#chef!bob au
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Little Robby Floyd has always wanted to be a chef at his own restaurant. So when he gets the opportunity to take over a struggling mom-and-pop restaurant in Southern Italy, he takes it. Though his dreams certainly come with more struggles and more surprises than he ever thought possible. - an okay synopsis of Bolognese For the Heart, a Chef!Bob AU
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spooky month but c!saltbaker is bob velseb
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thebekashow · 9 days
*is in the store because I got left behind by Bob*
/Q . Q\
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cheffybobby · 10 months
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hi hi! if your new here, welcome to the "ask bob the chef/butcher" blog! Bob here works at boys n grills and never joined the cult. he also has a little girl named Eloise! :D things to know: Bob is 39, 7'3 feet tall, and is bisexual.
- no porn
- no nsfw asks
- no proshipping or nsfw >:(
- this world is not exactly normal
- you can ask other characters (i seriously encourage it-)
- Bob is 39. you better not try to ship underage, incest, or anything bad >:/
- no you cannot make permanent M!A's
- steal art = blocked
- you can make shitpost ships (ex. sans x bob-)
Here's Bobby! :D
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chlorinewaterdrinker · 7 months
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Pizza pizza
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GET SCARED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👹👹
(something silly for my friend Taylor!! based on something we talked about in the last server hang out lol)
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
just gonna say it rn
gettin back into the Gregory Horror Show and I have come to a shocking conclusion
Hell’s Chef was ONE of the ones that walked so that Bob could run
fgkdlkjgdfsl he was one of many that walked so that in the future for my lil pan ass Bob could run
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lichtecht · 1 year
there is something so trans about a character going by a chosen name
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cute-sucker · 16 days
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note: im begging for requests for this au!!! i'm sobbing, idk what character it is <3
jonbee taking care of you during an apocalypse and you're in near tears begging him to kiss you. it happens all the time, the casual way that he's dominant over you. if it's the way that he's so much taller, the way his rough hands feel on yours. he always drops a kiss on your forehead before serving you french toast.
you love the normality of it all. the way he's humming the song on the radio, and you're bobbing your head to it. ivy is growing in the trailer park, and the shorts you have on have dirt smudges all over it when the two of you were running.
yet john b is giving you everything he can to serve you a normal lifestyle. he's trying everything to make you feel better, tucking back your hair, and coaxing you to eat. he's even found an old apron that has, 'kiss the chef,' on it, and suddenly your tearing up, holding up your brittle knife and fork.
hot tears drip down your face, as you sniffle quietly nudging at the food on your plate. almost immediately john b turns around, eyes full of concern.
"hey? hey, what's wrong?" he murmers, dropping down to your level. his hat is on backwards, and you fight the urge to turn it the other way. "don't cry pup," he cooes, grazing your wet cheeks, and you fight the urge of jumping into his arms, or asking to sit on his lap. after all, the two of you are platonic anyways. that's clear to tell.
you choke on your sob, "iono, just feel this pressure on my chest. i really need to be close to someone." even as you say this, your eyes are wide ready to be rejected, but john be is always there for you, as his hands snake up your sides, and sits you down on his lap.
"alright now. let's eat something now. maybe that'll make the ache go away."
you nodd at his soft words. he's right, he's always right. the two of you could barley find normal food now, always preservatives, or food that makes you hurt. you like it when he embraces you like this, his big arms around your waist, as you feel like a kid swinging your legs. and yet here you are crying the one day that there is good food.
suddenly you feel worse. the world is ending, and you'll be dead soon, and john be will never be with you, and you will have never kissed anyone. you'll never be a librarian in a niche town with a husband who would kiss you off your feet. no, you will have never kissed someone! what a tragedy to love someone so deeply yet never touch their soothing lips. maybe john b's lips on yours would fix everything.
you feel so stupid.
finally, john b puts the fork down, warm breath on your neck, and he sets you off his lap to look you in the eye.
