#chat w/ gunner
thescoutgaymer · 6 months
HELLOOOOOO I'm Scout (duh) 💪
I've seen some other blogs 'round here and decided to take part in it, no big deal
I'll probably reblog stuff most of the time, but I'm down to talk to fellow mercs and answer any asks 🙏
I ALSO DRAW! So I'll try to draw any asks if I can!!! But I've been busy with killin' and being awesome to draw much sadly
#sciut's reblogs - for my awesome reblogs 💪
#scout's posts - basic text posts :)
#scout's art - my art, obv
#scout's chats - me just chattin' with ppl on this site
#scout's asks - asks that I've answered
#scout's pics - stuff I take pictures of 👍 (includes selfies)
#scout's stuf - other posts that idk how to label
That's all for now! (P.s, in the tags are some other ones I use)
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totaly-obsessed · 11 months
Could you write for alessia where the reader gets badly injured during a match and alessia completely over reacts during trying to protect and look after reader
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Alessia Russo x reader Drabble & Request
-> Reader gets injured, Alessia loses it, and turns into a nurse
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Derby’s were always different matches than the usual – feistier, more brutal. There was a real passion behind it. And this game was no different. Arsenal against Tottenham, the north London derby. The training sessions were even more intense than usual, and the speech Leah gave in the changing room was terrifying. While the blonde couldn’t play, still out with her ACL, she was still a Gunner through and through – so she sat at the sidelines, shouting words of encouragement.
Standing in the tunnel you could feel the tension, it made you nervous. While most loved derby days, you didn’t – they were scary. Your lovely girlfriend knew it, trying to get you to sleep until three in the morning, whispering calming words into your ears as she rubbed your back in a soothing motion. Now, standing behind you, she rested her bigger hands on your shoulders – weighing your nervous body down.
The crowd was electric while walking in and through the entire first half where Less had scored a gorgeous goal – the halftime speech mainly consisted of encouraging words to further the lead by a goal or two. Everything was going fine until Arsenal was given a corner kick.
Steph was the one to take it – and now the only thing you remember was hearing Katie shout out a ‘you bitch!’ as you went down. Your entire face hurt as a metallic taste filled your mouth. Dazed you sat on the ground as everything escalated around you.
The medics were talking at you, pressing a towel against your nose, and lighting a lamp in your eyes as your conciseness started to fade.
It felt like a dream when you woke up in the medical room, surrounded by your teammates, who were quietly chatting amongst themselves. “Amore! You’re awake!” Your girlfriend sat up next to you, taking your hands into hers. Your eyes were hazy, the brightness of the room needing you to hold a hand in front of them. It was Kim who turned the light off, sitting directly in front of the switch for it.
“What happened?” Alessia nearly cooed at your croaky voice, feeling sorry for you. After looking at her a bit closer, you noticed tear streaks on her cheeks. With shaky hands, you reached out to wipe the new tears away, as she gave you a tight smile. “You jumped for the header, but got pushed into the goalpost by a Tottenham player.”
And just like that, the pain in your nose returned – as you went to touch it, Less caught your hands, taking them into hers once again. “Still made the goal though. And Russo got a red.” Kyra laughed as she remembered how your goal went in, going to hug you, just to see you lying on the ground, with a bloody nose and absent eyes.
With shocked eyes, you looked at your girlfriend, who looked way sheepishly. “W- What? Alessia?” Other than expected, the girls started cheering  - quickly stopping when their striker's angry gaze met theirs. Katie patted her on the back like a proud older sister, who had gotten her sibling into trouble. “Russo here can get feisty. Some nice yelling at the Ref, pushing players – Slapping a bitch…”
You nearly thought that you had misheard the Irishwoman. “You slapped someone?” The blonde knew that she really was in trouble now – so did everybody else as they quietly laughed. “Amore – she pushed you! You were bleeding a-and I couldn’t help myself so I- I…” She gave up, seeing your raised brow.
The team girls stayed for a while as a doctor came and explained your bruised nose, chipped tooth, and very annoying concussion.
Seeing your pain and Alessia’s longing eyes Kim decided to gather the team and go home, leaving the blonde on your bed at your side before she took you to your joined home again. “I was so scared, Amore.” Now it was your turn to coo, kissing her puffy cheeks, tasting the saltiness of her tears on your lips. “I know baby. But you didn’t need to get a red. I appreciate your protecting me very much, but it wasn’t needed.”
Alessia spent the rest of the evening hovering. Helping you in the bath, helping wash your hair, helping you get out, making dinner, helping you change, and helping you get ready for bed. And as much as you tried not to say anything, it felt suffocating.
“Alessia?” You were lying in bed by now, while Alessia ran through the room, trying to think of things to make your night better. “Hmm?”
“If you wake me up in the night – I’ll kill you.” Your girlfriend gulped nervously, hoping that you were joking.
After two hours of restless sleep, Alessia was still awake, she woke you up again. “I’m sorry Amore, but I need to check, you know that.” You did know that. But you were still annoyed.
Throughout the night she was met with various harsh responses to being woken up – but she handled them like a champ, knowing that you loved her – you were just tired and in pain.
Alessia couldn’t help but hover for the next days, having taken off from training as well.
While it was annoying, you wouldn’t change it for the world, enjoying your time together even if you weren’t feeling so well. the striker would never regret that red card, content to have you by her side, nursing you back to full health.
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1whimsicalgal · 1 year
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👄 Pam, The O'riginal Chainsaw Gal 
Flower Child
March 1971 - when I was a free-spirited little hippie gal, all of 19. My boyfriend of 8 months, George Richard Wright Bush Jr., was taking my picture in front of the house he shared with Gunnar Hansen. It was on Avenue G in Central Austin, near the UT campus. Gunnar and I were sworn enemies. He was relentless in making sure I was left out while he and George went out to hunt chicks, drink beer, and smoke pot. George was quite easily encouraged in all three cases. After 13 months with philandering George, the incessant liar, I’d had my fill. I got out the back, Jack didn’t look in the rearview and happily lost track of both of them. George would try to talk to me on campus, but I was done. I’d taken the cure. Ah, love. Good riddance I said. I hoped.
This was two years and four months before Gunnar’s and my paths would cross again. It was on July 18, 1973, the first day on the set where we were beginning filming what would become the cult horror classic, "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre," 1974. The TCM cast, crew, producers, et all were gathered in Quick Hill, just outside Austin, Texas, at what would be called, “The Sawyer house”. It was located across a dirt road from what we came to think of as “the old Hardesty house”.
I was in for a big surprise that morning. Unbeknownst to either Gunnar, or myself, we'd both been cast in this little non-union (aka ’scab’) local horror film, "HEADCHEESE”, a working title. I was standing outside the Sawyer house on that muggy, hot Texas morning, chit-chatting with my acting colleagues, ‘Sally’, ‘Kirk’, ‘Jerry’, and ‘Franklin’ (you know them). We were getting to know one another. We were all dressed in our costumes, all our own clothes that they’d picked out from different outfits we’d brought from home for them to choose from, for us to wear in the film, a strictly low-budget affair. Nearby, parked in the yard of the Sawyer house, was the Vortex RV/trailer/office, a no frills, no AC job, where we were soon to sign our first contracts. Everyone was pretty excited and a bit lost.
Producer-writer, Kim Henkel, stuck his head out the open RV door and excitedly called over to me, “Hey, Teri!! Come over here! I want to introduce you to 'Leatherface!” OK, I’m ready. Kim seemed thrilled, proud as punch for us to meet. As I stepped inside, I made my way down the narrow aisle, walking toward a very large figure, a man with a head full of brown curly hair, who was sitting with his back to me. He took up one of the two banquette seats. Someone was seated across from him, but I can’t remember who. As I got even with him, I noted he was almost as tall sitting down as I was standing up. This guy was big. I was feeling an eery sense of deja vu. Kim said, “Leatherface, meet Pam!” Ta-da! He turned toward me and cocked his head to look at me, both of us prepared to say, “Hey, nice to meet ya!!” Instead, we both looked at one another in sheer horror. We each jerked back with our mouths wide open. Simultaneously, we both blurted out, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??!!!” They call them "excited utterances."
Well, we got through the moment, gathered our wits, quickly cooled our heels, and shared little with those around us. (Ai-yi-yi!! What have I gotten myself into? ) Toward the end of the day, on a break, we had coffee together. Turns out, George and Gunner had had a falling out. George had parted the G-Avenue house owing Gunner money, just as good ol’ George had also owed me money when we’d parted. Gunn and I buried the proverbial hatchet and the rest, my friends, is history.
Rest In Peace
Gunnar Hansen 1947-2015
George R.W. Bush Jr. 1945-2017
**Thanks to my friend Eric Goode for the cleanup and colorization on these 50-year-old B&W photos.
Teeny-Tiny Addendum - It would be grossly unfair to posterity not to list GRWB’s many good qualities. Gunn would want me to do that. Over the years, they managed to reconcile. In 2012 Gunn invited me to meet him at El Mercado in S Austin, to interview me for his book. At the end, he asked if I ever talked to George, and had a few choice tidbits to tell me… but that’s a whole other story!
GB and I moved back in together after he moved from Ave G, however he never told me why he left Ave G and Gunn, or even that they’d had a falling out. He could be sneaky! All I knew was that I didn’t have to ever see my sworn mortal enemy, Gunnar Dang Hansen, ever again! Pretty sure GB moved out at the end of the spring semester of ’71, (after that picture above taken of me at their house). Then, we moved back in together (again!) to a cool house in Tarrytown in Austin.
GRWB was exceptionally charming, imaginative, smart, witty, spontaneous, creative, LOVED good music, laughing, good fabric, cashmere sweaters, had style, panach, exquisite taste, was thoughtful, kind, crazy/wild, very sweet, positive, complimentary, expert at apologizing, remorseful, loving, adventurous, and a true dreamer. We had tremendous chemistry and loads and loads of fun times together. We went everywhere together, went to Willie’s first picnic together in ’71. I believe we broke up 13 times in 12 months, usually getting back together within 48 hours. Incredibly talented, and, he had an absolute genius for finding new places for us to live.(~_*).
Thanks for reading.
Sending love to all. Posted on Pam's FB page: Saturday, 6 PM, January 22, 2022. Fair to Midland, partly cloudy, clear skies ahead.
#thecircuitousrouteissometimesbest  #lifeislong 

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meme-spren · 4 years
Hello everyone I've barely dipped a toe into the dark and mysterious waters of mechs fandom but I've already inflicted pictures on the discord to see what the squad thinks they do
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[Image of Drumbot Brian, seated, looking off to the side]
S: Criminal S: I'm gonna guess morally repugnant P: Well it's a pirate band so that stands to reason S: One bad bad man P: I think this guy would be the captain because who else would wear a full suit and a rose on his hat O: Not captain, I'd think. Captain is for a lead person and drummer is not. O: I wanna say... the one that fires the cannons? P: Probably bard vibes S: It's a band P S: I bet they all have bard vibes R: He looks horny R: He looks like he flirts with everything that moves, that is
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[Image of Nastya Rasputina playing her violin]
S: Assassin S: Was assigned to kill one of the band members and just S: Is REALLY into the cover story S: Maybe turned on the people who hired her? S: Maybe about to kill the dude? S: Who knows S: Not even she does
J: Geddy lee from rush realizes she's trans, switches from bass to violin haha classic rock jokes that everyone else here definitely understands
R: Bad luck on a ship is her deal M: I'm gonna tell you this because I hope it'll just raise more questions: she's romantically involved with the ship R: PILOT R: SHIP FUCKER PILOT R: Or engineer S: Yeah I'll still go with my idea
P: I will second pilot P: Also despite being romantically involve with the ship she's somehow the proverbial straight man of the group M: Love how you've drawn the conclusion that everyone else is ridiculous just from these two pictures and the fact that I'm the one presenting them to you
O: Uh, clearly Fiddle here is the Necromancer
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[Image of Raphaella La Cognizi singing into a microphone, two other indistinct figures behind her]
J: dlc fenyx dionysus-themed armor and wing skin
O: Hmm, alright so, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say... she's the singer :V M: Why do you assume there's one(1) singer M: (also like: ah yes, the pirate job of... The Singer) O: If One Piece has taught me anything, then yes :V
P: I'm gonna say she's the lookout, because having wings is very handy for getting to or leaving the crow's nest P: She's also the best fighter of the group P: Maybe also the treasurer? or w/e the pirate equivalent is P: Which is why she has fancy velvety clothes with gold decoration P: Actually no scratch that P: Its because her backstory is she ran away from her rich parents
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[Image of Ashes O’Reilly playing their bass]
O: Captain, obviously S: Yeah, with that hat
P: Gunner P: Because cigar
R: Lesbian S: If anyone in this crew is cishet I'll bake an edible hat and eat it
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[Image of Gunpowder Tim, dimly lit, playing his guitar. His hand is motion blurred and his guitar is dramatically angled toward the viewer]
J: the token bastard warforged S: he has goggles he must be the engineer
M: His last name is Tim J: First name Tiny
O: Goggles on hat are aesthetic. Goggles on forehead means madlad. Either Engineer or something something chemistry, alchemy, whatever. Something that can explode.
