#check out the hair!! and the glassess!!!!!
blmpff · 1 year
(7s) 31.07.23
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dearagony15 · 5 years
Fall Into Your Sunlight.
 Chapter. 1 Fall Into Your Sunlight.
 Saint Hills. 2016.
6 am. The alarm had rung, loudly. Skyla was walking fastly out from the bathroom. She was throwing her towel on her bed and taking a rubbermaid from her desk, pulling her red straight hair to the top of her head and tighted it up. She was looking at the clock. Hm, 6am. Time is up, she said to herself and then turning off the alarm bottom. She was taking her jins jacket and her backpack, ready to go to school again.
Skyla Marianne Herbert, 16 years old. One of Lincoln High School’s students. Smart, multi talented and food lovers. She had a best friend named Dave Spencer. Skyla first best friend since she has moved here. Dave was an introvert guy and so does she. That is why, they both fits each other to rejecting people around. And Skyla loves the way Dave talking to others because he was a quite sarcastic man, full of silence and mystery. He always use the same tone when he was talking, except when he gets mad his tone will be a little bit higher. She knew him very well.
Tinnnnn tinnnnn.
Dave was beeping his car, giving Skyla a sign that it was their time to go to school together. Skyla was walking through the stairs fastly, almost like she was dancing like a queen there. Yeah, she is very active person and faster while walking or doing everything. She always win running competition at school. But never want to join sports club or athletic. She hates being sweat and now she starts to hate sunlight though.
“Sorry, it took you so long,” said Skyla apologies to Dave. She was sitting in the passenger seat and closing the door.
“Welcome back to Saint Hills,” said Dave to her without a single smile.
“Thanks.” Skyla replied cheerfuly. “Well, good morning,” she said again to him and giving the best smile to him. Wish he could say something nice today. She misses him so much.
Dave was looking at Skyla, nodded and roaring  the engine while she put the seatbelt to her body. He almost never talk or say something first except Skyla makes her moves. Kinda cold hearted guy. Makes all girls at Lincoln adored him so much.
“Hei.” Skyla shook his arm to get Dave attention. “If someone said good morning to you, you should have replied it back. It called respect and care, Spencer.” She reminds him with her soft and perfect intonation. Sounds so adorable and clingy. But that is her. Dave can stand for it.
“I do,” said Dave short and simple.
“How? I didn’t see or listen it.” Seems like she wanna starts the war, but well--- that’s her. Cheerful and hilarious. If she suddenly keep silence, means something happened to her. Dave knew it very well. And have to become accustomed with that.
“With my way.” Dave said again while driving to Lincoln.
Skyla nodded in a long silence.
Dave just kept quiet too. He was rolling down the window besides him and let the fresh air come into them. Well, it was 6;15 am by the way. Still freezing and foggy. Saint Hills was more colder because of the different climate and geographic. And she loves it.
“--- okay. Not in the good mood, Huh?” Skyla tried to humor him, at least make a joke for today before heading for a Math test together.
“Don’t be too sensitive, Skyla.” Dave turned around the steer at the corner of the street and passed a long road with many people jogging and running.
Skyla nodded. She made him mad again. Always. But he looked cute though. She smiles in the silence. “Okay.” She nodded.
Dave was driving slowly. The sun was warm outside and when he passed by the traffic light, the sunlight was shining through them by the opened window from Dave’s side.
“Ouch.” Skyla closed her eyes quickly with her palms covering her face when the sunlight passed them by.
“Are you okay?,” asked Dave. He looked at her seriously, worried. But still with a half focused on the road too.
Skyla still closed her eyes behind her palms until she makes sure that the sunlight passed by. “Yeah. I’m good,” she replied, confused though. “I forgot my sun glassess. Damn.”
Dave was opening the dashboard and giving one glasses to her. Not a sun glasses actually, just a normally glasses he knows she dropped it there sometimes. “Take this.” He gave it to her.
“Thanks.” She took it and smile to him. “My eyes---.” She was wearing that glasses and stopped to continue her words. It’s not the right time to talk about this now. No, when Dave still have a cold words to her. She hates it.
“What happened with your eyes?,” asked Dave now, finally, still driving carefully.
“Nothing.” Skyla answered him. Take a revenge now with a short answer.
“Elaborate nothing.”
“It’s just---- nothing.”
Skyla was turning the radio station on to kill the damn silence situation in the car. And SUM 41 song was playing on air with the titled With Me, her favorite one. Make everything so awkward now. She checked her phone many times and opening her Math book, try to remind all the things she read and learned last night.
