#cheogsh 2
m39 · 5 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2009): Cheogsh 2
No clowns to scare you today!
But, yeah, change of plans, people. It looks like the version of GZDoom that I’m using is incompatible with Happy Time Circus II, so I had to use ZDoom; and with this rather archaic source port, combined with walking through darkness most of the time, trying to guess where to go, and the gnawing, bouncing heads from the first HTC returning from that map, I’ll have to slowly play it bit by bit in between reviewing other Doom maps/WADs if I have to keep my sanity intact.
Also, forgot to mention in my Killing Adventure review that I am promoting that WAD to the main Revenant Awards ceremony.
S2: Cheogsh 2
Main author(s): Shadowman and Guest
Release date: November 19th, 2009
Version(s) played: ???
Required port compatibility: GZDoom
Levels: 7
The original Cheogsh map was one of my favorites from the 2007 Cacowards. And today, we will be looking at its (sorta) sequel, with more maps, more stuff, and being more ambitious. But after two years in development, did the main author’s ambitions overwhelm this WAD?
Okay, spoilers right not since I don’t care – IT DID.
But how much did these ambitions ruin the sequel to what I thought was a pretty good map? Well… Allow me to tell.
Review based on one playthrough with no screenshots (I really need to add it as a rule).
Oh, right. There is also a plot that is generic some marine dudes have gone missing and it all goes to shit from there. Not really much to talk about.
Now, to properly start talking about this WAD, I can at least say that, like the first Cheogsh, it looks great. It’s basically the same style as with the previous Doom map, but on seven, hub-based maps and adds new stuff like the crystal mines and buildings that weren’t originally in the city section.
Music was also great to listen to. I recognized at least three tracks from the first Cheogsh (which were already great), and the new ones are enjoyable to listen to. I wish I had more to say here.
Now, properly playing Cheogsh 2 is… oh boy… Where do I begin?! Remember how I said that the first WAD wasn’t really that complicated to play through? Well, it looks like the main author decided to snort some of that moon dust and turn it into an overly-complicated, mind-numbing filth that sucks the fun from playing this WAD.
Yeah, it’s one of those WADs that are style over substance. Now, it is not as painful to play before visiting New City of the Damned since you mostly depend on your sight to find important switches, where to go next (like through the passage in one of the gardens in Border Village), and knowing that three rooms are available near the library in Temple of Seth at the start. But as soon you reach the city itself, it all goes down the shitter.
Sure, in the previous installment, you had a similar section with the demonic city with catacombs in a temple, but there, while only the catacombs part felt like a too-dark, mangled maze full of switch hunting, here, not only the catacombs section is bigger than the original Cheogsh, but all of its cons spread to the city as well. It got so bad that I refused to go further without giving myself night-vision goggles through cheating each, bloody minute!
It was that painful to play this part; to the point that I thought I glitched the map until I found out that the silent teleporter that loops one section of catacombs can be beaten by running backwards as soon as you touch it. Now try figuring it out without a guide, you re*YOUTUBE*!
I’m not entirely sure if the cutscenes are better or worse here. On the one hand, you can change how long the dialogue stays on screen (once you bind the key, of course), so you can swipe them really fast if you don’t care about this shit. On the other hand, there are at least 1-2 cutscenes without dialogue that just show you what’s happening on the screen, and it takes a while for them to end. I’m not sure if they can be skipped as well, but I think it would be really beneficial if you were able to do that.
Aside from two new keys (black and white skulls in the city area), there are also a few new items such as blood flask and soul gems that are used for progression. There is also something called Osiris’ Eye; I’m not sure what it does, and I don’t even think I grabbed it when I played the WAD.
I don’t know what to think of the difficulty. It was far from being hard but there were moments that felt like an artificial bump in it, like the final boss and the mine section that I’ll get into in the moment.
Not to mention how I feel like the WAD sometimes respawns monsters when you move back to the earlier maps, and it feels like a punishment for not knowing what to do and where to go next.
The mine section is also annoying; you lose your weapons, and you have to find them back while wielding nothing but reskinned chainsaw. Oh, and also you end with a single-digit health. It kind of feels like a filler since it adds nothing to the WAD aside from the challenge that feels next to impossible if you try to get your guns back without finding secrets.
