#chat w/ seafarer
thescoutgaymer · 6 months
HELLOOOOOO I'm Scout (duh) 💪
I've seen some other blogs 'round here and decided to take part in it, no big deal
I'll probably reblog stuff most of the time, but I'm down to talk to fellow mercs and answer any asks 🙏
I ALSO DRAW! So I'll try to draw any asks if I can!!! But I've been busy with killin' and being awesome to draw much sadly
#sciut's reblogs - for my awesome reblogs 💪
#scout's posts - basic text posts :)
#scout's art - my art, obv
#scout's chats - me just chattin' with ppl on this site
#scout's asks - asks that I've answered
#scout's pics - stuff I take pictures of 👍 (includes selfies)
#scout's stuf - other posts that idk how to label
That's all for now! (P.s, in the tags are some other ones I use)
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vampire-hubby · 6 years
hi, would you mind doing a murdoc x reader? 💘💗💝💖💓💞💕
!Oh my a request!!!! (I’ve never gotten one thank you so much I feel needed ;w;)(Phase one)
I couldn’t help but stare at my email. My mother had just emailed me for the first time in 3 months, and this is what she tells me: “Get married, you’re fucking 29.”
Really, woman. I don’t see you getting romantic with dad anymore.
My new apartment in the Upper East Side, in Manhattan, wasn’t the biggest, the brightest, or the nicest, but they had internet and good rent. I had only moved in a few weeks prior, and I finally set up my big, clunky desktop, which had become most of my life. I emailed people I didn’t even know from around the world, talking about almost anything with them, from the crappy content on MTV to when we could afford cell phones. I had been chatting for hours on end, hardly getting up except to eat and pee.
I closed out of my mother’s rude email with a rough click of my mouse, and entered my favorite chat room with four different people and me. I had never seen their faces.
Sara: Yoooo, wut’s taking u so long?
Dylan: Yea, where ru?
Imani: *sonic voice* Im waaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiting
(y/n): I was emailing mom. srry.
Bobbi: Its chill. hey, i got a friend from england who just got email. want me 2 let him in the chat?
Ooh, a new friend, I thought sarcastically. Bobbi had this thing where he’d bring in new people and then kick them out a bit later because they’d swear too much. I hoped this wasn’t the case.
Sara: I think thats ok, just dont let them swear.
Sara: seriously
Dylan: I didnt like the last chick u let in
Bobbi: Yea, srry bout that. He wont swear. He only does when hes tired.
Imani: pls let that be tru :(
(y/n): yea let him in.
I leaned back and waited for a solid 30 seconds, before I heard a trademark blip from the speakers.
Murdoc has joined the chat!
Nice name, bucko. Nice name
Murdoc: Hey, people.
(y/n): Greetings, Lord of Hell
Murdoc: nice, I get some respect.
Imani: OOooooooOOOOOh.
Bobbi: Hey man, wasup?
Sara: Dude, is that ur real name
Murdoc: Well, my older brother was named Hannibal
Bobbi: thats scary
Sara: what does ur name mean?
Murdoc: I heard it was irish or celtic or something. Seafarer, Seaman? idk
Imani: cool. do u like the ocean?
Murdoc: It’s nice i guess. I am overseas right now in NY. I’m in a concert
Sara: cool! isn’t (y/n) from Manhattan?
(y/n): I just moved up there, but ive been here so much i know everything.
Bobbi: guys get like a codeword and find eachother
Murdoc: What kind?
(y/n): seriously NY is so big I doubt murdoc can find me
Murdoc: are you going to any concerts soon?
Sara: dude Manhattan is 1/5 of NY itself
(y/n): Yeah the Gorillaz one
Murdoc: I’m going there too! That band is my heart and soul!
(y/n): u’d better not be the bass player, as your name suggests.
Murdoc: I’ll surprise you. Go to the entrance and when its 5 say ‘seaman’ you’ll find me:)
Imani: Oooooooooooh Murdoc and (y/n) have a date!!!!!
(y/n): my mom says i need to get married, so i’ll take it as a date. anything to make mother happy ;(
Bobbi: aww, sorry. hope u guys have fun
Sara: I gtg, dinner ready. hubbies special
Imani: same, I gotta work on my finals
Bobbi: Ive spen enough time on here. u 2 can talk if u want! bye bye!