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[Image of Ivy Alexandria, holding a book in one hand and her flute in the other.]
P: I'm gonna say tough love mom friend P: Probably the smartest one because book P: Maybe the cartographer?
O: I'm gonna say she is smart, but NOT the "meek scholar" type. More like, brains and brawn. People that know how smart she is are surprised by how strong and brutal she can be, those that only have seen her fight are surprised that she is so intelligent
S: She's the quartermaster
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[Image of Jonny D’ville, with a hand on his holstered gun]
R: Home of sexual S: Your fav S: He's got a scar and some weird tech on his chest S: I'm guessing he's another fighty boi S: Gunslinger extrordinaire xP P: Trigger happy loose cannon trash boy P: Commonly drunk P: Causes at least half the crew's problems S: Reminds me of [Spades] Slick R: Wait no R: Omnisexual R: Crew omnisexual
O: Stowaway who snuck aboard
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[Image of Marius Von Raum, squatting and holding his little claw thing.]
J: Gremlin J: In the sense of gremlins in the works J: Ship gremlin
P: He gambles P: that's his entire job I think he'd also be like, a spymaster of sorts? P: Knows how to get into places or how to chat up the right people to get that juicy gossip
O: That weird head thing makes me think of a doctor, so, I'm gonna say he's the ship doc P: Counter-point: the doctor really should not be carrying live ammunition around O: Counter-Counterpoint 1: Should not? Sure. Doesn't mean wouldn't Counter-Counterpoint 2: Also, Pirates R: Counter counterpoint 3: gunpowder can be used in emergencies to cauterize a wound :mspa:
S: Oh he's definitely a sharpshooter S: That monocle thing looks like a fantasy rangefinder S: Smug bastard energies S: Like S: 17 rogue/2 bard energy
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[Image of the Toy Soldier, saluting cheerfully]
S: Conductor? S: Waiter? S: Avatar of the ship? O: Season One antagonist who used to hunt the crew but got defeated and disgraced and joined them to take revenge on its original boss S: If u combine that with my idea of it being the avatar of the ship then that makes for one hell of a TV show P: It does have an aura of not-pirateness about it P: I'm gonna say this is a recurring "antagonist" and is in fact still hunting the crew, except it kind of sucks at its job and is basically no match for these pirates But it keeps up a chipper attitude regardless
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korra-the-red-lion · 3 years
Unnatural Affairs. Chapter 3: Rookie Hazing?
My breathing fell into my familiar breathing pattern as I jogged through the town. The early morning sun was peeking through the clouds, trying to be seen. My music was blasting through my earbuds as I turned to go through the walking trail this morning.
Today was the first day of actual classes and practices. Me and a few of the others already have been to the pool a bunch this week, but this is when shit got real. After the disappointing loss to Turner University at last year’s AUS, Coach Jacob and team really wanted to get the title this year. It was one thing to lose, it was another thing all together to lose by 1 fucking point. Ugh, even just thinking about it pissed me off. Turner is a good school, don’t get me wrong. But man, we worked our assess off last year.
I passed by an older couple going out for their usual morning walk. I waved to them as I always do, earning a smile in return. I liked the coziness of this small town. Being able to see the same people every morning doing their routine as I did was relaxing and brought a sense of calm to my otherwise chaotic life.
I sprinted the final couple of kilometers home, slowing down as I approached the track around the football field. Loryn, Maddie, and Andrew where already there, chatting as they stretched for their early morning workout.
Loryn smiled when she saw me coming and tossed me my water bottle. I pulled out my music and took a huge swig from it. “Thanks, I really needed that,” I said. I lifted the end of my shirt and wiped the sweat and water off my face.
“No problem-o,” she responded. “How was your run?”
“Same as usual,” I said as I take another drink.
Andrew walked over and gave me a huge hug. “Ready for the season, Lyn?”
I nodded into his shoulder, holding onto his shirt. Andrew was the captain of the Men’s team, and he was like an older brother to me. This was his last year on the team, and I really wanted to win the championship for him and the other 4th years. They put so much into this program, and just one win would be an awesome reward for them.
“Please don’t cry, or I might start too,” he mumbled.
“Not crying,” I pulled away, grinning at him. “I’m just thinking of how lame the team’s gonna be once you finally retire from it. Are they gonna make Will the captain next year, because like, yeesh.”
This earned a laugh from Andrew. “Well, I frigging hope not. Y’all better vote for Oliver, or Thom. If Will gets the captain position next year, you’re all doomed.”
“Fuck me with a rusty screw if Will gets it,” said Maddie bitterly. “The only thing bigger than his ego is his Hummer. I swear, I will never get over his parents airlifting that thing across the fucking country.”
It’s not like we hated Will or anything, he just was a huge pain in the ass. Both his parents are doctors, and he makes a point of letting you know how much money he has. During his first year here, apparently, his parents had his Hummer helicoptered across the country so he could have it here. Not sure why he didn’t drive the damned thing instead, but the rich do very extreme and extravagant things to prove their wealth. Maddie is a 3rd year like Will, so she’s been putting up with his Will-ness longer than Loryn or I.
We did our usual morning workout routine, just to get used to the rhythm again. Medicine ball tosses to each other with an added squat. After that, 2 sets of 20 jackknifes, 2 sets of 25 crunches, and 2 sets of 1 minute plank. We did our wheelbarrow run across the football field, giggling like fools as we did. Andrew and Maddie beat me and Loryn by a fingertip. Loryn jokingly apologized for being too short, a running joke on the team.
After that, we headed to food hall. Loryn liked to make fun of me for calling it that, since it was technically called meal hall, but that’s where I get all my food, not just meals. Hence, food hall. Still, she immediately started teasing me as we got near it.
The hall was abuzz with all the new frosh and returning students talking about their classes. It was nice to see this place so lively after being essentially dead for the week. I could already hear people talking about going to First Class Bash, the big first party of the year. I never really went to those often, parties that is, since the team had a drinking ban in place as soon as the season started. Maybe if some of the guys on the team wanted to go I would, but I was just as happy to stay in with the goofballs and have our own get together.
Oh shit, speaking of. The rookie party was this weekend, actually. It almost slipped my mind. Today was their official first day. It may sound weird, but Coach Jacob liked having them come for their own practice to get used to each other and the facilities first. That way, if they don’t feel like sticking around, there’s none of that awkward shame of seeing your ex-teammates on campus. Not that anyone actually gave a shit.
I sat down next to Matt and Kerry, two members of the team. They were nearly identical twins, but with different body builds since they swam different strokes. Matt was bulkier in his shoulders and trunk cuz he swam butterfly like I did, while Kerry was leaner but a bit bowlegged from swimming breaststroke for so many years. Kerry was letting her hair grow out after shaving it last year, and it was tied up in this stupidly adorable tiny ponytail, while Matt had shaved his hair into practical buzzcut. Kerry leaned over once I was settled and pointed.
“Did you see?”
“Did I see what?” I asked as I shoved the whole fried egg into my mouth.
“Derek is sitting with Poppy.”
I rolled my eyes. Derek Freeman was one of my exes from last year. Lyn from first year got a little crazy when it came to dating, and I ended up going through 6 different people before finally calling it quits. Derek was one of them, but he was by far the worse. He got super possessive and couldn’t understand why I dumped his creepy ass. He always knew my schedule and followed me everywhere. He would wait for me outside the pool and walk back to my res with me, which would have been super sweet if he didn’t ask to come inside every single time. Even after we broke up, he still followed me places. Eventually he got the message once I started dating Willa Hoffman, but man was he annoying.
Then there was Poppy. There was nothing wrong with her, per se. We just were partners on a project last year and she nearly cost me getting an A+ in Intro to Sociology, much to my annoyance. I cared a lot, maybe a little bit too much, about my grades. So, yeah, there’s nothing that really pisses me off more when you get stuck with a shit partner for a project.
“Honestly, Ker, I don’t care,” I said. “Hell, they deserve each other IMO.”
Kerry shrugged as she got back into her seat properly, finally letting Matt get back to eating. We ate in comfortable silence before Matt spoke up.
“Gunner is on probation.”
I dropped my fork in confusion. Even Kerry looked confused. “What do you mean, Matt?” I asked, leaning against the table as I did, locking eyes with him.
He sighed and ran a hand over his head. “Okay, don’t tell anyone because I’m not supposed to know, but Gunner was caught doing drugs this summer. Like, coke. Anyway, Jacob heard about it and helped him through rehab and stuff, but the dean put him on probation until his grades and attitude prove that he actually got clean.”
“Shiiiiiiit,” I pushed my tray away. Leo Gunner was the best sprinter on the team, leading the Men’s team to having great scores in the relay last year. If he wasn’t allowed to swim this season, we might be in serious trouble. There was no one as fast as him. The next best would be Parker, and even then, he wasn’t near Gunner’s level.
“Oh, that’s awful,” said Kerry, putting her hand over her mouth.
Matt nodded. “Yeah, it’s shit for sure. I talked to him this morning and apparently, he’s allowed to practice, but he might not be allowed to sign up for the meets. I think Jacob might bring it up to Andrew and Emma today, but he might not let the rest of the team know just yet.”
The information sat heavy in my stomach. I walked all the way to my class with my mind racing, wondering if there was any way we could fight this decision. All conclusions came to a resounding no. The university was pretty strict about athletes using illegal substances. They only thing that probably saved his ass was that it happened this summer.
I took my usual spot near the front, waiting for the rest of the students to fill in. This was a second-year history course, and I really wanted to be psyched for it, considering history was my favourite subject, but it was hard when I was worrying about things out of my control.
“Mind if I sit?”
I looked over and nearly groaned when I saw it was Will. I nodded, but he was already taking the seat anyway. I hated sitting next to Will, he just sat on Instagram the whole time, or TikTok. Fuck my life right now.
He reached over and tugged on my ear. “Why the long face, Lyn?”
I batted his hand away. He knew I was self-conscious of how big my ears were, and he liked to pick at that at any opportunity. “No long face here, Will.” I forced a grin onto my face before turning my attention back to my desk.
“Whatever you say.”
Ugh, def getting a new seat on Thursday. I can’t deal sitting next to him and dealing with his antics at practice too. There was only so much abuse one gal could take for the day.
Thank God it was Friday!
I managed my schedule perfectly, so I had no classes on Friday. It made the other days more miserable for sure, but having a three-day weekend every week? Exactly what I needed to stay on top of things this year. Just practice in the afternoon, and I was free to enjoy myself. The rookie party was tomorrow, and they were a good batch. Loryn’s younger sister Robin joined the team this year, which was super exciting for her.
I got to enjoy breakfast without having to rush it, plus no homework was assigned this week. Today was a nice one, and I was looking forward to just being able to chill and enjoy it. As I left, I happened to notice that Ally was leaving the food hall. Grinning, I raced over to where she was.
“Hey, Ally!” I fell into step beside her.
“Lyn!” Ally looked up at me, a smile breaking out. She had her hair in this half up pinned style, it looked really good on her. Also, she was wearing different glasses today. She usually wore some rectangle ones, but these ones were like a half moon shape.
“How’s your first week, frosh?” I asked.
“Well, after the disaster that was the bookstore incident…” she looked down, thinking about something before shaking her head. “It’s been lovely. I think once I get into a nice routine, I won’t feel as anxious.”
I was curious about the whole bookstore thing, but I respected that she clearly wasn’t ready to talk about it openly with me. Fair enough, we only just met last week, and I barely have seen her since.
“Hey, well, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself so far! Is it cool if I walk with you until your next class? I’m free.”
“Oh,” she smiled shyly at me, “that would be really nice, actually.”
I smiled back. We chatted about her classes all the way to Bennet, where her class was. I leaned against the wall as she finished explaining something about her drama class. That was a class I took in first year, but it sounds like she has Professor Kinkly, whereas I had Professor Statton. Kinkly was more by the book, Statton was know as the campus kook. I had a feeling Ally was gonna like Kinkly more.
“I guess I should head in, huh?”
“I guess you should. But hey,” I said, “we should totally hang this weekend, you know? Whatcha doing tomorrow?”
Ally looked contemplative before shaking her head. “Nothing, I think.”
