#cherryonigiri masterlist
straystars-and-planets · 11 months
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about me (i interact from my main @cherryonigiri)
taglist form
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#galaxy: navigation - housekeeping, navigation, keeping the blog working
#planets: writing - any kind of writing/work (hcs, smaus, one-shots, longform, etc.)
#space debris: thoughts - just me being a dummy/venting
#comets: queue - reblogging other works I like/self-reblogs
#shooting stars: spicy - all smutty/spicy content (hard hours/thoughts, suggestive/sexually explicity writing, reblogs, etc.), PLEASE BLOCK THIS TAG IF YOU NEED TO
#incoming-asteroids: announcements - anything serious/important (changes to rules, hiatuses, etc.)
#chats with alice - responding to asks/interactions with other folks
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last updated: 8.31.23
©@straystars-and-planets 2023. do not copy, translate or repost my work.
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
haikyuu masterlist
🍙 = headcanon || 🍒 = prose || 🌸 = matchup || 🌶️ = nsfw
Last updated: March 25, 2021
warp & weft (kuroo x reader historical AU) - multichapter [ONGOING]
traces (ushijima x reader/sakusa x reader mythology / reincarnation AU) - multichapter [PLANNING]
fusion masterlist - kuroo x reader smau + dance!AU [ONGOING]
Celestial Special (500 milestone event) masterlist [CLOSED]
the retrospective: Lover (1k special matchups) masterlist [ONGOING]
of turtledoves and daisies PJO!AU - Son of Zeus!Bokuto x Child of Demeter!Reader
haikyuu vacation hcs
Aoba Johsai
Iwaizumi Hajime:
cuddling 🍙
ambivert S/O 🌸 🍙
Matsukawa Issei:
their reaction to S/O thirsting over anime/game characters 🌶️🍙
with a swimmer!S/O 🌸 🍙
Oikawa Tooru:
Astrology nerd S/O 🍙
their reaction to S/O thirsting over anime/game characters 🍙
S/O who is smol pt. 2 🍙
When and Where (part 1) - Angst, Long-Distance Relationship 🍒
with a surfer!S/O 🌸 🍙
I’ll Make You a Deal (BokuAka Coffee Shop AU w/implied KuroKen) 🍒
Akaashi Keiji:
Helping stressed S/O study 🍙
Bokuto Koutarou:
Crash Landing (NOT) On You (PJO!AU Pt. 1) 🍒
Helping stressed S/O study 🍙
S/O who is a libero 🌸 🍙
S/O who is smol pt. 1 🍙
[9:43 PM] - clair de lune 🍒
Miya Atsumu:
their reaction to S/O thirsting over anime/game characters 🍙
S/O who is smol pt. 1 🍙
extroverted S/O 🌸 🍙
Miya Osamu:
S/O who is smol pt. 1 🍙
with an S/O who loves to bake + cook 🌸🍙
Sawamura Daichi:
talkative S/O who loves literature/history 🌸🍙
Hinata Shoyo:
Energetic and bubbly S/O 🌸🍙
Tsukishima Kei:
Astrology nerd S/O 🍙
Kuroo Tetsurou:
dancer!Kuroo hcs 🍙
cuddling hcs 🍙
with a confident + active S/O 🌸🍙
Kenma Kozume:
Helping stressed S/O study 🍙
Goshiki Tsutomu:
Astrology nerd S/O 🍙
Shirabu Kenjirou:
Astrology nerd S/O 🍙
Tendou Satori:
Watching filthy frank videos with S/O 🍙
Ushijima Wakatoshi:
boyfriend fluff 🍙
cuddling 🍙
first time saying “I love you” 🍒
with an artsy musician S/O 🍙  
with an artsy musician S/O Pt. 2 🍒
their reaction to S/O thirsting over anime/game characters 🍙
S/O who is smol pt. 2 🍙
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akaashisupremacy · 3 years
A Little in Love
Summary: Having broken off your engagement for an arranged marriage with him, your relationship is in shreds. As you and Gojo begin as friends again, he wonders if he ever fell out of love for you. Has he?
Notes: Gojo Satoru is good-looking, all powerful and beyond good at his job. I’ve always wanted to explore something he struggles with
Gojo Satoru  x reader
Multi-fandom Masterlist || HQ Masterlist || Ao3 version
Genre: ANGST AND PINING, exes to friends to ??, commitment issues lol (wc: 1.3k) tw: mention of blood, infedelity-ish
“Are you sure you’re not in love with them?”
That question wipes the smile off Gojo Satorou’s face.
Tonight’s dinner was unexpected. You ran into Shoko Ieri, Jujutsu Kaisen’s resident doctor and Gojo Satoru just as your work day ended. One thing led to another and the three of you ended up in a soba place not too far from Jujutsu Tech. When you excused yourself to use the washroom Ieri-san grabs the chance to ask the burning question on her mind.
“So what’s the answer? You’re awfully quiet.”
“We’re not engaged anymore. That ship has sailed.” he waves his hand dismissively.
Ieri rolls her eyes. All throughout dinner, Gojo was teasing you, offering you food, playing light pranks at you just like he was when you were teenagers. The way he looked at you was enough to tick any off about how he feels.
She retorts, “You can try again now that you’re adults. You’re allowed to make a go at a love match.”
Gojo’s relationship with you is…complicated. You two were arranged to be married when you were children, but had broken up as teenagers.