Dave was looking at Skyla from the mirror in front of his head. He knows this girl being too sensitive again and again almost everyday especially when she got back from England. Sounds weird because she looked different after came back here and he never asked about what had happened. “Getting irritation a whole week?” Dave glanced back at her and then back to his steer again. 100% focused. “Your eyes.” He added again with a soft voice now.
Skyla nodded. “Yeah. Somehow. It’s gonna be more sensitive. I don’t know.” She covered her face while the sunshine was shining up above the car.
“You did something wrong with your eyes? Like--- plastic surgery or something. In England.”
“Oh my God, no.” Skyla denied it. “I won’t do that even if I want to.” She added with a lower tone, like talking to herself.
“Eyes like Yuna Final Fantasy 10 is cool.” Dave smile, trying to make a joke but Skyla sulked herself.
“Yeah. That’s why you like her.”
Dave smile again and now was staring back at Skyla for a second only. “Go and do your medical check up.”
“Come on, Dave. It’s such a simple thing. This glasses help me so much. Thanks for that.”
“Okay. And when will you start to driving again?,” asked Dave, changed the topic. Trying to keep the conversation on. But in a second he thought that he chose the wrong topic. He was in a dangerous area now. And it’s too late to take it back.
“Why? You hate to see me everyday or you getting bored drops and picks me up everyday or you girlfriend doesn’t like----------,” Suddenly Skyla was losing her temper. Her emotions ups and downs. Burning inside her head. Now she can’t handled it anymore.
“Silence, Skyla.” Dave cut her words with an intense look. “You’re on period or something?”
Skyla exhaled. She was trying to control her emotions now and almost crying. “Sorry. And, no. It’s over.” God, she doesn’t know what happens with her.
“Your emotion.” Dave replied it back to her.
“I know. Sorry.”
“What happened when you were in England?,” asked Dave finally.
“Nothing. All same.” But actually not much.
Still Dave distrusted of something. “Did they fight again yesterday when you got home? Your parents.” Dave asked. He can’t believe her statement.
“I don’t have parents.” She said, fed up.
Silence for a second.
“Always,” replied Skyla then. “They always fight and throws everything around--- nothing’s changed.”
Dave nodded and keep driving. “It’s been a year. Right? Since that day. Dan.”
“Yeah.” Skyla knows what Dave wanna talking about. It’s about Dan, her brother. Who died a year ago, car accident at Saint Hills. That was the reason why she hates driving and chose to left Saint Hills a year ago. And now she has come back here. Bring all the puzzle back into this town.
“That’s your reason to stop driving?,” asked Dave in a long silence. He stopped his car in the parking lot. Waiting for her to answering his serious question. But Skyla just turn off the radio station.
“Kind of.” Skyla replied him, released the seat belt and came out from Dave’s car.
Lincoln. Like usually, always crowded and full of lies and dramas. Skyla was waiting for Dave to come out from his car. She was standing behind the window and seeing a red SUV car was arriving with a high speed race, parking besides Dave’s car. And then she saw a tall, modest and pale guy came out from the driver’s seat. Looks like a duplicate from Ashton Kutcher as well. Then a girl--- Maureen, maybe, as she had remembered, came out and following that tall guy. The wind blowing harshly. Make a chance for both of them to look and staring each others, feeling the same smells.
Skyla was looking at that guy and so does him. She can smells something different from him and Maureen. Something like---- not normal things, that makes her feels so addicted and attractive to them. And she doesn’t know what is it. Just a strange and strong scent around them. And it’s not like a perfume or cologne. The scent--- is more than that and it stinks her a lot.
“What is this scent?,” asked Skyla to herself. She touched her nose many times to get away that scent.
“Hi, Skyla,” said Maureen nicely. She grabbed her boyfriend’s hands tightly in front of her. Her lovely Ashton Kuthcer. And smile flirtatious. Ewww.
“Hi. Do you know me?,” asked Skyla innocent. She can hear Maureen’s boyfriend laugh and she looks so stupid in front of them. Omg, where’s Dave at the moment like this. And the scent, really makes her sick.
“Nice to see you---, Skyla.” The Ashton Kutcher twin now was talking to Skyla, smile, look nice almost perfect and--- creepy.
His eyes. Skyla doesn’t like his eyes. Reminds her of something--- or someone in her head she can’t remember clearly. It’s like a dejavu to be honest.
Maureen just gave Skyla a sweet weird smile. She didn’t answer Skyla’s question and walked away like a greedy princess with her boyfriend. The couple looked like a parody of Kate and Prince William in the real suck life. Full of fake drama.
Skyla smirked at her. “Annoying,” she said in a low tone. Grumbling about them.
“Who?,” asked Dave suddenly appeared behind her shoulder.
