#chen the cheerleader irl
Are you one of those pretty gemstones?
Because, I just cant stop looking at you ;)
what the-
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irl-l-l-o-y-d · 8 months
Brad's here now?? I've missed a lot I guess!
(was Brad even in the movie??)
Yup! Brad's here now!
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irl-brad-tudabone · 6 months
Yeah Chen is totally gay.
I mean, why not ask him @chen-the-cheerleader-irl
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weare0ne · 3 years
𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘂𝗺’𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗲𝘅𝗼
𝗍𝖺𝗀𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍- 𝗅𝗆𝗄 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎’𝖽 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗃𝗈𝗂𝗇 ! -> @bigbrainenergytingz
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suho (sureum):
you KNOW the nation’s leader takes care of his girl
she IS baby in his eyes and it will remain that way even when she's an old woman
they're close and she's lowkey his favorite (because she laughs at his jokes)
she relies on suho a lot and he does all he can to support her and care for her
it's hard being the only girl in EXO of all groups because they're literally royalty
so suho HYPES HER UP
was super clingy when he enlisted (she visits them all when they do) but god it’s CONSTANT texts shes crazy
lots of love with them
sureum things !
-> suho making sure she gets water first at concerts/shows/schedules
-> areum rubbing his back reassuringly when they clown him (even tho she does it too)
-> each other’s biggest cheerleaders
-> walking/biking together
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xiumin (xiureum):
they have a really chill friendship and cute ass moments
she's his fan and they have lots of inside jokes
she was nervous around all of the members when she joined the group, but she found xiumin very approachable
she's Tiny and xiumin thinks it's so cute and looks at her with big, big love
Must Protect Them because they're so sweet and wholesome
areum didn't like coffee until xiumin made some for her .. to this day, she only drinks it if he makes it
cuties !! best boy and best girl !!
xiureum things !
-> cleaning together, because theyre the best at it
-> café dates
-> picking each other for everything just to spite the others
-> maknae and fake maknae
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lay (layreum):
no one, and i repeat NO ONE, should ever say that lay is no longer apart of exo
areum gets scary sometimes. she has and will still yell if someone dares to say that
she is the biggest fan of his solo work !! number one lay zhang stan
she thinks he is SO MF FUNNY. BUT whenever he says something dirty she hits his arm
he thinks she's adorable and always pats her head and tells her that she looks nice
before lay went to china they always had fun and went out together
always says hi to lay whenever exo is on a show or something and always mentions him in speeches
she's gone to china multiple times to visit him- he's one of her best friends, and she misses him so very much
layreum things !
-> random sightings of them walking around in the city
-> hugs and hugs and hugs
-> areum thinking lay is the funniest person to exist
-> lay being a smiley doofus because areum is so sweet and precious with him
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baekhyun (baekeum):
they tease each other constantly and are always very involved with each other's lives
he got sad when she turned down the offer to be in superm, but he understands her desire to develop her solo career and be devoted to solely exo
makes it KNOWN that they all love their girl to death and that exo wouldn't be exo without her
so much pda !! they cling to each other a lot and there's lots of cheek kisses
they clarified, though, that they're purely best friends and baek told everyone sternly that it's not kind to be jealous or rude to areum just because they love him
vocal LEGENDS and he always hypes her singing
SHE hypes his solo career- name a bigger baekhyun stan. i'll wait.
besties, legends, the best
baekeum things !
-> being clingy and holding on to each other a lot
-> laughing fits and being a comedic duo
-> baekhyun being her actual embarrassing big brother
-> always going out of their way to promote each other
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chen (reumchen):
the godmother of his baby
chen is the nation's dad, and he dads areum all the time
she got SO pissed when people were blacklisting him for his marriage and the baby
jongdae’s like. a dad figure for her but also her big brother
she’s VERY defensive of him and vice versa- he HATES areum hate
really really close with his wife too!! they’re besties nd hang out
they play around a lot and have background moments that fans notice and it’s SO funny
she makes sure to visit his wife and daughter a lot since he’s enlisted :(( tears were shed nd she misses him
reumchen things !