"i need you to tell me what's wrong, and so i can fix it." he whispers to you, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back. you shake your head, feeling the pounding feeling in your chest, as if you were going to vomit but your stomach was empty.
john b sighs, his voice firm now, "this won't go away. show me where it hurts. do you feel sick?" he murmurs to you, giving you his hand to guide, and you tentivally take it to place it on your heart.
"here," you croak, "it hurts here."
he looks surprised, yet his eyes are warm as he speaks in his soothing tone, his words practically melting in your mouth, "why does it hurt pup?"
"i need you to kiss me," you blurt out, and let go of his hand, "so it can stop."
he tilts his head almost amused, "yea? you need me to kiss you, so your heart can stop hurting."
you hate the way he's teasing you, a soft lint in his tone, his large hands still settling on you as he talks to you. he's so gentle with you it burns your skin, it burns everything inside of you.
"i can't take it. i can't take the fact that i've never kissed someone," and then you pause, your voice a whimper, "i can't take it that i haven't kissed you jonbee-"
and then without a doubt, he looks at you again, his eyes so feverious, so full of emotion, burning with the exact same fire that you feel your body ablaze with.
just like that john b cups your jaw, and kisses you so sweetly you see stars.
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ryebecca · 8 months
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"no one is born a great cook, one learns by doing." - Julia Child 👨‍🍳 🍝 ✨ | (a chef!bob au - thanks for the middle photo, @up-thereinthesky!)
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Yanna! Thank you 💗 for you, chef!bob because I've just been thinking about him a lot lately:
Bob knew he would have a hard time finding a grocer that didn’t already have a plethora of clients in Casovero. He just didn’t think it would be this hard. Going around the market stalls hours before the sun came up with his list of hopeful ingredients in hand, only to get rejected every single time.  I already provide produce for Lo Scoglio and Regina Bistecca — I cannot help you. No, try Abramo down the street.  He told you that? No. I’m sorry. Buona giornata. He sank into a rickety wooden cafe chair with a sigh, list pressed to his forehead. The sun was beginning to rise, cresting over the rolling hills just outside the village. He supposed this is what he got for trying to open a restaurant in southern Italy’s cuisine hotspot. Lifting his head, he looked out over the grocers and their stalls filled with fresh vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, and meats of all kinds. He was finally where he had dreamed about his entire life, and it was all about to come crashing down. Leo and Marinetta were going to be so disappointed. Then, to the west, just on the edge of the town square where the market was held, Bob heard a distinctly American accent hiss: “Oh, shoot!” He looked over. It wasn’t rare to hear that kind of voice here. Plenty of tourists flocked to Casovero all the time. But they usually weren’t awake before ten, let alone at sunrise.  She didn’t look like a tourist. In fact, she was at a stall only half set up with goods. Picking up dropped parsnips.
send in a 🌹 and receive wip snippets babey!
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emilykaldwen · 3 months
Fic Recs!
I decided to grab a few fics that I was recently introduced to as well as fics I haven't seen get a lot of traction in the space. This is just a personal list that I wanted to share!
@corporalicent's Rhaenicent Fics at AO3 - Cata is a beast when it comes to writing this ship (as well as other fandoms!) and has some really creative AUs out there: I mean come on: Nun!Rhaenyra and Novice!Alicent? We're here for that!
@lullaebies GenderSwapped!Green Kids AU Protector of the Realm on AO3 - So Helaena is now the only *son* of Viserys and Alicent, and Aegon/Aemond/Daeron were born girls. How intriguing is that! They are on a break for right now but go give that fic a look! Not to mention they write Aegon III/Jaehaera content that I just think is chef's kiss.
@dragonsoftheeast Firebender!Targaryen/No Dragons Dance AU Fire Made Flesh on AO3 - Um Hi, Helaena being the one to lose the eye? Actual good political matches. Unparralelled usage of High Valyrian and Valyrian Culture world building???? Sign me the fuck up! Dote is an amazing crafter of such a unique and fantastic canon divergence and I am constantly surprised more people aren't squealing about this amazing story that packs in so many twists and turns and is truly so thoughtful.
