biansinclair · 4 years
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meet bian sinclair.
she is 40 and the manager of drug dealers for the unfazed.
she literally is so unfazed about most things. her actions never come from a personal place. it was all about business. if she needed to take someone out? it’s done quick and efficiently. selling drugs to vulnerable people? hey, she’s gotta get money. if she didn’t someone else would. that’s just the way it goes
if she can get over on someone, she will. she is in charming for one reason only and that is to expand their drug business by any means necessary. have they technically came to a deal with the wicked wolves yet? no. but she still told her dealers to be on the lookout for potential marks and if they could make the sell, make it.
is she breaking the rules? yes. but she’s not leaving charming until the deal is set in stone so really it’s an eventuality in her eyes. the deal will go through even if she has to crack some heads to make it happen
love? it’s a chemical reaction. sure, it has nice side effects and it feels good but really it’s all in your head. and she is always in “complete” control of her emotions. mhm. yep. never caught slipping and losing herself in another person so much that she almost left the gang....
she is her happiest with a glass of red wine or jameson in her hand. or when she’s sparring.
wanted connections
friends she is close with in the gang
current hookups
sparring partner
haha give me that angsty ex plot bc she’s gonna die and i want all the feels bc if ONLY SHE HAD RAN AWAY THEM
someone she has a soft spot for
and really anything else. if you need a hard ass with a small soft spot then she’s your girl. hmu for plots!
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leveys · 4 years
alright kiddos, time to meet this mess of a woman — SPECIAL AGENT MATILDA “MATT” LEVEY, 39, fbi (enhanced swat). a protector, a warrior, an idealistic lover of fighting for the right cause (ex wife of another fbi agent, mother of a nine year old smartass who’s currently living in her arizona hometown with her father). she’s been undercover as a member of the blazing bandits for the past five years, and though she fucks up here & there, she’s devoted to the Cause™. quick info about her (TW for DEATH, WAR, MILITARY, DIVORCE):
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• chain smoking like there’s no tomorrow. • smartass, always has the last word (and you won’t like it). • relentless, won’t take a half truth for an answer. will always push you to come clean abt something. there’s no getting away from it. • has italian blood which means family > anything. she’s super close with her brother (who’s actually in charming!), lost her eldest brother and still hurts about it. • the Mom™ — doesn’t matter how old you are, she will look after you, and call you out on your bs. (especially if your name is arlo or mona, smh). • kind of has a huge heart but?? u gotta earn it • might actually stick around after the event, maybe join the charming pd?? wE’LL SEE
her mother always knew she was gonna make her prematurely grow white hair. she’d known since the day she was born, but she was sure of it the one time she took her to church & when the priest said  ‘we shall pray’, hers was the only voice resonating in the silent halls — why ? why, why, always looking for answers. she’d be happy when given reasonable ones, but knew her way around the answers she didn’t like. her brothers called her a smartass, & momma yelled when they’d say that, but they laughed & she did too. she’d follow them everywhere, letting them teach her foul words as well as how to punch people who pissed her off. she asked why to everything, & they had answers no adult ever had. it drove her parents insane, sometimes. each time she got grounded they found a way to sneak you out, & her dad, the general, one day just gave up — do whatever the hell you want, he said, just don’t get in trouble. she still does, sometimes, but for right causes only. she never understood trouble for trouble’s sake.
she was a good kid, when not actively antagonizing her teachers. she loved science — other subjects not as much, but she got by. general levey would have to make his peace with that. and detention wasn’t that bad, anyway. in the school library she met a boy — one year older but he looked even further out from the school’s elite than she was. arthur had kind eyes and a warm smile. she liked wasting her time with him, and for the first time, she didn’t feel like asking why.
they talked — a lot. both outcasts from the core group of cool kids they’d never be a part of, but they signed an unspoken pact to survive high school together. she’d say she hated this place enough to say she’d want to go far, far away, to the end of the world — he’d just smile and say hey, i’d follow you there.
but she wasn’t joking, no. johnny, the eldest of the levey children, straight out of college decided he’d join the army. why, she asked, & he had an endless list of reasons. she ended up being convinced, too. the general was proud of this, her mother not so much. can’t you be like jeremy, go study biology instead ? she didn’t get it — johnny did. she had a fire burning inside, like she had to do something, had to stand up for what was right. at eighteen she thought that meant believing in patriotism & joining the army, so she followed johnny & enrolled.
she was never one for goodbyes, so she left quickly; no good with words, so there was no heartfelt letter for arthur, just a scribbled out note saying she’d be back soon.
but ‘soon’ turns to years, and it’s hard, rough years that take the spark from her eyes. she’d ask ‘why’ too many times — why are we bombing this village ? why are we shooting civillians ? most of the time, she found enough answers to outweigh the questions, but at night, staring wide-eyed at the top of her tent, she felt a part of herself dying.