“Perfect! Let’s grab a bite to eat, and you can finish telling me all about your week.”
“O-okay, sounds great!”
Ally wished me a goodbye and dashed inside, as to not be late for class. I watched her go before snorting under my breath. I liked her, she was smart and funny. It would be nice to have someone as a friend outside the team. Guess it was just my lucky day when she approached that table I forced Loryn to help me set up.  
Feeling great, I practically skipped all the way back to my res.
The smell of chlorine was something that was never going to get old. It calmed me when nothing else could. I know that sounds a little dramatic, but the pool is my second home. Didn’t matter how I felt at home or school or whatever, I could come to a pool and swim those thoughts and troubles away.
We finished with our pre-practice routines, and I jumped into the pool, shivering a little as the cold water enveloped my body. Right away everything felt amazing. Reach, pull, reach, pull. The easy lazy rhythm of the warmup let my thoughts drift away. It was nearing the end of the warmup when I caught Andrew’s eye underwater during my turn, and we ended up racing our last 25 meters. He beat me and we high fived as I hung onto the lane rope.
Coach Jacob laughed as the others finished their warmups. He was a retired swimmer himself and did things to keep himself in shape. He had one of those kind faces that really made you feel welcomed. Sure, he could be a hard ass, but he just really wanted win, like we all did.
He read practice off the board for us, and we did as was instructed. In in a blink of an eye, practice was over, and we were all hauling our asses out of the pool. Practice wasn’t too hard today, but since it’s been a while since any of us had structure like that, we all felt the ache of the week catching up with us finally.
“Okay, gather ‘round!” Coach Jacob called out. We all headed towards the bench and took seats. Loryn sat next to me and we cuddled, trying to not freeze as we listened to what he had to say.
“So, this is the last year for some of us,” he indicated the 4th years with a nod, “and a new beginning for others,” a nod to the 1st years. “However, the goal is the same. We wanna be number one at AUS’s this year. We wanna send people to CIS’s this year. We wanna kick Turner’s stupid butt all over the pool deck. We start morning practice next week, 5:30 sharp, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Gym time is 6:00 on Tuesday and Thursday. We have our usual afternoon practice at 4:30 every day. If you can’t make practice, the reason better be fucking good. Rookies, never be afraid to ask questions. These guys are your family while you’re here, and like family, sometimes we don’t always get along. But try your best to stay pleasant with the others. Lastly, welcome to the Mount Seamus Wolves!” he finished with a huge grin. We clapped and headed into the locker rooms, where a hot shower was calling my name.
“Man, I am looking forward to the weekend!” Loryn said with a huge stretch as we grabbed our shampoo and conditioner.
“Me too,” I said with a grin. “I already made plans.”
“Oh my God, shut up! Who with?”
“That cute frosh from last week.”
Loryn scrunched up her face in thought. “Gabriel or the brunette you showed around?”
I laughed, hitting her playfully with my towel. “Dude, you’re the only one who thinks Gabe is cute, you know?”
“Not true! I know Jackie does too!”
“Damn right I do!” Jackie said, walking by us with a laugh.
We all laughed as we turned the water on. It felt great to take a hot shower after practice. We were gossiping about people on campus when I noticed something strange.
“Emma, are you okay?”
Emma, the captain for the Women’s team, looked over. “Huh, why you ask?”
I blinked. “Because you’re covered in…blood?”
She looked up and shrieked. Sure enough, something red and gooey was coming from the shower head. Actually, it was coming from all the showers! We all screamed and ran out, not even bothering to turn them off.
“What the actual fuck?” Emma was shaking with either anger or fear, wasn’t sure which it was. “Did someone think it would be funny to prank the rookies or something?” She whipped around to glare at all of us.
When no one fessed up, she growled in annoyance. “Okay, maybe one of the guys thought it would funny? Whoever did this, it’s seriously fucked up. Getting sprayed with fake blood is not how I wanted to end my Friday night!”
“Uh, not to be that person, Emma,” I said hesitantly, “but if it was fake blood…wouldn’t it have stopped by now?” I pointed over to the running showers, where a steady stream of red was still coming out.
Emma’s face paled. She looked at her hands, where the blood was and sniffed it. “Oh my God…it smells like copper.”
That’s when Jackie threw up all over the floor and Kerry burst into tears.
I was in my room, curled up under all the blankets I could possibly be curled under. We texted the boys after, to see if something similar happened to them. When Andrew and Matt both responded no, we got even more freaked out. We ended up calling campus security for them to see if there was something they could do about it. They said they would look into and escorted us back to our residences. I took such a scalding hot shower that I was still pink from it, but I still didn’t feel clean.
The group chat was blowing up with questions. The poor rookies were understandably upset. They thought someone was trying to haze them, but that wasn’t the case at all. Hazing wasn’t something we did anymore. They didn’t do it in my first year, and Emma said that her class was the last one that got hazed.
I didn’t have the energy to be dealing with this, so I muted the chat for the time being. Nura was sitting on her bed, her eyes on her computer screen but I could see her looking at me from time to time. I mean, I would be too. If Nura came back and told me that she just ended up taking a blood shower, I would be fucking concerned too.
I rolled over and tugged at my ear. It was habit of mine when I was anxious about something, and I was definitely anxious about this. If it turned out to be a stupid prank from one of the other teams, that would be one thing. But if it wasn’t…then what did it mean?
I had this crazy thought, pulling my phone up to my face. I wanted to see if it happened any time else. I did a quick Google search, and found out that this wasn’t the first time that something like this happened at this school. It was in 1968, and in 1995, and again in 2007. Okay, that was interesting.
Okay, so unless someone was dumping bodies into a water reservoir that only affected the women’s locker room, something freaky was going on. I’m not that big into that spiritual mumbo jumbo, but I’m not going to deny that this was more than a coincidence. However, it was history, something I specialized in. If I could trace back and see if there were any more connections, maybe I can establish a pattern.
That was a problem for Lyn of tomorrow, however. I was thoroughly exhausted after tonight’s events. I bookmarked the page on my phone, just so I wouldn’t forget. I was going to need my laptop for this.
I just hoped I could find something that can explain what the hell happened.
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bardic-inspo · 4 years
Heyyy, hope these ones haven’t been done already (4am brain is not retaining information!) but how’s about N, R & W for the fanfic writers asks? 💜
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
Ahh I shared a few for the OT3 in another post. I have a lot of ideas for them because it’s all happy/recovery post-Institute times. Which seems...attractive considering the plot of the main game, haha.
BUT, I also have a how-they-get-together maybe multi-chapter thing in mind for the OT3 that’s inevitably...a little angsty. Maybe a little hint is: Deacon has a flight instinct kick in. Nat has some abandonment issues. Mac refuses to play intermediary, but is not pleased with either of those extreme reactions and tries to ease them out of the knee-jerk sort of thing that unfolds.
You and I had chatted about what might occur when Nat goes to Far Harbor. I don’t think I’d do a fic of the whole Far Harbor plot. But that whole “Did you ever think you might be a synth” line from DiMA and his manipulation of others (and Nick!) really messes with Nat. And I think Mac (and Deacon!) would have some angry feelings about that.
For the longfic, I’m particularly excited to explore how I’ve reimagined familiar things. The Gunners, Med-Tec, the Courser fight. The aftermath of those events, too.
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
After I read A Line In The Sand by @electricshoebox (sorry to bother you with two tags in a short period of time!!) I straight up changed to writing in present tense. I used to only write in past tense. The shift happened in the middle of a smut scene and let me tell you, it changed things. I felt like I was in a rut with my writing, and that was the thing I needed to change. It breathed new life into the story.
Outside of fic writers, Neil Gaiman has been a life-long favorite of mine. Stephen King here and there. I like to dip my toes in psychological horror. I think (maybe unfortunately) that will bleed through into Bring the Gasoline. I can’t really see the Institute (or Father) in any other way, honestly.
W: What is your favorite pairing to write?  Favorite pairing to read?
Oh gosh. This changes with the moment for me, usually. But writing rather than reading fic has changed that script a bit. I’ve managed to stay super hooked on MacCready x SoSu for the past year or so. They’re probably my favorite to write. I really like to read fics involving Deacon ships because, for the longest time, I was too intimidated to write him myself, but I find him really fascinating. Starting to overcome that stage fright, thought :)
Thank you for the ask, friend <3
Fanfic Writer Asks
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teddylawrence · 6 years
i’ve been here since the dawn of time n i still haven’t gotten to this /: fcking.............. yeets this at u all at mach speed
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AGE: 21
PRONOUNS: she/her
YOUR CHARACTER’S FC: harry styles (teddy lawrence), logan shroyer (gunner paxton)
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER?: klaus hargreeves, theo crain, titus andromedon, alex karev, michael scott
WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE?: probs hereditary rn idk it was tangled for years i’m bad w favourites /:
FAVORITE TV SHOW?: the umbrella academy, shameless, rupaul’s drag race
FAVORITE VIDEO GAME?: ?? fuckin tetris ig idk my mom didn’t let me play video games growing up......... mario kart?? or fcking wii sports ig LKSHDGOIHSDG
FAVORITE BOOK?: eleanor & park by rainbow rowell
FAVORITE MUSICIAN/BAND?: the 1975, troye sivan, 5 seconds of summer, harry styles, halsey, greta van fleet, billie eilish, hozier, im rly bad at picking faves as u can tell
MBTI: istp-a
ANY OTHER THINGS YOU’D LIKE TO LINK?: HERE’s my personal tumblr, and HERE’s my pinterest, if u followed me message me with ur personal stuff n i’ll follow back!!
ARE YOU OKAY WITH MEMBERS MESSAGING YOU TO CHAT PLOTS & THE ROLEPLAY?: yes!! ofc i love Friendship :B i’m rly bad at answering IM’s cause that’s just How I Be but if u message me a lot (((do it it won’t annoy me))) i promise i’ll remember lawl
ANYTHING ELSE?: is this a threat
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deptesting577 · 2 years
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We showed you guys all of the funny endings for the game murder. Hope you enjoy!. Sep 16, 2021 · Method 1Playing Standard Murder. 1. Pick someone who will not be playing. If no one volunteers, try playing rock, paper, scissors or drawing straws. Then you can take turns with who sits out if you play multiple games. This person will either control the light switch of the room or hold a flashlight. They can pause the game at any time, and ask. Murder is a small video game about becoming the next King by sneakily removing the current ruler stab-a-roo-style. The game, disguised as a lighthearted and slapstick-fueled one-button-gimmick, subtly unfolds its core as an experimental contemplation about power, trust and mistrust and the infinite loop of greed and need as the player engages deeper in the daring loop of assassinations.
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6,041. ratings. 8.9. MURDER is a fun game of assassination. You wish to assassinate the king and take his place to rule over the kingdom. To start with, you must creep up behind the king and choose the opportune moment to strike and kill him. Once he is dispatched, you must quickly take his clothes and become the king yourself!..
