#charlotte randle
sodapop-anon · 2 years
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I hope I can be the best dad ever for you, little buddy ❤️.
@abbyrussellanon (my darlin’ <3) @cant-handle-da-randle @cliffdawson-anon @lilyjane-anon @charlotte-sparrow-anon @tatemcrae-anon @arabella-noelle-anon @nailea-anon @peterparkeranon @kylieheathanon @violetjune-anon @robinbuckley-anon @chrissy-anon @theolivestheory
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Starring Harry Styles, Emma Corrin, Gina McKee, Linus Roache, David Dawson, Rupert Everett, Kadiff Kirwan, Emily John, Dora Davis, Joseph Potter, Richard Dempsey, Jae Alexander, Freya Mavor, Sean Jackson, Maddie Rice, Richard Cant, Chris Ma, Lucy Briers, Jack Bandeira, Gareth Kennerley, John Sandeman, Nicolas Tennant, Charlotte Randle and Patrick Brennan.
Screenplay by  Ron Nyswaner.
Directed by Michael Grandage.
Distributed by Amazon Studios. 113 minutes. Rated R.
 With a heart wrenching love triangle, the challenge of societal norms, and beautifully saturated seaside views, My Policeman is a forbidden love story for the ages. 
The story takes place during two different timelines. The first is sometime during the 1990s and the second in the 1950s. Marion Burgess (Gina McKee) and Tom Burgess (Linus Roache) live in a charming seaside residence, the pair being two parts of an anything-but-charming marriage.
The ongoing subconscious feud between the couple is brought to light when Tom arrives home to see that Marion has brought in a guest to stay with them, an old friend Patrick (though it is clear that “old friend” is a loose term for Tom). This angers Tom and he storms out of the house, leaving Marion to care for their sick and crippled guest. 
Mostly depicted in flashbacks from the trio’s younger years, a love story is illustrated – actually two love stories. First, we are shown the blossoming relationship between young Marion (Emma Corrin) and young Tom (Harry Styles). Much to my surprise, Marion and Tom’s relationship was once pure, innocent, and loving.
The couple seemed to grow closer and closer until another love story begins revealing itself. This is that of young Tom and young Patrick (David Dawson.) As Tom and Patrick’s relationship is fueled with the fires of passion, intimacy, and secrecy, Tom and Marion’s relationship begins to dim. 
Aside from the tale itself, the visuals we are presented with are magnificent. Ben Davis’ cinematography in this film captures the essence of each timeline, using nature, lighting, shadow, and temperature to aid in telling the story.
The clear contrast in lighting and color between the 1950s and the 1990s is so telling of the innocence, hope, and longing followed by the lack thereof as time slips out of the threesome’s hands. The warmth and luminescence of scenes that took place in the 50s are reminiscent of brighter days, enveloping me in feelings of nostalgia. The melancholia and shadows of the 90s scenes cast a longing shadow over the tone of the film, effectively highlighting the development of the two love stories over the last 40 years.
What makes My Policeman the alluring film that it is is not only its incredible cast but the fact that it is the untold truth of thousands of queer people over the years. The abominable way that queer individuals were treated in the 1950s is illustrated accurately in this story, making it that much more heartbreaking. This is such an important story for anyone who feels ashamed about their feelings to see so that they know that they are valid, worthy, and deserving of love. 
Michael Grandage did a phenomenal job of bringing Bethan Roberts’ novel to life, even the TIFF CEO Cameron Bailey agrees. Stars Emma Corrin, David Dawson, Harry Styles, Linus Roache, Gina McKee, and Rupert Everett were awarded the TIFF Tribute award for their roles in the film at the 2022 Toronto Film Festival. I can absolutely see My Policeman racking up the nominations in the coming awards season. 
If you haven’t already, check out My Policeman in theaters on October 21st and streaming on Amazon Prime on November 4th. 
Kayla Marra
Copyright ©2022 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: October 22, 2022.
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abbyrussellanon · 2 years
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My greatest gift 💝
Everyone meet Eugene Darrel Curtis, born November 14, 2022. 💖
@sodapop-anon (❤️) @cliffdawson-anon @lilyjane-anon @charlotte-sparrow-anon @tatemcrae-anon @arabella-noelle-anon @nailea-anon @peterparkeranon @kylieheathanon @violetjune-anon @robinbuckley-anon @chrissy-anon @theolivestheory @cant-handle-da-randle @jinx-loset
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belaux · 1 year
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My friend’s dog is so cute! Also, hi! Sorry for being gone for so long.
