#cherry makes/repairs plushes specifically
picklepiecow · 21 days
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Don't know why, but I decided to use these two DR bases to make some new outfits for some of those OC sprites I made a while back...plus one more! The full credit for Cherry's sash goes to this link; it's the coolest thing ever tbh
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linassims4 · 2 years
Updated CC post
Update 1: Ok, so tumblr isn’t letting me update my previous post on the subject so posting here. I have run every batch fix on my person CC that is available to me, and will be re-uploading ALL of my CC to new links if their link is broken. Overtime I will likely delete all old links. I have also applied for a SFS code and if accepted I will be putting all of my files up with this site as a mirror.
However, for the most part I have either updated any broken CC, or will be doing so very soon! Update 2: All CC or at least most of it is currently uploaded to this google drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RSfBe6emcJcipW4L4xVDWRwQZs9jQROm?usp=sharing Please feel free to get whatever you need from here while I update the individual posts with the correct links. Thank you for your patience! Update 3:
The vast vast VAST majority of my CC has been repaired and uploaded and their posts have been updated with current links.. There are only a handful left that will require me to re-do parts of them to make them compatible with current game files.  Sims CC + Broken links update post
Hello everyone! It has come to my attention my links are broken again and several pieces of my CC and mods have been broken by recent patches. Below is an updated list of my mods and CC that have been updated and checked to verify if it still functions in game. I will also be keeping a link to a specific google drive folder so in cases like this they can still be accessed, and I will be uploading my CC to a mirror site.
Thank you for your patience and I am sorry for the inconvenience this has caused to anyone. Please ignore the links of anything under the "Unverified" section, as it means they have not been updated in any capacity.
Verified still functional CC with fixed active links: Sims 3 Alpha Centauri world (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/163856691378/i-know-this-is-where-i-post-my-sims-4-cc-but-i)
Tesek Bayou (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/189856958208/tesek-bayou-mostly-cc-free-tesek-bayou-is-a)
Sims 3 CAW special effects library (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/184965974393/sims-3-super-caw-special-effects-library)
Needs updating /Broken link: Cleo Everlasting Set (Post link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/190622783563/here-for-your-enjoyment-is-a-cosplay-set-for-cleo)
Pearly whites skin detail: (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/147646282698/pearly-whites)
Lina’s bright re-colors (S. Cargeaux counters) (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/140651299158/linas-bright-re-colors-s-cargeaux-counters)
Ancient resting place Separated (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/165333965048/ancient-resting-place-separated)
Tiny ancient resting place (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/161408826603/tiny-ancient-resting-place)
Fake and bake toddler tent (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/161258669493/fake-and-bake-toddler-tent) 
Spoiled princess Cordelia toddler bed (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/159671873248/spoiled-princess-cordelia-toddler-bed) 
The Card Connoisseur (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/156994704123/the-card-connoisseur-the-ultimate-display-for-the)
Plush grass with petal fall terrain paint: (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/158890037233/terrain-paints-plush-grass-and-petal-fall)
Falling Particles: (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/159392643923/falling-particles)
Cherry blossom tree re-texture (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/147445539018/cherry-blossom-re-texture)
nanocan and bathroom sink re-color (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/140682169743/sink-and-nanocan-recolor)
More recolors (For Projectors, Computers, and kitchen sinks) (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/140735982103/more-recolors-projectors-computers-and-kitchen)
Crystal clear windows and doors: (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/141484327533/i-have-completed-set-1-of-this-project-set-two)
Vampire dress for toddlers: (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/156619327538/vampire-dress-conversion-for-toddlers)
Ichtaca Mattress (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/167442176423/ichtaca-bed-set) 
Precious little glamper separated toddler bed (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/159749798228/precious-little-glamper-separated-toddler-bed) 
Bright Mosaic recolor (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/139478669323/bright-mosaic)
99 little bugs in the code + Ugly Christmas sweater (Kids) (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/136254348598/as-promised-though-a-bit-late-i-have-made-my-99)
