#charted financial analyst
astrocafecoffee · 4 months
💫Your future spouse's career based on your Juno persona chart 💫
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✨ For entertainment purposes only. Enjoy.✨
🌜what to check?
- just check your Industria (389) asteroid in your Juno persona chart.Find out in which house it falls in!!
Why this asteroid?
- Juno persona chart tells about your future spouse and Industria(389) asteroid is a long term career related asteroid. So this asteroid in your juno persona chart can give a insight about your future spouse's career.
Leshh go!
🌆 Industria in 1st house of JPC : 1st house represent one's identity, personality and how they present themselves to the world.This asteroid in 1st house suggests that their career may be tied to their personal identity and innovative spirit. Now some possible career of your fs-
*Entrepreneurial scientist - they may excel in entrepreneurial pursuits within the scientific community. They may innovate new technologies, products that have a significant impact in their field.
* Industry leader - they maybe known for their innovative idea and proactive attitude to their work. They can easily be a leader of their respective industry.
* visionary consultant - they may excel in their field as a respectful advisor, who offers solutions to businesses or individuals seeking guidance.
* Creative director- career in creative leadership such as creative director in advising, film, fashion, or design.
* makeup artist
* Model
* engeneering
* design/ work in media.
🌆 Industria in 2nd house of JPC : Their career may be closely related to their values resources, managing or utilising assets and their sense of stability. Some possible career of your fs -
* wealth management specialist - they helps individuals or organizations maximize their financial resources and investments through innovative and strategic approach.
* Creative Financial analyst - specialised in creative or innovative analysis methods.
* Financial innovator- innovates new financial products, services or strategies.
* asset manager
* Entrepreneurial investor
* can sing well
* accountant
🌆 Industria in 3rd house of JPC : 3rd house represents one's communication style, mental persuits, and interaction within immediate environment. When this asteroid in your 3rd house this can indicate that your fs may excel in the career of innovative communication methods or technologies. Some possible career of your fs -
* They may into journalism, media, broadcasting, or public relations where someone uses their creative ideas.
* technology writer/ blogger: their career path may involve writing / blogging about technologies or industry trends or sharing their ideas with wide audience.
* Workshop/ educational outreach programs.
* small business owner
* excel in troubleshooting skills, problem solving abilities, explaining complex concepts in simple terms.
🌆 Industria in 4th house of JPC : their career tied to their home , family roots, and emotional well-being.some possible career of your fs -
* career in real estate - specialize in designing sustainable, eco friendly, or technologically advanced buildings.
* e- commerce, consulting, freelance work.
* Family councillor or therapist - they may help individuals and families navigate challenges, fostering harmony and growth within te hone environment.
* interior designer
* Home renovation specialist
* Family owned business owner.
* childcare provider
🌆 Industria in 5th house of JPC : 5th house is associated with creativity,joy, children and hobbies. It governs one's individual approach to work, self expression and personal fulfillment. So your fs career strongly related to this area of life. Possible careers -
* creative artist/ entertainer - Excels in creative profession like music , theater , film, writing etc.
* event planer- organizing wedding, festivals or social gathering.
* teacher/ coach - inspiring or guiding others in academic subject/ sports.
* youth councillor - natural affinity to work with young people and helping them to discover their talents.
* atrs nd crafts business owner.
* fitness instructor
* dance teacher
* entertainment industry professional.
🌆 Industria in 6th house of JPC : 6th house is associated with employment, daily task, health and service to others. So possible career of your fs -
* health care professionals - career related to healthcare, nursing, doctor, medicine, and pharmacy.
* nutritionist/ dietician - helping others to improve their dietary habits , manage health condition.
* fitness trainer/ coach - motivates others to adopt healthy lifestyle.
* administrative professional - may indicate talent for efficiency, attention to detail, making career in administrative or office management appealing.
* environmental scientist
* social worker
* reasearch assistant
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🌆 Industria in 7th house of JPC : 7th house is related to marriage, buisness partnership, legal matters, and one-on-one interactions. Possible career domains of your fs-
*legal professional - career related as mediators, legal consultant, specialization in areas such as contrat law , family law or dispute resolution.
* business consultant - expertise in the area of strategy, negotiation, and partnership development.
* marriage and family therapist - helping couples navigate challenges, improve communication and strengthen their bonds through therapy or councilling sessions.
* international business manager
* foreign affair specialist
* event coordinator
*public relation specialist
* human resources manager
🌆 Industria in 8th house of JPC : 8th house is associated with themes such as mysteries, psychology, healing, emotional connection. So possible careers of your fs -
* psychologist/ psychotherapist - your fs may excel in trauma therapy, helping others to navigate profound emotional experiences , uncover hidden truth.
* forensic investigator/ crime analyst- they may be focused on uncovering hidden truths and solving mysteries.
*massage therapist - specialize in modalities such as deep tissue massage, craniosacral therapy or helping clients release emotional/ physical tension through healing.
* reasearch scientist - may excel in fields such as psychology, quantum physics, or consciousness studies.
* occultist - astrologer, tarot reader, or spiritual councillors.
* healer/ energy worker
* heal others through their respective fields. Can be. Singer too .
🌆 Industria in 9th house of JPC: 9th house is associated with themes such as higher learning, expansion of horizons , seeking truth, broadening one's perspective through travel/ exploration. Possible careers of your fs -
* international relations specialist - involve promoting international cooperation, resolving conflicts, forming mutual understanding between nations and cultures.
* spiritual teacher/ guru- your fs may pursue careers as spiritual teachers, gurus, mentors, guiding others on their spiritual journey.
* tour guide
* philosopher
* religious leader - may pursue careers as priests, ministers, guiding and supporting communities in matters of faith and spiritual growth.
* global NGO worker
* foreign language teacher
🌆 Industria in 10th house of JPC: 10th house is associated with themes such as career aspirations, social status, reputation, and professional achievements. This asteroid influences the individual's approach to career, public image, authority, ambition. So possible careers of your fs -
* media personality/ influencer - television hosts , journalist, bloggers, social media influencer , reaching a wide audience.
* creative director/ artist - artist, designer, performers.
* startup founder, business owner, or self employed professionals.
* legal professional/ lawyer
* educational administrator
🌆 Industria in 11th house of JPC: when your industria asteroid in this house your fs may excel in the career of social network, group affiliation, humanitarian causes, collaboration etc. So possible careers of your fs -
* social entrepreneur - creates innovative solutions to adress social challenges.
* Tech entrepreneur, start-up founder.
* content creator - social media influencers, bloggers, using their platforms to inspire/ educate peoples.
* environment activist
* advocate
* community organizer
* designing educational platforms , or promoting digital literacy.
🌆 Industria in 12th house of JPC: 12th house is often associated with hidden strengths, spirituality, and working behind the scenes. So possible careers of your fs -
* they might work in reserch and development, data analysis or logistical planning behind the scenes.
* astro- spiritual researcher
* music industry
* astrologer
*song writer.
* mystical or spiritual advisor.
* environmental conservationist.
⚡ Note : these are only some possibilities of careers of your fs. And guys check the degrees to , it's like cheery on top 💌
🌜Don't forget to check my other observations too 👀
That's it guys , see you soon 💝
- piko 💖
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📚💸 Career + Wealth Analysis 💸📚
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One of the most frequent questions astrologers receive from their clients when doing a chart reading is about their career, profession or work.
The labor we do on an everyday basis is essential when it comes to our finances and self fulfillment. It can either be something we enjoy doing that meets all of our needs, or what brings a paycheck yet lacks inner satisfaction.
There are several ways to confirm if the work you are doing is activating your Venus properly, and you may wonder why that planet in particular? Simple! Venus is related to finances, luxury, and comfort. The jobs that align with our Venus sign tend to be the ones that not only fits into our financial needs, but also provides a genuine feeling of contentment.
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So, if you want the straight forward answer to “What career/field/job/hobby can help me create wealth and feel joyful about it?” Then Venus is your short answer. Remember that wealth will look differently for everyone since we all have different perceptions of how much money is truly enough to have the lifestyle we dream of.
Look for the Sidereal sign that your Venus falls in, find below the careers or fields related to it, and confirm for yourself the difference in your wealth accumulation once you incorporate it into your life.
Note: please keep in mind that if your Venus is conj, square or opposite a malefic planet/s (Mars, Saturn, Rahu/Ketu), there will be some natural resistance or challenges that you will experience throughout life with work, job, profession, or financial matters. Venus in Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn to a degree could also experience similar experiences.
The house where this planet is placed also tells a lot about the way your job manifests in your life (places, people, etc). Now, there are many ways to remediate any negative effects, so no need to be concerned or feel doomed.
There are many advanced Vedic Astrologers who mostly focus on remediation of planets that are in difficult or challenged positions, so take a look at the options available if you ever feel like there's an extra difficulty for you in those matters.
♈️➡️ Vocations that require independence, daring and the pioneering spirit: entrepreneurs, pioneers in any field, idea people, those who initiate new projects, troubleshooters, directors, adventurers, executives.
Firemen or fire fighters, forest rangers, engineers (metallurgical), members of the armed forces, firearms experts, police officers, machinists, mechanics, iron and steel workers, locksmiths, welders, athletics that involve speed and daring, race car drivers, contact sports, boxers, dancers, movement therapists, physical education instructors, surgeons.
♉️➡️ Vocations dealing with the earth and substance: farmers, ranchers, agriculture instructors, landscape architects, gardeners, rock collectors (semi-precious gems), builders, carpenters, building contractors, concrete pourers, chiropractors, massage therapists, computer programmers.
