#vote like your lives depend upon it
yuurei20 · 3 months
Is it true that Cater is a playboy? I've seen some people saying that he's a Playboy, but I'm not sure if its canon. Thanks!!
Hello hello! ^^ Thank you for this question!
This was also mentioned a little bit in response to an earlier question about Cater's habit of flirting with people, which includes a compilation of screenshots of what is probably the kind of scenes that people are thinking about when they talk about Cater being a playboy!
But I think this might depend on your definition of "playboy" 👀
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As of this post, the only canonical romantic relationship we have heard of in the game (on EN 👀) is Ace and his ex-girlfriend!
If your definition of "playboy" is "someone who dates a lot of different people," then "playboy" does not apply to Cater, as far as we know :>
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What we do know is this!
His family moved around a lot when he was a child so, at some point, he started intentionally keeping his interpersonal relationships shallow rather than try to forge meaningful connections:
"That's why I always tried to be on good terms with everyone, rather than forge strong bonds with a chosen few. Like a circus performer who has a grand old time with people from around the world, and then packs up and moves on."
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While never stated outright, it is a common theory that this is why Cater keeps Trey at arm's length during Wish Upon a Star:
Trey is already his closest friend, so Cater might be keeping up a buffer zone of secrets like what his true wish for the Star Sending is so that they do not become any closer, and their inevitable parting will be less painful.
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Lilia tries to encourage Cater, saying that, in deciding not to get too close to any one person he may be the wisest one there, but Cater is not convinced that Lilia can truly empathize:
"Lilia's developed cherished relationships while living in the same place his whole life. There's no way he could ever understand how helpless I feel."
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Another thing we know about Cater is that he might be feeling the loss of one, specific friend in particular! He tells Silver that he remembers making a friend at a new school one time, only to immediately learn that he would be moving away again the next month.
It is interesting that he mentions this one friend in particular--were they the catalyst? Was that the point when he decided that he would never get close to another person? We do not know 👀
If you are seeing "playboy Cater" coming from the JP side of the fandom, it is possibly because his speech patterns are that of a チャラい character on JP!
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I think "flirt" is a decent translation for チャラい? 🧐 (It was localized as "shallow" on EN, and is the reason why Eliza rejects Cater during the Phantom Bride event.)
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They are characters that talk/look flashy, seem shallow, and tend to flirt with everyone equally rather than picking someone specific to pursue. (Orange hair is common but is not required ww)
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This survey of 3,324 people voted the top three チャラい anime characters as Moroboshi Ataru (Urusei Yatsura), Saeba Ryo (City Hunter) and Lupin III, to give you an idea of the チャラい character archetype ^^
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And a common theme of Twst is: appearances can be deceiving!
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Vil and Lilia seem to suspect Cater of having "a morose side that the rest of us never see" hidden by his sunny disposition, but Cater claims otherwise 👀
Much like Epel appears delicate but is actually the opposite and Lilia appears young but is actually old, it is possible that Cater intentionally acts shallow while actually he has a complex inner world--he is flighty not because he is trying to attract people, but because he is trying to keep them away.
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More here! ^^
・Cater's Inner Life ・Cater's Childhood
To the original question: I do not believe that we have heard about Cater having any relationships (romantic or otherwise) at all except for one single friend from pre-NRC, which might not qualify him as a "playboy"! ^^
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
PLEASE i need more mafia yandere klaus!! Or even elijah!
Mafia!Elijah Yandere NSFW
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A stands for AFFECTION: how would they show affection?
•Elijah, like all Mikaelsons, is very much a gift giver
•He loves to see you in all of the latest fashions, he’s always dressed to the nines so he believes his Queen should be too
•You we’re quite confused how he knew your sizes when he sent you a dress to wear before your first date but you brushed it off
•Once you live with him you have the biggest closet in the entire house, as well as an extra closet just for your shoes
B stands for BLOODY: how bloody are they willing to get for their object of obsession?
•Elijah doesn’t need to get bloody, even when their business was growing before they began hiring men to do their dirty work it was always Kol and Klaus who did it, Elijah was much more the face of the company dressed in Armani and Hugo Boss, the one on the covers of magazines and doing interviews for the company press
•If Elijah is getting bloody it is only because someone took it upon themselves to hurt either his family or his Queen, in any case he is happy to take his time and make them suffer, however he is never willing to allow you to see him in such a way so he ensures he cleans up before he comes home
C stands for CRUELTY: would they ever hurt their object of obsession?
•Elijah’s rage, while very real, isn’t quite as present as his brothers, he learned to control himself a long time ago and he doesn’t allow for bursts of aggression, especially not around you
•Physically he would never harm you, however he makes you very aware of how easily it would be to harm your family, the family you haven’t seen since you ‘moved in’ with him and that usually keeps you under control
D stands for DARLING: would they cross their object of obsession’s limits?
•You and Elijah had a wonderful relationship, he had you under his control from the first date and you didn’t even know it
•He didn’t cross any kind of limit until 5 months into the relationship when you found out that you were pregnant (unless you call switching out your birth control a limit, then yes, he did)
•You found yourself moved into his home later that evening as he told you he couldn’t risk you or his child’s lives if he couldn’t be with you all the time, and while that was true, he mostly just didn’t want to risk you running away after seeing how incredibly possessive he became, the change on his face the moment you told him he needed to ‘take you to the clinic’ was terrifying
•You had assumed of course that this man, the most eligible man in New Orleans as he had been voted consistently for 5 years straight, would not want to ruin what he had for a women he had been with for not even half a year becoming pregnant with his child…you were wrong
•He could no longer risk you being on your own since you had even considered getting rid of his baby, you moved in whether you liked it or not and you found he had been planning for it for a long time
E stands for EXPOSED: how much do they expose their own feelings to their object of obsession?
•Elijah makes it very clear how he feels for you after only a few dates and you are blown away by his dedication
•You assume a man who basically lives at the office doesn’t get the chance to date and fall in love every day so you take it in stride and try to be as understanding as possible, he enjoys how loving and sweet you are, never once making him feel bad for any kind of emotion or memory he talks to you about which only makes him more dependent on you in his life and more willing to share his thoughts and feelings
F stands for FIGHT: how would they react to their object of obsession fighting back?
•While he finds your attempts at escape slightly humorous that you believe you could get away, it is also extremely annoying
•He is patient but his go to method to compliance is tying you to the bed and making sure you need everything done for you until you’re desperate to get up, usually resulting in you behaving so that you can move as you begin to go stir-crazy
G stands for GAME: do they think this is just a game?
•This is not a game
•This is Elijah’s family, and everyone knows how seriously he takes that. You are his Queen, carrying his son in your body, he will never let any harm come to you as long as he is breathing
H stands for HELL: what would be their object of obsession’s worst experience with them?
•Your worst experience with Elijah was probably the moment you were forced to move into his home
•The look on his face terrified you and you tried to calm him down and get away but he had ahold of you the second you turned around, carrying you to your room and sitting you down as he packed your bags with everything you needed to keep, asking you about a few things he was unsure of but not talking beyond that
•On the drive to his home he was on the phone with your landlord buying you out of your lease and having someone come in and trash everything left in there that you ‘didn’t need’. It was truly scary how this man could turn your life upside down so quickly and everyone just went along with it doing as he said…at least he let you keep your sentimental things
I stands for IDEAL: what are their plans for their object of obsession?
•You are to be his Queen
•He proposes quickly after moving you in and you’re aware of the fact that you can’t really say ‘no’ wanting your child to have a father and as much as you hate to admit it at first, you know Elijah would be a wonderful father
•You’re married a few weeks later in a lovely ceremony in their backyard which is like getting married in a forest full of twinkle lights, he make it special with the help of his sister and both Klaus’ and Kol’s fiancées
J stands for JEALOUSY: how they react when jealous? Do they get jealous?
•Elijah only got jealous once
•He visited you at work one day and you had been contracted to photograph a few male models, it was a completely normal thing in big cities but Elijah didn’t like that answer, however he controlled himself
•He made sure, as you changed the lens on your camera, that the men knew they would never work again if they didn’t stop their flirting with you and though they weren’t the smartest men in the world, they were aware of how powerful and influential Elijah Mikaelson is
K stands for KINDNESS: how they act around their object of obsession?
•He is always well behaved and kind from the moment you walk into his office
•Elijah is a master at controlling himself no matter what he’s actually feeling or wanting, he makes you comfortable, makes you feel safe around him
•He always wants you to be happy and loved, Elijah is never unkind to you except for the moments you either try to escape or fight back too hard
L stands for LOVE LETTER: how would they approach their object of obsession?
•You we’re a photographer for one of the magazines that was doing a story on his families corporate company, sent to take pictures of him in his office for the article. He couldn’t help but think you looked like you belonged here as he had you sit behind his desk and teasingly took a few photos of you in the penthouse office with a backdrop of the skyline looking simply perfect
•It was the moment he knew he had to have you, your smile lit up his entire world, a world that had been dark for some time since he and his brothers murdered his father and took the company that Mikael was floundering with and even long before that, you were a shining beacon that he knew he could never lose
•He asked you out immediately, getting your number and taking you to dinner that night. You were blown away by how detail oriented he is, everything was always perfect and he made sure to impress you every single time you were together, Elijah owned your heart almost instantly
M stands for MASK: how different are their public persona from their true selves?
•Elijah is the face of the company but he presents himself mostly as he really is, he is controlled and thoughtful, intelligent and quick witted
•People see him as a bachelor and a billionaire and while his personality isn’t very different from what he presents, people would never expect the reality of the company that is run under the company (even if that’s mostly run by Klaus)
N stands for NAUGHTY: how would they punish their object of obsession?