@theothermaidoftarth writing some Baela/Daeron and is currently working on Nettles/Cregan check out Song for Evermore on AO3 - Rare Pairs are a precious thing in any fandom and my girl is killing it with some fascinating ideas and utterly fantastic characterizations. We love IC AUs!
@gwenllian-in-the-abbey is leading the Baela/Aegon ship with her solo fic All Kings Are Beautiful on AO3, an 'Aegon was named heir' AU, as well as her other co-written work - Gwen's work reads like a historical fiction novel and that's really my favorite kind of thing. I haven't been able to read everything she's done but man, the nuance! The stakes! the ideas! She brings what I love to call an Old School A Song of Ice and Fire fic vibe to HotD space and I mean this with the highest of praise.
@selfproclaimedunicorn is writing Sins of the Father on AO3 because what if Rhea and Daemon actually had some kids but things still went sideways? - HELLO! MISA? Misa's talent for burying her fingers into every character we see and pulling out all the bits and bobs that make them tick? Is just.. I want to write this well when I grow up. The way she has seamlessly altered canon to the point where I'll see gifsets of scenes and go 'Where are Yorick and Ella?'. Also she has an Alicent x OC fic, and I would lay my life down for Aldreda Farwynd, my tall seal mommy.
@mimikoflamemaker is writing Daemon centric OC fic the False Dragon on AO3 - I haven't been able to dive into this yet but have talked fic and plotting with Justine. Their passion for the source is palpable and her creative ideas deserve to reach more people! Vaerra and Elyas are fascinating OCs with intriguing connections that you do not want to miss!
@jotterjots / @bronzefuryfic is also writing a 'What if Daemon and Rhea had a daughter' AU, Bronze Fury both on tumblr and AO3 - JJ is a real one and I always enjoy her insights. I actually had NO IDEA! that she was writing fic but from what I've read, it looks fantastic!
@acrossthesestars is writing Haunt Me, an Aemond War Bride AU that has me by the throat on AO3 - It's not a list without mentioning this amazing fic that's almost to the finish line. Alex's command of conflict and characterization where characters are allowed to be imperfect is something more of us need to dive into! We love a byronic lead in Aemond where all his edges and issues are fully acknowledged, a wily and fantastic female lead in Wylla Karstark, and just an overall amazing AU where these characters are clawing for their happy ending.
@branwendaughterofllyr is writing a 'What if Vizzy and Daemon's youngest brother lives and has a daughter' AU, A poison Tree on AO3 - I haven't been able to dig into this yet but it's just such a fascinating and original concept to make this Dance make a little more sense, and bring more high stakes. She's a long time ASOIAF writer who is passionate about the source material and here to show you what this world can be. Do go check her work out!
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thebekashow · 4 months
Work at the grill is a pain sometimes
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cheffybobby · 10 months
Yo can I get some barbacue ribs? Been craving those for days.
- love, JayDogg
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tgmsunmontue · 4 months
Mercury & Manganese
A Hangster AU MeetUgly (where I likely failed to meet the assignment as it feels too soft and gentle to really be a MeetUgly? Maybe?). (AU in that no one is in the Navy).
~2k and only mature for some swearing. There's not even a kiss. There is very background established IceMav. Bonus points if you get why the title is the title.
                Jake knows the regulars, is there often enough that he recognizes the businessmen that come in for lunch every Thursday. The couples that come in for date nights. The singles that come in for first dates and then the friend groups who come in regularly for nights to blow off steam together. He knows them all. Most of them by name. Because they’re his business. His customers are integral to his success, and he wants to treat them right.
                “Hey, can I get a Tiger beer and a glass of the Merlot please?”
                The guy asking is standing easily, his eyes sweeping over Jake and he recognizes that look, sees it all too often and is immediately wary. He smiles politely but narrows his eyes slightly, trying to figure out if he’s going to need to bounce the guy later.
                “Sure thing, you waiting on someone?” Jake asks, sliding the drinks over to him.