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michiganandback · 6 years
We were proceeding up the coast and started to go to one of the points off the coast and GPS took us to the entrance to La Farge Quarry. There was a sign telling us to turn around because it’s private property. We did and ended up at another point which had a lighthouse on Presque Isle, which we were told means almost an island in French. As you may have guessed, it's really a peninsula. We drove past the lighthouse to the water where they had a picnic area to have lunch.  A very peaceful place and there was a beautifully carved and engraved granite bench in memory of a man who obviously loved that point. We decided to go back and take a look at the Lighthouse Museum which was free. There was a curator there who goes through a part of the history and then we explored on our own. After Owen finished his introduction, we asked where he was from. He said North Carolina and I said me too, where in North Carolina? He said near Winston-Salem and that piqued both our interests. I asked him to be more specific and I think he was getting irritated but he said Clemmons. I said we were there two weeks ago because our friend lives near Clemmonsville Road in Winston-Salem. It turns out he's been vacationing up here for 20 some years and now spends his summer up here doing docent work at the Lighthouse. The lighthouse was nice and we climbed up this one just to say we have been in a lighthouse.   Today was a long day of mostly driving. We ended up in Mackinaw City for the night. In the morning we went to a 1800s reenactment settlement in downtown. That was very interesting. Everything there was authentic, with birch bark canoes, the dress of the people including some Indian outfits and ladies spinning yarn, etcetera. Pictures will give a more complete story. About mid-morning it was time to cross the famous Mackinac Bridge. It’s a toll bridge and only cost $10 for a two axle RV. We found out that whether the word ends or C it's pronounced as a w because that's the way the Native Americans pronounced it. Now we all know. We just drove north headed toward a town called Brimley which had one of the three National Scenic roads in Michigan. On the way there we stop for “Provisions” in an out of the way place off Interstate 75. While we're walking to the store a man came up to me and said is that your rig. I said yes and offered to show it to him while Elizabeth did some shopping. As we're walking there I found out Tom was retired Navy and was suffering from agent-orange poisoning from at least two tours in Vietnam. But the interesting fact was, while we were in the van and we talked about him being a navigator on gunships in Vietnam he said something in German which means what goes up must come down which I translated that he had crashed at least once. That started a whole new conversation. His father was an officer in the Luftwaffe during the war and was granted permission to come to America where he was interned near Detroit while they investigated is fitness for staying in America. He grew up speaking German, but was told not to speak German when he started school. We went back to the grocery store and had another long conversation where he explained to us about his service in Vietnam and some of the things he did which were pretty hairy. He was there when the Tet offensive started and flew in a gunship that went up to Hue to help attack the 25000 NVA. They got to the city we're taking fire from artillery and a pilot had Tom take over the navigation to set up the rockets. They fired all the rockets and knocked out most of the artillery. then took the gunship down between the buildings with about 5 feet to spare with both door gunners firing their 7.62s, they flew down the street lighting up the buildings on each side at NVA  who were hiding in. We could have talked for hours but we only talked for about 30 minutes longer than we started to. One of the men who lived in his town and I think was a relative was in the group that got attacked in Afghanistan by 300 Taliban from that group that got attacked back in 2009  He didn’t survive. Very interesting.   Aug 3   We took the road from Brimley around to Whitefish Bay through Paradise to Whitefish Point. On the way we stopped at a state park look for a campsite. When we got to entrance to the park, the sign said they were full. We asked if there were any other campgrounds around they said no. One girl looked another and said we do have one spot and we can let you have for tonight if you're only staying one night. We said is it near the bathhouse? She said not very far. It's our handicap site that we hold open till the end of the day but you can have it. I don't even remember what we paid because she didn't give me a receipt. We had the only large paved level parking space but you can almost spit to the bathroom.  We learned now how to get the last spot in a Michigan State Park and the end of the day. It was a great spot and it rained during the evening so we just chilled out and got ready to drive up to Whitefish Point, the end of the national Scenic Highway. We went to see some falls but they weren't quite as spectacular as some Falls we've seen, but they lower falls were two levels and the minerals in the water make it look like they're rusty. At Whitefish Point, we saw the maritime Shipwreck Museum included four buildings incorporating the old Coast Guard Station there. The exhibit was very moving because it talked only about all the shipwrecks and how many people had been killed including the famous Edmund Fitzgerald wreck. They had a video about that which it look like footage maybe from the other ship that was with them, because it was very realistic. After that we backtracked to go past the Upper Falls of the river we had seen but we didn't go in to look at that fall. We took a chance and headed north to the shores of Lake Superior to take an “improved” gravel road along the lake to the pictured rocks National Lakeshore. The gravel road was pretty bumpy but doable at about 25 miles an hour. We got a little worried when a few rain squalls popped up which could have made the road impassable, but it didn't rain that much. There was another RV in front of us way ahead and many cars, trucks and vans meeting us so we knew the road was passable. After about 15 miles, we hit a paved highway and went on the Grand Marais. It was time to stop for lunch again. While eating lunch, a man walked by and said is it already Miller time. I told him to look at the plate on the front of our RV and he said I guess it is 5:00 somewhere and it's just about noon here. As you might imagine, we ended up having a long discussion about the area. He has a hunting lodge about 15 miles back where we came from and his wife was down the bank from where we were eating picking wild raspberries for a pie. Steve was an interesting character. He told us that in the middle of June, the bay in front of us is a Derby for seaplanes and pontoon boat flying in to do tricks, aerobatics, etc. He got one of the pilots to get him a ride in an old two seater Otter to look at his property from the air.  Steve sat in the front seat and the pilot flew from the backseat. He also pointed out to the breakwaters where 3 boys ages 14 and 16 had been swept off in a storm and we should go see the plaque at the end of the point. We would never have known about that if we had not had that chance encounter with Steve. One of the boys are rescued by crazy person who jumped in the water to try to help him. Steve reminded us that Lake Superior makes its own weather patterns and it can get violent in a hurry. We meandered through the National Lakeshore, which has the Pictured Rocks, stopping off at some of the pull outs until we got to Munising. At first we didn't think we're going to find a campground but we found one that was newly opened and told them we were on our way. We passed a really nice campground on the way that had spaces but we had told those people to hold Campground for us so we went on to it. It had only been opened a month and they gave me a 10% military discount.  We had booked a campground in Christmas, Michigan, founded 1936!  We only booked one night and when we got there a campsite we drove past an RV just like ours accept a slightly different model with a small slide out and a Murphy bed. After dinner, we walked over to chat with Jim and Linda call. Theirs is a 2014 so we discussed some of the similar issues that we both have had. His refrigerator will only work on gas right now so they had had to throw a whole refrigerator food away because they've been gone most of the day on an Excursion in their Jeep. I told him about the engine light problem but didn't discuss the electrical problem we're having with the main circuit board.  They really like the RV and they live in Utah after retiring from the Civil Service in the Maryland area. We kept talking and it turns out Linda has a mitral valve problem also. I told her to go to Cleveland Clinic but she says her insurance company doesn't want to do a prophylactic fix. I told her mine was leaking but my insurance company fixed it even though I was not having major trouble. She has when I consider the worst insurance company in the world, Blue Cross Blue Shield. I told her I’d totally ditch that company and get a good HMO. Probably overstepped my bounds there but I had nothing but trouble with BCBS when I was forced to have that when I worked for the state of North Carolina.  We exchanged emails and we will hopefully keep in touch with them. Well it's Sunday morning and very muggy and overcast. We have a boat tour scheduled for two to ride along the shores of Lake Superior paralleling the pictured Rock National Lakeshore. We will spend one more night at a different Campground because while this Campground is new and it has a wonderful bathroom, there is only one stall in the men's room for about 70 campers. Granted the sites come with full hookups, but they're ours many tents and pop up campers that don't have full hookups. We're glad we didn't reserve two nights here. The other Campground is closer to town and is $10 a night cheaper right on the lake. More to follow with pictures soon.   We have to close our windows almost every night because of the camp fires. Why do 98% of the people think we enjoy smelling like smoke and polluting our lungs?  Ugh.     Aug 5 – Aug 6 AM   We got up and had a relaxing morning with a nice long walk to the outskirts of Christmas, Michigan and back to our campground. We checked out a little early went to the new campground before we're able to park to pay for the spot and go downtown for our lake cruise. We got a nice parking spot near the boat dock and just killed time until the boat left. We were told to be there early because the line starts to form to be on the top deck. We got there 45 minutes early and there were already 6 people in line in front of us. We got really good seats on the upper deck.  The weather was overcast, but warm and the wind was what was produced by the boat. After we got out of the no wake zone, the boat picked up speed and we headed out to the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. You'll see that at the end of the array of photos after this narrative. They're very hard to describe in words and we hope the pictures do them justice. This morning we take a glass bottom boat tour to see some shipwrecks. After that, we will continue on up the Upper Peninsula in the direction of the place that we will take airplane ride over to the Isle Royale National Park.  We have five days to get there so we should make it in time.    
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russelllaaron · 3 years
Arsenal vs Liverpool H2H 3 apr Head to Head stats prediction
Score between arsenal and liverpool - 10 Epic Arsenal vs. Liverpool Clashes | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
Substitution 76 Mins Ainsley Maitland-Niles Substitution On. Yellow Card 81 Mins Granit Xhaka. Substitution 83 Mins score between arsenal and liverpool. Georginio Wijnaldum Substitution Off. Xherdan Shaqiri Substitution On. Substitution 83 Mins Mohamed Salah Substitution Off. Divock Origi Substitution On.
Substitution 85 Mins score between arsenal and liverpool Bukayo Saka Substitution Off. Sead Kolasinac Substitution On. Dani Ceballos. KO Mins. HT Mins.
FT Mins. Head-to-Head Arsenal Total Wins. He tried to take the ball off Jota on the stretch and miscontrolled it. A more adventurous choice score between arsenal and liverpool Heineken.
Today, Heineken has been replaced by Peroni. The humanity. Salah put him through with a stunning angled pass that took five Arsenal players out of the game. Jota swept the ball over the outrushing Leno but into the side netting. Happy to see some grit. Jurgen Klopp had a quick chat with him and all seems okay. Georginio Wijnaldum Substitution On. Goal 82 Mins Substitution 84 Mins Ozan Kabak Substitution Off. Rhys Williams Substitution On. KO Mins. HT Mins.
FT Mins. Head-to-Head Arsenal Total Wins. Liverpool Total Wins. Played 58 Draws D A v West Ham. W H v Spurs. D A v Burnley. W A v Leicester.
Arsenal - Liverpool Live Score, video stream and H2H results
Therefore, you can:. All of these features can help you decide on Arsenal vs. Liverpool game prediction. In 21 In 14 Below you will find a lot of statistics that make it easier Predict the result for a match betseen both teams. Below the text is a list of the direct games. Also you can check the statistics of possession, shots, corners, offsides, and many other applications.
You will find what results teams Arsenal and Liverpool usually end matches with divided into first and second half. Our site is not limited to only as this. In the section Schedule you will find full schedule of both teams liverpiol the whole season. Cookies and score between arsenal and liverpool policy. This website makes use of cookies and similar technologies to improve your user experience, analyse how score between arsenal and liverpool website is used and advertising that might interest you.
For more information click here: More info. I Accept and I'am over 18 years old. Sign In. User menu. Push Notifications. Predictions Notifications. Notifications new. There is no new notifications. We found streaks for direct matches between Arsenal vs Liverpool. Odds stats. If liverpoo are an Arsenal fan, you have probably been suppressing this. May I prod you with the mention of Emmanuel Eboue?
The Gunners were clinging to the last shreds of title hopes when they hosted Liverpool and no less than a win was needed to keep their dreams of challenging Manchester United alive. Following score between arsenal and liverpool injury to Jamie Carragher, Robin van Persie miraculously struck home a penalty in the 98th minute to win the game for Arsenal in stunning fashion.
At this point, they hadn't technically wonbut how could they possibly not? Epitomizing the Gunners' mental fragility, the Ivorian fouled Lucas Leiva in the penalty area while he was moving away from goal and Dirk Kuyt smashed home the resulting penalty to send Arsenal check despair once more. You might have noticed that the rest of this list is in chronological order.
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blossattic · 7 years
To: Honey
Prompto’s fingers gripped tightly onto the loosely packed snowball.  Reddened fingertips were beginning to go numb and he was definitely regretting the fingerless gloves now.  
He peeked from the tree and spotted his next destination: a better vantage point to launch an attack on his target, his beautiful girlfriend.  Said girlfriend was now pelting snowballs at him as hard as she could.  
He ran with the speed of a thousand chocobos and ducked as a ball of snow came flying toward him!  He let his back rest against the other tree.  Breathing heavy, Prom bit his lip in order to quieten himself, though a smile turned the corners of his lips.    
“Oh Hooooney!  Where are you??”  Prompto sang, giggling all the while.  
The quick gunner popped out from behind the tree to sneak a shot at Honey.  
“AAAHHH!”  Prompto squealed at the feeling of cold ice at his neck.  A giggling Honey had snuck up behind him and put ice down his jacket.  This earned her the funniest jig from Prompto.
“H-hey!  No fair!”  he pouted, then picked Honey up.  “Alas, you’ve bested me in this battle, Fair Maiden.”  Prompto chuckled and kissed her on the nose.  Her bright smile was contagious.  
“Hmm, how about loser buys hot chocolate?”  Honey suggested.
Prompto nodded, “Sounds like a plan, MiLaaaady!”
. - . - . - .
They’ve made it to their usual café and it only took a funny dorky face to the barista in turn to clear a table for them. That trick was weird as it was original, and knowing the employee like they did secured them a few things without waiting too long.
“What can I get you today, guys? Woah, you look rather wrecked dude!”
Prom only groaned and flopped into the table as Honey laughed, grinning a moment later as his head rose from the cool surface.
“Mortal kombat but with snow, man. She has no chill.”
“I have the chill, Bae!”
A little more of that chit chat went on before drinks and pastries orders were put on. Now alone, Honey could openly stare at her boyfriend without feeling nervous. His cheeks and the tip of his nose were red, and as he raised a hand to pet under his chin she caught his red, freezing fingers.
“Pompom, your hands!”
“Eh? Ah, this! It’s from the sno-oooh!”
Even more red he got as she took his hands to rub it with hers. A loud gulp coming later as her eyes focused on his.
“Are you still cold, right?”
A nod, a very s l o w  nod.
“Lean forward please?”
