, griddles, smokers, cookers, rotisserie, refrigerators, heaters, sinks, patio covers, outdoor accessories and build as construction contractors.
Our experienced barbecue experts will create a masterpiece that perfectly matches your vision for function and beauty. We have access to thousands of quality items and install only superior-quality products from some of the best names in the business, including Alfa, Alfresco, Amore, Aspire, Blaze, Bonfire, Coyote, DCS, Delta Heat, Fontana Forni, Gozney, Green Mountain, Hestan, Lynx, Memphis, Pit Boss, Summerset, Twin Eagle, Viking, Wolf.  
We service Las Vegas, Henderson, Mesquite, North Las Vegas, Blue Diamond, Enterprise, Goodsprings, Moapa Valley, Mount Charleston, Nelson, Paradise, Spring Valley, Summerlin South, Sunrise Manor, Whitney, Winchester, Arden, Jean, Logandale, Overton, Primm, Sloan, Vegas Creek, Boulder City, and Pahrump. Contact us today to let us help you build the outdoor barbecue and kitchen space of your dreams.
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Mother's Day Gift Ideas
It will soon be that time, to honor mom. The first proclamation of Mother’s Day in 1870 was by Julia Howe. She asked women everywhere to join for world peace. What are your Mother’s Day Plans? Are you planning a trip? Do you want dinner out, or are you just looking for that perfect gift? Everyone celebrates in different ways, but here are a few ideas to help out along the way. A hike, or patio…
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violetdior · 7 months
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found-in-nomadland · 1 month
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Charleston, Rhode Island
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celayasmash · 11 months
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Roof Extensions in Charleston Deck - huge coastal second story cable railing deck idea with a roof extension
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girinma · 1 year
suspicious that nancy mace starts acting up right after i learn i'm three degrees of separation from her.... my psychic warfare taking effect
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