#check out their shit it’s a mf delight
renthedevil · 1 year
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@kitsuneisi has the best cuteguy design hands down
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hanasnx · 1 year
hear me out: anakin who realizes you have a thing for his hands. ooh boy. him slowly realizing how much you pay attention to his fingers as he's pointing out different things on the holomap for different battle strategies. him having a hunch, but brushing it off until he can test his theory. slowly, he starts testing his theory in little ways just to see how you react - his hands on your hips as he scoots you over to move past. his tracing patterns on your skin casually, but smirking as the traces leave goosebumps in their wake. noticing how you try to hide how your breath catches when his hands are touching near your pulse points. oh and now that he knows? that smug mf is using that power all. the damn. time. foling the sleeves of his robes up in a way that makes his forarms look fuckin scrumptious, ESPECIALLY after he's done the subtle pressure of the weight of his hands as his fingers wrap around your throat. him using his fingers so much when he explains thing, just to watch your eyes focus on them. him as he gives you two fingers to suck on under the guise that he's just getting them wet, but then he's all like "all that just for my fingers? already a fucking whore just for my hands, hm? pathetic little thing." him making you wait before he fucks you with his fingers. him tracing over every part of your bosy - staring with the insides of your wrist up your arms to the pulse point on your throat, then down your chest where he traces around the outline of your nipples just to watch the way you whimper, and then down your hips before you feel the pressure as his finger trace up the sensitive skins on the insides of your thighs... he makes you beg for it, reveling in just how much power he has over you. asking you, "aw, you want something, baby? tell me what you want. you want me to kiss you? want my mouth? ...my tongue?" "hm?" "but that's not what you want, is it?" "no pussy's fucking soaked just for my hands." "pretty little thing is falling apart and all i've done is touch you" "what, you're thinkin' about me fucking you with your fingers? how full they make you feel, even with just two? hm?" or are you thinking about my fingers wrapped around that throat of yours? makin' you dizzy till you're dumb for me? gonna fuck you on these fingers so good you're gonna think of it every time i touch you ." oops sorry i just had some thoughts and i wanted to share but this got away from me
next post
as someone who loves hands and has an arm kink, i’m delighted by this offering. here are my favorite lines:
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☥ “his hands on your hips as he scoots you over to move past”
ik it’s mad annoying when guys do this, but if anakin did it i’d be twirling my hair n shit poppin my ankle like omggg🥴🫶💕he touched meee
especially bcos it can be treated with a natural subtlety. during the day when your relationship must remain a secret, no one could suspect anything sinister by anakin moving you aside like that. it’s just innocent enough for him to get away with it.
touching the small of your back whenever possible too, to lead you places or guide you out of the way or to walk alongside you and leaning into your atmosphere to “hear you better”
☥ “rolling the sleeves of his robes up in a way that makes his forarms look fuckin scrumptious; the subtle pressure of the weight of his hand as his fingers wrap around your throat”
i want him to choke me like i’m obi-wan during the mustafar fight scene. steal my breath away, bend me backwards over your knee. make my life flash before my eyes—
the rolling of the sleeves.. oh my god. he’s such a slut tbh knowing what it does to you and doing it to achieve that specific purpose. slut behavior.
☥ “he gives you two fingers to suck on under the guise that he's just getting them wet, but then he's all like ‘all that just for my fingers?’”
literally over here losing my mind at the idea of being caught. sucking on his fingers like a good girl until he checks your panties to confirm his theory, lo and behold you’re soaked
☥ “‘tell me what you want. you want me to kiss you? want my mouth? ...my tongue?’”
this,, the way it was worded. oh my fucking goddd. like i can hear his playful tone daring you to tell him what you really want. he wants to hear you say it. you want his fucking fingers. dirty little whore.
☥ “‘or are you thinking about my fingers wrapped around that throat of yours? makin' you dizzy till you're dumb for me?’”
i ,, i fucking. love. dumbification. when people write him calling reader names like “dumb little baby” while he’s balls deep inside. “can’t even speak, can’t even think. too cock-drunk. too fucking stupid.” i go fucking wild. being dumb for him is a dream of mine, thank you for including it.
☥ “‘gonna fuck you on these fingers so good you're gonna think of it every time i touch you.’”
the fact i absolutely would be. like every time i feel those big fucking hands on me you best believe i’m reliving whatever pleasure he brought me while finger fucking me into oblivion. that thrill shooting through me in a bone shaking shudder when i feel the warmth of his hand graze me in some way.
suffu,,, i love this. thank you. i got to feel like the excited reader this time
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himikochan · 6 months
Today was a whole lot of a day: this is more of a feelings update
I spent the day prepping food for the family- my grandma lives in senior housing and she had a party room reserved for us to come over to celebrate Thanksgiving. None of us are especially partial to the "holiday", and we're more like a Day of Mourning crowd, but it's important to my grandma. She's of the generation put in the concentration camps and there's all these Americanisms that perforate through her Nisei life.
For years, she did Thanksgiving with her oldest brother and his wife (both also interned and Nisei) but earlier this year they moved out of town to live with their daughter as they are both about 95 now. It's interesting the ways they wholeheartedly welcomed "Americana" in their life: when they were permitted to leave the concentration camps, it was with the orders that they would not educate their children in Japanese, form the kinds of organizations/communities they did before, and would become model citizens. So my grandma and her siblings could read kana but not kanji and had/have difficultly speaking, but understand at a high level when they are spoken to.
They all peppered their lives with the great conflicting dualisms of American immigrant life- deeply patriotic but distrusting of the government, celebrating Christian holidays full of enthusiasm and hardly any of them baptized as Christians, running successful businesses that employed other minorities but did not invite them to eat with the family. Think of ardent Cubs fans, frothing Easter bonnets, shooting competitions, Christmas trees overflowing with Coke decorations, and taiko drums made out of the backyard tree.
so like, a LOT rolled up for me re: "American" holidays even without the genocide of indigenous folx
so sort of highlights of today:
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I woke up hella early to get in the car with my mama and shout our way through the AMERICAN IDIOT album which is always a good way to start off this shit
I've been helping her cook and prep stuff for about 3 days and I mf cooked the turkey even though I HATE turkey my dudes I don't like it but my grandma wanted it so here's a picture of my first plate
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My siblings still aren't talking to each other but they both showed up??? :S in my honest opinion, I'm not taking either side not because I'm being some kind of moderate or apologist but because I think they're BOTH in the wrong. I love them, they're flawed people, and they've both done shitty things to the other but pretty equally (they keep trading off who is snubbing who).
My baby cousin showed up- she's been spotty with that kind of stuff since her ma died (our mothers are sisters) so it was really lovely to see her. I was one of her primary caregivers for a long time, before I was really even grown, and it seems like we're both ready to have a relationship again.
Also, today I caught "Alice's Restaurant Massacree" on xrt today!I first heard it when the late xrt dj Lin Brehmer played it last year on Thanksgiving when he hosted. I was cooking by myself for the family and was so happy to share it with Lin Brehmer- I really do miss him very much every day. So I snapped a picture of my grandma's kitchen when I listened today and tagged xrt- I know another dj I like Ryan Arnold checks the tags and when I met him, he was delighted to meet me in person because he remembered all the things I said about xrt and his slot specifically :)
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Later on in the afternoon, we started inviting in my grandma's acquaintances from the building in to have a bite and take home some leftovers and I'm like... continuously jarred by older Japanese that really blame individual Japanese-Americans for not speaking Japanese. The guy I'm thinking of was Issei (first gen) but around my grandma's age so in his 80s-90s and seemed to have moved to the US much later in life. He was very rude about her Japanese skills- even though he spoke very little English and is her "friend"- and chided her for not teaching us more Japanese and it's like MY DUDE the US GOVERNMENT dropped the atom bomb on her cousins and immediately told Japanese in America to integrate so like? wtf
also, the 'feelings bingus' saga continues: as-in he's still texting me and sending me memes on insta and I'm not responding because I'm fed up with this shit
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We ate hella early because grandma and her friends get tired early, so when I popped home I made a quick ramen with leftover broth and ham because I was sick of the smell of the food I've been cooking for days
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Tomorrow I'm hoping to do some knitting or work on my Bocksten mini-projects, but also!
I found a job posting I'm going to apply for! It's sort of a temp position, just 3 months, but it seems fulltime and at the same wage I used to make. I really, really, really miss my old job. But I really miss what it was 2 years ago, not what it was when I left.
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milfgyuu · 11 months
Hey doll! I saw you tagged for more asks like the Seventeen working at Walmart (which I LOVED btw!) and I've come to deliver! I'm at a Casino hotel overnight with The Bestie™️ and we're down at the pool! So...how about SVT working at a public pool??? 😅😅😅
bc there are so many mf's in this group i hope you don't mind me expanding a little into a hotel/water park resort.
choi seungcheol life guard i have no other reasoning behind this other than i want to see him in the cute red swim trunks ok. drowning myself in the deep end so he can give me the kiss of life. he's probably working the wave pool and like actually has to rescue people every time the big wave hits.
jeonghan is the barrtenderrrr *t-pain voice* and he has to wear that cute little formal fancy bartender fit (u know the one) and he is a prof mixologist like he's making you shit that is not even on the menu and it is amazing.
joshua works at the tiki bar in the water park so he's whipping up daiquiris and other frozen delights all day long and gets to enjoy the sunshine. humor me and picture that pretty golden glow and long sandy blonde hair okay i have a specific vision.
junhui is also a lifeguard but specifically for one of the big water slides - it's so shallow that he usually sits there are just watches all day making sure everyone is safe but witnesses hella ass crack when people try to exit the slide. so he's kind of just a glorified water monitor and buttcrack patrol.
hoshi delivers room service and knows all the hot gossip because holy shit he just left room 212 and the married guy who was just here last week was in there with a completely different woman today. besties with the entire housekeeping staff.
wonwoo is also a lifeguard (shhh there is a lot of water ok) but specifically for the lazy river so he just wades around all-day from one shady spot to the next making sure kids aren't blocking up tube-traffic. He does think it's really fun to walk against the current and considers it his workout for the day.
woozi is singing in the resort lounge like zack and cody's mom but he is getting hella hoes. tip jar on the piano is full of room #'s and key cards. he's like ahaha i'm flattered but no thanks but has given in once or twice after a little convincing from jeonghan.
minghao concierge bro he can get you into ANYWHERE because he doesn't take no for an answer. exclusive restaurant with a waitlist a mile long? reservations at 8pm with a complimentary bottle of wine, baby.
mingyu is so a cabana boy. he's got warm towels, he's got drinks, he's got a shrimp cocktail to deliver, and he's got a creepy cougar to escape from bc she won't stop making passes at him and now he's hiding in the laundry room which leaves...
boo seungkwan, the other cabana boy who is always annoyed and cursing under his breath but can turn his customer service face and voice on and off like a switch. will drag mingyu out of hiding by his hair when he notices it getting too busy.
vernon works at the resort guest check-in and has his speech so automated in his head that if someone interrupts him he loses all train of thought and has to start over. calls the bell boy just for funsies when he is bored which really pisses...
chan the bellboy off because he just ran his ass all the way across the resort thinking he was actually needed but it's just vernon fucking around with an empty lobby. fills those carts to the brim like Tetris and refuses to ask for help bc his pride says he can move all 800lbs of luggage himself.
seokmin i’m so sorry i forgot u baby it’s bc he is so busy working that resort valet parking the NIOCE cars. running around in his lil polo looking all fine and handsome like tip the man bc he uses it on his expensive cologne you can still smell when you get in ur car.
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gumbaigumbai · 2 years
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Some headcanons for my tarnished oc !! (Name stolen from a Ghost song it just means church)
> Basic description
tarnished of no renown amen
skin kinda sickly yellowish (jaundice?)
hair is swamp green, eyes are red (usually shiny (read: star-excited-happy-delighted-sailor-moon-gif-16337424.gif))
big eye bags mf tired all the time
wears the pureblood knights medal over armor
clothes consist of: (see images attached at bottom for visuals)
simplified version of lord of blood's robe
maliketh's greaves & gauntlets
preceptor's big hat (without mask) (original dark blue altered to fit the color scheme)
>Story? (Obviously doesn't align with my playthrough cuz you cant really choose what to do but this is fiction and I get to make things up as I please)
just here to have fun
no desire to become elden lord
stealth is the only good attribute (master at pussying away from danger)
tried to woo kenneth haight (he was having none of it) (where is the kiss goodbye kenneth)
ran past margit to break into stormveil castle
did actually defeat godrick w/ help of nepheli but also killed gostoc for disrespecting the dead (godrick)
other than nepheli and rennala, accidentally ends up having constant bad relations with women whether it be one sided or mutual
raya lucaria becomes comfort safe space where she can just talk about day to day adventures for hours to rennala
after completing the steps for varre's quest and getting that finger thing injected/broken (whatever he does), absolutely just passed out on the ground (not from pain just clocked out for the day) (varre had to stand there and wait till the mf woke up)
joins the mohgwyn dynasty and becomes a knight for ⛓️𝖑𝖚𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖗𝖞 𝖒𝖔𝖍𝖌🥀
goes to the radahn festival to "check it out", leaves upon entry just like patches
finds rya and retrieves her necklace, gets invited to volcano manor and goes there but doesn't officially join (loyalties stay w/ mohgwyn)
actual positive relations with a woman (rya bff)
boggart also good friend, goes to him to have dinner together
hears rumors around the mohgwyn mausoleum that mohg's brother is morgott
sneaks into leyndell (seal allows it bc she does have godricks rune & rennala kinda just gave hers up)
beelines to morgott and here come my free writing abilities bc yes i absolutely can just make "talking it out" an option in this fan interpretation
no threat of stealing the throne/harming the tree & hours of convincing later = morgott friend W
visits him often to provide company bc you just know that mf hasn't had a proper conversation with a living being in decades
leaves melina in leyndell as requested but has no means of burning the erdtree so she (melina) just kinda roams free there
at some point makes it to seluvis' rise yes I need to include him in this (oh shit I also forgot about sir gideon I’ll add that after 😦)
makes the dung eater drink the potion because FUCK that guy I need him DEAD
seluvis has no idea, still kinda snarky but thinks his "scheme" worked so impression points raise
seluvis kindaaa??? friend, more of a guy you visit once a week to check up on but need months of interactions to actually break ice with
realized he can get knowledge on the lord of blood so opens up the doors to his little library nerd room
after prying for more information for weeks on end, starts becoming more familiar
repeat of kenneth haight where she tries to romance him and he doesn't care (eventually budges a bit)
dunno how to properly end hope you enjoyed
BTW I’ll be posting the Frenzied Flame version w/ its own hcs once I finish the ending !! Expect more content around this oc though ^_^
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furby-organist · 2 years
🤗Are they physically affectionate? 
🎶Do they have a type?
😡What are their deal breakers?
My muse in a relationship ?s
Under a readmore because I continue to have chronic Can’t Shut The Fuck Up disease.
🤗 Are they physically affectionate? 
In the absence of touch aversion, and with the green light to be, yes! (I say this b/c he's cautious around his alts b/c he knows how touch aversion is and doesn't want to assume that they're okay with it.) Yeah he's super tacticle, very touchy, hugs a s/o while they're trying to do stuff and won't let go, sees them and immediately flomps on them or yeets himself into their arms or picks them up and spins them, lots of curling up & handholding. He unfortunately has not gotten a break from touch aversion postmortem. The exception is his alternates, whose touch he registers as his own. It doesn't really help his touch starvation. (He did have a few people premortem who didn't set off the touch aversion and he thought he was losing his mf mind. girl same. well Hell isn't giving him that.)
🎶 Do they have a type?
😡 What are their deal breakers?
I'm going to interpret this to mean, like, if he was in a partnership with someone (e.x. they'd passed all his vibe checks & didn't fall into the categories of 'people he wouldn't date' initially), what would make him wanna breakup.
I mean, the first set probably shouldn’t be worth mentioning but UNFORTUNATELY too many people have massive cognitive dissonance and just don’t have similar dealbreakers (that pertain to like, their own demographics at the least)! Treating his aro-ness/ace-ness/sex aversion/dysphoria/etc as burdensome & pathological is a big one. Any of the nonsense he's gotten during his time out as bi. Weirdass racist behavior, whether fetishization or 'youre one of the good ones' nonsense. A switch to a wholly incompatible ideology/moral standard. You can't hit him with "I've decided to become a born again Southern Baptist." Girl, in Hell? And a protestant?? They can maybe be friends but it's just not gonna work out beyond that. You can't hit him with "Vox Industries is right and I'm gonna join the board of directors" or "I'm joining the anti-cannibalism action committee" or "I'm joining the maul random women club. and also the aryan brotherhood." Love that for you but this isn't gonna work out, you know?
The second set of deal breakers is irreconcilable partnership incompatibilities. A constant Thing in his premortem relationships is that they've been tedious. At the time he didn't understand his aroaceness vis a vis his partners' alloromanticism/allosexuality, and didn't have the language for it, but knew that anything beyond the early stages of a romantic relationship is suffocating. Partners go from being delightful Special Friends to weirdos who demand more access to his emotional labor, his time, his space, his body, his life, than he wants to give. Right now he's healthily drawing the line at QP shit. In the event that a hypothetical partner wants more than he can give without feeling drained, he's not really interested in compromising. He definitely doesn't want to uproot major parts of his life and merge his life with someone else's on demand. He's not moving in, he's not dropping traditions with his friends, he's not changing his professional wacky sleep vs broadcast schedule, etc. Non-negotiable. Maintenance sex is not up for consideration, either.
