#cheap horse bridle
chokopoppo · 23 days
Chapters: 4/4 (COMPLETE) Fandom: Discworld - Terry Pratchett Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alice “Wazzer” Goom & Mildred Froc Characters: Alice “Wazzer” Goom, Mildred Froc, Original Characters Additional Tags: Politics, Plot, Religious Discussion, Visions Series: Part 6 of Six Months Passed.
The courtyard is dimly lit, and the stables are very dark. The spring night is cold, and Alice puts her coat on. Over it, she buckles one of the baldrics from the light hunting armory and a leather belt for security, and pauses with her hand over a sword in its scabbard. Alice has never been particularly at home with weapons, even after her time in the army. She grabs it with one hand, surprised (as always) by its substantial weight, and squints at it. After a moment, she lifts it with the blade pointed up, gripping the hilt tightly with both hands as her arms tremble with the effort of holding it still. “You will be mine, and you will obey me,” she tells it sternly. “We will go together, and I will be a kind of master to you. You will not leap free, or disobey, or succumb to your lust for blood. When I call, you will heel.” The sword does not answer, because it is a sword, but she feels better for saying it. She sheathes it, and delicately buckles it into her baldric near the hip. The white horse, who she had ridden in the famous march on the palace, has been kept in the stables. He’s an athletic stallion, well-cleaned and good tempered, and she feels a fleeting, silly sort of kinship with him. He had just been a cheap thing to train, acquired for her because white had somehow seemed the right color for the moment, and now he’s been trained into a sort of celebrity. They had trotted him out at some point in the proceedings of the presentation, let the soldiers look on at his coat, and he had probably spent the whole time wondering when dinner was. She strokes his nose until he pulls his head away, snorting, then opens his pen, brushes him, blankets and saddles him. He takes his bridle obediently, and she strokes his neck, reveling in his strength, his coat, his warmth. As with weapons, she is not at home around horses, and does not know if he is ten or twelve or fourteen hands. But she knows that he is powerful, that he is alive. She mounts him. She rides. 
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all-the-things-2020 · 7 months
No Better Place - Chapter 5
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Summary: Javi and Cassidy go for a ride.
Word count: 1700+
“Bored yet?”
Javi opened his eyes. He’d been leaning back in his lawn chair, arms crossed, but definitely not napping. “Just communing with Buster,” he said. “He gets me, don’t you, buddy?” The gelding, who had been dozing off, simply swished his tail at a particularly annoying fly and flicked an ear when he heard his name.
Cassidy laughed. “Yeah, you have so much in common,” she said. “You’re both lazy, good for nothing, free loaders.”
Javi sat up. “Hey! I’m doing this as a favor to you,” he said. “And I brought the beer last week.”
“One lousy six pack,” she scoffed.
“It was the good shit,” Javi shot back. “Not that cheap crap you buy.” In the weeks since he’d started coming over to socialize Buster, they’d fallen into a friendly banter, ending most days with a cold beer in the barn or on her back porch.
“Well, I have a mortgage to pay,” Cassidy replied. “I’m not living rent free in my dad’s house.”
Javi shook his head and flipped her the bird. She’d hit a bit too close to the bone with that last remark. Chucho had made it clear that Javi could stay as long as he liked, but he still felt like he was imposing.
“Get off your lazy ass and come for a ride with me,” Cassidy said. “I need to get some miles on Dawson before I can start advertising him for sale, but I also need to get Cricket out before she gets too fat.”
“I’m not much of a rider,” Javi protested. It was true. He knew how to ride, of course. His dad had insisted on it, but it had been years since he’d ridden more than just to get from point A to point B on the ranch, and then only if he couldn’t easily drive one of the trucks.
“I’ll put you on Cricket,” Cassidy said. “She’s my babysitter horse. I’ve put little kids on her. I think you’ll be okay.”
“Oh, I know how to ride well enough,” Javi said. “I meant I’m not used to riding for a long time.”
“Afraid you’ll hurt your ass?”
“Afraid I won’t be able to walk tomorrow,” Javi admitted. “I’m not as young as I used to be.”
“You’re not that old,” Cassidy said. “But you are out of shape.” She reached down and poked his stomach. “Less beer and whiskey, more exercise. And stop smoking those cancer sticks.”
Javi batted her hand away. “Don’t touch me,” he grumbled.
“Just get up and help me saddle the horses,” she said. Javi took a moment to admire the view as she walked away before he levered himself up out of the chair. He followed her into the barn and into the tack room at the end.
He whistled in admiration. “Nice collection,” he said. There were close to a dozen saddles placed neatly on racks on the far wall. The wall opposite had pegs which held bridles and halters and other bits of tack.
“Yeah, I like to have options,” Cassidy said. She ran her hand over the seat of a glossy black English style saddle. “Western, jumping, dressage … I used to have a sidesaddle, too, but I got a great offer to sell it to a historical reenactor.” She pulled a plain trail saddle off one of the racks and nodded to another one a few spaces over. “Grab that and follow me.”
They worked silently, except for a few quiet instructions from Cassidy, brushing the horses off and tacking them up. Dawson was a nondescript bay gelding with no white markings at all. He fidgeted as Cassidy worked with him. Cricket, on the other hand, was a pretty little buckskin mare with a white stripe down her face and impeccable ground manners.
“I’m serious about you riding Cricket,” Cassidy said as she checked the girths on both saddles. “She’s got that nice, easy jog. Dawson’s a real bone shaker. Your backside will thank me.”
“Glad to know you think about my backside so much,” Javi said. “I’m flattered.”
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” she replied, as she swung gracefully into the saddle on Dawson’s back.
Javi chuckled and hoisted himself onto Cricket’s back. Cassidy led the way past the riding arena and to the beginnings of a trail that led out into the brush. She sat easily in the saddle, swaying with the horse’s movements. Javi tried to relax and imitate her, but it was hard to strike the right balance between following the horse and staying in control.
Cassidy turned in the saddle to check on Javi. “Jesus Christ, man, relax,” she laughed. “Give her a loose rein and sit back on the cantle. She won’t bolt on you. Trust her. Cricket’s a good girl.”
She was sure Javi had narrowed his eyes behind his ubiquitous aviator sunglasses. She kept hoping he’d lose them somewhere; they reminded her of that cheesy show about the California highway patrol officers from the 70’s.
“Last time I trusted a horse, he took me through a barbed wire fence and dumped me in a patch of cactus,” Javi grumbled. “I like to be in control of my horse.” He lifted his chin at her in accusation. It was true that she was sitting halfway round in her saddle, one foot out of the stirrup, with the reins looped loosely around the saddle horn.
“I’m still in control,” she retorted. “I just don’t have to rule with an iron hand.” She shifted her weight, cueing Dawson to stop, and he did. Javi pulled back on Cricket’s reins to keep her from walking into Dawson’s butt. “See!” Cassidy cried. “Right there. You hauled on her mouth. All she needs is for you to sit back in the saddle, drop your weight, open your legs a little.” She held up her hand to forestall the snide comment she knew he was dying to make. “Yeah, I heard it. But it’s true. You don’t need to be yanking on the reins. I don’t cowboy my horses, and I don’t charro my horses. Got it?” Dawson shifted nervously beneath her. She hadn’t meant to raise her voice, but damn, men were such asses sometimes when it came to horses.
Javi nodded. “Okay, okay, I’ll try to be gentler,” he said. “But in my defense, my dad’s horses aren’t as well trained as this little lady.” He leaned forward to smooth down a section of Cricket’s mane that had flipped the wrong way, and Cassidy saw that he could be gentle if he wanted to be. She also wondered what it would feel like to have that hand smooth her own hair away from her neck and … she shook her head. Focus, Cass, focus!
“All right, as long as we’re on the same page,” she said. “Come on, let’s ride.” She nudged Dawson into a walk and then a trot. She hadn’t been kidding when she’d told Javi he was a bone shaker. It was nearly impossible to sit his trot, so she posted as best she could. She did take a glance back and saw that Javi was bouncing around in the saddle a bit, even with Cricket’s smooth Quarter Horse jog.
She slowed to a walk when they reached a wide, open section of grassland where the well defined trail they’d been following broke into a braid of tracks. “Bring her up alongside,” she said. “I want Dawson to get used to being next to other horses, not always single file.”
Javi let Cricket stride out until they had caught up. Dawson immediately pinned his ears. “Hey, hey, none of that,” Cassidy chided him, taking a firmer grip on the reins. Cricket snorted and shook her head as if to say, Amateur.
They rode in silence for a while, no sound but the creaking of saddle leather, the jingling of bits, the thud of hooves, and the occasional snort as the horses blew dust from their noses. “This is the life,” Cassidy said eventually. She dropped the reins and leaned back to rest her hands on Dawson’s rump. “I could do this forever.”
Javi looked over at her, and she felt his eyes travel the length of her body. “I could watch it forever,” he said.
“You’re disgusting,” she said, sitting back up properly. “But you don’t look so bad yourself, when you’re not trying to be all macho and in control.” She ran her own eyes over him, his long legs hanging loosely along Cricket’s sides, his hips moving gently with her strides, his huge hands lightly holding the leather reins. Yeah, he looked damned good.
Javi shrugged. “Okay, so we agree we both look hot in the saddle,” he said. “Can we head back now before I get a callus on my ass the size of Dallas?”
Cassidy laughed. “Oh, we’re just getting started, Mr. Pena,” she said. “Giddy up!” She tapped her heels against Dawson’s sides, urging him into a canter. Cricket didn’t need any encouragement to join in; she loved to run.
“Hey!” Javi yelped as Cricket lowered her head and lit out after Cassidy. “I wasn’t ready!”
“You snooze, you lose!” Cassidy cried. “Yee haw!” She leaned forward and urged Dawson into a full on gallop. She heard Javi cursing behind her and knew that Cricket had kicked into overdrive. She was a sweet mare but had a competitive streak that would put a racehorse to shame. No one outran her. In just a few strides, she’d caught Dawson and was pulling ahead. She flicked an ear at Javi but kept going. Cassidy laughed. “That’s my girl. Show him who’s boss!”
As soon as she’d put a length or two between them, Cricket slowed her stride. Cassidy reined Dawson back into a canter, then to a trot, and finally a walk. He was blowing hard, but Cricket looked ready to go again.
“Damn, that was insane,” Javi said once the two horse were walking side by side again.
“Never underestimate a woman,” Cassidy said. “Human or equine.”
Javi smiled, something she rarely got to see. “Point taken,” he said. “Now, seriously, can we go home now? My ass is killing me.”