but a part of her survived. january 2003, new cadets came in and there was a face she feared she was starting to forget — the same kind eyes, the same warm smile. didn’t i say i’d follow you to the end of the world ?, he says. the ‘why’ was on her lips but she didn’t ask — he had a superpower, that kid, the only one who could ever leave matty the smartass speechless. & she held on to him. in nights where this job made her stomach turn, she held on to that smile. when the part of her that was dying shrieked in agony, she hid in a tent with him & pretended they were back in that shithole of a town, pretended they were kids again, the bombs were just fireworks, the same old new year’s eve in the same old desperate neighborhood.
but new year’s eve came and took johnny away. a raid gone wrong, and the eldest of the levey children dies a war hero. she was desperate, she broke her hand punching walls, begging for answers ‘cause it made no fucking sense — but why was never met with a reason, what went wrong remained unanswered. the part of her that was dying, it almost gave up — so she had to go back. it felt like defeat, like there were a million questions that would never get an answer. but arthur came home too, & she held on to him — to his quiet strength that was nothing like her violent ways, to the reasons he’d find without demanding an answer with planted feet. over time, she healed. thanks to him, she healed. one year later they were married — nobody on the whole planet would ever have expected her to settle down, but she did, & god, she was happy. she got a new job that allowed her to do more good & less harm within the swat team of the fbi — arthur joined the fbi as well, and this new version of her life started fitting her much better.
she missed johnny all the fucking time, but she learned how to handle the grief in healthy ways and avoid punching walls. she found comfort in the family she’d once disregarded, she learned how to allow herself the softness of love & the warmth of affection. her parents, her other brother — they had been grieving too, and they warmed up each other with memories of the leveys’ golden boy.
and then cassie came along. unexpected, unscripted, but a blessing either way — she had her father’s eyes and her mother’s frown, the same curious look when asking for answers, but thank god none of matt’s aggression. it felt like a movie, this new life; the happy ending after a long, tiring journey. a pill of happiness that made her dizzy. but this wasn’t a movie, this was real life, and real life meant a job that put her on the front line every day. she could retire, she could be a stay-at-home mom — as if she could settle for that. she loved, she would’ve given her life for her, but she knew giving up her job would mean die a little, and do her wrong, too. there were things she wanted to teach her child, how to have faith in yourself & stand up for what you believe in — but that was where she and her husband began arguing. two different views clashing, two opinions, however correct they may have been — incompatible, despite theri best intentions. she started doubting him and his reasons. once upon a time she’d used to hang from every word he’d say, a blind faith in all he was — but now was the time to ask, why ? why should she give up a job that saves people, that protects human beings like cassie or him ? why should putting a child in the world be a curse, & not a blessing ? why, why, why ? why is her marriage falling apart this quickly ?
they divorced after cassie’s sixth birthday. she was a smart kid, she figured it out — in a way she seemed to understand, but matt knew she was gonna have some apologies to make, when she’d be older. meanwhile she’d fight. she began working harder. she tried to prove to anyone that she wasn’t an asshole— that she was still a good mother, that this wasn’t her fault, that she could be a mother & an agent & save people & still make it home in time for dinner.
she could feel arthur’s blame on her every time they crossed their gazes at work.she didn’t hate him, and she didn’t think he did, either — but something was broken there and she couldn’t help but wonder, was she really that good at her job, if she could save everyone but couldn’t save herself from this ?
cassie needed him ( matt did, too ), so they settle around a new routine. joined custody, a truce of sorts. a compromise — & she didn’t ask why anymore. growing up, she learned, meant accepting that sometimes things just happen without a reason.
people die, children are born, marriages fall apart, & divorced parents can still stay together. either way, the world goes on. thinking about it, that might be the best reason of them all.
then a chance appeared — a task force revolving around gang activities in utah. not the gig she’d been dreaming of, but a chance to do some real good, put an end to a spiral of traffics that couldn’t seem to be stopped. she looked at her life in shambles — her depression settling in, the strained relationship with her ex husband, the fear, the constant fear for a daughter they brought into a world that’s made of ravenous beasts. the choice was easy. one day she got to work, called arthur into a separate room and let him know she was leaving. how long?, he asked. she didn’t know. that part, that was the one that hurt the most.
for a while, her job was the same as before — kicking doors, rescuing people recovering drugs. the need for family, a crippled vein that ached in her heart every passing day, found some sort of relief in the company of the rookie they assigned her, whose name was arlo but she soon found pleasure in calling kid. though she’d cut herself out of the only place she could ever really call home, matt just had to keep moving.
the chance to go undercover presented itself as a temptation. it would be a dangerous job, her daughter might remain an orphan — yet she took it, for she wasn’t happy unless she was on the front lines, really putting her life on the line.  joining the bandits as dylan harker, thirty-eight, was somewhat easy— pretending to be a good-for-nothin’ mother who’d left a child behind to pursue a life chasing bullets, well, that came easy. far too fucking easy.
three years later, she’s been doing her job so well she’s getting results in. they might actually get a chance at taking these guys down — except one day there’s a reckoning with the other guys, their rival gang, the unfazed, and there’s a familiar face among their ranks, the kid now grown enough to be put into her same position, just on the other side of it. it’s enough to drive her mad, call her superiors and ask what the fuck are you doing?
