#chc: starter
optimistredsox · 1 year
15 July, BOS @ CHC, 4-10, loss
Even good and reliable starters have the occasional shitshow, and for James Paxton, or “Big Maple” that shitshow was the third inning last night where the Cubs scored six runs thanks to some bad pitching, some bad fielding and just a general shambles. It was one of those days, really. They happen. I am hoping that the Sox don’t find this derailing. I hope it’s just a “shit happens” loss rather than a “this is the beginning of shit happening” loss. Annoyingly the Yankees won, which means they’re a game ahead again. 
Were there some bright sides? Yes. Of course there were. 
Tristan Casas, appearing to warm up, hit a dinger, a two-run shot in the seventh.
Justin Turner went 2-for-4 with a RBI and a run scored. 
Jarren Duran went 0-for-2 but walked twice. Good eye, Jarren. 
We can get ‘em Sunday.
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abornxfighter · 6 years
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“Huh?” she looked up, as much as she hated to say it the most relaxing part of the city that didn’t make her feel like jumping off a cliff was the Bayou granted there was one or two judgy looks that made her want to throw her juice allover them but other than that she was fine where she was. “Unless you want red hair, I suggest you come out with it because i’m really not gonna sit here and play the guessing game. So?” she raised a brow. 
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
        “what are you doing here? this is private property.” derek leans back from his car, one that he had recently just bought while catching someone lingering about the area. he was glad to know that the parties were over and it felt nice to get some quiet time to consider things after last night.
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lockedwoof · 6 years
All he had wanted was a quiet fucking moment with his cup of coffee. But of course, it was too much to hope for. Mere seconds after he had settled down at one of the corner tables outside of a cafe, a puppy which had been hovering about, one which he assumed belonged to one of the other customers, began to bark madly looking directly at him. Seriously? “Am I going to have to compel a dog to shut the fuck up?” he muttered, obvious irritation colouring his tone.
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neurxticbarbie-blog · 6 years
She hadn’t watched the news that morning, so content with the relative peace that had been happening. It was a mistake a huge, ginormous mistake. Because instead she was standing by one of those stupid free newspaper stands holding one tightly in her hands. Her heart was in her throat as she scanned the title line over and over again. ‘Bartender found dead.’ His throat had been ripped right out, she didn’t even have to wonder what happened. “Oh god.”
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argentumborn-blog · 6 years
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It had all begun abruptly, how it usually occurs. One moment she was walking down the pavement, up until she stumbled upon a familiar pendant on the floor. She had bent down to pick it up, brows creased in between as she realized it was the Argent family heirloom. Having become increasingly unsettled, Allison sprung upright immediately. She turned frantically in different directions, in search for the answer as to how the necklace had conveniently wound there to begin with. And then the next moment, she heard that all too familiar voice call out for her. Allison. She felt her heartbeat pick up, starting to run without thinking. It wasn’t until she had clashed into another that she was yanked into reality once again. “ Oh god-- I’m so sorry, ” She spoke frantically, still shaken up by the hallucination. Gaze shifted downward, catching a glimpse to her hand at her side-- empty. The pendant was gone. None of it was real.
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crescentforged · 6 years
The town she’d once called home many years ago was one that she could barely recognize today. She had yet to accustom to the place again, having returned just recently. It was peculiar, to say the least; returning to her place of origins after so long. Despite that, she took it all in her stride, as she decided to find herself the nearest pub to order a drink, " Scotch, neat. ” 
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ofxcrescentblood · 6 years
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“You’ve been giving me dead eye for the past ten minuets...you gonna tell me what’s up?” Who wasn’t on edge in the pack, luckily of course he had a little brother to take care of that stopped him from spiraling too much and of course since the last thing he needed was to add to the angry influx of wolves, he was trying to remain in a good place about everything. 
