#giant scouty
thescoutgaymer · 6 months
HELLOOOOOO I'm Scout (duh) 💪
I've seen some other blogs 'round here and decided to take part in it, no big deal
I'll probably reblog stuff most of the time, but I'm down to talk to fellow mercs and answer any asks 🙏
I ALSO DRAW! So I'll try to draw any asks if I can!!! But I've been busy with killin' and being awesome to draw much sadly
#sciut's reblogs - for my awesome reblogs 💪
#scout's posts - basic text posts :)
#scout's art - my art, obv
#scout's chats - me just chattin' with ppl on this site
#scout's asks - asks that I've answered
#scout's pics - stuff I take pictures of 👍 (includes selfies)
#scout's stuf - other posts that idk how to label
That's all for now! (P.s, in the tags are some other ones I use)
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the-lighthouse-lit · 1 year
Hey remember that crossover between Miraculous and Teen Titans?
Well here’s a sort if follow up to that; Hawkmoth decides to switch up his strategy somewhat. He’s made the realization that utilizing average citizens of Paris as potential targets for his akumas only limit the chances the akumatized individual has before the need to replenish his powers for the day. If he are going to bring a person to seize the miraculouses, he might need someone who has the combat experience, knowledge and will power that can actually be a legit challenge to teenage superheroes without eh need of an akuma.
He one day looks though archival footage of one particular person who has fought against the American based team known as the Titans to a stand still numerous times and not only survive but even eludes capture from them to the present day.
With one quick phone call across the dark web, Hawkmoth is able to meet with this one super criminal who also acts as a mercenary and has a simple offer; being him both Ladybug and Cat Noir directly to him alive and their miraculouses intact and he’ll be handsomely rewarded
This individual, a Mr. Slade Wilson, is intrigued…I’ll let you take it from here
(This would probably be better if I’d watched the movie where the rest of the world’s superheroes come in, but whatever! Here I go!)
OKAY so initially I was picturing cartoon Slade (competing with Hawkmoth in classic-villain serious-business hamminess) but then I thought, 80’s/90’s comics Deathstroke… with all his brutal pragmatism and the snark for days… how glorious would it be, thrown into the Miraculous world, experiencing the over the top campiness and having a lot to say about the genre conventions?
Like picture this guy
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If he has a lot to say about Gotham’s colorful villains and the boy-scouty Titans, picture him meeting the ML squad
And maybe you were thinking ‘Hawkmoth hires Slade for money’ but my immediate thought was ‘two big villains trade arch-enemies to take them all by surprise’ (Maybe Slade’s end of the deal was ‘take care of the Titans for me’)
Now for the first showdown!
So Ladybug and Chat Noir are targeted by an actual mercenary and they have no idea. They’d break his sword, guns, and whatever else he brought (which Slade is naturally delighted about) trying to find the akuma and keep coming up empty handed.
I fully see that Ladybug is out swinging a yo-yo and Slade's trying to shoot her.
It’s a tossup whose scheme would succeed when Slade ‘90% brain function usage’ Wilson meets Lady-‘crazy contrived Lucky Charm solutions that somehow work’-bug. Maybe Ladybug and Chat Noir win the first round from having the element of surprise.
Slade would get away un-deakumatized and Ladybug and Chat Noir would have to face the possibility there's a new supervillain in town.
I see Slade leaving the battle being glad he managed to destroy Chat Noir’s staff and being surprised and mildly impressed these kids don’t care the three of them managed to destroy the Eiffel Tower (of course) and two other national monuments in the fight… only to see LB regenerate everything via a cloud of pink confetti and go “…Really?”
Meanwhile, let’s say in San Francisco, Hawkmoth holds up his end of the deal and the Titans have to fight an onslaught of new transplanted supervillains (which are incredibly colorful and kind of cheesy-looking. This one guy's motif seems to be pigeons, that lady fights from atop an entire musical pirate ship, and that other guy’s just a giant snowman made of ice cream?), and fight them in measure of the power they seem to have, only for them to revert to civilians afterwards, and maybe the Titans are met with public scrutiny when the media makes it seem like they used undue power in regular people, and disoriented French tourists to boot?