Oh anything that would make him have to give up radio. Idk what that would be. Maybe they're allergic to radio. Also if they try to make him go vegan. Or they just have a shit palate, like they think salt is too spicy. If a partner's afraid of him, that's a big one. He can't be close with someone who sees him as monstrous as the rest of the world does. It would legit break him. And then garden variety shit like being a shitty partner, e.x. dishonesty and manipulation (look, that's to use on OTHER people, not your s/o. Have some MORALS), anything along the lines of public humiliation, anything like "I can't be seen with you ;-;" (not out of a very real safety concern or professional consequences, he understands that, but like, 'ppl don't like u... its embarrassing'). Claim him unapologetically or fuckin don't.
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glamrockerfredbear · 2 years
something angsty for u mfs. this WILL have a part 2 🐊🦭 tried something new I’m sorry if it’s shit readers 💔
The Intruder - Part 1
(𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐠𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 x Reader x 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤 ☆ 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲)
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☆ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ☆
The Montgomery green room stayed quiet and still. Not a sound from the large gator sitting on the newly repaired mint colored couch. Not a sound from you either as you stroked Monty’s lime green coat with your paintbrush, repainting tiny scraps with even tinier strokes of paint.
Management had hired you to take care of their dear attraction; the one and only Montgomery Gator. Well, you would only care for his appearance rather than anything with machines or his mechanical joints that reminded you of mechanical pencils when you heard him move.
After many waivers, signatures and giving Monty little peace offerings of gifts to make him comfortable with you, you and him were finally able to sit alone in his dimly lit room for monthly maintenance and checks. You appreciated his robotic stillness, which made your job easier.
Your brush caressed his cheek making the gator shiver a bit. His rose tinted glasses did little to hide those predatory eyes as they quickly snapped down to you, his crossed arms loosening. You gave him a concerned look which made him soften his glare,
“I can feel that, s’all.” He murmured, looking at the metal being uncovered by his pants. You gave him a curt nod and tilted his head towards you, gently caressing his cheek with your hand. You always did that as a way to relax and control Monty, as any sudden movements would upset him and make him jittery.
“You’re interesting, Montgomery.” Your soft voiced made Monty’s sensor tingle with intrigue.
“I always wondered something.”
“How much can you feel?” You asked, your voice growing softer as you focused on repainting under his jaw, your fingers become stained green with how much you were gently brushing against his ‘skin’. Monty uncrossed his arms, his studded bracelets brushing against your thigh when you brushed your index finger to spread the lime colored paint evenly around his jaw.
Your eyes met his when his glasses dropped low enough on his long snout. Monty’s violent crimson eyes were hypnotizing, your movements slowing as Monty leaned closer to you that mandated by management.
“Aren’t ya a curious lil’ thing, sweetheart?” Monty chimed, delighted at the new found attention you were giving him. You sat speechless, allowing Monty to place a cold, metallic hand on your thigh.
“Would ya wanna find out?”
“Would management allow that?” You asked cautiously, making Monty snicker smugly.
“Why do we care ‘bout them?” He questioned. He sounded genuine yet complacent. You placed a hand on his shoulder, careful not to place any paint on him. Then, you reeled the overexcited gator closer to you.
“I’m not sure…” You muttered, gently caressing his shoulder with a thumb.
In a snap of his fingers, you two were all over one another; sharing and receiving passionate kisses and emotions through those kisses. You felt downright sinful letting him grab and grasp places you would never let another touch.
Monty growled with delight, the grip on your work shirt making you worried he’d rip it with his claws.
He was uncharacteristically gentle when he then laid you down on your back, his large hands dwarfing your entire body as he pressed kiss upon kiss to your soft cheeks and then your lips. You returned his kisses with much pleasure. Tiny noises left your past your lips and into his mind, being sweet like music to him.
Soon, his talented fingers began to play you like his own instrument, pressing and rubbing against your body in ways you never thought you’d receive until now. He was making you his. And you couldn’t resist him.
The bliss of his fingers and his loving grunts of hard work came to a sudden halt as his eyes made contact with soft blue eyes.
“Montgomery…” Freddy spoke with a broken tone, his eyes frantically shifting between you and Monty who was on top of you. Monty dragged a nervous lick across his teeth as he stared back at Freddy with sudden intent in his eyes.
“What’re you lookin’ at, Fazbear?” Monty’s voice was antagonizing and bile. It caused you to stare at Freddy, who seemed to do little but stand in revelation of what you two were doing.
“I cannot believe it…What are you two doing…” He stuttered off, gripping the inky black bow tie on his neck.
You then heard the awful crunch of fabric of Freddy gripping his bow tie and balling it up in his hand, his mechanical joints clanking loud and at the unanticipated strength Freddy used. You quickly moved from under Monty and onto your steady feet, with Freddy’s quick eyes following your every movement.
“Just what were you doing with Montgomery?” He pleaded with a desperate voice, his usually perky ears drooping with unusual dejection.
“Freddy, listen—“
“Is this why they moved you with Montgomery?!” Freddy cried out, and you knew the bear well enough to know where he was heading with this.
As the conversation grew heavy, Monty rose from his original spot; seeming uninterested in Freddy’s urgent comments and questions. His teeth bared and he halted Freddy’s conclusions with a few words,
“Relax. It was all me.”
“It was me who got on ‘em.” Monty muttered, avoiding Freddy’s harsh and jealous stare, the one you thought you’d never see on you.
“You…got on them?” Freddy angrily asked, the bow tie in his hand becoming little but soft ribbons in his position.
“It’s nothing!” Freddy’s shout was ear-splitting and scary, something you were unused to. You began to speak to relax the overworked bear,
“You—You do not ‘Freddy’ me!” He hissed, the fans in his chest now loud and overwhelmed with Freddy’s strong emotions.
“It’s not—I’m—“ You stuttered, not finding the words in time before his,
“You were my Superstar!” He cried, throwing the bow tie onto the decorated carpet floors. You swore you saw his lovely blue eyes swell with glossy material, giving the illusion of teary eyes.
“I-I’m…I’m sorry.” You began, biting your lip pathetically as you held back your own tears.
Freddy’s huffs grew louder as Monty closer to you, his arm wrapping around your shoulders,
“Get over it, Fred. They ain’t just yours to keep.” Monty scoffed. Your shocked expression matching Freddy’s as you felt Monty pull you closer to his chest.
“You nasty lizard.” Freddy growled, the angry look on his face making you unsettled. He stepped closer to you and Monty, the loud metal of his few steps being deafening now.
Monty growled in return, holding you much more closer to his cool body, his arm wrapped around your body in a protective shield to keep you away from Freddy, the intruder.
The two men stood tall over you, their eyes on one another and their bodies completely an robotically still, making your tense nerves cry out as you felt Monty’s crushing grip and Freddy’s intense gaze on you.
Neither moved, despite their separate yet similar wishes to whisk you away from the other.
Neither moved, and you stood between the towering men, your fate still undecided as their stare off would soon come to a terrifying end.
All you could do was hold onto Monty as his reassuring grip shielded you from Freddy’s accusatory view.
All you could do was close your eyes and accept your fate.
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my general vibe is shuddering submissive armin being called babyboy and babydoll but i just got the pussyshocks from this imagery so HEAR ME OUT.
you're stressed out from the day you've had and you're at a house party. and from your experience in past hustles, you mix drinks like a mf pro and it's kind of theraputic for you so you get into a flow just to take your mind off things.
but your sweet doe eyed boy sees how hard you're shaking martinis and comes to check on you.
"hey... what is it..?"
you feel his voice-- that soft, airy gumdrop voice that does so many things to you-- before you even sense his body, and it's behind you, a sinner's touch tracing along that pretty brown skin peeking between your top and your jeans. and you ignore the blooming chillbumps he sends illuminating your glowing body. but the vibes in here were ones you wanted to absorb, not taint. so why speak your problems out and screw up the good time?
"i'm not about to fuck this party up over--"
shit. and you almost let it slip, too. the storm over your head was not letting up on you even with everyone else having a ball around you. in fact, it felt like it was trying to grow just to spite you, now that your sweetheart was here to save the day. "over some bullshit." you finish weakly. nope. you were not giving this your energy. and you definitely weren't about to cast it on armin, "i don't want you bothered over it."
"so then talk to me, baby," he rubs a tender set of circles into the small of your back with his thumb, biting a little smirk when it arches for his touch. "who do i need to embarrass?"
he said so teasingly, but you knew full well what armin was capable of with that mind and that mouth on him. and he knew you knew. you'd seen him take down entire reputations, you'd seen him raze positions in social hierarchy to the ground just with how he could expose and read folks. over slights, over digs at his friends, any reason he felt like. he could lay any bastard he wanted to out completely bare and do it with the coldest disposition you had ever laid eyes on. heartless. relentless. ruthless. he could do it without giving a fuck, and for some reason, that power of his turned you on even more than dudes out here who would knock somebody out for the same offences.
"boyyyyy..!" you whined, pushing at him softly with your crush on him stretching your cheeks in a smile. he ate it up, encircling you in his arms from behind and rocking you from side to side, his chin resting on your shoulder. "nobody..! i said don't worry about it..."
"you can't think i'm going to let something upset my queen and not worry. i'll swing on whoever, just point me where."
you can't help it. you melt. armin was the warmth of sunshine to you, and just him caring so much was whisking away everything that had gotten you so worked up. "no, cause then you can't squeeze on me."
"you want me to squeeze on you, baby?" he asked lowly, softly. you could hear the smile in his voice.
"i want you to squeeze on me."
he gives you what you want. soft and full and tight, making you feel the most heavenly mix of appreciated and owned. his body is so strong and encompassing, protective of yours-- in his smell, his closeness, his care, his unmatched brand of sexiness that was so unique to him. slowly he lessens the hold, only to hum and squeeze you again. it's so full of intimacy that you forget you two aren't alone.
he sets your body alight, and suddenly you feel yourself getting hot between your thighs.
"mmm... better..?"
"...yes," you answer more breathily than you should have. but you feel his response against your ass, so you don't regret it, "don't stop, please..."
"i love you, baby," he answers back so dreamily and elated, wrapping you again in a warm squeeze, "you know i won't stop. you know i'll do anything to make my queen feel good."
you feel one of his arms leave, and mourn the loss of that touch. but you feel two fingers press against the denim cupping your pussy, and pull in a silent gasp. "...i want to make you feel so good."
"armin..!" he eats his name when he kisses your soft lips, swirling more pressure into your pussylips while his tongue slowly collides with yours.
"just one, baby... just one for me..." he closes his eyes, his nose pressed into your edges as he begs low in your ear, "please? i promise i only need one. i swear."
your knees buckle when he finally smears your pussy open for him through your bottoms, getting that contact with your sweet little clit he wanted. he holds you up easily with the one arm still around your middle, shushing you to calm.
"let me make my baby's pussy cum... she's been so stressed all night. you didn't see like i could. it hurts so bad to see my baby like that. can i have one..?" he asks huskily, "isn't that fair, baby..? she needs more, but i'm a patient boy. i can wait for more when no one can see her shaking and crying for me... please..?"
you're grasping and grabbing now, clutching at the arm he has around you and the countertop that's hiding what he's doing to you from everyone else. "sh...shittttt..! yes, yes, baby, yes you can have it. take it, take it, please please, fuck..!"
his breath hitches and breaks in your ear, panting and shaking in a gasp like your permission alone made him bust his nut in his pants.
and damned if that didn't set your pussy on fire. you felt your arousal trickle out and gush into your panties, to armin's absolute delight. he rubbed you faster and with heavy pressure in the pads of his fingers. he's moaning into your ear in rapture with every rotation, like you're the one with your lips and tongue tight and soaking around his dick. and he's thrusting into you from the back from how bad you turned him on.
"tell me who's your babydoll."
"you!" you waste no time answering, and he groans out the gratification that so sexily gives him, "it's you, armin, only you..!"
"and am i your babyboy?" he asks further, biting his lip when he sees you roll your hips and ride his fingertips.
"you know you're my little babyboy," your glossy, half-dazed eyes land on his-- black with how lustful you'd made him, and he coos, placing tiny kisses over your cute nose and cheeks.
"and you're going to let your babyboy make you cum, right?" he egged again, seeing that you were starting to climb the peak.
"ohhhh sshhhhhiiiiiiitttt..."
"you're gonna let your babydoll get your pussy to cum all on his fingers, aren't you, baby..?"
"oh my fucking--armin, i'm about to... cummm!"
"don't keep me waiting, then, baby," he husks before kissing you, smothering your cries and writing his name into your pussy while you came, over and over while your orgasm had you convulsing against him.
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sonianvmd · 3 years
thh characters with a crush on you
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warnings: none, maybe some swearing but otherwise nothing major
oH and mentions of murder and death but this is danganronpa so im going to assume u expected as much
a/n: so we kickin this blog off with a bang, writing for LITERALLY THE ENTIRE TRIGGER HAPPY HAVOC CAST LMFAOAOAOAO (excluding hifumi, yasuhiro, and the two despairs doe bc i’ve already made that clear)
also some character’s sections are shorter than others im sorry i just couldnt think of as many bullet points for them *tiktok cry emoji*
spoilers under the cut!!
★ 彡 ★ ミ ★ 彡 ★ ミ ★
makoto naegi
when he realizes he likes you, he doesn’t necessarily panic or anything, but he does get nervous
nervous around you, that is
y’all saw how he was with sayaka
if he says anything that might sound intimate then he’ll immediately rephrase it or reassure he didn’t mean anything by it
he really only does have good intentions but his wording just kinda flops sometimes
he appreciates how you listen to him and value what he says
you don't make him feel dumb or inferior compared to a bunch of ultimates with actual talents
he’ll muster up the courage to tell you eventually
let’s hope his luck comes through 😁
byakuya togami
now when THIS man realizes he likes you, he a bitch nigga bout it 😐
he can't believe he fell for a common plebeian such as you
but it was hard not to
the way you preferred to get to the point
the way you were aware of your situation and didn't sugarcoat how you felt about it, although you certainly were nicer with it than him
he's ruthless
you knew your priorities and spent no time trying to use your resources
he noticed how much you had in common; in you, he saw himself
and we all know how this mf feels about himself 😐
he’ll be quick to defend you in class trials
he won’t realize he’s doing it but he just subconsciously protects you
but just because he doesn't notice it, don't mean the rest of the class brushes past it as well
yeah they on his ass LMFAOO
kyoko kirigiri
kyoko is very good at keeping her composure so she won’t be very obvious
she’ll probably just hang around you more
she’ll also defend you in class trials, calmly
“oh, it couldn’t have been [name]. i remember seeing them in their dorm around the time the murder took place.”
hifumi probably finna say some dumb shit like “aye what was you doin in their dorm doe” but anyways
she finds you respectable
if you have anything to contribute, she’ll let you take the floor
when she tells you, she’s very composed, but also very indirect LMFAO
she’s not too sure on how to express her interest in you but maybe she’ll go about it like “well, [name], now we’ve made it here, would you like to step back into the world with me?” or somethin else along those lines idk
take her hand
toko fukawa
y’all know her whole “master togami” shtick
yeah so 😁😁😁😁
no but fr, toko ofc still has her borderline stalkerish 🧍🏾‍♀️ tendencies
she’ll often find herself staring at you, either in the library or in the morning meetings everyday at breakfast
but she isn’t as straight forward as she is with byakuya
i actually think she’d be mad shy and non confrontational
the whole thing she kept up with him ? yeah, never again
if you approach her first then she’ll be able to get a few words out but for most of the conversation, she’ll just nervously play with her braids
you’ll most likely put two and two together
unless ur a makoto kinnie bc then you’ll have to wait till someone else puts it in place for u but anyways
if you decide to approach her about it, you’ll kinda be backing her into a corner bc she’s just bad at deflecting things lmao
she’ll eventually confess (begrudgingly but hey i mean its better than nothing)
expect much stuttering and a gesture like giving you a small gift
and not to be that writer that uses japanese terms in english writing but toko seems like a tsundere but not really if that makes sense?? so she’d probably shove it in your hands and if you try to say something then she’ll just try to play it off as not a big deal lol
calls u a baka 😍😍
aoi asahina
i know y’all all see how she is with sakura
aoi is the kind of person who’d like to spend time with their crush rather than shy away from them
she values you and your friendship very much
bring her donuts
just trust me bring her donuts
she doesn’t really realize she’s into you like that for a while but believe me, she is, the whole time
and yeah i think she’d be nervous to tell you bc that’s just natural but ultimately she’d be cool about it
uh oh looks like we goin for a swim
sakura ogami
similar to kyoko, she’s very calm
despite her big and bad appearance, she really is a sweet girl
she cares for you and your well-being very much
will indeed go on x games mode for you
the way she tells you is very sincere and well spoken
kith her
im sorry this is like the shortest one i couldn’t think of much for her 😔😔
leon kuwata
flirtatious ass mf
and he’s lightskin
so this just cannot go well
y’all know that bit where it’s like the guy yawns and stretches his arms up and then wraps one around your shoulder
yeah that’s literally him LMFAOO
he’s very confident
he was fairly well known with the ladies at his old school so you know he’s rhockin wit it ‼️
you feel.. different than usual ??