                “Yep, I’m going to go home with the next person to walk through the door…”
                Jake frowns, because he can see Natasha approaching through the glass doors and she’s not with Bob like usual. The guy has walked off, moving to greet her and he wonders if this guy thinks he can just pick up anyone. And Jake gave him a glass of wine and he’s taken his eyes off it, he could have put anything in there, and for some reason Natasha is just taking a drink from a complete stranger. He’s on the other side of the bar without even thinking about it, not quite sprinting and then grabbing the glass out of Natasha’s hand.
                “Don’t drink that!”
                “What the fuck man!”
                He hadn’t meant to knock the wine into his face, but he doesn’t regret it. He straightens up and puts his shoulders back, prepares to throw a punch if he needs to, although the guy is just blinking at him in confusion. Both the sous chef and one of the wait staff are looking at him and Jake shakes his head slightly, although Michaela comes out with the mop and some paper towels. The guy takes them and mops at his face and chest, still looking more confused than defensive and angry.
               Jake’s read this wrong. That hasn’t happened in a long while.
                “Wow Bradshaw… five minutes in town and you’ve already got people throwing drinks in your face. This time it was my drink though…”
                “You know him?” Jake asks her, because that is now becoming blatantly obvious.
                “Sure do. Best friend. Here to stay for a few nights… any particular reason why you had to waste good wine?”
                “I… he gave you a drink and you didn’t see me pour it.”
                “Oh Jake, that’s sweet. Real knight in shining armor behavior… However Bradley here wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
                “Thanks for that endorsement. I need to go change…”
                “I have a spare shirt if you want? Least I could do? And get you a new glass of wine of course Natasha…”
                “I’ll take the wine.”
                “I guess I’ll take the shirt…”
                “You can come with me, change in the back room.”
                Jake finds himself watching as the guy strips the light-blue button-down shirt over his head, revealing a form-fitting white tank. It is of course also stained with red wine but looks dry-ish. Jake holds out one of his shirts and tries to avert his eyes as the guys tugs it on. It’s too short in the arms so he undoes the cuffs and rolls the sleeves, leaves the front unbuttoned because of course his shoulders are just that bit broader than Jake’s own to allow him to do up the buttons. Annoyingly it looks better on him than it ever has on Jake.
                When they get back out to the restaurant Bob has turned up and he gives Bradley a hug, which Bradley returns and lifts the other man off the ground, which they all laugh at. They’re clearly old friends as well and he’s just going to be forever embarrassed by the fact he accidentally knocked a glass of wine in the guy’s face and pretty much accused him of drugging someone. He doesn’t want to lose regular customers but he admits there is part of him that would be relieved if they decided to never darken his doorway again. He doesn’t fuck up often, but he can apparently still manage it spectacularly.
…             …             …
                Sunday afternoon rolls around and it’s the quiet lull between lunch and dinner, he’s doing a quick stock take so he can place necessary orders for the coming month when he turns to find Bradley standing there watching him, one eyebrow quirked.
                “You going to throw a drink in my face again?”
                “I don’t know, are you going to make some sleezy comment about going home with the next person to walk through the door?”
                Bradley makes a you got my there face and Jake doesn’t know why he read the guy so badly, but he did and he hasn’t even really apologized for the massive error in judgement. For some reason he can’t bring himself to apologize either, he’d likely do the same again.
                “Just wanted to return the shirt. Thanks.”
                “Owed you one.”
                Bradley gives him a nod, knocks his knuckles on the bar, then leaves.
                Okay then.
…             …             …
                It’s just Natasha and Bob the following week and he’s immensely glad.
                At least he thinks he is.
…             …             …
                It’s just Natasha and Bob for several weeks and then he’s back…
                “We’re celebrating.”
                “Bradley got the job he was here interviewing for. Starts on Monday.”
                Well shit.
…             …             …
                A few months pass and he hates to say it, but Bradley becomes one of his regulars. One of his favorite regulars. Of course he’s pretty sure Bradley doesn’t like him overly much, his comments just a little on the sharper side. Jake would dish it right back, but Bradley’s a customer, and one he’s already misjudged. But he keeps coming back, keeps complimenting the food and cocktails and Jake hasn’t said anything about the whole wine incident and neither has Bradley.