Bells for tots: (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/156030531973/bells-for-tots)
Bells for kids: (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/137508090403/bell-bottoms-for-kids-unisex)
Simply nailogical T-shirts: (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/152720845898/i-really-loved-the-limited-holo-shirts-sold-by)
99 little bugs in the code ugly Christmas sweater (Adults) (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/135103776218/99-little-bugs-in-the-code-sweater)
Chi-Sims qi-pao bone fix (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/134685448758/qi-pao-style-chinese-clothes-by-moirae-of)
Ruffle top conversion for girls (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/146003061483/ruffle-top-conversion-for-girls)
Bunny top without straps: (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/137278672258/bunny-top-without-straps)
Mannequin Uncapper (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/170560705318/mannequin-uncapper) 
Unverified Sims 4:
Falling particle poses (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/165217153393/falling-particle-poses) 
Siren of the microphone pose set (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/162469043643/siren-of-the-microphone)
Needs repair::
Default grass replacements (Post Links: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/158998958258/all-credits-for-the-actual-work-go-to-the
(Invisible in game) Raindrops (Post Link: https://linassims4.tumblr.com/post/159392872033/raindrops)
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ddaengsopemin · 7 years
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★ Genre: Fluff, Angst, Implied Smut
★ Warnings: Implied emotional abuse, name calling 
★ Pairing: Jin x Reader
★ Word Count: 4.3 k
★ Plot:  One of the craziest, most painful days in recent memory turns out to be nothing you asked for, but everything you seemed to have needed. All thanks to Jin.
“Dude! What about her?” Jin heard Taehyung’s voice invade his thoughts as he looked over to see Taehyung wiggling his eyebrows at a girl he would typically bring home. She was tan, blonde curly hair, long slender legs that were dressed in black stilettos and a red dress that didn’t leave much to the imagination. She was standing in the middle of the bar twirling her hair around her fingers as she flitted around the dance floor. “Too much make up for my taste...” Jin sighed and looked at Tae with a face of pure boredom as he listened to her thoughts of how every guy that seemed to come up to her was not good enough. “Suit yourself. I am going to take the opportunity to make my presence known....and make sure she doesn’t forget.” Tae thought as he pushed himself off the bar and beelined straight for her. He winked at Jin over the blonde’s shoulder as he quickly made his move to begin dancing with her to whatever top 40s song they were blaring for probably the 3rd time tonight. 
Jin mindlessly fidgeted with the ice in his almost empty drink. Looking around the room for anyone worthy of his time and attention. That’s when he noticed you. Sitting catty corner to him, spacing out at different people around you. Your eyes following their movements, watching their actions. He saw different emotions flash across your face. He saw you smile, then grimace, then smile again as your eyes roamed around the room. “Tae, what about her” he mused to his friend that had already latched himself to the blonde’s neck. “Shameless as always...You are trouble if I ever saw it...” he jabbed when he heard nothing but crickets coming from his best friend’s direction, fully knowing Taehyung heard him, but was choosing to ignore him.
Jin directed his attention back to you and honed in on your thoughts immediately. “I wonder what brought him here...Why do people come to places like this?....Maybe we’re in the same headspace....” you pondered to yourself as Jin saw through your eyes an individual waltz across the dance floor towards his newest decoration. He watched you sip on your drink, as he began his way towards you.
You hadn’t noticed him sit down until he cleared his throat. You were shaken from your thoughts as you took in the handsome stranger in front of you. You gawked at him for a little longer than you should have, taking in his features. He was tall, with broad shoulders. Long dirty blonde hair that swept over his forehead, brown eyes, and a smirk on his plush lips that he held between his teeth as he watched you take him in. He had huge hands that your eyes widened as you watched them wind around his drink. You watched his tongue dart out and take his straw into his mouth and take a sip. Your mouth suddenly felt very dry, and you felt like you had been staring at him for a very long time. At this realization you blushed and looked down at your hands. Jin quirked his eyebrows up at your behavior, usually women flawked to him never had one withered under his stare. 
This should be interesting. Jin mused as he watched you a bit longer before opening his mouth. “Hello.” he smiled, his eyebrows still raised as if to gauge your reaction to him. “H-hi..” you said and looked him in his eyes for the first time. 