“Who’s that tall, white pale guy? I’ve never seen him in a while. He drove that red car like a racer. He’s new here?,” asked Skyla to Dave. Her eyes keep watching to that couple until Dave was talking and giving her an answer.
“He’s Chambells. You don’t recognize him?,” said Dave amazed.
“--- Chambells?” Skyla repeated that name and thinking for a minute. She feels so familiar with that name. “Well, You know, since ---”
“Yeah. I knew.” Dave cut her words.
“So, who’s that guy? Identical of Ashton Kutcher or something?”
“Yeah, Lucius Chambells. They looked same, actually. Do you remember The Chambells family?”
“I don’t know. Just feel so familiar with that name. You tell me.”
“Of course you do. They have been a part of Saint Hills’ for almost many years. Lucius is the youngest. He sent aboard by his father from Saint Hills for duties a year ago.”
“Duties? What kind of duties?,” asked Skyla curious.
“I don’t know. Church’s service maybe.”
“Owh, finally there’s one thing you can’t solved it.” Skyla smiled to Dave.
“It’s not my problem, anyway.”
“Yeah you’re right. Go on, continue your story.”
“Now, seems like he has come back here. With Maureen, his long term girlfriend.”
“But, how did they recognize me? They called my name, like, Hi Skyla,--- well, we’re not a friend and I’ve never talked to them as I’ve been remember in my entire life.”
“Efraim and Meredith Chambells was a priest-preacher couple at St. John. And Lucius was a part of the music team at that community. Maybe they have had met you before and you just forgot.”
“Really?” Skyla not so sure about that.
“Yeah. You left this town almost a year, right?”
“Wow. You know more about this town very well. Better than me,” said Skyla. She pushed Dave shoulder and smile, looked surprised, giving it as a compliment to him. “That’s a compliment. I’m not flirting.”
“Yes, you are,” replied Dave indifferently. He walked by, left Skyla behind.
Skyla was running to catch Dave. “Hei. I’m not flirting, Dave. I said the truth from the bottom of my heart,” she tried to pleading herself. Acted like a cute puppy. But Dave too shy to give her a response for that.
“First class, Math. Remember?,” He reminds Skyla as an order.
“Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh. You are ruining my mood!,” said Skyla punched Dave shoulder as a joke.
“You have to drive yourself home.” Dave walking to his chair and sit beside Skyla.
“No. It’s your job. You made a promise before.” Skyla reminded her best friend about that again. She grinned and showing her teeth now. Pretending to look angry or something.
“Silence. I know.”
During Math exam.
Dave looked fine with all the questions in his papers. His hands never stop writing. But not with Skyla. She looked flustered. She’s already done with her questions exam but something stuck in her mind. Something like what? Something like--- Oh my God, she realized that The Ashton Kutcher twin was sitting behind her and now was staring, glaring to her. His eyes full of hunger and curiously of something too. Makes her feels so cold and creepy at that moment. She look toward by turning her head to Dave, try to get his attention but Dave just focus with his paper only. It’s sucks and annoying. And when she saw a number in her paper again, her mind reminds of something. Something like a flashback memory in her mind.
30 29 28 27 ------------------------------------------ bipppppp bippppppppppppppppp.
“No. No. Please, Dan. Don’t leave me alone. Please!” Skyla screamed behind the mirror of Emergency Room at Saint Hills Hospital Center. Her body was wet, shaking, sweat and full of blood. Smells blood everywhere. She can hear the impulse slowly was going down and down from the outside of Emergency Room. No heartbeat, almost. She knows what would it be but she tried to ignored all the bad possibility. She can see the Death was standing beside Dan’s iron bed. Ready to do his jobs.
“No. No, don’t do that. Don’t do that to him. Hei! Take me! But let him go. Release him away! Hei!” Skyla screamed to Death, or someone invisible from the outside of the Emergency Room. She tried to get in but the nurse guarded against her and forced her to stay or they will get her into the medical patient, as an unconscious patient.
“Can you just sit and calm yourself down, please Miss Herbert?,” asked the old nurse lady. She was grabbing Skyla’s hands and forced her to sit back and relax. Her eyes was glaring and--- red.
“No. I can’t. He’ll take my brother if you don’t let me in and make a deal with him,” said Skyla was trying to explain to her but she knows the old nurse lady won’t understand her instead will think she was a crazy girl after became a survivor from the accident.
“Him? You mean Death? How dare yourself to make a deal with Him?,” she asked Skyla again with full of emphasized with her words.