Of course, like the previous installment, Cheogsh 2 has new enemies. Aside from all of the enemies from the first Cheogsh (minus the boss from that map), there are also additional enemies like one new variant for Imp, Lost Soul, and Revenant (that pretends to be dead and is blue now), along with a couple of new Hell Nobles, like Afrit (the easy one). One of these is the final boss (I don’t know if it’s actually Cheogsh again); he reeks of bullshit due to shooting tiny, ridiculously fast projectiles and has shades that suck off your health fast as shit (and these are barely visible).
And… I guess that’s all what I have to say about this WAD. Cheogsh 2 is another WAD that collapsed under the author’s ambitions. It might be bigger in scope, but it also inflates the problems that were plaguing the previous installment along with adding new ones. Play the original map. It will give you more fun than this WAD (it gave me at least).
And since this is the only partial conversion runner-up I managed to beat (since I think I can stomach Happy Time Circus II for around an hour per day), I am promoting THIS WAD to the main Revenant Awards ceremony.
Hopefully, I will be able to/remember about finishing the scary clown Doom map part two.
Good thing that the next WAD on the list is from Eternal. Hopefully, it will wash out the stains this one left.
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m39 · 1 year
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2007): Cheogsh
G2: Cheogsh
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Main author(s): Shadowman
Release date: August 2nd, 2007
Version played: ???
Required port compatibility: GZDoom
Levels: 1
And now, for the first partial conversion of the 2007 roster, and, probably, the first real banger of the 2007 roster, we have Cheogsh. Created as a tribute to the author’s passed best friend, in around 1.5 months (counting a break). And while there is no written plot in the textfile, there is some stuff in the map itself talking about fighting the titular hell lord.
I’m running out of stuff to stay, so let’s see what this map has to offer.
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Let’s start by saying that this map looks great. While it’s mostly covered in red, black, and brown colors/lightning, the map still manages to look incredible and has many distinctive locations. I don’t know if this is the prettiest-looking map I’ve seen up to this point (ignoring the maps/WADs that were released in the following years), but at worst I would consider it pretty close to that position.
The soundtrack is also great. I don’t know if it is the original track or was taken from other media, but its epicness on every level (even the parts that are calmer) is worth taking a listen to.
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Asides from one shitty location to play through, this map isn’t really complex. Now let me tell you what you do on this map (I would warn you about spoilers but this is a 15-year-old map; bite me).
You start on the beach shores near some ruins. As you explore them, you notice a temple. You go in, you kill doormen, and you use teleporter.
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You suddenly end up in a cage with fellow marines. You break out, and after a while, you end up in some kind of demonic community area with a tavern, pool, huts, etc. As you go around doing shenanigans, you eventually end up in the catacombs. These are the worst part of Cheogsh; a fucking labyrinth full of ghosts and skeletons (if you know what I mean) that has barely enough light and you can’t even see the layout on the map. I legitimately hate this area.
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Anyway, after dealing with that filth, you finally get the yellow key which you use to get the blue key. Doing this takes you to some human house (based on and created by the passed friend of the author’s) to grab the hidden BFG.
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With BFG in your hands, you go back and through the blue door to the underground cavern where you find the red key. With this key, you get access to Cheogsh pentagram. This thing must be turned off by pressing five switches, each dedicated to one beating heart that powers the demon lord. You do that, and you are finally allowed to fight the titular demon. After turning him into mush, you go back to the shore to notice that the sky is now blue. The corruption has been lifted. You won.
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Now changing the subject, aside from catacombs, there is another thing in Cheogsh that I don’t like (although, not on such a magnitude) – the unskippable cutscenes. Not the ones where Cheogsh talks (where Korax’s voice lines are used), but the ones where are forced to stop and listen to some ramblings (with some broken English) either from you or Casper the rambling marine. Sure, it’s not as horrible as 007 WAD, and it happens only three times, but I honestly believe there should’ve been a skip button to not waste everyone’s time.
Cheogsh isn’t exactly a hard map. It suffers from the hard pistol beginning that every map has, where you have nothing but a pea shooter, but it gets easier and it overall ends in-between on the difficulty scale. I can at least say it’s harder than Genesis of Descent and it rarely has hitscanners.