•Elijah would never physically harm you, especially since you’re carrying his child however you did try to escape a few days after he moved you into his home. You had been forced to stay there with security to watch you while he went to work and you had tried to sneak out while the guards thought you were in the shower
•You got to the corner of the street before you were carried back (as carefully as possible, none of the men wanting to risk Elijah’s anger)
•You we’re tied to the bed and that is where you stayed for the next 2 days, your new fiancée (according to the ring on your finger) tending to your every need which he actually enjoyed, getting to take care of you in every way until you assured him he didn’t have to worry about you getting away again
•He tried to make you understand how many people in the world would happily hurt you and his baby just to get at him or his family and you understood his urgency, you didn’t want anything to happen to your child either so you tried to do as you were told knowing escaping the house was impossible anyway
O stands for OPPRESSION: how many rights would they take from their object of obsession?
•You wouldn’t be able to work anymore however Elijah was willing to take you anywhere you want to go to photograph whatever made you happy which you found was almost better in a way, no one telling you what to do anymore, just photographing anything and everything that made you happy
•You only left the house in his presence but he did try to take you out a few times a week, though the life you had was completely gone the moment you admitted pregnancy and if you thought about it, it was completely gone the second you sat down in his office chair
P stands for PATIENCE: how patient are they with their object of obsession?
•Elijah is an extremely patient man
•He can wait for months or even years to get what he wants, especially from you
•He tries very hard to give you time to get accustomed to your new life, he wanted to ensure you were settled into it when his son was born
Q stands for QUIT: if their object of obsession died or escaped, would they ever be able to move on?
•Died: The only way that could happen was from someone with a grudge against his family coming after you and he would ensure that person and everyone they ever loved was slaughtered in the streets, as well as the security that let you die. It would become his obsession at the cost of all else
•Escaped: If you ever got farther than the driveway and somehow no one noticed until Elijah got home, every single man on their payroll would be looking for you, all of their security and all of the men that Klaus and Kol employ too and considering the type of people that work for his brothers (his name can’t be associated with men like that) let’s just say you wouldn’t be gone for very long
R stands for REGRET: would they ever regret harming their object of obsession? Would they ever let them go?
•Elijah would Never let you go
•You are the mother of his son, and if everything goes according to his plans, you would be the mother of several more children than that
•Elijah was even trying to convince Niklaus and Kol to give his children cousins to play with around the same age in the house, he thought it would give not just his girl but their girls as well reason to never try and run again
S stands for STIGMA: what made their yandere tendencies bloom?
•The moment he met you he was obsessed
•However the true moment he really became Yandere was when he came to pick you up for dinner and you were in your pajamas, wrapped in a soft blanket and eating ice cream, showing him a pregnancy test
•That was the moment Elijah had been waiting for, expecting for the last few months and the moment he put his plan into action of taking you home and making you truly his
T stands for TEARS: how would they react to their object of obsession crying/breaking?
•Elijah doesn’t want a ‘broken’ Queen, he just wants you to give in to your love for him and your new little family
•Crying however, he is on the ball for that one, Elijah expected tears as a pregnant women and he was prepared with tissues, your favorite ice cream and your favorite movies which made you cry harder as this man you wanted to hate so badly knew you better than anyone else in your life
U stands for UNIQUE: something different they would do compared to others yanderes.
•Something different about Elijah was the fact that he wanted you pregnant immediately
•You two began having sex on your second date, which was also planned, as he cooked you dinner himself in his home after clearing his brothers and staff out to ‘woo you’
•He realized however that that night was a waste when you were perfectly happy not using a condom since you were on birth control, his plan had been to pop a hole in the condom but this would change his plans a bit
•He surprised you at home the very next day with flowers and a teddy bear, happily telling you how much he had enjoyed your night together and how he wished you could have stayed over instead of gone home and once again you enjoyed a night together. He made a mental note of the birth control in your bathroom, what brand and the packaging, counting how far into it you were and coming back 2 days later, replacing it with nothing but sugar pills in a new package, changing them out every time you refilled the script
•Honestly it took longer to get you pregnant than he expected but by the time you noticed you were carrying his child you were 8 weeks along, Elijah being thankful he had been giving you vitamins in the food he made you when he realized how far along you were
V stands for VICE: what weakness their object of obsession could use against them?
•You realize quite quickly that Elijah will do anything for you if it’s good for the baby
•You know you will never get away from him and of all people, Elijah will not be the one to lose sight of you in public, but you are able to go outside and enjoy not being cooped up constantly as you read the baby books Elijah had gotten and proved to him that pregnant women need fresh air and sunlight
•After that conversation you actually convinced the eldest Mikaelson to make you a sunroom. It was built in the back yard of the house shockingly quickly and it became your happy place and a place Elijah felt safe leaving you alone as there was only one exit. It was completely glass and had a few couches and plants all over with a bookshelf filled with the books on your list that you had made for him to get you and your husband even put some butterflies in there to make you smile
•He bought a bigger couch than the first one he put in there upon realizing you were going to nap in there and also filled it with some blankets and pillows when you proved to love being in there when it rained, inviting him to join you for a storm once so that he could understand the peace that came with it and it was truly lovely
•The outside building became a place not just for you but for Klaus and Kol’s wives too who you bonded with fairly quickly and whether you considered it trauma bonding or not it wouldn’t matter, they could lean on each other and speak freely in there together which is something they all sorely needed
W stands for WIT’S END: would they hurt their object of obsession?
•Elijah would never hurt his Queen
•He had never hurt you physically and he never would apart from the sore wrists you had from being tied to the bed with him waiting on you hand and foot which made him quickly switch to silk bindings
X stands for XOANON: would they worship their object of obsession?
•Elijah loves every inch of you, he worships the ground his Queen walks on from the moment you met
•It somehow becomes more intense when you find yourself pregnant and continues to be every time you are pregnant with one of his babies
Y stands for YEARN: how long would they pine after their object of obsession before they snap?
•He was switching your birth control on your second night together so fairly quickly though he doesn’t take you until you’re pregnant several months later
Z stands for ZENITH: would they ever break their object of obsession?
•You eventually do give in to what your husband wants, it is towards the end of your first pregnancy especially since you know there will be more pregnancies
•You love your son from the first moment you found out you were pregnant and you hated suggesting going to a clinic to get rid of him, something you later admit to your husband that you only did because you were afraid he would abandon you, pregnant and probably without a job if you pissed the powerful man off, Elijah felt very relieved by that admission and you knew it
•You love Elijah, you had loved him since your third date and you knew that wouldn’t just go away, especially as the father of your child and soon to be children, giving into him especially for your babies, wanting your eventual 3 sons and daughter to grow up in a functional family unlike the one you had grown up in
•You we’re determined that your children would grow up in a family full of love, surrounded by their siblings and cousins, loving aunts and uncles, and a mother and father who loved not just them but each other because that makes all the difference
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Elijah Mikaelson Masterlist
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 month
Everything you need to know about MHA's INTERNATIONAL POPULARITY POLL
(with link to vote)
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So, as we all know, MHA has ended after 10 years of its serialisation and to celebrate it, an international popularity poll is being held in which everyone can vote!! No matter who you are, or where you live. Anyone in the whole world can vote for their favourite HERO/VILLAIN.
This poll will take place in two stages: MAIN STAGE and PLUS ULTRA STAGE.
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Main Stage:
The MAIN STAGE will go for about two months, starting from August 5, 2024 to September 30, 2024. Meaning each person, no matter who you are, gets around 56-57 votes in total that started voting from day 1, but that's okay even if you came to know about it right now.
It is 13th August today, so you should still have around 49 votes remaining to vote for your favourite HERO/VILLAIN (Depending upon your Time Zone)
Mid-term result announcement: September 1, 2024
Final Results announcement: 2nd December, 2024
The rules are pretty simple:
You can vote once per day.
The right to vote resets after each day at midnight according to JST(Japanese Standard Time).
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Summary: The 1st place will get an entire movie to celebrate its win (which will probably be Bakugo, until and unless a miracle happens). The characters in 1st, 2nd and 3rd position will move to PLUS ULTRA STAGE, which is a 24 hour poll (more on that later). And last but not least, a new illustration by our dear Horikoshi sensei to celebrate the 1st to 10th places, like how he does for every popularity poll.
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Link to participate:
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Summary: It is a 24 hours limited edition championship 🏆 to decide the best HERO/VILLAIN. The TOP 3 characters from the MAIN STAGE will compete here. Here, your VOTE gets renewed PER HOUR. The winner of the Plus Ultra Stage will also get an amazing ILLUSTRATION by Horikoshi sensei and it will be used to create a BRONZE STATUE for the winner. RULES are as follows:
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Voting Period: 2nd Dec, 2024 (8 pm) to 3rd Dec, 2024 (7:59pm) JST
Result Announcement:
Same day, 9:30 pm (i.e. Tuesday, 3rd Dec, 2024)
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So, with all that being said, I hope this helps! Let's vote for our favourites and make them win! Also spread this news among as many anime fans as you can and enjoy!
~Thanks for reading~
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imjusthereforironwood · 3 months
Your Speech Outros are Improving, Sir!
Marrow Amin was among the first Faunas to attend Atlas Academy, and this fact was not lost on him. Initiation hadn't even started, and already Marrow had to deal with people staring, whispers behind his back, and the occasional scoff or sneer. It wasn't as bad as in Mantle, but that's not exactly a high bar.
Marrow's wolf tail drooped behind him. His tail was usually a dead giveaway for his emotions (something he hated whenever he played poker with his family), and right now, he was feeling overwhelmed. Even without everyone staring at him, Atlas Academy was the largest place he had ever been in. He has grown up in a small, poor fishing village on the edge of the Solitas tundra, and most of the people he lived with were Faunas escapees from the Dust mines.