those girls were just lil flings n dates bc he was nice enough to accept their confessions and it boosted his ego anyway so it was a win win
but you
he was genuinely interested in you since he had saw you the first time
he didn’t just acknowledge your appearance
he learnt about your personality and your hobbies and what you liked and such, and he really cared and wanted to hear you talk about it all
he felt the need to really make an effort to show you how much he respected and had affections for you
he doesn't tell you in a grand way
probably just asks you out to a movie or somethin
he's chillin
mondo owada
you know
for being the biggest, baddest, most respected biker gang leader
or just for being in a biker gang period
mondo’s a huge softie lol
yeah he gets violent but he’s a sweet guy who cares about and is loyal to his friends
so mfs need to be nice to you
or they gettin whooped
when he decides it’s time to tell you how he feels, he thinks over his words and he’s all confident there’s no way you’d reject him but then he sees you in the halls and goes 🧍🏾 LMFAOOO
he’ll push through but it’s like he’ll walk up to you and look away from you because he refuses eye contact and just go
“so y/n, would you wanna.. tch.. come to a drive-in movie with me or somethin’?... dumbass.”
real smooth mondo i think you got em good job
please tease him LMFAOO it’d be so funny
he’d probably yell but you can tell he’s not mad so you just keep going with it
but once you’re done tormenting him, you do agree to the movie, don’t worry 🙏🏾
also mondo would call his s/o doll
that is all
chihiro fujisaki
my fav dude in a dress <3
chihiro would be quite shy, but that’s just how he is tbh so no surprise there
he’s very kind so he’d check up on you often just to see how you are
he cares about you v much
the way he confesses is one that consists of a red face as he offers you a box of candy or something similar
and he’d feel honored that you reciprocate his feelings
he’d be very scared to tell you his secret but once he does, he’s delighted to hear it doesn’t make any difference to you
he doesn’t know how he got so lucky with you
not only because woooo they like me back but also because you like him despite,, well everything about him LMFAOO
sweet lil boy
i’d feel like he’d talk about you to alter ego a lot
and when u meet the program for the first time, he’s like “oh! you must be [name]! master’s told me all about you :)”
sobbing i miss him
kiyotaka ishimaru
okay here’s the thing
if taka were to like someone
i can’t tell whether he’d be more strict because he doesn’t want them to get in trouble (and also so it would hopefully divert any suspicion that he DOES like you since he treats you the same as everyone else, only more)
or if he’d hold back more because he favors them LMFAOO
so imma write a lil bit for both
in the case that he was even stricter:
he’d prefer to be around you because he believes the best way he can make sure you stay out of trouble is to make sure you don’t get into any in the first place
of course it’s impossible to monitor you every second of every day but he does his best to make sure you’re doing well
if he sees you do anything out of line, he’s shutting that shit down IMMEDIATELY
but in the case he let up:
he’d still lecture you but noticeably less than the other students
if your feet were resting on top of a desk, he’d ask you to move them and then leave you alone rather than yell at you and forcibly move them himself
if you notice his behavior towards you in comparison to the other students do not tease him about it he will go as red as his eyes /hj
either way he’s confessing to you with a polite but exaggerated bow while holding out a well thought out letter with both hands
sayaka maizono
she will tell you
idk why but i feel like she’d be straight up lol
she’d make sure she’s sincere
she is the ultimate pop idol and all so she wants to make sure you know that she really does like you and isn’t playing a sick joke on you or anything
ok bc
while i do think she’d tell you
i’d feel like she’d be a little indirect just to see how you feel
like she’d give you a free ticket to one of her upcoming concerts with a kind smile
and naturally, you're like :o
and of course you come to support her
and seeing you smile at her from the crowd and cheer her on was the encouragement she needed to push her to ask you out
for real this time
she asks if you wanna come to a concert with her and ur like “oh yeah i love ur shows!!” bc ur dumb and then she’s like “no i mean.. for another artist” and eventually it hits you that she’s asking you out and ur like “oH YEAH YEAH SURE THAT SOUNDS GREAT YEAH OK” LMFAOO
i really hope that this is good LMFAOO this is my first time writing for dr so 😃👍🏾
fun fact i finished toko’s section first and taka’s last 😁😁
and i’d like to thank @mius-imagination @bloodygir n the rest of the discord for helping me figure some of these characters out *simultaneously whips and nae naes*
bye ive been working on this for like weeks this took forever
edit: here’s a deleted section bc i kept blanking for this character 😍
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nighttimepixels · 3 years
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you are so valid and I totally see why everyone I've ever mentioned it to loves the hell out of it
aksdjlsdfj I meannnn if you want to hear my rambling about it then hell yeah
Okay, gonna put this below the cut to save everyone else XD also- since I'm not leaving this Mass Effect obsession anytime soon, if you're not interested in seeing occasional posts about it, please feel free to block the tag "night plays ME"~
(mild spoilers ahead??)
((also for real I mean it when I say this is rambling as hell lol, apologies and no stress if absolute no one reads all this))
OKAY SO Mass Effect 1-
Stars help me, I was honestly hooked right from the start?? Like even in Legendary Edition (the combined trilogy just re-released in one "can play it on one system + minor improvements", for anyone who doesn't know) where it's smoothed out, of course it's obvious that ME1 is a decade old... but the foundation for these relationships are all there and gods I love them already.
Like - Kaiden right off the top is a delightful good fightin lad, what the hell. I've heard that he's viewed as 'bland' by a good portion of the fan community but I dunno, he's a delight and even more complex by the time 2 rolls around and you encounter him on Horizon, it was honestly Ashley I was way more meh about - mostly because before you can learn about her family history/etc, she comes off as hella xenophobic and I was immediately offended for my growing space family that she didn't like/trust all the aliens around, pfff.
(she gets redeemed a bit through further actions/evolving thoughts, but I thought in retrospect it was a bummer that they didn't flip the order there, give her a chance to be liked before the complicating factor of being so rude about aliens >:c that then she could grow from... ah well. Apparently she has a good arc but uh, let's just say I chose Kaiden at the "key junction" in the latter part of the game so I won't be seeing anymore of Ashley uh... anytime soon, haha.)
Garrus??? Is??????? The ABSOLUTE best???????????
I liked him from the start, I'm always a bit of a sucker for a rogue-detective "the system won't bring this bastard to justice, so I've got to" type and all their moral shadiness XD But he just gets better, honestly, and where I'm at in ME2 (right before the Reaper IFF mission, as of typing this, with everyone's loyalty!) I am only digging myself deeper into this hole-
-*wheezing* okay anyways -
Wrex is AMAZING I love fightin' middle-aged krogan bastard, gods. Liara is great too, I'm a sucker for a wlw relationship (playing fem!Shepard, so) - buuuut I'll admit she's a bit more one-note in ME1. Last week while I was still on ME1 I remember hearing (while trying to dodge spoilers) that her arc is really good, though. I think they leaned a little hard on the 'innocent but sexy' sterteotype on her (so despite the yikes aspect of a few of the things I've learned in ME2, lol, I actually really like the complexity that's been added to her character.)
Saved Liara first, so by the time I got to Noveria and had the standoff with Benezia there was the chance to have emotions over Liara having to face her TwT and of course, I made the questionable but quality decision to free Queen Rachni heheh. no ragrets
More than a blow-by-blow of my choices though I totally wanna take the chance to say that even in the mild jankiness of ME1 (goddammit, the Mako.... please..... please just go up this impossible cliff I just want to resource hunt-) the way that the lore, both obvious/key to main plot and the lesser/filler/background/world-building kinds... I just love it. It incorporates it well, you can go ham in the codex learning more, or just dive into the basics - it's clearly a complex galaxy (and they do an even better job in 2 of fleshing it out further), and it never really felt overwhelming. It was pretty natural figuring it all out-!
Plus the interesting implications of resource hunting amongst the sapient races, and the little side missions you better bet I did every one of- there's so much rich depth in the story if you do 'em!! (And that lead with that Keeper side mission...? Looking back, damn, clever foreshadowing-!!!)
And oh my gods, Ilios??? hell yeah. I loved that mission so much, especially having Garrus & Kaiden with me when talking to the hologram/computer, and more than anything, that last sprint in the Mako trying to get to the jump before it closed-???
yeet the boi-
Also mannn I love a good setpiece, and having to go up the side of the elevator, space-side?? such a cool setup!!
Plus it felt good having been Paragon enough (as simple as the good v bad vibe system is, I don't hate it, lol) to avoid one of the Saren fights, ngl. And the er, "second fight" with Sovereign-Saren.... hell yeah
... I'll admit I had to double check my choice re whether to save the Council. I did in the end, but I swear, sometimes the way they phrase things I'm like ".... okay but Garrus is right, defeating Sovereign is more important than these few leaders??????" woops. Listen, priorities, is all I'm saying..... ( ̄ヮ ̄|||)ゞ
'Course later they emphasize (in ME2) that there were 10,000 people on that same ship and I was like well I wouldn't have second guessed if I'd known that, I mean c'mon-
Also I did indeed romance Liara in this one, so I got that scene ;Dc But,,,, I also knew by the end that I was totally gonna romance Garrus in 2 since he's an option then finally,,,,, lemme tell you the guilt as I waffled over whether to romance Liara bc of it. hahaha.
Aaaaand Mass Effect 2-
So I'm only up to right before the Reaper IFF Mission, so I don't know the ending, etc etc lol. That said, I've just finished every side mission I've found with the exception of the Shadowbroker Quest and the Arrival Quest (I've heard the latter basically leads into ME3, and the former is best either right before the Omega 4 jump or in postgame).
So from the start - fuck yeah fuck yeah what a high adrenaline start Shepard noooooo but also yes save Joker aH-
The motion comic too hot damn nice job
I loved this setup, seriously - especially forcing Shep into this situation, having to work with/for Cerberus, and the compelling reasoning given behind "why" they do what they do (I especially found it a good point that the Salarians have the Task Force, the Asaris the Commandos, the Turians the- etc... like, true, when you put it like that, having a similar group advancing human interests/solving human interstellar problems is pretty reasonable...). That said, I love too that it really isn't shied away from how Cerberus is nonetheless fucked up - or its at least done fucked up stuff.
Listen, I still think some messed up stuff is gonna be revealed in 2's endgame......... after that Horizon mission and the Collector's ship???? TIM I SEE YOU YOU SHADY MF-
aaanyways lol...
I'm so so glad on a gameplay level they nixed the Mako style exploration. A few Hammerhead missions are fine and a lot more focused than the slippery ass navigation in that glorified ATV, pfff. The probes are a neat way of getting after similar resources - and more importantly, having good levels and some good hubs (the Zakera Wards, Omega, Ilium, etc) is way way more fun than having a more 'sprawling' space that is.... a lot of empty nonsense, lol.
Then there's the fact that we get Joker right off the bat and you can interact with him so much - and him and EDI??? Get out gods I love them. Kasumi is so right when she says they sound like a bickering old married couple lol. I have a terrible feeling that some shit is gonna happen with EDI..... but I don't think she's evil as-is, at least.
Side-eying the hell out of those "access forbidden" parts of her that she doesn't even know.... and the fact that her AI core has a locked door access................... something's gonna happen gdi LEAVE OUR ADOPTED AI ALONE.
(Also Joker pls stop fracturing your thumb on the mute button)
Also please save me there are so many hot aliens in this game,,,,, the xeno/monsterfuckers really comin' through strong in the sequels............... doin' the lord's work........................................
In general, I love how many levels ME stepped up in two with complexity and interwoven narratives!! Like, to the point it'd be almost a drag to replay ME1, even though it was fun going through it (if occasionally a bit tedious with the cookie cutter rando planet science/mine facilities, lol). Like, just from how fun and interesting ME2 is, mostly! more of all the pre-introduced races, plus new ones, plus more filling in of intragalactic politics, and more interesting implications of all these space-faring races mixing....
Also gods WREX and his planet holy shit,,,,, fuckin' hell yeah my man get their shit together and also adopt Grunt yes good-
And Mordin??? My singing semi-evil scientist best friend forced to confront his choices more than he thought he ever would have???? With some of the best ongoing general report chatter of all the companions??
(when I tell you I choked on my coffee when I talked to him after confirming romance choice w/ Garrus and that 'pamphlet' and 'anaphalactic shot if ingesting-' kajsldkfjsldfjk)
Like, fuck, the fact that they actually dive into the mixed morality and horrors of the genophage, and you can confront Mordin on it, for good reason, yet he still stands his ground, until finally some bits of his loyalty mission seem to... affect him, and I'm guessing might set up things for 3 with him? Unsure, but either way, damn, the fact that they start to dig into it...
And Taliiiii my beloved forbidden alien wife TwT her loyalty mission was SO GOOD. I love how varied they all are?? Getting to defend her and discover what she'd unwittingly been a part of-!!
Zaeed is a bastard but tbh I love that he is and that he's unapologetic in him - and Kasumi omg, best thief. A heist?? Gods, yes- I love our couch lounge chats XD
Samara is..... illegally.......... she's an illegally powerful and beautiful and eloquent MILF...........................
(.... listen I'm sapphic as hell and I'm kicking my own ass for picking her up last aksjdlfksjdfl - but her loyalty mission, damn. And seeing how there's this interesting cultural subset, and the struggle with the Asari in that they unquestioningly accept/respect justicars, but also know that the impact outside their culture is a diplomacy nightmare waiting to happen-)
,.,,,,,T,,, Thane,,,,,
I am weak for morally implicated murder dads okay?? And that voice??? His mannerisms?????? How you first see him, and that prayer after assassinating her...???????? And his history/his people's history with the hanar, gods I love how messy it is, it feels so much more real!
Also Jack is a mess and I love her (and want to get her some therapy, omg), and her and Miranda nearly duking it out after you've done both their loyalty missions??? so good and makes a lot of sense-! Honestly I would love more interactions between teammates on the ship, but there's already so much the devs had to balance I can't blame 'em for minimizing, heh. But suffice to say I also love Miranda and Jacob, even if I'm softest for my alien crew XD Hell yeah Jacob, we'll get loud and spill drinks on the citadel indeed TwT
.... I could write a whole essay on how much I love Garrus oTL Perhaps because he and Tali are the throughlines from 1 on your 2 crew, I have some of the strongest feelings about them... but genuinely, he was one of my favorite companions in the first game, and how you find him as Archangel in two? Getting to help him fight his way out after he's gone nearly 48 hours straight fighting off three gangs alone, jfc. His vengeance quest and what can happen there.... That line? fuck me, that line -
It's so much easier to see the world in black and white. Grey? I don't know what to do with gray...
How DARE you come for my heart like this, devs holy shit
(also, some other choice faves so far from the series from him include We can disobey suicidal orders?? and This wasn't in my training manual... [in 1, if you have him with you @ th Thorian fight] and his whole.... pop the heat sink - in his romance ;Dc)
asdasdfksadjfkl like I said I can write an essay on him PFFF suffice to say I'm very looking forward to his romance scene and where things go in 3
But yeah gods I'm just gonna keep rambling if I'm not careful lol. Gods I don't even know what to talk about it's all so good and while I can understand people roasting the obviousness of Paragon V Renegade (v neutral) choices/alignments, I think they do a pretty damn good job in 2 of pushing it further - to the point that there were some times that I accidentally got renegade points and I wasn't that mad, haha. There's so much fun in the interactions that I just have a good time anyways~
I have so many thoughts about TIM (The Illusive Man) and Cerberus.... theories evolving galore............... and like, what the hell!! Omega 4 going to the center of the galaxy is such a cool twist, goddamn - though my heart still breaks at losing Kaiden (his line if you haven't romanced him?? about feeling like he lost a limb when he lost you??? holy shit.... but I also can't blame him for not trusting Cerberus to the point of it affecting his ability to trust Shepard... like fuck Shep go after himmmm) I'm really excited to see where that goes since he comes back in 3, and what the fuck happens with Cerberus bc while I love the fact that obviously there are a lot of people in it for the right reasons, doing good work, there are those that are doing the opposite, and I have a very bad feeling about where TIM will end up landing....
All that said though I need to do the Reaper IFF mission (where I'm lightly spoiled as to getting That Boy, but not how/what happens to make it so - just that it's apparently wise to have all your side missions done before getting him...) and the actual Omega 4 jump. So we'll see what happens and what I think about it from there heheh!
.... major kudos and genuine props if you made it here to the end, I am so sorry for not editing on condensing all this, and appreciate you so much ;w;
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nancywheelxr · 5 years
Prompt: Robin Buckley accidentally "adopts" Billy Hargrove as a pseudo brother figure because gays have to stick together. They rent a place together, and because Robin's brilliant she figures out what's wrong with Billy way before anything happens and basically gets rid of the MF on her own. The two of them then secretly battle the Upside Down and Russians until they run into Steve and The Party.
Okay, so, I love this prompt so much, but I just couldn’t think of a way for Robin to get rid of the Mind Flayer without closing the gate, so I made little changes. I hope you don’t mind, anon!
“Fucking piece of shit, mother fucking shitty death trap,” Robin vehemently hisses at her car as she lays it on the horn once, throws the door open, and kicks the front tire. “Goddamn it, should’ve taken the fucking bus! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.”
The school parking lot is empty because it’s way past the time any teenager would hang around the school, any teenager aside from Robin, probably, because she’s the only freak who had to stay in late practicing the clarinet for next week’s prep rally. Then again, she would like the record to show that if her parents had deigned to buy her a damn clarinet, she wouldn’t have to stay late and practice with the dirty, cheap school one.
So what she’s really trying to say is that if she gets mugged or you know, murdered, it’s all her dad’s fault.
And to make matter’s worst, which is just her luck, really, no surprises there, a car turns the corner, engine roaring, and slows down as it nears the school. Not any car either, no. Billy Hargrove’s blue Camaro is a one of a kind car here in Hawkins, and right now, it’s screeching to a halt.
Great. That’s just– great. The town’s douchebag, just what she needed.
He rolls down the window, lays on his charm, giving her the kind of grin that makes the girls swoon in the halls. Too bad for him, really, this kinda shit isn’t gonna work on Robin. “Hey there, beautiful. You wouldn’t happen to have seen my sister, would you?”