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What doesn’t make this map a complete pushover is the new enemies. These were originally introduced in Knee-Deep in ZDoom, a WAD released a few months before Cheogsh. And since that WAD also won a Cacoward in the same year as this map, try not to act surprised when I’ll be talking about these mofos again when I get to KDiZD:
Starting with three, new Imp variants – Howler, Soul Harvester, and Nightmare. The first one is basically if Class 2 imp from STRAIN was more unique. In that case, we still have a fast Imp-like enemy that functions as a weaker Arachnotron but is now slightly tougher than a decade ago.
Meanwhile, Soul Harvester is like a smaller cousin of Revenant, in that he shoots homing projectiles. These are much harder to dodge (they will usually turn around and still hit you almost all the time), but at least they can only scratch you... I guess?
Nightmares... just suck. They act like ZDoom stealth enemies, you can only hit them when they attack you, and as soon as you spot them, you almost always get hit... hard. At least they appear in the catacombs section and can be seen with night goggles.
From 2002’s Nimrod, we have Mauler, the Pinky variant that for some reason can launch at you like a freaking Lost Soul. At least it has a better design and is still as tough as the regular Pinky.
The Hell Nobility also earned two additional variants – Satyr and Hell Warrior. The former runs around after snorting a line of coke trying to rip you apart. Thankfully, he’s melee-only.
The latter one comes from 2004’s ZDCMP1, but now it has a lion head and his shield can shoot projectiles too (I don’t remember him doing that in the original project).
We can’t forget about the titular Cheogsh, of course. Dressed as the bruiser demon, he can fire a single projectile, a volley of these, and a barrage of floor fire. Fighting him isn’t really hard, just annoying since he’s three times tougher than Cyberdemon and the last attack makes him teleport.
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I haven’t encountered bugs in this map, but the Doomwiki article mentions how the blue key has a chance to appear under the platform it lies on.
Cheogsh might have the baffling catacombs area, and some of its cutscenes outstay their welcome, but it is still a great map worth checking out.
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I can only hope that other single map WADs/partial and total conversions keep up the fun factor this map has.
See you next time.
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m39 · 1 month
Doom WADs’ Roulette: Revenant Awards 2009
REVENANT AWARDS 2009 EDITION (I’m not mixing the names of the most popular movies of the previous years with Doom stuff anymore; I got sick of it)
We are almost at the end of the journey, folks. We are just mere steps to say goodbye to the 2000s and its roster of WADs. We still have a couple of WADs from that decade that weren’t mentioned by the Doomworld guys, but we aren’t focusing on those today.
Today, we will be looking at the 2009 roster of WADs, and choosing (providing there are more than one in a category) which one gave me the most fun. Starting with-
Okay, let’s be honest with this one people. There is no actual choice for this one since we are putting NewDoom Community Project II against fucking Killing Adventure. Guess which one gets the award?
NDCP II has its own share of problems, starting with many of its maps getting tiresome if you decide to marathon them, inconsistency in the difficulty sliding, and two new enemies that are an unintentional annoyance at best; but on the other hand, it gave me much more fun than its predecessor, not to mention being miles better than that.
Killing Adventure, meanwhile, boils down to the mediocrity fest that fails in what it aims to be – a joke WAD.
So there is no surprise that the former WAD wins this category in the source port section.
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Now, this case is kind of another conundrum for the lack of better words, since we have two winners by default – Whispers of Satan and Plutonia 2; both winning this award in a source port and vanilla sections respectively. I just want to talk slightly more about these two WADs here and choose which one gave me more fun (spoilers – it’s Whispers of Satan).
On the one hand, WoS is a more accessible WAD than P2, has less-mangled maps, and is much more diverse with themes than the latter. On the other hand, Plutonia the Second has much harder maps (if you’re in for a greater challenge) with next to no copy-pasted areas, and its plot feels more self-aware than WoS’.
In my case, it all boiled down to preferring getting annoyed by copy-pasted areas rather than by getting mobbed from every side of an area with next to no cover that isn’t the previous safe haven-turned room.
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This is where it gets interesting. We have six WADs in this category, and half of these felt like a waste of my time. Happy Time Circus II and Cheogsh II, despite both being declared runners-up by Doomworld, felt like a slap in the face due to the former being annoyance incarnate and the latter being a massive disappointment as a sequel to the not-perfect but still really good map. Legacy of Suffering had its cool moments but I would recommend taking a look at this WAD out of curiosity sake rather than for being really good.