"Why is he even here?" one student whispered, just loud enough for Marrow to hear.
His shoulders slumped. Why was he here? Sure, he had passed the prerequisite physical and written exams, but what did that prove? Maybe Marrow only made it in because of his Semblance, which was admittedly powerful.
No, no, I can't think like that. This is the best opportunity I have to pull my family out of poverty. I'm going to make it through, no matter how hard it was.
As Marrow slipped into the large auditorium for initiation, he began to feel a bit overwhelmed. So much noise, so many people,call the sets of eyes glancing and staring at him. He feels his tail tuck between his legs as he tried to steady his breathing.
He glanced up at the podium and saw Lieutenant General James Ironwood walk onto the stage. He didn't even need to say anything, the whole room became quiet as all eyes focused on him.
James Ironwood had become a widely talked about man, equally loved and hated, depending on who you ask. With him now holding the position as Headmaster of Atlas Academy and being poised to eventually become General of the Atlesian Military, he could be the first person in Atlas history to hold two seats at once. With him claiming the responsibility of Headmaster, he voted to allow Faunas to attend Atlas Academy and become fully fledged Specialists, and the motion passed. Atlas elites were in an uproar, and they called upon their cronies in the media to smear and tarnish Ironwood's reputation. Yet, despite the slander and backlash, James stood firm. This was the first year that Faunas students were allowed to attend freely.
James tapped the microphone, his tall frame towering over the podium that seemed almost comically small compared to him. He cleared his throat, and began to speak.
"Welcome to Atlas Academy. You are now among the few that qualified to attend this prestigous institution. However, your training has just begun. These next few years will push you to your absolute limits, both mentally and physically."
Marrow shifted as he listened to his words. James took a deep breath before continuing.
"But this is not without reason. You are taking on the vital, crucial role of being the first line of defense against Grimm. Your life, the lives of your fellow soldiers, and the lives of everyone else depend on all of you being the best Hunters possible. This is not an opportunity to seek cheap thrills. This is a solemn responsibility."
The young faunas glanced at his hands, trying to process the heavy responsibility he was taking on.
"However," James continued, his eyes filled with pride as a small smile crosses his face. "I see potential in this room. I see the next generation of soldiers, Hunters and heroes. I see people capable of holding the darkness at bay, of rising above evil, and keeping the peace, not just in Solitas, but in the world."
Marrow felt himself standing a bit taller, his tail wagging a bit as he felt...happy. It felt like he had gained James's approval, even if this was only a general message.
"Now, as some of you may have noticed, we have faunas students here for the first time," James started, adjusting his tie. "I will state this in no uncertain terms: we do not tolerate bigotry or division. We are facing a threat that destroys indiscriminately. The Grimm make no distinction between humans or faunas, they simply kill. If we divide ourselves over petty, meaningless differences, we will fall. Every student here has rightfully earned their position at Atlas Academy. Every student will have the same opportunities. You will all be serving under the same Atlas flag, and when all others see that flag, they should feel safe and protected, and they should know that we stand united!"
The room is silent, everyone trying to process the speech they just heard. James Ironwood awkwardly fiddled with the cuffs on his uniform as he waited for some kind of response.
"Right, uh...classes will begin at 0600 tomorrow," Ironwood ended, his voice suddenly becoming far less sure than he was in his speech.
Marrow slowly began clapping, his wolf tail wagging behind him. Another student, a human, joined alongside him, and another. Soon, the whole auditorium was applauding Lieutenant General James Ironwood. A small, awkward smile spread across James's face as he gave a small bow and exited the stage.
Knowing the kind of Headmaster Ironwood was, Marrow was feeling a lot more confident about these next few years.
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 4 months
Poll 4- New Plot Bunnies
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EDIT!!! I just realized I had this poll set for 1 Day and not 1 Week. 🤦‍♀️So sorry for everyone who has already voted if I can't trouble you to vote again...
This poll is for which fic you want to see updated on July 16th as part of my 7 day birthday gifts to the fans! If you are unfamiliar with my works or need a reminder, check out the links and summaries below the “read more” before you vote. Other poll information for this week can be found here.
And any fics that don’t win but still collect a substantial amount of votes are eligible for a Redemption Vote on June 6th! Otherwise, thank you for your participation! 😍😁
Just Out of Reach- Ladyhawk AU; Bilbo and Thorin were getting married in Laketown in secret when a curse was placed upon them. Now Thorin becomes a raven by day and Bilbo a raccoon by night so that they can never be together as hobbit and dwarf again unless they fulfill the catastrophic wishes of the curse bearer, whoever he may be…
The Raven Prince- Swan Princess AU; Thorin never gave much thought to his fiancé past how much he didn’t want to have a fiancé, especially not this hobbit. However, after the mysterious death of the Shire Kingdom’s monarchs and Bilbo’s disappearance, Erebor is approached by a sorcerer who flexes his power and influence on Thorin. Now he’s a raven and he must somehow save Bilbo, save his kingdom, and get his father’s blessing before it’s too late.
An Unexpected Gift on a Journey to You- Dwobbit Frodo; Bilbo went back to the Shire, and Thorin couldn’t necessarily blame him. However, eight years later, he starts to miss what once was and what could be and decides to journey to the Shire to plead forgiveness. Only problem, Bilbo supposedly had left for Erebor months before. Why had he not made it? Where was their former burglar? And what was with this little hobbit child who supposedly had been living with Bilbo?
In a Garden of Dreams, I Plant Memories- Afterlife AU; Bilbo had received a high honor. He was the gardener. Every morning, he would go out and tend to the souls planted in his garden, listening to their dreams and helping them to grow. One morning, he went out and found something different. A dwarf waiting for him who seemed to believe he had known him long ago.
Lois Lane Had It Easy- Superhero AU; Bilbo is an insurance claims adjuster who always seems to find himself in some sort of predicament thanks to their local superhero and supervillains. The various attempts on his life would be bad enough, but Bilbo seems to have somehow offended their hero, Oakenshield, as he practically ignores Bilbo leaving him to save himself every time. Perhaps it was the infatuation talking, but Lois Lane definitely had it easy.
Banished and Waiting- Modern Royalty AU; Bilbo had been madly in love with his university boyfriend, even after learning he was in fact the prince of Erebor. However, when he went with Thorin to meet his family, Thrain banished Bilbo behind Thorin's back deeming him not good enough and sent him back to the Shire. Bilbo has been waiting ever since for Thorin to come find him. That was eighteen years ago. Instead, Gandalf was the one to find him and beg him to help him. The King of Erebor's life depends on it.
Untitled AU- Emperor's New Groove AU; Bilbo went back to the Shire much to the Sackville-Baggins displeasure. Lobelia sent Otho after a trader for a poison to use on Bilbo. However, when they used it Bilbo turned into a ferret instead. Bilbo leads them on a chase determined to get back to the safety of his dwarves, while Lobelia and Otho attempt to finish the job.
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cain-e-brookman · 2 months
Favorite Character Poll
Thank you for the tag, @topazadine! i picked Orrinir in your poll! love a trauma boy with abandonment issues tbh
Rules: list all your main ocs and give brief descriptions of them. then, create a poll with their names and allow your followers to vote on who their favourite character is.
Characters are from my current WIP, The Name Witch. This is part of a series that has many more main characters but I'm really controlling myself here and only taking from the first book.
Uthyr Kri'Asphodel
Uthyr is, in his own words, a soft fussy solitary witch from the Uslarian coast who wants nothing more than to tend his garden, cook good food, and live a life of peace. He has a strong sense of justice, but a delicate heart full of loss and shame. He loves all animals but particularly loves frogs and amphibians as well as most bugs and snakes. His connection to the gods allows him to call on many magics, but he specializes as a healer. Despite being a genuinely kind person, he's anxious and grumpy around groups of people or people he doesn't know. Although a powerful witch, he suffers under others' perception of his standing. He long ago abandoned the name of his foremothers, taking the name Asphodel as the first of his line. Despite this, he doesn't regret doing so. His name, like his garden, is his pride.
Crucius, Formerly of Alilux
Uthyr's neighbor, a Fallen Mage who never speaks on his detachment from his god, though he rarely speaks at all. Quiet, indiscernible, and haughty, he plays most of his past close to the vest, giving very little away in the eight years he's lived next to Uthyr in his square house in the woods. He's branded himself with the only fear he'll admit to: two spiders burnt into the backs of his hands: a reminder of his banishment from his homeland into badlands infested with man-eating spiders. Despite his apparent detachment from anyone, he leaves the corner of the forest he shares with Uthyr every spring and only returns in fall.
Sister Alma of Bhréchin
A young woman from the island country of Bhréchin, new in the robes of the Death God's Order. In fact so new, that as of the first chapter she's introduced, she'd only been a Priestess for a week. Her youth becomes obvious in both her naivete and her love of frivolous gossip, though both belie a dark past she faces head-on. Her devotion to the Death God wouldn't be strange but for the grip of the Lifebringer's Cult in her country, who squash any worship outside of the Church under their boot. With a cheerful disposition, an optimism that could eclipse the sun, and a temper to be reckoned with, Alma is only not speaking when she's asleep. And even sometimes, she does that too.
Bran Yot'Aster
As the heir of the line of Aster, Ninth of his Name, Bran comes from a long line of witches and has been told his whole life of a prophecy that the fate of the world depended on his answer to the call of a twisted wind. When the Coven discovers the unraveling of the realm adjacent, The Other, they call upon him to face his destiny and save them all from the destruction of the Calamities...
Only to find Uthyr has beaten him to it.