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Saturday 21 July 1832
6 40
11 20
fine morning F63° at 6 50 – out at 7 40 – went down Hirst cleaning the holly hedge in the Brook Ing – then two trees he had brought and called Locust trees turn out Acacias – planted them – fine plants – but without any hope of their living – then set the man to take out 2 sods from the front and put them to the back of the holly hedge in Charles Howarths’ acre field – the man did 25 yards in length in ¾ hour – he would very well do 4 roods in an hour – breakfast in the little room at 9 50 in ½ hour – out again at 10 ½ having just seen my aunt – went to Park farm – then till 11 ½ when called to Mr. Joseph Stocks – met him in the approach road – took him to Wellroyde, and along the road I was going to stop in Lower brea wood – he saw how little it had been used – thought nobody would object to what I was going to do but Joseph W- himself and advised me to go on with it – he (Stocks)  had never heard a word on the subject – he himself was not at the meeting but his father was and would have mentioned the thing to him had he heard anything of it – thought I had better not have a meeting called – but let the town call a meeting if they chose – if anybody molested me, then I could apply to the magistrates – then explained
about the footpath I was going to make down Wellroyde brow instead of that along the top of Wellroyde wood and down the Daisy bank – Mr. S- thought I should do the public a service and advised me to go on, saying that the Lower brea road commissioners ought certainly to make the steps down into the road – I said I did not care to put them to any expense – I would willingly pay for the thing – explained that as to the bridle road in Lower brea wood I knew of no case in which it could be wanted, unless, in stopping up the road in front of an house, they wanted a road that way for the Dove house farms, and, in that case, I would not only willingly give them up the bridle road again but would give them every facility for all they wanted on agreeing for the old line of road opposite our house – said I should take his Mr. S-‘s advice and go on with my job – then brought him home ordered in wine and sandwiches and he sat about an hour till 1 ¼ - after complimenting him on his house etc. (he has thrown 50 acres into a park like enclosure and much beautified the head of the dale) got him on to the subject of coals – he sells his at 9d. a load or corve at people’s door at H-x, and this additional penny pays for leading for a cart (one horse?) will carry 14 corves very well from his pits, it being all downhill – the Rawsons sell for 8d. – he seemed to know nothing of their selling any at 7d. – asked if their shaft or tunnel above a mile long would cost a thousand pounds – no! he had one as long that only cost him £500 and they would do theirs as cheap as he could do his – well! then said I, I think they must have added up the bills wrong – (vid. Thursday p.183) – asked what their coal would cost getting – would 3 1/2d. a corve pay the expense – yes! certainly – 2 1/2d. a corve to the collier, and another penny would pay the rest – but at any rate ‘one half for the other’ (i.e. out of the 8d. one half for expense the other half for profit) was the utmost – then the expense would not said I be 5d. a corve – oh! dear no – what did he think my coals ought to be worth an acre – well! he thought they were worth more to Rawson than anybody else, and I might easily calculate – 6 corves at 8d. out of every square yard – I said I thought only 5 corves per square yard – he said they were always obliged to leave something tho’ not much at the top, tho’ to be sure that was in the upper bed, and they left nothing in the
vid. p. 178 lower – but I might reckon 5 corves per square yard – I then turned to my calculations (vid. p. 178)
If the coal costs 3 1/2d. a corve getting and hurrying the clear gain would be £453.15.0 per acre
If ditto ditto 4d. per ditto ditto and ditto the clear gain would be £403.6.8 per acre
he thought I ought to have £300 per acre for my coal, and were he in Rawsons’ place he should be glad to give it – he calculated that it made a hundred pounds per acre difference whether the coals were pulled up at a pits’ mouth or carried out in a horizontal shaft and Rawsons could well afford to pay £300 – he thought with the loose they had lately got at Lawhill, they could get almost all my coal, they could go almost to Dumb mill – if the gall or jumble there was a throw up (I think he said) to the Northwards, it would be in their favour – they could not have much of their own coal to get – they calculated on buying mine for they got a great deal of coal, and had a great sale – He said there had been a report that I meant to sell the coal in the Shibden estate by auction and had that been the use, he should have been a bidder – we talked of Upper brea – he said I ought to have it, and said his father would once have given £10,000 for it rather than Norris should have it – I said it was not worth that to anyone, for I had the coal loose – I should like to buy it, but would not now give £10,000 nor did I think that price would ever be offered for it again – He seemed well pleased with his visit, thinking no doubt, he had put me up to asking enough for my coal, and I was well pleased to have learnt what I had – at 1 ¾ went down to Hirst again and set him to take away 2 spades breadth of sod from behind the holly hedge along the bottom of the wood in Lower brook Ing he having done that at the top in Charles H-‘s field and dined – called off to pay a bill – returned and at 4 ¼ he had done from the brook up to the sloe tree – then digging a little and warmed myself home at 6 10 and dinner at 6 20 – afterwards wrote the whole of the above of today till 8 40 – read the newspaper – Cordingley observed that James Greenwood, of the Cunnery, that I have for some days past thought of taking to teach – had told Matty Pollard he should like living with me better if I was more settled – this is enough for me, and I shall think of him no more – Read the courier – came to my room at 10 25 – fine day – F61 ½° at 10 25 p.m.
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missedstations · 7 months
"Mulberries in the Park" - Connie Wanek
At free, they're cheap and sweet enough, and, by late July, the tree's glad to shed them. Out there under the storm clouds, a slender woman reaches into the plunging branches. She's bridling the great green horse in the summer pasture. She takes a heavy bough in her arms and feels it lift her off her feet. She brought a dented pail but eats as she picks, and around her falls a shower of mulberries from the treetop filled with starlings as, weighted with fruit the whole tree staggers. Then the first raindrops tick among the leaves. Hurry now.
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paultsblog · 1 year
Fake Saddles v/s Real Saddles
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A fake saddle, also known as a counterfeit saddle, is a replica or imitation of a genuine, high-quality saddle. It is typically made with lower-quality materials and craftsmanship and may not be as durable or functional as a real saddle. On the other hand, a real saddle is made with genuine materials and crafted by experienced saddle-makers. It is typically more expensive than a fake saddle but is also more durable, functional, and comfortable. It is important to note that fake saddles can be very similar in appearance to real ones, so it's important to research the brand and seller before purchasing a saddle to ensure it is genuine.
Fake saddles can be harmful to horses during riding for several reasons: Poor fit: Counterfeit saddles are often not made to the same specifications as real ones, so they may not fit the horse properly. This can cause discomfort, pain, and even injury to the horse's back. Low-quality materials: Fake saddles are often made with lower-quality materials that are not as durable or long-lasting as real saddles. This means that the saddle may break or wear out more quickly, which can cause injury to the horse. Inferior craftsmanship: Counterfeit saddles are not made by experienced saddle-makers and may have structural problems. This can cause the saddle to collapse or shift during riding, which can be dangerous for both the horse and the rider. No warranty or after-sales service: Genuine saddles usually come with a warranty and after-sales service. If you have a problem with the saddle, you can contact the manufacturer for help. However, with a fake saddle, you will have no such support. In summary, fake saddles can cause discomfort, pain, and injury to horses due to poor fit, low-quality materials, and inferior craftsmanship, and they also lack warranty or after-sales service. It's important to invest in a genuine, high-quality saddle for the safety and well-being of both the horse and rider.
There are a few ways to identify fake saddles: Price: Fake saddles are often much cheaper than real ones. If a saddle seems too good to be true for the price, it's likely a fake. Brand: Check the brand name and logo on the saddle. If it's spelled incorrectly or looks different from the real thing, it's probably a fake. Quality of materials: Genuine saddles are made with high-quality materials, such as leather. If the saddle looks or feels cheap and flimsy, it's likely a fake. Craftsmanship: Look for signs of poor craftsmanship, such as crooked stitching, uneven edges, or rough finishes. Genuine saddles are made with precision and attention to detail. Serial number: Genuine saddles will have a serial number or other identification marking. Check the saddle for a serial number and compare it to the manufacturer's website to verify it's a real product. Research the seller: Look at the reviews of the seller, check the website and contact details, and check if they have a good reputation. Ask experts: If you are unsure, it's best to ask experts in the field, such as a saddle fitter or a professional horse rider, they can help you identify the fake saddles. It's important to be vigilant and do your research before purchasing a saddle to ensure it is genuine and of good quality. A genuine saddle will be safer and more comfortable for the horse and more durable and long-lasting for the rider. The Ashva is dedicated to providing horse products of exceptional quality. Their main goal is to ensure that you and your horse have a comfortable and enjoyable riding experience. They offer a wide range of horse accessories and equipment, including Bridles, Breastplates, Halters, Martingales, and more. Browse their collection of elegant, high-quality products. To learn more about The Ashva, visit their website or reach out to them with any questions you may have about their products.
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tarotlogy · 2 years
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Departure, Work Done, Taking a Break From Work,  Changing Career Direction, Unhappy with Career Choice, Going back College (mature student) Financial Insecurity, Financial Loss, Reversal of Fortune, Bad Investment, Poor Business Skills, Shady Business, Dishonest Business Person, Bogus Trades-person, Rogue Builders, Shoddy Workmanship, No Standards, Quantity over Quality, Dishonest Employee, Exploitation of Staff, Poor Budgeting, Missed Opportunity,  Issues with Property or Land,  Workaholic, Grinding, Money Mad, Mean, Frugal, Cheap, Greedy, Selfish, Fortune Hunter/ess, Sponger, Mercenary, Privileged and Pampered (wealth without the need to work)Poverty, Shame, Unfocused, Unskilled, Unemployed, Idle, No Goals, No Long Term Plan, No Prospects, Drop Out, Under-qualified, No Qualifications, Work Shy, Irresponsible, Unreliable, Lack of Initiative, Weak, Unstable, Ex-Partner, Love Rival, Lack of Commitment, Unfaithful, Lacking Foundation, Boredom, Disillusioned, Apathetic, Lazy, Slob, Couch Potato, Unhealthy Living, Bad Diet, Unkempt, Unhygienic,  Impatient, Gambler, Risk Taker,  Breaking Tradition, Dull, Boring, Too Conservative, Un-adventurous, No Fun,  Possessive, Jealousy, Controlling, Envy, Resentment, Stubborn, Inflexible,  Obstinate, Rigid/Fixed, Stagnant, Dated, Dull/Boring, Lack of Vision/Imagination, Bogged Down, Pessimistic, Glass Half Empty, Animal Abuse, Hunter, Environmentally Unfriendly, Wasteful, Un-conscientious, Breach in Security,- Gym Fanatic, Body Obsessed, Food Fads, Fussy Eater, Issues with Food, Allergies to Natural Foods,  Work Related Injury, Ill-health, Unable to Work 
When the Knight of Pentacles Reverses we find a very different young man or woman. The Knight becomes overly bogged down in the Earth or loses his values and morals in a furnace of Fire. He can stubbornly resist the benefits and perks Fire has to offer him, resulting in apathy, stagnation and lack of motivation. He can lose the energy required to even rise from his bed or chair. He can grow sullen, dour and disinterested in life and the living. Mind numbing habit and routine find him drifting meaninglessly throughout the years as opportunities and the chance for adventure and fun are actively ignored or avoided. Without Fire, The Knight of Pentacles can become extreme in nature. Like a robot, he will work long hours in jobs that offer little motivation and fulfillment. He can work 24/7 solely for the money that is to be made, sacrificing any life he may have outside of it.
Without Fire he can also lose his energy. For an Earth personality, this leads to inertia and a lack of self-interest. Earth pulls the Knight further into it, weighing him down with laziness and slovenliness. He feels too heavy to lift his body out of the quagmire, so decides to sit and sleep in it instead.  Like quick sand, he can get sucked in rapidly and will need to apply much effort to free himself from his pointless existence.  He will need to be inventive and use his initiative, but only Fire can supply him with that!
When Fire is allowed dominate the normally practical, down to earth, common-sense Knight he loses his connection with the Earth and his friendship with it too. He is impulsive, impatient and inconsistent. He gambles and takes risks that would shock the Upright Knight down to his toes. He lacks focus and concentration. He becomes easily distracted by trivial and meaningless pursuits, going nowhere in an awful hurry. An overdose of Fire will prevent this Knight from fully committing to any task or project. It will also urge him to fast-track any plans or goals he has. He may choose the easy option or the shortest route to where he wants to go. In this extreme mode he can make awful decisions and mistakes because he just doesn’t want to put in the time and effort to secure them the normal way.
If we were to closely inspect the Knight’s Horse in the Reversed aspect we might find him caked in mud and sweat with dirty cracked bridle, saddle, and a possible rusty bit in his mouth. The buckles on the tack are probably worn and rusted too. His horse badly needs to be re-shod and his mane and tail are matted and overgrown. He could be thin and thirsty from being overworked and underfed. Then again, this Reversed Knight could be a perfectionist and you won’t find a hair out of place, or a spec of dirt on his hooves. He either cares a lot or doesn’t care at all. He might even sell you his horse on the spot if you make a good offer. After all, it can be all about the money with him! However, he normally doesn’t deal with veterinary certificates or receipts should you be looking for one! Buyer beware!
Sometimes the Reversed Knight of Pentacles is forced into selling his horse, assets and all he holds dear due to financial loss or ruin. If this is the case, he will have fought long and hard to save them. It would only have happened as a last resort. His loss may or may not be his own fault. Surrounding cards should yield further information.