Harmony is a definitive step up when it comes to fun factors compared to the previously mentioned WADs, but it still has questionable decisions; particularly the original soundtrack and hitscanners being more bullshit than the Doom ones. Demons of Problematique 2 looks great and has interesting mechanics, but the boss encounters tend to be annoying, along with the music tracks related to these. Lastly, Tribute might be an old, janky WAD that requires Skulltag of all source ports to properly play and has moments of outdated humor, but if you manage to make it all work, you might realize that this WAD is a shit ton of fun to play, greatly utilizing the source port's exclusive items, while also doing its own things on the same level of quality.
So, yeah, there is no more arguing here, Tribute gets the award. I can only hope that my (partial) bias towards this WAD being made by a Polish dude won’t sour my taste to it in the future like it did with Hidden Mountain Factory.
If I could choose only the WAD that can be played on GZDoom, I would give it to DoP 2, which I mark as an honorable mention in this category.
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And now for the moment, you didn’t wait for – the default winners.
Starting with Pug of Pink (2-7 maps) and its winner – Hell Ground; probably the best WAD out of the entire 2009 roster. Almost everything in this WAD is great IMO.
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And as for the Golden Spider (8-9 maps), we have Mapgame, one of the better Doom I episode replacements.
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Well… this is it, people. That’s basically all that I have to say about the 2000s Cacowards. Time to take a look at some of the leftovers from the 2009 roster, and then one, last WAD from that decade before taking a break and choosing the best WADs of the 2000s after that. And after selecting the winners of that decade… well… let’s just say there are two, final WADs to discuss. One that will be talked about more likely in terms of my memories with it, and the other mocking things that were popular with the WAD community back in the early 2000s (especially the ones that were like the just aforementioned former one).
But until then, I’ll see you next time.
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m39 · 2 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2009): Demons of Problematique 2
G9: Demons of Problematique 2
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Main author(s): Dennis Meuwissen (Exl)
Release date: September 20th, 2009
Version(s) played: Revision 2 (I guess)
Required port compatibility: GZDoom
Levels: 5 (four normal maps and the difficulty selection map)
And so, today, we are tackling another sequel to the WAD from 2007. This time, it’s Problems of Problematique 2.
From what I can remember about the first DoP, it was a rather good WAD that didn’t go too far with ZDoom features; it was kind of like the original Cheogsh (at least until the sequel went too fudging far with that -_-). Let’s hope this WAD didn’t make the same mistakes as its… Russian brother did.
DoP 2 looks at least as good as DoP 1 (which was good). Any traces of techbase from the previous installment have been reduced to nothing, but hey! Look at those damn LIGHT RAYS!
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Also, It Ends looks sick (at least the beginning where you are walking to the arena).
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Like the previous installment, aside from ambient stuff in the background, DoP 2 has two music tracks that, in the case of this WAD, function as the boss tracks (plus two others that I won’t be focusing on). My bias towards MIDIs will show up again, but I don’t feel like this music fits. I’m sure these music pieces sound good, but here, I felt like these were too generic.
I don’t think this WAD is complicated. It’s more or less like the first DoP; there aren’t moments where you get stuck for a longer period. Not to mention how, like its predecessor, moving from one map to another is smooth.
There are some differences between these WADs. DoP 2 actually has the difficulty selection that references Quake I, to the point of resembling the map from the original name (although with much more red and much less brown); this is not the first WAD that depicts this type of difficulty selection, but it might be the first one to reference the game that inspired these.
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Another thing about this WAD is that it uses save scrolls as an autosave system. Wish I could say more but I don’t know what else to say. Same with the map names showing up in an unorthodox way.
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There is another interesting moment in Oubliette, where after the boss battle (I’ll get to that later) you get ambushed by demons and end up behind the cell up to 30% health, at least for a while, before an imp with patience issues opens the cell up to kill you himself.
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I don’t really have anything severe to complain about Something Dark is Coming aside from the final part with the shooting puzzle, where you are forced to guess the correct switch three times under the time limit. It doesn’t help that, sometimes, all of the switches I wrong (save-scummed to test it), so if you are very unlucky, you will end up melted by lava before even getting the first, right switch.
