vulpesse-arc · 4 years
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♡・゚: *   BOTANICAL HEADCANONS.   ┊   not accepting. ↳   @chatoyisou​   has entered the fox den:   belladonna  // :00 !!
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BELLADONNA   ───   How does your muse respond to silence ? do they take comfort in soundlessness , or seek to fill the void with noise ?
AHRI HATES SILENCE. Due to the simple fact that her hearing is indeed highly enhanced when compared to that of a normal human, there hasn’t been a single moment in which she did not hear some kind of noise, some kind of melody played by her wild and flourishing surroundings. I believe that if she was ever put in an artificially forged situation in which she cannot perceive a single sound, she would easily panic and thus lose control of herself: a soundless environment is exactly how she imagines death to be like, something tremendous and physically impalpable and hollow, something impossible to perceive yet all-devouring and suffocating at the same time. 
This is why she tends to fill every moment with some sort of sound: aside from the songs sung by the trees and by the flowers and by the wild animals of the ancient woods that she inhabits, she also enjoys the by now familiar sound of the various little trinkets that she has stolen from the nearby villages  (  little golden bells, crystalline wind chimes, loud wooden clocks and gentle carillons  )  . At the same time, however, really loud and obnoxious noises may be capable of creating a sense of defenseless and confusion within her, as they might deafen any other sound and thus fill her ears with an echoing white-noise. 
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archivedials · 4 years
𝐚𝐭  𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭,  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞  𝐢𝐬  𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲  𝐲𝐨𝐮 :   you,  a  ghost  in  the  shell  of  your  own  body.  you,  who  nurtures  this  ice  in  your  chest.  until  frost  turns  itself  into  jagged  shards  between  the  ivory  of  your  ribs,  like  broken  glass,  making  clean  cuts  against  any  touch  that  dares  to  draw  too  close.   (   &  YET  YOU  ARE  CONVINCED  THE  BOY  IN  FRONT  OF  YOU  IS  WINTER’S  FIRST  THAW,  SPRING’S  FIRST  BLOOM.  he  will  be  your  ending  /  your  beginning ;  you  haven’t  decided  which,  just  yet.  )   warmth  blossoms  in  his  chest  when  he  moves  closer,  lips  curving  into  a  devious  smile  behind  the  mask.  danny  leans  forward  into  his  step  &  nearly  falls  into  it,  swooping  under  until  he’s  forcefully  taken  a  spot  in  vincent’s  view.  he  has  long  since  given  up  on  trying  to  surprise  the  other.
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“   𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐲 ...   you’re  not  MAD  at  me,  are  you?   a  little  death  never  killed  anyone,  you  know.   „    it’s  possible  to  hear  the  pout  in  danny’s  voice.  between  his  index  &  middle  finger,  he  holds  a  polaroid,  idly  waves  it  in  front  of  vincent.   “   if  it  makes  you  feel  better        we  make  SUCH  a  cute  couple  in  this  photo...  curious  to  see  now ?  „
@chatoyisou​  ♡’d   /   vincent .
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cursedcrest-a · 4 years
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MULTIFANDOM MULTIMUSE FT. MERCEDES, by prospera                                   &              MARIANNE VON EDMUND, by scout.
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fogleader · 4 years
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@chatoyisou:    ❝  you’ll always be safe with me. ❞    (ft.    jake)
these things weren’t supposed to happen.    you are the preventative measure.    you are the divide.    yet now here you lie — blood in your mouth / blood on the walls.    everything is red and it’s your fault.    a simple miscalculation somewhere maybe?    but your head is spinning too intensely to focus on the possibility as horrible noises, muffled by walls and doors of separation, echo through the building with a blood - chilling familiarity.    they are laughing at you / they are thanking you for your incompetence.    only a fool would allow for such a deep folly to occur.
and yet none of that seems to stay on your mind long enough to hold any meaning.    your only worry is for him, and to live long enough to offer an apology to him for your mistakes.    binding ring on left hand feels terribly heavy in this moment, weighing you down / grounding you to reality.    palm slick with viscera weakly presses against your side in some slim chance for survival / praying it’s enough to let you say goodbye.
apprentice fights the tunnel vision / the light beginning to fade around him, clinging to the ticking of his pocket watch — counting down to his own demise.    tick, tick, tick...    reaching closer and closer to the final hour with each movement of second hand.    regret burdens an already pounding heart.
and then there is hope, and it sounds like a commotion in the room next to you / a desperate cry you would know even in death as door just out of view opens with a shove.    there is hope, and it feels like warm arms wrapping protectively around you / a terrified gaze clearing the fog from your thoughts.    there is hope, and it looks like jake park / the love of your life.