Wow. You thought and the side of Jin’s mouth rose in a playful smirk. “The name is Seokjin; but you can call me Jin.” he introduced. “I am Y/N. Just Y/N” you said. “Well, Just Y/N. What is a pretty girl like you doing here watching others mac on each other while you sit here nursing that drink by yourself.” he questioned “You wouldn’t be some kind of pervert or something...Would you?” he grinned from ear to ear as he listened to your frazzled thoughts.
Am I really that noticeable?? Pervert?! How dare he assume such things about me! You flushed, your face turning red from his accusation.
“No, I am not. Not that I need to explain myself to you.” you pouted and grabbed your purse to walk away from him.
Why do all the attractive ones have to be such jerks...You turned your back to him and started to walk away. You were so angry, and you couldn’t understand why you were feeling so angry about such a small comment. But it got your blood boiling nonetheless.
“Wait, wait! Hold on.” Jin called as he grabbed your arm to stop you from getting further away from him. You stopped under his touch immediately and turned to face him. “I don’t know what you want from me, but if you think you can call me whatever names you want, you are dead wrong!” You glowered at him, and felt the tears start to well up.
Jin froze at your reaction, and watched as scenes of your now ex boyfriend flashed across your conscious. He watched as built, blonde haired boy call you a bitch, a whore, good for nothing, and all sorts of other demeaning names that he could not fit with you, however meager the time he knew you may have been. Jin felt every feeling you felt, and were currently trying to grasp. He immediately felt bad for offending you so intimately.
Dammit Jin...You have this power for a reason!...Why didn’t you pay more attention to her thoughts then her looks...Stupid stupid stupid....He scolded himself.
“Hey, hey, Y/N. It’s okay. Let me apologize.” He moved his hand from the back of your arm to hold onto your hand as you looked into his eyes and saw the most sincere orbs looking back. “Let’s go back and sit down, and let me buy you a drink.” He smiled and as he did his eyes crinkled into moons, and you couldn’t help but follow him.
He escorted you back to the table you had previously occupied and asked you what kind of drink you enjoyed. “Cherry vodka sour...” You informed him. He smiled and nodded, then turned to make his way to the bar. 
Should I trust him? Should I even be sitting here with him? What am I doing? You twisted in a napkin nervously in your hands as you chewed on your lip and contemplated your decisions.
Was her previous relationship really that bad to cause her mood to shift so drastically? Jin pondered to himself while listening to your nervous fidgeting from the bar. I need to pay more attention to her thoughts... 
Jin was never one to put much effort into something he thought would turn into just another one night stand. So why was he so drawn to you? Why could he not look away from you? Even when it was so obvious to him through your thoughts and actions that you were wounded and needed repair. Did you need someone to help you heal your emotional wounds anyways? Jin couldn’t tear himself away from you despite his reservations about your state of mind.
You both spoke about your hobbies, university, jobs and times when you had none. Jin adored how you light up at the mention of your best friend, Hoseok, and how you had spent countless hours dancing and learning choreography together. He watched as memories of the both of you in the practice room doubled over giggling about a mistake one of you had made flashed across your train of memories. You began telling him that exact story with a glimmer in your eyes that drew him even further towards you.
It was when he walked away to retrieve your 4th...or 6th...round of drinks that he felt a lull in your mood. He was paying attention to your thoughts, and while you didn’t really have anything specific going through your mind, he could feel the overwhelming panic that suddenly pushed it’s way through the atmosphere. His back was turned to you and he was trying to decipher your erratic thoughts that jumbled together and were flying at him so quick he couldn’t tell up from down. Jin turned around with both drinks in his hands and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw someone else talking to you. He stood really close to you, and you looked more uncomfortable than he had seen you all night. Jin recognized him as the boy he viewed in your mind earlier in the evening. He rushed to your side to confront the gentleman, wanting to immediately ease your thoughts even slightly.
“What can I do for you?” Jin questioned while staring the unwelcome newcomer straight on. Your eyes nearly bulged out of your eyes as you realized what was about to happen. Jin was about to find out everything, he was about to know how broken, and weak you were. He would surely run away at that, and the fun, carefree night that you had shared with him would be over after a short couple of hours. 