Robin frowns, gives him an extremely unimpressed look. Not really what she had been expecting, but better than being harassed. “Do I look like I know who your sister is?”
Hargrove huffs, dropping the act and closing his eyes like he’s trying really hard not to scream. “Tiny red-head, always fucking yelling shit. Probably had a gaggle of nerds with her. You seen her?”
Gaggle of children? Why would they be in the high– oh, actually, Robin kind of remembers a lot of running after hours? She thought the drama kids had been rehearsing some weird shit again, but now–
“I might,” she answers, leaning on her door. There’s an idea, and it’s crazy, and it’s probably going to end up with Hargrove tearing out of there or fucking kidnapping her or some shit, but Robin’s getting a little desperate here. The next bus is due in like, a whole hour, it’s gonna be dark by then. “Might have heard where they were going, too.”
Now, Hargrove doesn’t perk up, but there’s a weird wave of relief that she can clearly see wash over him before it’s replaced by his smarmy doucheness again. “Well?”
Robin grins. “Well, my car here broke down.”
“Not my fuckin’ problem, do I look like a mechanic to you?”
“As I was saying,” she glares, “my car broke down, so say, if someone were to give me a ride home, it might jog my memory a little.”
“You’ve got be shittin’ me,” he stares at her, scoffs, and checks his watch. A weird nervousness creeps in on his shoulders, on the way he sits up a little straighter and drums his fingers on the wheel. Then, gritting his teeth, “fine, Jesus, you’re such a bitch. I’ll give you a ride, but we’re picking her up first.”
Her grin widens and Robin hurriedly picks up her backpack and locks her car before throwing herself on Billy Hargrove’s passenger seat. Somewhere in their pink little rooms, every straight girl in their school is wailing in jealousy. It’s funny in a very ironic kinda way.
He gives her an impatient look. “So?”
“Okay, do you know how to get to the quarry?”
“If you’re fucking with me,” Hargrove snarls for about the tenth time in like, fifteen minutes, as he drives like a maniac and Def Leppard screams from the speakers. As it is, Robin only rolls her eyes. 
“Dude, that’s way too much effort,” she says, slouching further on her seat, and watches the trees grow in number at the side of the road. They’re almost there now. “And it wouldn’t be very smart of me anyway, considering the quarry would be a prime spot for a murder.”
He grunts. Then, because apparently, life in Hawkins is weird as shit, the headlights hit the crook on the road where most people park before trekking into the woods and, get this, they illuminate a preppy little Beemer.
“Harrington,” Hargrove grumbles, hitting the wheel as he throws his car beside the Beemer, parking haphazardly, and nearly sending Robin squashed against the door. He glares fiercely at her, lighting up a cigarette, “stay the fuck here.”
Yeah, no, that’s not gonna happen. One, Robin’s not gonna stay alone in a car in the dark just waiting for someone to murder her or something, and two, she’s invested in this now, alright. So she’s curious, sue her. 
Robin spills out the car just in time to see Hargrove squinting at the dark trail where a bunch of tiny lights is approaching. “Well,” she says, sidling up to him, “at least they remembered to bring flashlights.”
“What the fuck did I say about staying in the car?” Hargrove snaps at her, crossing his arms over his chest all macho. It makes her choke on a snort. Man, boys are so fucking dumb. “Do you have some kinda death wish, shitbird?”
“I have a name, thank you very much,” she glares right back, crossing her own arms in a challenge, “it’s Robin and you can use it if you don’t want to get decked.”
Hargrove grins, delighted for a second. “Is that so, shitbird?”
Robin rolls her eyes. “Really? That’s the best you can come up with?”
Before they could say anything else, the sounds of talking came closer, and Robin heard some variations of oh, shit as the kids appeared from out of the woods. Hargrove snaps his attention to them, a scowl on his face that looked like it could set them on fire. “What the fuck were you thinking, Maxine?”
“Fuck OFF, Billy,” a, well, tiny red-headed girl screams stomping ahead of the little group, which, now that they’re somewhat in the light, she can see includes Steve Harrington. “What are you even DOING here?”
“Picking you the fuck up because you missed curfew again like a dead fucking idiot,” he snarls back, but his eyes are now focused on Harrington, dark and sharp. “The better question is, what are you doing alone with the kids again, Harrington?”
Which, to be fair, Robin thinks is a fair question.
The kids, six little nerds, are now sort of around Harrington? Like, like, six tiny little bodyguards and it’s kinda funny, and Robin can see it’s kind of annoying Harrington a little too, but it’s not like he can say anything, what with the weird standoff he’s having with Hargrove.
“Stopping them from traipsing alone in the woods at night like shitheads, Hargrove,” he snaps back, and oh, shit, he’s got a– is that a bat? With nails? “Now, are you going to be a problem?”
Hargrove just stares at him and he stares back, and it’s getting too weird for Robin, okay, so fuck this, she decides. “Is that a bat with nails?”
Harrington seems to startle, blinking at her like he’s only now realizing she’s there. “I’m sorry, but who are you?”
“Oh, my GOD, Billy,” Hargrove’s little sister groans, “did you seriously bring one of your girlfriends here?”
“Excuse me?” Robin scoffs, giving her a very unimpressed look, “I have taste and standards, okay? I’m Robin and I’m just trying to get a ride home.”
“From him?” Harrington gapes, then seems to realize he was being kinda rude, “I mean, no offense– no, you know what, full offense. All the offense.”
“Nice one, pretty boy, I’m wounded,” Hargrove laughs. Although, Robin thinks there’s not a lot of humor there. “I can be a real gentleman, you know.”
And– okay, literally everyone, Robin included, has to snort at that.
“Hey, hey, okay, it’s just– I have to ask,” she raises her hand, wiggling her fingers, and then gesturing all that, “is this, like, a cult situation?”
Hargrove smirks, slow and predatory. “Yeah, King Steve, answer the lady.”
“No, it’s not– it’s not a cult, alright?” Harrington goes red in the face, gesturing a lot as he speaks, “the kids– they wanted to hit the quarry and I’m not– it’s not like I could stop them! “
“That’s freaking weird, dude,” she says, shrugging, the kids seem to be fine, so. It’s more pathetic for him than anything, she figures. “You’re their babysitter?”
“We don’t need babysitters!” One of the kids cries, all pouty and shit.
“Yeah, Steve’s the coolest, that’s why he’s our friend,” another one with curly hair adds.
“Can we just GO?” Hargrove’s sister says, stomping in the direction of the Camaro, “Billy, remember the fucking deal!”
Hargrove’s face goes blank and hard, and he grumbles, glaring murderously at Harrington as he steps on his cigarette. “Come on, shitbird. The fuck do you live?”
Robin shrugs, following back to the car when Harrington’s voice rings. “Hey, Robin, right? You can ride with me if you want?”
She studies him and his tiny little bodyguards, his preppy Beemer, and back at Hargrove and his sister; he’s shoving her things in the backseat and the passenger door is open. Robin doubts she’d get shotgun with Harrington. “Nah, I’m fine, dude, no worries.”
“So you’re not his girlfriend?” Hargrove’s sister– it’s Max, I’ll punch you if you call me Maxine– asks, leaning between the seats, “or, I don’t know, friend?”
The way she says friend leads Robin to believe she means something between Girlfriend and Friend, and that Robin is in some way attracted to her troll of a brother. Robin cackles. “No, kid, not really my type,” she winks, “like I said, standards.”
“I’m still fucking here, you know,” Hargrove grumbles, still driving like a fucking psycho.
“Okay, so why are you here?” Max continues her interrogation.
“My car broke down,” Robin shrugs, “I really needed a ride home.”
“So he offered you a ride?”
Now, Hargrove snorts. “No, Maxine, she fucking blackmailed me into giving her a ride.”
Max looks at her with wide, delighted eyes. “Oh, my god, seriously?”
“That’s awesome,” Max crows, falling back into her seat as her brother cuts a corner harshly, parking on Robin’s driveway halfway up the curb. “You’re so cool.”
“Get the fuck out, shitbird,” Hargrove snaps, scowling, and Robin laughs, internally flinching at how similar it sounded with his earlier laughter. Yeah, it’s really late and her parents are not gonna be happy.
“You’re welcome, asshole,” she says, throwing the door open, and grimaces at the lights in the living room, “oh, man, my dad’s gonna kill me.”
To be fair, she thinks he might be a bit relieved Robin is with a boy, like a normal girl her age, and her mom will probably lecture her forever but then wink like she thinks Robin is finally doing something normal too. 
“Hey,” Hargrove grunts, and Robin turns, backpack in hand and ready to get out. He’s got a cigarette on his lips and his face is all blank again, unreadable, but she doesn’t miss the way his eyes flicker to the living room lights too. When he speaks, it’s quiet. “You gonna be okay?”
Something flickers on his face and Robin thinks she’s missing something huge here about him, tries to add his concern to his general douchebagness and finds that it’s an awkward fit. 
Still, she smiles. “Yeah, I’ll be fine, dude. See you, losers.”
Weirdly, the Camaro doesn’t peel away until Robin is locking the door behind her.
 It’s not like Robin expected to like, become buddy-buddy with him after or even any sort of recognition at all, she knows how High School works, and she knows how Billy Hargrove’s brand of peacocking douchebagness works, so she’s not surprised when he ignores her as usual.
She is a little surprised when Steve Harrington corners her outside English. “What’s this?”
He blinks at her, looks down where he had been holding her arm to steer them out of the way, and drops his hand hastily. “Sorry, I just wanted to ask– are you alright?”
“Hm, yes?” She raises her eyebrows, “why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well, you, uh. Last night, you drove off with Hargrove, so. Just checking.”
Robin snorts, remembering the interrogation Max had put her through. Harrington clearly hasn’t talked with his children yet. “Thanks for the concern, but I can handle myself. Besides, wasn’t him that was traipsing in the woods at night with a bunch of children.”
Harrington makes a face, throwing his hands up. “Look, you don’t know them, okay? It’s like, impossible to stop them from doing stupid shit, they were going to probably lock me in a classroom and steal my car if I hadn’t gone with them! That was, believe it or not, the best-case scenario!”
“What were you doing in the woods anyway? That place gives me the creeps at night.”
“That’s, uh. That’s classified,” he tries to sound confident and all snotty, but Robin can hear through the fake- loftiness, snorts. “Okay, they were looking for something– it’s about their Dungeon and Dragons shit, I don’t know. They never tell me shit.”
“Right,” she snickers again. Harrington looks like a stressed mother of six alright.
“And hey, I mean it,” he says, growing serious, “if he gives you shit, let me know okay? I know he’s all, you know, but he– last year, he almost beat my face in, okay? Totally lost it on the kids, too. He’s a real asshole. So.”
Robin sucks in her teeth, considering his words. Harrington is trying to say Hargrove is dangerous and she should stay away, and well, he’s making a good case of it, Robin has to give him that. She kind of remembers the state of his face last year, all black and blue, and she remembers Hargrove’s cracked wrist. Rumors of their fight had been legendary.
“Okay, thanks for the gossip,” she smiles all fake sweet, and slips out his space, “it’s not like we’re friends or anything, anyway.”
And that should have been that.
Except, Robin is, unfortunately, terribly cursed with the gift of being too smart for her own good.
It’s a tragedy, truly.
So, she’s super smart and she notices things. Like, for example, now that both Hargrove and Harrington are more than just names, now that she’s curious about what the fuck is going on there, she’s more aware of their presences in the halls.
So, she notices.
Robin sees the way Hargrove follows him with his eyes when he thinks Harrington’s not looking, and she sees how his face does a thing whenever Harrington’s walks in the room. She sees how casual he is with a different girl hanging off his arm every day but inevitably cuts a glance at Harrington as he walks by. She sees all that and thinks oh. 
This is interesting.
This is– everyone keeps telling her to stay away from him, but if Hargrove is– if there’s a chance she’s not alone in this small, small town in the middle of nowhere– 
Robin’s heart races, and for the first time, she watches Tammy watch Harrington and feels a little less alone.
She corners him at his locker when Tommy and Carol aren’t there being nuisances for once. She stops there, waits for him to slam his locker closed, and notice her. 
“Shit, the fuck you doing here? Jesus, almost gave me a heart attack,” he snaps, glaring at her.
“Can we talk?” She goes straight to the point, not sure she’d have the courage to follow through if she beats around the bush. “Like, in private?”
Hargrove makes a face, dripping with pity and condescension. “Look, shitbird, sorry, but I’m just not interested–”
“Yeah,” Robin says, then looks pointedly at Harrington passing by, “I know you’re not interested.”
The shift is instantaneous. Blind panic flashes on his eyes and the next thing she knows he’s dragging her to the parking lot and roughly shoving her into the passenger seat of his car. “I don’t know what the fuck you think you know, but that’s not the kind of shit you can go around saying unless you want to fucking die, okay? I don’t beat up women, but I’m sure Carol would be real happy to tear into your face. Fucking ruin your life, hear me?”
“Jesus Christ, dude, chill,” she glares, rubbing at her wrist. What is it with these boys and grabbing people by the arm? “I didn’t say I was gonna, like, tell the whole school.”
“Right, blackmail’s more your thing,” he glares, snarling at her.
“Would you just– it’s not–” she flounders, losing her nerve. What if he decides to tell the whole school? By all means, that’s an asshole move and Billy Hagrove’s nothing if not an asshole. But Robin, she’s so, so tired of keeping this locked inside. Having someone, even an asshole, to talk about this with, someone like her, it’s– 
“I know all about pining for straight people, okay?” She finally says, rushing the words all in one breath, and looks down at her hands, bracing for whatever comes next. No turning back now, no take backsies.
There’s a long minute of silence in the car and Robin thinks she might burst if he doesn’t say anything soon, and maybe this was a terrible idea, maybe she was wrong after all, or maybe she wasn’t but he still thinks she’s a freak, fuck, she needs to get out of here–
“Fucking sucks, doesn’t it?” Hargrove says, and when Robin finally risks a glance at him, he’s smoking a cigarette and holding the steering wheel like it’s gonna solve all of his problems. He’s got a fading black eye, too, she notices. 
Robin nods, exhaling a shuddery breath, and huffs a laugh, feeling relieved as shit. “Like hell. Can I bum one?”
“Those will kill you, you know?” He throws her his pack, then his lighter.
“Not if Tammy’s stupid pretty face kills me first,” she grumbles, and shit, it feels good to say it out loud.
Hargrove laughs, startled.
When she arrives the next day to no one whispering about her liking girls, it cements on her mind that Billy Hargrove and her were friends now. This is the sort of thing only friends should know about so there’s no helping it. They were stuck with each other.
And Billy seems to think so too as he drops by her locker, grumbling about Harrington’s stupid jeans, and walks her to their Math class.
At lunch, he steals a quarter if her sandwich and lets her whisper about Tammy’s new haircut.
Sometimes, they sit at his car and smoke cigarettes in silence, just contemplating how fucked they are or something, and sometimes they rant about whatever shit there is to rant.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
And like, sure, people talk about it. This weird random friendship, but it’s not like Billy’s always hanging out with her. He still spends nearly all his time with Tommy and his stupid friends, and Robin has band practice and her band friends. They just talk, sometimes, because there’s no one else to talk about this with.
She bets people still think they’re fucking though.
It’s fine; kinda embarrassing, but a lesser evil.
“So,” she says one day when they’re smoking in his car, “Steve Harrington.”
“What about him,” Billy grunts, fiddling with the radion. Some old Cindy Lauper song is playing and he looks two notes away from murdering someone.
“Heard you had some big fight last year,” she offers, studying the way his shoulders go tense and he grimaces. “What was that all about?”
“Was looking for my sister, found her in some creepy house in the middle of fuckin’ nowhere with a bunch of boys and Harrington,” he shrugs like it’s not a big deal, even though Robin can clearly see it’s kind of a big fucking deal. “No one was sayin’ shit, and man, I had told her hanging around Sinclair was gonna be a fuckin’ problem but she never fuckin’ listens.”
“And why is that?” She asks sharply.
“My dad,” he says simply, eyeing the way she got her hackles raised, before continuing with a sigh. “I kinda lost it that day. Some shit had gone down before–”
“You took it out on them?”
“Yeah, and Harrington punched me real good so I broke a plate over his head, didn’t stop until Max stuck some needle on my neck.”
Billy says all of this and watches Robin like he’s half expecting her to storm out of his car, or some shit like that, but. Well. It’s been what– three months since they’ve started hanging out? She knows– she knows when Billy says some shit went down he means the source of the bruises he’s always hiding, and yeah, that doesn’t excuse him at all, but it shines enough of a light for Robin to be willing to grant him a second chance.
If she’s being honest, he is being less of an asshole than she remembers last year.
“Dude, that’s messed up,” she tells him, blowing smoke out of the window, “have you apologized yet?”
“It’s not like it’s gonna make any difference,” Billy says, again like it’s not a big deal, but the way he punches his Mettalica tape in is very telling, “so why the fuck bother.”
Robin gives him a look. “Uh, because we just agreed that was messed up?” She shrugs, “if you’re gonna say sorry just to get something in return, you’re not really sorry, you know?”
“So that’s why the fuck I should bother?” He asks, eyebrows raised and a wry smile.
“Dunno, dude,” Robin stubs her cigarette, “you do you, I’m not gonna like, force you to do anything. Just thought I’d get your side of the story.”
“So if I don’t say shit to them,” Billy speaks slowly, “you’re not gonna get on my case about it?”
She shrugs again. “I think last year was a long time ago and I think you’re sorry about it. Are you gonna do that again?”
Billy pauses, looks out the windshield. “I don’t know,” then, “I’m trying not to.”