Occupations involved with money and finance: bankers, bank tellers, stock brokers, financiers, money managers, investment advisors, security analysts, treasurers, economists.
Artists, sculptors, jewelers, pottery makers, fashion designers, tailors, florists, musicians, singers, voice teachers, throat specialists.
♊️➡️ Vocations involved with communication or transportation: authors, proofreaders, ad copywriters, screenplay writers, editors, reporters, teachers, lecturers, linguists, speech therapists, librarians, bookstore owners, publishers, magazine employees.
Radio operators or disc jockeys, television producers, telephone operators or repair persons, telemarketers, stationery store owners, journalists, salespeople, printers, book distributors, clerks, office workers, secretaries, typists, typesetters.
Messengers, mail carriers, taxi drivers, bus drivers, railway employees, plane pilots, accountants, jacks-of-all-trades. Can engage in two or more occupations at once.
♋️➡️ Vocations that nurture: physically or emotionally (especially through food): caterers, restaurant owners, chefs, cooks, bakers, waiters and waitresses, confectioners, dairy farmers, grocers, food distributors, nutritionists.
Social workers, counselors, psychics, nurses, family therapists, preschool teachers, children's writers, tioners, caretakers, water-related occupations, plumbers, swimmers, lifeguards, fishermen.
All careers dealing with the home: realtors, hotel managers, innkeepers, homemakers, governesses, maids, laundry workers.
♌️➡️ Performers of all types: actors and actresses, playwrights, entertainers, dancers, singers, musicians, movie stars, circus performers, jugglers, clowns, sports figures, teachers (good teachers are entertainers), amuse ment park owners, speculators, gamblers.
Leaders of all types: executives, managers, government officials, politicians, foremen, judges, athletes, salespeople, the profession of selling, promoters, dia: mond and precious metal brokers, gold workers, heart specialists, all vocations involving children.
♍️➡️ Vocations dealing with analysis, detail and technical expertise: statisticians, accountants, book-keepers, computer programmers, teachers of technical subjects, stenographers, critics, inspectors of all types, draftsmen, graphic artists, technical illustrators, crafts-people, specialists.
Health occupations and the social services, mental health workers, therapists, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, social workers, employment counselors, nurses, doctors, massage therapists, respiratory techairians, dental hygienists, dentists, secretaries, office managers, food service worker, nutritionist, waiters and waitresses, dieticians, veterinarians, zoologist, sanitation workers, janitors, public health officials, house cleaners, butlers.
♎️➡️ Vocations that pursue balance, harmony and justice: negotiators and counselors of all types, marriage counselors, wedding related businesses, diplomats, labor arbitrators, judges, lawyers, managers, salespeople.
Occupations dealing with beauty: artists, architects, painters, illustrators, photographers, fashion designers, fashion industry workers, milliners, color consultants, clothing store owners or salespeople, beauticians, hairdressers, cosmeticians, interior and exterior decorators, cosmetic manufacturers and dealers, jewelers, florists, candy makers.
♏️➡️ Vocations that focus on uncovering hidden secrets: researchers, muckraking journalists, investigators, detectives, physicists, occultists, those who work behind the scenes, espionage agents, psychics, astrologers, all matters dealing with death, funeral home directors, morticians, cemetery workers, insurance salespeople, soldiers, those working under the earth, undertakers.
Those who work as healers. all medical practitioners, physicians, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, surgeons, pharmacists, pathologists, past-life investigators, hospice workers, chemists, music therapist, musicians.
♐️➡️ Vocations dealing with exploration, travel and adventure: explorers, astronomers, travel agents, airline employees, flight attendants, astronauts, import-export agents, foreign correspondents, language interpreters, traveling salespeople, promoters, customs officers, athletes of all types, archers, sporting goods manufacturers, horse trainers, breeders and jockeys.
Occupations dealing with higher knowledge: philosophers, college professors, ministers, theologians, missionaries, preachers, orators, publishers, metaphysical writers, philanthropists, lawyers.
♑️➡️ Vocations dealing with administering and organizing: administrators of all types, managers, business owners, executives, government officials, politicians, judges, manufacturers, coordinators, principals at schools, wardens, disciplinarians, buyers, consul-tants, vocational counselors.
Occupations that work with form and structure: architects, contractors, builders, carpenterivil and rivil and get industrial engineers, economists, chiropractors, orthopedic specialists, osteopaths, miners, landowners, mountain climbers.
♒️➡️ Vocations dealing with progress and inven-tion: inventors, scientists, educators, researchers, astrologers, social workers, psychologists, futurists, humanitarians, social reformers, United Nations workers, employees of world relief organizations, future-oriented occupations, astronauts, airplane pilots, aviators, parachutists, hang glider pilots, solar energy researchers, physicists, radio and television technicians, electricians, electrical engineers.
♓️➡️ Vocations of a spiritual, healing or artistic na-ture: religious workers, priests, monks, nuns, sisters of mercy, rabbis, clairvoyants, mediums, charity workers, prison workers.
Physicians, faith healers, psychic healers, nurses, hospital workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, hypnotists, anesthesiologists, podiatrists. Poets, musicians, writers (inspirational, fantasy, metaphysical, science fiction), actors, dancers, painters, artists, entertainers, comedians, singers, filmmakers.
Water-related activities, fishermen, sailors, divers, swimmers, lifeguards, marine scientists, oceanographers, bartenders, oil industry workers.
Is your Venus sign all you need to know to find all the clues and perfect descriptions to tailor your ideal professional life? No, but it is a huge start in a small way and with short information.
If you guys would like to go more in depth with career astrology, then also take your time to check the following, and find the common theme:
•10H sign + where its lord is located
•D10 Lagna (Dasamsa chart)
•Mahadasha planet in your chart, the house its located, and where the lord goes.
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fromtenthousandfeet · 25 days
HYBE Financials and Media Play Part 2
Dang it! Why did so much have to happen with HYBE before I had a chance to write this installment? At least I have plenty of material to continue this series.
Let's start where I left off, with some examples of actual media play with stories and tweets hyping up HYBE's 2nd quarter revenue while completely ignoring the always falling net income.
Start here if you're interested in this ongoing thread:
Here's a post from Kpop Charts celebrating HYBE's incredible second quarter. Notice there's no mention of the $12 million net profit or of their ever-dropping profit margin to 2.28%. This post had over 600,000 views.
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There were loads of posts and articles just like the one above on the day HYBE released their 2Q24 financials. It's worth noting these media outlets get a press release from HYBE and just regurgitate the information rather than vetting it. This is how the company continues to fool the general public.
I found one article that actually mentioned the declining net income, but it's still reads like a press release from the company. Check it out to see the excuses they make for low net income despite the record-breaking revenue.
When it comes to media play and outright lies, nothing comes close to how HYBE has pinned all their problems on Min Hee Jin. The last 48 hours have been media play on steroids, but let's focus on the message HYBE has been broadcasting for months now. Article after article has blamed HYBE's falling stock price on their difficulties with MHJ. It's really quite smart strategy to pin their falling stock price on her rather than facing the fact that K-pop isn't the long-term cash cow the company claims it to be. The reality is, financial analysts have been sounding the alarm for months that the K-pop industry is a financial house of cards. They rely too heavily on record sales (we've all seen the stacks of CDs abandoned on the street). I guess the Chinese government has cracked down on mass buying, which hurts the K-pop industry, but so does the inflation that's hitting so many across the globe hard. When fans are given the choice between buying tons of the same album or paying rent, I'm pretty sure most would choose food and shelter over 100 copies of the latest Seventeen album.
Blaming MHJ for the falling stock sends the message to investors that all of HYBE's problems will be fixed once they get rid of that pesky woman, when in reality, she and her label are good for HYBE's bottom line. They can (and I guess did) fire her, but that won't change the waning interest in K-pop on a global scale.
All the K-pop music labels are seeing huge drops in their stock prices. Do they also have a Min Hee Jin problem???
Year to date, these stock prices are down approximately -
JYP -50%
YG -28%
SM -32%
It's almost like there's a problem in the industry, right?!
I'm going to go into the HYBE?MHJ situation more deeply in my next post, but I want to end this post with another example of how HYBE manipulates public perception. This article is from CNBC, a major US media outlet, and it's straight lies.
Originally, the article claimed MHJ resigned as CEO, but we now know that was a falsehood coming directly from HYBE. The article was updated a day later to clear up that whopper. But the huge lie staring everyone in the face is the gains in the market cap/increase in stock price. The article completely fails to mention that on the same day HYBE canned MHJ, they also quietly announced a stock buy back worth 26.6 billion won with the express purpose of boosting the stock price.
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The company is buying up common stock and converting it to restricted stock. Once the common stock is converted to restricted stock, the fewer shares of common stock will mean the EPS increases (earnings per share). Earnings per share is calculated by dividing net income (see previous post) by the number of outstanding common stock shares. I can talk about this more if anyone is interested. But suffice it to say, this is a way to make the company's share price increase while making the company appear more financially sound.
A restricted stock unit (RSU) is stock-based compensation issued by an employer. A vesting period exists before the RSU converts to actual common stock. Until then, it has no monetary worth. Once the RSU converts to stock, the stockholder may pay taxes on its value.
The stock price increase had absolutely nothing to do with MHJ "resigning" and had everything to do with the buy back. If anything, giving the boot to the executive whose business line contributes 14% to the bottom line should scare the shit out of investors. Those sneaky bastards!
Whatever you think about Min Hee Jin or NewJeans, please keep in mind that the members of BTS seem to be stuck in that crappy, poorly run corporation. It seems Bang Si Hyuk and his goons have no problem destroying reputations and careers of individuals who commit the sin of being successful. Does that sound familiar?