-> chen ruffling her hair
-> randomly harmonizing or singing
-> yelling when they talk it’s a problem
-> chen being a protective father
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chanyeol (reumyeol):
chanyeol has been in love with her since he met her like. for nine years now. he’s been in love with her
chanyeol is a PUPPY he is SOFT he is A BABY when it comes to areum and E V E R Y O N E can tell that she’s the love of his life
SHE. DOESNT NOTICE. AT ALL. even lee sooman HIMSELF is like “get it together smh areum just love him already”
meanwhile shes like !! wow chanyeol is the sweetest he’s such a great friend !!
but he loves her so much he’d take friendship over just not having her in his life
yeah he’s pure asf when it comes to her .. for the most part hehe
they’ve gone on so many dates and hang out SO much it’s maddening
she’s the one who started calling him loey
and yes she cries/gets sad SO MF MUCH EVERY DAY because her best friend is enlisted and she can’t imagine spending that much time without him
reumyeol things !
-> cuddles and affection (a LOT more off camera)
-> areum refusing to leave him in the studio at night and falling asleep while he’s working
-> chanyeol being WHIPPED and going everywhere with her/helping her whenever he can
-> so many collabs/covers
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d.o. (kyungreum):
the most popular ship (aside from reumyeol)
wbk kyungsoo is a gentleman and he showcases it when it comes to areum
protects her in public situations
he always makes her laugh and the way he laughs at her is !! so mf SWEET !!
they also were in be positive/positive physique together and had those kiss scenes 😳
chanyeol is convinced he’s secretly in love with her and vice versa
BUT the truth is that they’re just friends. the kiss scene made them laugh nd weirded them out but it looked good because it was ACTING
these nerds are just besties they have long talks and it’s 🥺 she cried so much when he enlisted and visited him and texted him lots
kyungreum things !
-> escorts her at events, gives her his coat to cover her, making sure she isn’t harassed in public
-> very comfortable with each other, especially after their kiss scenes
-> kyungsoo teaches her to cook
-> areum gives him advice about ✨girls✨ or helps him out when he needs it
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kai (kaireum):
jongin and areum .. think of the SEXY ! on stage anyway
IRL THEYRE SUCH LIL PISSBABY NERDS. they’re just. teddy bears. softies
when they dance together it’s BEAUTIFUL it’s AMAZING it’s SHOW STOPPING their charisma on stage!! unparalleled!!
she’s said that kai’s voice is her most favorite in the group and that it has a pretty color to it
adorable playful sleepy buds
he wishes she had chosen to join superm with them :( but like baek, he gets it
she’d rather him wear crop tops than her (she hypes him in them when he gets shy)
she went undercover as one of the backup dancers in mmmh because he wanted her to and it was ICONIC especially because fans were just freaking out trying to put the pieces together
kaireum things !
-> linking pinkies
-> helping him to keep his relationships PRIVATE + areum shipping jenkai (which is still currently happening idc)
-> jongin being her stylist
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sehun (sereum):
sehun never fails to make her laugh
but quite frankly even tho she is the youngest HE is still the maknae because he Just Is and everyone can agree
he will pout if she’s getting treated like the maknae he’s lowkey salty because he was SUPPOSED to be the maknae however he still loves her and they’re iconic siblings
they exchange lots of looks and gossip like crazy
areum LOVES dogs she loves the group’s pets but pretends to not like vivi because sehun has made him spoiled
they just sit and clown everyone and don’t give a single shit about it
they know all of each other’s business and even tho sehun thinks she is THE Dumb Bitch she’s HIS dumb bitch
if areum has to act cute or sexy he bursts out laughing
sereum things !