“That’s good enough for me,” Robin flicks his cigarette out the window, grins, “now, are we gonna get some fries or what?”
“You just wanna make googly eyes at the Thompson girl while she takes our order,” Billy snorts, but peels off the school parking lot while on the radio, James Hetfield sings about puppets and strings.
They don’t talk about Billy’s bruises but he knows that she knows in the same way they don’t talk about the mornings Robin can’t look anyone in the eyes, some very strong choices of words ringing in her head. Shitty parents are abounding and they just have two very different flavors of shitty.
A week after his graduation, they meet in a diner. Not Tammy’s diner, but one less frequented by the people they went to school with and he opens with:
“Talked with all the shitheads.”
Robin raised her eyebrows. “Yeah? How did it go?”
“Apparently I’m on probation now,” he quirks a smile, playing with a packet of sugar, “the one with the curly hair, you know? Yelled a lot, fucking hell. He and Max are going to leave me deaf at this rate.”
“That’s cool, man,” she smiles, patting his hand in support, “what about Harrington?”
He– oh my god, he goes kinda red in the face, it’s amazing. “Talked with him, too. We’re– a truce or some shit. Whatever any of that means.”
“Hey, did you mean, your apology?”
Billy makes an irritated encompassing gesture of obviously.
“Then, fuck, dude, that’s it,” she waits for a beat before adding innocently, “of course, if you’re gonna, like, woo him or something–”
“Fuck off, shitbird,” he snaps, scowling, but that stopped sounding like a curse a long time ago, and Robin likes to think it’s at least half fond now. It’s the only reason why she tolerates it.
“Just saying, asshole,” and besides, that, too, is kinda fond on her part.
Billy rolls his eyes, leaning back, more comfortable now that they’ve got that confession out of the way. “You say a lot of shit. How’s job hunting going?”
Robin perks up. “I’ve got a job,” she singsongs, “it’s at that new Starcourt thing, at the Ice Cream place, but hey, it’s money.”
“Damn, that was fast, we gotta celebrate,” he grins, flagging the waitress, “hey, can we get two cokes here?”
“A chocolate milkshake.”
“And a chocolate milkshake, please?” He amends and smiles all charming at the girl.
Robin rolls her eyes and laughs when he turns to her and makes a face. 
Outside, the wind is picking up and everything is colorful for the change in season; summer is just starting, but something is already changing in Hawkins, Indiana.
Working with Steve Harrington is funnier than Robin expected.
Like, she never spoke with the guy after that day he cornered her in the hallway and yeah, she had been aware of the number of children that was always following him around, but man, she did not expect him to suck so much at picking up girls outside the school.
The YOU SUCK tally is only growing and teasing him is a large part of what makes working there survivable. If it were anyone else, she thinks she might have quit a while ago.
Because sure, she resents him a little for the whole Tammy thing, but she has to admit that the guy is funny and genuinely nice. The kind that walks her to her car if they’re closing late and expects nothing in return. It’s like now that school is over, Harrington became a real person.
Or maybe, that change happened a bit earlier and she’s only noticing it now, but either way, Robin thinks as she snickers at his terrible pick-up lines, by the time summer ends, she just might have to consider him a friend.
“I think you should come by the pool sometime,” Billy says one day when they’re eating at the food court before Robin’s shift.
“Why’s that?” She speaks through a mouthful of burger.
“Besides the heatwave?”
“Yeah, besides that.”
Billy grins his shark grin. “I think you should meet someone.”
Robin chokes on her burger, doubling in a coughing fit. “Oh, hell no. You’re not playing matchmaker, asshole.”
“I’m just saying,” he throws a fry and it bounces off her forehead, falls on her plate, “you and Heather would get along real good.”
“That sounds like you’re playing matchmaker,” she glares, throwing his fry right back. “Why don’t you come by Scoops, then?”
“Fuck off,” he says without any real heat, “don’t fucking come, then, Christ. I’m just sayin’.”
“Yeah, yeah, I heard you,” Robin grumbles, checking her clock, “I gotta go. My car’s still at the shop, you’re gonna pick me up after my shift, right?”
Without waiting for his answer, she takes off, laughing, and hears his voice yelling after her, “not your fucking driver, shitbird!”
Billy’s not always on time, but he never takes this fucking long, especially when he knows she’s gonna be closing the shop, so Robin thinks she has a right to be mildly worried.
“You, uh, you sure, he’s coming?” Steve asks, sitting with her in the parking lot while the cars slowly file out. “Because I can, like, give you a ride, you know.”
“Nah, it’s fine. He’s probably messing with his hair. I swear, he’s worst than you,” she snorts, snickering at his offended face, and tries not to be so jittery.
“I don’t even spend–”
Steve’s cut off by the Camaro’s loud engine, and Robin watches delighted as he nods at Billy in acknowledgment, no weird tension between them. Maybe this whole probation thing Max and the kids have going is working after all. 
“Hey, you’re late, asshole,” she glares at him half-heartedly, buckling up, then scrunches up her nose at the strong whiff of cologne that suffocates the car. “Jesus Christ, dude, roll down the window, are you trying to kill me?”
Billy only grunts and that’s when she notices how dressed up he is. Well, dressed up for his standards, anyway, and his fingers are drumming restlessly in the steering wheel, his whole body tense, coiled tight, ready to snap.
“Are you alright?” She frowns, eyeing his face for any signs of new bruises.
“Got a date after I drop you off,” he says, voice tight. Not a good sign. This isn’t first date jitters.
Robin raises her eyebrow. “With who?”
“Now that’s none of your fucking business, is it?” Billy snaps, and he’s never been this harsh with her, not even months ago when she had been stranded in the high school parking lot and he had been looking for his sister. 
“Fine, don’t tell me, then, dickwad. Sorry for fucking caring,” she scowls, crossing her arms over her chest and turning away from him to stare out the window.
She hears him sigh, can bet he’s running a hand through his hair. “Sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to– it’s with Mrs.Wheeler, alright? We’re meeting at that motel outside town.”
What the fuck.
Okay, Robin’s heard plenty of stupid ideas over the course of this weird friendship of theirs, but this, this one, it takes the fucking cake. Jesus Christ. She doesn’t even know where to start.
“I– Billy, I don’t even– what the fuck, dude?”
Now, she sees him huff, having the audacity to look offended. “See? This is why I didn’t want to fucking tell you, now you’re gonna go up in your goddamn high horse–”
“High horse? Excuse me? You’re going to fuck a married woman when you’re not even attracted to women, and you wanna be mad at me?”
“Shut the fuck up,” he warns, and his fingers are white in the steering wheel, a dark cloud over his face, “you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
“No, you’re right, I don’t,” she snaps, pinching the bridge of her nose, “because I can’t think of one fucking reason why this is a good idea.”
Billy says nothing, staring resolutely ahead and turning up the volume on the radio. At this speed, they should’ve arrived at her place already, so she thinks the fact they haven’t yet might mean something.
“And even if– even disregarding all that, you really think Mrs.Wheeler’s gonna show? Really? She has like, three kids, she’s Nancy’s mom. Have you met Nancy? Do you think Nancy’s mom is going to have some torrid affair at a dingy motel down the road?”
“What do you want me to say?” He asks, real quiet, like he’s tired and all this screaming they’re both doing are deflating him like a balloon.
Robin sighs. “That you’re not gonna do something real stupid.”
“Can’t promise that,” Billy shoots back, immediately, pulling out in front of Robin’s house. It’s dark out already, and the moon is illuminating the car’s interior. It makes him look pale, sickly. Scared. Robin tentatively covers his hand on the gear shift. She can understand being scared.
“I know fucking Mrs.Wheeler would get people off your back,” she says quietly, gentle, “but Billy, this isn’t good for you. I know there’s a lot of shit going on, but remember what we talked about? A place after I graduate? Maybe sooner? Just– don’t make it harder on yourself, okay? This whole thing is stupid as shit. Don’t be stupid, asshole. See you tomorrow?”
Billy stares at his hands. “I’ll pick you up, freeloader.”
This time, it’s Robin that waits at the sidewalk until Billy’s blue Camaro turns a corner and disappears from sight. 
Above her head, a streetlight flickers.
Something bad happens that night, not that Robin would know as she sleeps fitfully through the night. Like all Hawkins residents, she dreams of fire and black smoke, something wailing in the distance.
“You’re late again,” she says as soon as she enters the Camaro, but her voice is cautious and she eyes him like anything about his appearance might tell her what happened last night. 
Billy sighs, sunglasses firmly on top of his nose. “I fucking chickened out if that’s what you’re fishing for.”
Robin beams. “I knew you weren’t just a dumb blonde!”
“Shut the fuck up, Christ,” he grumbles, and oh.
“Are you hangover right now?” She says. Loudly. Grinning at his flinch.
“Yeah, I went home and got shitfaced,” he snaps halfheartedly, “why, you gonna lecture me on that too?”
Robin shrugs, sniffs all haughty. “Why, I just might,” laughs, “kidding, it’s healthier than the other option, I think. Still, getting drunk alone is no fun.”
“Your face is no fun,” he flicks his cigarette at her, dropping ashes on her jeans. “Now get the fuck out of my car.”
Starcourt mall is packed as Robin walks in laughing in her relief and the sound of tires screeching can be heard from the parking lot.
In a few hours, Dustin is going to barge in with news of a Russian conspiracy. In a few hours, she’s going to overhear them and demand in on it, but instead of dealing with this alone, she’s gonna make a phone call to Hawkins’ Public Pool.
“Hi, I was wondering if I could speak with Billy Hargrove? He’s a lifeguard. What? No, I’m not– I swear! It’s uh, family matters. Yeah, I’m his sister. Sure, I can hold.”
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rowanelliis · 4 years
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hey hi hello i’m SLATER ( they/them ), twenty-five, currently living my worst life on the left coast ( pst ). i bring to you my twitchy, lonely son, ROWAN. he’s a part-time antique lover, part-time dishwasher, full-time ghost whisperer. ( or something like that,, we’ll get to it later. ) he fills the alone ranger plot, and you can find his bio/questionnaire HERE  &&  some quick stats HERE. follow me under the cut for a TL;DR bio and wanted connections !! @phqextras​
oh hello again ! as promised, here is the summarized bio, bc i get that it’s long and you have shit to do. that said ! if possible, i would really love if you read THE BIO before/instead of this. it’s just,,, better. and better is better.  anyway, here we go !
rowan was born in pleasance to a 22 yo anita ellis and a father who bounced shortly thereafter, but we don’t care about him
he sees dead people! always has. they vary in shape from faded human to amorphous eldritch horror, and they’re supremely unhelpful. they mostly dont talk and the ones who do dont really answer what youre saying, they just say whatever they want. they moan a lot tho. its annoying. he hates them. kinda.
anita was a fraudulent fortuneteller and genuine psychic. she just knew stuff. rowan figures whatever he is, he got it from her.
he loves her sm guys. she was the mf BEST MOM. we’re talking blanket forts. we’re talking homemade stews. we’re talking going to alby’s to try on outrageous outfits they couldn’t afford and then shoplifting some little treasure to delight rowan with on the way out. the BEST.
when he was eleven, he spent an afternoon in the sequoia grove and when he got back he learned that to everyone else, hed been missing for five days
so that was a whole thing
following a years-long downward spiral of her mental health, anita showed up at rowans high school in the midst of a full-on psychotic episode. he was taken away by cps almost immediately and sent to a group home a couple towns over.
when he got back to pleasance at eighteen, she was gone. missing, not dead.
since then hes been devoted to the cause of finding her but its been eleven fucking years and no one else seems to care so he do get down abt it sometimes
his main theory is that it has something to do with the sequoia grove. he thinks that maybe whatever happened to him as a kid happened to her, but on a larger scale.
he currently lives in the house that he grew up in and that his grandparents built, a giant ugly thing that hasnt been updated in any way since the 70s
hes bad at holding a job. hes bad at feeding himself. hes bad at sleeping. hes bad at forming and maintaining relationships. basically, hes bad at being an adult human.
ok so maybe he doesnt see ghosts. maybe his mom wasnt psychic. maybe theyre just crazy. that is a possibility. but its also possible its true. you dont know. leave him alone
ok now the fun part ! here are some connections id like to see for rowan:
actual friends (one or two, three TOPS. hes a loner ok)
i honestly debated whether i wanted him to have any close friends at all but yknow what! hes been in this town for nearly 30 damn years he can treat himself to a friend or two. these would be people who believe him, or at least have an open mind. they could be from way back or more recently. just people he’s comfortable around, and maybe goes to specifically for comfort. he needs a lot more of that than he’s getting.
hookups (past or present)
i think hes kind of slutty?? not in any active kind of way, hes definitely not aggressive or even confident, but he’s so starved for affection that i think he’d have a hard time saying no to anyone offering it. his sexuality is Undeclared but Not Straight, so he’s up for grabs. he’s also weak for...... how do you say..... les milfs. i mean he would never use that word but it is what it is. mommy issues doesnt even begin to cover it. on a related note! if your character is on the amoral side of the spectrum, this guy would be wildly easy to manipulate. just like, brush his hair with your fingers or call him good or whatever. he’s Weak.
exes (maybe one serious, no more than a couple more casual)
here are some great reasons to dump rowan:
will not remember your birthday or anniversary or anything
obsessed w his mom
sometimes sleeps with his eyes open which is creepy as Fuck
usually broke
lives in that fucking house
kissed someone else at your birthday party bc they had really pretty eyes and were standing really close and kinda smiled at him and he got overwhelmed
routinely talks to the air, sometimes aggressively. thinks hes covert abt it. is not.
love interests (look im not actually into planning ships it just felt fair to rowan to balance this out a little)
here are some great reasons to date rowan:
will never, ever laugh at you or make you feel small
will give small, thoughtful gifts for no reason
cute floppy hair, doe eyes
once he feels safe with you, he will do anything for you, any time, forever
lives in that fucking house
you never knew a kiss could make you feel so wanted
maybe he’s special, you know? maybe he’s just something special
( ok that was gay ! now back to your regularly scheduled programming )
people who think he’s crazy (as many as possible tbh)
i know weve got a lot of believers here but honestly,,, even among believers i think hes kind of an outcast. the mf talks to himself. there are like 8 agreed upon stories around town and hes seen waaaaaay more ghosts than that. and non-belevers?? fuggedaboutit. i kinda see this as part of the reason he was rejected from the mystery gang. maybe someone it was like ‘ok im into checking this stuff out but that guys fucking nuts’. idk. what is life without struggle?? without conflict?? boring.
people who are using him for the story (whoever wants)
this could be a writer or reporter, but it could also just be someone whos interested in this kind of stuff. OR again, could be a non-believer who just thinks its entertaining to watch him. could be honest about their motives or straight up manipulating him into thinking theyre a friend or whatever. pretty open, i just think he would be a figure of interest to certain people.
someone who was present when his mom showed up at the high school (someones?)
this isn’t even a connection really so much as just A Thing I Want. i want someone who saw a tiny, angry-crying sixteen year old rowan drag his screaming mother down the hall of the science wing with their own two eyes. student, teacher, visiting alumni, parent or sibling who was at the school for some reason idk. maybe they pitied him and approached him later. maybe it was the thing that made someone decide hes a lost cause. it doesnt even have to ever come up. i just want someone to have that image in their brain. i want them to see it when they see what a mess he is now.
a final note! when rowan was a kid he was pretty open about the ghost stuff, mostly because his mom always believed him w/out question and he didn’t know it was something to hide. after the whole woods incident and the reaction of cps + the cops to his story, he learned to keep that shit to himself. unless he knows your character well, he probably wouldnt have discussed it w them directly. however! anyone around his age might remember the stuff he talked about as a kid or his mom showing up at the school (honestly that was dramatic enough the story may live on in the halls of nwhs today in some form or another). anyone around his moms age (40-50) might know how woo-y and sketchy she and her child were. there are certainly rumors about both of them. also, most people have probably seen him behaving strangely, ie. suddenly rerouting on the sidewalk to walk around what seems like nothing, telling something to fuck off under his breath, or just flitting his eyes over to a seemingly empty space over and over. he really does try to appear as normal as possible, but it’s difficult. i think most people see more than he knows, and more than he would like them to.