                “Are you ever not working?”
                “Nothing. Doesn’t matter,” Bradley mutters, and leaves.
…             …             …
                He recognizes the two men with Bradley of course, they’re chefs with very different approaches in the kitchen, made famous with their individual cooking shows and entire range of cookbooks and shared cookware line and they’re now in his little restaurant-bar. With Bradley. How the hell he knows two TV celebrity chefs is a mystery, because he knows Bradley is some type of forensic accountant, despite knowing plenty about food and drink. He walks over slowly, listens to the conversation as best as he can while he checks in with some other customers and straightens cutlery on empty tables.
                “Mav, you have to try the tortellini, I swear to god, better than yours…”
                “You know we would have cooked for you.”
                “I like avoiding war zones. Plus my kitchen isn’t unpacked. You guys can do that when I’m at work tomorrow.”
                “You’ve been here for nearly three months, what do you mean your kitchen still isn’t unpacked?” Kazansky says, and Jake shares his horror.
                “It’s unpacked enough for me.”
                “It’s going to give me a heart attack isn’t it?”
                “Both of us probably. Something to bond over.”
                Bradley snorts.
                “You’re more likely to argue over the best way to organize the cupboards, have a massive row, and then have makeup sex…”
                Jake chokes and then coughs, looks to Bradley and then to Tom Kazansky and Pete Mitchell. It’s definitely them. Holy shit.
                “Hey Jake, these are my parents, Pete and Tom.”
                “He’s been talking this place up ever since he moved here.”
                “Your parents are Tom Kazansky and Pete Mitchell?”
                “Hey! He knows who we are!” Pete says, grinning widely and looking pleased while the expression on Tom Kazansky’s face doesn’t change. Jake swallows, suddenly nervous.
                Yeah, they’re my parents. Or as good as. Mav, would you stop kicking me under the table, for fucks sake!”
                “Eloquent,” Tom Kazansky states, voice dry and Jake knows he has the nickname Iceman for his cold attitude in the kitchen and unflappable nature, but having it aimed at him makes him feel like he’s failed a test of some type.
                “Ignore him, he’s a big softie really. Soft gooey caramel center, isn’t that right darling?”
                Jake blinks, unable to compute that the two chefs he’s grown-up admiring are apparently in a relationship; also somehow the parents of the guy he knocked a glass of wine into the face of.
                Fuck his life.
                “Jake? You okay?”
                “I think I’m just going to go back to the kitchen.”
                “Mav, stay still. You can’t also go into the kitchen. We’re customers for fucks sake.”
                Jake’s going to call in his manager and the head chef.
                He needs the night off.
…             …             …
                He can’t stay away long of course, is back early the next morning to look over everything, needing the reassurance that nothing has burned down or broken beyond repair. Pulls on the spare chef whites he keeps on hand, grabs his knives and starts the prep for the day. He might not have the same skill as his head chef, but he knows he has a skill for matching taste and texture, can develop menus and drinks. He can do the fucking prep work and take his mind off things. Meeting his idols, albeit in the worst possible way, is something he will recover from.
                He hears a consistent tapping sound around an hour into the methodical chopping and dicing, and he frowns, putting down his knife and listening closer. It’s still early, another half hour at least before the sous chef arrives to officially start the prep that Jake is already over half-way through. He follows the tapping sound and ends up at the glass doors to find Bradley standing there. He unlocks the door and pulls it open.
                “We’re closed.”
                “Yeah, I’m aware. I just saw the light on and wondered if you were here. I just wanted to come and apologize. Are you… the chef here? I thought you were the barman?”
                Jake blinks at him. Huh. He remembers when he first opened he’d introduced himself to all his customers as the owner for the first couple of months, but stopped after a while, assuming that they all simply knew.
                “I’m neither. I’m the owner.”
                “Oh… that’s why you’re always here.”
                “Yeah. I’m kind of invested. Literally invested.”
