#doom 2009
m39 · 3 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2009): Legacy of Suffering
Hey, kids. Ya wanna play some Deum 3 on Doom 2?
Okay, it’s not really Doom 3, but… eh… that will do.
G5: Legacy of Suffering
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Main author(s): Logan MTM
Release date: November 28th, 2009 (original release)
Version(s) played: updated
Required port compatibility: GZDoom
Levels: 10 (8 regular ones, 1 post-credits and something called LOSINV01)
Now here is something weird from Brazil – Legacy of Suffering, AKA another one of those WADs that released its first part, and nothing else after promising more. In the case of this stillborn WAD series, we also have mixing original Doom games with elements of Doom 3. That, and the shotgun with four barrels (I’ll get to that in the longer moment).
This project started as a combination of two old projects, one from 2006 by Logan himself and 2007’s Dark Base by Maurício Rocks. The plot was different from what we got, there was supposed to be more artwork and even some 3D stuff; so basically, typical stuff that was changed in production.
The plot, meanwhile, happening right after Doom 3, focuses on a super soldier bloke, who got arrested because he was going insane, is now on a moon base, and that base ends up attacked by demons.
Since we will be tackling one of those ZDoom WADs that likes to use a huge chunk of the source port’s features (you know, those smelly wankers), I can only hope that it won’t annoy me as much as many others before it. Let’s take a look.
Disclaimer: Review based on two playthroughs without secret hunting.
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You know how Doom 3 was around 75% walking through some dark tech base with occasional trips outside and in hell? Well, in this WAD, it’s, without counting the post-credits map along with taking place on the Moon instead of Mars, always walking through some tech base crap, except it doesn’t feel as dark as the original release of Doom 3.
That doesn’t mean the base looks bad; it looks good, and it has some nice details here and there, I especially like the sixth act with a monorail. I just wish it had more map styles.
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The music is… good, I guess? I recognized tracks from Painkiller (I need to replay that game one day) and the remix of Sign of Evil at Act VIII fits like a glove; I just wish it wasn’t that loud (turn down the music volume just in case). Also, and it’s a more personal problem, I listened to so many great MIDIs from the past and future WADs that listening to the music with actual instruments in Classic Doom mods feels off. It doesn’t boil my blood as much as MIDIs.
The design of the levels doesn’t really feel that complicated. Even though the automap doesn’t show the layout (yep, it’s one of those), it was still a far cry from some of the bigger moon-logic crap I’ve played. I still recommend using IDDT on the map (at least on your second playthrough); I don’t think there is a shame in doing that in cases like this.
Our protagonist has regenerating health, so if you want to, you can wait in the corner like it’s another Gears of War or Call of Duty to come back to full health (although it’s kind of slow). I don’t really mind it.
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I feel like the ZDoom cutscenes might be the least obnoxious ones I have experienced in ZDoom WADs. Sure, there are moments where it takes control out of you, but these are rather short, there is no annoying, pretentious dialogue, and most of the time, these are rather dynamic; they actually show stuff. You can even outright skip some of the longer cutscenes. It’s like the cutscenes evolved into being passable at worst, and if they are worse, then they almost evolved into this state.
As I mentioned earlier, there is a secret map that you can play after the credits roll. It’s good, I guess? It kind of reminded me of the first trip to hell in Doom 3 (maybe it inspired that map).
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Despite its name, Legacy of Suffering won’t really let you suffer with its difficulty. It is challenging, don’t get me wrong (mostly because projectiles are now faster -_-), but it’s not really a ball buster.
It gets interesting since the enemies have some new moves on their sleeves. Shotgunners and Chaingunners can now dash-attack after being hurt (luckily, the latter start firing much later), Pinkies barely feel pain and have a chance to ram at you (spectres don’t get these bonuses), Revenants fire two missiles instead of one (and can fire after throwing a punch), Barons have a chance to shoot three fireballs instead of one, Arachnotrons drop cells after they completely disappear (like all of the other demons), and Lost Souls have reduced health (and new, more annoying sound effects).