@cliffdawson-anon @sodapop-anon @theolivestheory @cant-handle-da-randle @lilyjane-anon @charlotte-sparrow-anon @peterparkeranon @kylieheathanon @nailea-anon @broghan-rplife @tatemcrae-anon @violetjune-anon @arabella-noelle-anon @paigejohnson @robinbuckley-anon @chrissy-anon @juliette-bishop @savannah-anon @sadiesink-anonn @avery-brookeranon @harleyanon @hangmananon @doveolivia @willowanon @lucas-anon @mable-anon @nancywheeleranon @amelia-anon @abigail-anon @rooster-anon @hazel-anon @taylor-anon
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nailea-anon · 2 years
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This may be the night that my dreams might let me know, All the stars are closer
@cant-handle-da-randle @arabella-noelle-anon @lilyjane-anon @abbyrussellanon @violetjune-anon @alissavioletanon @jadenhossler-anon @sodapop-anon @peterparkeranon @kylieheathanon @paigejohnson @avery-brookeranon @kccooperanon @charlotte-sparrow-anon @aaron-hullanon @violetharrington-anon @tatemcrae-anon @moonsanon @daniwood-anon @steve-harrington-anon @kayla-miller-anon @robinbuckley-anon @dustinhenderson-anon @lydia-anon @totallynicknelson @ivy-anon @charliespringanon @elhopperanon @derekdiscanioanon @mikewheeler-anon @nessabarrettanon @jeremiahfisherrr @erichendersonanon @madisongrey @rowan-anon @jack-avery-anon @savannah-anon + anyone else
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samuelinsull-anon · 2 years
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I just recently spent some time in Italy for business. It is a beautiful country.
@cliffdawson-anon @boxer-tom-anon @sodapop-anon @cant-handle-da-randle @theolivestheory @peterparkeranon @charlotte-sparrow-anon @kylieheathanon @lilyjane-anon @violetjune-anon @willowanon @lucas-anon @mable-anon @nancywheeleranon @amelia-anon @abigail-anon @rooster-anon and anyone else.
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¿Cuál equipo ha tenido mejor desempeño en los enfrentamientos pasados, Charlotte o Knicks?
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¿Cuál equipo ha tenido mejor desempeño en los enfrentamientos pasados, Charlotte o Knicks?
Estadísticas de rendimiento de Charlotte en enfrentamientos pasados
Las estadísticas de rendimiento de Charlotte en enfrentamientos pasados han sido impresionantes. El equipo ha demostrado una gran capacidad para competir de manera consistente en diversos encuentros. Con un historial de partidos jugados y resultados obtenidos, Charlotte ha destacado por su determinación y habilidad en cada juego.
Al analizar las estadísticas de rendimiento de Charlotte en enfrentamientos pasados, se puede observar que el equipo ha logrado un buen equilibrio entre la defensa y el ataque. Han sabido mantener una sólida estructura defensiva, al mismo tiempo que han sido efectivos en la creación de oportunidades de gol.
Además, la capacidad de adaptación de Charlotte durante los partidos ha sido notable. El equipo ha sabido enfrentarse a diferentes estilos de juego y ha logrado ajustarse de manera eficiente para obtener resultados positivos en el campo.
En resumen, las estadísticas de rendimiento de Charlotte en enfrentamientos pasados reflejan un equipo comprometido, competitivo y con un gran potencial. Con una base sólida y un enfoque determinado, el equipo continúa demostrando su valía en cada partido que disputa. ¡Seguiremos atentos a su desempeño en los próximos encuentros!
Análisis del desempeño histórico de los Knicks
Los New York Knicks son uno de los equipos más icónicos de la NBA, con una larga historia llena de altibajos en cuanto a su desempeño en la cancha. Fundados en 1946, los Knicks han experimentado momentos de gloria y también de frustración a lo largo de los años.
En la década de los 70, los Knicks vivieron su época dorada, logrando dos campeonatos de la NBA en 1970 y 1973. Bajo la dirección de figuras legendarias como Walt Frazier, Willis Reed y Earl Monroe, el equipo de Nueva York se convirtió en un referente en la liga.
Sin embargo, a pesar de su éxito en el pasado, los Knicks han tenido dificultades para mantener su rendimiento en las últimas décadas. Desde la salida de figuras destacadas como Patrick Ewing en la década de los 90, el equipo ha luchado por competir al más alto nivel.
En los últimos años, los Knicks han realizado esfuerzos por reconstruir su plantilla y mejorar su desempeño en la cancha. Con la contratación de jóvenes talentos y nuevas estrategias de juego, el equipo busca volver a ser un contendiente en la NBA.
A pesar de los desafíos que han enfrentado, los aficionados de los Knicks continúan apoyando a su equipo fielmente, con la esperanza de verlos alcanzar nuevamente la gloria en la liga. Con un legado histórico rico en momentos inolvidables, los Knicks siguen siendo un referente en el mundo del baloncesto y un equipo con el potencial de escribir nuevas páginas de éxito en su historia.
Comparativa de resultados entre Charlotte y los Knicks
En la NBA, siempre es interesante comparar los resultados de diferentes equipos. En este caso, vamos a analizar la comparativa entre los Charlotte Hornets y los New York Knicks en la temporada actual.
