1st Anniversary Drawpile
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And there we go. The 1st anniversary drawpile featuring those who submitted their characters to be wearing a Rimi Club suit.
featuring (from left to right starting from the top): @the-feral-one (art by me), @ask-gimmiventures @no-one-ask-the-grimm @rescuerivy @masked-vee @ask-sarah-and-co
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the-lumiose-goodies · 7 months
”Oh hello there,” Cherry happily greets the meowstic before looking back at the large screen “that’s your friend running for mayor right? It must be a lot of work being in a band and running a city. are you helping her with her election campaign?”
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I know I have mixed feelings 'bout it, but it doesn't mean I'm not gonna help at all. Of course I'm co-writing her speeches, and of course the ad that you're seeing on screens was my doing... but I don't have much skills.
But...the people seems like it. Renée's support has increased, but still not enough to surpass our current mayor...
[ @ask-gimmiventures ]
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aro-pokeverse · 9 months
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Y-you can hear her voice, right? Cause she is probably close to the party. But y'know, I might play some board games with you, if ya want...
[ @ask-gimmiventures / @asktheisle ]
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“Congratulations on you’re engagement!” Cherry greeted Noelle with a bright grin, she held out a pink box to her, “I over heard about it and wanted to give you two a small present early. It’s just some cupcakes and baked goods I made. Oh! And if you two ever need help with outfits or baked goods for a party I’m happy to provide free of charge!”
Noelle gladly takes a box and put it on counter.
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And Outfits? We're SO glad to have them! I-I think I have some ideas ...
She excitedly types on her Rotie. She shows a note to Cherry.
"Preferably suits w. ties, based on our vibes and personalities. Dark colors."
I don't want Rim to hear that yet, so I show ya the note. If you want to design them right now, or...sketch it, I would glad. If not, that's fine. Our wedding is not coming for the next 6 months or somethin' at least.
[ @ask-gimmiventures ]
Asks until Rimi return: 3/3
[ Rimi will back after the next post. ]
Oh! It seems the Rimielle's house interior has been changed. Wonder, why?
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Cherry and Crow seemed to be having a friendly argument. At spotting Rimi and Noel, Cherry waved the two over, “apologizes for pulling you into this but me and my friend were discussing which desert was better and without a mediator this will go on forever.”
“There’s no need to pull other people into this Chers,” Crow rolled his eyes, “Clearly I’m right and poffins are way better. Tell her I’m right.”
Cherry laughed, “personally I prefer malasadas. They’re a much rarer treat for me. What do you two think?”
The Transformation Stone allows to transform Crow and Cherry into this universe form.
This sets during Rimi's Birthday / 1st anniversary party prep.
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And no questions. Mom's delicious malasadas are REALLY tasty.
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To be honest with ya, before I ate those, I loved poffins before I met Rimi. After she gave me a taste to malasada, I started to love them and thinking that poffins are now very bland.
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Since you gave me a cupcake, Cherry (it was, very delicious...), I would like that you try my malasada too! Also I'll give one to your friend, too.
Rimi gives a malasada each to Cherry and Crow.
[ @ask-gimmiventures ]
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