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Genshin ships: stock market update (Natlan Act 1+2)
(Warning: May contain spoilers for character appearances and dynamics in [Chapter 5 Act 1–2] Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn and Black Stone Under a White Stone. Previous entries here.) This is for entertainment purposes only and is not financial advice: consult with your ship financial advisor before you invest.
4.0 has landed, and our analysts have been watching with interest as Natlan characters have started listing on the Genshin ship market. Here's our recommendations for the weeks ahead.
Citlali/Mualani is held together by a single drip marketing quote, but what a quote. BUY OR HOLD.
Mavuika/Xilonen, on the other hand, does not have a proven profit model. No, the potential for a ship name that sounds like "melanin" isn't reason enough to invest. SELL
(Note: Since Xilonen's drip marketing has landed, let's take a second to examine all the cat themed ships. Xilonen/Dehya and Xilonen/Kirara are too hard to call this far out. Xilonen/Lynette and Xilonen/Diona have boring chemistry, SELL / don't bother. And Xilonen/Keqing... oh Keqing would hate her. Hmm. Watch this space, HOLD OR BUY.)
(No, not all cat related ships find success. The recent bankruptcy and dissolution of Osse/Neko should be proof enough.)
Kachina/Bennett — ⚠️ we typically don't cover selfcest ships because there are too many of them. In this case, we'll make an exception to note it's extra unlikely. They're both too busy having coming of age stories and joining each other's teams (not a euphemism) to have any chemistry. SELL.
Kachina/Lumine, Kachina/Aether — sorry, the Traveller is already too busy being the Wise Old Mentor in the first book of Kachina's YA trilogy. SELL— wait does that mean Traveller's going to die 😐
Mavuika/Lumine, Mavuika/Aether — Constantly inviting us to drinks, her shout or Traveller's; long private chats about the family she never talks about to anyone else; giving up her antiques collection as a show of commitment: that is textbook mid-40's cool aunt flirtation. BUY BUY BUY.
Kinich/Mualani — our analysts describe this as "the equivalent of buying the first thing you see in the store", which I think means SELL.
Atea/Mavuika — There's definitely a little chemistry there, but we're unlikely to see further developments. HOLD OR SELL
Atea/Aether — HOLD OR SELL
Atea/Lumine — HOLD OR BUY. If haircuts had sexualities[...]
Small cap market ("rarepairs")
Mualani/that one bandit in her character teaser: nah, no chemistry, she's like that to everyone who tries to rob her. SELL for two-sided, HOLD OR SELL for one-sided.
Tenoch/Tupac — yeah that's been solid enemies to lovers ever since Talking Stick dropped in 4.0. The character model reveals for both of them have only increased the quality here. BUY
Chaac/Waxaklahun Ubah Kan — SELL. Way too early. If you're interested in obscure antiques maybe try Alain/Rene or Marfisa/Parsifal instead?
On that note, our analysts were intrigued by the Heroes of Cinder City. “It's an OT5 RPG adventuring party!” they explain, “like all those tabletop podcasts!” They were, however, quick to note that this was in the same potential rocky area as all Cataclysm-era ships, so HOLD at best.
Little One/Ushi — yeah sure why not. BUY
But coverage of the world quests will have to wait for a future report. In the meantime, let us know what your market predictions are!
Sidebar: phonetics
Wikipedia provides charts for converting writing systems (e.g. romanisations of languages) into the international phonetic alphabet. Below are examples for a couple of languages found across the Pacific Ring of Fire.
May your phone calls with your ship stockbroker be tienari-free!
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axelpvtmkt · 3 months
Advanced Tips and Tricks for Global Market Trading
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Trading in the global market can be both exciting and profitable if you employ the right strategies. Whether you're dealing with Forex, commodities, or other investments, these advanced tips will set you up for success.
Master Technical Analysis: Technical analysis is crucial for predicting market movements. Learn to read charts and use indicators like the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD). These tools help you identify trends and make informed trading decisions.
Choose the Best Trading Platform: Selecting the right trading platform is essential. Look for platforms that offer real-time data, analytical tools, and a user-friendly interface. Good platforms also provide educational resources and excellent customer support.
Diversify Your Investments: Diversification reduces risk. Spread your investments across different asset classes like Forex, commodities, and stocks. This approach ensures that your portfolio is protected from market volatility.
Stay Updated with Market News: Keeping up with global news, economic events, and market trends is vital. Regularly read financial news and reports. Use economic calendars to track important events that might impact your trades.
Implement Risk Management Strategies: Effective risk management is key to long-term success. Use stop-loss orders to limit potential losses and ensure no single trade can hurt your portfolio too much. This way, you can trade with confidence.
Follow Expert Insights: Industry experts and analysts provide valuable insights. Platforms like TradingView and social media channels can offer advanced strategies and techniques. Learning from these experts can enhance your trading approach.
Use Automated Trading Systems: Automated trading systems can execute trades based on pre-set criteria, helping you take advantage of market opportunities without constant monitoring. Understand the algorithms and monitor their performance regularly.
Focus on Continuous Learning: The trading world is always changing. Participate in webinars, attend workshops, and take online courses to stay updated with the latest strategies and trends. Continuous learning helps you stay ahead.
Monitor Your Performance: Regularly review your trades and performance. Keep a trading journal to track your decisions, outcomes, and lessons learned. This practice helps you improve your strategies and avoid repeating mistakes.
Partner with Reliable Brokers: Choosing a reliable broker is crucial. Look for brokers with competitive spreads, low fees, and robust security measures. A good broker provides the tools and support you need for successful trading.
Trust APM for more expert insights and trading solutions.
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graysongarelick · 5 months
Elevate Client Services with Excel: Expert Tips for Financial Consultants by Grayson Garelick
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Financial consultants operate in a dynamic environment where precision, efficiency, and client satisfaction are paramount. Excel, as a versatile tool, offers an array of features that can significantly enhance the services provided by financial consultants. Grayson Garelick, an accomplished financial analyst and consultant, shares invaluable Excel tips to help financial consultants elevate their client services and add tangible value.
The Role of Excel in Financial Consulting
Excel serves as the backbone of financial consulting, enabling consultants to analyze data, create models, and generate insights that drive informed decision-making. As the demands of clients become increasingly complex, mastering Excel becomes essential for financial consultants aiming to deliver exceptional services.
1. Customize Excel Templates
One of the most effective ways to streamline workflows and improve efficiency is by creating customized Excel templates tailored to specific client needs. Grayson suggests developing templates for budgeting, forecasting, and financial reporting that can be easily adapted for different clients, saving time and ensuring consistency.
2. Utilize PivotTables for Data Analysis
PivotTables are powerful tools in Excel that allow financial consultants to analyze large datasets and extract meaningful insights quickly. Grayson emphasizes the importance of mastering PivotTables for segmenting data, identifying trends, and presenting information in a clear and concise manner to clients.
3. Implement Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting is a valuable feature in Excel that allows consultants to highlight important information and identify outliers effortlessly. By setting up conditional formatting rules, consultants can draw attention to key metrics, discrepancies, or trends, facilitating easier interpretation of data by clients.
4. Leverage Excel Add-ins
Excel offers a variety of add-ins that extend its functionality and provide additional features tailored to financial analysis and reporting. Grayson recommends exploring add-ins such as Power Query, Power Pivot, and Solver to enhance data manipulation, modeling, and optimization capabilities.
5. Automate Repetitive Tasks with Macros
Macros enable financial consultants to automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows, saving valuable time and reducing the risk of errors. Grayson advises recording and editing macros to automate tasks such as data entry, formatting, and report generation, allowing consultants to focus on value-added activities.
6. Master Advanced Formulas and Functions
Excel's extensive library of formulas and functions offers endless possibilities for financial analysis and modeling. Grayson suggests mastering advanced formulas such as VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH, and array formulas to perform complex calculations, manipulate data, and create sophisticated models tailored to client needs.
7. Visualize Data with Charts and Graphs
Visualizing data is essential for conveying complex information in an easily digestible format. Excel offers a variety of chart types and customization options that enable consultants to create compelling visuals that resonate with clients. Grayson recommends experimenting with different chart styles to find the most effective way to present data and insights.
8. Collaborate and Share Workbooks Online
Excel's collaboration features enable financial consultants to work seamlessly with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders in real-time. Grayson highlights the benefits of sharing workbooks via OneDrive or SharePoint, allowing multiple users to collaborate on the same document, track changes, and maintain version control.
9. Protect Sensitive Data with Security Features
Data security is a top priority for financial consultants handling sensitive client information. Excel's built-in security features, such as password protection and encryption, help safeguard confidential data and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Grayson advises implementing security protocols to protect client data and maintain trust.
10. Stay Updated with Excel Training and Certification
Excel is a constantly evolving tool, with new features and updates released regularly. Grayson stresses the importance of staying updated with the latest Excel training and certification programs to enhance skills, explore new capabilities, and maintain proficiency in Excel's ever-changing landscape.
Elevating Client Services with Excel Mastery
Excel serves as a catalyst for innovation and excellence in financial consulting, empowering consultants to deliver exceptional services that add tangible value to clients. By implementing Grayson Garelick Excel tips, financial consultants can streamline workflows, enhance data analysis capabilities, and foster collaboration, ultimately driving client satisfaction and success. As financial consulting continues to evolve, mastering Excel remains a cornerstone of excellence, enabling consultants to thrive in a competitive landscape and exceed client expectations.