Tossing this back to you*, how do both superhero parties find out what happened?
(*Also opening this up if anyone wants to join in!)
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askamykruber · 2 years
Hi Amy. Since it’s close to the holidays. What was the handeemens thoughts about their first thanksgiving and Christmas with you guys. I mean, I know there was a thanksgiving episode ( from your story) but I wonder what it was like for them to get to celebrate it for real.
(MrsW: awww thank you for the reference)
Oh, hi again Eclipse!
Hope you'll have a wonderful holiday, and thank you for the ask!
Well, of course that "Mortimer's Handeemen" had a lot of good and great holiday specials, but I am glad that you decided to ask us about our first big holidays as a Handee family.
Just to mention, the holidays were a key to grow closure with the puppets and acted as an encouragement to lower down their guns for once, if you know what I am saying.
Well, to my surprise, Owy wasn't exactly the person who had the best experience with holidays...considering his awful relationship with his parents, specially his dad. He did mention that he used to have a small gift exchange with his younger sister Priscilla before she moved to study law.
Then he spent the rest of his holidays alone until we met. I encouraged him to give it a try and get used to spendin' some quality time with the people who adores.
I'm giving this context since our first Thanksgiving and Christmas as a family was actually what he considered his real first holidays together.
Now, let's get to my favorite rascals!
For thanksgivin'
The concept of thanksgiving was a bit complicated to explain to the puppets. At first, they thought it was a whole day dedicated to just give thanks for everything for an entire day. Riley was the first to go into research and was kind enough to tell the others about the concept in a nice presentation.
That didn't stop Nick from makin' a "thankful" pun to her dismay
Daisy was the most eager to use my mama's recipe book as she offered to help me make the dinner to thanksgivin' while Owy stayed with the rest of the puppets decorating the table and telling them that this was also his first big dinner with a family on his own.
Mortimer was surprisingly in a good mood, and so was Riley as she eagerly talked with Rosco that if felt since havin' a sense of peace and belongin' like the old good times.
I'm afraid to know what she meant by that, but it was disheartenin'
Anyways, Scouty help me carry the food to the table and we had a nice turkey. We decided to break the ice by saying something that we're thankful for.
Apparently the sock puppets were glad not to eat rats for once....yikes
The automatons were glad to get to see a giant turkey to eat. They were charmed by the pictures Riley show them during the presentation.
Scout was thankful for the food.
Nick was thankful that he got to sit next to my Owy
Daisy was thankful for trying new recipes
Riley said she was thankful for researching more about the host world and, according to her, their "unnecessary but cute customs".
Mortimer muttered that he was thankful for making a peaceful deal with his father
I said that I was thankful for a bright new start for everyone, but my favorite thing that I heard from everyone was from my Owey-bear,
He just said that he was thankful for not being alone again.
Now, for Christmas.
Let me tell you that Owy and the puppets were as happy as little kids durin' the time to open their presents...for an exception to our dear puppet atheist Riley, who at first rolled her eyes and called it a "Consumerist host thingy"
Owey was eager about the idea of just being a kid again and enjoy the childhood he never had....let's say that he had to stay at home for 'bout to weeks due to catching a cold after playing with the snow (Phantom: I'll say he acted like Flint during the snowball fight lol)
Nick found a liking to Christmas carols and *sigh* Maria Carey's covers....
"We hid the CDs for the good of our eardrums. We could not bear any second of hearing the stupid "All I want from Christmas is you" for the 10th in a day"
Anyways, Daisy and the other puppets were exited to decorate the studio with Christmas decorations and *snorts* decided to make a puppet tree with puppet related things as decorations. Rosco was a great help.