Dethroned of his destiny, Bran is surly and adrift. When he joins Uthyr and Alma on their journey, he believes Uthyr's involvement comes entirely from a mistake, that he will see the moment where the prophecy declares him champion, and he finally finds himself deserving of the pedestal his family has always placed him on. Despite the predicament, he's steady and true, believing honesty and valor will light his path to glory.
tags under the cut! feel free to do this even if not tagged, and please tag me if you do! don't feel pressured, only if you'd like to o7
@illarian-rambling @emrowene @xenascribbles aaaannnnnd uuhhhh
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wyked-ao3 · 2 months
🫶🏼 favourite character poll 🫶🏼
Tagged by @thecomfywriter here sorry I didn't get a notification until your updated post.
Rules: list all your main ocs and give brief descriptions of them. then, create a poll with their names and allow your followers to vote on who their favourite character is.
Main characters for the next few books of the pirate's cursed god series
Name: Oisìn Mallory
He is the captain of a Tarak fleet cargo vessel, who has some really shity luck. He joined the fleet involuntarily at age 16 upon his father's death. He is also five foot tall and not happy about it.
Line: “I would appreciate the help but what is the cost?” Oisìn asked, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
Name: Daimhín Heorot
Age: 25
he has been pirate king since he was sixteen although most pirates thought he was older. He was picked by the goddess Nimue for the roll upon his father's death.
Line: “Need some aid?” He saw the hesitation in the wide forest green eyes that had been haunting his dreams recently.
Name: Galen ?(Last name undecided)
Age: 33-37 (it depends on a plot point in book two)
he is Daimhín's right hand and second in command. Pretended to be captain of the ship until Daimhín could pass for old enough to not raise suspicion or danger. (It's goddess picked what are ya gonna do lodge a complaint?)
Line 1 : “yer father was often just as memorized by the sea.” Galen said as he walked up the steps leading to the helm.
Line 2: Galen stood and said “what are ye planing?”
Name: Jade Tarak
Age: 23
3rd born prince of Tarak. He is different from his family.
Line 1: Jade calmly paused, “I had an idea. Why not use the unfortunate crew who drew your ire to fetch the item?”
Line 2: Stepping to the side of the throne stiffly. “I live to serve the crown.” Jade replied emotionless.
Name: Braith Blank
Age: 23
An assassin who was left for dead by those she considered family rescued by Pirate Queen Eris of the xylem sea. Who will join our crew eventually.
No lines yet as she's the mc in book three and intro will be in book two
Name: Morana Blank (Blank is the last name given to freed slaves or Those born without a last name like in Braiths case it is a blank slate of sorts)
age: 24
Shaman on the ship Death's Redemption. She is effective with poisons and the magic of the goddess blessed. She has a chaotic sense of humor
Line 1: Morana walked up to them. “I shall send a warning to the other goddess blessed on the isle.”
Name: Adoh Stone
age: appearance 47 actual age unknown
He is Half fire fae and the blacksmith of Death's Redemption. He is also a guiding figure to the crew.
line: Adoh said “I saw the way ye were lookin’ at him after he stepped in-between you and that sword .” Turning to face him.
Np tags @fortunatetragedy @gioiaalbanoart @the-golden-comet @clevah-girlboss @paeliae-occasionally @jev-urisk @mundanemoongirl @nczaversnick @thatuselesshuman @sableglass @mauannacreates @evilwriter-originals @kaylinalexanderbooks @the-letterbox-archives +open tag
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misfitwashere · 6 months
The Strongman Fantasy
And Dictatorship in Real Life
MAR 17
Quite a few Americans like the idea of strongman rule.  Why not a dictator who will get things done? 
I lived in eastern Europe when memories of communism were fresh.  I have visited regions in Ukraine where Russia imposed its occupation regime.  I have spent decades reading testimonies of people who lived under Nazi or Stalinist rule.  I have seen death pits, some old, some freshly dug. And I have friends who have lived under authoritarian regimes, including political prisoners and survivors of torture. Some of the people I trusted most have been assassinated.
So I think that there is an answer to this question.  
Strongman rule is a fantasy.  Essential to it is the idea that a strongman will be your strongman.  He won't.  In a democracy, elected representatives listen to constituents.  We take this for granted, and imagine that a dictator would owe us something. But the vote you cast for him affirms your irrelevance.  The whole point is that the strongman owes us nothing.  We get abused and we get used to it. 
Another pleasant illusion is that the strongman will unite the nation.  But an aspiring dictator will always claim that some belong and others don't.  He will define one group after another as the enemy.  This might feel good, so long as you feel that you are on the right side of the line.  But now fear is the essence of life.  The politics of us-and-them, once begun, never ends. 
We dream that a strongman will let us focus on America.  But dictatorship opens our country to the worst the world has to offer.  An American strongman will measure himself by the wealth and power of other dictators.  He will befriend them and compete with them.  From them he will learn new ways to oppress and to exploit his own people.
At least, the fantasy goes, the strongman will get things done.  But dictatorial power today is not about achieving anything positive.  It is about preventing anyone else from achieving anything.  The strongman is really the weak man: his secret is that he makes everyone else weaker. 
Unaccountable to the law and to voters, the dictator has no reason to consider anything beyond his own personal interests.  In the twenty-first century, those are simple: dying in bed as a billionaire.  To enrich himself and to stay out of prison, the strongman dismantles the justice system and replaces civil servants with loyalists.  
The new bureaucrats will have no sense of accountability.  Basic government functions will break down. Citizens who want access will learn to pay bribes.  Bureaucrats in office thanks to patronage will be corrupt, and citizens will be desperate.  Quickly the corruption becomes normal, even unquestioned. 
As the fantasy of strongman rule fades into everyday dictatorship, people realize that they need things like water or schools or Social Security checks.  Insofar as such goods are available under a dictatorship, they come with a moral as well as a financial price.  When you go to a government office, you will be expected to declare your personal loyalty to the strongman.   
If you have a complaint about these practices, too bad.  Americans are litigious people, and many of us assume that we can go to the police or sue.  But when you vote a strong man in, you vote out the rule of law.  In court, only loyalism and wealth will matter.  Americans who do not fear the police will learn to do so.  Those who wear the uniform must either resign or become the enforcers of the whims of one man.
Everybody (except the dictator and his family and friends) gets poorer.  The market system depends upon competition.  Under a strongman, there will be no such thing.  The strongman's clan will be favored by government.  Our wealth inequality, bad enough already, will get worse.  Anyone hoping for prosperity will have to seek the patronage of the official oligarchs. Running a small business will become impossible.  As soon as you achieve any sort of success, someone who wants your business denounces you. 
In the fantasy of the strongman, politics vanishes and all is clear and bright.  In fact, a dreary politics penetrates everything.  You can't run a business without the threat of denunciation.  You can't get basic services without humiliation.  You feel bad about yourself.  You think about what you say, since it can be used against you later.  What you do on the internet is recorded forever, and can land you in prison.
Public space closes down around you.  You cannot escape to the bar or the bowling alley, since everything you say is monitored.  The person on the next stool or in the next lane might not turn you in, but you have to assume they will.  If you have a t-shirt or a bumper sticker with a message, someone will report you.  Even if you just repeat the dictator's words, someone can lie about you and denounce you.  And then, if you voted for the strongman, you will be confused.  But you should not be.  This is what you voted for.
Denunciation becomes normal behavior.  Without law and voting, denouncing others helps people to feel safe.  Under strongman rule, you cannot trust your colleagues or your friends or even your family.  Political fear not only takes away all public space; it also corrupts all private relationships.  And soon it consumes your thoughts.  If you cannot say what you think, you lose track of what you believe.  You cease to be yourself.
If you have a heart attack and go to the hospital, you have to worry that your name is on a list.  Care of elderly parents is suddenly in jeopardy.  That hospital bed or place in a retirement home is no longer assured.  If you draw attention to yourself, aged relatives will be dumped in the street.  This is not how America works now, but it is how authoritarian regimes always work. 
In the strongman fantasy, no one thinks about children.  But fear around children is the essence of dictatorial power.  Even courageous people restrain themselves to protect their children.  Parents know that children can be singled out and beaten up.  If parents step out of line, children lose any chance of going to university, or lose their jobs.
Schools collapse anyway, since a dictator only wants myths that justify his power.  Children learn in school to denounce one another.  Each coming generation must be more tame and ignorant than the prior one.  Time with young children stresses parents.  Either your children repeat propaganda and tell you things you know are wrong, or you worry that they will find out what is right and get in trouble. 
In a dictatorship, parents no longer say what they think to their children, because they fear that their children will repeat it in public.  And once parents no longer speak their minds at home, they can no longer create a trusting family.  Even parents who give up on honesty have to fear that their children will one day learn the truth, take action, and get imprisoned. 
Once this process begins, it is hard to stop.  At the present stage of the strongman fantasy, people imagine an exciting experiment.  If they don't like strongman rule, they think, they can just elect someone else the next time.  This misses the point.  If you help a strongman come to power, you are eliminating democracy.  You burn that bridge behind you.  The strongman fantasy dissolves, and real dictatorship remains.
Most likely you won’t be killed or be required to kill. But amid the dreariness of life under dictatorship is dark responsibility for others’ death. By the time the killing starts, you will know that it is not about unity, or the nation, or getting things done. The best Americans, betrayed by you when you cast your vote, will be murdered at the whim and for the wealth of a dictator. Your tragedy will be living long enough to understand this.
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inspired by @aobawilliams's post .
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your WIPS, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received.