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mvdbutler · 4 years
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Quarantine with a Ladies' Man WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own WWE, Monday Night Raw, NXT or any of its current or former wrestlers/characters. I am making no money as a result of the writing of this story. Starring: Charly Caruso (WWE), Angel Garza (WWE) Quarantine with a Ladies’ Man An erotic WWE fan-fiction story. by DaxG2001 ([email protected]) Codes: Cons, MF, oral, anal, inter. * * * March, 23, 2020. The WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. “That… That was a little too close for comfort.” Charly Caruso, the gorgeous WWE interviewer and on-screen personality said to herself. Making her way backstage after her in-ring segment for Monday Night Raw interviewing Shayna Baszler was cut short, after rival Becky Lynch got some payback with a steel chair attack. “Forget social distancing, I’ve got to worry about chair attacks now!” She joked to herself. Dressed in a lovely black, sleeveless dress and high heels. “Social distancing?” Her attention was grabbed by the sound of a suave, Latino voice as she stopped to turn. Her eyes roaming over the handsome, hunky form of the self-proclaimed Ladies’ Man of the WWE, in the Hispanic hunk Angel Garza. Smiling, Garza was still clad in his pink ring attire from the victorious match he had earlier. “That sounds pretty boring to me… Why would anyone keep their distance from someone as lovely, and sexy, as you Charly...” He said, pouring on the charms as he approached the interviewer. “You, ummmm, know what I meant, Angel...” Charly replied, a blush coming across her gorgeous cheeks as she smiled a little at the man coming towards her. “Oh, I know… And I stand by what I said...” He smiles, standing in front of her. “A lovely thing like you, all alone? That’s impossible, surely!” He flattered her as he took a moment to scan over her curvy form. “But you know? With me around, and me being the only true Ladies’ Man in the building, let alone the WWE? I am very, very capable of keeping you company for the rest of the evening...” He boldly said, stepping in as he brought a hand up to toy with a strand of her long, brunette hair. “W-Well, that’s sweet of you to offer and all, Angel.” Flustered, Charly stepped back for a moment. “But I’m sure you manager and your tag team partner would object, right?” She claimed, perhaps looking for an excuse as his seductive charms were clearly working as they’ve done to her during on-screen interviews before. “Oh, them? Please...” He waved a hand, still smiling and oozing confidence. “Vega’s probably off demanding a title match right now… And Andrade will be halfway back home or to a hotel with his woman by now… So that means I’ve got a nice little locker room free for the both of us to, you know, play out a little ‘Quarantine’ of our own...” He says with a chuckle, making light of the situation the WWE and the rest of the world has had to deal with resulting in this unheard of closed doors shows without fans the WWE is putting on. “Quarantine, huh?” Charly smirked a little herself, not doing a good job at hiding how she was checking out the Hispanic Casanova. “Would this quarantine of yours involve you, me, and probably losing a lot of clothes?” She bluntly asked, as she smoking hot eyes locked a gaze onto him. “It seems my reputation precedes itself… Guilty as charged!” Garza admits without shame, holding his hands up like he’s been caught out. “Is that a problem, mamacita?” He smirks again, seeing how his target of desire was falling deeper for his charms. “...No, not at all...” Caruso said, as her tongue flicked over her upper lip a little. “So, where um, is this locker room you were talking about?” * * * Minutes later in one of the makeshift locker rooms created in the Performance Center for the TV broadcasts, Charly Caruso and Angel Garza have both shed their clothes to leave them hastily scattered across the floor. Caruso on her knees, her rounded, nicely sized tits and her thick rounded ass on display. Staring up with lust and awe as she takes a hold of the very fittingly long and fat cock of the Ladies’ Man as his muscular, dark-toned skinned body is in full display. Biting down on her bottom lip for a moment as she gives him a couple of pumps to make sure he’s hard. “Fuck! I can see why you’re the damn Ladies’ Man around here alright!” Caruso gushed with a sexy blush on her cheeks. Not being so intimidated that she doesn’t know what to do however. Leaning in and making him moan as she presses her full, pouty lips against his cock head for a deep smooch. Starting to lick across the crown of that big Latino cock as she works over the head with a slow, swirling motion. Making herself groan at the sinful act before she moves down, flicking at his base for a moment before dragging her wet tongue up the side and circling around the head for good measure. Her hand giving a couple of pumps as well as she applies a light coat of spit onto that thick bell-end. “Mmmmm… Yeah, mami… And you know that I can handle the ladies, too...” Angel brags as he grins broadly, as any man would who’d managed to easily seduce the stunning interviewer like he has. Enjoying the rewards of his well practised work as he moaned out louder when Charly parted those big lips of hers and took his length into her oral hole. Letting him feel the warm and wetness of her mouth as the American stunner started to suck on his big Mexican cock. “Mmmmm… And I can see it’s not just a microphone… Ahhhhh… That you know how to handle!” He said with approval as he stared down. Admiring those rounded tits and the fit body of the woman kneeling in front of him. Watching his pole vanish up into her mouth as she pushed up and down to get into the motion. “Mmmmmphh! Mmmmm! Mmmmm...” The Indianapolis, Indiana-born beauty moaned around the big cock she was slipping in and out between her juicy lips as she kept them expertly wrapped around his thick size. Showing this was far from her first time handling some cock as she smoothly bobbed her head up and down along his length. Already taking half of his size into her talented mouth. “Hmmmmppphhh! Mmmmm… Mmmmmphhhh...” Her shoulder length hair starting to sway back and forth as she used the lusty motion to blow a Superstar she should be interviewing instead of sucking off in a locker room. Her groans and the fact her nipples are hard just from dishing out a blowjob showing she’s far from caring about the fact she’s conducting a very unprofessional act with a co-worker. Her smoky eyes staring up with desire as she gradually pushes further down onto his shaft. Garza, with his reputation of being a skirt chaser, just smiles as he stares and moans since this is what he wanted all along. A hot female on her knees, slurping away on his big, thick cock and getting him coated with saliva. He planned on getting a lot more out of her as well before the night was over. For now the former Cruiserweight Champion was more than satisfied to take some oral pleasure from the TV host and personality. Watching his length disappear between those full lips of hers before it reappeared again as she repeated the sinful motion. The spit starting to drip of his inches to land down onto her exposed chest as she bobbed away. “Mmmmm! Mmmmmphhh!! Mmmmm!” Her sucking increased as her hand moved to just hold and slide up his thighs as she took him even deeper, much to the Latino hunk’s delight as that pretty white face moved down towards his crotch. Not a hint of gagging heard at all from her as his shaft passed beyond her mouth to let him experience how pleasurably snug her throat was. Her eyes narrowed with desire as she slurped up and down. The spit trickling down her chin and not caring about the mess as she bobbed away on the man who has been using his charms on her for weeks on WWE TV. Eventually, she pulled off from with a loud, lusty gasp as she licked her lips. Spitting down onto his rod and using both hands to give him a round of quick strokes to really work her saliva all over that delicious, big cock. “Mmmmm! Take it you liked the taste… Ahhhhh… Of a Ladies’ Man’s cock, huh mamacita?” Garza grinned as he watched her pump. Not even trying to hide the fact Caruso is just another notch on his bedpost. “Mmmmm yeah… I fucking loved it!” Charly purred with a sexy smile of her own before she let go of his cock. Standing up as she turned to move. A deliberate sway of her rounded hips and a saucy look back over the shoulder as she took a seat on the couch in the dressing room. Spreading her legs invitingly wide to be far from subtle. “But I think it’s time you backed up what you said about handling the ladies as well...” She said with a smirk. Showing off her already wet pussy to the WWE stud. “My great, great pleasure, mami...” Garza said as he came right over, and didn’t waste time with stopping to put on a rubber either. Just shifting down onto position, leaning over Caruso as he lined his big, Hispanic cock with that tight, white pussy. Pushing in to make both of them groan as her hands already went up to hold onto his shoulders as he penetrated her snatch. “MMMMM… And I really do mean my pleasure! Mmmmmm...” He voiced his approval, feeling how snug her inner walls were around his thickness. Not enjoying the moment too long as he soon got to work with his job. Drawing his hips back before he pushed in to fill her snatch up with his dick and get her groaning with delight as it was his turn now to build up a rhythm. “Oh fuck!! MMMMM… Oh shit, that’s fucking big! Mmmmm...” The TV host also known as Charly Arnolt moaned her approval as she stared down between her spread legs for a moment. Watching the big cock she’d just been slobbering all over now getting stuffed into another of her just as pleasurable holes. Her pussy being spread open wonderfully by the thick invasion to give her already so much pleasure she didn’t give a second thought to the fact this was some bareback action. “Oh yeah! Give it to me! MMMMM FUCK… So fucking big! MMMM...” She groaned, her eyes going back up to the stud she’s given herself to having fallen for his charms, and seeing a handsome, grinning face in return that made her again blush and bite her lip. Even as she took his big dick nice and deep into her wet and willing twat. Taking advantage of the staring, the stud from Monterrey, Mexico leaned down, pressing his lips against the full, ripe ones of the beauty he was pumping his big, stiff cock into. Smiling into the smooch as she all too easily and quickly returned the lip lock to work her lips against his. The two soon exchanging moans along with a little spit as he pushed his tongue into her eager oral hole. Rewarding her by sliding his member deeper into her slot as his crotch smacked off her body for the first time. A groan from her muffled as they made out. His tongue commanding things as he worked over hers for a different kind of wrestling than the in-ring style he’s known for. “MMMMM!! Mmmmmphh!! MMMMM...” Caruso just groaned with closed eyes, giving herself completely to the charming Latino Superstar. Her curvy body starting to slide against the couch as she shifted back each time his cock pushed in balls deep into her wet, tight pussy. Her rounded tits nicely bouncing away as she got filled up by the man she was interviewing on screen for the broadcast of WWE Raw earlier in the night. Now getting banged inside of his locker room as he briskly and stiffly pumped in and out of her box. Knowing full well he’s only using her to get some action from a female he sees as beautiful, but giving her such a good time already with his smooth and steady thrusts that she couldn’t care less she’d going to be pumped and perhaps dumped afterwards. Finally breaking the kiss, leaving a trail of saliva from their panting lips, Garza soon smiled handsomely again as he leaned back. Moving a hand down to capture her tit and squeeze it as he pumped back and forth. The smack of his body connecting with hers as he bottomed out ringing out around the room along with their moans. The beauty he was on top of responding by putting her hand on his to deepen the grope, craving extra pleasure even with his length buried nice and deep into her slot. He was more than happy to oblige as he fondled away at her mound to keep her groaning even as it jiggled in his grip from her jolting motion on the couch. “MMMMM… You’ve got a wonderful body, Charly… I’m very lucky… AHHHHH… To get to be your lover tonight...” Angel said seductively, still working his Casanova-like magic onto her even though he’s already gotten his dick in two of her holes already so far. “MMMMM FUCK!! I bet… MMMMM!! You fucking say that… AHHHHH FUCK!!” Charly groaned out, lustfully staring at the hunk pumping away into her. “To all the women… MMMMM!! You pick up to screw!” She says before moaning again. Showing how good this sex must be that she still wants more even when she knows she’s just another conquest of his. “Who? Me? MMMMM…” Garza let out a chuckle as he pulled out of her snatch, thinking of a new position to take her in. “Guess you can read me like a book, mami...” He’s about to brag some more, as any man would with a horny hottie wanting more of them. But she cut him off, pulling him down to the couch and making him sit as she quickly and lustfully swung a leg over to mount his lap. “And I can fucking fuck like a fucking pornstar!” Caruso grinned widely as she reached down, not wanting a break in the action as she slipped his big dick back into her needy snatch. “MMMMM FUCK!! Oooooooooh yessssss MMMMM!!” The stunning host for WWE and ESPN moaned out as she sharply dropped down, stuffing her wet snatch full with the long dick she’s become quite addicted to already. Gripping the back of the couch as she started to shift up and down onto him. Making that slap of her ass meeting this thighs sound out to mix with their moans as she started to ride that cock with a purpose. “MMMMMM AHHHHHH!! FUCK!! MMMMM...” She groaned out, sweat starting to form over that gorgeous white body as she bounced up and down on that fat Hispanic cock to fill herself up over and over each time she dropped down to take him balls deep. Soon enough quickly rising up to the mid-point just to shove herself right back onto him with shameless, moaning delight. “Si, mami! MMMMM!! That’s how I like it! MMMMM!!” The former NXT Cruiserweight Champion grinned as he watched the horny interviewer fuck herself almost silly already on his cock. Seeing the fruits of having both charmed his way into her panties and now driven her wild with his superior sexual skill. Leaving him free to roam his hands over her stunning body. Capturing both tits in his hands so he can squeeze away at them to make her head tilt back with approval as she groaned. “I always love it when my women… MMMMM!! Show me what they want...” He bragged between his own moans. Encouraging her to keep bouncing away as his fingers teased and rubbed her hard nipples as her breasts bounced in his grasp. “MMMMM!! FUCK YES!! UHHHHH!! Gonna… MMMMM!! Gonna fuck you real fucking good! MMMMM!!” She sinfully vowed in very un-PG language as she continued to briskly ride away on the dick she was mounted on. Her shoulder length hair sway as she shifted up and down. Her shapely ass cheeks jiggling witch each contact against his muscular body when she dropped downward. So wet downstairs that the slurping sound of juices escaping over that cock were just about heard with their loud, shameless moans and the slap of skin meeting skin. “MMMMM… OH FUCK… FUCK! FUCK FUCK MMMMMM!!” Her speech was sounding more suited for a pornstar than a sports TV host, but the look of pleasure on her face showed she couldn’t care less that she was being far removed from the professional interviewer she’s known to be. Bouncing away with strong desire for the man who had successfully and then some seduced her into blowing then riding his big cock. The third-generation wrestler was having his cake and eating it. Even when most men would be more than happy with having a lusty beauty riding wildly up and down on their cock like Garza is currently taking. He however leaned in. Capturing a nipple into his mouth to wrap his lips around it and start to suck. Making her groan out as she responded with a hand going to the back of his head to encourage the motion. Making him smile around that nub as he slurped onto her tit while it bounced from her constant riding. His other hand sneaking around to take a hold of her backside, soon delivering a firm smack to make her gasp and keep that butt jiggling away. His moans now muffled by her tits as he switched to start licking and sucking on her other rounded mound. Showing the Ladies’ Man of the WWE knew exactly what buttons to press to get the most out of his lovers. “OH FUCK! FUCK YES! YES YES YESSSSSSSSS AHHHHH OOOOOOOOH...” Caruso groaned out with her lips stuck in a perfect O-shape as she started to cum nice and hard as she fucked herself on Angel’s massive, fat cock. Juices flowing down and her pussy walls gripping that length to keep him moaning into her tits as he sucked on them. Showing off his own skill has he stayed hard despite the increased pressure. Allowing the beautiful brunette to ride out her sexual high as she kept moving up and down. Gradually slowing down as she came back down to Earth, eventually just grinding her dripping snatch against that addictive cock she’d stuffed into herself. Her fingers gripping his hair to forcefully pull him away from her rack as she licked her full lips. “More!” Charly growled sinfully, dismounting him and moving to kneel on the seating of the couch. Sticking her rounded, sexy out as her arms rested to cross in front of her on the back so she was almost in a doggy style position. “If you insist, mami...” Garza just smiled broadly, wiping sweat from his forehead as he moved to stand then get behind her. “I do like to think I bring out the best in my women, after all...” He chuckled handsomely as he spread her ass cheeks apart to expose the final of her pleasurable holes that he’s yet to sample. Spitting down onto that entrance to make her groan as she looked back. “Less talk, more of that big fucking dick in my ass!” Caruso demanded, showing her need as she already pushed back into her hands as he felt her up. “Keep up that kind of talk mamacita, and you might just be my first return visit...” Angel claimed with a smirk as he gave the needy beauty what she wanted. Pushing his fat Latino cock into her tight white ass to make them both start moaning out once again. Instantly one of her hands moving to go down under her body and straight to her snatch for some rubbing stimulation. The hunk behind her just focusing on working his shaft in and out of her tightest of holes. “MMMMM… And an ass like this… MMMMM! FUCK!! Definitely puts you to the top of my list of women...” He said for a dirty compliment, that even while having seduced her into such a horny state he’s still just judging her by how good of a fuck she is. That ranking rocketing up thanks to his cock now easing in and out of her juicy rump as he starts to fuck her. “FUCK! MMMMM… OH FUCK YEAH!! MMMMM!!” The stunning interviewer tilted her head back, showing that even with him going into her ass basically dry (her juices over his cock and that bit of spit barely being proper lube) she was no stranger to anal action. Already rocking back a little on her knees in time with the motion of that cock entering her vice-like asshole. “MMMMM!! Give me that fucking dick… AHHHHH FUCK!! Deep in my fucking ass! MMMM!!” Her fingers brushing back and forth across her soaked lower lips so she kept moaning out even when most women would be tapping out, Superstar or otherwise, having to try and handle such a slab of man-meat. Her eyes still locked onto her handsome, Hispanic lover as she gazed with desire and pushed her rounded white booty back to take that cock deeper. “Si, mami! MMMMM!! If you can take it? AHHHHH SHIT… I can deliver!” That smile never left the former NXT Cruiserweight Champion’s face as he got into the steady, smooth motion to properly pump into her butt now that they were both used to the feeling. Her back passage still tight around his rod but now he was able to firmly move in and out. Making her thick cheeks ripple with each motion as he kept her in place with hands on her midsection. Staring down to watch the stunning sight of his shaft disappearing into her rump before reappearing moments later. More than happy to give this lusty beauty the kind of fucking she hadn’t planned on taking when the night began. Thanks to his seductive charms and top notch sexual ability however he’d turned the TV host into a far more XXX-rated performer rather than a PG-TV star she’s supposed to be. “FUCK… FUCK!! MMMMMM FUCK… UHHHHH MY ASS!! MMMMMM OOOOOOOH!!” Sweat dripped off of her stunning face, with loose strands of her hair sticking to her cheeks and over the forehead. Her tits swaying underneath her as she rocked back and forth, once again fucking herself on that thick length but this time as it was actively pumped stiffly into her. Keeping her cheeks shaking from the force of both their motions as he fitted nice and deep into her tightness. “UHHHH!! MORE! MMMMM… Don’t… UHHHH!! DON’T FUCKING STOP!! MMMMM...” The pleasure she was getting making her now go from rubbing to fingering her already soaking wet pussy. Shoving a couple digits in nice and deep as her eyes closed as her head rested on the back of the couch she was being fucked on. Her loud, pornstar-quality moans echoing around the locker room to accompany the slap of his muscular Latino frame colliding with that PAWG ass to keep it shaking sexily. Sweat too pouring off of the toned to say the least body of the resident Ladies’ Man of the WWE as he earned his reputation and then some. Briskly pumping his big, thick cock between the juicy cheeks of the on-screen interviewer of Monday Night Raw. Still grinning, seeing how his charms had turned the once professional woman into an anal-loving temptress. Her loud moans sweet victory music to his ears and more then fuelling him to keep driving his length into her still super tight asshole even as he’s stretched her back passage out to at least accept his cock. Allowing his crotch to smack off her rump each time he drills her for a round of butt fucking that would otherwise render most women unable to walk straight for well over a week. Caruso however in such a high state of lust thanks in part to his expert seduction that she was craving more and more. Driving herself hard into a second orgasm as her eyes rolled upward and drool hung from those pouty lips as her teeth clenched together from the high ripping through her body. Juices gushing out to soak not just her fingers but her hand and wrist as she finger banged herself through this anal-induced orgasm. More slumping against the couch rather than just resting on it as her energy got sapped. Her pushes back mistimed and lacking the force from before as she just rode out the sexual peak. Before letting out a long gasp that would have fitted perfectly in a porno film as her hand finally fell away from her spent snatch to leave juices dripping down her thighs and onto the seating. It was one thing to endure the tightening of her snatch when she first came, but a second round was even too much for the Hispanic Casanova to handle. Managing a couple more pumps into that stunning rump before he pulled out with a deep grunt. His rod pulsing even without being touched as he turned the tired beauty around so she leaned back to sit on the couch. That cocky smile, and for good reason, still on his sweat-coated face and he knelt over her and stroked his length. Aiming at her face for an obvious target. Worn out and with closed eyes, Charly only knew what was happening when she felt the first blast of hot, thick spunk from that Mexican cock splashing over her stunning American facial features. Making her groan with approval and her mouth open as her tongue stuck out, getting soon rewarded with bursts of spunk loosely shot and intended landing on her and into that oral hole. Most of his load painting her cheeks, nose, and forehead. Resulting in some of the cum matting into the strands of hair already stuck to her face from this wild locker room fuck. She didn’t care about such a shameful mess. Using a hand to carefully clear away jizz from close to her eyes so she could look at him as he finally let go of his spent cock. Leaving her to press her lips together and swallow down the collected spunk from his load with a single, greedy gulp. “So, mamacita… Do I live up to my reputation?” Angel asked as he stood up. Admiring his work and not just of his cum all over that pretty face of his conquest for the night. “Mmmmm… All that, and then some...” Charly purred with a saucy smile, made hotter by the spunk dripping from those big lips. “Like I say, I always take care of my women… It’s what a true Ladies’ Man does!” He bragged, stepping back as he moved across the room to scoop up his ring attire from the floor to slip it back on. “Oh I know… And I know I’m just one of many women you’ll fuck and dump too...” Caruso said but with a sexy laugh, showing that after a great fuck like that she was perfectly happy to be a notch on the bedpost to him. “Hey, that might be true for most women I’m with… But you? I think you deserve say, a second date or two...” Garza said after he’d put back on his boots and pads to be already dressed – like he’s made a quick getaway before in the past after some action. “So what? I’ve just got to get on my knees, spread my legs, or let you tap my ass to get some more of you?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. Her tone sounding like she wasn’t against the idea. “Well, if you put it like that?” Angel just smiled and gave her a wink. “Pretty much, mami.” “...I think that can be arranged...” Charly said, grinning back as she started to scoop up the spunk from her face so could seductively lick it off her finger for a last encouraging show for him. “...Man, it’s so tough sometimes to be a Ladies’ Man...” Angel said with a bragging laugh, as he’s completely lived up to his reputation and then some.