So, in Reverse we see this usually stable and reliable Knight fall from his horse and into the mud, has his horse taken from him, or it bolts off and carries him away into uncharted territory. One way or another, he loses his internal compass and sense of natural elemental direction. Hopefully this is just a temporary situation or setback. Some of the aspects associated with this reversed Knight can affect any one of us as we journey through life. Especially in the recent years of global recession, the normally upright Knight of Pentacles may have taken a terrible knocking regardless of how hard he worked. He may have had his plans and dreams shattered, or at the very least significantly altered or interrupted. Depending on his individual experience, he might be even more determined to make a come-back, but then again he may have given up and given in to his circumstances. Let us see what can happen to this poor Knight when he Reverses.
Just as the Upright Knight of Pentacles can suggest a period of hard and intense work coming your way, the Reversed Knight can often represent it moving away from you. However, surrounding cards should back this up. This Reversed Knight may not have anything negative to tell you at all. The heavy work is done and it is time to stand back and assess what you have accomplished. Yes, there are some bits and pieces left to do but the end is in sight and the light at the tunnel end, clearly visible. You should feel proud of your achievement and be looking forward to a bit of a break or rest. You have certainly earned it. Once the surrounding cards look positive and promising the Knight of Pentacles could be acknowledging success even if you are feeling worn out from the sheer effort of it. You might have completed your final exams in college after years of study and sacrifice, an important project in work or life has been successfully carried through, a lucrative business contract won, or you have eventually saved enough to get married, buy a house or start a business. You could be close to signing on the purchase or sale of a property, land or car. The house you have been building or project managing for so long could be at the final ‘snag list’ stage. An investment made is beginning to pay off. It is important to take some time off now and not feel guilty about it. Staying in the ‘intense work’ mode can become addictive, especially if you have let other areas of your life slip in the process. It can be hard to switch off and come back to normal life. You might find yourself rising before you have to, restlessly pacing the house, feeling out of sorts and unable to sit still.  No one is suggesting you rest on your laurels forever but it is important to stop and have some down time. Get out and about to meet friends and catch up with family. Become reacquainted with your partner and kids. Have some fun.  Do something totally non-work related.
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can highlight a period of inactivity when there is really nothing much to do. You may be on summer break from college, on vacation, or entering a slow time of the year.
Unfortunately, the Reversed Knight of Pentacles can highlight a trait that is also, but not equally applicable, to his Upright Aspect. The Knight is renowned for his caution and reticence. He is neither impulsive nor careless about what he gets involved in and prides himself on the fact that he keeps his feet firmly planted on the ground. Rarely does the Upright Knight get caught up in anything that has not been well researched and thought through. He likes to feel confident of a successful outcome and as a result tends to stick with the tried and tested ways that have worked well for him and others in the past. He doesn’t like to be pushed or rushed into making a decision so will often be the one holding back when all around appear to be rushing forward. He is not inclined to embrace the new and prefers to watch from a safe distance while others either sink or swim with it. In this manner he protects and defends his territory until the very last, or when quite sure he won’t lose it. When the Knight of Pentacles Reverses, this tendency can become entrenched or fixed. He can be overly cautious and wary of anything that is proposed or opportunities offered him. He is so determined that no one will pull the wool over his eyes or take him for a fool that he views everything in a highly skeptical and cynical manner.  He thinks he has it all sussed, but in this bogged down Reversed Aspect, he lacks imagination and vision. He moves at a snail’s pace and is very slow to respond. As a result, he may wait too long to make a move on a lucrative offer or opportunity. He may not have believed there was only a short window of opportunity or got caught up in red tape and lengthy decision making processes. He might easily miss his train to success, his big chance. He can be left with huge regret of all that might have been. This aspect can be applied to any area of his life.
When Reversed the Knight of Pentacles can become lazy and lacking in motivation. He may want all the things that money can buy but does not have the commitment and determination to go out and get it through hard work. He lacks a long-term plan as his interests flit from this to that, taking up a course of study only to drop it half way through to start another one. With Fire energies gaining strength in the reversed we find him lose interest too soon in anything he starts.  He has no staying power and bores easily.  It all seems like too much work at the end of the day. With a slip shod approach to everything, and an attitude of ‘what’s the point?’ he finds it hard to focus on any subject for long and is easily distracted.
This Reversed Knight of Pentacles is a stranger to routine and order. He abhors the idea of it, but it is essential if he is to get anywhere in life. He needs to pull himself together and clean up his act. He can represent the archetypal college drop-out or student who is more interested in partying, engaging in silly behaviour and skipping lectures than focusing on his career and future. He may have to cram for exams at the last moment. The Reversed Knight of Pentacles could suggest the need to repeat exams or barely scraping through with minimum marks. You may have little to brag about. On the other hand, this Reversed Knight may be returning to the Page stage if he has decided to start college or studies late.
Sometimes the Knight of Pentacles can highlight feeling disillusioned with the life you have worked so hard to create. You have probably been aware of this for some time but kept doing what you were doing anyway. After all, isn’t this what you have been striving towards, the goal, the long-term plan? All the effort, time, energy and possible money invested! You have eventually arrived at your destination but find it no longer holds any meaning or appeal for you. You might feel extremely distressed about this discovery and will probably keep it to yourself as who would understand your change of heart? Others may be relying on you to keep doing what you are doing. You no longer want what you set out to get. You find it doesn’t suit you after all regardless of how successful you are or the envy of others. You may even hate it and feel trapped by your circumstances. There is an urge to escape and head in a different direction, any direction that will take you away from where you currently are. The growing Fire within is not content and seeks more from life. There is something missing and what you have can no longer sustain you.
This card also comes up for those who regret the sacrifices they made to achieve a particular goal or success. You might feel lost and very far from home, family and friends. The price of success may be too high and there could be a move towards re-juggling your priorities. Improvement in quality of life is sought. You may choose to turn your back on the material world as you realise that money cannot buy you happiness. You might sell up or sell out as you opt for a simpler life with less stress, debt and possessions to maintain. You could choose to live off the land and become totally self-sufficient. You want to owe nothing and no one to own you. Others may think you are crazy but most secretly envy you.
The Knight of Pentacles often appears when life has become incredibly dull. It can suggest grinding boredom as everything becomes monotonous and predictable. This realisation can be accompanied by an unsettling sense of restlessness and a need for change. You might be at odds with yourself, everyone around you and your entire environment. Anywhere would be better than where you are now. You crave diversion or an exciting distraction but nothing ever seems to happen. You stare in the mirror and your reflection confirms your state of mind. Your hair is dull and flat, your eyes deadpan and skin saggy and baggy. You don’t recognise yourself and feel you have aged rapidly, or become old before your time. You suddenly seem old-fashioned and dated, caught in the past and not with it at all. You hate everything you have and every piece of furniture in your house.  Life can be one endless treadmill of habit and routine that may have been acceptable at one stage but is now unbearable. You have probably fallen into a rut and only now see it for what it is. You might wonder when and where you lost interest but you could really do with a skip right now to throw everything into, including yourself. Plodding along and drifting from one day or week to the next, life has become meaningless and you need to do something about it. There is no point trying to change everything at once so try introducing a bit of spontaneity into your life to spice things up. Force yourself to break habits and change routines. Do something new or different.  Stop being a slave to life and get a life instead. Be mindful of any same old, same old, tendencies you might have regarding clothes, hair, food and social life. The same applies to your attitude, goals and ambition. Get out and about. If change cannot find you then you must go out and find it.
This Reversed Knight of Pentacles can also suggest your imminent departure. You may be leaving a life or situation that offered stability and security in search of change and adventure. You have outgrown your present circumstances which have become boring and stifling. You are ready to move out of your comfort zone. This could involve moving far away from all that is familiar to you.
On another level you may be painfully aware of your boredom and discontent but fear of implementing change or starting over again leaves you stuck in a repetitive rut. You may have made mistakes in the past or had a bad experience and are in no rush to expose yourself to risk again. You might believe it is best to stay put. You probably use this as an excuse for not moving forward in life or taking a chance.
This card often comes up for individuals who have followed a lifestyle or career path that was not of their own deliberate choosing. Because the Pentacles are strongly caught up in family tradition, duty and obligation, we can find generations of the one family opting to continue and perpetuate certain professions, relationships and lifestyles. Children are conditioned and prepared from birth to follow in the tradition of the family line. There can be an automatic assumption they will do as their father, mother, grandfather, grandmother before them. This works wonderfully well for many families as there is often common inherited passions and talents that organically surface. Doctors tend to come from a family tradition of medicine. Farms are handed down from one generation to the next with the expectation that sons or daughters will assume roles once they come of age. Schools are often carefully selected with the reputation for turning out certain professions or industries. In the Reversed Knight of Pentacles we find the individual who this doesn’t work for. However, it is likely he or she has obediently toed the line for a period of time, even believing that it was what they wanted too. However approaching maturity triggers the awakening of personal truth. The son or daughter wants something different for themselves. Personally acknowledging this is difficult enough but a time comes when others must be informed and this may ruffle a few feathers. There may be a lack of understanding along with put downs and disbelief. You might feel you have let the family down and indeed this could be the actual vibe that is sent your way. You may feel ostracised and alienated for some time. You will have to prove your worth as others may expect you to fail.
At some stage a rebel appears among a traditional or conservative family. He or she will break the mold and set a precedent for those who follow. They fly in the face of convention and do as they please. They must follow their own path and not the one laid down by their ancestors before them. This Reversed Knight is bound to choose a path that sets him apart from the rest of the family and relatives. He or she may be viewed as the black sheep in the family but once they demonstrate commitment and determination, support and acceptance will follow. However, if this Reversed Knight fails to prove his worth, he can become the family disappointment. No one knows where they went wrong in his or her upbringing.
Greedy and Mean – Money Mad
When the Knight of Pentacles Reverses he can become heavily obsessed with money and finances. In his Upright version he seeks material and financial security in life but is healthy in his approach. In the Reversed Aspect, the Earth element goes into a dysfunctional and mutated style. Money is hungered after constantly but is rarely used for personal enjoyment or for sharing with others. Instead it is hoarded and counted constantly. Money becomes an addiction and this Reversed Knight may go out of his way to give the impression to others that he has none. In fact, he will sit on a fortune while he takes handouts from others. He never puts his hand in his pocket to pay for anything and always seems to have left his wallet at home when the dinner bill is being sorted. He allows others to pay for him while he keeps all his own money intact. In Ireland there is a saying ‘as mean as muck’ and this Reversed Knight can be known as one. He can live a terribly frugal existence, afraid to spend a cent on anything or to improve his life or environment. A spendthrift and petty-minded, he sees himself as canny with money congratulating himself every time he has made the tiniest of savings. This aspect can affect several areas of his life as he becomes mean-spirited and closed down.  He is far from charitable or benevolent.
Ostentatious and Extravagant
Another aspect of this influence is his insatiable appetite for wealth and acquisition. It can be all about the money and he will never have enough of it. However, this Reversed Knight likes to spend in a lavish manner. Why have one palace when you can have ten? Why not have a fleet of cars at your disposal? Why drive when you can fly in your private jet? The problem comes when he does not know where to stop. It becomes a having and getting addiction as he craves his next hit. In time he will lose his connection to Earth and the real world. He will be unable to enjoy the simple pleasures in life without all the gilding and frippery. He knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing. Everything thing and everyone can be bought for the right price. Sitting in his extensive high security fortresses he has little idea of how ordinary people live and survive but will cast aspersions about them. When it suits him, he claims to act in the interest of the people but he knows nothing of them. The end justifies the means for this Reversed Knight who will use his power and money to ride roughshod over the rights and needs of others. He can be colossally wealthy but lacking in basic humanity or compassion.