after arlo came mona, and though she would've loved to say she was smarter than growing attached, she began finding a sense of family again, the kind she so sorely missed. mona, rookie cop on her same task force, became a sort of daughter — and arlo, god. if he was a son, he was being the kind that would break her heart.
little by little, she has to begin coping with danger. that danger is not just what she puts herself in every day. danger is the chance to lose the people she loves. danger is when she can’t protect them anymore. danger is her daughter being on the other side of the states, not knowing whether she even has a mother anymore. danger is her protegée exposed, exactly as she is, to the ugliest face of the world. danger is a feeling that keeps her up at night: perhaps this time she won’t make it out alive.
hit me up if you’d like to plot or interact in some way! i’d love for matt to develop any sort of relationship within the bandits even though she’s undercover, so that ♥
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liamxconnelly · 4 years
Open || Location : open
A frown tugged his lips down as Liam closed his eyes. When they opened, he was looking skywards, counting silently by thirteens until he could trust himself enough to open his mouth. “I cannot believe I only packed two jars of moonshine for this trip,” he drawled. In truth, he should have allotted two per day until they made it back home. He’d underestimated the stress of the trip - the false pretenses, the babysitting, and the weight of the eventual actions that would be taken. As it was, he’d already started on one jar. “I’m getting too old for this shit, I swear to god.” Finally, his gaze settled on the other. The advisor examined the other person carefully, trying to gauge at what was going to happen next. “Why do I get the feeling you’re gonna drive me to the drink?”
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vivhordes · 4 years
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Hiya Beau here!!! finally getting my baby girl’s intro up. I was going to post  yesterday but I got distracted with other things and sleep was calling me. Anyways love my little kiddo and if you want to do some fun stuff; coughs *tarot readings* coughs. Just drop me a line and i’ll come bug you
Introducing : Vivian Hordes
Tw: fire, death
Quick Stats
Vivian Hordes is 28 and a member of The Unfazed.
Was born in Lafayette, Louisiana to Christian and Abigail Hordes. 
Family moved out to Utah when she was nine and she lived there all her life.
Her father worked as a pharmacists. Her mother was a kindergarten  teacher.
Lost her parents in a fire when she was 16 lived with her best friends family after  that as a foster kid.
Joined The Unfazed because of besties family and hasn’t regretted it. 
One of the nicest people you will ever meet...
However, don’t piss her off baby girl has a temper.
Does had a mind for pharmaceuticals and uses it for The Unfazed advantage. 
Fell in love with Arlo and has been with him for the last several years.
Isn’t anything she wouldn’t do for her crew and the people she loves, fiercely  loyal.
 Family on her mom’s side said that her, great, great, great, great grandmother was a voodoo witch in Louisiana, 
Viv doesn’t believe that but she does like to read tarot for people. And she is eerily good at it.
Anything from the best-friend that got her into Unfazed; or  people that think they can mess with her to friends to not friends but friendly. Someone from her past that lives in Charming. Someone that wants her to read their Tarot !! Viv will be escaping after the event is over so who knows... maybe she’ll show up again you never can tell .
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samanthafm · 4 years
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liamxconnelly · 4 years
@malachiasher​ || Highway Motel
"Whiskey?” the advisor asked, offering the bottle he’d procured for the president’s approval. While he wouldn’t typically encourage indulging on a trip like this, there was enough tension that abstaining was unbearable. Besides, he wasn’t about to get shit-faced. In the privacy of a hotel room, he felt more able to speak freely, so as he helped himself to a coffee cup, he glanced over to the other man. “So. What do you make of them?” 
It was perhaps unfortunate, but he meant it to be as vague as it sounded. by them,  he meant the devils as much as he meant their members and the gangs.  Their prospect, the devils’ prospects would be something else to consider.  Rather than come out with all that, Liam waited. There would be more value in learning what was at the forefront of the president’s mind than there would be in a direct question at this point.
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liamxconnelly · 4 years
Liam Connelly
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 54
Face Claim: Timothy Olyphant
Occupation: Advisor of the Blazing Bandits
+ empathetic, patient, diligent - calculating, vengeful,  grumpy
BACKGROUND & HISTORY (ok more like fun facts):
Liam grew up in Tennessee, and lived there until he was nineteen. At nineteen, he decided he wanted to travel. He left the area on his motorcycle, not really sure what he was looking for. All he knew was that he didn’t want to follow in his father’s footsteps and work too hard for so little.
He eventually found his way to the Utah, and the Bandits. Through them, he found the brotherhood he’d always needed as well as a purpose and a way of life that he understood. 
As soon as he was able, he became a prospect and once patched in, has served the MC loyally. 
He’s been with the club for over thirty years now, and seen a lot. He takes great pride in his position as advisor, and feels that he should do his part to ensure the continuation of the MC. 
He’ll never admit it, but he does have a bit of a paternal view of the younger members. He’s seen many a member grow from prospect, and he’s lost some, too. Especially since transitioning to advisor, he has a difficult time compartmentalizing those losses.
Liam is rather protective over the members, but he is unlikely to interfere with the consequences of one’s actions (especially if he counseled against the action taken)
He never lost his accent, though it is thicker when he’s angry, drunk, or trying to be especially charming.
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