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Changing the subject, DoP 2 won’t be difficult if you played hundreds of WADs at this point (even if it gets cheap moment-wise). The only time that might get hard (for mostly the wrong reasons) is with the boss fights.
And speaking of boss fights, there are two of these. The first one happens in the aforementioned Oubliette, where you fight a super arch-vile that summons dozens of enemies and is invulnerable until you kill all of its minions to get a chance to hurt him.
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The second boss fight is against the icon of sin, and, for once in a lifetime, it’s not another icon of shit. You just have to kill four super arch-viles, then siege cow and spider bitch. After doing these, you are given a choice between dying to an armada of fatsos, or just blowing Baphomet’s brain like in the good, old days.
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I am not really fond of these bosses. While they are 10 times better than the typical icon of shit, they don’t really have much to offer when it comes to some decent cover, especially against the hitscanners. You have to hope that you end up lucky with RNG.
I’ve found one funny bug in Something Dark is Coming, where the large, red lift that takes you out of the prison section can be lowered infinitely, making it an accidental elevator to the heart of hell.
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It might have problems, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t have fun playing Demons of Problematique 2. It might be just another pretty decent WAD on the surface, but after Cheogsh 2, it feels like a masterpiece that didn’t go through the downward spiral of the source port features fever.
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As for the next WAD on the list… we have… we have uh… y-you know what, guys? I think I will finish the NDCP II and Happy Time Circus II before taking care of... that one.
Oh, God. I can already hear skeletons and Hoovies behind me.
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m39 · 5 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2009): Hell Ground
From one, Russian WAD with seven maps to another. But at least this time I had some actual fun.
G1: Hell Ground
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Main author(s): Alexander S. (Eternal)
Release date: November 15th, 2009
Version(s) played: ???
Required port compatibility: Boom
Levels: 7
Hell Ground is another Cacoward winner made by Eternal. It was created in around two months and yet it feels like a much higher quality mod than Cheogsh 2, which was for two years in the oven. It feels unreal to me.
But it will be better if I’ll just start talking about this WAD and not waste your time anymore.
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Like with his previous Doom maps and WADs, Eternal doesn’t disappoint with how his maps look. In the worst case, they all look good. Warp of Time and Mystery of Hell are the best-looking maps in the WAD; it’s like the author went completely nuts with their design, with MAP04 offering four areas with different color motives, while MAP07 has, among the underground and library areas, monoliths at the end of it that resemble the Citadel from Epic.
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Choosing American McGee’s Alice for the WAD’s music tracks was, for the most part, a rather good idea. While I think some of the tracks are too short for the maps that are placed in, stuff like Pool of Tears and Time to Die on the other hand, fit like a glove (these two are also my favorite).
Hell Ground isn’t too complicated. Even on my blind playthrough, I can’t remember getting stuck on any levels aside from probably the library section of the last map.
Now, most of the maps have at least one interesting thing to talk about. Blood Runner, for instance, feels like a homage to Plutonia, specifically, its first map – Congo.
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Warp of Time, as I mentioned, is made out of four locations with different color motives each (blue, green, steel/black, and red/pink), plus the hub area with teleporters that will lead you there, cave system before it, and the final area with a small bastion and a well where you have to jump into. The main attraction of the map seems to be inspired by Killer Colours from Alien Vendetta.
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Undertaker has the hub area with the big drill (that appears after you deal with the blue key area) that later changes into Hell Revealed’s Descent homage, and later you end up supposedly dead and in Limbo AKA Timeless.
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That map is basically an intermission map where you heal yourself up, you do some platforming in Eden along with other puzzles in the main area (which are easier than they look) and you end up in Hell.
Mystery of Hell, asides from the locations I mentioned earlier, has a boss that is, thankfully, not another Icon of Shit. You basically have to shoot him in the eyes, get rid of his guards, and shove rockets into his mouth (you have a moment to do that before the eyes come back). Although I’m gonna be honest with you people, I feel like the boss was bugged, but I’ll get to that later.
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I feel in-between about Hell Ground’s difficulty. I don’t think it’s easy; there are some tough moments like the Baron barrage in Warp of Time and the final stretch of Undertaker, but honestly, at this point, after playing so many slaughter maps/WADs, this WAD feels like nothing in comparison. It tends to get cheap, but I feel like I also experienced cheaper crap than what these maps have to offer.