Poor Budgeting Skills
When the Knight of Pentacles Reverses he can lose his natural ability to handle money is a sensible manner. Instead of budgeting and planning for the future, he lives for today and spends as he pleases. He has a terrible reputation for overspending and getting into debt. He really can’t manage his money very well and hasn’t a clue what is in his account. He can easily max several credit cards as he likes to buy and treat himself with expensive items. He manages to justify every purchase and fools himself into believing he can afford it. When the bills come in he has to rob Peter to pay Paul and has no contingency fund to deal with unexpected expenses. He is constantly borrowing money from friends and family or looking for an advance in his wages. This person can be extremely generous and likes to throw his money around but his credit cards are often declined which can cause some embarrassment.
The Reversed Knight can land himself in trouble and bankruptcy. He may need the services of Money Advice Bureaus to manage accumulated debts and arrears. Having enough money may not be the issue, but the management of it is. He just cannot live within his means. This Reversed Knight likes the good life but is irresponsible about having to pay for it. He will find it hard to stick to a budget and may have to cut up credit cards if it has all become too much.
The Shopaholic
His love of spending can become an addiction. He gets a high from shopping or spending which offers instant gratification. His wardrobe and home could be full of unopened and unused items. He is likely to hit terrible lows as he struggles to fight these impulsive urges. Depression can set in which is temporarily alleviated by a frenzied shopping spree. Gambling could also be an issue.
Reversal of Fortune
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can suggest that where once you were successful and had achieved much on the financial plane, you have now lost it all. You may be in the middle of financial ruin for one reason or another. We know that this Reversed Knight has a reputation for not working hard enough, or making poor financial decisions, but in this instance he may be on the receiving end of horrendous bad luck. You might have given your all to the situation, worked your butt off, sacrificed so much of yourself and invested everything you had. Even when things got tough you kept going and refused to give up but it has all slipped away or been taken from you. For this Reversed Knight it is the biggest kick in the teeth anyone could give him. You cannot believe what has happened and probably never envisaged anything quite like it. Under this influence, it is likely the misfortune was out of your control. Here we find the person who had it all; the good job, the soaring career, the fabulous house, the top of the range car and a lifestyle to go with it all. You may have thrown yourself into the start-up of your dream business. However, the story of Riches to Rags for so many people could be a result of global recession and the collapse of economies. Jobs gone overnight, homes repossessed, businesses plummeted into receivership, and not enough money to put food on the table or pay bills. This Reversed Knight of Pentacles is no reflection on you as person but merely highlights your dilemma. Life has certainly turned upside down for you. It may take a long time, or forever, to climb out of the financial hole you have fallen into. You could be left dreadfully affected by the experience. You are not alone and need to keep positive. This time too will pass.
On the other hand, the Reversed Knight of Pentacles could highlight a worthless inheritance or a family fortune misspent. This Knight could gamble away everything his ancestors worked hard for.
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can represent someone who comes from an impoverished background.  Lack of financial security and stability in his upbringing may have a negative effect, causing him to feel unworthy or hopeless about his future. He could be very intelligent, talented or skilled but is deemed by others to come from the wrong side of the tracks. Whereas the Upright Knight of Pentacles enjoys status and respect, his Reversed Aspect might have to work harder to prove himself. There could be issues with being taken seriously, gaining access to the proper resources, or getting his foot in the door anywhere. He might feel ashamed and humiliated by his circumstances. This could a lonely young man or woman who has had to do without. Lack of spending power may isolate him/her from his school peers with a sense of not fitting in or belonging. This Reversed Knight may be equally as ambitious as his Upright version but lack of money could block his access to college and other high level qualifications. Either he will be completely determined to overcome this obstacle by working several jobs to pay his way, or become aggressively negative, developing a massive chip on his shoulder about the whole thing.
Privileged and Pampered
We must also consider The Reversed Aspect of the Knight of Pentacles from an elemental point of view. He is connected to the material and financial plane. Therefore, in his Reversed Aspect he might have access to finances that have not been personally earned or acquired. He may have inherited money, land or a business. He may also come from a family of wealth or status. He may not have any understanding of earning or being responsible for his keep. He might enjoy a stream of income that is funded by someone else. Here is the privileged young man or woman who has never experienced want or worry where finances are concerned. His/her every need has been catered for allowing them to get on with having fun and a good time. They do not understand others who have to save or work for what they want. This reversed Knight of Pentacles’ parents often have to bail him out of financial messes when he exceeds his substantial allowance. In particular, he will clash with his father on a regular basis if this is where his money is coming from.
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can suggest intense resentment or jealousy. If he has struggled with success or has experienced several set-backs in life, he might feel cursed or blighted. He constantly compares his achievements to those of others. He instantly dislikes the neighbour who is getting a new extension on their house or has just updated their car if he hasn’t got something better. He takes it personally as if they are trying to show off or rub his nose in it. He will see those who have done well for themselves in a very envious manner and would question what they have that he lacks? Unfortunately, he can never answer this question in an honest manner as his misdirected pride forbids it. Even though he craves success and achievement, he is resentful of others who have acquired it or made it to the top. He can waste a lot of energy eating himself up inside with jealousy and negativity. Instead of aspiring to be like or to learn from them, he might actively put them down or work against them. He hasn’t a good word to say about anyone who is doing better than he is. Neither can he pass a compliment or give credit where it is due, but will be quick to predict a negative doom and gloom for them instead. He whines on about ‘who do they think they are with their fancy houses and flashy cars’ and longs for the day when he will see their downfall.  The only person to get hurt by this is himself as people are too busy getting on with their lives to take any real notice of him. This aspect of The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can infiltrate families where it fosters an atmosphere of rivalry and hostility if certain siblings do better than others.  It can also rear its head in relationships. Strangely enough, this aspect of The Knight can be delusional about his own status. He can put on airs and graces while he pretends to be something he is not.
Ill-fated House Hunting and Money Pits
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can herald bad news for house hunters. Someone may outbid you on the house of your dreams. An offer may be rejected. Buyer or seller could change their mind and pull out of proceedings. Then again this card may simply suggest that you are not having much luck finding the right property or location. You might find both but not in the same place. This can be very frustrating as you know exactly what you want but nothing excites you. You may have to wait for a bit longer. Could it be that it is a bad time of the year for either selling or buying? Then again, if property prices are on the rise you might be eager to purchase while you can still afford to get something larger than a shoe-box. When Reversed the Knight of Pentacles warns you about making any impulsive purchases in this instance. Be careful of where and what you choose to invest your hard earned savings in. His appearance would suggest that you are not really sure about a property even though you are inclined to buy it. Something doesn’t feel right. It is not exactly what you are looking for but you might be weary at this stage and believe it will do. There appears to be some form of conflict in opinions or ideas regarding a house or location. If buying a property with another, one of you may prefer city living while the other is drawn to the countryside. A compromise will have to be made. It may come down to a choice between size or location. However, if money is an issue, you might have to focus your search a bit further away from the city-living either of you had hoped for.
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can suggest that you now have enough to purchase the house of your dreams or need to save some more. Look to surrounding cards for confirmation.
Should you have found a house and are ready to make an offer, you also need to go back and view the property more closely and at different times of the day and week. The Reversed Knight could suggest that it might be too dark or cold in winter, or that the walls are not properly insulated. There may be a less than impressive vibe at night or at weekends. You need to apply common sense and adopt a practical approach.  Organise another viewing. Leave your emotions out of it this time and avoid getting carried away.
On the other hand, you might be having second thoughts about purchasing any property at all. You might have been keen at the beginning when you were saving for this desirable goal but life may have changed and wonder if settling down or committing to any particular place is the right move. Your needs may be quite different and time has allowed you to review your long-term plans. You might decide to put off purchasing for a bit while you pursue other agendas. Instead of buying your own home, you may opt for investment properties or overseas vacation units which will yield a regular income.
Buyer Beware – Money Pit Alert
When the Knight of Pentacles appears Upright he asks us to take a cautious approach, especially when making an investment. He won’t move on anything unless he has fully researched the ins and outs of it and is sure all is bone fide. He acts as a warning flag, but when Reversed his warning can become more pronounced. There is a chance you might ignore a warning or advice. You might even go against your normal sense of judgement or discernment. You might act out of character and take a risk where you shouldn’t. This could result from an impulsive act, a sense of time running out, discovering an apparent bargain, or external pressure from another. This could end up being very costly for you.
With this in mind when house-hunting or purchasing property, you are in danger of overlooking key areas and details in an enthusiastic rush to the finish line. You may be tempted to commit to, or sign for a property that has not been completely surveyed.  You may take the word of those who appear sound and believable. You might fall for the spin you are being sold by the seller or sales agent, and will eagerly hand over money. This Reversed Knight advises that it is more important than ever to check and double check planning permission, land boundaries and access rights. Find out how long it has been on the market. There may be something wrong. Ensure you employ the services of a certified surveyor instead of cutting corners to save money. What appears to be a bargain could turn into a money-pit in the long run.
Bogus Builders and Mechanics
Staying on the same theme we are aware of the excellent skill and ability of the highly qualified Upright Knight of Pentacles. We can find a very different scenario when this Knight Reverses. We are now into ‘bogus builder’ territory where so called ‘tradesmen’ are either un-certified or have no qualifications whatsoever regardless of what they claim. This however, will not stop them setting up shop and touting for business. If you are in the market for hiring builders or tradesmen, then be on the lookout for rogue traders who will happily undercut everyone else in the industry. Yes, sometimes young businesses will work for little profit in order to attract clientele and build reputation, but it is extremely important to thoroughly examine all quotes that come in. Be very wary of any that appear incredibly cheap in comparison to the rest. Back off any offer off a special cash deal if you do not look for receipts and invoices. Check the validity of any certification they claim to have, health and safety, tax compliancy and insurance details. Do they work in line with standard building practices and regulations? Are all their staff suitably qualified and insured? Where do they source their materials? Look for details of previous work they have carried out elsewhere and actually check up on it. Ask around about them, check for reviews of their work online.  Don’t be coerced into paying in full prior to the job regardless of the builder’s insistence on the need for materials. Agree on a certain time-frame for completion of project and the penalties that will be incurred for each day or week that exceeds it. Put it all in writing. Shaking hands on it simply won’t do when we see the Reversed Knight of Pentacles on the scene. He can be guilty of shoddy workmanship, cutting corners, covering up gross mistakes and blunders, using sub-standard, incorrect or unsafe materials. He has little interest in the quality of his work and adopts a ‘sure it will do’ attitude. Any staff he has is bound to be apathetic and lacking in motivation. He is not overly familiar with a measuring tape or spirit level so his work is unlikely to stand up to close inspection. It may fall apart at the first sign of use or stress. It is likely you will have to call in another builder to sort out his mess. He is all about the money and moving on to his next job. He is unlikely to follow up on any complaints you might make and could even disappear overnight leaving an unfinished project, and you seriously out of pocket.
Another version of The Reversed Knight of Pentacles in this area is the ‘bogus mechanic or garage owner’. All the above applies to this guy too. Here is the unscrupulous car dealer. He may not be selling a vehicle that is roadworthy, or if doing work on your car, could charge for new parts but install old or worn ones instead. He might forget to double check his work before handing the car back to you. His cheap quote may not be worth it at the end of the day. Your car may leave with more problems than it went in with. You might end up throwing more good money after bad. So, let the buyer beware. Check credentials and also the newness of any parts you are being charged for. With this Reversed Knight you might also be tempted to hand your car over to an individual who is good with cars but has no qualifications or insurance. Understand, you will have no come back if anything goes wrong.
Botched DIY Jobs
Before we leave this section we must also look at the Reversed Knight of Pentacles on a more personal level. He might be pointing out that you are not the best at DIY. You may be full of good intentions and are probably trying to save a bit of money by tackling a job yourself, but in this case you should really call in someone who knows what they are doing, a professional for instance, as it could turn out to be a false economy. It may also be a case of being a spend-thrift or plain old meanness. You might refuse to spend on something you believe you can do yourself.  Unless you have the time and energy to research and study the technique required you are likely to end up with a series of botched jobs on your hands. You probably have a reputation for poorly executed and unfinished projects. Your house may be held together with string or sticky tape.