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mf-despair-queen · 7 years
Your Name (Prologue) - Stiles Stilinski
Author: @mf-despair-queen​
Characters: Stiles Stilinski/Reader
Word Count: 3,012
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Oral (Female Receiving), First Time Sex
Notes: I have been thinking about this series for the longest time, and here is just the prologue for you guys! It is inspired by a REALLY good movie, called Your Name (Kimi no Na Wa), but it works perfectly for Stiles. Expect great things from this and give me your thoughts!
Listen to Me (Please note you are not required to listen. The song is japanese, but it goes with the series)
Part 1 | Part 2
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I feel like I’m always searching…
Stiles ran a hand through his hair, his knee bouncing anxiously. He sat alone in a corner of the coffee shop, waiting for Scott to show up. His mind wandered to the strange dreams he keeps having every night since he was rescued from the Ghost Riders. The dreams that plagued his mind continuously.
The dreams about her.
Stiles huffed, following his dad to the house next door. He was about ten years old at this point, and Noah Stilinski was becoming worried about his son. He was silent, not interacting with kids aside from Scott. He had become reclusive since the passing of his mother, Claudia.
“Dad, why are we meeting these people? We’ve had plenty of new neighbors before but we’ve never cared to meet them before. What makes this time so different?”
Noah held Stiles’ hand tightly, ringing the doorbell of the pale grey house they lived next to. “We’re being nice neighbors, Stiles. Mark is going to be my new deputy, so it’s nice to be able to extend an olive branch.”
Stiles furrowed his brow, looking up at his dad. “What does that mean?”
Noah laughed, choosing not to answer. The door opened, a man around Noah’s age standing in the frame. “Sheriff! How nice of you to show up!” The man knelt down to Stiles’ level, looking into his honey-brown orbs. “And who is this youngin’?”
Stiles stayed silent, Noah letting out a small sigh. “This is Stiles, my son.”
The man nodded. “I think you’ll be good friends with my daughter.” He ushered Stiles and Noah inside, leading them to the living room where a woman was arranging items she pulled from a box on a shelf. A Stiles’ eyes locked on the little girl sitting on the couch, folding some clothes. “Miranda! Sheriff Stilinski is here with his son!”
The woman glanced at the two, calling to the little girl. Noah let go of Stiles’ hand, talking to Miranda and Mark. The little girl shyly walked over to Stiles, clutching at her dress nervously. Stiles sighed, recalling his dad’s words. Extend an olive branch, whatever that means. He figured it was something about being nice, so he figured he would try it. He held out his hand to the small girl, trying to smile. “Hi. I’m Stiles.”
She gave the tiniest smile in return, taking his hand in hers. A small spark ran through his body, but he shook it off. “Hi. I’m-“
Stiles slammed his head on the table, ignoring the look of the people on the other side of the store. He could never remember her name. In every dream, her name was muffled, or he would wake up before he found out. He was growing tired from it.
Scott walked in finally, seeing Stiles face down on the table. “Stiles? Are you ok?”
Stiles looked up watching Scott slide into the seat across from him. “No, Scotty. I’m not. I’m so far from ok.”
Scott watched his friend, hearing his rapid heartbeat. “Is this because of everything that happened with the Ghost Riders? We already checked with Deaton, and you are perfectly healthy. No side effects from being trapped. Or are you nervous about heading to Georgetown at the end of the summer?”
Stiles shook his head. “I think it has to do with the Ghost Riders. Ever since I’ve been back I’ve been having…” He trailed off, rubbing his face. Scott watched him carefully, noticing his best friend’s odd behavior. He was always odd, but this was beyond normal. “I keep having these dreams. About the same girl.”
Scott leaned further on the table. “A girl? Someone you know?”
Stiles groaned, annoyed. “I don’t know, Scott!” Scott pat his shoulder, trying to calm him down. “I think I did know her at one point. There is one dream I always have where she is my neighbor. In the abandoned grey house. I met her when I was 10, and her parents were Mark and Miranda. But I never catch her name.”
Scott thought back on that house. “Stiles, that house has been empty for years. I can’t even remember the last time someone lived there.”
Stiles sighed, leaning back in his seat. “But, I have a feeling someone did, Scott. They had a daughter, and I knew her. I…” He blushed. “I was intimate with her I think.”
A tap was heard on Stiles’ window, seeing her sitting there. He laughed, opening the window so she could crawl in. He picked her up in a hug, twirling her around. “Hey, there’s the birthday girl!”
She giggled, hugging him tightly. “Yup! It’s 12:01 AM. That means, it is officially my birthday! I am finally 16!”
Stiles laughed, dropping her on the bed. “You’re finally getting old like me.” He jumped on the bed next to her, hugging her close. She snuggled into his chest, breathing in his scent. “So, what does my beautiful best friend want for her birthday gift?”
She stayed silent, Stiles looking down at the girl in his arms. He ran his fingers through her hair, waiting for her response.
“I don’t want to be a virgin anymore.”
Stiles choked on air, rolling off the bed without her. She sat up, looking down at the brown hair male wheezing for air on the floor with a worried look. He took deep breaths, looking up at her. “E-excuse me? Did I just hear you say you wanted to lose your virginity?” She nodded slowly, a blush on her cheeks. “You’re only 16, babe. You have a lot of time to find the right guy for something like that.”
She shook her head slowly, clutching the sheets on his bed. “I don’t want to wait. I want it to be with you, Stiles. Someone I trust and love with all my heart.” Her eyes watered, looking away from him. “I know you’re a virgin too, but what better way than to lose it to your best friend?”
He swallowed thickly, thinking of every scenario that could happen. What if he was horrible? Would she hate him? Would she accept him? Was it better to find out something like that with your best friend rather than your first girlfriend? What if he was super bomb? Would she want more? Would she develop feelings for him? Would he develop feelings for him? But the one he feared the most:
Would it make things awkward between them?
Her eyes locked on his, giving him a silent plead. “Stiles…”
He sighed, standing up from the floor and shuffling over to his desk. He rummaged through it for a second, before finding what he was looking for. “You know, this is probably the only time I will thank health class and their sex ed program.”
He turned to her, holding the condom between his fingers. She blushed, the red hue covering her cheeks completely. “Right. Yeah. Sex ed helps in times like this.” They remained stationary, too nervous to know what to do next. “Should I get undressed now?”
Stiles stopped breathing for a second, watching her pull her baggy shirt over her head. She was braless in the late hour, sitting only in her shorts and socks. Stiles stared, before ripping his shirt over his head, discarding it on the floor. He adjusted the band on his athletic shorts, feeling his cock twitch at her perfect breasts. He locked his lips, eyeing her. “Are we really doing this?” He questioned.
She nodded, laying back on his pillows. He gestured him forward with a curl of the finger, Stiles nearly tripping on his way to the bed. He hovered over her, straddling her delicate hips. They stared at each other, unmoving once more. She bit her lip, looking up at him. “I-I’m not really sure what to do.”
He nodded in agreement. “Should we start with kissing I guess?” She wordlessly agreed, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her fingers passed over his buzzed hair, tugging him down to meet her lips. They clashed in a tender kiss, Stiles feeling the familiar spark that ran through his body every time he was near her.
He gingerly kissed her, afraid to push harder. He was afraid to do anything that could ruin the moment. She broke the kiss, giving him a look when she sensed his discomfort. “Stiles, don’t be afraid please. I asked for this. I know what I’m getting myself into. Now do something. Please”
He nodded, placing a kiss to her cheek, trailing them down her jaw to her neck. She let out small moans, giving Stiles encouragement to continue. He sucked against her neck, leaving one lonely mark to her skin before kissing down her chest, between her breasts. Her moans got louder, clawing at his buzzed head.
“Stiles, you really should grow your hair out. How is a girl supposed to tug at it when it’s buzzed like this?” He groaned at her words, taking one of her nipples in his mouth. She squealed, her body arching into his. His tongue flicked her nipple and his teeth nipping at the sensitive bud. Her noises told him he was pleasing her. He gently massaged the other breast between his fingers, tweaking the bud as he went. He took his time pleasing her, swapping breasts at one point.
She pushed the top of his head, urging him to go lower. He complied, running his tongue down her stomach, stopping to kiss along the band on her shorts. Her legs rubbed together, releasing whiny pleas. “Stiles, please. I need you.”
He chuckled, tugging the shorts and panties down her legs, dropping them over the side of the bed. He stared at the wet pussy of his best friend, struggling to find words. “Shit. This is really happening.” She nodded, blushing as she attempted to close her legs. He pushed them apart, leaning his head between them. “Don’t be afraid, babe. I’ve got you.”
His tongue ran along her folds, hearing her mewl happily. He licked her folds continuously, probing her entrance with his tongue. She squirmed in delight, pressing him closer to her. His tongue slid into her pussy, swirling in circles as he memorized the feeling of her walls. Her fingers were twisted in the sheets, moaning his name loudly. He thrust his tongue into her deeply, gathering any bit of her juices on his taste buds.
She bit her lip, her body shaking. “Stiles. I want you. Please.” He pulled back, licking his lips clean of her juices. He couldn’t deny she tasted delicious. He leaned up, kissing her a soft kiss on the lips, sliding off the bed to remove his shorts and boxers. She stared at him with wide eyes, Stiles stroking his cock. “Stiles, why did you never tell me you were so…huge! And fit. I think that lacrosse training is giving you some abs finally.”
He blushed slightly, sticking his tongue out at her. “You’re so funny. Make jokes when we are about to have sex. And the whole “huge dick” thing? That’s totally something you go around telling your best friend,” he quipped, sarcasm dripping from his pores. She giggled, throwing the sealed condom on his head. It smacked his forehead, landing on the floor in front of him. “Rude much!”
He picked up the package, tearing it open quickly. The condom flew up, luckily landing in his hands when he tried to catch it. She broke out into loud laughter, watching Stiles groan and roll the rubber on his cock.
“Why do you have to be so mean, babe?” He huffed, straddling her hips again, his cock pressed to her pussy. She bit her lip, stifling a mixture of a moan and a laugh. He leaned over her, aligning himself at her entrance. “This is supposed to hurt you know. Are you sure you want this?”
She nodded, staring into his eyes. “I trust you, Stiles. I want my first time with you.” He nodded, placing a sweet kiss to her lips, slowly sliding into her. Tears prickled at the corners of her eyes, Stiles kissing away any stray tear that fell.
“It’s ok. You’re strong. The strongest girl I know. You can handle this.” She nodded, nuzzling her face in his neck. He stopped moving once he was fully inside her, his cock twitching against her walls as she adjusted to his size.
“You keep twitching and pulsing inside of me, Sti,” She pointed out, giving a small giggle. Stiles was glad she was making jokes at this point. It meant she was feeling better.
“I can’t help it. You’re tight.” She kissed his neck, grinning against his skin. They sat together for a minute, embracing the other until they felt comfortable. When her hips shifted against his, he rolled his carefully. His cock pulled from her, sliding back in with one simple stroke. The moan she produced gave him everything he needed, his motions getting more fluid, and strong each time.
Her hands gripped his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin. He grunted, leaning on his elbows as his thrusts got faster, pounding her pussy with great force. She clawed at his back, her head burying into his pillows. His name was flying off her lips in loud moans, her body writhing under his. He dug her into his mattress, pounding away as if his life depending on it.
“Stiles,” she whimpered, feeling the coil in her stomach unwinding. Her body was shaking uncontrollably, Stiles feeling her walls clenching around him. His breathing picked up, his thrusts growing sloppier by the second. “I’m going to cum.”
He nodded, slipping a hand between them. He struggled to find her clit, having read once that the clit could help stimulate the female into an orgasm. She squirmed, using one hand to help him find what he was looking for, screaming the second he made contact with the sensitive nub. He rubbed it vigorously, driving her over the edge. She let one loud moan, his real name, her walls contracting around him. Her juices splattered against her walls, the warm fluids coating the condom her wore. He felt the heat rush through him, his cock sputtering to a stop and spilling his seed into the condom, his pounding turning into slow thrusts as he rode out their highs.
He carefully pulled out, getting off the bed to toss the condom into his trash bin. When he turned back to her, she was curled up already in his bed, sleeping soundly. He smiled at the sight, slipping on his boxers and silently slipping back into the bed. His arm wrapped around her waist, placing a kiss to her temple.
“Good night birthday girl.”
Scott laughed, not believing what he was hearing. “You apparently had sex with her? Stiles, when Heather tried to have sex with you at the beginning of junior year, you were a virgin!”
Stiles sighed, leaning his head on the palm of his hand. “Was I, though? Maybe I just didn’t remember losing it. It didn’t feel new when I did it with Malia, now that I think about it. And it didn’t feel…special.”
“You don’t just forget something like that,” Scott mumbled, leaning on the table. “And you had sex with Malia at Eichen, Stiles. Not exactly romantic. Besides, what proof do you have that she was real? Did you ask your dad?”
Stiles nodded. “He couldn’t remember anyone by those names. He said I was just overthinking it all.” Scott noticed him messing with something on his wrist, giving him a look.
“What’s that on your wrist?”
Stiles pulled up the sleeve of his shirt, revealing the braided blue bracelet on his wrist. “My proof that she may have been real.”
Stiles shot up, feeling the empty spot on the bed next to him. He looked around, noticing all of her clothes gone. He fell from the bed, scrambling to get dressed and dashing down his stairs. Noah tried to get the attention of his son, seeing him jumping the small bushes to get to the front door of his neighbor’s house. His knuckle rapped on the door quickly, getting no answer.
“Come on, birthday girl. Don’t ignore me now!” Stiles yelled, pounding louder on the door. Noah walked over to him, placing a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Why isn’t she answering me?”
Noah sighed deeply. “They moved this morning, Stiles. They’re gone.”
Stiles shook his head, resting his forehead on the door. “She can’t be gone.”
Noah knew Stiles would react this way, turning the clumsy boy to face him. Tears welled in Stiles’ eyes, feeling Noah place something in his hand. “She stopped by right before they left. Said to give you this.”
Stiles look down at the bracelet in his hand, remembering how you always wore the braided string. A small note was taped to it, that said one simple line.
Please don’t forget about me.
Stiles broke down, collapsing in his dad’s arms, crying until he couldn’t cry any more.
Stiles tugged on the bracelet, spinning it on his bony wrist. “I found it in my drawer this morning, along with the note she left me.” He looked at Scott, confusion evident in his look. “I’m not going crazy, right? She has to be real.”