And if it was mechanical, or as if a charming call it was, Prom did so. His pretty azure eyes blinking cutely a couple of times before they widened in surprise as she moved closer too to peck his lips. Her moist lips making a tiny smooch sound that sounded way louder on his ears. Like a spark from a fire over gasoline, Prom made a squeaking sound and went deep crimson in an instant.
The café filled with her giggles and Prom’s cute little noises as outside began to snow again.
. - . - . - . *Stares at the post and raises a finger* I thought I had replied but I didn’t? ╚(•⌂•)╝ But guess what? Honey’s got yoooouuu!!! O(≧▽≦)O
THANK YOU SO MUCH! @kayterschmater! I loved how you got Honey’s sneaky nature in there! She can pack a punch toooo! <3 This was both funny, and cute and joyfull! Wait, that makes it three halves x´D *FFXV lines puns*
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theshatteredrose · 7 years
Strange Encounters (Guardian Chronicles) - Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 Fanfiction
Summary: Flavio encounters a rather…unusual ronin. And meets his son…and husband?
Pairings: A very slight Shiki/Gerald if you want to see it that way.
AN: It’s been a while since I’ve written these Guardian Chronicles, but after reading this I’m sure you’ll understand why I waited~ Hope you enjoy nonetheless!
It was nearing sunset as Flavio stepped out of the café to change the menu on the street sign once again. Though he had spent the entirety of the day at the café helping out with customer service, something Regina still needed lessons in, he certainly hadn’t been bored.
He had spent the breakfast rush keeping Lynus company as he rested up from a long day at the hospital and an non-too gentle shove by some jerk in a hurry, causing him to stumble into the gutter outside the café, hurting his ankle and hand. Lynus was a delight to speak with, so it wasn’t like it was a chore chatting with him. He wasn’t even bothered when Axel all but stormed into the café with a scowl of concern on his face.
Naturally, the first thing Axel asked was whether Lynus was ok, to which Lynus himself answered with a gentle and comforting, but firm nonetheless ‘yes’. And the second thing Axel asked, directly to Flavio this time, whether or not he knew the bastard responsible.
With visions of legs sticking straight out of a trashcan flickering through his mind, Flavio honestly wished he did get a better look at the jerk. But he was too busy worrying for Lynus’ wellbeing to get a profile on the guy. While that answer didn’t fully subdue Axel’s understandable protectiveness, it did calm him somewhat.
Though, regardless of the lack of a description, Flavio couldn’t help but feel that the Guardians would be able to track the guy down. His days were obviously numbered. The best thing for him to do was to skip town and never return.
Unconcerned by the customers of the café gossiping around them, Axel crouched in front of Lynus, one hand on his leg, the other resting on the back of the chair which he sat upon. He leaned in close to him, their faces inches apart as they spoke softly to each other.
Flavio hadn’t a clue what they spoke about. It was none of his business, after all, and he had politely took a step back to give the two some kind of privacy. After a few minutes, Axel stood up and grabbed Lynus’ bag, slinging it over his shoulder.
After ensuring that Lynus was ok to be moved, to remove the icepack from his ankle, Axel thanked Flavio for watching over Lynus again before he promptly, and effortlessly, picked the all too slender medic up into his arms. There was no hesitation, not a moment to consider how they were going to help Lynus back to the inn – he just picked him up and held him close. Cradled him. As if…he was the most important thing to ever existed.
Flavio felt a slight tug of envy when he once again realised just how loving and comfortable Lynus and Axel were with each other. In broad daylight. In public. Though Lynus had blushed lightly when Axel lifted him up into his arms, it wasn’t necessarily from embarrassment. Shyness, but embarrassment. The warm smile on his lips and the sheer fondness in his gaze was telling; this has happened before. Numerous times, most likely. And neither of them cared in the slightest who was around to see them.
With another apology from Lynus and a word of thanks from Axel, the two turned and left the café.
And soon after that, just as he had anticipated, Flavio had to deal with a needy and clingy Fafnir who wanted his full and undivided attention. And fending him off took up most of his day after that.
While Flavio didn’t mind that Fafnir was doing little sulky and childish things to gain his attention, it was cute and endearing after all. He just wished that he wouldn’t poke his most sensitive weak points after he perceived him to be ignoring him. Flavio was sick of getting either odd or amused looks from the customers each and every time he uttered a high-pitched ‘eek!’ of surprise.
That little smug smirk Fafnir would grant him each and every time was also rather annoying.
An unsettling trill suddenly racing down his spine caused Flavio to lift his head up and look around at the street once more. He couldn’t quite put his finger on what he was feeling, but it felt like to him that he was…well sensing, for a lack of a better word, a powerful presence. Not that of the monster kind, though. The human kind. As if…there was a veteran explorer near.
As he glanced around, somewhat nervously, his gaze soon settled on two figures walking along his side of the street. One human, the other canine.
The man appeared to be that of a ronin. And he appeared menacing; deep scars on his chest that seemed to reach all the way round to his back, heavy bandages around his left arm, golden gauntlets on his wrists and forearms, and a long blade within reach by his side. And his eyes were narrowed and red, and piercing. His hair an ashen grey and his face hard chiselled with a scruffy beard.
And walking alongside him, head low and ears perked was a wolf with unusual bluish grey fur, quite large, easily reaching the man’s waist. Though not nearly as big as Chi-hung from the Guardians, it did appear larger than Wulfgar from the Beowulf guild.
He, along with his wolf companion, looked like someone you wouldn’t want to mess with.
M-maybe he should just dart back inside the cafe?
But before Flavio could contemplate what he should do, the wolf suddenly lifted its head to look at him, pitch black eyes staring directly at him. It flicked its ear back before suddenly darting forward at an incredible speed, to lunge forward, directly at him! Flavio managed to utter out a surprise “wah!” before the wolf barrelled into him, front paws on his chest and open mouth inches away from his face. The force and the suddenness of the attack caused Flavio to fall backward, landing heavily on the ground, winding him immediately, where the wolf than proceeded to…
Whine excitedly and sloppily lick his face?!
W-what in the world?! He had never seen this wolf before in his life! Why was it acting like it was so excited to see him?
A surprising bellowing laugh of pure amusement cut through the air as Flavio tried to push the overly affectionate wolf off of him. “Now, Farley, what did I say about not jumping on strangers? No matter how adorable they are!”
With a low, seemingly disappointed whine, the wolf that had to be named Farley stopped attempting to lick Flavio’s face and prompted got off of him, leaving him dazed, confused, and rather dirty. As soon as the wolf had scrambled away, though, Flavio felt a pair of hands suddenly grab him from under his arms. For a split second he was alarmed, but he soon recognised them to belong to none other than Fafnir, so didn’t struggle when he hauled him to his feet.
“Are you all right?” Fafnir promptly asked him as he thankfully gave Flavio a hand towel to wipe the, ah, doggy drool from his face before he narrowed his eyes in the stranger’s directly, glaring at him protectively.
“Yeah, I’m fine, don’t worry,” Flavio immediately responded in hopes of cooling Fafnir’s protectiveness toward him and quickly wiped the remnants of the salvia from his face and neck before he turned to look at the ronin as well.
The man…he honestly didn’t look as intimidating now. Not the way he was playfully chiding his wolf companion. Bent down at the waist, he scratched the top of Farley’s head, the wolf wagging its tail so energetically, that its back legs and butt were actually wiggling. Stark contrast to when he felt laid eyes on them.
“Sorry about Farley, yeah?” the man abruptly said as he stood to his full height and smiled broadly at Flavio with his hands planted on his hips. “Four years old, but still an overly excited pup. Reminds me of my own son!”
“Oh, ah, no harm done,” Flavio said in response while Fafnir remained silent and on guard next to him, still eying the man off warily. Oddly, though, the ronin didn’t seem at all perturbed by Fafnir’s narrowed eyes. Either that or he was oblivious to his glare?
The man parted his lips to say something else when another voice, one that was unfamiliar and yet Flavio sworn he had heard somewhere before, interrupted him. “Shiki!”
The ronin immediately snapped his mouth shut and turned slightly to look over his shoulder. Out of sheer habit, and maybe even a bit of curiosity, Flavio turned to look as well, and watched as two men, one dressed in a brown gunner’s coat and the other with striking blue hair and numerous small bandages on his face and neck.
Flavio somewhat recognised the two men, though he hadn’t been introduced to them formally. He was fairly certain, however, that this blue-haired landsknecht was the infamous blue-haired ‘dumbass’ he had heard rumours about. The one they called Simmons of guild Cosmos. And the other was…Gerald? His long-suffering guardian? Or was that uncle? He couldn’t remember exactly.
He also recognised them from that little incident that his guild didn’t believe actually happened in the labyrinth. Yeah, that one. The one with the landsknecht and hexer riding a giant moa.
That one.
“There you are,” the gunner said with a frown, and yet there appeared to be an expression of…relief in his eyes. “How many times have I told you not to go roaming without telling me?”
“Ah, I’m sorry, dear Gerald,” the man called Shiki all but cooed unexpectedly, earning a flush and a huff from the other man. “But give me a sec, yeah?” he said before he turned his attention back to Flavio.
“Hurry up, dad, I’m starving!” Simmons complained with a disgruntled pout on his lips.
Shiki immediately whipped around and planted one of his hands on his hip while the other waved exuberantly with the other. “Hi Starving, I’m dad!”
The pout on Simmons’ lips abruptly disappeared and he smiled widely, exuberant and overly cheerful.
The two of them then proceeded to sniggered to each other, completely oblivious to both Flavio and Fafnir, and of Gerald who had his hand covering his face in the most exasperated way possible. It was probably a good thing the two were so oblivious to those around them, as Flavio knew beyond doubt that he was staring incredulous at the two.
Flavio never really had a father figure growing up, but was this…a father-son bonding moment?
Simmons turned away from his, er, dad, though he remained smiling. He seemed to glance idly in Flavio’s direction before doing a double-take and, unexpectedly, his smile broadened as if he recognised him.
“Oh, hey, you’re that guy from the labyrinth!”
Flavio blinked at him before he gave him a nervous and lopsided smile. “Y-yeah, that’s right. When you were…riding that giant moa, right?” He then glanced over at Gerald, who of which had his brow furrowed, as if trying to recall when that event took place. “And you were being chased by two gunners on foot.”
Immediately after he said that, Gerald’s frown was replaced with an expression of realisation. Before resignation. And then sheer exasperation. Oh yeah, he remembered it now.
Shiki abruptly threw his head back on a loud, boisterous laugh as Gerald dragged his hand over his face in such a way that it appeared that an hour didn’t go by without him doing so at least once. And Simmons, for his part, just kept smiling, seemingly oblivious to everything.
“That’s my boy,” Shiki cheered as he slapped Simmons on the back before lopping his arm around his neck to drag him closer. “Next, we’ll aim for a fire drake. That should impress our little dark hunter, right?”
Flavio blinked. Dark hunter? Wait…they weren’t talking about Squirrel, er, Rahas, were they?
“Ah, how rude of me,” Shiki suddenly stated as he slipped his arm from around Simmons’ neck and turned to give Flavio and Fafnir his full focus. “I haven’t introduced myself, have I? I am Shiki, member of Guild Cosmos,” he said in a professional manner before breaking out into a wide grin. “But everyone calls me dad!”
Flavio wasn’t entirely sure how to respond to that, so he simply smiled politely. “Oh, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Flavio,” he said before he tapped his knuckles against the centre of Fafnir’s chest to indicate toward him. “And this is Fafnir. We’re members of the Midgard Library.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Shiki said in a good-natured, friendly manner that actually gave the indication that he was being truthful and he reached around Simmons to clasp Gerald by the shoulder and tugging him forward. “This is Gerald, my husband.”
Flavio blinked while Gerald bristled and blushed at the same time. “Stop telling everyone that!”
Shiki, however, ignored him as he dropped his hand from Gerald’s shoulder to instead place both his hands on Simmons’ shoulders and positioned him in such a way in front of them that it appeared that he was proudly showing him off. “My tall son, Simmons.”
“Hi!” Simmons said cheerfully as he waved at them.
Flavio practically heard Fafnir blink in a stoically bemused manner while Flavio himself returned the wave with a small, nervous wiggle of his fingers.
Completely unperturbed but the lack of response, Shiki then reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small leather bound wallet, the kind that kept important notes or documents. But as he flipped it open, he revealed that he was using it as a sort of pocket sized photo album. He flipped through a few of the photos before he pulled one out and lifted it up, all but shoving it into Flavio’s face.
“This is my small son, Lynus,” Shiki said proudly.