Mortimer, he was rather quiet but I found out that he spent most of his free time watchin' or readin' "A Christmas Carol", he tended to rewind the tapes to Mr. Scrooge having a nice dinner with the Crachits.
Maybe he was thinkin' of Owy, who knows.
Now, our little Grinch-y Ruckus did get to like Christmas after Owy and I gave her some books by Dr. C.W Lewis, a friend and colleague of Dr. Tolkien.
She had to hide her excitement when she realized Daisy and Nick were smirkin' at her knowin' she was provin' her point.
She pretended to huff and said that "Perhaps this host thing you call Christmas is tolerable to an extent"
The next year she dressed Rosco as a reindeer, who I am sure the Christmas spirit got her as well.
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cryptid-killjoy · 2 years
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HC: Valerie’s Hallowed Autumn Favorite Season
Valerie is going to feel very thrown off this year. It’s the first year her whole family is not around to do the big family costume. As a matter of fact it starts to make her very depressed. When they moved here they waited till after just to do Halloween together. Christmas she could handle. Gifting was gifting. Feasting was feasting some meals. But this was her season. She watched as her son’s family did their own Feast of Orunmila together. This God of the season oddly enough has to do with leopards and she’d invite Tray over. That would perk up her spirits a little that they had a friend so close in kind what would honor this God’s attributes. But, it was hard for her to get so deep into her favorite season and deities that meant so much to her without the rest of her family. This was seriously the first time it hit her hard. 
It would start in September though. It always truly started on Marie’s birthday to them. The start of all the season’s festivities. 
September 10: Birthday of Marie Laveau
September 24: Feast of Obatala
September 29: Feast of Eleggua, also Initiation Day
September 30: Feast of Shango (Must serve some spicy foods on this day, and if you can drink but don’t get too drunk.  It’s also a good day for sparring, demos, and/or wrestling matches.)
She watched as the campers got all Avatar-ed up, her sister Brigitte looking all blue and somehow sexy. Flotsam was usually the lead in such a decision and everyone else followed. Brigitte did good. But it felt weird to participate from afar even if she went blue too. It wouldn’t feel the same without everyone around to wild on the town with like how they went rolling down the streets Mad Max style all apocalypse in a giant stampede. She felt small there in New Zealand. She loved her family, but this was the one holiday where it all came together. She started to tear up a lot in private, in the shower, things like that. 
So by the time October hit it all hit hard for her especially as it neared it’s end towards the day of the dead. 
October 4: Feast of Orunmila
October 24: Feast of Erinle
Halloween 31 🎃 🎃 🎃
November 1-2: Day of the Dead 
She watched Dale seem lost completely unable to choose for himself without family around out there in Peru. The Kuzpin family always had a way of doing their own thing even if they participated in theirs, and Dale wasn’t with his twin, he wasn’t with the kiwis. He was straight up lost all season saying his silent honoring prayers to whatever Gods he knew it was time for when the days would pass by all on his own without much celebration the whole month long. This broke her heart. She could tell he wanted to but simply didn’t know how without that guided hand he was used to. 
Scout had school parties and clubs with themed get togethers too, so there was plenty of Halloween themed this and that which Valerie got her spirits perked up for here and there when it came to Scouty. Those new type things she’d never done before had a way of helping. Scouty came up with something new and creative for each one too. Less invasive and dangerous as her Halloween with Tray but she was allowed to be herself for that night. No way Valerie was taking that away from her. Let’s just say there were lots of beards involved. Forest Gump. Noah’s ark. If there was a man with a beard somehow Scouty found it and became it. She was legend for that sort of thing and New Zealand would never be the same for it either. She kept it coming never losing steam. 