Los Charlotte Hornets han tenido un desempeño bastante sólido en lo que va de temporada. Con jugadores clave como LaMelo Ball y Gordon Hayward, el equipo ha logrado posicionarse en la parte media de la conferencia Este. Han logrado mantener un equilibrio entre su ofensiva y defensiva, lo que les ha permitido competir de manera efectiva contra equipos de alto nivel.
Por otro lado, los New York Knicks han sido una de las sorpresas de la temporada. Bajo el liderazgo del entrenador Tom Thibodeau, el equipo ha logrado superar las expectativas de muchos expertos. Jugadores como Julius Randle y RJ Barrett han tenido un rendimiento excepcional, lo que ha llevado a los Knicks a posicionarse en los primeros puestos de la conferencia Este.
En cuanto a los enfrentamientos directos entre ambos equipos, los Charlotte Hornets han logrado imponerse en la mayoría de los encuentros. Sin embargo, los New York Knicks han demostrado ser un rival duro de vencer y siempre han dado pelea hasta el último minuto.
En conclusión, la comparativa de resultados entre los Charlotte Hornets y los New York Knicks nos muestra dos equipos en buen momento, con jugadores clave destacando en ambos lados. Será interesante ver cómo evolucionan a lo largo de la temporada y si logran mantener su nivel de rendimiento en la recta final hacia los playoffs.
Historial de partidos entre Charlotte y los Knicks
El historial de partidos entre Charlotte y los Knicks es una de las rivalidades más intensas en la NBA. Estos dos equipos han protagonizado encuentros memorables a lo largo de los años, con emocionantes enfrentamientos que han mantenido a los fanáticos al borde de sus asientos.
Los Charlotte Hornets y los New York Knicks han competido ferozmente en la cancha, mostrando un espíritu de lucha y determinación que ha hecho de cada enfrentamiento una batalla épica. Ambos equipos han contado con jugadores talentosos que han dejado su huella en la historia de la liga, lo que ha añadido aún más emoción a sus encuentros.
A lo largo de los años, los partidos entre Charlotte y los Knicks han sido un derroche de emociones y adrenalina. Los fanáticos de ambos equipos han vibrado con cada canasta, cada bloqueo y cada robo de balón, creando una atmósfera única en cada partido.
Ya sea en la temporada regular o en los playoffs, los enfrentamientos entre Charlotte y los Knicks siempre han sido intensos y llenos de pasión. Los jugadores han dado lo mejor de sí mismos en cada encuentro, demostrando su dedicación y amor por el juego.
En resumen, el historial de partidos entre Charlotte y los Knicks es un capítulo fascinante en la historia de la NBA, marcado por la rivalidad, la emoción y el espíritu competitivo que han hecho que cada enfrentamiento sea inolvidable para los aficionados de ambos equipos.
Evaluación del éxito de Charlotte y los Knicks en encuentros anteriores
En la última temporada de la NBA, Charlotte Hornets y New York Knicks tuvieron encuentros muy interesantes que demostraron el buen rendimiento de ambos equipos. La evaluación del éxito de Charlotte y los Knicks en encuentros anteriores muestra un enfrentamiento equilibrado y emocionante entre dos equipos con potencial.
Durante los partidos previos, Charlotte Hornets ha destacado por su juego rápido y eficiente en la cancha. Con jugadores como LaMelo Ball y Gordon Hayward, el equipo ha demostrado una gran capacidad para anotar puntos y controlar el ritmo del juego. Además, la defensa de los Hornets ha sido sólida, lo que les ha permitido mantenerse competitivos en cada encuentro.
Por otro lado, los New York Knicks han sorprendido a muchos esta temporada con su mejora significativa en el rendimiento. Con la liderazgo de Julius Randle y la dirección de Tom Thibodeau, los Knicks han logrado un juego más disciplinado y táctico que les ha llevado a obtener importantes victorias. Su defensa agresiva y capacidad para anotar en momentos clave les ha permitido superar a equipos difíciles.
En resumen, la evaluación del éxito de Charlotte y los Knicks en encuentros anteriores muestra que ambos equipos han demostrado un rendimiento sólido y prometedor. Los enfrentamientos entre estos dos equipos han sido intensos y emocionantes, lo que augura encuentros igualmente competitivos en el futuro. Los aficionados de la NBA pueden esperar más partidos emocionantes entre Charlotte Hornets y New York Knicks en el futuro cercano.
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college-girl199328 · 4 months
Nikola Jokic spoiled the Milwaukee coaching debut of Doc Rivers by recording his 14th triple-double of the season as the Denver Nuggets surged over the Bucks 113-107 on Monday night. Jokic finished with 25 points, 16 rebounds, and 12 assists, while Jamal Murray added 35 points in helping Denver gain separation during an 8-0 run late in the game.