The WAD also adds three new enemies to the roster. One is the regular mob – Super Shotgunner, wielding its namesake and having more health than any other zombie (from what I’ve experienced).
The other two enemies are bosses; there is a super Hoovy that has an upgraded chaingun that occasionally fires rockets as well. The other is called Shadow Guardian, which is basically a digitalized Hell Knight from Doom 3, that can be only hurt by plasma, and fires a deadly AOE attack after getting hurt.
Typically for such WADs, you also get new weapons. I mentioned a shotgun with four barrels at the beginning of the review, and that’s what the cannon shotgun is. You can fire from one barrel or from all four at once with the alt-fire; it is also the only weapon that requires manual reloading.
The second new weapon is launcher chaingun (or what the fuck is it called), which you steal from the uber Hoovy. It’s basically a chaingun on steroids with a small rocket launcher attached to it.
Like the old enemies, the old weapons get some changes. You reload the super shotgun slightly faster; there is a small delay before the regular chaingun starts firing; you punch faster but weaker (you can also kick); you can swing your chainsaw now with the alt-fire; and the plasma gun now fires a blue BFG ball with the alt.
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Legacy of Suffering is an interesting specimen. Out of all of the ZDoom WADs from the 2000s that sacrifice the fun and gameplay to focus more on the source port’s features, this one feels like it could age the least poorly.
Do I still recommend it? Kind of? It’s worth taking a look at it but not for more than one or two playthroughs at once.
The next WAD on the list is an interesting case since it requires Skulltag to play. I’ll see what I can do with it. If the first map breaks down, I’ll let you know and probably cancel the review of the next WAD.
We will see.
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subaru-copilot · 3 months
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F1 Grand Prix of Abu Dhabi - 2009 Sebastian Vettel (P1) & Mark Webber (P2) Source
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todayinhiphophistory · 6 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
MF DOOM released his sixth solo album Born Like This March 24, 2009
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s-tellans · 1 month
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my only contribution to the midnight mass fandom that matters
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arcadebroke · 7 months
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thekidsarentalright · 4 months
seeing pics of p2 from folie era where they are so clearly like. still two halves of a whole, soulmates, in love yet Knowing how much things were falling apart at that time behind the scenes is so devastating like. the love despite but the knowledge that, at the time, love couldn’t save them. only time and maturing could get them to the point where love Did save them but they didn’t even know it at the time is. it. it does things to me <3
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papasmistakeria · 11 months
No because why did no one tell me Karl Urban was in the Doom movie? And that there's a sub-tag in AO3 for a crossover with AOS called DoomTrek?
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POV: Jim and Spock tell you they're going on another life-threatening mission together (they both just got out of one barely alive and are still recovering in Sickbay)
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Quentin Tarantino with the cast of Inglorious Basterds.
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
the girlbossification of ruth bader ginsburg has to be one of the most just plain annoying aspects of white liberal feminism. like it's not as actively harmful as a lot of other shit obviously. but it is soooooo annoying. if I never see another notorious rbg tote bag as long as I live it will be too soon
#her opinions and amicus' in many cases were iconic! not denying that certainly. she is absolutely AMONG the better justices in us history#HOWEVER her record on policing/the carceral system is very bad! genuinely bad!#and she just would not hold the conservative justices accountable. her and kagan are way too placating#and then she refused to retire in 2009 when there was a sitting democratic president and a fucking DEMOCRATIC SUPER MAJORITY#saying basically that no one else could do the job as well as her which is insane because sotomayor and KBJ literally are better :/#its also unbelievably conceited and just incredibly fucking selfish to knowingly doom the country because you think youre hot shit#started ranting abt this at work bc literally any talk even adjacent to the supreme court will set me off abt all of us court history#and my coworker was like 'well i dont think its very fair that she had to have that much riding on her decision to retire'#it literally is fair because that is the fucking job that she signed up for. this has literally always been how it fucking works#its a lifetime appointment. you either die unexpectedly or retire strategically#she accepted a position in which the entire country would depend on her but its not fair for the entire country to depend on her???#bullshit#im not fucking buying it. she did this knowing roe would likely be struck down as a result#she should absolutely be held accountable for that lmfao. you can know that she had a hand in a lot of great decisions for this country#while also knowing that she did a fucked up and extremely selfish thing
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meowsosiche · 5 months
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m39 · 2 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2009): Whispers of Satan
G8: Whispers of Satan
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Main author(s): Paul Corfiatis and Kristian Aro
Release date: September 15th, 2009
Version(s) played: Final version (I guess)
Required port compatibility: Boom
Levels: 36 (standard 30 + 2, plus (on ZDoom) two super secret maps, a credits map, and a warp map)
Paul Corfiatis and Kristian Aro, the dynamic duo behind 2002 A Doom Odyssey (well, mostly done by the former) come back to deliver another WAD – Whispers of Satan.