Skyla was standing up now, looking eye to eye with the old nurse lady. And she smells something, like a weird scent of flower or sage or anything name on it. She hates that scent. More than she hates smell of blood. “How do you know that? You can see Death too?,” asked Skyla curious. She can feel something weird, strange, strong and very powerful with the nurse. She’s a witch? No. Her aura was totally different with the other people here. She’s not a part of us. No. Skyla can feel it. That was one of the gift God gave to her since she was born. Got a supernatural weird annoying sense, she called it.
“Who are you? You’re not one of us,” Skyla asked the nurse again. Her eyes was looking deeply into her red eyes too. Wish could see or find something.
“You’re fast enough to realized about it, Miss Herbert. That’s mean you will going to 17 years old. Good age to be turn. That’s a beautiful gift for you.”
“What do you mean?,” asked Skyla again.
“You will know or you have already knew.”
“I don’t have time to play Sherlock Holmes with you!”
“Yes, you’re right. Your time much less since from now.”
5 4 3 2 1--------------------------------------------- bippppppppppppppppppppppppp.
Skyla can hear it. She was turning around her head and walking toward the door of Emergency Room. “No! Please! Let me in!,” said her to the old nurse lady. Wish the nurse would help her to come inside. But the old nurse just kept quite and ignoring her. Just watching her faded. “Please,” she begging please, desperately.
The doctor and nurses tried so hard as the best as they could to saved Dan. But it’s not worked. He sustained bad injury almost all over his head and body, bleeding and swollen. That was a fatal car crashed but Skyla didn’t get any injury even her blouse and jins ripped out and dirty. No physical injury. Nothing. The doctor team had done with the medical check up but she’s fine. That was really weird and strange things.  In fact, Skyla sat in the passenger seat. So the doctor assumed that was a miracle here at Saint Hills.
“I’m sorry, Miss Herbert. That was his destiny to die, Miss Herbert.” The old nurse lady explained to her. “Just to keep you saved.” She added again.
Skyla was walking closer and now she was standing in front of the old lady, glaring her red eyes she frightened too. “I don’t need your words. I don’t need Dan to die just to keep me save. I need him alive to keep me save!”
“It’s written all in the prophecy.”
“What kind of stupid prophecy?! Back to reality, Please!” Skyla was screaming to the old lady but no one notice about them. Seems like all the circumstance frozen.
“This is your reality you have to face it through, Miss Herbert! Own it as the Chosen Lady!” She shouted back to Skyla now.
“You’re crazy. Screw you. May your soul burns in hell.” Skyla cursed her.
“You will know what’s like to be in hell when you wake up then.”
Splashed of light and Skyla can’t remember anything again. All she had known she was lying on the white bed in hospital, smells of medicine mixed with everything there. She only knows that she lost Dan. Forever. She feels so bad and her heart become so numb.
Tap tap tap. Skyla heard footsteps was coming closer. It was not the same sounds like the doctor or nurse but it was different. Tap tap tap. And no heartbeat. She was counting in her mind with her cold eyes. Mourning. Dying. And they were coming closer to her, the Chambells. Efraim and Meredith Chambells. They were walking into the room wore a couple of black suit and handed a Bible in their hand. Skyla was turning around her head and expecting her parents to come but the Chambells showed up. Where’s mom and dad now? They supposed to be here. Now. Dave. Where is he now? Skyla keep questioning it.
“Are you Skyla Marianne Herbert?,” asked Meredith nicely. Her face looked so pale like a porcelain. Her black hair was straight into her shoulder, neat and perfectly beauty. She was looking at Skyla, waiting for her answer with giving her a sweet warm smile.
“Who are you?,” asked Skyla with her soft voice. She was sitting on her bed with her hospital uniform. Looked so pale and weak. She wasn’t feel good. Seems like many blade and knive was stabbing all her body. It’s tortured her since she woke up.
“I guess your answer is yes.” Meredith nodded. Still with a smile politely.
“Who the hell are you?,” asked Skyla again. With her cold voice, her eyes glaring back at them, full of hate and anger.
Efraim taking over the conversation now. “We’re from St. John. I’m Efraim and she’s my wife, Meredith. We give our condolence about your brother, Dan.” He said with a soft tone intonation. Feel so peacefully and warm.
“Thanks,” replied Skyla.
“Where’s your parents?” Efraim asked her. Because he didn’t see anyone there.
“I don’t know. They supposed to be here also.” Skyla was rubbing her chest. She feels something burning inside and makes her want to throw up.
“Are you okay?,” asked Meredith coming closer to touch Skyla’s face. At that moment she could smells Skyla’s blood rushing through her vein. Fresh, addictive, attractive and totally pureblood. That’s why she could heal by herself and The Oracle said about this girl was right. She was caressing Skyla’s back head, acting like a mother figure she knows that girl needed the most. And she read all her mind. The Oracle has came to her already and compelled her to forget what had happened. Poor little girl. Her time will come, said Meredith.