Rivers was lured out of his role as an analyst to take over for first-year Bucks coach Adrian Griffin, who was fired after 43 games and a 30-13 record. He watched his new squad squander an early 13-point lead, fall behind by as many as nine, and surge back before Aaron Gordon ended the comeback by blocking Damian Lillard's layup with 24.7 seconds remaining. Giannis Antetokounmpo had 29 points and 12 rebounds for the Bucks, who began a five-game trip.
Ben Simmons had 10 points, 11 assists, and eight rebounds in his return from a 38-game absence, Mikal Bridges added 33 points and Brooklyn routed Utah. Simmons hadn’t played since Nov. 6 because of a pinched nerve in his lower back. The No. 1 pick in the 2016 draft played 18 minutes off the bench, made all five shots, and likely would have had a triple-double if not for a minutes restriction.
Cam Thomas added 25 points for the Nets, who rolled to their highest point total of the season, had 41 assists on their 54 field goals and made 21 3-pointers. They have won two straight after losing seven of their previous eight. Keyonte George scored 21 points for the Jazz. They were trying to match an NBA record by scoring 120 points for the 12th straight game but didn’t help their chances by committing 17 turnovers that the Nets turned into 27 points.
Anthony Edwards scored 27 points and Minnesota beat Oklahoma City to take sole possession of the top spot in the Western Conference. Karl-Anthony Towns had 21 points and 10 rebounds, and Rudy Gobert added 12 points and 17 rebounds for Minnesota, which had lost three of five.
Shai Gilgeous-Alexander scored 37 points and Jalen Williams added 20 for the Thunder, who lost their second straight after a five-game win streak. The teams split their four meetings this season.
There were 11 lead changes in the fourth quarter. A two-handed dunk by Edwards in traffic put the Timberwolves up 101-97, and Minnesota led by at least four the rest of the way.
Eric Gordon scored 23 points, Devin Booker had 22 and Phoenix handed Miami its seventh consecutive loss. Kevin Durant scored 20 and Bradley Beal had 19 for the Suns, who are 8-2 in their last 10 games and swept the Heat for just the second time in the last 17 seasons.
Jimmy Butler scored 26 points for Miami, which was 24-16 and fifth in the Eastern Conference just two weeks ago. The Heat are now 24-23 and three games behind Indiana in the loss column for the sixth and final guaranteed playoff berth. It’s the first seven-game skid for Heat coach Erik Spoelstra.
Donovan Mitchell had 28 points and 12 assists and Jarrett Allen extended his double-double streak to 15 straight games, leading Cleveland past Los Angeles. Allen finished with 20 points and 17 rebounds. Isaac Okoro added 17 points — all in the first half — as the Cavs held off a late Clippers comeback and ended L.A.‘s winning streak at five. Cleveland is 10-1 since Jan. 3.
Kawhi Leonard scored 30 points and Norman Powell 18 for the Clippers, who got within four in the final two minutes but fell to 2-1 on a season-long seven-game trip.
Jalen Brunson scored 32 points, Donte DiVincenzo added 28 and New York kept rolling without the injured Julius Randle, beating Charlotte for its seventh straight victory. Josh Hart chipped in with 12 rebounds, eight points, and seven assists for the Knicks, who entered with the fourth-best record in the Eastern Conference.
Brandon Miller scored 29 points and Miles Bridges had 21 points and 10 rebounds as the Hornets fell to 0-4 since trading Terry Rozier to Miami for Kyle Lowry and a first-round draft pick. Lowry isn't expected to play for Charlotte.
Jayson Tatum scored 12 of his 26 points in the fourth quarter and Boston rallied past New Orleans. The victory snapped a two-game skid at home for Boston, which started the season 20-0 at TD Garden.
Jaylen Brown added 22 points and 11 rebounds. Jrue Holiday had 20 points and Derrick White finished with 17. The Pelicans led by 17 in the first half but were outscored 68-52 over the final two quarters to drop their third straight game. Brandon Ingram led New Orleans with 28 points, seven rebounds and six assists. Zion Williamson finished with 26 points.
Domantas Sabonis had a career-high 26 rebounds along with 20 points, De’Aaron Fox scored 23 points and Sacramento rallied past Memphis. Sabonis finished 10 of 11 from the field and had 16 rebounds in the first half, a Kings record for rebounds in a half since the franchise moved to Sacramento in 1985. His previous career best was 25 rebounds for Indiana on Nov. 29, 2021, against Minnesota, and he surpassed it with 27.5 seconds left — part of a stout defensive performance by the Kings to close out the game.
Sacramento held Memphis scoreless over the final three minutes. Kevin Huerter added 17 points for the Kings, who won their fourth straight. Jaren Jackson Jr. led the Grizzlies with 22 points and Santi Aldama scored 16 on 5-of-14 shooting.