(i may do it by how much percent the winner gets depending on if i want to try doing maths or not. i'm so bad at it rip)
just like aoba, i'm not gonna tag anyone, but if people feel like it they can take this as an invitation to do this.
wip info beneath the cut.
demon giyuu fic (demon slayer):
this is a fic set around the start of demon slayer where giyuu gets there earlier and is turned into a demon in nezuko's place
terrible creation (bungo stray dogs):
a fic set after the current arc where fukuzawa may have died and been written back to life through the use of the book, and ranpo wonders if the book really has the capability to bring someone back as they once were perfectly, and mushitaro wishes poe didn't give ranpo a housekey. and i have done too many drafts of this. it's never right. it also features sigma and bram working at the agency, aya living with kunikida, and nikolai turning up every week to put freshly plucked eyeballs on sigma's desk like a cat bringing it's owner a present. i love this fic so much. it might never be done
oda's sordid past dating ranpo (bungo stray dogs):
a kind of canon compliant fic set after untold origins where fukuzawa takes oda in as well as ranpo. they literally don't even date but ranpo has a huge embarrassing crush on oda that he deals with by being tsundere about it
radio interference (my hero academia):
the sequel to this fic . which is honestly so old, so it really doesn't match up with my current writing style. maybe i should rewrite it if i'm going to write a sequel?? or i could instead make it standalone
girls night and giyuu (demon slayer):
shinobu and mitsuri invite giyuu to girls night with them because they heard the male hashira all got together and didn't invite him
unnamed finny fic (black butler):
set after the green witch arc. upon returning from germany, finny thinks back to when sebastian threw him out of the young master's bedroom and begins to question how much he knows about the butler and if he really loves the young master as much as the rest of them do
contaminated (detective conan):
part of a series of collab fics that @aobawilliams and i planned almost a year ago and abandoned. shiho informs the organisation of the drug's shrinking affect and because of this shinichi is captured and kept as a test subject. years later, he hasn't grown because of the effects of the experiment and shiho hasn't made much headway in her research. she knows her lack of progress will get them both killed soon
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jtem · 2 years
Alec Baldwin to be charged!
No doubt about it, the far right is at least as insane as the far left!
Alec Baldwin in to be charged, the far right will dance & cheer and it will burn them down later.
See, this is effectively stating that there’s no such thing as a gun accident. If anyone has an accident, they are a felon who is going to prison, will lose their right to vote and their right the bear arms. 
You think the right wing is going to like that? Hmm?
Because nobody is disputing the facts as we had learned previously:
Alec Baldwin was handed a gun. He was told the gun was “Cold,” that there weren’t any blank cartridges in it, never mind live rounds.
This gun was loaded with “Duds,” so to speak:  They look exactly like regular bullets but contain no gunpowder, no primer. This is what was supposed to be in the gun, “Duds.”
This gun was loaded with these “Duds” specifically because the front of the gun was to be seen on camera, so they had to load it with something to make it look real.
Alec Baldwin could have checked & checked & checked & checked all day and that gun could not have looked dangerous to him. Or, more specifically, it looked EXACTLY like it was supposed to look. He was 100% dependent upon what he was told.
Finally, the front of the gun was supposed to be on camera. 
So who was at fault? Ultimately, whoever placed live rounds in with what were supposed to be “Duds.”
Whoever provided that ammunition is guilty of negligence. And if the supplier was different from the armorer, the armorer on set is responsible. It’s their job. They are hired to do these things. 
So the idiot far right is going to be hap, hap, HAPPY about Baldwin being charged with a crime, because they invented Cancel Culture in the first place and are hungry to get some canceling done, but it’s setting the bar on themselves *Way* higher than they are going to like, just as soon as they nail Baldwin.
Shootings on set are not unprecedented. Charging the actor is. 
By definition, any and all accidental shootings involve a gun pointing at someone, so from here on in all accidents are felonies.
What about those negligent folks whose guns are stolen?
What of those negligent folks who sell their guns to people who turn around and use them in a crime?
You know, you may keep the constitutional right to own a gun but, with your hard work, it’s going to be a crime to use it, even accidentally, if even if it’s not you but someone else using your gun...
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plantvgreviews · 4 months
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Remnant 2 Is An Incredible Game That's Worth Every Minute of Your Time. But...
The title isn't misleading, Remnant 2 might be one of the only games released recently that is worth it's base $60 price tag. Hell, at the time of writing, I'd even say it's worth buying the three dlc that's scheduled to come out soon. (The first two are already out, but the last one is yet to be reviled.) However, I have some concerns about the future of the game. Nothing to lower the worth of Remnant 2 right now. But enough that I wanna bring them up to be addressed.
(This game is also incredibly deep, on the macro and micro level. If I miss something. I may come back here and change or add to this review to clarify.)
What is Remnant 2?
Remnant 2 is a third person looter shooter with soul-like elements. A simple concept in hindsight, but believe me, it gets crazier. Your character gets sucked through a big rock into alternate realities, such as;
An Overgrown Vegan Wonderland with Violent Plant-life and (sometimes racist) Furries That Would Swear on Their Hooves That They Remember Woodstock.
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London, England circa 2024 (colorized) feat: The Newly Renovated Royal Palace
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The Enigmatic Inner Machinations of Patrick Star's Mind
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Earth, if World Leaders Refuse to do Something About Global Warming
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The world variety is really a joy to explore. Including N'Erud! I may have chosen the worst part of it for the joke, but many of the dungeons in N'Erud are a blast. (We'll get into it further when I break down each world.)
Within each world is different variations of environments that feel like someone had lived there at some point. Each world had hosted a society of lore to be uncovered. And depending on which campaign you roll, you can get different pieces of lore to the same story. There are very few games that I actually enjoy uncovering the lore of myself. Guilty Gear, Tekken, Metal Gear Solid, BlazBlue, and Devil May Cry. But now Remnant 2 is added to that list of really fun lore to uncover. It won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I find it interesting. Not just in how it's written or how you can find new pieces, but for how it's implemented in the game.
Secrets Out Of Everyone's ***
Gunfire Games made Remnant 2 the Pepe Silvia to everyone's mail room. A couple of days ago I made a post on the Remnant 2 subreddit explaining a bug I found with the Polygun. Switching to the gun with infinite ammo when you had zero ammo caused the game to crash. After explaining the bug, I had two people in the comments theorizing about how it's not a bug and instead a way to access a new hidden item.
Not to spoil anything, or tell you where to exactly find the following. But here are some insane examples.
If you return two children to an orphanage, you can talk to the granny sowing by the fire to learn that they are actually an Oracle-like being. They love quilts, and if you let them ramble about them for a while, they'll give you a relic.
Rolling specific world's campaign will give you an open area to explore. In that open area there are three pieces of a circle pendant. But you can only pick up 1 in each instance of that campaign. So you have to play the same world three times to pick up each piece and give them to a merchant in the camp. That merchant will give you an amulet. Take that amulet behind a waterfall and reveal a secret passageway and receive a new gun.
The Backrooms hold a secret class that you can only get after beating the game once.
Stand next to a large sewer grate, and you'll be pulled into Jerma985's closet of dead bodies. Kill the rat king and you'll get a new class.
Two Kings claim to be the true king of an area. You are tasked with voting out the Imposter King via assassination. (I wish I was making up the Imposter part, but I'm not.)
A god of destruction is hunting a doe. You stumble upon the doe inside the god of destruction's lair. The devil tries to convince you to sin. This one fight has 4 DIFFERENT REWARDS based entirely on how the fight plays out.
If it wasn't instantly obvious, you should consult a wiki while playing this game. I also recommend using an item tracker too, because there are 742 items. We could be here all day with the insane interactions between player decisions and gameplay. But I want to leave you invested to experience some of them as they happen. (Also there are the two secret items that had to be data mined by the community to find. So who knows what we're missing.)
Expansive Library for Build Crafting
Remnant 2 is a massive game with player creativity and theory crafting at it's center. With a simple system of, pick two classes, then pick an amulet, then pick four rings. Nearly everything and anything you think of can be viable. If it's your first time playing, a simple build is preferred. There's a lot going on the macro and micro level, and the build you start with probably won't be the same build you end your run with. But;
Wanna make a build that focuses around guns and gun damage, then run Hunter and Gunslinger and blast everyone in your path. There's a build for that:
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Wanna make a build that turns you Lifestealing Summoner?
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Wanna play the Status Effect meta?
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Wanna become an AOE Pharmacist from Florida?
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Wanna be the child of Riden and Doomslayer?
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The variety is immense, but it can feel tedious to obtain items that are MANDATORY for a build to work. Example, there's an amulet in The Forgotten Kingdom that gives a 30% increase to all summons's damage. If that's what you're lacking for your summoner build, you'll need to fork over $10USD to get the opportunity to get that amulet. Lick mentioned before, there's a gun that requires you to roll and reroll the dlc campaign three times to grab all the parts for it. It can and will be tedious at times, but the payoff is almost always worth it.
The build verity is so crazy that you'll pick up a ring that increases all damage you take by 200%, but increases your damage by 15%. You sit there and wonder why anyone would want to use that. Then you'll wake up in a cold sweat wanting to play Batman; bare-knuckle brawling mentally insane Brits in the sewers. That ring will be the pencil case sniff you need to get you through the day. Don't get hit lmao.
You won't run out of ideas for dumb ideas to play the game with. But that's something that brings me to by first worry.
DLC, Great But Sadly Necessary
At the time of writing this review, The Awakened King and The Forgotten Kingdom are the only two dlc available. Both of them are $10USD each. What they add to the game are new rings and amulets that add building blocks to classes that desperately needed them. The Summoner class was nearly unanimously regarded as the worst class in the game. Not bad, but over shadowed by the other class combinations. (Hunter/Gunslinger, Alchemist/Medic, Any other class/Secret Class) But if someone what a Necromancy fanatic, they're going to be underwhelmed with just the base game.