“Yeah,” replied Skyla then.
“You were at passenger seat at that moment, right?,” said Efraim to Skyla. “I saw your last report medical check up from doctor. And it said that you’re totally good without any injury with your body.”
Meredith didn’t surprise to see Skyla’s last report in her husband’s hand. It described that Skyla’s blouse ripped out from her breast, means that maybe it supposed to be a place she could have bad injury there. And blood stain almost in her body but she’s fine, no scar. Clean.  That was a miracle? Or means something.
Skyla shook her head twice. Confused. “I don’t know. I don’t know what happened to me!,” she said full of emotional.
“Do you remember the last thing that happen before that incident?,” asked Efraim again.
Skyla was trying to remember all in her mind. But she pissed off. She was feeling so bad about it. She hates everyone around and where is her parents? Where’s Dave too?
“Please, try to remember all as you can. Maybe we could help you.” Meredith added.
“You’re here to pray or to investigating?,” asked Dave suddenly appeared behind Efraim’s back. He was staring at them one by one with his blue eyes and feeling so annoyed to them.
“Dave,” called Skyla surprised but happy.
Dave hugged Skyla tightly and kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry. I have to handled something last night. Are you okay?” He asked while looking at Skyla’s face and he feels that her body’s temperature was so hot like a fire burned.
Skyla nodded in her silence but Dave knows her silence means something happened.
“Look at me and answer my question,” Dave said as an order.
“You can take a look by yourself, Dave. No scar or bad injury. I’m freaking alive. Like a freak one! A monster or a walking dead, maybe,” she said with a high tension of emotion. Her eyes glaring at him and she almost pass out.
Dave was so worried. He didn’t know what he’d gonna do. “Fever only? That’s impossible,” he said to Skyla with his soft intonation from his voice.
“That’s why we’re here. We could help her, Mr. Spencer.” Efraim cut their conversation though.
“You?,” asked Dave uncertainly.
“Yes,” replied Efraim politely.
“Doctor is better than your consultation, by the way,” replied Dave sarcasm.
“Doctor would never gave you the right explanation about how she could have saved from the fatal incident. I bet you saw the crime scene before you came here, Mr. Spencer,” said Meredith to Dave.
“So, you’re a Witch or something?” Dave asked.
“We can help, if you let us. But if you---”
“Get them out from here, Dave,” said Skyla.
“You allright?,” asked Dave again. He looked at Skyla. She’s sweat, pale and her body temperature suddenly became cold.
“Get them hell out from here!!!!!!” Skyla screamed in front of them.
“We’re very sorry about your brother. But this is the last thing we could do for you and for us,” said Meredith to Skyla.
“Devil,” cursed Skyla.
Meredith and Efraim didn’t care about it. The last thing Skyla could remember just, a flashed light and darkness.
After school, in the parking lot.
“Skyla,” called Dave. But no reaction from her. “Skyla.” He repeated again and shaking her shoulder.
“Yeah?,” replied Skyla shocked for a while.
Dave was looking at Skyla’s face, guessing by himself. “What are you thinking about?,” he asked.
Skyla shook her head. “Thinking--- about what?,” she asked again, confused.
Dave pointed his finger, showing her what he questioned about. “Them?”
“Who?” Skyla asked again when she saw Lucius had a serious debate with Maureen not far from the parking lot area. She can hear them fighting each other, talking about cheating, sex things and breaking up thing.
“Lucius and Maureen,” added Dave again make it clear his statement.
“What?” Skyla had realized that she was looking at that couple almost couple minutes ago. Dave knew it and she was freaking out now. Blushing too. “No. I’m just--- I don’t know. Let’s go.”
Dave suddenly was throwing his car key to Skyla. She fastly responded and caught it with her right hand. Epic. “Nice catch.”
“Thank you.” But what’s that mean? She confused again.
“Now, you have to drive me home,” Dave said to her while walking into the passenger seat.
“No. No. Dave, I can’t.” Skyla was in panic situation.
“You can’t or you don’t want to?”
“I—I can’t. You know why.”
“I know. So what? Face it and move on.”
“Dave, it’s been a year and I’ve never ever driven since that day. Even in England.”
“Yeah. It’s been a years. So?,” asked Dave. He feels so irritated hearing Skyla blowing up about England.
“---” Skyla didn’t answer him. She kept quiet. Frozen.
“You know, everybody’s here used car. Helps a lot. It’s the only transportation here instead you prefer to walk.”