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thatstormygeek · 6 months
When we discuss state power and these things, we need to hold onto multiple ideas at once. Yes, we are discussing actions like Israel’s aggression in Gaza. Yes, we will discuss the United States, the global American Empire, and its allies and conspirators. It’s impossible to chart the history of these concepts and their consequences without relying on these specifics. But as we do so, we must also grasp that nation states are also representations of a larger process at play. The United States, for instance, has been the main front for global capitalism since it took over the responsibility from Great Britain following World War II. That union of capitalism and the nation state means that notions of “conventional politics,” or the belief that we are simply watching two parties “hash out their differences,” obfuscates what is often happening below the surface. Developments often feel bewildering because we’re part of a process that is intentionally mystified, leaving us wondering why principles and promises are so often jettisoned. Here this: the intertwining of capitalism and nation states means that our politics, our culture, and our institutions have been co-opted to carry out actions that are counter to the national interest, or at least the interest of us, the citizens, in favor of achieving goals that are beneficial to the interests of capital. An example: our military and intelligence agencies tirelessly cooperate with capitalist interests in arranging outcomes on the latter’s behalf, oftentimes hurting the nation state and its citizens while setting the table for the wealthy and powerful to become more wealthy and more powerful. In this way, a momentum has built that ensures, regardless of what happens politically, the process will continue. That process is aided by politics, aided by culture, and certainly aided by technology, including computing and now A.I.
Barack Obama, who promised Change in his transformative campaign, found himself, when in power, subject to forces he felt beyond his control. In that presidency, which was won in part with a promise to wind down George W. Bush’s war, Obama oversaw a wild expansion, including the usage of drone strikes that grew by nearly ten times under his watch. The usage of drones, and the growing list of targets Obama habitually signed off on, represented that momentum we have been discussing. Drones replaced troops, creating an operation we could actively ignore as Americans as long as our sons and daughters were kept out of harm’s way, laying a framework for a hegemonic oppression we would experience, if we experienced it at all, from a grand distance. The list and resulting killings was eventually reduced to bloody maintenance. Bruce Riedel, an analyst for the CIA and a counter-terrorism adviser to Obama, likened the operations to lawn maintenance, telling The Washington Post, “You’ve got to mow the lawn all the time. The minute you stop mowing, the grass is going to grow back.” Our War On Terror coincided with the final collapse of our social safety net. Hurricane Katrina and the Financial Collapse made it obvious that our government had no interest in meeting the needs of the people and had been reprogrammed to solely serve the needs of the wealthy. In the past this co-option had been hidden, marginally at least, behind economic growth and supposed progress, but the truth of neoliberalism was coming to bear. That which had been done to nations around the world in the name of American control had been done on behalf of neoliberal capitalism masquerading as the U.S. We had been promised never-ending progress, luxuries, and dominance. But, as it always does, the oppression boomeranged around and met its originator. It became obvious that American Empire had always been a front for something else.
Turning this ship around and getting past this crisis depends on a massive sea-change of philosophy, governance, and culture. Reining in Tech, taxing its benefactors, and reasserting government oversight of industry and decision-making processes is absolutely vital. The momentum has kept that from happening and brought us here. A.I. is simply a vehicle is accelerating to the next stage in this ugly evolution. As configured, there is no way that the state or any states will choose not to harness these technologies to these ends. It is too tempting. Too built into the system as it presently works. The nation state, even as it recognizes the co-option by neoliberal capitalism, has no choice but to trudge forward. It’s like an insect or an animal consumed by a parasitic disease. Still walking. Still trampling. Still serving. And the time is now also because, as previously mentioned, these things will be leveraged against us and against dissent. When that happens, the words “terrorist” and “insurgent” will be more than enough cover for whatever an algorithm needs to protect itself and the process it serves. Because opposing the momentum of the zombie state pits you directly on the other side of the gun. Of the drone. Of the robot dog.
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reasoningdaily · 7 months
‘We’re hemorrhaging money’: US health clinics try to stay open after unprecedented cyberattack
For more than two weeks, a cyberattack has disrupted business at health care providers across the United States, forcing small clinics to scramble to stay in business and exposing the fragility of the billing system that underpins American health care.
“We’re hemorrhaging money,” said Catherine Reinheimer, practice manager at the Foot and Ankle Specialty Center in the suburbs of Philadelphia. “This will probably be the last week that we can keep everybody on full-time without having to do something,” she told CNN. The center is considering taking out a loan to keep the lights on.
The cyberattack disrupted the computer networks of Change Healthcare, which serves thousands of hospitals, insurers and pharmacies nationwide. It prevented some insurance payments on prescription drugs from processing, leaving many care providers footing the bill up front and hoping to get reimbursed.
Change Healthcare, part of UnitedHealth, is one of handful of companies that make up the central nervous system of the US health care market. Its services allow doctors to look up patients’ insurance, pharmacies to process prescriptions, and health clinics to submit claims so they can get paid.
Health care groups have pleaded with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to offer medical practices a financial lifeline. The department on Tuesday said it was taking extraordinary steps to help get claims processed, but some care providers say it’s not nearly enough.
Mel Davies, chief financial officer of Oregon Oncology Specialists, told CNN she is worried that the private clinic that treats 16,000 cancer patients annually could be forced to close if she doesn’t get financial relief soon.
Cash flow has dropped by 50% in the two weeks since the cyberattack, she said. “The magnitude of this is off the charts for us.”
On Thursday night, half a month since the saga began, Change Healthcare announced plans to have its electronic payment platform back online by March 15 and its network for submitting claims restored the following week.
But the financial wreckage caused by the cyberattack will take a lot longer to clean up, health providers and analysts say.
“The prospect of a month or more without a restored Change Healthcare claims system emphasizes the critical need for economic assistance to physicians, including advancing funds to financially stressed medical practices,” Jesse Ehrenfeld, president of the American Medical Association, said in a statement Friday.
Reinheimer, who works at the foot treatment center, said Change Healthcare’s plan to bringing systems back online was a “light at the end of the tunnel … However, it doesn’t solve the immediate issue, which is lack of money today, tomorrow and next week.”
The chaos caused by the cyberattack is prompting a reckoning for senior US cybersecurity officials about the vulnerabilities in hugely important companies that underpin the health care system.
The Change Healthcare hack “is an evolution beyond” other ransomware attacks on individual hospitals “that shows the entire system is a house of cards,” a senior US cybersecurity official told CNN.
Health care executives have been sounding the alarm for several days that the cyberattack is causing severe financial strain on the sector.
The Medical Group Management Association, which represents 15,000 medical practices, has warned of the “devastating” financial fallout from the hack and of “significant cash flow problems” facing doctors. The ransomware attack has “had a severe ongoing impact on cancer practices and their patients,” the nonprofit Community Oncology Alliance said this week.
A week ago, Change Healthcare announced plans for a temporary loan program to get money flowing to health care providers affected by the outage.
But Richard Pollack, head of the American Hospital Association representing thousands of hospitals nationwide, slammed the proposal as “not even a Band-Aid on the payment problems.”
The cyberattack could end up costing Change Healthcare billions of dollars in lost revenue and clients, said Carter Groome, chief executive of cybersecurity firm First Health Advisory.
“This is a huge, huge moneymaker being essentially the middleman or the intermediary between the insurance companies,” Groome told CNN.
Change Healthcare has blamed the hack on a multinational ransomware gang called ALPHV or BlackCat that the Justice Department says has been responsible for ransomware attacks on victims around the world.
A hacker affiliated with ALPHV this week claimed that the company had paid a $22 million ransom to try to recover data stolen in the hack. Tyler Mason, a spokesperson for Change Healthcare, declined to comment when asked if the company had paid off the hackers.
Private experts who track cryptocurrency payments said the hacking group had received a $22 million payment, but it was unclear who made the payment. “A cryptocurrency account associated with ALPHV received a $22 million payment [on March 1],” Ari Redbord, global head of policy at blockchain-tracing firm TRM Labs, told CNN.
For Joshua Corman, a cybersecurity expert who has focused on the health sector for years, the Change Healthcare cyberattack is clear evidence that the US health sector is not as resilient as it needs to be in a crisis.
Acquisitions that have merged multibillion-dollar healthcare companies have accentuated the problem so that “a single point of failure can have outsized, cascading reach and consequences,” said Corman, who helped lead a federal taskforce to protect coronavirus research from hacking.
If federal officials “don’t identify the systemically important entities proactively, our adversaries will continue to do it for us … while we burn,” he told CNN.
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ncisfranchise-source · 7 months
The inevitable M&A question came toward the end of Paramount Global‘s hourlong conference call with Wall Street analysts on Wednesday — a session that undoubtedly would have been more contentious for Paramount leaders if they hadn’t started out by serving up sacrifices for the greater good of free cash flow and profit.
Paramount Global CEO Bob Bakish waved off the inquiry from Bank of America Merrill Lynch media analyst Jessica Reif Ehrlich about the tidal wave of media speculation about suitors coming (and going) for the company with a breezy “We’re always looking for ways to create shareholder value.” But it was clear from the earlier commentary and business updates from Bakish and chief financial officer Naveen Chopra that they are charting a course for this year and next to take streamer Paramount+ to the promised land of profitability and keeps the company entact as a standalone entity.
Indeed, Bakish nodded in his prepared remarks to the endless chatter on the Street and in media about Paramount’s long-term fate. “Regardless of current market sentiment, we’re convinced that the value of our assets today, combined with the execution of our strategy as we move forward represents a significant value creation opportunity, and we are dedicated to unlocking that value,” Bakish said.
