straycalamities · 4 months
Hello! I have been following your blog for the past few months, and have come to the conclusion you do not deserve to have Entre on your blog. He is a character I like and seeing him in an environment not meant for him is kinda funny ngl, so I will be expecting a reply to this ask when you have him in a wet cardboard box and ready to relinquish him to someone who will treasure him like he deserves.
okay i'm replying to this but not because he's in a wet cardboard box NOR am i relinquishing him
i'm just wheezing so hard i can't bREATHE NOT T HE RAYMOND DM
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Thank you so much to everyone who showed up to the party today! No matter how little you were there or when you showed up, it was a lot of fun! I appreciate all the birthday wishes and the gifts! :-))
Like look at this canvas! So many skilled artists!! Every corner has something to admire!
Most fun birthday in a while! I'll try to remember it--to *celebrate* it next year!
@shakooo @smolbadguy @lemonine @chazzzberrypie @pypillon @hybridkilljoys @eggmeralda @lloydiscold @rytard
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straycalamities · 4 months
for your uhh edfgy oc memes
you can pick the oc/s but 🫴 gimme 4, 6, 10, 17
well not entre because at this point ive answered almost all of those with him uhhh ill do andrew and ace because they're my special boys
4. When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
andrew: i think with him it very much depends on what the thing scaring him IS. if it's dangerous he's gonna flee. if it's scary because he can't understand it, he'd freeze if he's scared but someone he cares about is also under threat, he'd fight. that kinda thing
ace: he flees or fawns. every time. just depends. or like attempts to fawn, it doesnt work, so he flees. he's a wimp and a coward who only has his silver-tongue as a weapon, so. i think if it was really bad though, he'd freeze. because it's unlike him, he always has Something to react with. delicious
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
andrew: it would be very hard. he's a Good Boy. something/one dear to him would have to be threatened because even if it was just him, he'd just take that bullet (or whatever it was) rather than do what they're trying to make him do though? if he has someone who he's wrapped around the finger of, it'd be a smidge easier. i mean julian had him ruining people's lives lowkey sometimes, but it was fine because he just didn't think about it and it made julian happy
so yeah it depends on WHO is trying to make him do it or just the situation in general but overall? id say its tough and requires specific requirements to be met, the most important being: if he does do this, it's not so black & white Bad. if it's black & white bad or good he's gonna dig his heels in the dirt harder
ace: just give him money. for real. he'll do almost anything for a certain price. otherwise, just threaten to kill him. he'll LITERALLY do anything then. he likes his life too much. however when he becomes close to andrew, all that becomes...less effective because he wants to do right BY andrew <3 or really anyone that managed to worm their way past all his walls and into his heart that's like..a generally good person
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
skipping andrew obviously
for ace hmmm...really just anything that puts him against the wall. really pushes him without quite breaking him. sooo i guess any AU that brings a lot more danger into the equation. because in any AU that's chill or pleasant the interest comes from him being a fucking Clown (both because he can be funny and because his interpersonal issues make a lot of melodrama)
but i personally love seeing how many pieces i can break him into until he stops trying to put himself back together. i don't want him to reach that point because that's boring, but i like pushing it. like i made him so happy and his life so perfect literally so i could ruin it in his...well initial canon universe...
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
andrew: hmmm...julian i guess typically. but moreso because i haven't officially plotted the zombie apocalypse story aka his canon. so i might come up with even worse (better) things to put him through :)
for both: there was one time in an AU where i had a demon possess ace and basically was intentionally trying to ruin his life (namely his relationship with andrew) and that was awful for both of them <3 (this was prior to cult au and probably lowkey inspired it i think)
ace: CANONLY...well in the supernatural/horror story i don't fully know yet because i'm still plotting but in cult au...i think the whole thing is probably the worst thing i've put him through for Now. he hides it but he's absolutely miserable and going Through It at all times. losing his self, his agency, and worse is everyone loves that for him
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