Sara has left the chat.
Bobbi has left the chat.
Imani has left the chat.
(y/n): if this date goes well, im moving to england with u.
Murdoc: Great! you can see my car. You might not like my house though, its so fuckin run down,
(y/n): man u swore
Murdoc: the others aren’t on here i can do what i want
(y/n): true.
And I kept chatting for another hour. ‘Murdoc’ was somewhat nice, although he talked shit about his dad and brother. In a way, he was charming. He told smooth jokes that made me laugh until my side hurt. He also seemed to be a little bitter about romance, as he had an unfortunate experience with his friend’s girlfriend a few years back. I left the chat room because my eyes hurt too hard and my bad felt like it would snap. I signed off and headed to bed, staring and the Gorillaz concert ticket on my bulletin board. The concert was next week, and a shiver ran up my spine. I couldn’t wait to see them onstage. They really were a band to behold.
I rolled over and plopped a pillow on my head as the heater kicked in, a loud, angsty cluncki-click noise and thrummed wildly like an out-of-tune instrument.
The day soon came, and I knew I couldn’t be late. I had awoken early, and eaten my fair (and disgusting) share of all-bran cereal.
I opened my window, to the smell of exhaust, perfume, and cigarettes, and the sound of cars honking and driving.
The smell of cigarettes seemed different today. Perhaps the drugstore ran out of Camels. I went back to my room and pulled on my clothes, hoping to get a fresh start to the day, despite the fact I had awoken at 6:30. Ugh.
I went back to my computer and booted up Half-Life and began to play.
*****let me timeskip I’m lazy*****
4:55. and I had spent the last hour in traffic.
Man, people surely like Gorillaz or something. I had barely gotten there in time. I left at four, totally certain I’d beat traffic. Oh how wrong I was.
I went near the gate, holding my ticket and trying not to look suspicious to security. I had to wait a painstaking five minutes just to see the guy I was having my mystery first date with. The Gorillaz murals, however, were nothing short of wonderful, so at least I could spend time looking at them.
I felt a chill up my spine as I gripped my jacket closer, and my ticket tighter.
At last, it was 5. I stared at my watch, unable to believe it. It only dawned on me later on that I was supposed to do something, but what? Say something? What did Murdoc tell me in the chat, Dammit?
“Uh...” I looked around, and hesitantly called out,  “S-seaman?”
The security guard looked over at me, and raised a choppy eyebrow. “Say again?”
“Seaman. I’m supposed to say that and meet some-”
“Come with me,” He said shortly. “And I’ll take your ticket.”
“W-where am I going?” I asked.
“I was told about a special somebody here, and that she deserved a backstage pass with her new boyfriend,” He said simply. “Don’t worry, I’ll scan your ticket.” I fearfully handed the man the ticket, and he proceeded to lead me to a door that said ‘Backstage- security and band only.’
He opened the door. “Your friend is inside, but be careful. He may or may not be drunk.”
“He’s what-” but he slammed the door and and I was left in a dimly lit hallway.
I decided that there was nothing else to do besides walk down to the dressing rooms. And, like every idiot in every horror movie, I did.
My feet echoed louder than I wanted them to, and I shivered. I caught a whiff of that same cigarette smell from this morning, but I shook it away as I forced my feet to march to my inevitable fate. That hallway seemed to grow longer and longer, and I soon heard voices from a door I was approaching.
“-and I tell ya, the kiddo had blue hair like me! ‘e did!” a stuttery voice cheered
“D, he probably dyed it.” came a deeper one, probably from a black man.
“I know, but I fought it wazza’bit cool, eh?”
“Dents, get your sodding mind out of the gutter! I have a guest coming.” Ordered a gruff, angry voice.
“Watashi wa kireina josei ni aitaidesu!!” a Littler girl spoke, but I didn’t understand. Was she Asian or something?
“I know you do, babygirl, just wait.”
I knocked on the door, and the voices went silent.
It opened, and a little Japanese girl stood in the doorway, wearing a radio helmet and a jacket covered in patches that was too big for her.
“Anata wa kireina joseidesu ka?“ She asked
“Umm..” I stared at her.
“She jus; asked yew if yew were the pretty lady Mu’doc’s been talkin’ bout.” said a voice from inside.