This also goes for the Handler class. The doggy is a very good boy/girl, but it's not a class worth missing out on; An Engineer turret, an Invoker Storm, or a Medic's Heals. Not that the other classes are broken and need nerfs. But that the Handler Class is under powered. Everything that the Handler can do, a different class can also do better AND MORE. But you can pet the puppy, so it makes it the best class in the game from an objective perspective.
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(I hope this class gets a rework to make it worthwhile other than leveling it to lvl10 for the Kinship trait.)
Then there's the aspect of the classes we got with the dlc. Invoker is currently the strongest class in the game. Ritualist is also really REALLY good and can be used in tandem with Invoker. They spark the question of, 'Why do you need support classes when everything is already dead?' Elemental Damage is so strong that it doesn't make sense to use anything else when you're having problems with a boss. The game has an answer, it can give bosses Elemental Resist. But that's only a resistance, when I strike everything in a 24 meter radius with lighting for ~2000 damage. 🤷‍♀️ The storm lasts for 30 seconds, I'll pop a relic and chill till everyone's dead. If not, I'll throw out another one. "Opps wanted some motivation. Blew up their whole quadrant. I'm moving like Oppenheimer." -MF Dracula
They're just too strong for the glass casing they're in to be considered a problem.
When I say the dlc is necessary, it's cause there are some builds that don't work AS WELL as others with out the dlc. You still get an extremely satisfying experience for $60USD. But if you unlock Summoner, Handler, or Explorer with just the base game, they are going to feel lack-luster in comparison to other classes. Which is a real shame.
Gameplay is Well Balanced But Less Than You'd Expect
With builds, world secrets on top of secrets, Remnant 2 has a lot to offer. And we haven't even shot anything yet! So let's talk about controls.
Remnant 2 is very stiff feeling when you first pick it up. Not a bad kind of stiff, it's designed. Risk vs Reward is a common theme alongside Trade Offs.
Jumps are hard coded when you dodge roll off ledges, which also means that there's no designated jump button. You gotta sprint and roll. This isn't a hypermobility, Forknite, CoD montage fever dream. You have to be methodical with your actions. It can be easily expressed between whether you should dodge or dodge ROLL. If hold a movement key and press space, you'll dodge roll. (Like any souls-like game.) But if you just press space, then you're character will stagger back with less i frames, but recover faster. A LOT faster. To the point that you want to get as good as you can with neutral dodges. Especially if you're wearing heavy or ultra heavy armor.
As I said, the stiffness of the controls is designed carefully. Your character's movement options aren't what makes you strong. It's your weapons/armor/class skills/actual gamer skills that make you strong. Becoming better at the game, and understanding of a situation to better position yourself. That's what will keep you alive. But messing up a roll, or an important shot will convert you into a firm believer of any and all religions.
On the scale of Call of Duty Finest Hour to Warframe, Remnant 2 falls nicely around Red Dead 2 and Gears of War. There are some techs you can learn, and simplistic ai enemies that you can take advantage of to make up for simpler controls. Speaking of, videogamedunkey moments are frequent in this game. (If you know, you know.)
I'm going to sound like a psychopath in this next section, but just know, them rolipoly b****** in Yaesha were asking for the smoke.
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Gun play in Remnant 2 is really fun! The sounds of each gun tells you where they originate from. Thorn is from Yaesha and carries it's aesthetic. Similarly, Deceit has Losomn's Fae style. Each boss drops a material that can be made into a weapon and has a mod that makes them unique. Some guns don't have unique mods, meaning that you can attach a mod to it. Mods can vary from Lacing your bullets with fire or shoot a big spear into an enemy, to freeze a group of enemies in the 4th dimension or launch a fire tornado.
The universal gun reload speed is pretty slow in comparison to other shooters. But it incentivizes you to play smarter. The slow reload speed is off set by just how satisfying guns are to use. Each gun sounds and looks cool as hell. Then there's the Polygun...
I don't have a PHD in astrophysics and Proctology, but the fis**** you get from it is unearthly. Just imagine trying to play dark souls, but after every few swings you have to perfectly time a qte to be allowed to swing more. That's the Polygun. It's the best gun in the game if you don't **** it up.
"Oh the Places You Will Violate the Geneva Convention" - Ford
Like shown before, Remnant 2 has five world in total that you will explore on each playthrough. Three of them have multiple different layouts, dungeons, events, and 'injectibles' to spice up what happens in them. (Yaesha, Losomn, and N'Erud.) While two remain constant from run to run. (The Labyrinth, and The Final World.) On your first playthrough, it can feel overwhelming. And rightfully so.
Each world has (or will have) 3 different campaigns that you can roll in a play through. One of those three campaigns are the dlc campaign, so if you don't have it, or haven't beaten the dlc adventure then you won't have to worry about them.
Losomn has 24 different locations
Yaesha has 20 different locations
N'Erud has 12 different locations (doesn't have it's dlc yet.)
That's a lot! A few of the locations are large areas to run around in, with multiple doors that can take you to dungeons. Every Dungeon has their own boss fight too. Included in each dungeon are also 'injectables'; secret areas that you can find behind a statue, covered by destructible crates, or through fake walls. There's a massive sandwich that you can bite into with each world.
So, I was planning on writing about each world. However, this review is already really long. And there's other things that deserve to be in the review more. So I'll leave it at this;
Bosses are tough when you don't have a stable build. For your _first_ playthrough, play on the easiest difficulty.
Each world is basically their own game inside the bigger game of Remnant 2. There are elements and interactions with NPCs and items outside their respective worlds. Play with a wiki in a separate window.
If you feel like a boss is too hard, switch your build around. You might find that a mod/skill/amulet you were running might not do anything to the boss. Or you might just need to wear tankier armor.
Remnant 2 was made predominately for the console version. I play on the PC port, so my experience might be a bit different from yours. My PC isn't a slacker either. (NVIDIA 3060ti, Intel i7, 32gbs RAM) There is a major flaw in the optimization for this game. I run it on medium graphic settings, but I still get frame drops in a few combat areas. They're few and far between, but enough to wanna bring that up.
I also wanna bring up a specific setting in Remnant 2 that is critical to the game to actually run well. You see, instead of actually optimizing the game's PC port themselves, Gunfire off loads that job to AI. I don't like Generative AI. AI artwork is theft. But to my understanding, Remnant 2 isn't generated by any AI. It uses AI to help optimize the game in the background as you play. I don't know how it works, but I haven't seen anywhere that says it's making something itself. So I'm ultimately fine with this. AI IS still doing a job that humans CAN do, but Gunfire is handing it off to the AI to then focus on other areas. Which benefits them, and helps the consumer. At least for now...
The AI used to help optimize the game is made by other companies. NVIDIA, AWD, and Intel. Meaning that only specific hardware can use this highly necessary setting. And in the off chance that NVIDIA's AI changes version enough, I might not be able to play the PC version of Remnant 2. With the optimization relying on hardware and software that will eventually change, the crutch that's holding Remnant 2 up is potentially going to stop supporting it. And that worries me.
Since it is just optimization, hardware will become strong enough to overpower these problems. But who knows how long that will take to become affordable to the average consumer.
If your computer's hardware is able to run the AI optimization tools, then you might be able to play this game. But if you know your computer isn't that strong, then this might be a game you'll have to skip for a while.
Speaking of Affordable, Let's Put a Price on This Game.
At the time of writing this review, I'm at 105 hours. (And I'm about to put in some more after I'm done.)
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The current base price of Remnant 2 on Steam is $50USD. Which I think is a F****** STEAL. I'd easily give Remnant 2 a $60/$50. If Soulslike/Roguelite Looter Shooters are your thing, this game should already be in your library. The fact you haven't bought and played the game already is offensive to me.
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There are two other 'Editions' for sale. To keep is simple, the 'Deluxe Edition' is a complete waste of money. Everything in it can be achievable in game for free. Don't buy the 'Deluxe Edition'. The 'Ultimate Edition' is what you should be looking at. It comes with the dlc for a cheaper price than the base game + dlc separately. (Plus it comes with some other stuff that doesn't really matter.) Other than "The Awakened King", "The Forgotten Kingdom", and the last dlc campaign, there are no other dlcs for sale. So our minimum maximum price that you can pay for is set to $70USD.
I'd say 75/70 for Remnant 2 is perfectly reasonable for what you're getting.
This game is worth more than it's cost. If you haven't played it already, I'm sure you'll like it.
(Since starting to write this review, I beat the game twice by the time I finished it. Hence why it took so long.)
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artcalledwind · 5 months
Tha Greatest of Now Leaders
In a male’s point of view
I’m sorry for the forwarded to those spouses
You kill the World
To all whatever they call themselves
You wives of them
Are the next to Leadership Failures
Blimey, manager or executive officer
Bloody blame assistants
Well Ladies
The balls were fore-d in your court
By me
I don’t hold ovaries
Or let alone two boobies
I have a dangle between
Me legs
It’s all your faults, women
Can’t guide just succumb to the Man
Your man in control
Over you
And them and all of us
Their reaches reach there too
And the Men follow suit
Or want one
I blame you in 2024
All Women of the World
You figures in America
Men’s Abortion Rule
Who named it
Who voted on the name
Not you
Hold or mis carriage on your own
Or the matters of facts
Or you may know a guy
Could be a group of ‘em
The treasures of greatest now
Our Leaders
Keep that delivery
Male delivered
Know matter the matters
Know matter the female
Know care for new Mother
They control you and a whole lot of lesbians and trans in what ever biological setting
Are not even up with It
You wearing dunce caps
For thee obvious design in Female
Not my choice if I knew what I know before birth
I would have picked male
Give me the prick
It hangs daily
I was born 1974
You have been way older in histories
Always dumped
Dumped upon
You Dumpster as through histories
You can call out different
Well I was born male flaccid but when aroused hard
You’re mostly likely married to a Now Leader
It’s thee offensive
I’m tasting
From my days of
Wash or not
That gave me a 50/50
But leadership wives
You all suck at marriage
You all suck mostly at job
Keep him from killing others
And you failed but have money for spending
All days over and over again
That gash
With power
Over the World
No one see’s
Dripping all day in money Bitches
I’m not really
Ah um ha oh
Not a sexist
I just know of powers smartly not utilized
But the World is as
Well it should of been better already
Who’s the knocked from behind
I live 2024
Don’t get mad at me, I’m 50
I would state
No matter ur gender
Are you top?