Muscle Bound
When it comes to physical health, the Reversed Knight of Pentacles can lose his practical approach to exercise and diet. This can cause him to become extreme in nature. Keeping fit, toned, or pumped up can become an addiction and taken to extreme lengths. Here is the individual who lives in the gym and is obsessed with working out or weight-lifting. He takes it very seriously indeed. His body can become unnatural in shape and structure sometimes making him appear deformed. He will be unaware of this as he adopts a distorted body image. This desire for the perfect body or the six-pack abs is often driven by an underlying issue. Exercise is what keeps him sane and his mood levelled. He feels in control of his life when he is pushing his body beyond its limits. He will feet fat and lethargic should he be forced to miss a workout or class, and will be terribly out of sorts.
Fussy Foodie
In this extreme manner, the Reversed Knight’s kitchen cupboards will be full of body building supplements and protein shakes. He knows his food but his diet is likely to be very restrictive and controlled. It could also be very expensive. However, this Knight might have little else to spend his money on. He has a tendency to bore everyone with the ins and outs of his squeaky clean life and dietary requirements. Unlike his Upright Aspect he loses his ability to enjoy food just for the sake of it.  Dining out is a nightmare with this Reversed Knight who will also monitor everything you eat too. His body is a temple and he its chief worshiper. He might have little else to talk about.
Fear of Food
On the other hand, The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can have a difficult relationship with food. He might believe it has to be earned. He may only feel comfortable about eating once he has fully worked out. Panic will set in if he can’t exercise and food could be severely restricted to avoid weight gain. He can become obsessed about weighing himself two or three times a day. The thing is he does have a natural tendency to gain weight unless he keeps up a high level of exercise. When he is unable to work out, or has fallen behind, his metabolism slows considerably. He may not be able to continuously maintain his desired level of exercise. Life and obligations can get in the way. At times his body weight can fluctuate by 3/5kgs or more which seriously depresses him. He then has to just think about food and the weight piles on. He will have a wardrobe that will cater for both his ‘fat and fit’ phases.
The Couch Potato
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can suggest a lazy individual or personality who lies around all day. Lack of exercise leads to lack of energy and it becomes a vicious cycle. He can be tired, apathetic and too bored to look after himself. He is likely to overeat with a diet high in processed and fast foods. This is the Take Away fanatic who has all his favourite places on speed dial. Unfortunately, this generally leads to considerable weight gain and a slovenly attitude to life. This Reversed Knight is the Archetypal Couch Potato who is a stranger to any form of exercise. He spends a lot of time watching television and takes his meals in front of it too.
He has let himself go and can barely move about the place. Everything is a great effort. In this manner he can become unkempt and unhygienic. He couldn’t be bothered washing himself or even changing his clothes. His living conditions could be equally neglected as housework would be low on his list. His home stinks of stale food and unwashed body odour.
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles in a Health Reading could be pointing to allergies from natural products. Many people believe that ‘natural’ is safe and can do no harm. Health issues could be caused by certain fruits, veg, nuts or seeds in the diet. It could also be as a result of over-consumption of supplements and minerals. He might also be suffering from deficiencies instead. This Reversed Knight may be hyper-sensitive to his natural environment. Toxins or pesticides in his environment could be causing problems.
Weak Constitution
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles lacks the hardy constitution of his Upright Aspect. He is likely to have a poor immune system and is prone to infection and viruses. He may also suffer from chronic conditions which could be genetic in nature. He finds it hard to recuperate after bouts of ill-health and could feel weak for some time. This Reversed Knight is also prone to injuries of the body as his muscular skeletal system is not very strong. Injuries that are work-related could be down to bad posture, repetitive strain injury, improper manual handling, and insufficient rest.  He needs to look after himself more than others and ensure that his nutritional and physical needs are met. Spending time out in the fresh air and nature engaging in gentle exercise will work wonders for him.
His Health could impact on his ability to work which will be the source of much frustration to this Knight as he is not accustomed to forced rest or the inability to earn. He may have to exist on disability allowance. This Reversed Knight can suggest either not investing in health insurance or not being able to afford it.
In the Upright Knight of Pentacles, we find the animal lover and environmentalist.  However, when he reverses we see another side to him when he has the capacity to abuse or neglect animals and the environment. He is the polluter of land and the hunter of wildlife. He relationship with Earth is contaminated. He seeks to exploit and drain the earth of its natural resources, or poison it with toxins and chemicals. He tears down rain-forests with scant regard for the disaster he is causing. He can be responsible for the extermination or slaughter of wildlife and is drawn to illegal hunting and cruel sports. He is the litter bug who throws papers or dumps rubbish at road sides and in ditches. He abuses animals or leaves them without shelter or food.  On one level he is ignorant and knows no better as it is learned behaviour from a dysfunctional upbringing. On another level he knows exactly what he is doing and operates from a cruel mind and cold heart that is often driven by financial gain.  The Earth and her creatures mean nothing to him. Here is the puppy farm owner, the unscrupulous horse dealer, the smuggler of protected species and the enslaver of wild animals for profit. He sees himself as superior and important and has a right to take what he pleases. The Reversed Knight of Pentacles leaves footprints wherever he goes.
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can turn up in a reading as a reminder to venture out of your cave every now and then. Your social life may need to be addressed. His presence could suggest that you have lost touch with real friends and family members. This could be down to work commitments, disinterest, or perhaps you are distracted elsewhere. Remember those who have always been there for you and make a decided effort to catch up regularly.
The Knight of Pentacles in Reverse can suggest a hyper-perfectionist personality. This person is likely to have extremely high standards that few can live up to. He is very hard on himself and can stymie his own success by being too fussy and particular. Nothing is ever good enough but even though he may be terribly critical of his own work, he is impatient and frustrated with the efforts of others around him. He can be extremely difficult to live with, or be around, as he watches and monitors continuously. He finds flaws in everything and everyone.
The Security Conscious Upright Knight of Pentacles becomes overly guarded and defensive when he reverses. Mistrusting and suspicious, he is fanatical about security to the point of letting paranoia set in. He is a keen subscriber to conspiracy theories. He believes to be under constant threat or attack. He has a negative view of people seeing everyone as potential thieves, villains, and up to no good. He may have nothing of interest or value to secure but he is ready and prepared for all events. This negative energy often has an unwanted effect. What he fears most can actually manifest and become a reality. Security measures can go into overdrive.
Where travel is concerned it will be slow and the going heavy. Vehicles might break down or flat tyres could prove troublesome. Make sure to run checks before heading off as it could be a long walk to get help. Pack suitable clothes for the environment you are travelling to. Forget fashion and frippery. Comfort and practicality is key here. Stay warm and safe.
Timing is one of the most difficult aspects of Tarot Reading, with many Readers opting not to forecast in this manner. Pentacles suggest the season of winter but this can vary depending on the Tarot Tradition you follow. The Knight of Pentacles is connected to the Sun Sign, Capricorn, December 22nd to January 20th. In his Reversed Aspect, this could suggest the previous year. It can also point to the timing being at the extreme aspects of Capricorn, eg. the entry and exits points. In his Upright Aspect he can suggest a long wait, but when Reversed, it might be sooner than you had hoped for. However, because we are dealing with extremes in Reversed Cards, it can also suggest the wait will be longer than you expected, or may not come about at all.
Boredom/Preparing to Leave
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles appearing in a Relationship Reading can suggest that a relationship has become boring and mundane for one partner. After the initial stages of attraction and romance, it has become too settled and predictable. Romance and intimacy may be seriously lacking as the relationship has become bogged down with habit and routine. Someone is losing interest and may want out. This card can act as a warning for couples who have let their relationship drift when very little effort is going in to maintaining it. It is likely that one partner is content enough or has become complacent about their partner’s feelings for them. It is taken for granted that all is well. This relationship lacks romance, excitement, fun and life. This could lead to one partner seeking a connection with another. With all the Upright Knights suggesting arrival, the Reversed versions can suggest departures. You may be preparing to leave or are seeking a way out of your relationship. The writing has been on the wall for some time now.
The Ex-Partner/Not Interested
This Reversed Knight may appear in a reading to represent an ex-partner or spouse, someone who has left your life and environment.  However, he may be telling you that he is not interested or perhaps he is unavailable. Relationships may not be a priority in his life if he is occupied with study or career. This Reversed Knight may prefer being single for the moment or is seeking a break from a relationship. The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can shut down and become withdrawn and detached. He needs to occupy his own space at this time and so may retreat. The Reversed Knight often suggests a love rival.
Poor Foundations
If the Upright Knight of Pentacles suggests commitment in relationships his Reversed Aspect could point in the other direction altogether. This card suggests a relationship built on poor foundations. It might not be going anywhere or is not strong enough to last the distance. No effort is being made to nurture the relationship. On the other hand, it might all feel like too much hard work. Relationships shouldn’t leave you feeling weary or exhausted. It may not be worth your continued effort. Like all the Reversed Knights, he may be disloyal or unfaithful to his partner. He might not want to get tied down. This may come as a shock to discover the one you are with has no long-term plans about settling down with you.
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can sometimes suggest loneliness in a relationship if one partner is consumed with their career or the running of a business.  He or she can be so caught up in the material world of having and getting, realising their ambitions and chasing their goals that there is little attention or time given to their partner who undoubtedly supports their efforts. As a couple they may live in very different worlds where there are few connections. He can be a stranger in his own house because he rarely spends any time there. He or she can be one dimensional. Friends and family can see him as boring and remote, and no one wants to get stuck with him at a dinner party.
Possessive and Controlling
The Pentacles are known for their attachment to what they possess. Even in the Upright aspect there is a tendency to possessiveness and control. People can also be considered as possessions by some Pentacles. This can be difficult enough to deal with, but when they reverse, it can become extreme. Depending on surrounding cards this Reversed Knight could be guilty of controlling and guarding his partner. He may be domineering and consumed with suspicion. Money is often the method of control; either offering it as a reward or withdrawing it as a punishment. He could suggest abuse in a relationship but other cards would need to support this.  He can become obsessive about his partner, check up on their whereabouts and who they make contact with. There may be rules and regulations to contend with.  He has a nasty jealous streak in him and a reputation for thunderous outbursts. However, in his most negative aspect, he may be a street angel and house devil saving the worst of his personality for behind closed doors. He has fearful dark and threatening moods.
Cheap and Tacky
In relationships, the Reversed Knight of Pentacles can represent a partner who is mean or selfish. Here is the individual who doesn’t believe in wasting money on birthdays, anniversaries or treats. He views it all as a lot of nonsense. When he is forced into making a gesture, he will be on the lookout for a bargain, cheap offer or discounted stock. Dining out will be scorned upon and meals may be shared to cut down on costs. Restaurants are chosen based on menu price rather than quality of food. Rarely does he leave a tip. If he does manage to take his partner on a break or vacation, there will be little luxury or comfort in his choice of destination and accommodation. He will purchase discounted end of day, semi-wilted flowers from local stores. He haggles over prices everywhere he goes which can cause embarrassment to his partner.
Sexually Dull or Sexually Deviant
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can be sexually unadventurous or terribly promiscuous. He lacks the intimacy and sensual touch of his Upright Aspect. Sex may be laborious and uninspiring. His overly conservative and traditional approach to lovemaking may leave his partner yawning with boredom or frustration. However, this Reversed Knight may have no issues with sleeping around. Romance is often absent or feigned to suit his needs. He lacks emotion, empathy and sensitivity. He could have an unhealthy appetite for sex and the Reversed Pentacle Courts can fall into the dark and seedy world of prostitution. Sex without love can be a trait that is adopted by this Reversed Knight. He may view sex as a business transaction and may like to pay for it. The Reversed Pentacles Courts can suggest money made from illegal and shady business. In his darkest aspect, he is linked to debauchery and vice where he stands to make big financial gains. He could be employed in the industry or has business dealings in this area. Surrounding cards would need to support this theory. Several Reversed Pentacle cards, such as the 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9. Also the appearance of the Devil, Reversed Temperance, Reversed Magician etc. could point to this unsavoury aspect of The Reversed Knight.