Even though he instinctively took a step back, Flavio nearly had to go cross-eyed to get a practical look of the photo, and when the image came into focus, he felt his eyebrows reach up toward his hairline. The photo was that of Lynus, seemingly taken without warning as he sat at a table or desk that was covered in notebooks and folders. He was looking toward the camera, but appeared startled. Though rather cutely, but startled nonetheless.
Flavio…wasn’t entirely sure what to think of that. Surely this man wasn’t Lynus’ real father? No, he must simply mean adoptive. Yeah, that sounded right. From what he heard from Hrothgar, a few people were protective of the medic and some even consider him as a son or brother to them.
Still, he was…curious to say the least. Maybe he should ask Lynus about it later.
Flavio didn’t have any more time to dwell on it when Shiki shoved another photo into his face. “And my emo son, Rahas.”
Flavio blinked and looked at the picture. Unexpectedly, the corner of his mouth twitched into a smirk. It was a picture of Rahas alright, and he was glaring with such utter hatred at the camera as someone out of shot pulled back his hair from his eyes to allow for a clear view of his entire scowling face.
Heh, emo. Glad to know he wasn’t the only one to think so.
Shiki then proceeded to shove two more photos into his face. “And my spacy daughter, Kerri, and my angry daughter, Tiffany.”
Flavio didn’t immediately recognise the two until a few seconds later when he realised that he had seen the small hexer girl riding the same giant moa as Simmons, and the blonde-haired gunner was the one who was chasing them on foot with Gerald.
“You…have lovely children?” Flavio muttered while Fafnir, having thankfully remained silent and not utter a single sarcastic retort during this entire time, snorted loudly.
“Oh, you’ve met my kids?” Shiki asked as he carefully placed his photos back into his wallet and into his back pocket.
“Well, really only Lynus and Squi-Rahas,” Flavio answered. “Lynus is just a really lovely person. And Rahas…really likes trees?”
“And windows!” Shiki added with a wide grin. “Learnt from the best!”
Next to him, Flavio felt Fafnir twitch and he knew, he just knew that Fafnir was about to say something sarcastic. He had been silent for too long.
So Flavio stomped on his foot before Fafnir could utter a word, instead causing him to lowly grunt in pain while Flavio smiled politely at Shiki once more. He tried to ignore the pout from Fafnir as he wracked his brain on what to say to the other man, debating whether to invite them inside the café for dinner, which would have been the polite thing to do. Or to excuse him and Fafnir so that they could get back to work within said café.
But just as Flavio chose to be polite there was another voice, one that was laughing. Mockingly. Childishly.
“Ah-hah! Though you have my meat-shield, er, Herald’s attention now, my eternal rival, rest assured that before the night is through, he would belong to I, Benedict Richardson the Third!”
Flavio winced while Fafnir bristled. Oh no…not again. Did he mistake Fafnir for Rahas again? How could anyone make such a mistake twice? Sure, Lynus said he had very poor eyesight, but he couldn’t be that blind, could he?
Unexpectedly, Shiki’s cheerful face creased into a fearsome scowl as his eye twitched violently. “That little Dick…” he all but hissed as he bristled.
Sure enough, as they all turned in the direction of the high-pitched voice, they watched as a certain green haired, starry eyed child perch himself dramatically atop of a small stone feature wall outside of the café. And, with an all too dramatic flair of his rich, royal cape, he brandished his sceptre in their collective direction.
“Now, my unequalled rival, I, Benedict Richardson the Third, challenge you to a duel at ten paces!”
All Flavio could think, though, was; here we go again…
However, moving at a lightning pace, Shiki stood directly in front of Benedict and clamped his hand atop of Benedict’s head. And he was holding him up off the ground as he loomed menacingly over him.
“Heathen swine!” Benedict actually shouted without a tremor of fear in his voice as he clasped onto Shiki’s wrist with his hands and immediately kicked and flailed with his legs. “How dare you lay a hand on I, Benedict Richardson the Third! I will have your head!”
“The only thing you’ll be doing is clawing your way out of the Lagaardian sewer system,” Shiki said in a low and terrifying voice as he glared at the struggling kid with unrelenting eyes.
“I, Benedict Richardson the Third, will not be threatened by your petty threats!” Benedict said defiantly.
“Shiki!” Gerald abruptly chided loudly. “Put him down!”
Shiki, however, kept a firm grip on Benedict’s head, unflinching even as Benedict kicked and squirmed, shrilling loudly and honestly rather incoherently about the audacity and indignity of it all. “But Gerald…!” he actually whined.
“Don’t you ‘But Gerald’ me!” the gunner quickly returned as he stomped over to him. “For heaven’s sake, he’s just a kid!”
“But he’s an obnoxious kid!”
“So were you at that age! God!”
“Unhand me, you uneducated swine!”
“Quiet, kid, I’m trying to save your neck!”
“You’re my husband! You’re supposed to be on my side!”
“Stop saying that!”
Flavio looked at the scene before turning his head to look at Fafnir, to find him already looking at him. They exchanged glances, Flavio silently mouthing “Should we help?” to him while Fafnir simply shrugged.
This…probably happened a lot, right? Better not get involved, yeah?
“Isn’t my dad the greatest?” Simmons suddenly asked, his question directed toward Flavio.
Flavio paused for a moment as he tried to think of the right word for the ronin. Honestly, when he first laid eyes on him, he found him menacing and intimidating. Goes to show that you really couldn’t judge a book by its cover. Especially not around High Lagaard, anyway.
“He’s certainly a character,” Flavio honestly answered, which was thankfully a good enough reply as Simmons beamed at him once more.
“He had disappeared for ten years, but now that he’s back it was like he never left!” Simmons surprisingly revealed before he started to ramble further. “He had to leave to protect Rahas and Lynus for a while, so that was why he was gone, but he’s back now, so it’s ok!”
Flavio gaped at him silently for a moment…Protect? Protect Lynus and Rahas from what? Or who?
However, before he could ask, or before Simmons could admit anything more, he abruptly turned and wandered over to where Shiki and Gerald were still arguing, and where Benedict was still lifted off the group by a single hand, flailing and shrieking in a highly ‘unroyal’ manner.
Flavio wasn’t entirely sure what to think about Shiki or about Simmons. They were…an unusual guild, that was for sure.
Maybe he should just talk to Lynus about it? But…be was once again reluctant to do so. Simmons said Shiki was needed to protect Lynus and Rahas. What exactly did he mean by that? Did he mean that literally? And if he did…
Asking Lynus about it might dredge up too many painful memories. And after seeing that faraway look of pain in Lynus’ eyes that morning, he didn’t want to do that to the gentle medic.
So…perhaps it was best to keep his curiosity to himself for now.
“Husband, huh?” Fafnir unexpectedly muttering pulled Flavio from his musings.
Flavio immediately turned to look at him, only to find Fafnir holding his chin with a deeply contemplative expression on his face. Flavio parted his lips to ask him what he was mumbling, what he was thinking about, but quickly shut his mouth. It was probably better he didn’t know what Fafnir was thinking about. If that preoccupied look in his eyes was anything to go by. That was Fafnir’s plotting and scheming face.
And Flavio had learnt from experience that nothing good came from that look.
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ladytrollfishes · 7 years
Daginy’s notes on the inhabitants of the BWIC as of 6/7/17
IJ boss- Teal, Works with Indrid- Halvea, DI, Syneca, does not seem to think very highly of syneca throwing his weight around- screamed at him for bullying Ashley
II (indigo), Indrid- Legis- works with someone called Nemmon 
DI- also Legis- , possibly high up enough to know what the eclipse is (liar liar liar) 
- over dramatic shit
- works with Halvea. 
IA- Legis, Nemmon 
AT teal, - Syneca- head hunter, likes throwing his weight around, at least thinks Helms are people. called highbloods heartless bastards for thinking otherwise.  (MM & II) i have plenty of respect I just don't like being told what to do by someone whose rank is directly parallel to mine like she's my damn lusus.
MM- Fleet gunner, & helmtech, nervous, ex-kis w/ taskur (TT teal) who does not like. 
NB- none of your business, Jade, atri-? Related somehow to AM, who is less than forthcoming about the relationship, possibly works with the Legislacerators- hacked the chat and threw out PID
AM- Ashely, indigo, works with the legislacerators relationship of questionable nature to NB, who is more forthcoming about it. <3< with Hadean??/
DD- Tyrian, dangerousDepths- also doesn't know anything about the eclipse, Servitor Hastae- Suebicum Sea,  professes curiosity. Works like an Orphaner. There are 3 of them on planet. Servator Tentus= least lethal. Doesn't come into contact w/ people and likes to try and socialize. Pharmaceutical and military businesses. 
LP- Tyrian- almost definitely a kidnapping and conditioning victim. Sick and weak all the time, not allowed to leave a tower, a "caretaker" that is her sole source of social contact, supposedly for her own protection. Blocks sites such as the instagrub. Was willing to try and get a hacker into her husktop without her caretaker's permission. No funds with which to do so bc caretakers 
TT affiliated with adillo (pp red 8) is exes w/ shiraz (cc red), temper- told someone (MM) to kill himself in gen chat
SA- Prisma, yellow, psion, freelancer, rather odd sounding, not quite familiar with social routine, quite possibly on the run from the law- yet still working with Legislacerators like Indrid and Halvea. Is he stupid? Gonna check. 
GO: brown, courtesan, In Angoulizeme, kilran- very willing to ask the nosy questions, thank fuck i dont have to do it
RID: Hadean: hiveless, likes fighting, easy going, also in the chat very often. sympathetic and sensitive to psion stuff. Not particularly cautious. somewhat indiscrete. Attached to prisma at the hip
AG- overseer, retainer to, anon, 
- Iev/Cartas
- Overseer Ophica
- throws fits over ping bots in the chat. 
-Enjoys unsettling people with overly cheerful ways of threating people. 
- Obnoxious, throws fits about ppl DOSing the chat (who would dos this chat)
- not planet side
- Mod
- Let a teal into the lowblood chat
CC, mod: (yellow?Brown?) Proper, ISS Starlight, Not yet helmed, but slated for. Brutally honest. Likes referencing the fact they are a helm and their pan is a computer. 
-not exactly subtle
RS maroon: kind of stuck up judgy, seems interested by this stuff, calls himself a proper imperial servant, has yet to cull a person, apparently. Doesn't believe in Gl'bgolyb, or ghosts, Also total kiss ass
SA: violet, seadweller, seems p young?? younger than me at least. Has enormous trouble with a crush. and probably just talking to people. 
VV- maroon snake(RID's words possibly just jealous bc she seems to have a thing for Prisma)- Perdia, in Himmel, Ballet dancer, manipulative pos
AP, jade: Budino, baker(?) regrets alcohol
GC, jade: Alexar, snorted chili once
0 notes
seniorbrief · 6 years
24 Stories About the Touching Kindness of Strangers That’ll Make You Tear Up
The Man at the Market
When the supermarket clerk tallied up my groceries, I was $12 over what I had on me. I began to remove items from the bags, when another shopper handed me a $20 bill. ��Please don’t put yourself out,” I told him. “Let me tell you a story,” he said. “My mother is in the hospital with cancer. I visit her every day and bring her flowers. I went this morning, and she got mad at me for spending my money on more flowers. She demanded that I do something else with that money. So, here, please accept this. It is my mother’s flowers.” – Leslie Wagner, Peel, Arkansas. Here are 30 more acts of kindness you can do in two minutes or less!
Jim and the Job
My neighbor, Jim, had trouble deciding if he wanted to retire from the construction field, until he ran into a younger man he’d worked with previously. The young man had a wife and three children and was finding it difficult to make ends meet, since he hadn’t worked in some time. The next morning, Jim went to the union office and submitted his retirement paperwork. As for his replacement, he gave them the name of the young man. That was six years ago, and that young husband and father has been employed ever since. – Miranda MacLean, Brutus, Michigan. Make sure you know the powerful health benefits of being nicer to yourself.
A Family’s Food Angel
While going through a divorce, my mother fretted over her new worries: no income, the same bills, and no way to afford groceries. It was around this time that she started finding boxes of food outside our door every morning. This went on for months, until she was able to land a job. We never did find out who it was who left the groceries for us, but they truly saved our lives. – Jamie Boleyn, Emmett, Idaho. These 12 heartwarming stories will restore your faith in humanity.