Luka Doncic had 45 points and 15 assists and Tim Hardaway Jr. added 36 points as Dallas beat Orlando. The duo accounted for 54 of Dallas’ 70 points in the second half, including 27 of the team's 35 in the fourth quarter.
Dereck Lively II had 20 points and 11 rebounds, and Jalen Hardy scored 18 of his season-high 20 points in the first half for the Mavericks. Paolo Banchero scored 36 points to lead the Magic.
Jalen Green scored 34 points and Alperen Sengun added 31 as Houston beat Los Angeles. LeBron James, Anthony Davis, and D’Angelo Russell scored 23 points apiece for the Lakers, who had won two in a row, capped by a 145-144 double-overtime victory over Golden State on Saturday.
Cam Whitmore had 20 points off the bench for Houston, and Jabari Smith Jr. had 18 points and nine rebounds in his return after missing four games with a sprained left ankle. Green and Sengun also had 12 rebounds and seven assists each for the Rockets.
Jerami Grant scored 27 points and Portland took advantage of Joel Embiid’s absence to rout Philadelphia. Malcolm Brogdon added 24 points and nine assists for the Trail Blazers, who lost four of their previous five games. Rookie guard Scoot Henderson scored 22.
Kelly Oubre Jr. had 25 points for the 76ers, who lost their third straight as Embiid watched from the bench with a sore left knee. Philadelphia was also without Tyrese Maxey (sprained left ankle). Embiid missed his second consecutive game. The reigning NBA MVP is averaging 36 points and 11.4 rebounds per game.
Kyle Kuzma had 18 points and 11 rebounds, Daniel Gafford added 16 points and 13 boards, and Washington rallied past San Antonio to win consecutive games for the first time this season. The Wizards improved to 2-1 since coach Wes Unseld Jr. was moved to the front office and replaced on an interim basis by Brian Keefe.
Devin Vassell scored 24 points and Victor Wembanyama had 22 points and 11 rebounds for the Spurs, who were seeking their first three-game winning streak of the season. The Wizards outscored the Spurs 31-20 in the fourth quarter.
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mymetric360 · 7 months
🤔"Did the Knicks win 129-107 against the Hornets on Nov 12, 2023?" #KnicksWin #JuliusRandle #NBAHighlights...
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sportscelebritynft · 2 years
NBA ROUND-UP: New York Knicks beat the Charlotte Hornets in an overtime thriller
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The New York Knicks and Charlotte Hornets provided most of the NBA excitement on Wednesday in a nail-biting game that came down to the final moments of extra time before a decision was made.
Jalen Brunson scored 27 points, took the lead in extra time and the New York Knicks defeated the Charlotte Hornets 134-131 on Wednesday night.
Brunson also had 13 assists and seven rebounds. RJ Barrett scored 22 points and Julius Randle had 17 for New York, read more.....
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thedjmusic · 2 years
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Traxsource Most Wanted Dj Charts 2022-10-20
DOWNLOAD: https://thedjmusic.com/music/traxsource_most_wanted_dj_charts_2022_10_20012
DATA: 2022-10-20 TOTAL: 211 GENRE: House, Tech House, Afro House, Jackin House, Deep House, Soulful House, Funky House, Organic House / Downtempo, Progressive House, Nu Disco / Disco, Melodic House & Techno, Techno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic), Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Dance / Electro Pop, Indie Dance
ARTN - Duster (Original Mix)
Adam Sellouk - Mirage (Extended Mix)
Adam Sellouk - Nightfall (Extended Mix)
Adam Sellouk - Void (Extended Mix)
Agents Of Destiny - An Angels Original Mix
Agents Of Destiny - No Destiny Original Mix
Agents Of Destiny - Spire Original Mix
Agents Of Destiny - Surrender Original Mix
Agustin Pietrocola - Beginning (Original Mix)
Alesso, SICK INDIVIDUALS - We Go Out (Extended Mix)
Alex Blond (ITA) - Prisma
Amarno - Promises (Original Mix)
Amarno - Somehow (Original Mix)
Amarno - Structure (Original Mix)
Amir Telem - Rainbow
Amir Telem - Tell The Truth (Original Mix)