                “Can I take you out?”
                Jake blinks at the sudden change of direction in the conversation.
                “I’d like to take you out. On a date.”
                “I thought you hated me?”
                “Uh. No. Why do you think that?”
                “I didn’t exactly make a good impression?”
                “Oh. You mean the wine… That was months ago. Or last night – oh! That’s what I wanted to apologize for. Sorry. Nat made me realize that maybe I shouldn’t have just turned up with them. That you might have appreciated a heads up.”
                “I don’t think I would have believed you if you’d tried to tell me.”
                “Would have thought you were pulling my leg. Until they were in front of me.”
                “You haven’t answered my question.”
                “I asked you out.”
                “I… sorry. My brain is just… come in here,” Jake says, opening the door wider so Bradley can enter rather than stand awkwardly outside. He moves back to the kitchen on autopilot, Bradley following him and he turns in the doorway to the kitchen. “So, you want to date me?”
                “Yeah. Have done for a while but felt awkward asking you out at a place where you worked all the time.”
                “I don’t live here.”
                “Glad to hear it. You still haven’t answered my question.”
                “Are you sure?”
                “Okay. We can go on a date.”
                “You don’t have to say yes, I just didn’t want to make you feel like you had to say yes.”
                “I thought you didn’t like me.”
                “You said that already. I like you fine.”
                “I am fine.”
                Bradley smirks at him, gives him a once over with his eyes which might as well be physical touch for the way it makes his skin prickle and flush.
                “Yeah you are…”
                “Ooookay…” Jake says, breath escaping him in a shaky exhale. “Sorry, just letting my brain finish dealing with this one-eighty.”
                “I’ll wait.”
                “No, no. You don’t need to wait. I’m good now.”
                “Glad to hear it. Now… what can I interest you in? I don’t feel like I can ask you for a drink or out for dinner considering where you work. Well, your business.”
                “Can you cook?”
                “Of course. I just generally don’t.”
                “How about we start there?”
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daughterofhecata · 4 months
Blutroter Kondor moments/liveblog (long post including minor spoilers under the cut):
Skinny, der Roadrunner cartoons guckt und total mit Coyote mitfiebert 🥺
"Mr Norris war ein harter Geschäftsmann und ein noch härterer Vater." Liebe diesen Satz, weil er so viele Möglichkeiten bietet, ohne dabei welche auszuschließen!
"Er [Skinny] war aus einer ganzen Reihe von Gründen immun gegen ihren [Lys'] Charme" aha, willst du mir mehr über die Gründe erzählen, Kari? 👀
"Theoretisch konnte man überall auf wertvolle Gegenstände aus der Vergangenheit stoßen. Praktisch jedoch nicht, da die drei ??? ihren Mitmenschen meist zuvorkamen." 😂
"Vor seinem inneren Auge nahm die Visitenkarte Gestalt an: Die drei ??? "Wir reißen uns jeden Fall unter den Nagel." Selbst ernannter Chef: Justus - MacSherlock - Jonas. Kopfloses Herumgerenne: Peter - Der Schisser - Shaw. Amnesie und Emotionen: Bob - Stan Silver - Andrews." 😂😂😂
"Kershaw also. Lys hatte Pech, so viel stand fest. Der Mann war schroff, unnachgiebig und reizbar. Im Gegensatz zu seinen Kollegen schien er nicht nur etwas gegen Verbrecher zu haben, sondern gleich gegen die komplette Menschheit." 1. Vielen Dank, Kari, für diese wunderbare Charakterisierung von Kershaw, 2. Skinny kennt offenbar die Polizisten in Rocky Beach gut genug, um ihre Eigenheiten zu kennen, love that
"Die drei Klagezeichen" 😂😂
"den roten Sportwagen" ET TU, KARI??? Ich weiß ja, die Originalfolgen sind sich uneins, ob der Sportwagen jetzt rot oder blau ist, aber ich dachte, für die deutschen Folgen hattet ihr euch (mit Ausnahme von Nevis ofc) auf blau geeinigt?! 😭 Dafür hat der Wagen ein Kassettendeck und Skinny Mixtapes. Dafür verzeihe ich fast die Farbe.