The unlocking process will include a $1 billion write-down to be taken in the current quarter. Bakish and Chopra promised Wall Streeters that the company will spend less to make and market movies and TV shows and they will get more bang for those bucks with more aggressive windowing of streaming content across linear assets and vice versa. Moves forced by necessity during the programming drought of last year’s strike months — “Yellowstone” reruns airing on CBS, for one — are helping to guide its future. Most of the write-down ($700 million to $900 million) will stem from existing TV shows and movies that will be yanked from Paramount’s various digital and linear platforms and development projects that will be scrapped.
After recording a $1.6 billion loss on streaming operations in 2023, Paramount+ will reach profitability in the U.S. in 2025, Bakish vowed. Paramount Global will deliver free cash flow and growth in the second half of ths year, Chopra added.
Bakish emphasized that the company will also significantly cut back its efforts to produce local-language content in overseas markets. Instead the company will focus on generating hot prospects at home that have global resonance.
“Internationally, it’s become unquestionably clear that Hollywood hits are the biggest draw for our audiences and partners around the world,” Bakish said. “Which means there’s a clear opportunity to lean into our CBS slate, Paramount+ originals and Paramount films while slowing spend on local content and associated marketing.”
Chopra said the decision was influenced by analysis of what most non-U.S. subscribers watch on the streamer. “We’ve learned the Paramount+ subscribers outside the United States spend nearly 90% of their time with our global Hollywood hits — meaning we can keep them engaged while right-sizing our investment in content that does not travel around the world,” he said.
However, in the hunt for what the executives called “efficiencies,” Paramount will look to produce more TV programs and films overseas, where the cost of everything from hiring extras to an espresso at Starbucks is lower than in Los Angeles or New York.
“You will see us leaning even further into offshore production for our global franchises, including the upcoming London installment of ‘Billions,’ the new ‘Ray Donovan’ origin story as well as new series like ‘The Department’ from George Clooney,” Bakish said of three series on deck for Paramount+ with Showtime.
On the film side, Bakish pointed to Paramount Pictures’ success so far this year with modestly budgeted theatrical films “Mean Girls” and “Bob Marley: One Love,” the biopic that has lead the U.S. box office for the past two weekends. “We’re improving ROI by lowering the average cost per title,” Bakish said, noting the film studio’s refined focus on “balancing high-budget tentpoles with more modest cost titles.”
Paramount Global spent about $16.5 billion on content in 2023, a number that was lower than 2022’s content bill because of the Writers Guild of America and SAG-AFTRA strikes, Chopra said. He expects that 2024 spending will be higher but not by too much. “We contemplate spending really only about 50% of what we’ll call the strike savings. That’s a critical ingredient in our ability to drive healthy growth in free cash flow,” Chopra said.
Other topics addressed on the call:
The Disney/Warner Bros. Discovery/Fox streaming sports venture announced earlier this month has been a de rigueur question for CEOs during the Q4 earnings reporting cycle. Bakish is not impressed with the offering that is rumored to be priced at $40 to $50 a month. “For a true sports fan, this package only has a subset of sports,” he said. “It’s missing half the NFL, a lot of college [events] and has virtually no soccer or golf. So it’s hard to believe that’s ideal, especially at the price points that have been speculated.”
Speaking of game theory, sports is an important subscriber funnel for Paramount+, which offers CBS’ AFC NFL package as well as acquired rights to soccer and golf tournaments. Prospective subscribers come in for a game or two but stay for the entertainment. “For people that come in [to Paramount+] for sports, 90% of their engagement is with non-sports” content, Bakish said.
CBS has been a bright spot for the company. The network got its strike-delayed season off to a strong start with freshman drama “Tracker,” thanks in part to a big circulation boost from large crowds turning out for the Golden Globe Awards, Grammy Awards and the record-setting Super Bowl telecast. But the Eye is also becoming more budget-conscious when it comes to content spending. “We have an increasingly efficient and targeted development process,” Bakish said. “We prioritize lower cost formats, like unscripted and those shot abroad while maintaining our strength and franchises.” He cited the success of last year of “NCIS: Sydney,” the latest interation of the drama franchise that was shot Down Under “at a much more efficient price point.”
In 2023, Paramount+ nabbed a total of 4.1 million new subscribers. Expectations for 2024 are lower in part because Paramount+ will be detached from bundled packages in some overseas markets “where the economics just weren’t that compelling,” Chopra said. “We do still expect very healthy Paramount+ revenue growth and of course, revenue is the more important metric than subs.”
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ukrainenews · 1 year
Daily Wrap Up April 6-11, 2023
I took a little vacation, and it’s really hard to post these from a phone!
Under the cut:
Ukrainian forces are working to strengthen defensive lines and positions along the border with Belarus and Russia, the defence ministry has said.
The Pentagon is investigating a security breach in which classified war documents detailing secret American and Nato plans for supplying aid to Ukraine before its prospective offensive against Russia were leaked to social media platforms.
Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, has pledged fresh military support for Ukraine after meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart, Denys Shmyhal. Canada will send 21,000 assault rifles, 38 machine guns and 2.4m rounds of ammunition to Ukraine and impose sanctions on 14 Russian individuals and 34 entities, including security targets linked to the private mercenary Wagner group, Trudeau said.
Wagner founder and financier Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed on Tuesday that Russian forces now control much of the embattled eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. Ukrainian officials have denied Prigozhin’s claim.
No ships were inspected on Tuesday under the Ukraine Black Sea grain deal "as the parties needed more time to reach an agreement on operational priorities," the United Nations said, adding that routine inspections were due to resume on Wednesday.
The German government reported transferring a new military aid package to Ukraine, which includes eight reconnaissance drones, another 23,520 rounds of 40-mm ammunition, and eight mobile antenna systems. Germany has also delivered eight more Zetros trucks for extreme off-road conditions bringing the total amount to 60, according to the report.
Ukrainian forces are working to strengthen defensive lines and positions along the border with Belarus and Russia, the defence ministry has said.
The ministry, citing Lt Gen Serhiy Nayev, commander of the joint forces of Ukraine’s armed forces, posted to Facebook:
The expansion of the system of engineering barriers in the areas bordering Belarus and Russia is ongoing. Anti-tank minefields are being created in tank accessible areas and probable paths of pushing the enemy deep into our territory which are roads, forest lanes, bridges, power lines, etc.
Nayev added that Ukrainian engineering units have equipped several dozens of mine fields using more than 6,000 anti-tank mines in the past week. Ukrainian soldiers were working “around the clock, despite the weather conditions”, he said.
The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, met with his Belarusian counterpart and close ally, Alexander Lukashenko, for talks in Moscow on Wednesday. Moscow is Minsk’s closest political and financial backer.
Lukashenko allowed Putin to use the territory of Belarus as a launch pad for the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Last month, Putin announced that Russia would deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus.
-via The Guardian
The Pentagon is investigating a security breach in which classified war documents detailing secret American and Nato plans for supplying aid to Ukraine before its prospective offensive against Russia were leaked to social media platforms.
The top secret documents were spread on Twitter and Telegram, and reportedly contain charts and details about anticipated weapons deliveries, battalion strengths and other sensitive information, the New York Times reported. According to military analysts, the papers appear to have been altered in certain parts from their original format, overstating American estimates of Ukrainian war dead and understating estimates of Russian troops killed, citing how the modifications could point to an effort of disinformation by Moscow.
“We are aware of the reports of social media posts and the department is reviewing the matter,” said Sabrina Singh, the deputy press secretary at the Pentagon, as officials worked to have them deleted.
The NYT said the documents, which are five weeks old, with at least one carrying a “top secret” label, do not contain details of when, how, or where Ukraine intends to launch its counteroffensive.
According to analysts, however, the leak represents a “significant breach of American intelligence in the effort to aid Ukraine”.
One of the documents, which circulated on pro-Russian government channels, summarised the training schedules of 12 Ukrainian combat brigades, and said nine of them were being trained by US and Nato forces, and needed 250 tanks and more than 350 mechanised vehicles, the newspaper said.
The classified papers also contain details on expenditure rates for munitions under Ukrainian military control, including for the Himars rocket systems, the US-made artillery rocket systems that have proved highly effective against Russian forces.
According to Ukrainian presidential official Mykhailo Podolyak, the leak was part of a Russian disinformation operation to sow doubts about Ukraine’s counteroffensive.
Podolyak told Reuters that the leaked data contained a “very large amount of fictitious information” and that Russia was trying to seize back the initiative in its invasion. “These are just standard elements of operational games by Russian intelligence, and nothing more,” Podolyak said. “Russia is looking for any ways to seize back the initiative. To try to influence the scenarios for Ukraine’s counteroffensive plans. To introduce doubts, to compromise the … ideas, and finally to intimidate [us] with how ‘informed’ they are.”
Nonetheless, Ukraine’s leaders met to discuss ways to prevent to prevent leaks of their defence plans, the president’s office announced on Friday.
In a separate development on Friday, Russia appeared to have made important gains in Bakhmut, one of the bloodiest battles of the year-long war, with outgunned Ukrainian troops holding out despite Moscow’s numerical superiority.
The UK Ministry of Defence said in its daily update that Russian forces had “highly likely advanced into the [Bakhmut] town centre, and has seized the west bank of the Bakhmutka River. Ukraine’s key supply route to the west of the town is likely severely threatened.”
It added: “There is a realistic possibility that, locally, Wagner and Russian MoD commanders have paused their ongoing feud and improved cooperation.”
The battle for Bakhmut has raged for seven months, with thousands of people killed and hundreds of buildings collapsed or charred. The few remaining civilians have been confined to basements for months with no running water, electricity or gas.
In spite of the rumours earlier this year of a retreat of his troops from the area, Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, said he had instructed the army to find forces to bolster the defence of the embattled city.
The eastern military command spokesperson Serhiy Cherevatyi told Reuters that Ukraine controlled the situation in Bakhmut, understood Russian intentions and that Moscow had tactical success in some places, but was paying a high price for it.