“I’m her boyfriend, Jackson.” He smiled devilishly at Jin, and walked around you to put some distance between you and Jin. Jackson turned to wrap his hand around your arm and yanked you out of your chair. “Come on dear, I think you have had about enough for one night.” He chuckled as you tried to claw your way out of his grasp. The man clearly overpowering your frame, making things more than unfair. 
Jin honed in on Jackson’s thoughts in double-time. This was the man who had caused someone Jin was growing so fond of as the night went on, so much pain and heartache. He heard the wicked things Jackson had planned for you when he showed up at that bar, where he knew you would be as he turned on the ‘Find my Location’ on your phone long ago. He watched as Jackson downed a bottle of liqueur at the apartment you both used to share. He witnessed as you told Jackson that you would no longer be treated how he had treated you, and that you deserved better. Jin cringed as Jackson yelled, “You will be nothing without me but another man’s whore!” as he ran towards you as you cowered in fear of what he would do. Relieved when he didn’t actually lay his hands on you, this time at least, but angry when he threw your purse at your feet and told you to get lost. As if you were nothing, as if you were the dirt beneath his feet.
“Get away from her.” Jin said simply. He didn’t have any anger in his voice, he seemed completely calm in the situation as if he dealt with this day to day. He leaned in close to Jackson, so only he could hear what he was saying “I know what you’ve put her through, so get lost before I make you live what she had to.” he growled, and Jackson’s eyes opened wide and then narrowed towards you. Jin was listening to your heavy breathing and mantra of no, no, no don’t do this don’t do this don’t do this. Your eyes were glued shut, as you thought of ways to get out of the situation. Most of which Jin did not think were bad. 
You yanked your arm out of Jackson’s hands while he was distracted with the threats Jin was throwing at him. Jin followed your lead and stationed himself between yourself and Jackson. 
Tears began to flow freely as you grabbed your bag and turned to run out of the bar, wanting to get away from the whole situation you had gone there to forget in the first place.
Why is he doing this
Why can’t I get away
Why do I deserve this
 You repeated to yourself as your vision blurred. You leaned against a wall once you got far enough away from the bar and the whole situation. “Why, why why...” You said to yourself outloud, not even worried if anyone were to hear you anymore.
You felt an arm wind around your shoulders and you immediately inhaled sharply and threw yourself off the wall prepared to defend yourself to the best of your abilities. A calm wafting over you as you saw Jin leaned up against the wall where you had just been, a solemn look on his face as he looked up at you.
You couldn’t help yourself as you crashed into his arms and let go of all the pain and tears you had been holding in all night. He rubbed your hair as you both sat in silence, the sound of your sniffles filling the air.
Unbeknownst to you, Jin could hear your inner dialogue of self blame, and hatred. He didn’t want you to feel anything remotely close to the emotions you were feeling right now. He couldn’t understand how someone could treat anyone else with so little care.
“Where were you planning on staying if you moved out of his apartment...?”Jin asked. You gave him a questioning look. “How did you know about that...?” Jin froze, Oh shit. This was the first time he had ever lost his composure enough to let something like this slip. “I uh....I just assumed....” he lied. This seemed to be enough for you as you nodded and laid your head back in his lap.
“I didn’t really think about it...I ran out of the apartment in such a rush, and was a mess that this is the first place I thought to come...” You confessed. “I know, I’m stupid. You shouldn’t have to be dealing with this.” 
God Y/N, why are you so stupid. You need to figure out where to go. I could call Hoseok....no...he has never liked Jackson....I don’t think I am ready to tell him everything he said would happen has eventually happened. Why did I have to reassure him so many times Jackson was a good person to me....
 Jin listened in silence. The words left his mouth faster than he had time to register, “You could always stay with me if you want...” He immediately realized the depth of what he was offering you. “I-I I mean I know we just met and everything...and I would sleep on the couch, you could have my bed...The door locks so you would have your privacy...” he stuttered “I just don’t want a pretty girl like you worried about if she has a safe place to lie her head.” he smiled at you.
You were completely taken aback by his offer. “Yes..I would love that..I won’t be a bother...I will take the couch...Thank you so much Jin...I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t here...” You blubbered to him through your tears.