“I don’t know if I’m pretty, but can I see Murdoc?” I hunched my shoulders.
“Ē! Kare wa koko ni iru -“
“Let her in, Noodle.” came the gruff voice, and I head a metal chair creak.
“Ā, daijōbu, Murdoc!” the little girl stepped aside and grinned at me. ‘Noodle’ looked too young to be with these men.
And then it hit me once I walked in.
I stood face to face with a man in his thirties. His nose was a lumpy mess, and his eyes lay just under his greasy black bangs, one red and one brown. He scratched a tanned cheek and grinned a crocodile, crooked-toothed grin. He wore a sweat-stained grey shirt, displaying his tattoo-covered arms. He had oddly trimmed white fingernails, which fiddled with a guitar pick. His ripped jeans seemed too small, and he had a pair of Cuban heels on his feet.
“You must be (y/n),” Murdoc seemed to play with my name on his snakey tongue. “It’s me, from the chat room.”
(sorry to end off on a cliffhanger)
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gohvar · 5 years
Summer arrived on Hvar rather later than usual this year, but once the sun came out, we haven’t looked back! We can only expect to get hotter over the next couple of months, and that can feel pretty uncomfortable, especially on more humid days. So it’s been good to get out on the water, and enjoy the cooling breeze. It’s somewhat of a novel experience for us, as new boat owners, to be out there exploring, not just where the roads take you, or where walking trails go. Many parts of the coast are inaccessible from the land, or too far to be convenient destinations for foot traffic, making such coves ideal anchoring spots for a quiet swim! Proper islanders should definitely have a boat, and we’re looking forward to exploring not only Hvar’s coastline, but other nearby islands.
Shady shoreline
Two boats
Set anchor
Two-masted yacht
East from Vrboska, the coves of Prapatna and Mala Stinova are, if anything, more lovely when viewed from the sea. Between them is a small bay with a single house and tiny church, aptly named Uvala Crkvica (Bay of the church). Incidentally, it’s not easy finding the local names of these smaller coves, as the seafaring charts don’t always bother with them, and Google maps only gives names to land features (or have I missed an option in the settings?). So far, we’ve been as far as Pokrivenik bay, which provides great shelter from the afternoon maestral. We’re learning that the prevailing wind around here is easterly in the morning, turning to westerly in the afternoon. That’s all part of the daily onshore/offshore pattern, and feels wonderfully cool.
Sv Luk, Crkvica cove
Past Prapatna
Vela Stiniva harbour
Curvy rocks!
Vela Stivina
This cove taken!
Setting out round the Glavice headland and westwards from Vrboska, there are lots of choices, some more popular than others. The terrain is a little more varied in this direction, with Zečevo island, the bay at Basina, and lots of little coves around the Rudine peninsula. These bays are surprisingly deep, as the rocky shoreline plunges almost straight down under the water. It’s even in the name sometimes – Uvala Duboka means deep cove, and yes, it certainly is! We’re still trying to work out some of the other names – Žala Luka could mean gravel harbour, or perhaps bad harbour. Either way, it’s a pretty little bay for a picnic!
Fishing boat
Houses in Žukova
The wonderfully sheltered Žukova
Look at the colour of that water!
Chapel on the rocks
Looking over to Brač
We’ve also been over to Bol on the neighbouring island of Brač. It’s a beautiful little harbour in a gorgeous location. So many choices for lunch! We moored next to other visiting boats, before the harbourmaster cycled by and told us that’s only for the big guys, the overnight yachts needing much deeper water than us. It’s OK for a quick lunch stop, but next time we moor with the small boats!
Brač vineyards
Bol waterfront
The view of the rocks from water level is stunning! I’m really enjoying the boat as a base for plein-air painting. The only trouble is that as we swing around in the wind, I look up to find a different scene! So many beautiful abstracts, just crying out to be painted!
Rocky point
Rock layers
Paddle board
Our late afternoon excursions are generally followed back in Vrboska by drinks on board. It’s nice chatting to local friends, watching the other boats putter by and enjoying the cooler breezes at water level. And the local restaurants will even deliver to your boat – what luxury! I have to say Vrboska is a perfect harbour for this kind of activity (or lack of it) at the end of a day.