"Die Gegenwart dicker Bücher, dröger Akten und staubiger Vitrinen hatte eine abschreckende Wirkung auf ihn." Ich bin nicht überrascht 😄
"das waren doch diese [...] indigenen... Leute." So proud of both Kari and Skinny for not using I*dianer 🎉
"Aye, aye, Captain Kerk." 😂 I see what you did there!
Skinny hat die Handlanger-Rolle satt 🥺
Und Skinny kennt sich überraschenderweise in der Bücherei bestens aus, weil er sich da regelmäßig an Bob vorbei schleicht??? (Und ihn bei Recherchen beobachtet??? 👀)
"Der Name ist Programm. S.H.A.W. - ein Akronym für die Worte Schlüsseldienst, Hohlkopf, Angsthase und Werkzeugträger." [...] "Das S in Skinny steht ebenfalls für Schlüsseldienst. Was Shaw kann, kann ich schon lange." Liebe die Erwähnung, dass Skinny Peter beim Schlösser knacken nicht unterlegen ist. Bin allerdings überrascht, dass er das Wort "Akronym" kennt. (Und dann kommt die Erinnerung, dass er nicht so blöd oder ungebildet ist, wie man denkt - danke, Kari <3)
Skinny hat eine Notfall-Reisetasche im Kofferraum. Das glaube ich sofort.
Kelly geht mit Diego Alvaro spazieren, während Peter nicht da ist? Soso.
Skinny (er)kennt Bobs Deo??? In Kombi mit der Lederhose aus Namenloser Gegner fange ich glatt an zu glauben, dass Kari eine Skinny/Bob Agenda verfolgt xD
"Er wollte gerade gehen ist mein zweiter Vorname [...] Abgekürzt mit einem E." Hätten wir die Frage also auch endlich geklärt! 😂
"Du bist zu fixiert auf die drei Detektive." Lys hat ihn durchschaut 🤷‍♂️😄
Skinny benutzt den Nachbarsjungen in Little Rampart als Laufburschen und gibt ihm Geld, damit er sich auch was holen kann 🥺 aber keine Süßigkeiten, weil das schlecht für die Zähne ist 🥺
Skinny besitzt ein Death Planet Shirt, das er normalerweise zum Schlafen trägt, obwohl er die Band nicht mag??? 👀👀
Und er würde den Weg zum Schrottplatz im Schlaf finden xD
Skinny hat Mitleid mit Cotta, weil der von Mrs Kretschmer vollgetextet wird 🥺
Cotta, der Skinny vernimmt!!! Ich wiederhole: Cotta, der Skinny vernimmt!!!
"Aber Inspektor Cotta war einer dieser Menschen, die man einfach nicht anlügen konnte." Justus, Peter und Bob sind da zwar anderer Meinung, aber süß, dass Skinny das so sieht <3
Die ganze Szene zwischen Cotta und Skinny ist einfach. So fucking cute. Ich liebe es. Ich werde nie wieder an dir zweifeln, Kari.
"Wenn du mich jetzt entschuldigen würdest, Dad, ich muss den Ruf der Familie zerstören." 😂😂😂
Skinny kann casually Bomben basteln???
Das Highlight ist definitiv Skinny, der für einen Undercover-Cop gehalten wird 😂😂 someone should write *that* fic 😄
...und Vivienne hat immer noch Liebeskummer wegen Victor 🥺 könnt ihr dem Mädchen nicht im nächsten Band einen angemessenen Verehrer schreiben, der sie aufmuntert?
...und natürlich kommt es für Skinny am Ende wieder einmal nicht so wie gedacht und er steht da wie ein Trottel <3 wie könnte es auch anders sein <3
Sehr amüsantes Buch, habe es sehr genossen. Und da war imo definitiv eine Skinny/Bob Agenda im Hintergrund aktiv. Aber die Momente mit Cotta waren auch nicht ohne 👀
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