-> they expose each other on the daily
-> exo’s resident sassy mfs
-> lots of public dates
-> sehun shipping reumyeol but also thinking they’re dumb and he is very tired of it
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jmuo-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://jmuo.com/what-were-cooking-this-fathers-day/
What We're Cooking This Father's Day
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[Photographs: Vicky Wasik, unless otherwise noted]
Father’s Day is many things—some of them sweet and sentimental, yes, but accompanied by a fair number of holy-crap-what-do-I-DO anxieties. I’m the only child of divorced parents, so making Father’s Day a special occasion falls squarely on my shoulders. And, let me tell you, Atlas ain’t got nothin’ on me. First of all, my dad’s birthday consistently falls in the same week as Father’s Day. Considering that he’s hard to shop for to begin with,* finding a way to treat him not once but twice in the space of a single week can be an overwhelming prospect. Which is why I try to go all out and whip up a master meal as a gift unto itself.
* If you’re having similar struggles, you may want to check out our Father’s Day gift guide.
I asked the rest of the Serious Eats team to share what they’ll be making for their fathers this year, and what I got was a pretty impressive array of options. Come Sunday, I know I’ll be putting more than a few of these recipes to good use, from a towering devil’s food cake to crispy risotto pancakes.
Papri Chaat
For as long as I can remember, the first thing my dad did after coming home from work, even before kicking off his shoes, was to throw together a quick chaat. It’d be a pretty impromptu endeavor; he’d toss in cereals and crushed-up tortilla chips, along with some fresh aromatics and herbs. His chaat changed day to day and depended on whatever was in the pantry. For Father’s Day, I’d like to make him a real-deal, homemade papri chaat. It’s a whopper of a recipe, with two chutneys, two fried things, and, of course, a chaat masala made with a laundry list of ingredients. But I think nothing would make him happier than an upgrade to his post-work snack. (Yes, my dad works on Sundays.) —Sohla El-Waylly, assistant culinary editor
Choucroute Garnie
One of the dishes my dad would make from time to time when I was a kid was a pot of sauerkraut cooked with pork chops. His dad grew up an orphan in Germany during World War I, wandering the streets barefoot and collecting scrap metal to sell for a few coins. When he emigrated to the United States as a 13-year-old, he brought very little of his early German life with him—understandably, the pressures to assimilate and leave behind any trace of being German were strong during that period. His habit of eating pork and kraut was one of the few traditions that survived. Sure, choucroute is technically French, hailing from Alsace, and sure, June isn’t the best time for such hearty fare, but it’s the most glorious version of that meat-and-cabbage combination I’ve ever tasted, and I think my dad would agree. —Daniel Gritzer, managing culinary director
Devil’s Food Cake
Back around Mother’s Day, I went on at length about the balanced, nourishing, vegetable-heavy dishes I like to make, or imagine making, for my recently vegan mom. With my dad, whom I actually may be cooking for IRL this Father’s Day, that’s all out the window. In food as in few other aspects of his life, my dad has a weakness for the rich (German chocolate, bacon, lasagna) that’s matched only by his love of the over-the-top (unreasonably hot chili peppers, perilously strong coffee, the brightest of all bright-orange cheese puffs). And moderation isn’t his strong suit: My dad is the sort of guy you could imagine eating so much that he pukes. Okay, maybe not these days, but I’m just positive this happened when he was a kid.