Scott sighed. “Well, there has to be some explanation Stiles. We can use the summer to figure it out. We will work together on this.”
Stiles nodded, slowly standing from the table. “Right. You’re right, Scotty. We’ll start tomorrow or something. For now, I’m just going to head home and get some rest. I haven’t slept well because of the dreams.”
Scott nodded, watching his friend leave the shop. Stiles plopped into his jeep, resting his arms on the steering wheel. He glanced at the sky, praying she was looking at the sky the same way he was. “I will find you. I will remember your name. Just you wait, birthday girl.”
…For someone, or something
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More Than Just Studying ll Stuart Twombly AU(smut)
Word Count: 4009
Warning: smut, bad language, oral (male receiving) rough unprotected sex
(sorry if i’ve forgotten anything else)
Author’s Note: Okay so this was a little fic i wrote for Stuart week i haven’t written many fics and this is the first one i’ve ever written for stuart so hopefully it’s okay and i hope you like it. Plus apologies for my punctuation and stuff i plain suck at it :) 
@sarcasticallystilinski @rememberstilinski
Also a big thanks to @mf-despair-queen for giving me the courage i needed to actually write the fic again i hope you all enjoy.
Pairing: Stuart x reader
I have known Stuart for 2 years now. I had met at the start of the first semester of my first year at University, when he knocked me down on the way to my first lecture. I was studying a BA in computer science and software engineering and had been running late when the tall muscular beanie wearing boy had crashed right into me. Apparently i was going the wrong way and he was in my class. But i only realised that when i walked into the lecture 10 minutes late with my cheeks painted a cherry red. I apologised profusely to my lecturer and scattered up the rows to find a seat as quickly as i could to divert the attention from myself. As i got situated in my chair my  eyes roamed the room. Landing on a pair of familiar whiskey coloured eyes sat two rows behind with a smirk playing on his lips. I could tell just from that look that this boy would be the bloody death of me.
During my second week i was told by my lecturer that the class would be part taking in group projects where you would have to analyse data and process it within your group. Unfortunately for me, i had been paired with beanie boy and two other boys around my age. I had agreed with the boys that we would meet up every morning at 9 to work on the project together. We all sat around the library table discussing what each person would focus on and to what time scale you would all work to. However every time i spoke i realised beanie boy, who i  later found out was named Stuart, was always staring into space and ignoring everything i was saying. It pissed me off to no end but it wasn’t my grade that was gonna suck so i didn’t really care.
Stuart POV
Two weeks in and we had already been divided into groups to complete a class project. I hated working with other people I always found i work better when I’m alone. Being alone means less distractions and more time focused on passing this course. However luck was not on my side as the class project was mandatory and counted towards marks for our mock exams. Although a little luck may have been there as Y/N was put into my group. Since bumping into her in the hallway i haven’t managed to shake her from my thoughts, sometimes I would even catch myself daydreaming about her when I had gone back to my dorm for the night. She was driving me mad. Between the 4 of us we had  agreed to work on the project every morning in the library to make sure it was completed in the allocated time. So here I was at 9 o'clock in the morning trying to work out codes as she sat across from me looking as beautiful as ever. Every time she spoke I couldn’t help but wander off into a little daydream about her.
She sat there with her pen between her lips smirking as she glanced at the paper in front of her. Her gorgeous H/C tangling down in front of her face. It made me want to push it behind her ear and kiss her like my life depended on it. Her eyes caught mine as she stood from her chair.
“ like what you see Twombly” she purred in a sultry voice as she unbuttoned the top button of her blouse. I gulped as she started to unbutton the rest showing me a magnificent view of the soft red lace that adorned her chest. The red highlighting the plump perky tits that were hidden behind them. A blush formed on my checks as I felt my cock strain against the fabric of my jeans.
“fuck” I mumbled as she pushed the books from the table top and climbed up to crawl towards me. As soon as her gorgeous breasts had reached my face she stopped, lifting my chin to look her in the eyes.
“I want you to fuck me right here Stuart. I want you and only you”
My mouth hung open in shock at what she had just said. My dick throbbing against my trousers. All I could do was blink. She sat up and looked at me with a confused look
“Stuart are you okay?”
“Stuart….” She said clicking her fingers in front of my face.
“fuck…. uh… what?” I choked startled clearing my throat.
“ I asked if you were okay? You seem a little distracted” she smiled sweetly at me.
“Eh… yeah… yeah I’m good just eh t-tired” I stumbled trying to hide the tent in my pants.
“Okay well we can stop for now. Have a break and try again tomorrow?”
“Yeah sure let’s do that”
We all agreed and decided to meet a little later the next day so we wouldn’t all be tired. I waited until everyone had left before I threw my rucksack in front of my crotch so no one would see the boner I was sporting. I rushed back to my dorm room deciding on having a cold shower to rid myself of the thoughts I was having of her.
As I walked into the bathroom and stripped myself of all my clothes my thoughts started to linger back to the library.
“shit” I mumbled rubbing my hands down my face. I quickly turned the shower on to the cold setting and jumped in. The cold water hit off of my heated skin cooling me down as shivers started to rack through my body. I turned the dial a little letting warm water rushed through the shower head. I tipped my head back letting the stream of water hit my chest. Relaxing under the water my head started spinning into another daydream.
As I stood in the shower I felt warm petite arms wrap around my waist hands reaching up to explore the small hairs on my chest. I turned my body to face the culprit to find Y/N standing there completely naked. My eyes widened as my stare raked across her entire body taking in every curve and freckle. She was so beautiful. Her delicate fingers wrapped around my slightly toned biceps. Pulling herself closer to me so her chest was touching mine. I could feel her plump tits rubbing against me making my hard on even harder if that was even possible. She reached up and placed a chaste kiss to my lips.
“ so how about it twombly you just gonna stand there or are you gonna fuck me”
Again I was stood there flabbergasted but I furiously nodded my head to let her know I definitely wanted this to happen. Her hands returned to my chest rubbing circles as she slowly kissed down my body. My eyes gripped shut as she moved lower and lower. I only once opened my eyes again to see the delightful view of her crouched on her knees in front of me with her fingers wrapped around my cock. I shuddered at the feeling as I saw her slightly part her lips as she moved closer.
*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*
“ come on Stu you’ve been in there for ages. I’m desperate for a piss”
I groaned looking at my hard on again. What the hell was this girl doing to me.
“Yeah sorry bud I’ll be right out”
I turned the dial to switch the water off climbing out of the shower to grab my towel. I quickly fixed my dick so my roommate wouldn’t see the hard on through the towel and walked back into our shared room.
That night all i could think of was her. How gorgeous she was and how hot she looked just before she was about to stick my dick in her mouth. I know it didn’t actually happen but fuck me i wanted it to. All i thought about was her even in dream state.
The next morning i  woke up covered in sweat with a raging boner. I had dreamed about her again. This time was worse though as i had actually pictured me pounding my cock into her tight little pussy. My name rolling off her tongue as she clenched and came all over my cock. This girl had me hooked and i didn’t like it. Not one fucking bit. I decided there and then that once this stupid group project was finished i would avoid her altogether. Maybe by not seeing her it would help me to stop thinking about her.
After we had finished our group projects Stuart seemed relieved to be getting away from me. I didn’t think he would hate me. I mean we had our disagreements during the project but i didn’t think it was enough for him to avoid me. But that’s exactly what he did. He wouldn’t look at me in the hall or offer any help if we were placed in a group again. He was being a class A dickhead or maybe he just wasn’t interested in me and i was to hopeful to notice.
Present day
As the months went by University became a big struggle for me. I had managed to get into the course through a scholarship but recently the accommodation funding had fallen through and i had to provide the funds myself. Meaning i had to get a full time night job to cover all the living costs. I was wearing myself thin and was really struggling to keep up with all the class work. I would spend 9oclock in the morning till 10 studying in the library before class started. Then would sit in class from 10:15 till 2:30. I would then have a small amount of time to get back to my dorm and grab lunch before having to get changed to start my shift at the pub at 4:30 to then finish at 12:35. When i reached my dorm at 12:45pm i instantly crashed out on my bed to fall into a deep slumber before my alarm would jolt me awake again at 8am. I needed help and because i was so tired i could barely focus during class. I was falling behind big time. Luckily for me the holidays were coming up so i would have 6 weeks of no classes before finals started. Which meant i could get a longer lie and do all of my studying during my previous class time. But i was still going to need help and a lot of it and there was only one person i could think of to ask. Stuart. I know he had been avoiding me for the last two years but he was the only person i had really spoken to i didn’t have much time to make friends so i didn’t really have any and all the teachers would be off during the holidays so he was kind of my last hope. I decided i would catch him on a good day and talk to him once he had finished his last coding lecture. As soon as the bell rang to dismiss class i barrelled out the double doors and waited in the corridor for him to emerge. He was one of the last students out sauntering through the doors with his backpack slung across his muscular shoulders.
“Hey Stuart…. Could i have a quick word with you?” i quickly stumbled out as he almost walked straight past me.
“Eh.. sure whats up?”
“Well its just im really falling behind in class and was wondering if you could possibly help me study over the summer before finals start?” I looked to the ground embarrassed of the fact that i wasn’t doing so well in class. I looked up to see a reluctant smile on his face.
“Sure… I’ll help ehm will we just meet at the library around 10”
“That would be amazing thank you so much” i uttered excitedly as i threw my arms around him.
“You have no idea how much you’re helping me out. Again thanks” i said dropping my arms back down to my side.
True to his word Stuart helped me study everyday at 10am down at the library. He seemed a little more at ease with me and would even talk to me about things not related to the course. It seemed that over the weeks you were actually becoming friends. Then like a switch he flipped again acting very cold and sometimes bailing on your study sessions.
Stuart POV
I agreed to help Y/N with her studying i knew it would be a bad idea but i hated knowing she was struggling. I would meet her everyday at the library at 10 and we would sit for hours going over the coursework and even talking about other things too. I suppose you could say we were starting to become friends. That’s when everything started again. I had been getting to know her on a more personal level and i found myself starting to have the dreams again more frequently. I had managed to go a whole 2 years with maybe one dream a month but now it was every day and i couldn’t handle it anymore. So i started to distance myself again and even made lame excuses to ditch the study sessions. Eventually she got sick of it and turned up at my dorm room door after i had given her yet another lame excuse.
“Are you shitting me Stuart i am really fucking struggling here and your palming me off to play the xbox” she yelled as she stepped into the room seeing the game up on my television screen.
“I’m sorry……i just needed a chill day” i muttered
I could see the tears well in her eyes as she looked at me.
“I’m sorry Stuart…. I’m just really struggling” she whimpered as a stray tear fell down her cheek. I motioned for her to sit on the bed more tears falling from her eyes as she explained everything about her funding falling through and how exhausted she was from working every night. I felt so sorry for her i had been a massive asshole because i couldn’t stop thinking with my dick and here she was truly struggling with managing work and all of the course units.
“Look let me help you, we can go grab something for lunch and come back here and study all night if we have to” i said to her with a small smile. She wiped the tears from her face and gave me a small nod.  She had the night off from work so we didn’t have to worry about how late we studied. So we spent the entire night studying until we both passed out on my dorm room floor.
I was sat in the exam hall with the test paper sat in front of me on the desk. I looked around noticing i was the only person there. I felt a presence behind me which was confirmed when i felt hands land on my shoulders and rub down the front of my torso. I swivelled my head to see Y/N standing behind me in just her sexy red lace underwear. I swivelled round as she walked past me to sit on the desk in front. She pulled me from the chair by my collar as she placed me between her legs. Her nimble fingers unbuttoning my shirt and pulling it off my shoulders once she was done. She placed my hands on her lace covered tits as she started to unbuckle my belt. She dropped my trousers to the floor my hard on straining against my boxer shorts. She then latched her finger in the clasp of her bra unclipping it and pulling it from her body.
“Come on baby. Fuck me like you mean it” she purred in my ear. With that i was pulling her panties from her legs and pushing her back against the desk.  Groaning at the sight of her spread out in front of me. I freed my hard member from his restraints and pushed my cock inside her dripping wet pussy.
“Fuck Y/N you’re so tight”
“ oh baby i could fuck you like this all day”
I was awoken to the sound of groaning coming from the other side of the dorm room. I panicked as i sat up realising i must have fallen asleep while stuart and i were studying. I relaxed as i saw the gorgeous freckled boy lying on the floor just 3 feet away eyes closed and mumbling softly into the carpet. My heart stopped when i heard the next mumbles fall from his mouth.
“Fuck Y/N you’re so tight”
He still had his eyes closed so he must have been asleep. Holy shit is he dreaming about fucking me i wondered complete shocking registering on my face. The next words that tumbled from his mouth confirmed it as he moaned
“oh baby i could fuck you like this all day”
I was completely taking a back. Stuart Twombly, the guy that’s been a distant arrogant ass hole, is having a sex dream about me. Fuck …. Fuck the guy i’ve been crushing on for almost two years is dreaming about fucking me. Holy shit!! To say the least i was gobsmacked but completely and totally aroused. In that moment my brain went blank and all i could think about was wrapping my lips around the predominant tent in his pants. Arousal took over and i found myself crawling towards him. I shook his shoulder a little trying to wake him but to little avail. Again i found my eyes wandering to his crotch mouth watering with desire. My hand slowly made it’s way to his clothed hard on as i palmed him through his jeans. A throaty moan sounded from him as his eyes fluttered open.
“Fuck Y/N what are you doing?” he asked eyes wide as he spotted my hand on his dick.
“You were moaning my name in your sleep so i thought i’d give you the real thing” i whispered in his ear as i kissed behind it searching for his sweet spot. I was really nervous that he would reject me as he was always so distant and mean to me. But the look in his eyes after i whispered in his ear was taken over with pure lust and i knew he wanted the same thing i did.  He looked up at me eyes blown with lust.
“Ever since i bumped into you on the first day i haven’t stopped thinking about you. I was always daydreaming about fucking you” he whispered back to me.
“Then fuck me Stuart” i murmured. I had no idea where this sudden burst of confidence had come from but shit i liked it. I wanted him. All of him. His lips suddenly crashed onto mine as his strong arms pulled me onto his lap. My shirt was quickly removed as his lips started marking the skin on my chest. My bra was the next thing to go. His soft warm lips wrapped around the sensitive nipple on my left breast as he massaged the right with his calloused fingers. The desire in the pit of my stomach growing with every flick of his tongue.
“Fuck Stuart” i groaned as he rolled my nipple between his fingers his other hand reaching down to my trousers slowly trying to remove them from my legs. He removed the rest of my clothing from my body leaving me completely naked in front of him. I felt a little at a disadvantage as he was still fully clothed. So i made quick work of riding him of the clothes that remained on his body. As we stood naked in front of each other i couldn’t help but admire his body and the size of his cock that stood tall against his stomach. I dropped to my knees my hand around his cock as i licked a stripe up the underside of his cock. A loud groan elicited from his mouth as his hands tangled in my hair. His tip pressed against my lips as i took him fully into my mouth. I bobbed slowly on his dick to begin with his hand guiding my head down on his shaft. I hollowed my cheeks making a smaller space for his cock to fit, his hips bucking his cock further down my throat. He reached the very back of my throat causing me to gag as he tried to reach deeper. He stopped thrusting into my throat his eyes squeezed tightly shut.
“Fuck baby you need to stop or i’m gonna cum in your mouth”
I removed his cock from my mouth with a pop licking the saliva i had left from the tip of his shaft.
His hands reached down to draw circles on my clit.
“Fuck Y/N you’re so wet already. Is that all for me?” he grinned wickedly as he looked down at me. He picked me up and threw me onto his bed climbing in between my spread legs. He looked down at me and pressed a soft but passionate kiss on my lips before slipping his cock inside my dripping core. I moan out and bit down on his shoulder as his thick cock stretched my walls. He started a timid pace fucking into me then pulling back out. Once i was comfortable with his size inside me he picked up the pace pounding into me like there was no tomorrow. Not that it bothered me i was reaching my high very quickly the coil in my stomach growing tighter and tighter. I could feel he was close too as his cock was twitching inside my walls and the loud moans eliciting from his mouth. His fingers dropped to my clit once more as he harshly rubbed me over the edge. The coil bursting in my stomach my orgasm rushing over me. He kept thrusting his hips stuttering indicating he was close. I whisper words of encouragement in his ear as i felt his seed spill inside me mixing with the juices from my orgasm. He kept thrusting riding out his orgasm as i panted loudly coming down from mine. He slowly pulled out of me tumbling to lay beside me.
“Wow…. that was” i sighed trying to catch my breath.
“Amazing” he breathed looking at me with the biggest smile plastered on his face. I simply nodded agreeing as i had just had the best orgasm in my life. I looked back at him again the smile faltering on my face.
“ this wasn’t just sex for you Stuart right?  i mean it meant more to you than just that?” i mumbled eyes glassing over as i realised this could all have happened in the heat of the moment.
“Of course it meant more to me Y/N you mean everything to me. I just didn’t think you’d ever like me back i mean come on look at you. You are absolutely gorgeous and i’m just a geeky computer nerd.”
“God stuart i’ve waited so long to hear you say those words. And you’re a hot nerd” i giggled as he pulled me closer to his chest planting a kiss to the side of my head.
“Can i be your hot nerd. Only yours?” he questioned  as he looked at me hopefully.
“Only if i can be only yours?” i laughed. He kissed me once more completely full of passion as he cuddled me more into him. In that moment i have never felt more loved. I smiled up at him yawning as i pulled his covers up over us.
“Get some rest baby you deserve it” he smiled as i closed eyes falling into a deep slumber.
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