“The situation is difficult; the enemy is concentrating maximum efforts to capture Bakhmut. However, it is suffering serious losses and not reaching strategic success,” Cherevatyi said.
“All decisions are taken with the aim of not allowing the enemy to break through our defence, to inflict maximum damage to it and preserve personnel. Having tactical success in some places, the enemy pays an exorbitant price for it and loses combat potential every day.”
-via The Guardian
Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, has pledged fresh military support for Ukraine after meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart, Denys Shmyhal.
Canada will send 21,000 assault rifles, 38 machine guns and 2.4m rounds of ammunition to Ukraine and impose sanctions on 14 Russian individuals and 34 entities, including security targets linked to the private mercenary Wagner group, Trudeau said.
The Canadian government is also imposing sanctions on nine entities tied to the Belarusian financial sector to further pressure Russia’s “enablers in Belarus,” Trudeau said.
-via The Guardian
Wagner founder and financier Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed on Tuesday that Russian forces now control much of the embattled eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut.
“We are fully concentrated on Bakhmut, continuing to carry out combat missions. In Bakhmut, most of it — that is, more than 80% — is under our control, including the entire administrative center, plants, factories, the city administration,” Prigozhin said. “What is left is part of the multi-story residential areas, where fortification districts were made. There are tunnels under these high-rise buildings.”
Ukrainian officials have denied Prigozhin’s claim.
"This statement by Prigozhin is not true,” Serhii Cherevatyi, spokesperson for the eastern grouping of the Ukrainian Armed Forces told CNN on Tuesday. “I've just been in touch with the commander of one of the brigades that are defending the city. I can confidently state that the Ukrainian defense forces control a much larger percentage of the territory of Bakhmut." "Prigozhin needs to show at least some victory in the city, which they have been trying to capture for nine months in a row, so he makes such statements," Cherevatyi added.
The Wagner founder has been known to make incorrect claims about his forces’ advance on the ground in Ukraine. Last week, he posted a grainy video raising a flag at dawn, saying Bakhmut had "been taken," despite ongoing fighting in and around the city. His claim was seen as a "pretty desperate" attempt, Western officials said.
What Western officials are saying: The officials conceded Russia had been able to make some progress in Bakhmut, but added it could be "measured in meters."
"The Russians at the moment, despite trying for six months, with huge numbers of personnel and huge numbers of losses, have been unable to take the town, and at the moment have made very, very slow progress,” the officials said at a briefing last Wednesday.
In the video this Tuesday, Prigozhin said Wagner fighters had relinquished control of some areas around Bakhmut to the Russian military.
“We handed over the flanks to the Ministry of Defence. Units of the Ministry of Defence, including the airborne troops, have today taken over both the right and left flanks,” he said. “That is why Zaliznyanskoye, Nikolaevka, and other settlements, which were stormed by units of the Wagner PMC in previous months, are in the area of responsibility of the airborne troops and other units of the Ministry of Defence.”
-via CNN
No ships were inspected on Tuesday under the Ukraine Black Sea grain deal "as the parties needed more time to reach an agreement on operational priorities," the United Nations said, adding that routine inspections were due to resume on Wednesday.
"We urge all involved to meet their responsibilities to ensure that vessels continue to move smoothly and safely in the interest of global food security," U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said in a statement, adding that there are currently 50 vessels waiting to move to the Ukrainian ports.
All ships are inspected by officials from Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the United Nations in waters near Turkey on the way in and out of Ukraine. Official online data shows no ships were inspected on Tuesday.
Since the deal allowing the safe wartime export of grain from Ukraine's Black Sea ports was agreed in July, more then 27.5 million tonnes of food have been exported. Dujarric said this had contributed to the lowering of food prices globally.
"This critical work is done against the backdrop of the ongoing war and active hostilities. We do not underestimate the challenges, but we know they can be overcome," he said. "The U.N. team is working closely with all sides, taking into consideration all parties' concerns."
The deal - initially brokered last July by Turkey and the United Nations - was renewed last month for at least 60 days, half the intended period.
"The global humanitarian benefits of the initiative are evident and are not limited to exports to specific low-income countries. It is in everyone's interest to keep it going," Dujarric said.
Russia has said it will only extend the deal beyond May 18 if impediments to its export of agricultural products and fertilizer are removed. Moscow's demands include returning the Russian Agricultural Bank to the SWIFT banking system and unblocking the financial activities of fertilizer companies.
To help persuade Russia to allow Ukraine to resume its Black Sea grain exports last year, a three-year deal was also struck in July in which the United Nations agreed to help Russia with its food and fertilizer exports.
Western powers have imposed tough sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. While its food and fertilizer exports are not sanctioned, Moscow says restrictions on payments, logistics and insurance industries are a barrier to shipments.
-via Reuters
The German government reported transferring a new military aid package to Ukraine, which includes eight reconnaissance drones, another 23,520 rounds of 40-mm ammunition, and eight mobile antenna systems.
Germany has also delivered eight more Zetros trucks for extreme off-road conditions bringing the total amount to 60, according to the report.
Kyiv has also received four armored engineer vehicles DACHS, including the one Berlin delivered over the past week, the government wrote in its weekly update.
From Jan. 1, 2022, to April 3, 2023, Germany provided Ukraine with more than 2.7 billion euros ($2.9 billion) in military aid, according to the German government.
On March 29, Germany approved additional military aid for Ukraine worth 12 billion euros, consisting of 3.2 billion euros that will be distributed in 2023, as well as credit lines worth 8.8 billion euros that will be allocated between 2024 and 2032.
Berlin has also taken the lead in what has been dubbed the "tank coalition" to supply Ukraine with heavy weapons for combat on the battlefield.
-via Kyiv Independent
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The Department of Homeland Security launched a failed operation that ensnared hundreds, if not thousands, of U.S. protesters in what new documents show was as a sweeping, power-hungry effort before the 2020 election to bolster President Donald Trump’s spurious claims about a “terrorist organization” he accused his Democratic rivals of supporting.
An internal investigative report, made public this month by Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat of Oregon, details the findings of DHS lawyers concerning a previously undisclosed effort by Trump’s acting-Secretary of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf, to amass secret dossiers on Americans in Portland attending anti-racism protests in summer 2020 sparked by the police murder of Minneapolis father George Floyd.
The report describes attempts by top officials to link protesters to an imaginary terrorist plot in an apparent effort to boost Trump’s reelection odds, raising concerns now about the ability of a sitting president to co-opt billions of dollars’ worth of domestic intelligence assets for their own political gain. DHS analysts recounted orders to generate evidence of financial ties between protesters in custody; an effort that, had they not failed, would have seemingly served to legitimize President Trump’s false claims about “Antifa,” an “organization” that even his most loyal intelligence officers failed to drum up proof ever existed.
The DHS report offers a full accounting of the intelligence activities happening behind the scenes of officers’ protest containment; “twisted efforts,” Wyden said, of Trump administration officials promoting “baseless conspiracy theories” to manufacture of a domestic terrorist threat for the president’s “political gain.” The report describes the dossiers generated by DHS as having detailed the past whereabouts and the “friends and followers of the subjects, as well as their interests” — up to and including “First Amendment speech activity.” Intelligence analysts had internally raised concerns about the decision to accuse anyone caught in the streets by default of being an “anarchist extremist” specifically because “sufficient facts” were never found “to support such a characterization.”
One field operations analyst told interviewers that the charts were hastily “thrown together,” adding they “didn’t even know why some of the people were arrested.” In some cases, it was unclear whether the arrests were made by police or by one of the several federal agencies on the ground. The analysts were never provided arrest affidavits or paperwork, a witness told investigators, adding that they “just worked off the assumption that everyone on the list was arrested.” Lawyers who reviewed 43 of the dossiers found it “concerning,” the report says, that 13 of them stemmed from “nonviolent crimes.” These included trespassing, though it was unclear to analysts and investigators whether the cases had “any relationship to federal property,” the report says.
A footnote in the report states that “at least one witness” told investigators that dossiers had been requested on people who were “not arrested” but merely accused of threats. Another, citing emails exchanged between top intelligence officials, states dossiers were created “on persons arrested having nothing to do with homeland security or threats to officers.”
Questioned by investigators, the agency’s chief intelligence officer acknowledged fielding requests by Wolf and his acting deputy, Ken Cuccinelli, to create dossiers “against everyone participating in the Portland protest,” regardless of whether they’d been accused of any crime, the report says. That officer, Brian Murphy, then head of the agency’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A), told interviewers that he’d rejected the idea, informing his bosses that he could only “look at people who were arrested,” and adding that it was something his office had done “thousands” of times before.
The DHS report, finalized more than a year ago, includes descriptions of orders handed down to “senior leadership” instructing them to broadly apply the label “violent antifa anarchists inspired” to Portland protesters unless they had intel showing “something different.”
Once the dossiers were received by the agency’s emerging threat center, it became clear that DHS had no real way to tie the protesters to any terrorist activities, neither at home nor abroad. Efforts to drum up evidence to support the administration’s claim that a “larger network was directing or financing” the protesters — a task assigned to another unit, known as the Homeland Identities, Targeting and Exploitation Center, diverted away from its usual work of analyzing national security threats — “did not find any evidence that assertion was true,” the report says.
Fears of political toadies occupying key intelligence roles had been aired publicly by former intelligence community members during the Trump administration’s early years, but their concerns were all but ignored by Senate Republicans during confirmation hearings that would ultimately inflict serious reputational damage on a number of agencies that, for their own survival, had long avoided partisan leanings.