Skyla smiled bitter to him. “Seems like you don’t want me in your life anymore. You tried to pushing me away.”
“Stand up for yourself. Now I was trying to make you that way.”
“I can stand for myself, Dave!”
“But you’re not, actually. You ran away. Once you’ve done, you will do the same.”
Dave words totally hurts Skyla’s feelings. “Because I went to England?! Did you think I run away?!”
“What else?”
“You just left that day. Remember? As a best friend, you didn’t say goodbye or anything. You just left.”
“You kept all questions in your mind and now you throwing it all in front of my face. This is the new you, by the way?”
“And this is the new you? Came back to town, you totally different. Your appearance, emotionally stuffs, reckless self control, afraid with sunlight. You’re a vampire or something?”
Skyla can feel it at that moment. Lucius was staring at her, when he ended debating with Maureen. Maureen has just left. Skyla can feel it. That looked was so intense and made her feel so--- frightened and secure too at the same time.
“Okay.” Skyla ended that stupid debate with Dave and enter into the driver’s seat. She just wanna save her pride only. She knows Lucius keep staring at her. Even it’s her first time to see him eye to eye but she feels like she have known him before, somewhere.
Dave followed her and sat at the passenger seat, waiting for her to start the engine. But she didn’t do anything except kept quiet and frozen. “What’s wrong?,” he asked. Worried though.
“Just so you know. I’ve never left without said goodbye, Dave,” Skyla was trying to explain. Her eyes focused with one red dot in front of the lensed view. Seeing Lucius keep standing outside in the same place with the same attention to her eyes, straight to the hell or heaven.
“It’s okay. I understand. I’m over it,” replied Dave cold like usually.
“No. You have to know this.”
“I came to you at that night. To said goodbye. I remembered that.”
“No, you’ve just left.”
“I called you. You didn’t answer your phone. I texted but you just read it. You chose your girlfriend and ignored me at that time. When I needed you the most. Andrea, remember?”
Dave kept quite. He didn’t say anything instead of keep listening to her.
“It’s okay.” Skyla added again. “If you wanna take your time to date some girls around, I understand. I’ve never want to tight you, though. So, I understand. I am.”
“Why did you blow it up now? You can called me from England. Phone call, email or anything.”
“I can’t.”
“Because---” Something missing in Skyla’s head. And she suddenly stopped talking as if something forced her to stopped by.
“----- I can’t remember it--- anymore.”
“It’s ridiculous, don’t you know that?! Have you met a guy in England? Even your parents didn’t care about you except me, Skyla. I was so worried at that time!”
“I know! I’m sorry. I’m sorry, okay? I’ve told you thousand times.”
“Don’t you know secret will ruin relationship?”
I know, very well. Skyla nodded and answered it by herself.
“Okay. Keep drive, I have to do my things,” said Dave ended the arguments.
Skyla still can’t do it. Even she was trying to start the engine, the flashback and all the scene was playing back in her mind. Made her feel so horrible and frightened. She still remember that day. All the scene in her head. “I’m sorry.” She said. Released the seatbelt and came out from the car. Dave just watched. In a second he saw Lucius keep watching of him but in a next second he saw Lucius has left. So was Skyla.
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
Do you think Ignis gives Gladio sexy glares or looks just to throw him off guard? What kind of stuff do you think he'd do to tease (pics or gifs can be used :).)
Hahahaha, he absolutely does!
Thinking about Ignis’ attitude, he’d do it subtly and only when Gladio’s looking. He wouldn’t do anything to distract Gladio mid battle, but he sure would enjoy doing it at unexpected, random moments when walking around, at camp, and even in the Regalia via the rearview mirror.
Ah, because what Ignis likes to do best is to give glances and stares. Physically, there’d be very little he’d do to tease Gladio. He knows his man enjoys of physical contact, both in intimacy and when not (the brush of a hand, the touch of a fingertip on his face, not just private spaces and parts). So Ignis has learned that there’s nothing better to tease Gladio than touch him without touching him.
That’s why he enjoys so much of glancing and/or smirking or other details from a certain distance that don’t involve touching anything, not even a single inch of anything. Because he knows Gladio would like that. And no way is Ignis giving it to him as easily.
Teasing smirks, sensual glances, checking him out on purpose while Gladio’s looking, stare intensely at his lips, let the eyes wander off to Gladio’s chest during dinner across the table while he knows Gladio’s completely aware of that.
A bit ironic for us, but Ignis’ favorite, most used and most effective weapon is his eyes and expression, and the way he uses them to his favor.
And he knows how to use them.
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It’s when you last expect it. Ignis will be giving Gladio the looks just for the pleasure of startling him and make him go all awkward around others. 