Its story begins in around August 2005, when Kris meets with his buddy in crime, to talk about making a Doom II megaWAD with a couple of super secret, ZDoom-exclusive maps after finishing one of his WADs (Death Tormention 3). The work on this WAD started in October 2006, and it took almost three years to finish.
The WAD’s plot is not really worth talking about since it’s another one of Doom II’s unofficial sequels but not really WADs. On the bright side, at least I can say that it is not as cringy (when it comes to intermission screens at least) as the Doom Odyssey.
Now, when I played the Doom Odyssey, I felt like I played the more polarizing Ultimate Doom with a plot that wasn’t self-aware at all. However, I feel rather optimistic that Whispers of Satan will be better than that over two decades old WAD. So let’s not waste any time, and take a look at it.
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I’m surprised how this WAD looks great. Usually, the levels have at least one, great-looking landmark. Not to mention the changing sky and 5 themes across the WAD (not counting the secret levels) that make it not boring for the eye. These themes are:
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Techbase with some brick walls,
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Plutonia-like with some Hexen elements,
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and, of course, hell itself.
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Liked the music as well. I’m struggling to find which tracks were the best ones; Base Stalker is definitely at the top, but I am not sure about the rest; maybe Nebula's Keep and Orgolia as well?
Anyway, changing the subject, I don’t really think Satanic Whispering is complicated. Like most of the other WADs with complexity like this one, it has a couple of getting-stuck moments, but besides these, you can go through these levels rather fast without enemies.
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There are, however, some questionable decisions. Like, for some reason many of the maps use the rule of two switches AKA there are at least two switches near each other in the copy-pasted areas with (almost always) copy-pasted groups of enemies. These moments feel like a filler, and I think these are mostly related to Paul’s maps. Kristian’s maps do have moments like these as well, but at least he tried to make each of the switches’ routes different from what I can remember.
There are other annoying moments as well; some of them feeling like a fossil of an abomination that refuses to die. Shitty backtracking (like with the case of the red key in Basement Jazz), too dark moments on a map and not being able to return in some cases is one thing, but also bringing back secrets that you have only one chance to reach? Didn’t this shit die years ago?
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Also, another icon of shit on MAP30, because why the hell not? Let’s inflate Romero's head’s health as well! What could go wrong?!
Let’s talk about secret maps for exchange. The first regular one is a homage to Star Wars (the good times when the only thing in this franchise that was mocked and screamed to the heavens by rapid fanboys were prequels), while the second one is a more classic Wolfenstein reference (I don’t have pictures of that map because I don’t want to be marked as a bloody nahtzee dick rider).
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There are also three, ZDoom-exclusive maps (technically four but you can only get to the last one by console commands). The first one is Ein Lustiger Ort (a funny place), of which one half is pushing voodoo dummies into teleporters with weapons and running like hell to exit from siege cows, and the other… the other half is… Okay, fellas, remember that... seedy secret in Ultimative Geheimnis? Yeah? Well, the second half (if you want to get to the second, ZDoom secret map) is basically that… sprinkled with impse-
projectile vomiting
Technical problems
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Okay, I’m done.
Now, the second ZDoom map is 1994 Revisited, and it’s basically what the title says; it feels like it makes fun of the maps that are stuck in 1994 while also celebrating them. It even ends on another icon of shit… which makes me hate the Verge of Revelation’s icon of shit even more since MAP34 (kind of) makes fun of how the megaWADs end with this crap and yet they still shove one in MAP30! What is this?! Chuck and Doyle: Rabies Ravagers: The Movie?! Did the 2020s use time travel and brainwash the authors that one time?!