When it came to the Feast of Erinle one of her personal favorites where she gorges herself on Swedish Fish in his honor. The whole family usually does.  Patron of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and the transgendered a androgynous God Valerie’s quite fond of. She’s going to find her joy in really trying to educate Thomas this year on who all these Gods are and what each one is really about even though he’s not quite that guy. He married in and hope his interest stays keen. She gets all this weird dejavu doing this kind of sharing having been married before and attempted to share with someone, truly share what it all means to her, not just saying it like a history lesson becomes strangely triggery because they’ve tried it before and it went well over their heads. The way Thomas read novel after novel with them they seemed to pay attention and actually soak it in though. At least it seemed so and Valerie would lighten up again. Every time she felt a reason to feel crappy she’d get perked up again. That’s how the season would go and she’d start to realize she had no real reason to feel crappy after all. She just missed her family. 
She even painted Thomas up one day while he wore the necklace. She wanted to feel like Flotsam got to have a moment in the season too. It was his season damn it. She wanted to paint his face at least once. 
Valerie won’t be able to stop herself from working that belly for one night of her own face painting. She’s going to go with a half and half feeling the call of who she wants to be so stuck in the middle right now. Being the artist she is that’s going to come out expressed in costume with the baby popping out the bump ready to trick or treat now while she’s half human and part wolf, a little torn apart. She is so ready for this to happen. 
When it came to the big family costume it came down to her, Thomas, and Scout, just three, and this got her a little sad again. She thought about inviting GoGo in. Nothing felt quite right. She wanted her people. Then as she sat there pouting dipping some left over Swedish Fish into a jar of Nutella and rubbing her feet across all the fuzzy sled dogs under that kept bounding around on the floor it hit her. She looked over at the piano where Thomas happened to be playing just like Roger on 101 Dalmatians. She started laughing. That was it. Her family was right there to dress up. All of them. So she got up and dressed Willy, Wanker, Dug, and every new sled dogger still awaiting perfect namesakes as Dalmatians. She put them all in sweaters with spots. Spots, spots, everywhere spots. 
Then she found one of her pin up dresses that was long enough to go over her belly with a high waist that would be perfect for Anita. Valerie was a pin up version of Anita and she would beg Thomas to be her Roger. One might think Scout would want to be Cruella, but nope. She wanted to be the maid to make up the one big happy family. Dressing up all the dogs now that they had so many really helped cheer Valerie up and made Halloween feel like family Halloween. All was right with the world after all. 
It would be made even better by the time Zeke and Chess popped in to give them wishes and Caim and Jules and Death at some point too. She’d adore it all.  She really needed that wolf pack. They made everything just right, a big mess of chaotic family all dressed up silly just the way she liked it.  
In the very end Dale would actually take black and mark a spot around his eye and dab a few random spots on himself. He wouldn’t make ears or anything fancy. But Valerie would know when she saw him in the mirror it was him trying to be part of their pack even from far away. It would touch her heart so damn much. But, that’s all he ever really did costume-wise. A few black spots and wouldn’t explain himself to a soul. Maybe the Kuzpin’s would figure it out when they had their video chats with the kiwis though. They knew him like a book anyway. 
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cold-arrow · 2 years
Doc's notes, entry ??
new fifth book, part 1
Summary, Things of note since last entry: supplemental notes after losing my journal
our " assault " on Svalberg, the frost giant strongold could have gone better... there... were some losses * material ones i mean, not lives. but... yeah not sure how accurate the entry number is either. might as well change it back to one, since i had to buy a new notebook. this being the first page pretty much. I... lost all my notes along with my bag | Things started out relatively well. we decided to use the docks on the south eastern side of isle, and scale the iceberg from there. We were dropped of by captain Taska, who told us she'd be willing to wait a day for us, before setting sail again. Cant say i blame her, considering how dangerous these waters are. But Suprisingly we werent spotted when we approached the iceberg. it seemed that the frost giants, or other guards, were either other busy with or doing something else. the first time we tried scaling the iceberg it was without much succes. it being ice and all. so after a few minutes of trying to scurry up the side of the ice wall, most of us gave up. I instead handed Baras one of my levitation potions, and he was able to carry both me and Lym up, without much issue. Omrick on the other hand, beign the stubborn dwarf that he is, decided to brute force it, and scale the iceberg manually by himself. so we waited for a few minutes at the top until he eventually pulled himself up on the ledge. He might be the only one of us thats actually strong enough, and has enough stamina ( and stuborness ) to scale the ice like that, so i will have him credit for that.