The report is based on interviews with approximately 80 employees conducted by attorneys drawn from various agency components, including U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the U.S. Coast Guard. The investigation began in response to leaks of internal DHS emails in July 2020 that prompted questions from lawmakers about potential intelligence abuses, including the monitoring of journalists’ activities online and the liberal application of terrorism-related language to describe Americans engaged in protest.
I&A is one of the nation’s 17 intelligence community members overseen by the nation’s “top spy,” the Director of National Intelligence, whose office drafts daily top-secret briefings for the President. The directorship was held throughout the protests by John Ratcliffe, a Republican of Texas and renowned Trump loyalist, whose nomination to the post was withdrawn initially in 2019 over qualifications concerns raised by lawmakers and career intelligence officials.
The dossiers, known as Operational Background Reports, or OBRs, are known colloquially within the agency as “baseball cards,” the report says. The task of creating them was handed, “with little to no guidance on execution,” to the agency’s Current and Emerging Threats Center, an analysis unit whose “actionable intelligence” is distributed widely throughout the government. According to the report, the dossiers would’ve been shared with, among others, the agency’s Field Operations Division, which works closely with House and Senate committee staffers, and the Federal Protection Service, whose core mission is securing some 9,000 federal facilities across the country. The extent to which entities outside the federal government were meant to be involved is unclear; however, the report indicates that DHS state and local partners, which would naturally include law enforcement, but also potentially organizations like National Governors Association, could have also been in the loop.
Funded to the tune of $1.5 billion, the Federal Protective Service (FPS) is comprised of thousands of security officers drawn from private contractors such as Triple Canopy, a firm merged in 2014 with another contractor called Academi, previously known as Blackwater. Its staff notoriously included elite warfighters recruited from among the Navy SEALS, the Army Rangers, and the Marines expeditionary force MARSOC.
Activated to engage protesters targeting federal buildings in Portland — including the well-vandalized Hatfield Federal Courthouse — FPS personnel were eventually joined by officers hailing from across the federal government, including some on loan by the U.S. Marshals Service tactical unit normally tasked with making the arrests of the nation’s most violent fugitives. They converged for a mission dubbed “Operation Diligent Valor,” authorized under Executive Order 13933, purportedly to apprehend “anarchists and left-wing extremists” who’d been driven by Floyd’s murder to target U.S. monuments commemorating slave owners and Confederate traitors — dangerous individuals, Trump said, advancing a “fringe ideology” painting the U.S. government as “fundamentally unjust.”
Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, convicted of murder and sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison in 2021, sparked more than 100 days of continuous marches in Portland. Sporadic protests continued well into the next spring, frequently marked by nightly standoffs between protesters toting bottles, fruit, and fireworks and riot-control squads armed with nightsticks, pepperspray, and “kinetic impact munitions” designed to irritate, disorient, and compel compliance through pain.
Police would eventually rack up an unprecedented 6,000 documented use-of-force cases against the demonstrators, who in turn reportedly inflicted more than $2.3 million in damage to federal buildings alone. Police ran off legal observers and physically beat journalist who suffered injuries at the hands of federal agents armed with crowd control weapons as well. In response to the bad press, Justice Department lawyers filed a successful motion in court giving police the power to force reporters off the streets.
Reports began surfacing, meanwhile, of protesters being abducted near demonstrations by men jumping out of unmarked vans in military fatigues. After widely circulated footage confirmed the accounts, DHS acknowledged the abductions, as well as the fact that agents had taken intentional steps to ensure their identities remained secret.
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Analysts would feed protesters’ names into an array of databases, including LexisNexis, a tool used by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to hunt undocumented immigrants. Another tool, referred to as “Tangles” — a likely reference to the now-defunct Facebook app CrowdTangle — was used to “[compile] information from the subject’s available social media profiles.”
The report also states that dossiers were requested on multiple journalists, including Benjamin Wittes, editor-in-chief of Lawfare.
Wittes was targeted for publishing unclassified DHS materials, including the initial leak that set off the investigation. Wittes had coauthored an article at Lawfare with Steve Vladeck, a University of Texas law professor, in July 2020, which included leaked guidance — known as a “job aid” — disclosing DHS plans to act on Trump’s executive order. The document, Lawfare reported, implicated “at least parts of the intelligence community” in the “monitoring and collecting information on some protest activities.” Later leaks obtained by the New York Times included a DHS memo that, among other things, summarized tweets that had been published by Wittes.
One tweet, published on July 26 — a week after Lawfare published the guidance document — included a leaked email by DHS’s acting-Chief Intelligence Officer, relaying orders to begin referring to all violence in Portland as the work of “Antifa.”
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As the summer nights grew longer and the 2020 elections near, the media spent less time focused on the cause of the demonstrations — the suffocation of a Black father of five by a white Minneapolis police officer who was outwardly unmoved by Floyd’s desperate pleas for air, or the heartrending cries for his mother. Headlines shifted instead, as if on cue, to focus on the narrative crafted by the president’s flailing reelection campaign; a pre-packed delusion designed to strike fear in voters’ imaginations and tether Democrats to a fictitious terrorist threat.
Nothing could dissuade Trump from continuing to propagate the claims, which his supporters — most to this day — continue to blindly believe. “In my book it’s virtually a part of their campaign, Antifa,” Trump said in the final months before the election. “The Democrats act like, gee, I don’t know exactly what that is.”
Trump’s highest ranking intelligence crony, John Ratcliffe, meanwhile, would go on to play the only card left with a little help from Sen. Lindsey Graham, the Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Shocking and alarming career intelligence officials, Graham posted a letter online ahead of the election’s final debate. It contained a batch of Russian disinformation that a Republican-led committee had disregarded as bogus four years earlier. Apparently, it focused on the only Democrat left on whom they could find any material with which to smear: Hillary Clinton, who had no election to lose.
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deadenedmind · 1 year
The Problem with Technical Analysis
"Technical analysis" is a term you likely aren't familiar with unless you're a day trader, but I can guarantee that you know what it is.
Technical Analysis is the process of examining the price trends of a company's public stock listing and predicting certain movements based on observable patterns. Put simply, technical analysis is complete bullshit. It's like the astrology of capital markets; it's completely made up and has no bearing on reality.
Extensive research has been conducted on Technical Analysis and even the best of the best analysts can't get consistent results doing it. One of the most infamous examples was one study where a group of researchers created a mock stock chart which they asked technical analysts to give a reading on. The analysts gave varying opinions on the chart, but unbeknownst to them, the chart had been constructed entirely by coin tosses. In other words, each incremental market movement was created by a 50-50 chance, thereby proving that the analysts were interpreting patterns that simply did not exist. Furthermore, there's also the subjectivity aspect. Many of the analysts in this study gave entirely different opinions
It is essentially ubiquitous that technical analysis is just imposing imaginary patterns over random data. Even when you employ computer algorithms and observe concrete numbers, there is very little objective math involved in the process.
The proof is in the pudding, too; you really do not need to look far to see that technical analysis is garbage. If you bother to go on website like TradingView and look at the user submitted posts, very few of their prophecies come true.
Put simply, anybody who places any weight on Technical Analysis beyond a passing gut instinct is an idiot that shouldn't be trusted. You'd get similar results by blindly throwing darts at a board.
DEADMAN (a.k.a DeadenedMind) does not offer or render personalized financial advice through social media. This tumblr post should be used strictly for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, tax, investment, or legal advice.
Viewers are highly encouraged to seek assistance from an accredited and experienced professional before making any financial decisions.
If you'd like to follow DEADMAN, you can find him on the following platforms:
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uttamsinghblogs · 1 year
Some common techniques and concepts used in technical analysis.
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Trend analysis: Identifying the direction of the overall market or a specific stock's price trend, such as uptrend, downtrend, or sideways movement.
Support and resistance levels: Levels where the price tends to find support or encounter resistance, indicating potential buying or selling opportunities.
Chart patterns: Recognizing specific patterns on price charts, such as head and shoulders, double tops/bottoms, triangles, and flags, which may indicate future price movements.
Moving averages: Calculating and analyzing average prices over a specific period of time to identify trend reversals or confirm existing trends.
Oscillators: Indicators that oscillate between certain levels to identify overbought or oversold conditions, helping traders determine when a price may be due for a reversal.
It's important to note that technical analysis is subjective, and different analysts may interpret the same data differently. Critics argue that technical analysis relies on historical data and patterns, which may not always be reliable indicators of future price movements. Therefore, it is often used in conjunction with fundamental analysis, which focuses on the underlying financials and prospects of a company.
Visit for more Stock Market news And Article.
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hmatrading · 1 year
List of Best Trading Apps in India 2023
The world of trading has become more accessible than ever before, thanks to the rise of trading apps. With just a few clicks on your smartphone, you can now buy and sell shares in real-time from anywhere in India. But with so many options available, which trading app should you choose? In this article, we've compiled a list of the top 10 best trading apps in India for 2023. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, this comprehensive review will help you find the perfect app for your needs. So let's dive right into it!
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List of the Top 10 Trading Apps in India
Zerodha:  With over 3 million users, Zerodha is one of the most popular trading apps in India. It offers a user-friendly interface and low brokerage fees, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced traders.
Upstox: Another top-rated app is Upstox, which boasts a simple yet effective platform for buying and selling stocks. It has competitive pricing and advanced charting tools to help you make informed decisions.
Angel Broking: Known for its extensive research capabilities, Angel Broking provides valuable insights into market trends that can help investors maximize their profits. The app also features a range of financial products like mutual funds and insurance.
Groww: A relatively new player in the market, Groww has quickly gained popularity thanks to its zero-commission policy on stock trades and easy-to-use interface.