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Okay, let’s calm down and change the subject because the third ZDoom map is interesting. You have to reach the end of Sintlabs but instead of pressing the exit switch, go back to the starting area and you will find the secret exit that will lead you to Hidden Warp Zone. It all boils down to choosing to end up either in Playgrounds of Caesar or Halls of Cocytus, and that’s it.
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Whispers of Satan isn’t really hard. It tends to get tougher in the final third, and it has cheap, if not outdated, moments (pop-up monsters, traps with hitscanners, moments with demons teleporting behind you after being in front of you), but if you are experienced with WADs, you won’t have a bigger problem with this one; there is no slaughter map around there.
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There is, however, an interesting part of Undervilla, with Mancubi behind walls, and while it is yet another bullshit difficulty bump that I’m surprised is still used, I can’t get myself to hate it because it references to Hexen, where the trap walls with the same texture started firing projectiles. It’s kind of funny, not gonna lie.
There is also… uhm… a new enemy if you can call it that… It’s called Cybie… has a higher pain chance than cyberdemon… and has different sound effects… And I refuse to talk about it more because I feel dirty even thinking about it.
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I don’t know if this is a bug or something, but in the icon of shit area in 1994 Revisited, half of a time, the crushers that were supposed to destroy Romero's head didn’t work. Maybe it’s related to the red area near the teleporter that takes you to the icon of shit area, but I’m not entirely sure.
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Overall, Whispers of Satan is a pretty good WAD. It does feel archaic in places, copy-pasted switch areas feel like a joke, and there are still fragments of problems that plagued Doom Odyssey, but still, it is a better WAD than the authors’ 2002 project.
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The next WAD on the list is Demons of Problematique 2. Let’s hope we won’t end up with another Cheogsh 2 fiasco.
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pedroam-bang · 7 months
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Inglourious Basterds (2009)
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
I'm looking at 2009 vettonso pics with cofi rn and they're so AUGHHHHH 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Seriously like, calm before the storm, they don't know what's going to happen in the following seasons, they're quite cute with each other, etc. Actually their dynamic in these is similar to what they were like in the later years but the difference of "not knowing what's gonna happen yet" vs. "they've been through so much together and have both come out on the other side."
I mean I'm so vettonso-brained rn, as you know, so take this with a grain of salt, but for me it's like, Fernando looking at Seb like "hmmm who is this rookie, he reminds me of myself when I was in his position"
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#my personal thesis on vettonso is:#'two people who are very similar and have very paralleled careers but have been pitted against each other +#from the start so they cant see and appreciate those similarities because irs what they hate most about the other +#but then when they're both in the twilights of their careers they come to find they do in fact relate and like each other'#always interesting to me how their careers are slightly offset but parallel each other super well#but then the theoretical end is seb being accepting of his fate and passing the torch onto fernando so he can do what seb couldnt#but just the: baby at str/minardi youngest wdc -> ferrari failure and watchinf the new generation take over -> sent out to pasture kinda#sorry that is sooooooo depressing how i jjst wrote that LMAO#but again so so so happy that fernando is over here breaking the cycle and plotline by doing the things at Aston that seb was unable to#anf that hes onlt able to do those things because of all thw work seb put in 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺#feeling emotional today over THEM#theres just something to me how simialr they are but how they were forced into conflict#bcs looking at all of these 2009 pics. look at the potential of softness!!!! but they were always doomed to be enemies#anyways#in the au this would be them meeting before they know about the succession drama#theyre just two young royals who are meeting for a bit 🥺🥺🥺#and theyre like ah this guy!! pretty cool!!! and then it all falls apart#vettonso#catie.rambling.txt
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𝔗𝔶𝔭𝔢 𝔒 𝔑𝔢𝔤𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢 -  𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔱𝔬 𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥
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9-punk · 3 months
1x9? :3
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this to me.
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phannotfound · 2 years
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Look what I found 🥹🥹🥹
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