“Shhh..don’t worry about it doll..” he soothed. 
As you began the walk to his apartment, he maintained his distance until he realized you were falling asleep as you walked...he laced an arm around your waist as you leaned your head into his chest. He smelt of sandalwood, and mint. A scent that calmed you immediately. You let him lead you all the way to his apartment, and tried to wrap your brain around tonight’s events.
“It’s okay. We are almost there.” He cooed into your hair. You nodded and thought about how Jin bravely threw himself in between yourself and Jackson. You thought about the last time someone had stood up for you like that. Jin listened quietly as you walked. 
I made the right decision. He thought as he replayed your thoughts with you. Who knows what could have happened had I not been there.
Who knows what could have happened if he had not been there. You mirrored. He chuckled at that and you looked up at him.
“What may I ask is so funny?” You stuck your bottom lip out at him.
“It’s nothing doll...It’s nothing....” He smiled down at you. “You know, you look really cute when you pout.” 
THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR FLIRTING YOU ASSHAT. He closed his eyes and internally face palmed. But how can I help it when I’m this handsome... he thought to himself and smiled. Always at war with himself.
You blushed and muttered out a quiet “Thank you.”
As you climbed the stairs up to Jin’s apartment you noticed that he lived in a rather tall building. “Why is there no elevatorrrrr...” you whined, the alcohol obviously taking it’s toll on your now adrenaline drained body. Jin shrugged as he helped you up the stairs. “Because these contractors that build the buildings like to prey on the drunk...” he joked. You laughed way harder than the joke would have normally called for, and he laughed along with you. You let go of his waist and hopped up the stairs as if there were a hopscotch board painted on each stair. You sang as you jumped up the stairs and once you reached the platform you raised your hands in the air to which Jin granted you a congratulatory round of applause as he followed you closely incase you tumbled backwards.
He grinned up at you and laughed. Wow, he really is handsome. I guess I can consider myself lucky in this aspect... you mused as you looked down at him. It didn’t slip your notice that he licked his lips as he looked up at you. You smirked at him, and continued your voyage up the thousands of stairs...or so it seemed.
As you finally reached his apartment door he fumbled in his pocket for his keys. He unlocked the door and opened it for you. As you stepped through the threshold and into his entry way, you took in how his apartment smelt exactly like he did. He was unusually neat and he had a wall of movies, video games, and cds next to his flat screen TV that was mounted to the wall.
“Sorry, I know it’s not much.” Jin chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck. Something you found odd for someone who had only been outwardly confident with you. His eyes widened as he stood up straight, dropped his hand to his side, and cleared his throat. You cocked your head to the side and looked at him with a confused expression.
“No! No! I like it. It is very....you.” You offered. “Well it isn’t only me who lives here...My best friend, Taehyung, also lives here.” he said “Most of these video games and stuff are his. Although, anything Mario is mine and you are welcome to play.” He grinned from ear to ear at the mention of his prized game and figurines. “I’ll stick to watching you play.” you teased. 
You shuffled in his entry way, unsure of what to do or say. “Oh! Sorry. Let me take your coat.” You shrugged off your jacket and handed it to him. He put it away in a closet, and ushered you into his living room. 
“Would you like anything to drink?” He asked as he gave you an expectant look.
More vodka would be nice... You dryly joked to yourself.
Jin smirked at you, “OH! I know....” He rushed to the kitchen behind you as you kneeled down to check out his movie collection. He came back in and handed you a freshly prepared cherry vodka sour. “Your drink of choice, no?” He smiled at you as he offered you the drink. “How did you know??” You questioned. “You ordered about 7 of them at the bar, crazy. One more couldn’t hurt.” He quirked an eyebrow at you as he took a sip of his own. 
“Yeah, I guess so.” You murmured and took a big swig. 
Jin was sitting on the other side of the couch from you. You took in a deep breath, “Hey Jin...” 
“Hm?” He turned his complete attention in your direction. 