Or Bottom?
Maybe in between?
Depending on years there
The same crisis
Are here now
And females should now have some better kind of male control
But they don’t
Matter of the World
More controlled
Blow me in the morning
Or blow me while I’m eating you
Abuse me in the afternoon
Say you love me in the evening
Then fuck me goodnight
I’m a could be leader
Your job
Now I gotta kill people in war corporate it don’t matter woman
You could’ve made a difference
With in a War in Gaza
Ukraine still goin on
Clean water
And leaderships spent its time with
Oh like a Trump
Money can pay for not being here
Ask a Wife?
All problems
A Female
The greatest of Leadership Now
You females in positions
Does your man guide as those woman should?
Whatever gender
You all mostly doing all wrong
Or just continuing
That’s sinister also
See I’m not sexist?
Fucking spouse’s of Leader’s around a Globe
Most know the Globe or is it gloop
Gloop those all whatever sex of lovelies
Beholding our Leadship
Compromised Upon Earth
Its a WOMAN ‘ s Fault
Man made fallout
to this destruction on the 2024 after Christ years it April late month have you or not missed your period dear female controlled Planet
All men should know when ovulating
Where a period
We may not hate you so much
In your irredisregard
On the Planet
It’s you that control us the Leaders!
Not vibrating news
It’s not about you, Females
It’s for the sakes of all people on the World
The people on the Moon
I don’t think really care
We can’t know what there waiting for
Get it together that’s my whole complaint
I’m a male here on Earth dominated by Men
But I know I feel on the inside and those sitting on the Moon are waiting on same assholes
I don’t want the people of the Moon to come down here to set things straight
What I want wish regard as in this life
Are for these Damn Females too
I’m blaming all outlooks on them
Those so near the leadership
Classes I showed seek
For such talks
Its relative human
Way longer than necessary
Way longer then
Necessarily speaking upon
The greatest of our time now
I’m crying while thinking
I tear so believing
In all Nixon so later characters
He helped them WOW
I never wanted to plug her
You What ! say too much!
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ateneablack21 · 1 year
Drag me to my grave (By Atenea_Black and Valeriiia_RG in A03): Chapter 1
After some technical malfunctions in the Season 12 Reunion set happen and delay filming, Jaida, Gigi, Jackie, Crystal, Heidi, Nicky and Jan stay in the building while the other queens go outside to grab a coffee and explore the city. But, unfortunately, that ends up being the worst decision of their lives when an attacker starts trying to hunt them down one by one. Will they be able to survive this massacre?
Well, it all depends on the choice you make! After every chapter readers will have to vote for two options that can save or condemn one of the queens lives.
So, what are you going to choose?
Chapter 1: Voting closed:
Jaida, Gigi, Heidi, Jackie, Jan, Crystal and Nicky stay behind in the filming location of the S12 reunion after some technical problems.
Hiiii! Before you start reading this we wanted to explain the dynamic of this book The dynamic of this book is different to the one of a normal book as when each chapter ends we will be giving you two options to vote in the comments for (you have to say which you prefer) which will determine the fate of the characters (if they will end up surviving or dying).
Every chapter there will be a decision to make and you’ll be given between 48 and 72 hours after the chapter is published to make the vote. After that, we will close the voting and write the next chapter with the decision that you guys took.
You can only vote one time per chapter, so please don’t comment your vote more than one time. Feel free to ask any questions you need or to comment what your thoughts and theories are as well!!
We wanted to give some credits to the fic “Seven Little Queens” by Aphistas (in A03) as we took the idea of the dynamic of the book from them. If you like this kind of stories we really recommend you read this one, plus it’s also from the Drag Race fandom, featuring Bianca, Courtney Act, Adore, Trixie, Katya, Pearl, and Violet Chatcki as the protagonist of the story.
With all that being said, hope you enjoy!
When they applied to Drag Race, they all knew it was going to be a life-changing experience. What they didn’t expect though, was that that life-changing experience was going to bring a worst one with it. And if they had known that before-hand… They would have never applied in the first place.
Season 12 of RuPaul’s Drag Race was at its end, and all the queens of the season had come together for one of the last times for the Reunion. The season's twelve contestants had been in touch since they finished filming everything, not including the finale, and were excited to see each other again. They may have fought, but they liked one another just the same and had ended up forming a beautiful friendship with each other.
When they saw each other they all hugged or exchanged greetings, talking about how their lives had changed since they had last seen each other. They had already talked about it over the WhatsApp group, but, it was better to talk about it in person as well.
Upon arrival, the producers gathered them all together, informing them that there had been some problems and that they would have to delay filming for a couple of hours. They told them that one of the main cameras had stopped working and that they had to leave the studio to go to were they kept the other cameras, which could take a while. They were free to stay in the studio if they liked or go outside to visit the city, they just had to be back in 2 hours.
Brita, Aiden, Dahlia, Rock and Widow decided to go to a nearby café together while the rest of them decided to stay and make sure that they were ready for the filming of the reunion. In a room near the recording room, there were 4 tables where they could leave their things according to the producers, so the seven remaining queens walked there, talking the whole way. Nicky, Jaida, Gigi and Crystal took the table closest to the door, while Jackie, Jan and Heidi placed their things on the adjacent table.
It wasn’t long before Jan excused herself to go to the bathroom, saying that she was going to take advantage of the free time they had to fix some of her makeup, the rest continuing with their conversation as she left the room.
“So… Are you excited for the finale?” Jackie asked the top three.
“To be honest, I thought I would be nervous, but I’m just eager.” Gigi answered, taking out a small bag containing the makeup she might need to touch up and leaving it on the table.
“I'm pretty confident. After all the work I've put into the lipsync I'm sure it's going to turn out great.” Jaida said while she fixed the position of her wig as it had moved slightly during her journey to the filming location.
“Yeah. It’s exciting to think that in no time one of us will be crowned as the winner.” Crystal talked, moving seats so she could seat closer to the rest of the queens.”
“I a-“ Heidi started to say, shutting up suddenly and starting to look around, making the rest worry.
“Hey, are you okay?” Nicky questioned as she placed a hand on the other’s shoulder.
“I- I thought I had heard something…”
"It's probably just the strain of the journey here taking a toll on you, don't worry.” The French queen reassured, squeezing Heidi’s shoulder lightly to try to soothe her friend.
The future Miss Congeniality nodded a little more calm, all of them resuming their conversation about the finale and what they expected from it.
Jan had found the bathroom rather quickly, even though it was a bit far from the room where she was before, her fast pace had allowed her to get there sooner.
The bathroom was rather big, with a giant mirror, 8 stalls and 5 hand washing basins. Wanting to go back to the other room as soon as possible, as she didn’t want to miss any important conversations, she quickly took out the makeup out of her bag, starting to fix the little errors she hadn’t been able to fix back in the hotel before coming here.
She was finishing up when, suddenly, the lights went out, leaving her in almost darkness, the only thing illuminating the room being the emergency lights that flickered every few seconds.
"The producers are going to be pissed." The queen said under her breath, chuckling slightly as she imagined the faces of the producers when they knew they had to fix another problem before they could shoot the reunion.
Having left her mobile phone with the rest of her things in the room where her sisters were, the one with the blonde wig started walking towards the exit of the bathroom in the dark, taking care not to bump into anything as she made her way out. She left her makeup there, intending to fetch her mobile phone to put the lantern feature on and continue touching up her makeup.
While this happened, the lights where the other six queens were also turned off, everyone looking at each other, as much as the emergency lights let them, the confusion clear in their faces. How did the producers find such a shitty place to film? Even the emergency lights didn’t work correctly, flickering and basically leaving them more time in the dark than the time they could see their surroundings.
“I’m gonna call Jan, check if the lights in the bathroom also went out.” Jackie informed, taking out her phone and marking her fellow queen’s number, only to realise that the other had left her mobile in the room.
"I'm sure she'll be back soon, you can ask her then." Gigi said, walking to where the door was so she was able to see when the other queen came back.
Meanwhile, Jan found herself doing just what Goode had said, finally out of the bathroom and starting to walk down a corridor. 
Suddenly, the queen heard a sound behind her, swiftly turning around to try and locate the source of the sound. She looked around her, the only thing in sight being a nearby plant. After spending a few more seconds searching for the source of the disturbing sound, Jan finally gave up, trying to convince herself that it had been just a figment from her imagination, turning around again to head back to where the other queens were.
“It was nothing, I just imagined it, I’m sure” she whispered to herself as she started walking again.
The queen continued her journey, taking deep breaths to try to calm her growing nerves: It had only been her imagination, so she had nothing to worry about. After all, she-
Jan cried out in agony, feeling a sudden sharp pain in her back and fell to the ground. The pain she was feeling was like nothing she had ever felt before, the sensation making desperate screams come out of her mouth without her permission.
Her screams were so loud that they reached the other side of the building, where the other queens were. They looked at each other with fear and concern before quickly following the desperate screams, worried about their fellow friend. They would have liked to try to believe that it was just their imagination, but, unfortunately, they could clearly recognise Jan by her screams.
