#check your state's laws regarding 'taking the day off to vote' (some states have 'em!)
scaryscarecrows · 2 years
Also, I’ve been staring at your pin about politics and have been considering messaging since the day you posted it, but I’ve always chickened out.
Thank you. I’m a minor, and you’re the only person I know of online who’s mentioned us and our fucking helplessness watching everything go down and I want to scream. Everything just says “vote” and I can’t fucking vote, and I’m just watching as grownups drive the world into the ground. I see what they’re doing, I see the damage they have wrought, and I know that since they have proven they will not fix it but will instead only and deliberately make it worse, that my generation will be forced to do it for them. I’m afraid it might already be too damn late. I can see species being wiped out, I can see women losing their lives, their futures, their organs, undergoing physical and or mental traumas, and it can’t be undone, and I can’t stop it. I can do nothing. And they don’t even consider me. We can’t vote, so we’re too damn dumb to know what’s going on, to know what they’re doing to uterus-owners in half the states, what they’re doing to the planet. Gay and trans people are threats to children, so they don’t get to be themselves, to marry, etc, but their right to own guns (and that sweet sweet NRA money) overrides my want to live? Want not right, not if my life is less than the parasite that may one day grow in my womb? I want off this fucking ride.
Have my disjointed rant. If you’ll excuse me, I have homework. I’ve gotten pretty damn good at pretending to be okay. :)
You couldn't have had better timing, because today, brethren, is
It literally takes like two minutes, and whether you vote in person or by mail, you get a sticker for your troubles! And also, then, if things aren't going your way, you can complain without being judged, because at least you tried. I don't know about y'all, but I love my Bitching Rights. It's one of the few constants in life.
Public service announcement aside...technically, statistically, it...probably will be better. There's been some dark times throughout history. I make no promises, because every day I wake up kinda sorta hoping for a meteor, but it's a hope.
Hang in there, kiddo. If nothing else, we're all in this together.
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