| the outskirts of the giant buildings build into the iceberg where abandoned thankfully, though considering how precarious it is, i wonder how often people actually even come to the backside, if at all. The closest building turned out the be a giant shipyard, in which a ship of "suprisingly" giant size size, was almost halfway done in its construction. Some humanoids tents were set up here as well. it seems the giants are keeping workers here, chained, to help out with the construction or other grunt work. they seemed abandoned though, at first glance, so hopefully they're still alive. when we got to the otherside of the first building, we finally saw the extent and magnitude of the frost giant stronghold. The iceberg is almost akin to a frozen volcano, drifting on the see. the crater of which, being the lowest point, and serving as a harbour for all the giant ships. 3 of them were docked there, but there definitely was still enough room for plenty more. Even more buildings were build into the iceberg here as well. like the ones spotted on the outside, during our approach. And several figures could be spotted, populating both the ships and the frozen ledges serving as walkways. ( interestingly enough two of the giant ships were having a snowball fight. hurling boulders of both snow and ice at each other, instead of balls. cant say I would want to be hit by one of those) also worth noting, is that i spotted a cave on the other side of the iceberg. we'll be going to try and check it out. Tf, we can safely traverse the area... Will have to keep an eye out for more. before we docked the ship earlier, when we arrived at the docks outside, I decided treated everybody with a magical hydrophobic solution, just incase any of us were to fall into the frozen depths of the ocean. And it fortunately came in hand now, since it allowed us to traverse the waters in the center of the iceberg without too much issue. And thanks to Baras using up some of his magic to cast invisibility on the others, we were able to get across without being spotted. actually getting down to the surface of the water, and back up to frozen ledges, proved to be difficult though. Since the ice didnt provide much of a handhold or grip for us to hold onto and climb up with.
| Eventually we did reach the cave however, but after quickly scouting the interior of it by those with darkvision (and Lumos), it proved to be to much of a hassle and dangerous to investigate. Yeti's were occupying the other end of the cave feasting on the carcass of whatever they killed. Besides, there didnt seem to be any entrances leading further into the icerberg or other buildings in the cave, so we quickly moved on. the next building we checked out was a bit further down from the cave entrance, and we entered from the back. after unlocking the giant door with a bit of effort and upon entering, we discovered to building to be a barracks of sorts. atleast on the ground level. we carefully explored a few of the rooms, revealing hangmats and bedding and such for the giants. We trough the first hallway until we reached the end of the corrider. were we stumbled upon a small common room, ( small for giants) where a few frost giants were drinking and playing dice/cards. we managed to open the door we entered from, without alerting them. but upon trying to sneak past into next room, someone stumbled and fell. I nearly had an heart attack when one of the giants stood up and began looking around. we didnt get discoverd at first, but we unable to follow the giant back into the room after he finished searching around. and the both of us, me and Baras, were seperated from Lym and Omrick since they had entered the room first. it took a while for us to work / figure our approach and what to even do ( mostly because i was panicking. ) but the two of us eventually managed to open the door again, after some considerable time had passed, And finally joined Lym and Omrick into the room as well. Or so we thought. Omrick was still by the door, but Lym had gone of somewhere. And while trying to locate her, either Baras or Omrick or both, alerted the giants of our presence by making too much noise
| we survived the fight. and Baras polymoprhed one of them into a rabbit, but unbeknowst to me, the entire stronghold had been alerted to our presence. While Omrick had managed to deal with the first giant, and Baras with the other. The third one had gone upstairs, where Lym was, and sounded the alarm. I was too preoccupied with trying to safely deal with the rabbit / polymorphed giant to notice... And when all giants were gone, we simply set about exploring the building. That was until reinforcements arrived. No one had alerted me that the alarm had been sounded, and Baras had split up and gone upstairs to search the rooms for magic by himself. In doing so he dropped his concentration on the rabbit, who turned back into a giant. But, that wasnt the main issue. Whilst i was trying to look for the conch using the Rod of the Vonindod, reinforcements stormed the building from the back. A dozen of barbarians suddenly came charging towards us, joined by several Yeti's and giants. And without Baras besides us, I didnt really have the confidence in our odds to survive the fight. So I decided to flee / retreat.