Without turning her body around, Jan looked backwards, suppressing a sob when she saw a big black-haired man with a sickly grin holding a bloody knife behind her, the queen quickly realising that the blood in that knife was hers. The one with the blonde wig couldn't stop the tears starting to fall down her face, her make-up smearing. The man laughed as he watched the queen begin to cry, advancing towards her as she tried to crawl away from him.
“Help!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.
“Nobody’s going to help you, little bitch. I’m going to end you, and as soon as I do that, I’ll end your stupid friends too… One by one. And nobody is going to be able to stop me.”
“Please…” Jan pleaded “I’ll do whatever you want but please don’t kill me.”
“Oh, but killing you is all I want, darling.” He laughed “There’s no stoping this.”
The attacker raised his arm, preparing to deliver a fatal stab in Jan's back...
Option 1: Jan crawls away from the attacker.
Option 2: Jan turns around to face the attacker and defends herself.
Final notes:
We hope you liked it!! 🥰🥰🥰
What did you think? Tell us all about in the comments!!
Remember to vote for the option you think is best for Jan’s survival! (Just say something like “I vote for Option 1” or “I choose Option 2” with the choice you think will be the best!)
Happy Pride Month!! 🏳️‍🌈
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my upstairs neighbors are being loud and stompy and party-y. But its saturday so,,,, how would ur characters handle that?
You've said you wanted to get more into SOLE, so I am now forcing it upon you
Dr. Agau wouldn't be living in an apartment complex in the first place; she's more likely to be a landlord. But if she somehow ended up in one, she wouldn't hesitate to march upstairs and give them a piece of her mind, and it would be extremely effective. Even if she'd never met the person, she'd be able to analyze them and intimidate them effectively to make it stop.
Depending on the day, Beth would either be annoyed but passive, or annoyed and proactive. If her friends didn't want to say anything, she would walk up the stairs on impulse, but if someone else wanted to do the same, she would try to talk them down. She's contradictory that way.
If Hans confronted, he would be very kind about it, to the point where he would probably be invited into the party. He'd follow others on whether or not to go talk to them, and only vote if he was a tie breaker.
Hallie would put on noise canceling headphones.
Christian would confront them, and be angry about it. Depending on how nice or how much of a jerk the partygoers are, they may not take him seriously.
Matt would go upstairs and try to get into the party, and accidentally guilt them into being quieter. Like a "Hey, guys, I'm your downstairs neighbor! Your party sounds like a really fun time, can I come in?" and they'd be like No... sorry... and then be quieter lol
Michael would thump on the ceiling.
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nettlemusic23 · 1 year
New Song Music
It has been a frustrating and uninteresting task to find music that you enjoy. Many of you who are reading this would probably agree. Please let me define "music as you like it".
It is music that makes you feel good, or allows you to see a brighter side to things (that light at the end). It is music that can change your mood (from bad into good, or vice versa), and make an impossible task possible. Music is Emotional and Compassionate. It compliments our lives.
You may have festival ortigueira found yourself tapping to an unfamiliar beat or melody, only to realize that you had been doing so and continue tapping. When we are fortunate enough to hear music we have never heard before and we enjoy it, we often wonder about the piece's name, the artist or album.
It can be difficult to determine the source of the New Song Music. It could have been the radio, Internet, Internet Radio, a restaurant, lounge, Gym etc. You can find new music in many different ways. If you've never heard it, it is brand new. You love it the same way you do a brand new car.
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Let's talk about this and remove dumb luck. How often do you stumble upon great music that you love while on your daily commute? Most people do not have this kind of free time unless they live in college or go to clubs and happy hour every day ("ahhhh, the good old days"). Some of us have the luxury of working in the entertainment industry or having jobs that allow for plenty of free time.
We all have time constraints and a moderate to heavy amount of responsibility. Finding new ortigueira music will require a little more planning and deliberateness. This is a convenient and easy way to discover new song music frequently.
You are probably aware that most of the new music played on mainstream radio is not very appealing. The same songs that are not appealing are then played over and over again. You may lose interest in a song sung by an artist that you like if it is played too many times. How do you introduce new artists with so much repetition? This is what I call the radio loop.
Here are some ways to find good New Song Music. Music Blogs and Social Music Sites can identify similar artists based on the genres or categories of your current favorites.
Music blogs...
You can download music from Mp3 blogs. You can listen to the music and leave your opinion after you download it. The featured artists are usually new, unknown, less known or underground.
A blog post will be included with your music download, giving you background information and biographical details about the artist. You will most likely be able see how other people have rated the music, depending on its age. It can help you decide if it's worth spending time listening to the music.
These mp3s are distributed by record labels or promotion companies, so the music is free and legal. The majority of the downloads are from artists who promote music, making it a great place to discover some musical treasures.
Check out One track mind and the Hype Machine. Your opinion is highly encouraged. This is how sites can provide you with new songs daily. Remember to rate and vote the songs that you enjoy, as well as the ones that you don't. It only takes a few seconds. Here is a chance to help out when you can.
Social Music Sites...
The Incumbent Independent artists submit their musical works for review to these Musical communities. Listeners who are soon to be fans of the music recommend it to other members in the community. This type of social network allows you to see at a glance what music other listeners like. You can add to your personal musical Internet jukebox.
My favorite social music sites are the Sixty One and our stage.
Music Portal Sites
Most of these Sites are geared towards promoting unsigned artists and allowing their music to reach a wider audience. Listen carefully as the new music is often original and unique. Listeners are encouraged to invest in artists that they like. Once an artist has reached their budget goal they can record a professional album. The artist can then negotiate their own deal with the record label. This allows for the artist to create their own deals with record labels, without being restricted by limitations. The artist/artists can then retain creative control and maintain the musical message. Record Labels are free from main stream restrictions. You get to listen to new songs before they hit the mainstream and top of the charts.
Check out Africa Unsigned and Sola band for great resources.
There's literally dozens of different ways to discover new music...
Here are just a few of the many ways you can discover new music. Please take your own initiative to discover New Music, and share it with others as often and as much as you can.
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teddynoh · 2 years
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꒰⠀⠀⠀⠀kang tae oh.   twenty-nine.   genderqueer.  he/they.⠀⠀⠀⠀꒱        hold your f*** horses !   teddy noh   has just been spotted walking into revolution headquarters. they are best known for being the label’s resident   bodyguard   and have been working with the label for   two years.   they share a lot of interesting things about life in the music industry on their social media, so make sure you don’t forget to follow them at   @nohbear.  the office knows them for being   ditzy   but i swear they’ve got a   selfless   side as well. maybe that explains why they’re always associated with   knitted scarves wrapped around their necks, odd colourful socks hidden under tailored slacks and the smell of a home after baking apple pie.   their coworkers even voted them most likely to win a reality show.   we’ll see how they live up to that reputation.
stats | connections | pinterest
hi all! i’m juju (they/she) and this here is my bumbling bodyguard teddy! message me here or on discord if you wanted to plot something!
name: youngjo ‘teddy’ noh nicknames: ted, bear, jojo, tba age: 29 birthday: february 1st gender: genderqueer pronouns: he/they orientation: biromantic, demisexual hometown: london, england current residence: new york city, usa occupation: bodyguard / security
born in jeju, south korea, teddy’s parents were very in love but also very young when he came to be. the two had a bit of a romeo and juliet story, born into rich families who didn’t approve of their relationship, and even more so of how, unmarried at 18, the two ended expecting a child
the two of them, fed up with their families (and worried about how they may act in the future), decided to use all their savings and uproot their whole lives, moving to london, england
and none of them regretted this one bit. teddy was born and raised with two parents, whose love for each other was only matched by their love for their child. they supported anything and everything teddy wanted to do since before he could even talk
because of this, teddy grew up into a sweet, caring and considerate person, who believed in everything good in the world. but he also never truly had to figure out anything for himself. some may say that his parents coddled them too much, which is likely very true, and that this hindered his ability to truly be independent
sure, teddy knows how to wash clothes and pay bills perfectly fine, but his emotional dependency? that’s a whole other story. they get very easily attached, and can be a bit of a doormat and people pleaser to a fault, finding it hard to say no or ever put himself first, something they never did manage to grow out of completely
upon graduating school at 18, teddy got his first ever job as a bartender. they weren’t the best at it, dropped a few too many bottles and spilled a few too many drinks, but they enjoyed it well enough
however, it was while bartending that teddy got to know just how bad people could be. he often saw the worst of the worst, and stuck behind a long wooden counter could never really do anything to help
over the next several years they job hopped a lot. from bartender to secretary to decorator to barista, teddy had a hard time figuring what he wanted to do and settling down. until a job position as a bouncer opened up at that same first club that he worked at that is
it took a while for him to get used to the job, to being able to say no and stay firm when need be, but after a bit of practice and some growth as a person, teddy really took to the job; charming enough to pacify upset people, and strong enough to use a bit of force when talking them down didn’t work
but then, aged 26, his mother got a job offer. in the united states. and being so close to his parents, teddy hated the idea of being so far from them, only being able to occasionally connect over the phone or web
so of course, it was no surprise when they decided to move across the pond with them
it wasn’t hard for teddy to get a job working security with revolution records. firstly, starting off working security for the building, and doing a good enough job that he worked his way up the job ladder until he was juggled around the company where he was needed, working as main bodyguard to the company higher ups and top artists
wanted connections:
I haven’t managed to brainstorm any specifics, but I’m really open to shoving teddy at any open connections you may have for your muses. though some quick ideas i would love for them are:
- a flatmate - a best friend - artists he’s worked with - cousins - maybe people he dated / went on one bad date with?
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