Kotak Securities: This app by Kotak Mahindra Bank offers seamless integration with your bank account, allowing you to transfer funds seamlessly between them while trading shares or investing in mutual funds.
Sharekhan: With more than 20 years of experience in the market, Sharekhan is known for its robust research reports that provide detailed analysis of stocks from various sectors.
Edelweiss: Offering customizable watchlists and charts along with real-time news updates, Edelweiss makes it easier for investors to stay up-to-date with current events affecting their investments.
HDFC Securities: This app by HDFC Bank provides access to global markets along with local ones at affordable prices while providing comprehensive research reports covering several industries
ICICI Direct: ICICI direct allows you not only trade through mobile but also via call-n-trade. Their simplified version makes it perfect even if you are a beginner
Axis Direct: Last but not least AxisDirect comes equipped with all essential features including personalized alerts, easy order placement and comprehensive market analysis tools.
Complete Review of All Best Trading Apps in India
When it comes to choosing the best trading app in India, there are plenty of options available. But which one is right for you? In this complete review of all the best trading apps in India, we will take a closer look at each one and help you make an informed decision.
First up is Angel Broking. With its user-friendly interface and advanced charting tools, Angel Broking makes it easy for beginners to get started with trading. It also offers low brokerage fees and instant fund transfer options.
Next on our list is Zerodha. Known for its no-brokerage policy, Zerodha has quickly become a popular choice among traders in India. The app offers various features such as market depth analysis, advance charts and technical indicators.
Groww is another great option for those looking for a seamless trading experience. Its simple design allows users to navigate through the app with ease while offering commission-free investments in mutual funds.
Kotak Securities’ mobile application provides real-time updates on the stock market along with research reports from their team of experts giving you valuable insights about specific companies' performances based on their financial history.
Edelweiss Trading App combines investment opportunities with insightful advice from analysts making sure that traders make informed decisions before investing money into stocks or mutual funds
These are just some of the top contenders when it comes to finding the best trading app in India - but ultimately, your choice will depend on what suits your needs as an investor or trader.
To sum up, in this article we have discussed the top 10 trading apps in India for the year 2023. We have reviewed each app based on its features, user interface and overall performance.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, these apps offer you a seamless experience with no brokerage charges and easy access to market data.
Angel Broking, Zerodha and Kotak Securities are some of the popular names that provide unique features to make your trading journey smooth. Edelweiss also offers reliable services with advanced charts and tools.
Groww is another great option for beginners as it has a simple user interface along with low brokerage fees. nifty bees share price can be easily tracked through Angel One while Old Mumbai Chart provides historical data essential for analysis.
Each app excels in different areas making them suitable for different types of traders. So choose the one that best fits your requirements and start trading today!
After analyzing and reviewing the top 10 trading apps in India, it is evident that each app has its unique features and benefits. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, there is an app on this list that will suit your needs.
From Angel Broking's seamless user interface to Zerodha's low brokerage fees, each app offers something special. Other notable mentions include Kotak Securities' advanced charting tools, Edelweiss' research reports, and Groww's zero brokerage platform for mutual funds.
Choosing the best trading app in India can be challenging. However, by assessing your needs as a trader and comparing them with the offerings of these top 10 trading apps, you can find one that perfectly suits you. So go ahead and download your favorite trading app today
Related - https://hmatrading.in/best-trading-app-in-india/
Source - https://sites.google.com/view/list-of-best-trading-apps
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criptox · 14 hours
"Bitcoin Bull Run Begins: Experts Point Out Huge Potential"
The Massive Potential of Bitcoin: A Bull Run on the Horizon
Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency that started it all, is on the verge of a significant resurgence. With its market fluctuating endlessly, many analysts are suggesting that we might be on the brink of a massive bull run. If you’re a crypto enthusiast or someone simply intrigued by financial trends, this is a moment to pay attention to.
Current Market Trends
The cryptocurrency market has seen exhilarating highs and unbearable lows over the past few years. However, recent trends indicate that Bitcoin is building momentum. Investors are more optimistic, and this optimism is contagious. It seems like every time Bitcoin approaches a critical support level, it bounces back with more vigor, hinting at a potentially explosive rise.
Factors Driving the Potential Bull Run
There are several key factors contributing to Bitcoin’s potential upward trajectory:
Institutional Investment: Big players like Tesla and Square have already integrated Bitcoin into their investment strategies. This influx of institutional money is raising confidence and setting a precedent for broader acceptance.
Limited Supply: Bitcoin's capped supply of 21 million coins ensures that it remains scarce. As demand increases, classical economics suggests that prices should rise.
Growing Adoption: More merchants and businesses are now accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment. The more it’s used, the more intrinsic value it gains.
Global Economic Uncertainty: With inflation fears and economic downturns looming, investors are looking for alternative assets. Bitcoin is often viewed as a digital gold, offering a hedge against inflation.
Technical Analysis and Predictions
Technical analysts have been keeping a keen eye on Bitcoin’s price movements. Recent charts show a pattern that many interpret as a bullish flag, which typically signals an upcoming breakout. Additionally, key resistance levels are being tested, and if broken, Bitcoin could skyrocket to new all-time highs.
Some experts are predicting that as Bitcoin continues to rally, it could potentially reach prices close to $100,000. While that may sound overly optimistic, history has shown that the cryptocurrency market is infamous for its volatility and rapid price movements.
What This Means for Investors
For current investors, it’s a time to stay informed and possibly allocate more funds into Bitcoin. New investors should consider entering the market cautiously; it’s wise to do thorough research before diving in. Remember, the cryptocurrency landscape is both exhilarating and unpredictable.
Final Thoughts
With so many factors aligning for a potential bull run, Bitcoin is firmly on the radar of both seasoned investors and newcomers alike. The next few months could be crucial, and it’s essential to keep an eye on market trends. Whether you’re a long-term hodler or a curious observer, the world of Bitcoin might just be about to get very interesting.
In the dynamic realm of cryptocurrency, one thing is certain: staying informed and adaptable will be key to navigating whatever comes next. Don’t miss out on the action!
``` "Bitcoin Bull Run Begins: Experts Point Out Huge Potential"
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excelrthane1 · 15 hours
Building a Strong Business Analyst Portfolio: Showcasing Your Expertise
A well-crafted portfolio is a powerful tool for business analysts, helping them showcase their expertise, skills, and experience to potential employers or clients. It serves as a visual and comprehensive representation of your abilities and accomplishments, making you stand out in a competitive job market. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your career after completing a business analyst course, building a strong portfolio can significantly enhance your career prospects.
Here are some essential strategies for creating a business analyst portfolio that effectively highlights your expertise:
1. Include Real-World Projects
One of the most important elements of a business analyst portfolio is real-world projects that demonstrate your practical skills. If you've completed a business analysis course, leverage the case studies, capstone projects, or internships you worked on as part of the curriculum. These projects provide tangible evidence of your ability to analyze data, gather requirements, and develop solutions. Highlight the business challenges you addressed, the methodologies you used, and the outcomes you achieved. 
If you’re early in your career and haven’t worked on many projects, consider taking on freelance or volunteer work to build your portfolio.
2. Highlight Core Competencies
A successful business analyst portfolio should emphasize your core competencies. These include skills such as:
- Requirement gathering and analysis: Demonstrate how you effectively elicited, documented, and managed requirements from stakeholders.
- Data analysis and interpretation: Showcase your ability to analyze data and provide actionable insights that inform business decisions.
- Process improvement: Include examples where you've used process mapping or modeling to streamline business operations or reduce inefficiencies.
- Communication and collaboration: Business analysts often bridge the gap between technical teams and stakeholders, so showcasing your communication and teamwork skills is crucial.
For those pursuing a business analyst course, integrating coursework that enhances these competencies will enrich your portfolio.
3. Use Visual Aids and Tools
To make your portfolio more engaging and informative, include visual aids that represent your analytical skills. For example, add process flow diagrams, use case diagrams, business models, or Gantt charts to visually represent your work. This not only makes your portfolio more dynamic but also demonstrates your proficiency with business analysis tools like Microsoft Visio, Lucidchart, or Jira.
Visual aids also help employers quickly understand the complexity of the problems you’ve solved and the solutions you’ve delivered.
4. Showcase Certifications and Continuous Learning
Certifications and additional courses can differentiate you from other candidates. If you have completed a business analyst course or obtained certifications like Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) or PMI-PBA, include them prominently in your portfolio. These credentials affirm your commitment to continuous learning and professional development. Employers are more likely to trust your abilities when they see that you’ve invested in expanding your skill set.
5. Quantify Your Achievements
Quantifying your achievements adds credibility to your work. Wherever possible, include metrics to demonstrate the impact of your contributions. For instance, mention how you helped reduce operational costs by a certain percentage, improved process efficiency, or contributed to revenue growth through strategic analysis. Numbers provide a concrete sense of the value you’ve brought to past projects and organizations.
6. Tailor Your Portfolio to Your Audience
Depending on your career goals, you may want to tailor your portfolio for specific roles or industries. For example, if you're aiming for a role in financial analysis, emphasize projects where you worked on data analytics, financial forecasting, or risk analysis. Similarly, for those targeting roles in IT or healthcare, adjust the focus of your portfolio accordingly to highlight relevant experience.
Building a strong business analyst portfolio is essential for showcasing your expertise, especially in today’s competitive market. Whether you're a recent graduate from a business analysis course or an experienced professional, your portfolio should highlight real-world projects, core competencies, visual tools, certifications, and quantifiable achievements. A well-rounded portfolio not only demonstrates your skills but also helps potential employers or clients see the value you bring to their organization.
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