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crscntwolf-blog · 6 years
he knew he wasn’t supposed to be here, oliver knew that aiden and jackson had a point about how often he came into the city, but he was stubborn and he wanted his fix daily, and well, that fix had him coming back much too soon, with little care for who saw him until later that night. stepping out of the bar he’d spent the majority of his day in, oliver had a bad feeling, a feeling that he was being watched, and that was completely plausible. the wolf looked around, but noticed nothing out of the usual – perhaps it was the approaching full moon that him on edge. the werewolf buried his hands into his pockets, pulled up the collar of his jacket and made his way back towards the bayou, looking back every once in a while.
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kcthrne · 6 years
katherine knew the risks of sticking around in beacon falls, but she couldn’t deny that she was already conjuring up the perfect plan to get her off the hook for a little while with klaus. that didn’t put her paranoia to rest though, and the vampire found herself carefully eyeing her surroundings, eventually satisfied nobody important was around, and ordering herself a drink.
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Dean took a break from the current case the boys were pursuing, taking temporary residence at the nearest coffee shop. He skipped breakfast that morning which seemed highly unusual for the man, but he could only go so long without getting distracted by a grumbling stomach. Dean grabbed a seat at one of the tables closest to the door after buying two donuts before more or less gouging his face as he always did when food is set in front of him. What the hunter didn’t expect, however, was his unhealthy meal being interrupted as someone just stopped at his table. “If you’re looking for an empty spot, I wouldn’t.”
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trueheartalpha · 6 years
Allison had been standing around watching the tree being decorated for a while, and was on her forth cup of hot chocolate. Which while it was definitely not something her doctors would recommend, it was keeping her warm, and it tasted good. Tired of being on alert of those who were around her, and politely talking to people that were pleased she was ‘feeling better’, or just staring at the girl who’d had a brush with death, she finally took a seat, watching what was going on around her. The warm chocolate however left her sleepy, and her eyes were getting heavy when she heard someone talk to her. “I said I’m fine!” She snapped, her eyes opening before she realised that hadn’t been what they asked. “... Sorry. It’s been a long day and I’m a grump.” She smiled, sadly.
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abornxfighter · 6 years
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She’d been freaking out, unable to sleep without having a nightmare or seeing his face and right now all she wanted to do was forget that he was even around. “Don’t look at me like you don’t wanna do it too.” she added with a roll of her eyes, her defense mechanism kicking in as always. 
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evolvingxhale · 6 years
        derek wasn’t blind, he knew he was getting curious, mixed with suspicious glances from a few people since he arrived in the city. it may as well be justified knowing who his mother was, assuming that could be the cause of all the stares. there was one place that derek first thought of visiting and the bayou had made its way into his mind. “it looks like you’ve been wanting to say something. y’know i can’t exactly read minds.” he says, after turning around towards the presence behind him. 
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dcmcgedsoul-blog · 6 years
She didn’t quite understand why she’d been brought back; what her purpose must’ve been to warrant her resurrection. Apart of her still felt like it wasn’t real, as if she had succumbed to idealistic delusions such as returning to the land of the living-- just so that she could see her son at least once. But it was real, and it felt so strange to be back after having been dead for so long. Even after death, she was not at rest. Her soul had remained trapped in some sort of limbo state, for the most part, at least until she’d somehow been taken to the promised land. After everything she’d gone through, and now being brought back-- naturally, she felt out of it. To calm her jitters, the blonde had approached and relied on the kindness of a stranger to let her have a cig. Inhaling the fumes, and exhaling slowly, she wanted to find a secluded area where she could clear her mind properly, and figure out what her next move should be. Just as she was walking, she felt her shoulder collide with someone, prompting for Alice to turn to face the person she’d just bumped into, “-- sorry ‘bout that...”
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dptyparrish-blog · 6 years
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Drink in his hand now, Jordan still is trying to loosen up to have a good time.  He’s not much of a partier but at least he can be looking out for the people who’d get too drunk. Like an unofficially designated driver. He stood with a lost look in his eye. “I can only imagine the number of people that’ll be kept over in the station by the end of the night.” The hellhound turns to the person next to him. It’s supposed to be a joke but he hasn’t got the expression on his face to match that. 
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