Because, you should know, Ignis enjoys giving Gladio the stares or the looks or the smirks when nobody else is seeing. Adding that to the fact that it’s when Gladio’s last expecting a teasing stare, it turns out in Gladio being taken completely off guard, and, hence, start acting a bit goofy around others. He goes awkward and, if he’s speaking, there’s either stutters or nonsense speaking (the sort of being asked what his name is and him answering Yes).
Ignis enjoys doing that to him, because Gladio gets super nervous and awkward, and he knows that Gladio feels a bit silly when he acts like that in front of others. Sometimes, Gladio tries to expose him, tries to explain to the others that he’s not goofy, it’s just that “Ignis looked at me like…”, tries to explain Ignis is cheekily scanning him with “horny eyes”, tries to explain Ignis “is checking me out with this look that…”…
But nobody’s ever caught Ignis doing such a thing. And the man, of course, denies it. Says that’s silly, says that’s not his style, says that’d be vulgar and he wouldn’t do it. Only for the pleasure of seeing Gladio as childishly upset because no one believes him. And as soon as the attention goes over to Gladio again, while the others turn to tell him “See, Specs wouldn’t do that bla bla bla”, Ignis is returing to his intense staring.
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He’s doing it on purpose.
Every time that he does it, Gladio knows it’s on purpose. In front of others, or in public spaces, or when he’s doing something and Ignis does that…it’s always on purpose.
Sometimes, he knows by now, Ignis likes to do it just for the sake of messing with him, to be childish and playful. It’s happened a few times that Gladio’s setting the tent up, and he looks up to ask for something. Out of the blue, Ignis will give him one of those looks as illustrated above, with no other reason than just doing that. A few of those times, Gladio has flinched or has dropped what he has in hands and ends up messing up with the tent. There was once when Ignis had given him such an intense and unexpected stare that Gladio, somehow, ended up tangled in the strings and cloth of the tent.
Sometimes, however, and most of the times I’d dare say, Ignis does it for both the pleasure of messing with him, and because he’s in the mood. Unlike Gladio, he’s not the most explicit or physically affectonate, but his feelings are honest. And sometimes he’s in a romantic mood, sometimes accompanied by the normal horny feel of spontaneous moments of life, and his staring is partly unconscious. He’s aware he’s doing it, but sometimes he’s olivious to just how intense he’s staring at Gladio.
He desires him, and loves him. So staring is just natural. Except he, sometimes, likes to use his current state of mind to tease him, because it’s in those moments when his stare and feelings are in full blossom, hence the most powerful on their effects on Gladio.
Even though most of the times it’s just staring, cheekily but secretly cheking him out from head to toe, or smirking, very, very few times Ignis adds a little cherry on top of the cake; a little detail, like the bite of a lip, the shudder of arms, a small exhale, the shrinking of his chest as if breathless, the pull of his collar as if feeling heat, the casual rub of a hand against his own orso or nearby the thigh, or a wink.
And, of course, it’s still when Gladio’s last expecting it and when nobody else is seeing.
There’s Gladio, putting the tent and stuff in the Regalia’s trunk, closing it and turning around claiming to be done, while Ignis walks past him to go towards the driver’s seat,
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Gladio’s startled, taken off guard, and suddenly pressing so hard on the Reagalia he accidentally activates its alarm. 
This is so unfair.
Because no way is Gladio going to be calm for about half an hour, but Ignis won’t look at him again or say anything, like it did not happen, and Gladio can’t bring the conversation up because the others don’t believe him and they’re ready to go out in the road and it’s not the time.
Now you know, Ignis likes to stare a lot. 
But he’s also aware Gladio likes to stare as well. Just differently.
While Ignis does it on purpose to tease him, Gladio’s normally staring at him because he can’t help it. Gladio likes Ignis, and Ignis knows it. The Shield likes to watch the other simply because he finds him to be gorgeous and good-looking. 
Sometimes, Ignis will be even more subtle while at the same time being more cheeky.
How does he get that, you ask?
He won’t give one of those smirks or intense stares at Gladio. He’s going to offer some visual show for him. He’s going to do something that he knows Gladio will like, pretending to not notice, or pretending he’s not doing this on purpose.
Sometimes he’s going to whip his hair once when combing it in the morning, if he knows Gladio’s watching. Sometimes, he’s going to stretch in front of him, because he knows Gladio’s watching the way his muscles press against his shirt when he does. Sometimes, he’s going to take his glassess off to “clean them”, but really it’s just because that way he gets to stare up at Gladio and find him looking. Sometimes, when at camp, Ignis is going to start undressing when he knows Gladio’s watching but it’s usually just the shirt. After that, he’ll disappear into the tent and leave the rest to Gladio’s imagination.