Amir Telem - Tell the Truth (FiveP Remix)
Anfisa Letyago - Rosso Profondo (Original Mix)
Anton Kuznetsoff - Round Dance (Original Mix)
Arley & Descend & Joel Winterflood - New Way Of Life
Artbat & David Guetta feat. Idris Elba - It's Ours (Original Mix)
Ashibah - Fall Out
Ashibah, BAKKA (BR), Nabiha - Cold Type
Atóm (IE) - Fragile
Audio Monkey - Rise (From the Dark)
BOERA - Salai (Original Mix)
BRK (BR) - Party Don't Stop (Evi Orgatz Remix)
Batuhan CLK & Tibetania - Amma (Mikhail Catan Remix)
Ben Böhmer & Monolink - Black Hole (Konstantin Sibold Melodic Techno Remix)
Ben Böhmer & Monolink - Black Hole (Martin Roth Extended Mix)
Bills - Auditive Visions
Boycott - Relic (Original Mix)
Boycott - Vision (Original Mix)
Capeesh Society - Body & Mind (Peak Mix)
Capeesh Society - Lick Your Pocket Then (Vibe Mix)
Capeesh Society - Regret (Deep Mix)
Cappa - Smash
Carlo Lio, Andre Salmon - ENUFF (Re-Edit)
Casper Cole - Matter of Time feat. Ed Begley (Fur Coat Remix)
Casper Cole - Matter of Time feat. Ed Begley (Original Mix)
Chapter & Verse - So Right (Extended Mix)
Charlotte de Witte - Apollo (Original Mix)
Charlotte de Witte - Mercury (Original Mix)
Charlotte de Witte - Missing Channel (Original Mix)
Chloé Caillet, Mikhail Beltran - NYWTF feat. Mikhail Beltran (Extended)
Chris Lorenzo, COBRAH - MAMI (AC Slater Extended Remix)
Citizen Kain - Forget Yesterday (Original Mix)
Citizen Kain - Seheiah (Original Mix)
Cloaked - Cloudboarding (Original Mix)
Cosmokat - City Whispers (Luiz Sabema Remix)
Cosmokat - Peace of Mind (Original Mix)
Cosmokat, Der Alinea - Days Like (Original Mix)
Cosmokat, Othertune - City Whispers (Original Mix)
DJ Erika - In White
Dani El - Dust & Water (Original Mix)
Daniel Lesden & Enlusion - Dark Entity (Fuenka Remix)
Daniel Testas - Compass Through Turmoil (Original Mix)
Daniel Testas - Mycelium Spark (Original Mix)
Daniel Testas - Mycelium Spark (Tash Remix)
Darmon, Eran Hersh - Eso (Original Mix)
Das Pharaoh - My Everything (Extended Mix)
Das Pharaoh - Tale of the Two Rivers (Extended Mix)
David Podhel - In Time (Original Mix)
Deenara - Fateful Journey (Original Mix)
Deenara - Oblique (Original Mix)
Deep Soul Duo - Redemption (Satinka Remix)
Demon Noise - Banger (Original Mix)
Demon Noise - Losing Control (Original Mix)
Demon Noise - Nothing And Everything (Original Mix)
Des & Del - Novias (Extended Mix)
Dilby, Sam Dexter, Tom Savage - No Hurry (Extended Mix)
Double Touch & Flowers on Monday - Lasting
Dowden & Ric Niels - Coil (MA ADE 007 Version)
Duarte - Let's Go See The Town (Original Mix)
Dylan Deck & Randle - Before the Dark World
Echo Daft - Rodlie (Noiyse Project Remix)
El Retsof - Lazarus (Following Light Remix)
Enlusion - Crystaldee (Rick Pier O'Neil Remix)
Enzo Elia - Pianata Calabra (Original Mix)
Enzo Elia, Rokkerillo - For Sure (Original Mix)
Enzo Elia, Rokkerillo - For Sure (Stereocalypse Remix)
FJL - No Drama (Original Mix)
Facade - Razor Crest (Basil O'Glue & Nomas Remix)
Gabo Martin - Dislocator (Original Mix)
Garlington - Shades (Extended Mix)
Gary Afterlife - Always Hope (Extended Mix)
Gary Afterlife - Violet Skies (Extended Mix)
HUMAN MIND - Synesthesia
Hardsoul, Fierce Ruling Diva - Self Religion (Believe In Me) (CASSIMM Extended Remix)
Ian Ludvig - Chaos(1)
Ian Ludvig - Chaos
Ian Ludvig - Fear
Ian Ludvig - Like A Drug
Jacq (UK), Laura Davie - Just Live It (Extended Mix)
Jan Darsel - Arabic
Jason Johnson (DE) & Justus Reim - Efficency (Bultech Remix)
Javier Stefano - Be (Darren Bray Remix)
Javier Stefano - Be (Emi Brandan Remix)
Javier Stefano - Be
Jay Fase - Freedom (Original Mix)
Joep Mencke - Mina
Joezi - Takiri (Original Mix)
Jon.K - Switch
firewrks - Fragile (Original Mix)
firewrks - Fragile (Seeleâ Remix)
Joris Voorn & Underworld - Too Little Too Late (Little Late Mix)
Juantxo Munoz - Pesto
Juantxo Munoz - Tremolo
JØRD, RAD - Bump Bump Bump (Extended Mix)
Kaamin & Parallel Voices - Advent (Extended Mix)
Karol XVII & MB Valence & Lazarusman - Whispers (2022 Retouch Extended)
Karol XVII & MB Valence, Lazarusman - Whispers feat. Lazarusman (Ucha Extended Remix)
Klara Sestiniova - Electric Dreams
Klara Sestiniova - My Revolution
Klara Sestiniova - The Gate
