#thank u for the QUESTIONSSS
straycalamities · 4 months
for your uhh edfgy oc memes
you can pick the oc/s but 🫴 gimme 4, 6, 10, 17
well not entre because at this point ive answered almost all of those with him uhhh ill do andrew and ace because they're my special boys
4. When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
andrew: i think with him it very much depends on what the thing scaring him IS. if it's dangerous he's gonna flee. if it's scary because he can't understand it, he'd freeze if he's scared but someone he cares about is also under threat, he'd fight. that kinda thing
ace: he flees or fawns. every time. just depends. or like attempts to fawn, it doesnt work, so he flees. he's a wimp and a coward who only has his silver-tongue as a weapon, so. i think if it was really bad though, he'd freeze. because it's unlike him, he always has Something to react with. delicious
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
andrew: it would be very hard. he's a Good Boy. something/one dear to him would have to be threatened because even if it was just him, he'd just take that bullet (or whatever it was) rather than do what they're trying to make him do though? if he has someone who he's wrapped around the finger of, it'd be a smidge easier. i mean julian had him ruining people's lives lowkey sometimes, but it was fine because he just didn't think about it and it made julian happy
so yeah it depends on WHO is trying to make him do it or just the situation in general but overall? id say its tough and requires specific requirements to be met, the most important being: if he does do this, it's not so black & white Bad. if it's black & white bad or good he's gonna dig his heels in the dirt harder
ace: just give him money. for real. he'll do almost anything for a certain price. otherwise, just threaten to kill him. he'll LITERALLY do anything then. he likes his life too much. however when he becomes close to andrew, all that becomes...less effective because he wants to do right BY andrew <3 or really anyone that managed to worm their way past all his walls and into his heart that's like..a generally good person
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
skipping andrew obviously
for ace hmmm...really just anything that puts him against the wall. really pushes him without quite breaking him. sooo i guess any AU that brings a lot more danger into the equation. because in any AU that's chill or pleasant the interest comes from him being a fucking Clown (both because he can be funny and because his interpersonal issues make a lot of melodrama)
but i personally love seeing how many pieces i can break him into until he stops trying to put himself back together. i don't want him to reach that point because that's boring, but i like pushing it. like i made him so happy and his life so perfect literally so i could ruin it in his...well initial canon universe...
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
andrew: hmmm...julian i guess typically. but moreso because i haven't officially plotted the zombie apocalypse story aka his canon. so i might come up with even worse (better) things to put him through :)
for both: there was one time in an AU where i had a demon possess ace and basically was intentionally trying to ruin his life (namely his relationship with andrew) and that was awful for both of them <3 (this was prior to cult au and probably lowkey inspired it i think)
ace: CANONLY...well in the supernatural/horror story i don't fully know yet because i'm still plotting but in cult au...i think the whole thing is probably the worst thing i've put him through for Now. he hides it but he's absolutely miserable and going Through It at all times. losing his self, his agency, and worse is everyone loves that for him
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killerwithknife · 4 months
hello my dear cousin!!!! i hope ur doing well <3
i come bearing questionsss. what’s ur favourite post-punk band? and have u heard alex turner’s solo ep submarine? aside from ur home where is it that u feel most comfortable?
that’s all i’ve got. luv n appreciate u as always nora!!
hiii cousin!! I’m doing okay-ish, hope u are well too
favorite post punk band is definitely Masshysteri (even tho hurula himself denies ever being punk. but he also denies being a musician and an artist so 😭). I listened to submarine years ago but I haven’t touched it since.. maybe it’s time for a relisten.. and the place I feel the most comfortable at would be my favorite park:)
love ya too necro!! thank u for the fun asks ^_^
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erophonemic · 13 days
1: When did you lose your virginity?
6: Do you like to be dominant or submissive?
12: How often do you have sex?
Thank u for questionsss 💗💖💗
1. So given that virginity is a social construct, I personally count the like. Over video call sex that I had at 18 with partner at the time. But I was only able to have in-person sex when I left the cult like 3 years ago.
6. I'm a switch and a vers, I like both! :) I love how much possibility of play there is in sex, and I like to both cum and make my partner(s) cum. I want the deep intimacy of others and to show my own.
12. God it really has varied around the last few years. Only like once a month or less for quite a while but in the last month way more. I would estimate given the circumstances at least once a week but perhaps to be more given logistics changes. I definitely have some in-person people I've visited with that I would like to hang out with again and maybe make things happen...
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mxlly143 · 7 months
ok! i have a few!!
do u have any pets?
favorite color?
what grade r u in?
favorite subject in school?
yes i have a doggo!!!
green, blue, and orange
im a freshman in highschool
math (especially geometry)
thanks for ur questionsss! <3333
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goldennikko · 2 years
I'm on the other side of the world from you and not very tired I think I'm just bubble gum dumb dumb 😭
120) Did you know that female crabs can lay 1,000 to 2,000 eggs as once?!?!
121) How fast do you fall asleep?