Tumblr media
Vrboska evening
There is nothing — absolutely nothing — half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. In or out of ’em, it doesn’t matter. Nothing seems really to matter, that’s the charm of it. Whether you get away, or whether you don’t; whether you arrive at your destination or whether you reach somewhere else, or whether you never get anywhere at all, you’re always busy, and you never do anything in particular; and when you’ve done it there’s always something else to do, and you can do it if you like, but you’d much better not. ~ Kenneth Grahame
    Messing around in boats – clear blue seas and a cooling breeze Summer arrived on Hvar rather later than usual this year, but once the sun came out, we haven't looked back!
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Our luxury magazines take center stage on the North Shore
Long Island is known for many things: beautiful beaches, fresh seafood, its close proximity to Manhattan, and of course, the Gold Coast. Gatsby-era homes dot the North Shore of Long Island, where Anton Media Group focuses it’s four luxury magazines, nestled in the towns of Roslyn, Manhasset, Port Washington and Great Neck.
This year in the Roslyn News Magazine, editor Joe Scotchie reined in history by telling the stories of the horse statues of the Mackay Estate, which have become a symbol of Roslyn’s past, present and future. We also visited The Roslyn Hotel for a luxurious staycation, honed our artistic skills with Roslyn Village Gallery owner Marsha Tarlow and interviewed the chef of the oldest restaurant in town, The Jolly Fisherman.
Celebrity ESPN announcer Adam Schefter, a Gold Coast native, shared his love of sports as Joe Scotchie sat court side, giving a history lesson about Roslyn’s basketball program. The Junior League discussed the many ways they transform communities through charitable efforts and a local architect details how Roslyn itself has changed from the traditional home to the contemporary estate.
In the Manhasset Press Magazine, we chose to highlight the beautiful stained glass windows of the Church of Saint Mary and the school’s powerful presence in the community. Tiffany & Co. celebrated 180 years as spring style was in fashion at Hirshleifers. The brand new Publicans was featured in an impressive array of dining options and for dessert, Buttercooky Bakery satisfies everyone’s sweet tooth with a delicious assortment of cookies, pies, cakes and baked goods.
Lending a helping hand, Ann Gray Graf’s acting classes help kids make the leap from the stage to the screen while Manhasset’s coaches of the year (Danielle Gallagher and Chuck Collyer) received prestigious awards for their efforts on and off the field. And let’s not forget out furry friends. Rescue Paw Foundation teamed up with London Jewelers for a unique way to show support for pets.
Port Washington News Magazine explored all this seafaring town has to offer, starting with a yacht tour of Manhasset Bay through Long Island Boat Rental. Sands Point Shop is great for shopping, but they also specialize in beautiful clock restoration, especially grandfather clocks. And did you know that media giants Condé Montrose Nast and William Randolph Hearst Sr. both left their marks on Sands Point?
We also congratulated The Helen Keller National Center celebrated 50 years while the historic Guggenheim mansion at Falaise has been around for decades as one of Sands Point’s architectural gems. Sure, Port has plenty of waterside dining options, but we wanted to take you to Main Street for some delicious spots. We also thought it was a good idea to send residents into the city, where Scott Conant talks about the opening of his new Italian Restaurant, Fusco. We also explored Main Street for where to shop for antiques and vintage treasures.
Great Neck Record Magazine chatted with one-time resident Helen Slater, better known as Supergirl, on how the role changed her life. Volunteering is at the forefront of two Great Neck fire departments, the same as it is for Dr. Andrew Jacono, a board certified plastic surgeon who takes his pro bono practices around the world to help children in need. The Great Neck Rotary Club updated us on their list of good deeds and we also explored the dozens of new eateries coming to the area. If you find yourself in Manhattan again, check our Donatella Arpaia’s new pizza restaurants, as she shared with us her Italian roots an why she loves Italy so much.
We love spending time on the North Shore, where there is so much history and beauty that can’t wait to be explored.
Anton Media Group's luxury Gold Coast magazines explore all there is to love about the North Shore. Our luxury magazines take center stage on the North Shore Long Island is known for many things: beautiful beaches, fresh seafood, its close proximity to Manhattan, and of course, the Gold Coast.
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thescoutgaymer · 5 months
- Seafarer (@seashell-on-the-sand)
Well, after this ask I won't be! :D
But yeah- I got cursed... AGAIN
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