Color Me Amazed
I forgot about the rules on liquids in carry-on luggage, so when I hit security at the airport, I had to give up all my painting supplies. When I returned a week later, an attendant was at the baggage area with my paints. Not only had he kept them for me, but he’d looked up my return date and time in order to meet me.  – Marilyn Kinsella, Canmore, Canada
Yasu + Junko for Reader’s Digest
Seven Miles For Me
Leaving a store, I returned to my car only to find that I’d locked my keys and cell phone inside. A teenager riding his bike saw me kick a tire and say a few choice words. “What’s wrong?” he asked. I explained my situation. “But even if I could call my wife,” I said, “she can’t bring me her car key, since this is our only car.” He handed me his cell phone. “Call your wife and tell her I’m coming to get her key.” “That’s seven miles round trip.” “Don’t worry about it.” An hour later, he returned with the key. I offered him some money, but he refused. “Let’s just say I needed the exercise,” he said. Then, like a cowboy in the movies, he rode off into the sunset. – Clarence W. Stephens, Nicholasville, Kentucky. Next, take a look at these incredible photos of heartwarming moments.
The Little Lift
One evening, I left a restaurant just ahead of a woman assisting her elderly mom. I approached the curb and paused to see if my arthritic knees could climb it. To my right appeared an arm to assist. It was that of the elderly mom. My heart was so touched. – Donna Moerie, Goldsboro, North Carolina
Bounty For a Navy Wife
I was balancing caring for a toddler and working a full-time job, all while my Navy husband was on extended duty overseas. One evening, the doorbell rang. It was my neighbor, a retired chief petty officer, holding a breadboard loaded with a freshly cooked chicken and vegetable stew. “I’ve noticed you’re getting a little skinny,” he said. It was the best meal I’d had in months. – Patricia Fordney, Corvallis, Oregon. Here are 10 life-changing acts of kindness you can do right now.
My Granddaughter’s Dress
I saw a dress in a consignment shop that I knew my granddaughter would love. But money was tight, so I asked the store owner if she could hold it for me. “May I buy the dress for you?” asked another customer. “Thank you, but I can’t accept such a gracious gift,” I said. Then she told me why it was so important for her to help me. She’d been homeless for three years, she said, and had it not been for the kindness of strangers, she would not have been able to survive. “I’m no longer homeless, and my situation has improved,” she said. “I promised myself that I would repay the kindness so many had shown me.” She paid for the dress, and the only payment she would accept in return was a heartfelt hug. – Stacy Lee, Columbia, Maryland
Yasu + Junko for Reader’s Digest
White Shoulders
A woman at our yard sale wore a perfume that smelled heavenly and familiar. “What are you wearing?” I asked. “White Shoulders,” she said. Suddenly, I was bowled over by a flood of memories. White Shoulders was the one gift I could count on at Christmas from my late mother. We chatted awhile, and she bought some things and left. A few hours later, she returned holding a new bottle of White Shoulders. I don’t recall which one of us started crying first. – Media Stooksbury, Powell, Tennessee. Try these effortless ways to be nicer to people.
Breaking Bread
Last December, before work, I stopped at a deli and ordered an everything bagel with cream cheese. It was toasty warm, and I couldn’t wait to dig in. But as I left the store, I noticed an older indigent gentleman sitting at the bus stop. Knowing it would probably be his only warm meal of the day, I gave him the bagel. But all was not lost for me. Another customer from the deli offered me half of her bagel. I was so delighted because I realized that in one way or another, we are all looked after. – Liliana Figueroa, Phoenix, Arizona
“I Can Still Help”
As I walked through the parking lot, all I could think about was the dire diagnosis I had handed my patient Jimmy: pancreatic cancer. Just then, I noticed an elderly gentleman handing tools to someone working under his stalled car. That someone was Jimmy. “Jimmy, what are you doing?” I yelled out. Jimmy dusted off his pants. “My cancer didn’t tell me not to help others, Doc,” he said, before waving at the old man to start the car. The engine roared to life. The old man thanked Jimmy and drove off. Then Jimmy got into his car and took off as well. Take-home message: Kindness has no limits and no restrictions. –Mohammed Basha, Gainesville, Florida.  Start giving these 10 little compliments to people every day.
Top Note
When my husband died unexpectedly, a coworker took me under her wing. Every week for an entire year, she would send me a card saying “Just Thinking of You” or “Hang in There.” She saved my life. – Jerilynn Collette, Burnsville, Minnesota
He Kept an Eye on Me
Driving home in a blizzard, I noticed a vehicle trailing close behind me. Suddenly, my tire blew! I pulled off the road, and so did the other car. A man jumped out from behind the wheel and without hesitation changed the flat. “I was going to get off two miles back,” he said. “But I didn’t think that tire looked good.” –Marilyn Attebery, Spokane Valley, Washington. Being kind to strangers is great, but don’t forget these ways to be nicer to yourself.
My Commander’s Call
It was one of my first missions on a gunship during the Vietnam War. I was scanning for enemy fire when I spotted a bright object that looked as if it were coming straight at us. “Missile! Missile!” I shouted into my interphone. The pilot jerked the airplane as hard as he could, dumping guys from one side of the craft to the next. Well, turns out the “missile” was a flare we had just dropped. Suffice it to say, the guys weren’t pleased. Back at the base, my commander put an arm around my shoulder. “Sergeant Hunter,” he said, “you keep calling them like you see them. Better safe than sorry.” That kind act gave me the confidence to be one of the top gunners in my squadron. – Douglas Hunter, Fort Walton Beach, Florida
21 Apples From Max
When my grandson Max told his mother, Andrea, to donate any check she would give him for his 21st birthday, Andrea got an idea. She handed Max’s brother Charlie a video camera. Then she took out 21 $10 bills from the bank and bought 21 apples at the supermarket. When they spotted a homeless man, Andrea told him, “Today is my son Max’s 21st birthday, and he asked me to give a gift to someone to help him celebrate.” She handed the man a $10 bill and an apple. The man smiled into the camera and announced, “Happy birthday, Max!” Soon, they passed out their booty to men and women waiting in line at a soup kitchen. In a unified chorus, they wished Max, “Happy birthday!” At a pizza parlor, Andrea left $50 and told the owners to feed the hungry. “Happy birthday, Max!” they shouted. With one last $10 bill and apple, they stopped at Andrea’s sister’s office. Unable to contain her laughter or her tears, she bellowed into the camera, “Happy birthday, Max!” –Dr. Donald Stoltz, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Don’t miss these 21 acts of kindness that changed these people’s lives.
How Did She Know?
I was driving cross-country to start a new job. What began as a fun adventure turned into a nightmare when I realized I had run through most of my money and still had a ways to go. I pulled over and let the tears flow. That’s when I noticed the unopened farewell card my neighbor had shoved in my hand as I left. I pulled the card out of the envelope, and $100 dropped out—just enough to get me through the remainder of my trip. Later, I asked my neighbor why she had enclosed the money. She said, “I had a feeling it would help.” – Nadine Chandler, Winthrop, Massachusetts Yasu + Junko for Reader’s DigestPhotograph by Yasu+Junko; Prop Stylist: Sarah Guido-Laakso for Halley Resources
Raised Right
Children were playing at the recreation area of an IKEA store when my five-year-old granddaughter motioned for a small boy to stop. She knelt down before him and retied his flopping shoelaces—she had only just learned to tie her own. No words were spoken, but after she finished, both smiled shyly, then turned to race off in different directions. – Sheela Mayes, Olla, Louisiana. Take a look at these 8 acts of kindness that turned into good karma.
Blanket Statement
When I was seven, my family drove to the Grand Canyon. At one point, my favorite blanket flew out the window and was gone. I was devastated. Soon after, we stopped at a service station. Moping, I found a bench and was about to eat my sandwich when a biker gang pulled into the station. “Is that your blue Ford?” a huge, frightening man with a gray-and-black beard asked. Mom nodded reticently. The man pulled my blanket from his jacket pocket and handed it to her. He then returned to his motorcycle. I repaid him the only way I knew how: I ran up to him and gave him my sandwich. Zena Hamilton, United Kingdom
Just Driving Through
When my friend and I were injured in a car accident, a family from out of state stopped to help. Seeing we were hurt, they drove us to the hospital and stayed there until we were released. They then took us home, got us food, and made sure we were settled in. Amazingly, they interrupted their vacation to help us. –Cindy Earls, Ada, Oklahoma. Check out this story of how this generous man let a stranger borrow his car.
Butterflies of Support
I was four months pregnant with our first child when our baby’s heart stopped beating. I was devastated. As the days went on, I was nervous about returning to work. I’m a middle school teacher and didn’t know how I could face kids. This past May, after four weeks of recovering, I walked into my empty classroom and turned on the lights. Glued to the wall were a hundred colored paper butterflies, each with a handwritten message on it from current and past students. All of them had encouraging messages: “Keep moving forward,” “Don’t give up on God,” and “Know that we love you.” It was exactly what I needed. Jennifer Garcia-Esquivel, San Benito, Texas
Twice as Nice
Two firefighters were waiting in line at a fast-food restaurant when the siren sounded on their fire truck parked outside. As they turned to leave, a couple who had just received their order handed their food to the firefighters. The couple then got back in line to reorder. Doubling down on their selfless act, the manager refused to take their money. –JoAnn Sanderson, Brandon, Florida. This is the nicest place in America! Hint: It’s a restaurant in Tennessee.
Designated Driver
I’d pulled over onto the side of a New Mexico road and was suffering a panic attack when a minivan full of kids pulled over. A woman got out and asked if I was OK. “No,” I said. Then I laid out what had happened: I was delivering books for a publishing company. My next stop was way, way up this long and winding and, to me, very treacherous road. I couldn’t do it. “I’ll deliver the books for you,” she said. She was a local, and the roads were nothing for her. I took her up on the offer and never forgot the simple kindness of a stranger. – Doreen Frick, Ord, Nebraska
A Christmas Story
In January 2006, a fire destroyed a family’s home. In that fire were all the belongings of a six-year-old boy, including his Christmas presents. A classmate from his school who had a birthday around then asked her parents if she could give all her gifts to the boy. That act of kindness will forever warm my heart because the boy is my grandson.  – Donna Kachnowski, Lebanon, Connecticut
She Gave Me Direction
As I left a party, I got on the wrong freeway and was immediately lost. I pulled over to the shoulder and called my roadside-assistance provider. She tried to connect me to the California Highway Patrol, but that call never went through. Hearing the panic in my voice, she came up with a plan B: “You’re near this office,” she said. “I’m about to go off shift. Stay put, and I’ll find you.” Ten minutes later, she rolled up. She guided me not only to the right freeway but all the way to the correct freeway exit. And then, with a wave goodbye, she drove back into the night. – Michelle Arnold, Santee, California. Next, check out these 50 random acts of kindness that don’t cost a cent!
Original Source -> 24 Stories About the Touching Kindness of Strangers That’ll Make You Tear Up
source https://www.seniorbrief.com/24-stories-about-the-touching-kindness-of-strangers-thatll-make-you-tear-up/
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
Premier League predictions: Lawro v singer Tom Grennan
Premier League predictions: Lawro v singer Tom Grennan
Premier League predictions: Lawro v singer Tom Grennan
Two of the Premier League’s new managers go face to face on Saturday when Maurizio Sarri’s Chelsea host Unai Emery’s Arsenal – however who will come out on prime?
BBC Sport soccer professional Mark Lawrenson was not impressed by the Gunners in their defeat by Manchester City final weekend, saying: “I’ll should revise my prediction that Arsenal will end fourth.
“It was a bit of little bit of a mish-mash of a efficiency, the form of factor I’ve seen earlier than the place a supervisor is new to the Premier League and does not likely grasp what it’s all about.
“Metropolis are the very best workforce within the nation – there isn’t any argument about that – however Arsenal allow them to have a lot time on the ball, they have been asking for bother. I simply marvel what Emery would possibly change for his aspect’s journey to Stamford Bridge?”
Lawro is making predictions for all 380 top-flight matches this season, in opposition to quite a lot of friends.
This week’s visitor is singer Tom Grennan, who was on the books of Luton City, Northampton and Stevenage as a teen.
Tom Grennan is a lifelong Manchester United fan – he wore a United babygro when he was only some hours previous
Premier League predictions – week 2 Outcome Lawro Tom SATURDAY Cardiff v Newcastle x-x 1-1 2-1 Everton v Southampton x-x 2-0 1-0 Leicester v Wolves x-x 2-1 0-2 Tottenham v Fulham x-x 2-0 2-0 West Ham v Bournemouth x-x 1-1 1-0 Chelsea v Arsenal x-x 2-0 2-0 SUNDAY Burnley v Watford x-x 1-0 1-1 Man Metropolis v Huddersfield x-x 3-0 4-0 Brighton v Man Utd x-x 1-2 0-2 MONDAY Crystal Palace v Liverpool x-x 1-1 2-0
An accurate end result (selecting a win, draw or defeat) is price 10 factors. The precise rating earns 40 factors.
All kick-offs 15:00 BST except said.
Cardiff v Newcastle (12:30 BST)
I assumed Cardiff would put up a bit of bit extra resistance than they did in their defeat at Bournemouth on the opening weekend.