Lampe - Xperience (Original Mix)
Lampe - Xpress (Original Mix)
Lonya, Mattia Pompeo - Avalanche (Jiggler Remix)
Lonya, Mattia Pompeo - Avalanche (Several Definitions Remix)
MACROLEV - I Have To Know (Extended Mix)
Made In TLV - 6AM
Mango & Ric Niels - Trip to South (Rauschhaus Remix)
Matan Caspi, Asher Swissa, SANDHAUS - Hope
Mateo! - Pictures (Original Mix)
Max Lyazgin - I'll Take You Higher
Mollono.Bass - A Bird with a Message (Original Mix)
Mollono.Bass - Dancer In The Dark (Album Version)
Mollono.Bass - Mandalo (Original Mix)
Mollono.Bass - Mollono Dub (Original Mix)
Mollono.Bass - Namidu (Original Mix)
Mollono.Bass - Rays (Original Mix)
Mollono.Bass - The Seekers (Album Version)
Mollono.Bass - To Utopia (Album Version)
Mollono.Bass, Bonfante - Tomorrow (Extended Mix)
Mollono.Bass, Rodden von Ast, Andy's Echo - Together (Album Version)
Monococ - Fifty Six Stairs (Original Mix)
Monococ - Heaven's Gate (Original Mix)
Monococ - Medusa (Original Mix)
Mononoid & Amy Douglas White - Running out of Time (Original Mix)
Moonlight Wolves - Gardens By The Bay (Animal Picnic Remix)
Moreno Pezzolato - Give It To Me (Original Mix)
Morgin Madison - Time
Mulya - Freeland (Original Mix)
Mulya - Rivalda (Glowal Remix)
Mulya - Rivalda (Joyce Muniz Remix)
Mustafa Ismaeel - The Calling
Natema, Sugar Hill, Laura Rogalli - Empire feat Laura Rogalli (Natema Remix) (Remix)
Neeco - Runamok
Nu'bal - Atlantis
Ofenbach & Fabich - Dip It Low (Extended Mix)
Oliver Schories - Trife (Luna City Express Remix)
Oliver Schories - Trife (Original Mix)
Osunlade, Oliver Dollar, Stefan Braatz - Isolated
Öwnboss, FAST BOY - Left & Right (Extended Mix)
Paluma - This Mc (Original Mix)
Paul Deep (AR) - Daichi (Original Mix)
Perfect Stranger & Child - Small Beginnings (Gabriel Moraes Remix)
Proff - Nara (Extended Mix)
Quivver - Tuluminate (Original Mix)
Quivver - Tweak the Train (Original Mix)
RILEY (UK) - Not Tonight (Original Mix)
RILEY (UK) - On Bad Terms (Original Mix)
Redspace - Day Dream
Riaz Dhanani - Sananga (Original Mix)
Right To Life - Blow Your Mind (Micky More & Andy Tee Extended Mix)
Roxe - Cubano (Extended Mix)
Röyksopp & Maurissa Rose - Feel It
S.I.D (US) - Higher (Extended Mix)
SKALA - Shattered (Baime Remix)
SQL - Damnum (Original Mix)
Saturn Monk - Saturn Tempo (Extended Mix)
Saturn Monk Zeyué - Stars in the Ocean (Extended Mix)
Saturn Monk 塔塔Anita - Secrets (Extended Mix)
Scippo - Insight (Original Mix)
Scippo - Neptuno (Original Mix)
Scippo - No Tales (Original Mix)
Scippo - Outsight (Original Mix)
Scotty Boy - Remember the Funk (Original Mix)
Shlomi Aber - That's The Way I Speak (Original Mix)
Slavlotski - Hyperion (Paul Hamilton, DJ Ruby Remix)
Something Else - Era
Something Good - Rhythm (Of The Night) (Extended Mix)
Space Motion & iLee - Acid Journey
Space Motion, iLee - Acid Journey (Original Mix)
Stefre Roland - Call On My Phone
Stereo Express - Monfrague (Extended Version)
Subtara - Atomic Energy
Tech Us Out - With The Wind
Terry Lex, Sean Finn, Tony T. - Zookey (Laurent Simeca Extended Remix)
The Cobb - Spring Time (Mass Digital Remix)
The Wash - Moody Sunday (Original Mix)
Thomas Compana - Pelso (Rockka & KAZKO Remix)
Thomas Compana - Pelso
Thykier - Oh La
Thysma - Feel (Extended Mix)
Tom & Collins, Cumbiafrica - Se Va (Original Mix)
Tomboyz - Operation IL
Tomy Wahl, Alain Fanegas - Love is You feat. Zanjma (Original Mix)
Tomy Wahl, Alain Fanegas - Malawi (Original Mix)
Tough Love - Jacking (Extended Mix)
Triart - Inheritance (Jadeite Remix)
Triart - Inheritance (Olivia Foxglove Remix)
Triart - Inheritance
Unknown7 - Freak (Original Mix)
Victor Ruiz - Pura Vida (Original Mix)
Victor Ruiz - What's That Called (Original Mix)
Weekend Heroes & Zac - Hold The Dust (Original Mix)
WhoMadeWho, Rampa - Everyday (Jennifer Cardini Remix)
Yonathan & Dowle & Cafe De Anatolia - Kymala
Yudi Watanabe - Miranjo (Original Mix)
Yudi Watanabe - Misty (Original Mix)
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abbyrussellanon · 1 year
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Hii! My birthday was the other day and I completely forgot to post this! (Oops!) Anyway, Soda took me out for the most lovely picnic, here are some photos from it. It was so nice 💖
