cherryblaise · 5 years
recycling your energy
hello!!! I saw this post about taking the energy you used to hate yourself with and turning it in to confidence,, but when I looked on @catastrofries account I couldn’t find it, so I've just re-typed it into my own account. Enjoy :)
“I took the same energy I used to hate myself and turned it into confidence and that's how you recycle”
step by step on how to do this
1. Become aware of how and when you are tearing yourself down.
2. Now that you can catch yourself doing it, offer counters to the negative talk. A really useful thing @catastrofries read was to talk to yourself almost the way you would a child. Gentle and patient, even when you screw up.
3. Take time to celebrate your small accomplishments. You’ve been attacking yourself for every little mistake. Apply that same favour to the positive things in your life. Did the dishes even though you didn’t want to? Hell yeah! Got up and took a shower? YES!!!! You are taking positive steps to feeling better. Celebrate it.
4. Make a list of things you’re good at/like about yourself. The first time I did this, the only two things in my list were that I liked my hair, and had good friends. It was a start.
5. Don’t beat yourself up if you screw up steps 1-4. It’s counter productive. When I catch myself calling myself stupid for some mistake or other my first response now is: “We don’t talk to ourselves like that anymore. What’s something constructive that could actually help solve the problem.”
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thank you thank you thank you x5000!
i started this blog roughly 2 years ago and i never expected to still be at it :) i’m having a lot of fun doing mid-afternoon-tea, thanks so much for the support and all the kind comments. this is so unbelievable o.0
tagging a few of my mutuals for being wonderful human beans:
@nabasynth @myhoneststudyblr @minimalistmedic @banobostudies @studywithprincess @chazza-studies-alevels @fireflidesk @cherryblaise
i’m planning on posting on study advice/stationery opinions/handwriting topics that have been requested soon. if you would like to see any in particular do let me know :)
i thought i’d use this post to answer some frequent questions :) below:
what do you do to get the chalk effect on your posts?
i import my photo into an iOS app called procreate, and use the 6B pencil to draw over it :)
how do you edit your photos?
i use a random app on my phone like MIX or snapseed - all i do is lower the exposure and the contrast :)
what black pen do you use?
i like to use quite a few different ones, but my personal favourites are the 0.7mm SARASA, 0.5mm SARASA Dry, 0.38mm Muji pens (usually to draw detailed diagrams or for chinese characters)
how do you do your headers for notes?
depends on the notes, sometimes i use just a highlighter for block writing, or a black pentel fude touch pen for calligraphy. i also love using brushables for larger headers :) i will do a calligraphy tutorial soon (requested!)
how do you take neat notes in class?
find a system that works for you and stick with it! it also helps to have a flexible note taking style thats not too rigid so you can add information, diagrams, etc as you go along.
but remember- it’s ok to not have tumblr-worthy notes after each lesson as i certainly do not :) the main thing is that it should support your learning and you should get down as much of the important info as possible.
thank you sm again C: stay healthy! 🍵
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cherryblaise · 5 years
how to glow in every way imaginable: part one
I am writing this to help people be the best version of themselves in 2019 onwards. I have personally taken these tips from many different accounts and compiled them together, or used my own knowledge. enjoy!!!
develop a skincare routine.
this is the one I personally use....
wash my face with soap and water, exfoliate. I personally use a soap from l’occitane, but many people use other products like African black soap. use whatever you feel comfortable with, however if you do use or plan to use African black soap pls make sure it is 100% real. after I exfoliate my skin with a physical exfoliator, and do this twice a week to avoid overshocking my skin. I use the Burt’s Bees natural anti blemish solutions pore refining scrub, which is gentle and cheap.
double cleanse your face. double cleansing is so important to do as simply washing your face or just cleansing it once does not get rid of all the stuff that has accumulated on your face. it is important to use a water based and an oil based cleanser to get rid of everything. I personally use the Elemis pro-collagen cleansing balm, then the Elemis pro radiance cream cleanser. these products are quite pricey, so for a cheaper alternative use the pixi + caroline hirons double cleanse. if I need to do one, I use a face mask. I only use one once a week, and I typically make my own. my go-to mask is a teaspoon of mint matcha green tea powder and honey, however ones from Lush are very good. after this, I cleanse my face again with micellar water. this is a triple cleanse, but be careful with this as there is such a thing as OVERcleansing your skin.
tone. firstly, I get a cotton pad and acid tone my face. I use the pixi glow tonic, but some also use the glow tonic peel pads, which is just glow tonic with more acid in the form of cotton pads. After, I use a regular toner to tone my face. I use the Elemis soothing apricot toner, but again this is quite expensive so any toner will do. after, I spray my face with rose water. I use the body shop one for £6, but this is quite expensive based on what you are getting, so you can just make your own if you want. also, I do not understand why the body shop one is £6, when it could be rounded down to £5 and make it easier for everyone!!!!! get with it body shop, you are supposed to be cheap!!!
use aloe vera gel. I have a aloe vera plant in which I get my gel from, but if you are lazy you can buy 100% alo vera gel from the stores. make sure it is 100%, nothing less. The next is an excerpt from a post by @Indheaux, an amazing blog with tips like this.
”this will change your existence. if you’re not doing this you should be.  do this routine daily for two weeks, then every other day for a week, then once a week for a month or whenever you’re going out.  it softens the skin, reduces blemishes, dark marks, redness.  you can get the plant from any local market, I get mine for around £7/8 (around $12), but you can get it on amazon prime for a little more.  get the plant, chop a leaf off. cut it into chunks and leave it in cool water for 30mins to drain the yellowish liquid. once you’re done slice it open and scoop out the gel and voila! your skin is saved you’re welcome. apply the gel and wash off after 5-15 mins.”
essential oils. there are many, many different oils with different purposes, which is why I use of blend of them. I use diluted tea tree oil on my spots or acne scars, as it is anti bacterial and very helpful. I later use a blend of oils like rose hip oil and grapefruit oil. there are many other amazing oils, like so.
bio oil. this is an amazing famous oil that can be applied jus about anywhere. it is great for stretch marks, acne scars, discolouration and much more! this again is an excerpt from the same post by @Indheaux.