❝  you’ll always be safe with me. ❞
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❝  i know,  ❞    it comes as a sigh of relief, icy tension melting from his body as head gently lolls to rest against partner’s blood - stained shoulder.    half - lidded gaze peers up through cracked lenses / gentle smile radiates simple content despite obvious exhaustion in his expression.    ❝  you look like an angel,  ❞    and it does!    the sun’s rays a glowing halo encircling marauder’s visage.    crimson - slick digits reach up to gingerly pull down ragged bandanna, lingering against a taut jawline.    ❝  but i’m alright now that — now that you’re here.  ❞
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a-personifiedchaosx · 4 years
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@chatoyisou​ asked: “Get out of the way!” / FROM PITCH 
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“No, I’m not gonna let you hurt them!”
Staff is extended in a gesture of offense, even though he knows that push comes to shove, he could easily loose to the likes of ‘the boogeyman’. Not when he had so much power; when he fed off all of the uncertainty and caution that ruled the humans. The ones in question that he wedged himself in between - most likely unable to see the winter spirit that was trying to create distance between the dark being and them - were cowering in fear, holding onto one another with a desperateness, no doubt regretting not being home by nightfall. 
If he was honest, Jack would admit that he was feeling a bit fearful himself.
Blue eyes narrowed however, not budging even an inch from his position, planting his feet further. “-- Leave them alone.”
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wargod-archive · 4 years
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“ I THINK SOME BRIGHT COLORS WOULD DO YOU SOME GOOD! ”  Dawa began pulling strings of beads of their body, necklaces and bracelets and ornaments abound, baubles and tassels, and every little glass and wooden bead hand made and painted, blessed, every single one. “Red’s my personal favorite, most of my robes are red. I think yellow would be nice on you, or perhaps a violet?”        @chatoyisou​   for pitch!
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scarfbond-moved · 4 years
@chatoyisou​ said:
“I’m going to have to pull it out.” / FROM JAKE
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          by hylia’s  FUCKING  grace. of course -- of course! even now, he can’t get a break, a moment to breathe ; trapped in whatever hellish world this is, forced into these trials. he barely remembers how the blasted piece of wood ended up in his leg. though his mood is sour, his mind filled with annoyance / anger, his expression remains mainly stoic, aside from a furrowed brow.             link gives a curt nod in response for jake to get it over with.
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kimuira · 4 years
@chatoyisou​ (julie) liked!
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❝ 𝙷𝙴𝚈, 𝙱𝙰𝙲𝙺 𝚄𝙿. ❞ yeah she’s mid trial, yeah there’s only a pallet separating a wounded yui from a dangerous-looking killer, but this is important, and she’s always been one to speak before thinking. ❝ is that a lesbian pride pin on your sleeve there? ❞
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innosen-a · 5 years
it's a small bundle of blue-forget-me-nots, on top of a box filled with sweet berries & milk buns. to the side of it -- a note, lines elegant & sweet. ' happy birthday, chihiro. ' short & simple; river god hopes she likes it, as small as it is. //happy bday chihiro!!! 😭😭😭😭
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the day was SUPPOSED TO end its usual way: work done , lights off , and everyone asleep. so far , everything seemed the usual UNTIL raven orbs landed on an unattended box with a bunch of blue flowers on top of it , idly perching on the balcony. had someone left it ? instead of slipping underneath her comforter , the girl decided to investigate it further. carefully , she crawled out from the room , making sure she would wake NO ONE in her venture. 
a few discreet tiptoes later , cotton was soon replaced with the bare wooden paneling of the floor. across the package she sits , fingers gently sifting through the bundle and then to the box. upon opening its lid , OBSIDIAN ORBS were wide with surprise ; a variety of buns , berries , and OH ! picking up the note on the side , the girl’s heart SWELLED EVEN MORE. a thank you , haku was whispered towards the sea , and into the star-blanketed night. she could only hope he was having a restful night too. 
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cursedcrest-a · 4 years
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“ you have the best sword technique i’ve ever seen . . . ” a smile- watery, thin. ( it doesn’t quite reach their eyes. ) “ sorry for bothering you. you probably didn’t want to be interrupted right now. ”
@chatoyisou​ / jason.
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fogleader · 4 years
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@chatoyisou:    ❝  it’s okay.    i’ve got you.  ❞    (ft.    jake)
little boat in a big ocean, capsizing over as cattle hammer meets the side of his head and suddenly mind is swimming — fighting to stay above choppy waters, each limping step leading blood - lusted killer further away from what’s left of this group.    one gone, three remain.    how much blood will you be drowning in after this trial?    how many sullen looks of disappointment will greet you back at the campfire?
you might be getting to find out sooner rather than later!