122) Do you eat fruit for dessert?
123) Have you ever gotten hit with a chancla?
124) Have you ever made someone repeat themselves multiple times and then in the end just act like you understood them because you don't want to make them repeat themselves again? 😭
125) Do you prefer push doors or pull doors?
126) Are you getting tired of these random questions? I hope your followers aren't tired of seeing me too 🥺 (I'm worrying myself for no reason)
- ❓
121. like minutes?
122. absolutelyyy
125. push doors so i can adjust my strength lol
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mkaugust · 2 years
26, 29, and 30, if u want! :)
Hi!! So many, thank you!! Hope you're having a wonderful day. :)
26. the film you watched most recently that you could watch again and again
I've been rewatching the Harry Potter movies with the kiddo- he had never seen any of them before. I'm struggling to remember anything else I may have watched recently, it has maybe been awhile. We are up to the 6th one; I enjoyed rewatching the 3rd ofc.
29. a favourite easy recipe: 5 ingredients or less, or takes less than 30 min to make
I just answered this one! I don't know if I have any other recipes off hand... easy dinner for me is definitely something microwavable hahaha or just like pasta with a jar of pasta sauce!
30. a song that makes you want to have a boogie round your bedroom
Currently dancing most often to Beyonce... give me Cozy or Alien Superstar! Cuff it!! Pure/honeyyyy
ask me questionsss
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kamocore · 7 months
i have some questionsss
what are ur fav songs
fav genshin characters besides dottore?
HII <3 thank u for askin nonnie <3
my fav songs are rn ; fill the void - the weeknd, lily rose depp, and ramsey
lowkey - rochelle jordan
stupid hoe - nicki minaj
every night - montell fish
altitude - montell fish
anddd surprisingly kaeya is my fav genshin character not ttore <3 i also lovee tartaglia like hellofucjjc
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lezbonormativity · 1 year
Thank you for answering my genderbent dn anon ask!!
Heeey, no problem!! Also I WANNA APOLOGIZE IT TOOK SO LONG honestly your question was very interesting I had to think about it a bit and I forgot to write down my answer 😭 Thank u for cool questionsss ! 🌟💖
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brambletea · 4 years
Cider and maize for the autumn asks!! 🍁🍁
aaaa thank u tani!! :D
cider: a food you disliked as a child but now enjoy
MUSHROOMS!!!!!! this is true character development, folks. hated them as a kid but grew up to appreciate them in so many dishes 
maize: share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street
god ok so one time i was just walking to target and i make eye contact and smile with a woman, and she asks me for change to get on the ferry back home. i don’t have all that she needs, but i offer her a dollar. and then she suddenly says “you look like you’d be good with kids! did you have a good childhood?”
and uhhh. boy howdy i did Not, but i, trying to be normal, said like. “it was alright!” and she just LAUNCHES into her life story. including like her painful marriages and childhood. and she says she has borderline personality disorder?? which i also have???? and i said so, and she says something abt like. recognizing that we are kindred spirits.
and then she STARTS QUOTING BIBLE VERSES AT ME. and hugs me for like four whole minutes while quoting protective verses. 
overall she was very kind and clearly just needed a kind listening ear. but man she really had me talking to her for 15 minutes b/c i smiled. weird times!!
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
Now I’m curious about Shattered crystal! MC story, how they came to be, were they a human before? Or just born as an entity. So many questionsss 😂😂😂,, thank u for that update 👌🏾👌🏾
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uvgroovy · 4 years
Okay I wrote down the significant-ish things about that stream for @jxtunnblood but I figured I’d post it for everyone else who doesn’t want to sit thru the politics bc they are not American!
All under the cut, feel free to add if I missed something, I’m very ADHD
They’re talking about demons getting voices??
No one cares Jared we want the gays having voices
[politics politics politics]
Jim beaver is wonderful and I love him : people who serve political office are there because they believe in public service
Damn right you preach king
I love him
Stacey leaves and thanks misha bc we all know he’s perfect
[stacey leaves]
Misha looks way hotter on zoom than he does in the goddamn show
Jensen asking for alcohol, misha tells him to stfu
They flirt briefly “we’ll take this offline”
Now the anxiety starts [they compliment Stacey and say its time to talk spn]
I am scared
Jensen gets excited and waves his hands, its irrelevant but rly cute
Curtis talks about getting into politics, I will not transcribe the politics because you are in Germany and this is not important for you lmao
Jensen and Misha want some goofy shit, time for trivia
trivia for Bob:
What is the name of the Japanese game show—-
Erick: what did u use to protect your junk???
Lmaoooo He actually had a cup but he was really afraid
Jensen thought Jared was actually gonna get his nuts cracked
Jared: I peed a little and pooped
Misha: what is Cas without his powers
Jared: stupid!
Ostrich gets it and gets called a nerd
This is too fast lol
[basically trivia, i will write the funny comments if I’m fast enough]
Or not ? I guess ? They said it and then moved on lmao...