There are two additional obstacles to spice things up. The first is a dark-colored imp that shoots Hell Noble’s fireballs and is around 2.5 times tougher than the regular one, not to mention much faster. Second is the roaming Revenant’s missile that kind of acts like Lost Soul and you can actually destroy it before it attacks you.
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Now, I mentioned about the final boss not working properly. I don’t know what happened but I feel like I was unable to shoot the eyes from where I should've done that; like they became non-corporeal or something. It forced me to use cheats to fly up close to them and even then it was around 50% that they would get hit.
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Without counting the bugged final boss, Hell Ground is another WAD that is worth checking out. Eternal’s third Cacowards winner in a row, people, and he still slaps… It won’t be the last one.
Now with this review done, I’ll say that the break from reviewing will be indefinite this time. I have uh...
You glance over Hades II and Black Mesa.
...important stuff to do.
See ya.
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m39 · 8 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette: Revenant Awards 2007
And so, we once again reached the end of another roster of Doom WADs. And despite personal stuff making me change my breaks between each WAD to not experience burnout (and having more time to play other stuff that is not Doom-related), I would say that this roster was rather good.
Like with the 2006 roster, this ceremony will have three main events for the lack of better words; but instead of the Golden Spider award, it’s Pug-of-Pink one.
Without wasting any more time, let’s look at the first category.
Here, choosing the winner for the category was closer to being easy rather than hard, even though I feel like the maps here are good at best. The most disappointing map from 2007 was definitely The Dying End; the fact that it is a galore of almost every cheap, difficulty bump on a map based on the original MAP29 is already bad enough, but knowing that it was made by Christopher Lutz, who’s WADs from 2002 and 2003 I really enjoyed, hurts even more.
And as for the other two maps, Songs of the Damned and Outer Darkness, these two can be fun to play, but they don’t really stick out from the other standalone maps I’ve played before. And since one of them needs to win, I say Songs of the Damned wins the award, due to being a Doom II WAD unlike the other map (that is a Doom I WAD) and having no hitscanners on it; and for a Doom WAD/map, that’s very rare.
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Finding a winner for this award was easier than I thought since one WAD decimated the other three. My memories of both Demons of Problematique and Genesis of Descent are rather muddy at this point but I think these WADs were rather good to play through. As for Sine Die… that was just okayish; still, I would rather play something else.
At this point, it shouldn’t be surprising that Epic wins the award for this category. It might be unpolished in some places but the fact that one of the Eternal’s earlier WADs managed to outclass the other WADs is an achievement on its own. Play this WAD. You won’t be disappointed.
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All of these WADs are related due to many enemies from the Monster Resource WAD being used in each of these.
Starting with Knee-Deep in ZDoom, it was a WAD (that I personally think is rather good) filled with useless and/or questionable ideas that it became a joke among the community (I guess); a WAD tarnished by the ambition of the team behind it. I could say the same thing about Ultimate Torment and Torture, with the difference of it being more of a solo project and with pretentious cutscenes.
And so we are left with the winner of this category: Cheogsh. It’s not a perfect map; the catacombs section is horrible and the cutscenes with marine ghost go on, and on, but aside from these, this map is incredible. It’s like something finally snapped in place and didn’t go overboard with ambitiousness. Play this map too; you won’t be disappointed.
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And now for the WADs that won an award by default.
The Platinum Revenant award (10-19 maps) goes to It Only Gets Worse. I completely forget/don’t know what to think about this WAD aside from being funnier than the Mockaward winner from 2006.
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The Full Deck of Diamonds award (30-32 maps) goes to Community Chest 3. But don’t have high hopes for this compilation, people. It might have better quality control than CC2 and is less of a mixed bag due to that, but it’s not as memorable as its predecessor.
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And the Big Fucking WAD award (at least 33 maps) goes to Wonderful Doom. A perfect choice for someone who wants to replay Ultimate Doom but slightly different; with all of the pros and cons that the original game has.
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And that’s all for the 2007 roster of Doom WADs. There are still two things related to that year, but I’ll take care of them in the near future. For now…
I have 007 WAD’s locations to take pictures of. But at least I won’t force myself to play through all of this filth.
Speaking of filth, thank you all for reading, and I’ll see you next time.
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