However what occurred there has in all probability given them a sign of the gulf between the Championship and the Premier League.
Bournemouth 2-Zero Cardiff Metropolis: Neil Warnock says gamers have been ‘nervous’
I might count on Neil Warnock’s aspect to make issues much more tough for Newcastle of their first dwelling sport again within the prime flight, although.
And the Bluebirds followers will play a component too – they should, as a result of Cardiff’s dwelling kind goes to play an enormous function of their survival struggle.
I can not see many objectives on this, however the dynamic between the 2 managers goes to be nice to look at, as a result of Warnock and Magpies boss Rafael Benitez have a bit of history.
Newcastle additionally misplaced their first sport of the season, at dwelling to Tottenham, however they put in a good efficiency and I do not see them struggling this season. Cardiff are a unique story, although.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Tom’s prediction: 2-1
Everton v Southampton
The Everton followers will admire the soccer that new boss Marco Silva tries to play and there shall be an incredible ambiance for his first dwelling sport in cost – there all the time is at Goodison Park, regardless of how good the workforce are.
Southampton improved as soon as their new striker Danny Ings got here on within the second half of their draw with Burnley final week, however I’m nonetheless going for Silva to get a win.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-0
Tom’s prediction: 1-0
Leicester v Wolves
Leicester lost to Manchester United of their opening sport however Jamie Vardy obtained off the mark for the season they usually put in a good efficiency.
Wolves got here again from behind twice to attract with Everton final week and that is one other huge take a look at for them.
Nuno Espirito Santo’s aspect are at their finest when they’re dominating possession, though I’m not certain how sturdy they’re below strain.
I believe we would discover out on Saturday, as a result of I’m anticipating the Foxes to make a variety of possibilities.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-1
Tom’s prediction: 0-2
Tottenham v Fulham
I do not assume Tottenham shall be apprehensive about taking part in at Wembley for a bit longer than planned, they usually put in a fairly stable efficiency to beat Newcastle final week.
Dele Alli’s new objective celebration has obtained everybody having a go
Fulham face one other London membership, after shedding at dwelling to Crystal Palace final outing,. Issues don’t get any simpler for them this weekend.
My fear about Fulham is that they’re straightforward on the attention and play good soccer, however the place are their objectives going to come back from? It will be very fascinating to see how they get on within the subsequent few weeks.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-0
Tom’s prediction: 2-0
West Ham v Bournemouth
I used to be at Anfield on Sunday to see West Ham’s 4-0 defeat by Liverpool, they usually have been far too open.
New Hammers boss Manuel Pellegrini has purchased a variety of attacking gamers and possibly desires to play in a means that offers his aspect’s followers one thing to get enthusiastic about.
But when they will preserve leaving the again door open like that every one season, they will be in bother.
Hammers should ‘keep optimistic’ after 4-Zero defeat – Pellegrini
If Pellegrini had arrange in 4-5-1 and sat deep, I might have understood, however Liverpool carved them open virtually at will – and the scoreline may have been loads worse.
Bournemouth aren’t a workforce I contemplate to be one of many strongest on the highway, however they all the time choose up some first rate away factors and I fairly fancy them to get one thing right here.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Tom’s prediction: 1-0
Chelsea v Arsenal (17:30 BST)
Arsenal coach Unai Emery goes to want a variety of time to work out the Premier League and work out his finest workforce.
Emery tried to make use of Petr Cech to play out from the again in opposition to Manchester Metropolis and it didn’t work – he didn’t look comfy.
You aren’t going to vary a 36-year-old goalkeeper’s sport in that means, so I ponder if summer time signing Bernd Leno will are available on Saturday.
Arsenal did not play like I wished in first half – Emery
Whereas the Gunners struggled against Manchester City, Chelsea have been comfy winners in opposition to Huddersfield, which was an incredible begin for them.
This is a vital sport for each groups, only for the truth that, if Chelsea win, they may go six factors forward of Arsenal within the race for the highest 4.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-0
Tom’s prediction: 2-0
Burnley v Watford (13:30 BST)
Burnley have been a bit unfortunate not to beat Southampton on Sunday, whereas Watford made probably the most of a non-performance by Brighton to see off the Seagulls.
I fancy the Clarets to edge this one, although, in the event that they take their possibilities.
The Hornets are very inconsistent, however I nonetheless really feel there shall be loads of groups beneath them come the tip of the season.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-0
Tom’s prediction: 1-1
Man Metropolis v Huddersfield (13:30 BST)
As I communicate, the complete extent of Kevin de Bruyne’s knee injury has not been revealed.
It’s a blow, however Manchester Metropolis have gotten so many good gamers that they’ll cope, though at some stage they may clearly miss him.
Man Metropolis documentary ‘as actual as doable’ – De Bruyne
Huddersfield lost heavily at home to Chelsea final outing and it’s exhausting to see them stopping an analogous scoreline at Etihad Stadium.
Sure, the Terriers drew 0-0 here last season, however Metropolis had already received the title by then. You understand Huddersfield will park the bus once more, however I do not see them holding out for one more level.
Lawro’s prediction: 3-0
Tom’s prediction: 4-0
Brighton v Man Utd (16:00 BST)
Brighton simply didn’t get entering into final week’s defeat at Watford, however Seagulls boss Chris Hughton didn’t use lots of his new signings and he’ll make a couple of adjustments for this sport.
Manchester United did sufficient to beat Leicester of their opener, however they may enhance as their star gamers get nearer to full health.
Though the Seagulls beat United on their final journey to the south coast in Might, I’m backing Jose Mourinho’s aspect to choose up the factors this time.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-2
Tom’s prediction: 0-2
Crystal Palace v Liverpool (20:00 BST)
West Ham were wide open against Liverpool final week, however the Reds is not going to get the identical therapy in south London.
Eagles supervisor Roy Hodgson is not going to give them any house – it’s a huge a part of the best way his groups play – and his aspect will preserve this sport very tight.
Reds have been higher than I anticipated – Klopp
Liverpool have been spectacular in opposition to the Hammers, even in case you take into consideration they have been up in opposition to fairly unusual opposition, however will probably be fascinating to see how they get on in a way more aggressive sport.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Tom’s prediction: 2-0
Lawro was chatting with BBC Sport’s Chris Bevan.
How did Lawro do final week?
On the opening weekend of the brand new Premier League season, Lawro obtained 5 appropriate outcomes, together with one good rating, from 10 matches, for a complete of 80 factors.
He misplaced out to Inbetweeners star Joe Thomas, who obtained seven appropriate outcomes, together with two good scores, for a complete of 130 factors.
Whole scores after week 1 Lawro 80 Visitors 130
+/- DENOTE POSITION DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LAWRO’S TABLE AND ACTUAL POSITION POS TEAM P W D L PTS +/- =1 Chelsea 1 1 0 0 3 +1 =1 Fulham 1 1 0 0 3 +17 =1 Liverpool 1 1 0 0 3 0 =1 Man Metropolis 1 1 0 0 3 +4 =1 Man Utd 1 1 0 0 3 +6 =1 Southampton 1 1 0 0 3 +11 =1 Watford 1 1 0 0 3 +5 =1 Wolves 1 1 0 0 3 +9 =9 Bournemouth 1 0 1 0 1 -6 =9 Cardiff 1 0 1 0 1 +8 =9 Newcastle 1 0 1 0 1 +5 =9 Tottenham 1 0 1 0 1 -1 =13 Arsenal 1 0 0 1 0 +2 =13 Brighton 1 0 0 1 0 +3 =13 Burnley 1 0 0 1 0 -2 =13 Crystal Palace 1 0 0 1 0 -9 =13 Everton 1 0 0 1 0 -4 =13 Huddersfield 1 0 0 1 0 +6 =13 Leicester 1 0 0 1 0 0 =13 West Ham 1 0 0 1 0 +7
BBC Sport – Football ultras_FC_Barcelona
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/10565/
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rollinbrigittenv8 · 7 years
Nevada Gun Tourism is Still Steady After Vegas Shooting
Gun tourism is among the major tourism drivers in Nevada and likely won't slow down after the Las Vegas mass shooting. Pictured is the Oasis Gun Club in Mesquite, Nevada, where the Las Vegas gunman resided. Travel Nevada / Flickr
Skift Take: Don't count on mass shootings to deter travelers' interests in gun tourism. Guns are big business and are a major driver for some travelers, most of whom have no bad intentions.
— Dan Peltier
It was business as usual Monday at Battlefield Vegas, a shooting range where guests can fire all manner of automatic weapons and even drive a tank over a car.
Employees in military fatigues escorted guests. A group of Asian tourists took photos of themselves manning the gun of an armored personnel carrier. Three patrons, holding targets riddled with bullet holes, declined to chat about their experience as they left. “We booked this a long time ago,” one said.
Establishments like those in Las Vegas where tourists and locals can shoot military-grade weapons underscore how deeply the gun culture is embedded with many Americans and the challenges President Donald Trump and other politicians face when they try to change gun laws. U.S. Representative John Lewis, the Georgia Democrat, and former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, a gunshot victim, are among those who called for tighter regulation.
“If you want to add to your once in lifetime experiences, put Battlefield Vegas on your ‘Bucket list,’” Anthony W., a visitor from Oakland, California, raved on Yelp.com last month. He chose the “D-Day package” which included firing a Thompson submachine gun and said, “I’ll be going back soon for another experience.”
About 3.5 miles away from Battlefield Vegas, a gunman wielding high-powered weapons opened fire Sunday night on an outdoor concert from the 32nd floor of a Las Vegas casino. He killed 59 people and wounded more than 500. Trump visited the city Wednesday to offer support for the victims, police and paramedics, and to survey the scene.
“We will be talking about gun laws as time goes by,” he said Tuesday. At a press conference Wednesday at a Las Vegas hospital he declined to comment further.
50 Caliber
A billboard for Battlefield Vegas offers enthusiasts the chance to shoot a 50-caliber machine gun for $29. Machine Guns Vegas promises the best shooting deal in town, from $99 for its “Urban Assault Experience” which includes firing the Colt Commando, the Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun and a Glock 17 handgun.
Machine Gun Helicopters takes the show into the air, letting patrons fire automatic weapons from a chopper in what it calls a “true door gunner experience.” A video clip shows the customer cutting down a couple of human dummies perched on a sofa out in the desert.
“We believe, as we always have, that there should absolutely be more stringent control on the types of firearms private individuals can own and the processes they must go through in order to own those firearms,” Machine Guns Vegas said in an emailed statement. “There were many factors contributing to this tragic event, but there is no doubt that the shooter’s ability to inflict so many casualties was heavily due to the types of weapons he had access to.”
The others declined to comment or didn’t respond to requests for comment.
Sales Rise
“Typically after mass shootings, gun sales go up,” said Avery Gardiner, co-president of the Brady Campaign, a group that seeks to reduce gun deaths. “I would guess that activity at shooting ranges follows that pattern, too.”
Annual sales of guns and ammunition in the U.S. total about $13 billion, according to data compiled by IBIS World. About 141,500 people are employed directly in making and selling firearms, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which represents the industry.
Some advocates, like Gardiner, argue ranges provide a valuable service for responsible firearm owners, giving them a place to learn how to use weapons safely and responsibly.
Nevada is far from the only state where enthusiasts can shoot high-caliber weapons on a range. Businesses in Kentucky, Arizona and Georgia advertise similar experiences. Las Vegas may be unique though in both the number of establishments and their proximity to one of the world’s largest tourist destinations.
“You see all those ads all over Las Vegas,” said Rommel Dionisio, an industry analyst at Aegis Capital Crop. in New York. “On billboard and magazines, that’s what they say, the ability to shoot automatic weapons.”
Restrictions on private ownership of automatic weapons date back to the Prohibition era, according to the Brady Campaign. The National Firearms Act of 1934 didn’t outlaw such guns, but it made them hard to get. Sales were recorded in a national registry. Owners underwent a background check and had to meet certain requirements.
Additional restrictions passed in 1968 barred the sale of imported weapons “with no sporting purpose” to civilians, and automatic weapons were determined to fall in that category. The Firearms Owners Protection Act of 1986 banned civilian from possessing machine guns made after May 19 of that year, limiting ownership to older models. An assault weapons ban passed in 1994 expired 10 years later.
Nevada has long been associated with the Wild West and gun culture. The Nevada State Museum, just a few blocks from the capitol in Carson City, has an extensive firearms collection on display, everything from blunderbusses to Gatling guns.
“Nevada has some of the laxest gun laws in the nation,” Gardiner said.
This article was written by Christopher Palmeri and Alexandra Stratton from Bloomberg and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to [email protected].
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