@sodapop-anon (❤️) @cliffdawson-anon @lilyjane-anon @charlotte-sparrow-anon @arabella-noelle-anon @nailea-anon @peterparkeranon @kylieheathanon @violetjune-anon @robinbuckley-anon @chrissy-anon @theolivestheory @cant-handle-da-randle @hazosterfieldanon @daniellalaurent @kittenanon and any other dearies 💖
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sodascherrycola · 3 years
Intros (Steven & Charlotte’s Kids)
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Donovan Arthur Randle (Teen: 1981-1987)
DOB: June 13th 1968 Age: 23 years old Hometown: Lafayette, Louisiana Nicknames: Don, Donnie S/O: Jane Delaney Kids: Brandon Best Friend(s): Jacob Curtis and James Shepard Aesthetic: Really flirty type, super cocky too, he’s hot and he knows it. Also on and off again w/ his baby mama
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Laura Eleanor Randle (Teen: 1984-1990)
DOB: January 21st 1971 Age: 20 years old Hometown: Lafayette, Louisiana Nicknames: Laurie S/O: Scott Walker Kids: None Best Friend(s): Emma Mathews, Magnolia Curtis, and Jeremy Cade Aesthetic: Super hot girl in you English class, kind of a teacher’s pet though
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Justin James Randle (Teen: 1986-1992)
DOB: June 4th 1973 Age: 18 years old Hometown: Lafayette, Louisiana Nicknames: Just, JJ S/O: Amanda Fisher Kids: None Best Friend(s): Forrest Curtis Aesthetic: Super hot stoner boy who drives a 1969 red Camaro to school
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Kyle Joseph Randle (Teen: 1988-1994)
DOB: March 18th 1975 Age: 16 years old Hometown: Lafayette, Louisiana Nicknames: Ky, KJ S/O: Sierra Lynch Kids: None Best Friend(s): Jordan Mathews Aesthetic: Respectful kid all the mom’s adore, really shy most of the time
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Just watched a filmed stage production of the Young Vic Revival of the play, Yerma. Adapted by Simon Vance from a 1934 play by Federico García Lorca, the story is about a married woman desperate for a child, to the point of causing a massive rift between both her husband and others close to her.
This new version is set in modern day Britain and stars Billie Piper (probably best known for playing Rose Tyler in the 2005 revival of the BBC cult sci-fi series, Doctor Who) and she is absolutely amazing! So acclaimed was her performance that she won a total of six Best Actress awards for that one performance, including the Olivier Award, making her the only actor to have picked up six out of an available six Best Actress awards for a single performance. It is much deserved! Brendan Cowell is also superb as her husband, the rest of the cast does a great job too.
This is not an easy play to watch. It is emotionally draining, but it is also truly amazing and you should see it at least once. I always knew Piper was a terrific actress, but I’d never seen her in something this devastating. I had to find a torrent file to watch it, not sure it’ll ever come out on DVD but I hope so, or at least becomes available on a streaming site! ^_^
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willstafford · 5 years
A Reign of Two Halves
A Reign of Two Halves
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The Swan Theatre, Stratford upon Avon, Wednesday 30th October, 2019
  There’s an undeniably 1960s vibe to Eleanor Rhode’s production of this lesser-known history play.  Max Johns’s design puts the characters in sharp suits and polo-neck sweaters, dandy two-pieces, and East End gangster-ish fur coats.  This is the world of One Man, Two Guvnorswith a touch of the Krays.  Will Gregory’s…
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nyknicksbrasil · 4 years
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Knicks e Hornets conversam sobre negociação por Julius Randle Os New York Knicks e os Charlotte Hornets conversaram sobre um acordo envolvendo o ala de força dos Knicks, Julius Randle, antes do trade deadline de 6 de fevereiro, segundo disseram fontes a Kevin O'Connor do The Ringer.
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