I healed and guarded Lym the best i could, who'd already been hurt by a boulder thrown by one of the frost giants, and told her to teleport herself and Omrick away if things became too hairy. Omrick didnt agree with the idea, he was confident in his ability to fight them all off. by himself if he had to. And said i should join lym and bamf away. We argued for a few seconds. And as the giants came closer, I made the decision to put up a front and a brave face, and told them id be fine. That I had the best chance of escaping and running away with all the tools I have at my disposal. because if Omrick risked trying to fight them all of by himself, and got overwhelmed, I knew he wouldnt be able to escape. Even if his chances of fighting them Head on were decent. it'd be risk. And on the other hand, though I couldnt face any of the enemies alone, or by myself, I do have the best tools to escape. And saving our resources by escaping, seemed like the best strategy, since we hadnt even found the conch, nor encountered the Frost giant Lord yet. So I told them id be fine and began running. but I lied in the end, it seems. I didnt have enough time to run. They werent able to hold the yeti's of long enough, and the giant that reappeared in the other room, proved too much too handle. Once on of the yeti's caught unto my scent, even invisibility or flight, were not enough to escape the reach of the giants. So i fell and lost everything. | * ( It kind of feels as if I took the fall and blame, for a situation that wasnt really my fault. or my fault the least? But that doesnt mean im without fault or blame either. im still responsible for the choices and decisions I’ve made. but that doesnt mean it makes it feel any less. I guess It was just a combination of a lot of unfortunate circumstances in the end. )
They managed to recover my body though. Baras had to use up all his magic to do so, but they saved my pathetic ass. And Lym had to use most of hers to heal me and the others. I feel like shit though. Even after all the healing that Lym gave me, it doesnt help with the sort of pain i still feel And SHE Showed up, fighting over my unconscious corpse while Baras made / used the distraction to try and extract with me. If hadnt diagnosed myself with depression before, I sure as hell can do so now. or atleast add another layer or level of it to my growing list of things that or wrong with afflicting me, and any other conditions. While we were heading towards the final building, Lumos came to my rescue as well. I hadnt even wanted to consider what might have happened to him. but he managed to escape it seems. even managed to save my alchemy supplies as well, so I cant be alteast somewhat usefull for once perhaps.
The final building appeared to be a mess hall. A giant gathering place to meet and eat. the first floor was empty and didnt have much of interest to us. But on the second floor we finally found what we were looking for. In the building closest to the side of the iceberg we didnt decide to start from, in the end. However, besides the room not being empty of things that might interest us, it wasnt unguarded either. Standing guard besides a cluster of large scaly eggs... where 2 frost giants, and mage. the giants were a considerable threat, but not impossible to defeat. And the mage proved annoying, but almost a bigger coward then me. And thankfully, praise the heavens, the white dragon eggs didnt hatch. but, we werent really sure what to do about them either. after the giants were felled, we interrogated the mage, Nilraun. Who revealed that the frost giant lord was currently away on a hunting party, out on the seas. And thats about it as for usefull stuff he mentioned. ( maybe something about a stone cult as well? ) but his lack of information turned out to be intentional. while we were trying to threaten any and all information out of him, he had send out a message. Alerting the frost giants, the frost giants lord, and a group of manticore or our location.