Okay theres a google form and ppl are answering the questions to get prizes or smth
Lol the form crashed because theres too much traffic
I will give up
Jared is being made fun of for herpies
“What if your dog has herpies???”
they are talking about genital herpies and Felicia apparently had to do a commercial for it ...
Seb: What is the capital of Albania Jared?
— he gets it wrong
Jensen is so beautiful , i will say this every time he speaks
Seb got a massage at the Vancouver airport
I am glad they are having fun but please talk about the finale
But also please don’t talk about the finale idk if i can take it
Jared explains the massage: J2 see a chair massage place at the airport, and see Seb is getting one. Jared walks up quietly and starts massaging seb, and pretending his hands are small, Seb is enjoying skin to skin contact “with an English accent— that is bon”
Jared is groping seb now in the middle of an airport and seb is now saying he’s lying
Jensen got a hold of a beer
Jensen got his suit for The Boys
“It’s crotchless and assless!!”
If you pay them a ton of money you can talk to them for two seconds! How fun
Rob was supposed to sing but he DIDN’T
$225,000 raised! Nice job spn family! Thank you Misha Collins!!
[politics again]
They’re such a family they forget everything they were supposed to do and make fart jokes.
Erick says thank you so much for 15 years, J2M say nothing lmao , they just nod. Everyone else says thank you
Jensen: this group is not being dispersed, what we built for 15 years is gonna bind us (he looks teary but it’s low quality so hard to tell)
Misha: we’re like herpies!
That’s the end. No finale talk at all, I’m glad and disappointed.
Outtakes now.
I’m sure you will watch these so I will not write them
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I LOVE YOUR ACCOUNT SO MUCH! thankss for answering my questionsss:))
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caxsthetic · 4 years
13, 23, 33
Heyyo!! Thank u for questioning mee💕
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just looked at an outline of yours without reading the fic?
➡ I rarely outline my fic. Usually I just put quotes regarding it... Lmao so maybe they would be like "Okay what the fuck is it mean" because quotes can be interpreted in lots of waayy xkdnkdmzms
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
➡ Help me, I don't know🤧 I love writing anything so I don't have anything in particular... But maybe I just love the bond between husband and wife... Is that a trope? Jxnskxnz
33. What do you like writing better: one shots or multi-chapter stuff?
➡ I love both. I could not choose... It depends on the plot that I am going with💕
Send me some questionsss about writing
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liyaezhova · 5 years
31 for the musical asks!
thank u!! i’m in the mood to talk about musicals so this is very much appreciated lmao
31. favourite instrumental song from a musical
ok so i’ve put serious thought into this and obviously the instrumentals from the band’s visit (overture, soraya, haj butrus, the concert, and afifi) are top tier genius and haj butrus was one of my most listened to songs of the decade on spotify so they’re clearly some of my favourites
however, i also ADORE laendler from the sound of music (!!!!), the overture from the light in the piazza, and lover’s desire from hadestown (even though it’s not 100% instrumental-only whoops)
please send me musical theatre questionsss i have nothing to do while i wait for the next couple of hours :(
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yellowcurtqins · 5 years
Yo, i have some questionsss 1. Who do you look up to the most? 2. Am or SKAM (all the versions of it) 3. Fave song rn? 4. Top 3 things that bring you joy?
i hope these answers arent too long
1. i may sound like a broken record lol but i look up to ellen degeneres bc shes a freaking icon and shes done a lot of good for a lot of people 2. THIS IS SUCH A HARD QUESTION I LOVE DRUCK but am & cyrus’ storyline was a big motivator for my coming out so it will always have a special place in my heart :) 3. fuck im hella indecisive abt this kinda stuff but runaway by khalid & you should be here by kehlani are both iconic 4. ngl tyrus is one of the top things that bring me joy, writing is a rlly big thing for me oh & ART
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mirrorforevers · 3 years
for the questionsss 8, 13
thank u for the numbers, bby! 💕💕
8. what color do you think goes best with your personality?
i wish i was a bit more of a brown n yellow person but im much more of a pink/purple one. what can i say? i love attention
13. talk about an au or story you came up with
oooooo c’mon ushkjsdhk i post them all for u to read! :P but i’ll talk a bit more abt my WIPs n planned fics then
currently im finishing a jealous roommate fic starring our two favorite boys damon n graham (n reader, of course dkfjhdfk)
i have lots of other prompts to fill but im not sure in which order n how im gonna fill them yet so im not listing them all here, but some other things that are on my radar for the future are:
- a sequel to the wrong side of the bed, one of my favorite fics ever
- a coffee shop gramon au fic featuring young gra n older damon
- a sequel to here, there and everywhere, also a fic im very proud of
outside of fandom, there’s a tv script i’ve been developing for a while that involves politics, a smooth analysis of the brazilian perception of success n the complete lack of assistance for those w mental illnesses in our country. its promising, but its a WIP for some years now ksdjhsk who knows if it’ll be picked up by some brazilian channel someday! 
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