This card can also warn of the dangers of unprotected sex.
Fortune Hunters
Status and money in relationships in a very powerful lure for the Reversed Knight of Pentacles. Here we find the personality who will marry for money, the adventurer/ess who will go out of their way to move in circles where they could land a big catch. Looks, feelings, intimacy, tenderness or compatibility are purely incidental and not a requirement. This aspect of the Reversed Knight of Pentacles is a fortune hunter/ess and craves big money and status. There may be a mother or father in the background who encourages their efforts.  He or she will greedily feed off the wealth of another but rarely bring anything of value to the relationship. The Knight of Pentacles can wheedle his way into the heart of higher social circles by adequately looking and acting the part. On close inspection the facade can be observed. This is often a career choice for certain Reversed Knights who are not inclined to establish their own life or success. They are famous and wealthy by association only and have obscure backgrounds that leave others wondering how they managed to get where they are. However, this Reversed Knight will work hard at being the trophy partner guarding fiercely his/her territory from any who seek to oust or expose them. The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can also build a career as a paid escort.
The Sponger
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can also highlight a ‘bum’, ‘waster’ or ‘sponge’ of a partner who won’t lift a finger or get a job. He/she is quite happy to sit back and be looked after by their partner. There is no sense of guilt or shame in their nature and will perpetuate this existence for as long as it is tolerated. Friends and family of the used and abused partner will often privately confront him about his behaviour but it rarely makes a difference. The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can be unscrupulous when it comes to obtaining money from his/her partner. Wallets or Purses can be secretly raided for extra cash.
(Young Parent or Older Parent lacking in maturity)
The Remote/Controlling Young Father
When the Reversed Knight of Pentacles appears as a representative of a father or potential father, he can suggest a remote and often absent father due to work and career. He might have no relationship with his children. He can be an adequate provider, keen to do his best for them, but knows little of his children or their emotional needs. When he is at home, he feels awkward in their presence. He can be overly ambitious for his children and is known to place too much pressure on them to succeed and excel in exams.  He is often fixed about their career paths which have been chosen by him. He could force his children into careers that do not suit them. His children may feel resentful towards him as he is stubborn and closed down to their opinions and ideas. He can be controlling and domineering, even at a distance. Again, money can be used as a bribe or withheld as a form of punishment. He may not be a generous or benevolent father. He could be determined his children learn the hard way as he might have done in the past. These traits are usually inherited. He may have been resentful and argumentative with his own father but it is likely he will have turned out just like him.
The Neglectful Young Father
On the other hand, The Reversed Knight of Pentacles may have little interest in controlling or monitoring his children. He could ignore his fatherly duties. In fact, he may even neglect his children altogether. His children may be unkempt and poorly fed. Their home may be barren, cold and uninviting.  You might find them wandering the streets at all hours and inadequately attired. They lack routine, stability and order in life. Very often this Reversed Knight of Pentacles’ children will be living and eating out of neighbouring houses and are reluctant to go home. They could be under social services protection or surveillance. There is no effort to get them to school on a regular basis and his children may be living on social welfare or benefits. The Reversed Knight of Pentacles is drawn to animals and may have several pets but they are likely to be neglected and allowed roam the neighbourhood in search of food or shelter. He is mean spirited and uncaring.
Maintenance Issues
This Reversed Knight of Pentacles may have no conscience when it comes to his offspring. In his upright aspect he will always do the right thing even if a pregnancy is unplanned. However, the appearance of this Reversed Knight may suggest that he cannot be relied upon to stand by you.  If there has been a separation or divorce, maintenance will probably be a big issue. He is unlikely to hand over anything unless forced into doing so. Even then this Reversed Knight will break any court order. He will take every escape route to avoid handing over his money. He does not wish to assume any responsibility for his children and might up and leave with no forwarding address. Tracking him down might prove costly.
Unconventional/Bohemian Family
We must also look at another aspect of the Reversed Knight of Pentacles in a fatherly role. Now we can think of him as the parent who has turned his/her back on the material world of having and getting in order to give their family a more grounded and natural upbringing. He might want something very different to his own upbringing. We now find the Reversed Knight of Pentacles involved in home schooling and living off the land. This Knight will be conscientious about the upbringing of his children and will seek to make it as eco-friendly and non-materialistic as possible.  His children will learn how to live off the natural resources in their environment. This family might live in communes or special eco villages, where each individual has a role to play and work to do for the greater good. The Reversed Knight of Pentacles aims to reject bourgeois values. He might disconnect his family from the modern world of digital technology and social media in order to adopt an unconventional bohemian or hippy lifestyle.
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can highlight a period of unemployment for you. This is bound to cause you stress and anxiety for you are not comfortable in this situation. You are used to working but cannot find a job. You may have plenty of qualifications and skills but the work is just not there. You might have to rely on social welfare for a while which again is likely to depress you. This Knight generally associates his self-worth with what he has achieved and what he possesses. They define who and what he is. They give him status which is very important to the Pentacles.  If you have fallen short of the mark in these areas, you are bound to feel unworthy with a low sense of self-esteem. There is chance you will fall into despair and become negative.
You may have to look for any sort of work rather than hold out for a certain type of job. Your career plans and ambitions have been turned upside down and you might have to think of leaving all that you know and hold dear to secure employment elsewhere. You have probably invested a lot in your education and career to date but have not yielded the results you anticipated. This may be a temporary situation or one that will have to be faced for some time to come. Change is needed and you may have to up-skill, consider other career options, or put your goal on the back burner.
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles suggests jobs with no prospects, security or contract. Transient work with little stability. You may have work one week but not the next. It will be hard to budget or plan your life around such employment as you will have to take what you get.
This Reversed Knight of Pentacles may be too proud to avail of his social welfare entitlements. He will also find it difficult to ask for assistance.
Work Shy
Unfortunately, the Reversed Knight of Pentacles can suggest an individual or environment where there is a lack of interest in securing gainful employment. This personality does not assume responsibility for his or her existence and expects others to assume it for them. They either make no effort to find a job or are unemployable. When we come to the Knight stage of development this could indeed become a lifestyle choice. If work is secured on their behalf, they will lack the obvious commitment and self-discipline to retain it. This Reversed Knight will be unreliable and untrustworthy. He will find it very difficult to get into a routine, adhere to time-keeping or follow orders. He certainly cannot be left to work on his own initiative as he is likely to slouch off when not kept under direct supervision. He can be surly, unfriendly and will complain and moan about everything he is asked to do. His dark moods can upset everyone.  He lacks determination, tenacity and ambition. If he does turn up he is likely to be unkempt and dishevelled looking. He just can’t pull it together or keep it together. This could be the result of a certain family mind-set during his upbringing. He has no problem turning up to collect his social welfare payments or payslips but he lacks any sort of forward thinking or game plan for his life. Occasionally he will appear to be making an effort but it rarely lasts for long. Others will try their best to reform him or change his life around but therein lies the problem. He leans on others as his crutch for everything in life without even realising he is doing it. He does nothing for himself and lacks basic life skills. When a problem arises he does not have the resources to deal with it. He doesn’t see himself as a problem at all and never appears to be grateful for any assistance he is given. He expects it as his lot and due.
This Reversed Knight knows his stuff as far as Social Welfare entitlements are concerned and will avail of all of them. He might also be quick to put an insurance claim against his employer for the slightest thing. He might feign work-related injuries to acquire sick certs or disability allowance.
Stuck in a Rut
When the Reversed Knight of Pentacles appears in a Career Reading he may be suggesting you are going nowhere. You may be stuck in a job that offers little chance for promotion or reward. Your job might be boring, predictable and uninspiring.  You may have reached a stage where you feel unfulfilled. It is possible you once believed that a job was a job once you were earning money. Times have changed and so have you. You might feel trapped due to being under-skilled or under qualified. You may have left school early and took the first job that came your way. It is no longer enough. Effort is required if you want to change your situation now. You may need to go back to college or sign up for a course where you learn new skills which will lead to greater options.
If you are failing to secure an interview your CV might to be outdated and formatted in an old fashioned manner. If you do get to interview stage, you may need to make more of an effort to impress. You may be lacking in motivation and enthusiasm or are applying for jobs that do not appeal to you. You may also be applying for jobs you are under-qualified for. In the rapidly developing and ever changing world of Digital Technology, how do you rate your abilities in this area? This Reversed Knight can suggest you resist a modern approach. Sluggishness and apathy could be an underlying issue.
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For!
The Upright Knight of Pentacles has a strong understanding of who he is, what he wants to be, where he is going and how he plans to get there. He demonstrates a tenacious and controlled ambition that has driven him ever since he was a Page. Jolly good for him we all think, but what about the rest of us who haven’t a clue and are unsure of how we feel or what we want? Nothing has really grabbed us yet but we know something is missing. The Reversed Knight of Pentacles in this case can suggest being stuck in regards to college, career or life choices that will determine your future.  If only you could feel passionate about something? Then you could give it your full attention. You may feel time is running out on you if you are still struggling to find your stride where career or job satisfaction is concerned. College may be coming to an end or you might be heading into your thirties but still can’t decide what is is you want to do. You don’t appear to be inclined in any direction at all but you might be under external pressure to decide upon one once and for all. Maybe this is a good time to check out career personality services where you might discover some latent skills, talents or passions. Is there  a hobby that could be turned into a career?
If you have been used to drifting from one job to another, your situation may have changed necessitating the need to settle into something long-term. Employment contracts might be coming to an end or a decision has to be made between remaining temporary or becoming permanent. Choose carefully. This Reversed Knight of Pentacles could be advising you to keep your options open at present. Maybe tying yourself down right now, or committing fully in a certain direction is not the best thing to do. Also do not stubbornly rule out suggestions that at first impression seem bizarre or totally crazy. Do a bit more research, stay around long enough to hear them out. You might be pleasantly surprised and impressed.
The Workaholic
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can grind himself down to the bone with work. He lives to work instead of working to live. Even when he is at home, he will be working. There never seems to be a down time when he lays back and relaxes. He can be relentless and stubborn, considering everything other than work a waste of time. This trait typically goes hand in hand with never missing an opportunity to earn another buck yet never having the time to spend it.
Earth has taken full control as his ambition takes priority over everything else. As goals are reached he rarely stops for long enough to appreciate what he has achieved before moving on to the next.  He can neglect his relationship, friends and family as he seems to be constantly at work. Even if money does not motivate him it is possible he works just for the sake of it. He has to fill his day. This can often be an avoidance technique. Possibly he is not comfortable doing nothing as it may force him to think of other things, and even be sociable. The Workaholic Reversed Knight of Pentacles can come from any background or career. He is never at home and always on call. He is often one-dimensional and can be boring to deal with in company where he has little to say for himself or life in general.
Sometimes this trait is fear orientated and he may nurse an attitude whereby he believes his luck may change at any time, leading to financial ruin. Thus he works as much as he can when he can for there may be no work tomorrow or the next day. ‘You have to take it when you get it’. If you look into his or her background you will probably find a mother or father who did likewise. Work is riddled with routine and he may find stability in this. It can be a sign of insecurity and neediness.
As a workaholic, the Reversed Knight of Pentacles can be an intolerant employer or work colleague. Like a bull dog he will drive everyone along with him and puts tremendous pressure on staff to work long hours and give up precious time off. He can be gruff and boorish, lacking charm and humour. He believes hard work to be the cure for all evils and distress in human society.
On the other hand, this Reversed Knight of Pentacles could work in an environment where time off is unlikely whether he wants it or not. He could work in farming or with horses for example. Animals need to be fed and tended every day. They don’t take holidays or days off. There is always something to be done.