simple miscalculation is made — a left instead of a right, and fleeing leader is greeted by open space, rather than the unused pallet he’d been hoping to create some distance with.    movement halts for only a moment as dizzying vision attempts to take in shifting surroundings.    but a moment is all relentless hunter needs to cut you down, little rabbit!    and a moment is all it takes for hammer to connect with right shoulder blade, instantly shattering the bone and sending survivor spinning before hitting the ground, mouth agape in a silent scream.    a painful reminder of what happens when you waste a moment of borrowed time — one that was never even yours to begin with.
trembling body is lifted with ease onto snarling creature’s shoulder, yet inherent need to survive causes broken form to desperately thrash with an animal intensity as he’s carried to nearest hook — until he hears it.    a truly horrible noise, the way rusted metal scrapes against rusted metal as apparatus is collapsed thanks to another’s quick actions.    yes, little rabbit, fight for your survival!    free yourself from imminent doom!
grip on his waist loosens suddenly, and as he is dropped by killer with a nonexistent grace, grease - stained gloves curl ‘round dirtied bicep to help fallen leader back to his feet before dragging him away from the immediate danger.
❝  it’s okay.    i’ve got you.  ❞
jake’s words echo despite the lack of distance between them, blood - sick digits seeking out saboteur’s own to steady himself with.
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❝  jake,  ❞    head lolls to rest against companion’s shoulder, eyes shut tight for a moment of reprieve as muscles twitch from the adrenaline flowing through his system.    an arm tentatively encompasses hunched shoulders, pulling suffering survivor closer against sudden safety.    is this what it feels like to finally breathe?    to be protected by the one you care about?    chin lifts slightly as emerald hues meet other’s gaze with a pained, but appreciative, expression.    ❝  thank you.  ❞
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glitchesexe · 5 years
“ moni, i love your voice. ” she has her head on other’s shoulder, eyes closed & lips curved up into soft smile. “ it’s so nice & soft, have i ever told you that before? ” small sigh as she opens her eyes to look up at her, smile wider. “ & it’s so /pretty/. ” // gay prep rights !
 ❛         rachel ….   ❜    .  。  . :  ☆  DOKI   DOKI   !     (    EMERALD   HUES   FLICKER   WITH   ADMIRATION ,  she’s   never   been   one   to   recieve   compliments   outside   of   how   hot   she   was —    people   are   so   unoriginal   with   their   flattering   nowadays —  but   it   seemed   rachel   was   not   following   that   noticeable   trend.  a   visible   blush   spreads   across   her   face   as   her   lips   slowly   curve   upwards   into   a   wide   smile  —   she   really   does   appreciate   it —  &   if   she   could   then   she’d   have   hearts   in   her   eyes   right   now.   )   
❛       ahah …   that’s   the   sweetest  thing   anyone’s   ever  told   me …  !      ❜      .  。  . :  ☆  DOKI   DOKI   !     (    HAND   REACHES   UP   ,   cupping   her   face   as   she   feels   the   blood   in   her   face —   ah ,  how   embarrassing —   but   honestly   does   she   mind   ?   she   trusts   rachel   more   than   that —   to   a   point   she   can   be   so   open   like   this   with   her.   )       ❛     you   really   are   the   greatest …   i   love  how   sincere   you   are   you   know   that …   i   just ..   love   you   so   much  —    !      ❜  
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❛       ahaha —   is   that   —    ?   was   that   too   much  ?  .   ❜    
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✖  @chatoyisou || New episode!  ---  Coraline.
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🦆 ˙·٠• || ——   “ Um? And... good morning blue girl? No wait, that’s not right... ”  That was a bit of an understatement, considering the Duck and every single thing around the human girl was made of felt and cotton and paper and clay, leaving her terribly out of place. Just a little too happy and a little too fake, quite simply, it all looked like a set, this town called Clayhill.
  “ I- I don’t think I’ve met you. We don’t even have a verse for you in the song... ” Not that that mattered, at this point he was getting used to nothing ever going by the script he wasn’t supposed to even be aware of in the first place. Confusing as that sounded.
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wargod-archive · 5 years
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“  Hm~  You’re  very  old  right?  Old  as  fear?  ”  They too were old, not as old as fear and not nearly as old as he. For they were a young god, a blossom beginning it’s bloom. The godling smiled coyly, twirling a lock of hair in their fingers. “  Well  you  don’t  look  an  day  or  a  millennium~  ”    @chatoyisou​ for pitch!
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mortelure · 5 years
@chatoyisou    (    lau    )     /     starter    call.
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❝    MISTER    LAU,    you    really    do    have    a    habit    of    showing    up    uninvited.    i    don’t    suppose    just    simply    asking    you    to    leave    would    actually    work,    would    it    ?    ❞  
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origcmibird-aa · 5 years
chatoyisou replied to your post: kubo ABSOLUTELY wants some positive attention
sariatu scoops him up in her arms to give him a hug !!!
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      HE LAUGHS A WARM, bubbly laugh, and allows himself to be scooped lovingly into her arms.
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