It’s everyday things, tiny details that are so common and natural, nobody questions Ignis for doing that sort of stuff, not noticing he’s doing that just to tease Gladio. 
Like the once when they were at the hotel, everyone was doing their stuff,
and Gladio turned to look at Ignis,
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“Ugh. Gladio, that’s just him undressing. It’s bedtime, you know. Gotta change clothes.”
“RIGHT, but he only started undressing when I turned. Coincidence? I think NOT.”
“Geez, calm down. Ignis wasn’t even looking your way.”
“Prompto’s right. It would be innapropiate of me to do such a thing on purpose, Gladiolus. Please, control yourself.”
“Are you guys fucking blind? Look at the way he’s unbuttoning that. Ignis…Ignis stop that. You’re just- you just want to mess with me, you little jerk.”
“Geez, Gladio, it’s just you and your hormones. Keep it cool, Specs’s just undressing.”
“Not all I do is for your visual pleasure, Gladio” says the man as he slowly takes the shirt off, glancing up at Gladio and giving him one of those smiles because the other two are not looking, and he’s definitely offering that as a visual show for Gladio.
This is definitely unfair.
A stare, a smirk, or both, or cheking him out, give him a tiny visual show, that’s the sort of things that Ignis does to tease Gladio, always making sure it’s when the man less expects it, only for the childish pleasure of seeing him taken off-guard, not knowing what to do or where to look at, sometimes flinch or become a stuttering mess, and end up looking silly in front of others.
“You, teasing jerk, I hate you, Iggy. It’s cruel. It’s all on purpose, isn’t it?”
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Of course it is.
[Gladio teasing Ignis]
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so far day has been good. i sept like a log last night and woke up feeling like I was getting sick. i wonder if its te biotin. i really hope not.Im a little frustrated because while iw as at work jesus messaged me and i told him i would be back around 9:30 but he didn’t message back all night. i mean i understand but I was a little upset cause I was looking forward to talking to him but oh well. I finally got my head around the fact that we are friends lol I forogot how much of a troll he is.Plus like is aid it is a full time job loving myself so I try not to dwell to much on him though I do slip into thinking abut him. I don’t force it too much unless i’m doing my ritual. I’ve been going hard for the past 5 days and i decided to take a brak from working out today to just chill, play some league and do my hair. Gonna do some deep conditioning and see hw i can properly moistureize my hair today. Im going to keep drinking lots of water though. i can’t wait for the summer when i can go out for runs in the city! I’m gonna try running across halifax it’s gonna be fun! soon i’m going to stunt and show off all my hard work. Probably gonna make a twitter 9and yes its just incase I run into Jesus lol. he ahs a twitter and like I want to cultivate a really cute funny twitter account and like show my progress and hard work. if he sees it i’ll be smug lmao but anwyayys thats a secondary objective the main one is to haeve fun and stunt). When i get paid the plan is to put half of it away into a savings account to save up for a trip to visit new york and my cousin in toronto. the otehr half will go to pay off some interest for my student loan and to pay off my library fine so that i can go to school in september. Some will of coruse go into building my makeup collection and buying my skincare, hair care and dental care things. I really want to get braces and either plan to get eye surgery or get glassess/contatcs. I want to onour all parts of me. I think i am giving up sex to pay towards my future. Until i reach my goals by the end of the year i won’t even look in the direction of a dick or pussy. it’s important that i cultivate my sexual eneergy and be patient for someone who can handle and amplify it back to me. anyways as I learn o cherish my enegry and self i feel so much calmer. yesterday I pushed through the itch to not do the ritual. For the past two days its been reallty hard to concentrate and I had been feeling a bit under the weather but I kind of banished the feelings last night and today i was able to concentrate and feel so much better. I’m procrastinating on doing ym hair because its going to be a long process but honestly I should just do it. i can take the time to light up an incense relax in soem hot water and chill with my hair. Listen to some nice music and like do somethign for myself since I’ve been working so hard. I got into a little bit of some tension with this guy on league who always comes to me for advice which ended in me telling him his behaviour is ugly and telling him not to disrespect me ever. I really dislike people taking out their anger on me and today was like the first time i checked someone for it. it felt good to be like ‘fuck off don’t give me attitude when im trying to help. Hopefully I c an keep this momentum going. actually fuck it I will keep it going. This is my year. i am going to move through it and though i know things are going to be up and down I have recourses and ways to handle the stress. I love myself. We are working so hard. im going to write another visualization in my journal and do some manifesting work. I love everyone.
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