Of all the dessert recipes we have that could stand up to such an appetite, the devil’s food cake that originally appeared in Stella’s book is the most likely candidate. I’ve never made it before, but the combination of Dutch cocoa, chopped dark chocolate, brewed coffee, and a whole mess of butter—along with Vicky’s photos of those dark, brooding layers sandwiching fluffy chocolate buttercream—is enough to sell me. The biggest challenge won’t be making sure I have the right equipment on hand or that it’s cool enough in my parents’ Mississippi kitchen for the buttercream, but keeping my dad from stealing chunks of cake and spoonfuls of frosting while I work. —Miranda Kaplan, editor
Hi, my name is Tim, and my dad is a chocoholic. Think party-size bags of M&M’s at every gathering and Max Brenner sampler packs for Christmas. So this is really a no-brainer: three layers of dark, rich chocolate cake, smothered with a generous helping of chocolate Swiss buttercream, topped off with chocolate cookie crumbs. Plus, dark chocolate is good for Pops’ blood pressure, right? RIGHT?! We’ll keep telling ourselves that as we go back for seconds and thirds. —Tim Aikens, front-end developer
Extra-Crispy Fried Chicken and Buttermilk Vanilla Waffles
My dad isn’t much of a cook, but he is a great cheerleader. Ever since I started cooking, back when I was a kid, he’s been the ultimate taste-tester, a finely tuned human smoke alarm—his acute sense of smell detects the slightest hint of overdoneness well before the timer has gone off—and an inquisitive observer. He’s deeply interested in the hows and whys of recipe alchemy and history—sometimes to my chagrin when I’m elbow-deep in a marinade, peering over my shoulder to gauge if the butter on the stove is more nut brown than golden brown, and trying to remember to stop the stand mixer whirring on the counter before those soft-whipped peaks pass the point of no return.
Process and context have always been as important to him as the result, something that translates seamlessly from food to life and back again. Pairing Sohla’s honey butter–doused fried chicken with Stella’s buttermilk waffles would be the perfect multi-component project. Not only would the combo satiate his sweet tooth, it’d also hit that perfectly indulgent craving for pure fried goodness. They’re recipes I could tackle in parts throughout a weekend, with plenty of opportunities for him to sporadically poke his head into the kitchen for taste tests and long, spirited conversations that spin off in a dozen different directions. It’s rare that we get the time to do such things anymore, and, as a bonus, we’d get some stellar fried chicken and waffles out of it, too. Win-win-win. —Marissa Chen, office manager
French Onion Soup
My dad once, rather infamously, spent a great deal of time and money attempting to make a very fancy French onion soup. Unfortunately, the return on investment was pretty dismal, and we haven’t made French onion soup since. He still orders it whenever it’s on a menu, though, and waxes poetic on every caramelized, cheesy, toasty bite. One recipe that delivers all the hits and definitely won’t fail is Daniel’s French onion soup: It’s easy, relatively quick, and once we’ve made it together, my dad will be able to replicate it whenever a craving strikes. —Kristina Bornholtz, social media editor
Fresh and Creamy Lime Pie
My dad is decidedly Team Pie, and in the realm of pie, he’s particularly fond of meringue (although he wouldn’t turn his nose up at cherry or blueberry, either). To balance out the potential heaviness that often goes hand in hand with family cookouts, I’ll be serving up this light and fresh lime pie—seasonality be damned. It’s as cold and refreshing as a glass of limeade, and the perfect palate cleanser to end a summer meal. —Stella Parks, pastry wizard
A Thai Feast
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
My dad lives across the continent from me, so I’m pretty sure I won’t be cooking anything for him this Father’s Day, but if I were, I’d make a spread of Thai food (one of his two favorite cuisines). I’d start with this Spicy Chicken, Banana Blossom, and Herb Salad, packed with fried alliums and coconut. (You can sometimes find banana blossoms in Asian or Indian markets, but this salad will work just fine with shredded cabbage in their place.) Then I’d move on to some Pork Larb (a sweet and hot meaty salad flavored with toasted rice) and Phat Bai Horapha (stir-fried beef flavored with chilies and basil). Fred’s not so into rice, but I’d still whip up a batch of this easy Crab Fried Rice, if only for my own sake. It’s Father’s Day for me, too, after all. —J. Kenji López-Alt, chief culinary consultant
Crown Roast of Lamb
My dad is an incredible cook, and he always pulls out the stops when he has me over for dinner—I’m talking Moroccan pastilla, osso buco, vitello tonnato, and many other trademark concoctions. So I’m always on the lookout for new special-occasion dishes I can make to return the favor. This Father’s Day, I’m turning to a recipe I’ve had my eye on for years: Daniel’s crown roast of lamb, which is filled with a couscous stuffing and topped with a bright pistachio-mint sauce. It checks off all the boxes: some of my dad’s favorite ingredients, a stunning presentation, and guaranteed delicious results. —Niki Achitoff-Gray, executive managing editor
Risotto al Salto and Chili Crisp
My father and I have a somewhat contentious culinary relationship, in large part because, while he loves Serious Eats and makes our recipes regularly, he doesn’t ever seem to follow the instructions. It isn’t laziness, nor is it absent-mindedness; it’s usually because he thinks he knows better. Which is why I always dread receiving the email each week in which he announces his intention to make some new recipe or another. I can generally tell whether or not he’ll be successful, and it often has to do with how much attention to detail a recipe requires.