when he suddenly jumped out of the window, and appeared a few second later on the back of manticore. And when the horns of the giant warship sounded as they arrived within the harbour. We knew that our time limited, and running out. Baras got to drawing a teleportation circle immediately, and as soon as possible. While we stood between him and the doorway, trying to defend and protect him the best we could. with what little magic and energy we had left. The giant lord stormed the throne room barely a minute later. the sheer force of him in stature and presence alone, enough to terrify Any who dare oppose him. we didnt stand much of a chance against him, exhausted as we were. nor would we be a match for any of the frost gaints the followed up behind him. I dont know how we managed it, but we managed to fend them of long enough for Baras to complete to circle. barely though, as we were all about to fall beneath the might of our blows. but we dragged ourselves, conscious or not, through the portal and made it out. * Thank you Illmater for helping is get through and survive another day.
| Omrick was still unconscious after we pulled ourselves through the portal. and the rest of us are currently resting, in one of the rooms within the mansion. Cant say, that our expedition was really succesfull to be honest. We managed to accomplish the bare minimum atleast and acquired the conch. But the giants still roam the seas, and the threat of their frost dragons are about to get a lot worse when the eggs hatch. Hopefully someone will take care of it, if we dont get to it. not sure what to say to Lady Silerhand though, next time we meet with her...
Summary, docked at the right side of the iceberg tried scaled ice, gave up, flight Baras carry, Omrick to stubborn shipyard, Water walk before hand. crossign the lake invisible, snowbal fight, yeti cave, Barracks, Shit started goign south we got spotted, the alarm was sounded, fought the giants inside, explored the barracks, led astray, lied to, baras lost split up ans lost con, didnt pay attention. got cornered by their forces, barbs, yeti's and more giants. teleported, tried to run, but they didnt buy me enough time, and the yeti's caught onto my scent and made escape impossible. Lost all my stuff, Baras had to use all his magic to safe me, al Lym hers to heal us. SHE showed up. Lumos saved my alchemy supplies, we checked to final building, the one we didnt end up choose to start first, mess hall. upstairs throne room. we got spotted Nilraun traiterous arrogant selfabsorbed failure of a mage. alerted the Gaint lord. escaped with manticores Baras teleport circle, giant lord trying to stop us, with more frostgiant forces. Varan the warlock attempting to come to our rescue We managed to teleport to safety
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dolfandillon · 3 years
Dolphins with Dillon - New York Giants and Atlanta Falcons Week 3 Scouti...
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thescoutgaymer · 5 months
you should like totally do a cannonball into the ocean while you have the chance
I feel like that'd be dangerous somehow but it's really temptin'... Hmmmmmm
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thescoutgaymer · 5 months
I'm inside now and I'm very cozy with ma blankets :))
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thescoutgaymer · 5 months
Hey Jerry! When you get back to normal, I made you a sweater!
- J
:0000 REALLY?
Well good news! I'm back ta normal :D
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thescoutgaymer · 5 months
Jar Jar binks
Thank you but I'm finally back ta normal :)))
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thescoutgaymer · 5 months
✸ • *. °
· ☀️ 🌎 ° 🌓 • .°•
🚀 ✯✯ ★ * ° °·
. • °★ •▁▂▃▄▅▆▇▇▆▅▄▃
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thescoutgaymer · 5 months
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thescoutgaymer · 5 months
Have you at least been able to crush the enemy team?
I've posted 'bout it before :))
It's basically how I was able ta help my team while still bein' tall, but uh, I accidentally squished a couple of ma own teammates in that process lol
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thescoutgaymer · 5 months
Youd have to get the world's biggest towel to dry off. Yowza.
Yeah :(
Sadly I don't think before I do things- half of tha time it works when fightin' but most of tha time I deal with tha consequences of my own actions :( not fun
I'm so cold and wet right now-
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thescoutgaymer · 5 months
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thescoutgaymer · 5 months
Wet cat 💀
LOL yeah Dx
This is me rn
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