“It’s really a miracle. It works wonders on stretch marks, burns and discolouration. It’s also pretty cheap at £6 for a bottle in Primark. The biggest problem is that it has a TON of chemicals in it. Recently it started drying out my palms and I’ve seen little irritating bumps where it’s been applied. After I completely stopped using it, it cleared up. Use at your own risk but do check and see if you’re allergic to any of the products.“
it's important to do a patch test to see if these products are suitable for you, but for most, bio oil is a saviour!
2. Take cool(er) showers
many people, myself included, love taking warm showers. however, once in a while it is important to take cool showers as hot water dries out skin and hair. I take cool showers whenever I wash my hair, and warm showers whenever else.
3. Drink 7-8 cups of water per day
this is one of the most important things on this list. it is so obvious to drink water as it has so many health benefits (boosts immune system, clears skin, flushes out toxins, benefits kidneys, helps with weight loss, etc.) and we literally cannot live without it. the average amount is 8 250ml cups of water a day (1.5-2 litres), but this really depends on your BMI. I am underweight, so I only need 7 cups a day. I use the app Plant Nanny to help/remind me to drink water, and this also calculate how many cups you need to drink. If you work this into your daily routine, the effects will be clear as day, even if it does take a little time first.
4. Get 8-10 hours of sleep.
this one is really quite self explanatory. your body works so hard in the day, even with simple things like pumping blood, regulating body temperature, just simply thinking, etc. and with the addition of things like exercise, your body needs a big rest. This is why sleep is so, so important. Not only that, sleep reduces dark circles, overall dullness in your face, improves concentration and productivity, improves your immune system and improves emotions and social interactions. After all that, why would you waste your nights watching Netflix?
Fixing your sleep schedule is life changing. However, some find it hard to sleep at night. to help sleep, try going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day/night, turn off all technology at least half an hour before you go to bed, try using something lavender scented in your room (a candle or spray etc.) Lavender is supposed to be great for anxiety or sleep issues, and it smells lovely and calming. invest in some darkening curtains, so they block out all the light that comes from the outside. if all else fails, maybe try some sleeping tablets. you must talk to your doctor first, make sure you know of any potential side effects.
5. massage your hair with coconut oil
Before i wash my hair, i massage it with coconut oil and leave it for half an hour. As someone who suffers from very dry and brittle hair, i find this helps retain moisture that is usually stripped when i shampoo my hair. This also makes my hair shinier and smell better, improving overall aesthetic. It can be quite pricey, roughly £15, but if you are using it pls make sure it is 100%.  Alternatively, if I am not using the oil, I condition my hair and then shampoo it. The dry hair absorbs conditioner better than wet, and leaves my hair moisturized and non-frizzy. Side note: do NOT use coconut oil as a moisturiser; it’s comedogenic, which means it clogs pores.
6. exfoliate underarms, elbows and knees.
as well as exfoliating face, make sure to exfoliate these areas as they usually become darker than the rest of your body with shaving. There are many amazing scrubs you can use, like ones from the Body Shop, but a homemade one is cheaper and just as good. One good one is sea salt and olive oil, or sugar and honey.
7. exercise
exercising is great for you as it keeps you fit, releases endorphins that make you happy, and improves your body. For me, it is important to do exercise tailored to you, not generic ones. For example, I want to gain weight on my arms and bum, so I do push ups, planks and squats. However, I also need to keep everything else in proportion with my arms and bum, so i sometimes do other workouts for my legs, core etc. additionally, remember that an intense 30 min workout is far better than a weak, lazy 2 hour workout. Make sure to have rest days, your body needs to heal after all that intense exercise! It is equally important to stretch before you start, to avoid pulling a muscle. I do yoga before my workout as it helps calm and relax me. At the end of the day, know your limits. Sweetheart, you are not a machine. Know your limits. Do not attempt an intense workout if you are tired or physically incapable of doing so. Push your self but not to the point that you feel sick or hurt yourself!
this is the end of part one!!! go have fun with these tips and enjoy :)
-xoxo, blaise
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thanks for tagging me @chazza-studies-alevels!!
yes, my handwriting changed again. i like right-slant now. deal with it hahah
tagging: @cherryblaise​ @banobostudies​ @nabasynth​ @coralstudiies​ @fireflidesk​ @mychemicalstudyblr​ and anyone else who would like to try :)
(someone tagged me hmm 6 months ago? and i didn’t get around to doing it. if you’re reading this really sorryy 😓)
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cherryblaise · 5 years
special recipes
acai bowl
overnight oats
chicken wraps (with guac, onions, and salad)
an egg
fish and chips
basil and lemon chickpeas w/ mackerel
spaghetti bolognese
frankie pasta bake
 turkey Bolognese pasta bake
bacon and mushroom pasta 
saucy sausage pasta
chicken pasta
quinoa salad
mini pizza bruschetta slices
vegetarian pasta bake
apple and berry crumble
apple pie
lemon and poppyseed cupcakes
pistachio cupcakes
Victoria sponge cake
chocolate fudge cake
a chocolate digestive biscuit
two walnuts
a handful (or more) of raisins
3 brazil nuts
4 almonds
orange/cranberry/grapefruit juice
7 cups of water
feel free to add your own special recipes!!!
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