Unable to Work
Sometimes the Reversed Knight of Pentacles appears when you cannot work due to injury or ill health. It may be a work related injury or the development of a health condition or sudden illness. You may be forced into early retirement or have to live on disability allowance. This is not a position that sits comfortably with you. You are a hard worker who has possibly taken your body for granted up until now. This may be a temporary situation but you need to follow doctor’s orders if you want to make a strong comeback.
Breaking Tradition
In a Career Spread the Reversed Knight of Pentacles can suggest you are pursuing a career that breaks with a set family tradition. You may be an unlikely rebel or maverick who has ambition in areas that might surprise those who know you. You could turn your back on qualifications and years of college when you have a change of heart or change of mind. You might become jaded or bored with your career choice and make a drastic change. This could adversely affect your standard of living but it is unlikely to bother you. You are tired of the same old, same old and may seek something more adventurous, challenging or risky. You are ready to leave your territory and comfort zone in exchange for new experiences. This Reversed Knight can also suggest a career break. You might decide to travel the world, doing odd jobs here and there, or spend time on developing a hobby that might become a business in the future. You are prepared to break the mould and tempt the fates. Cars, property and assets could be off-loaded to fund the expedition. Instead of seeking employment in long established institutions, you might set your sights on working in entrepreneurial business start-up environments which offer novelty, excitement and challenge.
Poor Business Skills
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles typically has a poor head for business. He can be full of great intentions but they never quite hit the mark. Fire, leads him astray as he makes impulsive moves. He is so eager to get to the finish line that he doesn’t take into consideration all that is required to get there. He likes the idea of being a business person, working for himself and making lots of money. Compared to the Upright Knight, it appeals to him in a different manner. The Reversed Knight is likely to waste money and resources in unessential areas of his business. He likes the trappings that go with business so will want to show it off to as many as possible. Pride and a craving for status and power will not be happy working from the back bedroom or garden shed. This Reversed Knight wants to look the part from day one. He is better at spending money than making it. He makes for the failed business person who has invested unwisely or has not thoroughly researched his market.   He may try to sell shoddy products, or products no one wants, lease premises in unsuitable locations or launch at the wrong time. He can take his eye off the ball and not watch his back where competitors are concerned. He is all show with no substance. He offers nothing different and puts no importance on building customer relations. He quickly attracts a reputation for being unreliable in business.
Like the Upright Knight of Pentacles, his Reversed aspect is very interested in money, but under the influence of unbalanced Fire, is attracted to doomed from the start, ‘get rich quick schemes’ and taking un-calculated risks.  He believes there is a short cut to making money without any work or effort involved. He generally has a history of failed enterprises behind him but will happily be on the lookout for another. He is drawn to gambling on a personal level, but also with other people’s money. He does have a knack of securing investment from those around him as he can come across as the real deal. He will take money from friends and family who wish to support his endeavours but there is generally no worthwhile return. If you are thinking of investing in a business or person and the Knight of Pentacles Reversed appears you would be advised to approach with extreme caution as everything may not be as it appears. This Reversed Knight, could disappear along with all your money.
Not Moving With The Times
In a Business Reading, the Reversed Knight of Pentacles often appears to highlight the need for change or modernisation. Negative mindsets and practices could be holding back growth. There is a reluctance or resistance to cooperate with new technology and systems. As an employer, displays of initiative by staff will be discouraged and viewed as risky or destabilising. You do not offer an ‘open door policy’ and are not interested in the opinion of others. As a Business person there is a lack of innovation, vision or inspiration. Sticking with the old or traditional way of doing things is admirable but this can lead to stagnation and the eventual death of a business. You may need to move with times or at least give your business a good overhaul. Re-branding or relaunching might ignite new life into your business. Even a fresh coat of paint and new signage could jizz things up.
In business you might prove difficult in the boardroom by blocking consent or refusing to give your vote on new projects. You can clog up the system with unnecessary red-tape and endless documentation requirements. You may dislike a colleague who is trying to implement change and will create obstacles and challenges at every opportunity.
As an employee you are likely to be awkward and difficult about accepting new systems or processes. A change in staff, premises, shift or time schedule could unduly upset you. You may stubbornly refuse to cooperate with a new boss or senior.
Stick With What You Know
On the other hand, The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can act as a warning about implementing change when it is not needed. Fire can be very demanding, restless and bored. Some things should be left as is. The wheel does not have to be constantly re-invented. It can be telling you to stick to what you know in this instance. You may be under pressure to make changes but if you have been successful doing what you are doing, you must carefully consider any plans or ideas that could undo it. It might come down to deciding how much money you really need or want. Expansion or a diversion from normal business may be more trouble than it is worth. Check surrounding cards to determine what is going on.
Exploitation of Staff
In Business the Reversed Knight of Pentacles can make for an unconscientious employer. He can exploit staff, or treat them in an abusive manner.  He can be stubborn, inflexible and rigid in his stance with workers.  He is liable to underpay where he can and overtime rates may be an issue. He is not typically Health and Safety conscious either so is likely to ignore standard regulations in this area. Staff may be overworked in physically demanding roles or exposed to environmental hazards. This Reversed Knight is not ergonomically inclined so working conditions may be of a very poor level. He will strive to get the maximum work output whilst paying the lowest wages. This Employer may offer to pay you cash instead or putting you thorough the books. This may initially sound tempting but will lead to zero job security, contract or insurance. If he is not declaring you to revenue, then you do not exist and have no rights as an employee.
Security Breach
In Business, the Reversed Knight of Pentacles can act as a warning that you are very exposed or vulnerable. If you have dropped your guard or become too complacent there may be risk of a serious breach in security.  Insurance may have lapsed or anti-virus software expired. A website may be hacked if access to passwords is not tightly monitored and controlled. Also change passwords regularly and encrypt as much as possible. Check locks and alarms for errors or faults. Monitor video surveillance cameras or CCTV for any unusual behaviour. Maintenance of security is also vital where staff is concerned. Trust is very important but you must not take your eye off the ball. If a theft is involved, The Reversed Knight of Pentacles can suggest an inside job. He can have his hand in the till. Pilfered stock could be resold for private gain. Check for the presence of the Reversed Nine of Pentacles and Seven of Swords as these would strengthen the warning.
Shady Business
Contrary to the above, this Reversed Knight of Pentacles might have great business sense but uses it negatively to con people of their money. Here we find the business scams and illegal trading. Goods are often contraband or fake but he can become exceedingly wealthy dealing in them.  Under the table cash transactions are common with tax avoidance wherever possible. He could be established in the world of vice, prostitution, pornography, drug trafficking or smuggling. This Reversed Knight can be the local loan shark or involved in money laundering. He likes to profit on the misfortune of others. He lives in a tightly secured environment with high gates and surveillance cameras. He could employ body guards and Hench men to do his bidding. The authorities will find it very tricky trying to pin down this negative aspect of the Reversed Knight of Pentacles as he normally has a legit respectable business cover in place and is careful about his financial movements.
The Reversed Knight of Pentacles represents the unscrupulous or dishonest business man. His accounts may be a work of fiction.  He can be the rogue trader or dishonest banker.
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kingdomtual · 2 years
i totally get it, it's really expensive!!! i was lucky in that we bought my boy for real cheap bc he was kind of an ugly yearling baby... but it was only because he hadn't grown into himself or been given the chance to do so. and then i worked at the stable after school doing cleaning and stuff to pay for board! it worked out well, but it's... def a pricy hobby, i don't think i could ever go back to it on my own without the support i had at that time. i miss it a lot, but i think what i miss the most is my horse haha i miss him a lot. i hope you can go back to it one day! it really is so much fun, and therapeutic tbh. did you have a favorite horse at your stable?
i did english too!!!!!! not dressage as much, but i did a lot of jumping and equitation and even trained to be able to do drills without a saddle and bridle, which was a very cool and wild and singular experience. i feel like i meet more people who did western than who did english so that's exciting hehe. was there anything you did that was like your favorite favorite???
i'll try not to gab too much more, sorry this is so long... but YEAH!!!!!!
YES OMG THAT IS SO COOL. I love that <3 Yes, I did! His name was Dancer, and he was technically a large pony LOL but he was often very picky with who rode him and he was difficult to motivate, but I could do it! So, my coach always had me ride him because I was the only one he would listen to LOL he was so stubborn but I loved him so much.
omg that is SO COOL. I loved jumping, it really does feel like flying, tbh. I did enjoy the discipline of dressage, but jumping is just like WHEW HERE WE GO!!! I think that was my favorite, even if sometimes it was terrifying LOL
No, I love hearing you talk about this! Seriously! It's so much fun to have things in common, and I love hearing people talk about things they love. And, I happen to love it, too <333 always talk to me about it! I wanna hear more about your sweet horse!
0 notes
horsesofgili · 2 years
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Financial report HOG July 2022 Outgoing: Feed - 1,904 Maintenance - 950 Equine rescue - 0 Vet - 0 Salaries - 843 Utilities - 425 Medications - 444 Misc (farrier, transport, customs, supplies) - 95 Total - $4,661 usd expenditures Shortfall - - $202 Incoming : Patreon - 1,224 PayPal - 2,306 Cash - 476 Bank - 453 Total - $4,459 usd donations Current funds on hand: $0 PayPal $150 bank $125 cash Current horses under care: Owned by HOG 19 Fostered at HOG 5 Working and supported by HOG 4 Gili Air partial support 4 Total - 32 New 0 Placed/adopted 1 (Trooper into foster home) Deceased 1 (Gromit) Summary: Things are gradually improving in terms of tourism recovery from Covid & #’s of horses needing care/rescue. More horses/ponies are coming to us for fresh water, baths, farrier, medical care, & equipment. We see 5-7 each week. We’ve also managed to help equip 6 locally owned beach ride horses with new (to them) bridles & kind bits. We’ve also given away (sold very cheap) several of our older English saddles to be sure as many beach ride horses as possible have safe equipment. We are currently 100% out of tack/equipment to give out to local working horses. We need non leverage bits 4-4.5 inch, pony/cob bridles (no cavessons), small halters, lead ropes, saddle pads, & SADDLES. There is a desperate need for synthetic type smaller saddles. Many beach ride horses do not have safe saddles & they are extremely difficult (or expensive) to purchase here. If you have tack you’d like to donate please contact us & we can help you get it here. Or go shopping for us on Amazon & it’s shipped right to our door! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3MM3SV2FRR32U?ref_=wl_share We paid down a portion of our feed bill last month but since the first of August we’ve taken in two new rescues so the bill has creeped back up to nearly $800 being currently due. Please don’t forget to like, comment, share, donate. Meta (formerly Facebook) no longer allows me to boost posts (I’ve requested a review) so this has drastically decreased our overall reach. Much love- Tori https://www.instagram.com/p/ChRDOtnvFLS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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airlineticketsbg · 2 years
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At the hotel, when I returned, we found that a bundle of Gah’gnani’s Messenger had arrived, and that most comprehensive of all newspapers was creating the greatest excitement with its accounts of the Bermondsey murder, the first that had reached Constantinople. All the circumstances had to be translated and explained to the foreigners at the table-d’hote; and for the next day or two as much proportionate noise was made about the affair in Pera as in London.
Horses can easily be hired, at cheap rates, at Constantinople, and they are tolerably good; certainly superior to hacks of this class in London. They do not bring sticks or whips with them; but the bridle terminates in a long thong, with which you can belabor them as much as you please.
Crowded streets of Stamboul
One day, about noon, we started upon horseback for a long round, outside the city; passing the upper bridge of boats across the Golden Horn, on which there is no toll. Riding through the narrow, crowded streets of Stamboul requires one to have both his eyes open guided tour ephesus, with unremitting vigilance. Every minute you are entangled in a throng of foot-people; donkeys carrying boards; heavily laden camels, who never get out of anybody’s way, and almost sweep each side of ihe lone with their packs; rickety carriages, street vendors, and dogs. This applies more, perhaps, to the streets in the vicinity of the bazaars and those adjoining the Golden Horn. Further in the city the thoroughfares are curiously dreary and deserted. The house-doors are all closed, and the windows covered with lattices. Still advancing, the quarters of the Armenians and tho Greeks are more lively. The lattices are taken away, and beautiful faces are seen at the windows, — as pretty as those of tho charming Smyrna girls. In the middle of the latter quarter, I saw a regular English brass door-plate, polished to dazzling brightness, with “Mr. Sang” on it. Tho effeet was odd enough.