“I wanted to...thank you. For standing up for me tonight. I know it was a lot, and you shouldn’t have to have this burden on you. I don’t know what I would have done if it weren’t for you. And I need you to know how much I truly appreciate it...” You practically vomited the words at him. He calmly stood up and moved closer to you on the couch. He took one of your hands in his and you felt your heart nearly burst out of your chest at the contact. He cocked his head to the side, and smiled warmly at you. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” he reassured. “No one deserves to be treated like that, especially someone as bright and sweet as you.”
You knew your face was as red as a tomato at his words. You looked down at your interlocked hands, and basked in his warmth.
“How about I take you to go and pick up some of your stuff from your apartment tomorrow? You know....for moral support. Also in case that assho..errrr...Jackson tries to do anything funny...” You shot your head up in shock at his offer. You had only just met him! Why was he being so kind to you? “No! You really don’t have to!” you yelled as you jumped up from your place on the couch and waved your hands around in the air. He stood up and took your face in his hands, wiping away the freshly formed tears that stubbornly made their way down your cheeks. “I insist. Now that I know what you’ve been through, and how he treats you I cannot knowingly let you go over there alone. I promise you, I want to do this. You are not a burden to me, and I would be happy to escort you to get your belongings.” He stared straight into your eyes, as if he was staring into the depths of your soul.
Your hands were on his elbows as he held your face steady in his hands. Without a second thought you lifted on your tippy toes and pressed your lips to his in a chaste kiss. He let you do as you pleased, not wanting to push you past any limits. 
His lips felt soft and plush against yours. You felt yourself melt into the kiss, and turned your head to deepen it. Jin was the one to break away and gave you a sweet smile. 
Oh gosh, what am I doing. I took this too far. You panicked. “I’m sorry.” You sighed as you averted your gaze and made your way back to your place on the couch. 
Jin walked over and sat directly next to you on the couch. “Listen, I don’t want to push you into anything you don’t want to do. As I have said before. So let me know when you want me to stop, and I will without hesitation.” He leaned towards you and reconnected your lips. You were hesitant at first, but let him deepen the kiss. 
He ran his hands up your thighs and when he didn’t sense any resistance in your thoughts or actions he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his lap. You placed your legs on either side of him as you straddled him.
You broke the kiss briefly and let go of the breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. You looked into Jin’s eyes as you let go of all reservations about what you were about to do. He looked at you with hooded, blown out pupils and gnawed on his lip as he patiently waited for you to continue. 
You didn’t waste any more time in reconnecting your lips. He moaned into the kiss as you felt him bite onto your bottom lip. You granted him entrance as his tongue wrapped around yours, and your hands founds purchase in the hair at the base of his neck.
He massaged the inside of your thighs with his thumbs as he tried to coax any nerves out of you. His fingers igniting fire along your skin, causing goosebumps to rise. 
You ground your hips into his as he kicked his head back and let out a low moan. You used the opportunity to attach your mouth to his neck. Sucking bruises that would surely be visible tomorrow.
Jin wrapped your legs around his back and stood up off the couch. He reattached his lips to yours, but not before looking into your eyes and brushing the loose strands of hair out of your face so he could look at you properly. “You are so beautiful, I knew I made the right choice sitting next to you. Every action after that I could never regret.”
He made his way to his bedroom, which was adorned with a king sized bed, a white dresser, and two white bedside tables. His walls were painted a light color gray, with bedding to match. 
He set you down on the bed, then turned around to lock his door. “Tae can be a little....cuddly when he comes home from the bar.” He chuckled as he made his way back to you. You smiled as you watched him with lust in every crevice of your eyes, and welcomed him when he placed himself between your legs and started making his way down your neck...
You spend the rest of the night in pure bliss exploring the expanse of each other, and relishing in one of the craziest nights you have experienced thus far...Never once thinking it would end up how it did...
You woke up the next morning with your limbs intertwined with Jin’s. To your right was a cup of water, and a bottle of aspirin that Jin had courteously placed the night prior after he was certain you had drifted to sleep. To your left lay Jin’s sleeping figure. You watched as he slowly inhaled, and exhaled. You sat up and recounted the night's events, not finding a single shred of regret in your mind. You smiled at Jin, but that smile quickly faded when you realized the promise he had made, and what the day would bring.
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