Case in point: Daniel’s risotto al salto, which, while straightforward enough, does require a little fussiness; you need to rotate the rice pancake in the pan to ensure even browning, and Daniel takes great pains to point out that flipping the thing is a relatively tricky endeavor. Of course, my father made his attempt, using risotto with rather large pieces of sausage in it (which, I SHOULD NOTE, Daniel specifically says to avoid the first time out), and sent me a picture of his failure, including the entirely unnecessary message “This recipe did not work for me.” Anyway, if I were making him a Father’s Day dinner, I’d make the flippin’ pancake, and I’d serve it alongside some of Sohla’s chili crisp, since my father has asked me why anyone would make it when you can buy the stuff in the jar at your local Chinese market. Because it’s better, Dad! —Sho Spaeth, features editor
Singaporean Chili Crab
When I was young, having crab at home was a treat, but still cheaper than eating it at a restaurant. I have memories of cautiously peering into the sink as my father handled the pinching crustaceans with force and speed. He’d stir-fry them Cantonese-style, or simply steam them with soy sauce on the side. This Father’s Day, it’ll be my first time making a crab dish (yikes!). But with a Serious Eats recipe and my dad’s guidance, I’m confident this Singaporean Chili Crab will be a hit. —Vivian Kong, product designer
Skillet Chocolate Cake
My dad loves chocolate cake. (It’s a love I have very much inherited.) For Father’s Day, I’ll be treating him to Stella’s skillet chocolate cake: The ganache frosting is super luscious and rich, and the cake (typical of Stella’s recipes) is perfectly moist and deeply chocolaty. And in the future, he can make this recipe for himself without much trouble. He already has the cast iron pan, and the whole thing comes together right in it. I can only hope that he’ll think to return the favor and make it for my birthday. —Ariel Kanter, marketing director
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*drops sheldon the bunnyfly on your lap*
I- what- @witheredblackroses come get your child
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um hi?
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C. Can be cool
H. Handsome
E. Even more handsome
N. Not a loser
Basically most of girls at ninjago high school right?
I don't know what to say to this
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Welcome, Chen! Glad to see you finally came around to Tumblr :D!
~ @zane-julien-irl
oh, hey, zane.
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You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep
'Cause they fill the open air
And leave teardrops everywhere
You'd think me rude but I would just stand and stare
I'd like to make myself believe that planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
(I got bored you're just getting normal text now)
'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightning bugs
As they tried to teach me how to dance
A foxtrot above my head
A sock hop beneath my bed
A disco ball is just hanging by a thread (thread, thread)
I'd like to make myself believe that planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)
Leave my door open just a crack
Please take me away from here'Cause I feel like such an insomniac
Please take me away from here
Why do I tire of counting sheep?
Please take me away from here
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep
To ten million fireflies
I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell (they said farewell)
But I'll know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar (jar, jar, jar)I'd like to make myself believe that planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)
I'd like to make myself believe that planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)
good day
oh fuck you
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Are you gay?
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i knew this screenshot would eventually be useful
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Anyways, chen you alright?
Here's some borscht!
yeah I'm alright
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people said I should join tumblr, so I did
you probably already know me from school
also you can ask me questions
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Kiss a bun
uh... no
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