We rode this day through the broadest part of the city — from the Golden Horn to the Seven Towers, a journey of about three miles — leaving Stamboul by a gate that opened close upon the Sea of Marmora. I never saw the sea so calm as it was this afternoon. Every cloud — every mast and spar of the distant steamers, was reflected on its glassy surface, and the water was as still at the edge as though it had been the Serpentine. This dead calm was accompanied by an equal silence. I listened for sonic minutes, and did not hear a sound. Even the indefinite hum of busied life, which can usually be detected near a great city, was hushed.
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skitours · 2 years
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At the hotel, when I returned, we found that a bundle of Gah’gnani’s Messenger had arrived, and that most comprehensive of all newspapers was creating the greatest excitement with its accounts of the Bermondsey murder, the first that had reached Constantinople. All the circumstances had to be translated and explained to the foreigners at the table-d’hote; and for the next day or two as much proportionate noise was made about the affair in Pera as in London.
Horses can easily be hired, at cheap rates, at Constantinople, and they are tolerably good; certainly superior to hacks of this class in London. They do not bring sticks or whips with them; but the bridle terminates in a long thong, with which you can belabor them as much as you please.
Crowded streets of Stamboul
One day, about noon, we started upon horseback for a long round, outside the city; passing the upper bridge of boats across the Golden Horn, on which there is no toll. Riding through the narrow, crowded streets of Stamboul requires one to have both his eyes open guided tour ephesus, with unremitting vigilance. Every minute you are entangled in a throng of foot-people; donkeys carrying boards; heavily laden camels, who never get out of anybody’s way, and almost sweep each side of ihe lone with their packs; rickety carriages, street vendors, and dogs. This applies more, perhaps, to the streets in the vicinity of the bazaars and those adjoining the Golden Horn. Further in the city the thoroughfares are curiously dreary and deserted. The house-doors are all closed, and the windows covered with lattices. Still advancing, the quarters of the Armenians and tho Greeks are more lively. The lattices are taken away, and beautiful faces are seen at the windows, — as pretty as those of tho charming Smyrna girls. In the middle of the latter quarter, I saw a regular English brass door-plate, polished to dazzling brightness, with “Mr. Sang” on it. Tho effeet was odd enough.
We rode this day through the broadest part of the city — from the Golden Horn to the Seven Towers, a journey of about three miles — leaving Stamboul by a gate that opened close upon the Sea of Marmora. I never saw the sea so calm as it was this afternoon. Every cloud — every mast and spar of the distant steamers, was reflected on its glassy surface, and the water was as still at the edge as though it had been the Serpentine. This dead calm was accompanied by an equal silence. I listened for sonic minutes, and did not hear a sound. Even the indefinite hum of busied life, which can usually be detected near a great city, was hushed.
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bookingvacation · 2 years
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At the hotel, when I returned, we found that a bundle of Gah’gnani’s Messenger had arrived, and that most comprehensive of all newspapers was creating the greatest excitement with its accounts of the Bermondsey murder, the first that had reached Constantinople. All the circumstances had to be translated and explained to the foreigners at the table-d’hote; and for the next day or two as much proportionate noise was made about the affair in Pera as in London.
Horses can easily be hired, at cheap rates, at Constantinople, and they are tolerably good; certainly superior to hacks of this class in London. They do not bring sticks or whips with them; but the bridle terminates in a long thong, with which you can belabor them as much as you please.
Crowded streets of Stamboul
One day, about noon, we started upon horseback for a long round, outside the city; passing the upper bridge of boats across the Golden Horn, on which there is no toll. Riding through the narrow, crowded streets of Stamboul requires one to have both his eyes open guided tour ephesus, with unremitting vigilance. Every minute you are entangled in a throng of foot-people; donkeys carrying boards; heavily laden camels, who never get out of anybody’s way, and almost sweep each side of ihe lone with their packs; rickety carriages, street vendors, and dogs. This applies more, perhaps, to the streets in the vicinity of the bazaars and those adjoining the Golden Horn. Further in the city the thoroughfares are curiously dreary and deserted. The house-doors are all closed, and the windows covered with lattices. Still advancing, the quarters of the Armenians and tho Greeks are more lively. The lattices are taken away, and beautiful faces are seen at the windows, — as pretty as those of tho charming Smyrna girls. In the middle of the latter quarter, I saw a regular English brass door-plate, polished to dazzling brightness, with “Mr. Sang” on it. Tho effeet was odd enough.
We rode this day through the broadest part of the city — from the Golden Horn to the Seven Towers, a journey of about three miles — leaving Stamboul by a gate that opened close upon the Sea of Marmora. I never saw the sea so calm as it was this afternoon. Every cloud — every mast and spar of the distant steamers, was reflected on its glassy surface, and the water was as still at the edge as though it had been the Serpentine. This dead calm was accompanied by an equal silence. I listened for sonic minutes, and did not hear a sound. Even the indefinite hum of busied life, which can usually be detected near a great city, was hushed.
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culturetravels · 2 years
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At the hotel, when I returned, we found that a bundle of Gah’gnani’s Messenger had arrived, and that most comprehensive of all newspapers was creating the greatest excitement with its accounts of the Bermondsey murder, the first that had reached Constantinople. All the circumstances had to be translated and explained to the foreigners at the table-d’hote; and for the next day or two as much proportionate noise was made about the affair in Pera as in London.
Horses can easily be hired, at cheap rates, at Constantinople, and they are tolerably good; certainly superior to hacks of this class in London. They do not bring sticks or whips with them; but the bridle terminates in a long thong, with which you can belabor them as much as you please.
Crowded streets of Stamboul
One day, about noon, we started upon horseback for a long round, outside the city; passing the upper bridge of boats across the Golden Horn, on which there is no toll. Riding through the narrow, crowded streets of Stamboul requires one to have both his eyes open guided tour ephesus, with unremitting vigilance. Every minute you are entangled in a throng of foot-people; donkeys carrying boards; heavily laden camels, who never get out of anybody’s way, and almost sweep each side of ihe lone with their packs; rickety carriages, street vendors, and dogs. This applies more, perhaps, to the streets in the vicinity of the bazaars and those adjoining the Golden Horn. Further in the city the thoroughfares are curiously dreary and deserted. The house-doors are all closed, and the windows covered with lattices. Still advancing, the quarters of the Armenians and tho Greeks are more lively. The lattices are taken away, and beautiful faces are seen at the windows, — as pretty as those of tho charming Smyrna girls. In the middle of the latter quarter, I saw a regular English brass door-plate, polished to dazzling brightness, with “Mr. Sang” on it. Tho effeet was odd enough.
We rode this day through the broadest part of the city — from the Golden Horn to the Seven Towers, a journey of about three miles — leaving Stamboul by a gate that opened close upon the Sea of Marmora. I never saw the sea so calm as it was this afternoon. Every cloud — every mast and spar of the distant steamers, was reflected on its glassy surface, and the water was as still at the edge as though it had been the Serpentine. This dead calm was accompanied by an equal silence. I listened for sonic minutes, and did not hear a sound. Even the indefinite hum of busied life, which can usually be detected near a great city, was hushed.
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atozholidays · 2 years
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At the hotel, when I returned, we found that a bundle of Gah’gnani’s Messenger had arrived, and that most comprehensive of all newspapers was creating the greatest excitement with its accounts of the Bermondsey murder, the first that had reached Constantinople. All the circumstances had to be translated and explained to the foreigners at the table-d’hote; and for the next day or two as much proportionate noise was made about the affair in Pera as in London.
Horses can easily be hired, at cheap rates, at Constantinople, and they are tolerably good; certainly superior to hacks of this class in London. They do not bring sticks or whips with them; but the bridle terminates in a long thong, with which you can belabor them as much as you please.
Crowded streets of Stamboul
One day, about noon, we started upon horseback for a long round, outside the city; passing the upper bridge of boats across the Golden Horn, on which there is no toll. Riding through the narrow, crowded streets of Stamboul requires one to have both his eyes open guided tour ephesus, with unremitting vigilance. Every minute you are entangled in a throng of foot-people; donkeys carrying boards; heavily laden camels, who never get out of anybody’s way, and almost sweep each side of ihe lone with their packs; rickety carriages, street vendors, and dogs. This applies more, perhaps, to the streets in the vicinity of the bazaars and those adjoining the Golden Horn. Further in the city the thoroughfares are curiously dreary and deserted. The house-doors are all closed, and the windows covered with lattices. Still advancing, the quarters of the Armenians and tho Greeks are more lively. The lattices are taken away, and beautiful faces are seen at the windows, — as pretty as those of tho charming Smyrna girls. In the middle of the latter quarter, I saw a regular English brass door-plate, polished to dazzling brightness, with “Mr. Sang” on it. Tho effeet was odd enough.
We rode this day through the broadest part of the city — from the Golden Horn to the Seven Towers, a journey of about three miles — leaving Stamboul by a gate that opened close upon the Sea of Marmora. I never saw the sea so calm as it was this afternoon. Every cloud — every mast and spar of the distant steamers, was reflected on its glassy surface, and the water was as still at the edge as though it had been the Serpentine. This dead calm was accompanied by an equal silence. I listened for sonic minutes, and did not hear a sound. Even the indefinite hum of busied life, which can usually be detected near a great city, was hushed.
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balkanholiday · 2 years
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At the hotel, when I returned, we found that a bundle of Gah’gnani’s Messenger had arrived, and that most comprehensive of all newspapers was creating the greatest excitement with its accounts of the Bermondsey murder, the first that had reached Constantinople. All the circumstances had to be translated and explained to the foreigners at the table-d’hote; and for the next day or two as much proportionate noise was made about the affair in Pera as in London.
Horses can easily be hired, at cheap rates, at Constantinople, and they are tolerably good; certainly superior to hacks of this class in London. They do not bring sticks or whips with them; but the bridle terminates in a long thong, with which you can belabor them as much as you please.
Crowded streets of Stamboul
One day, about noon, we started upon horseback for a long round, outside the city; passing the upper bridge of boats across the Golden Horn, on which there is no toll. Riding through the narrow, crowded streets of Stamboul requires one to have both his eyes open guided tour ephesus, with unremitting vigilance. Every minute you are entangled in a throng of foot-people; donkeys carrying boards; heavily laden camels, who never get out of anybody’s way, and almost sweep each side of ihe lone with their packs; rickety carriages, street vendors, and dogs. This applies more, perhaps, to the streets in the vicinity of the bazaars and those adjoining the Golden Horn. Further in the city the thoroughfares are curiously dreary and deserted. The house-doors are all closed, and the windows covered with lattices. Still advancing, the quarters of the Armenians and tho Greeks are more lively. The lattices are taken away, and beautiful faces are seen at the windows, — as pretty as those of tho charming Smyrna girls. In the middle of the latter quarter, I saw a regular English brass door-plate, polished to dazzling brightness, with “Mr. Sang” on it. Tho effeet was odd enough.
We rode this day through the broadest part of the city — from the Golden Horn to the Seven Towers, a journey of about three miles — leaving Stamboul by a gate that opened close upon the Sea of Marmora. I never saw the sea so calm as it was this afternoon. Every cloud — every mast and spar of the distant steamers, was reflected on its glassy surface, and the water was as still at the edge as though it had been the Serpentine. This dead calm was accompanied by an equal silence. I listened for sonic minutes, and did not hear a sound. Even the indefinite hum of busied life, which can usually be detected near a great city, was hushed.
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