Gojo looks contemplative, his hands clasped together.
“I’ve thought about it.” he sighs, “And I think about it every time we meet, but—I don’t think I’m the type to commit and they need a commitment type. It’s not a match.” Ieri scowls on your behalf. 
During your time at Jujutsu Tech, he simultaneously wanted to give your relationship a shot but hated the restrictions set on him. In the end, it was all too much. Both of you begged your families to break off the engagement.
Your teenage years with him were confusing. Were you really in love or those feelings fabricated by the arranged marriage? If the marriage wasn’t a love match anyway, why did it hurt to see Gojo flirt with someone else?
Gojo remembered one of your early confrontations when you were 16 and he was 17. 
“It’s difficult to be engaged to you.” you expressed, exasperated. 
When you started school at Jujutsu Tech however, something changed. Gojo didn’t want to be seen around you. He was always flirting with others behind your back. You can’t even have a proper conversation with him alone. 
During your second year, you finally stood up to him. 
“No, it’s not.” he rolled his eyes, “You don’t even have to pretend that you like me.”
It worried you that he definitely couldn’t be faithful and it hurt you that he couldn’t even spare time to properly talk with you. 
You sighed and looked left and right. It’s had been ten minutes. You were still standing outside his dorm room and he has not intention of letting you in. 
“It’s not about that!” you exclaimed, annoyed, “I know you don’t like being engaged to me, which is fine—“
“It doesn’t sound fine,” he snorts, crossing his arms. He tries to drown the sound of your voice from the surrounding cicadas. 
“—if you weren’t such an asshole,” you continued, “But can you at least treat me with more respect. Everybody knows we’re engaged. Neither of us want to be in arranged marriage so all I’m begging you to do is to —“ 
He shrugs, “No promises.” 
He could see anger light beneath your eyes. Out of the darkness of the night, a silver flicker brushes by his side. You were seething, despite being barely illuminated by the light of the corridor bulbs. 
You had drawn out a dagger at him. You! His kind, patient fiancee. It happened so fast he almost didn’t dodge. 
“I missed on purpose. Don’t you get complacent.” you muttered, turning away. 
Gojo was surprised to see tears running down your face. You’ve never looked so upset. It catches him off guard. 
“I’m sorry,” was all he had to utter. He wasn’t even sure you heard him because you had already begun walking away. You had drawn the blade, but in reality it was you that was hurting and he the trespasser. 
He shakes his head at Ieri and continues, “I don’t want to hurt them again. It was bad enough when our engagement fell apart.”
He didn’t mean to hurt you then of course. It was harsh to expect commitment out of a teenager who wasn’t ready, but you were still in pain.
Ieri sizes him up in the dim lighting of the diner. Gojo likes to be in control. He likes to be the one to set traps. It’s interesting to see him be the captive for once.
“You haven’t answered my question.” she presses.
Gojo’s fingers tense up.he gives in just a bit, “I’ll always be a little in love with them. Maybe because I was obligated to for so long.”
“And that’s not enough though, because they deserve more” he quickly adds.
“Can’t you change? Sounds like you’re afraid to try.” she sighs.
Gojo is quiet once again.
“Don’t wait for them to be in love with someone else before you realize that you want to be with them. I’d hate for you to be too late.” she warns, glancing towards you as you walk back to the table.
He looks away from Ieri. You sit back down in front of him.
He feels his heart swell and hurt at the same time. You’ve always represented a jumble of contradictions for him: someone to love and someone who represents traditions he hates.
“Did I miss something?” you ask, sensing the tension.
“No, nothing.” he denies, his voice purposely lightening to cover his mood.
“Well, why does everyone look so serious?” you perkily ask.
Gojo briefly glances at you. His shoulders relax and he sits back into his seat. After all these years, it’s still so easy to be swayed by your bright eyes.
“I was just about to call for another drink.” Ieri clears her throat.
“Me, too.” he adds.
You look at him carefully, a tinge of worry in your eyes. You don’t say anything though. Not now. This is between you and him. It’s a matter outside of your friendship with Ieri.  
“You can have my drink.” you offer to him, eyes locked onto his. 
Sensing your stare, he turns back at you, glad that his bandages cover his vulnerability. He’s not sure he can take it if you saw how deeply conflicted he was about his feelings. As he continues to look, recognition dawns on him.
In another universe, you could be married right now. You’d be having dinner, just the two of you, sitting across each other like this. In another world, maybe you wouldn’t have known each other at all. This moment feels like purgatory. He’s somewhat in love, just a little and you’re not his in a way that feels real.
You push your drink into his hands. Ieri looks away to give you a semblance of privacy. Gojo finally takes the drink. 
It feels strange for the man who has everything, to know he only has a little bit of you.
General taglist: @itstheee-ha-chan@kaizumi@holaaaf@glxar@francxsca
Series Taglist: @kageyamakock​ @gucci-froggy @cherryonigiri
I wrote this as a follow up for another Gojo x reader fic who used to be engaged. Check it here. This is 2/4 so let me know if you’d like to be tagged in the rest of the releases! 😊
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8
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haikyuucute · 4 years
ooh!! untameable au, the reader gets into a fight with a beta and he isn't there to stop it so she loses the fight and her pride at the same time(that doesn't change her beliefs tho)she's feeling so discouraged she can't do anything. ushijima notices after a few days and he steps in and takes care of her. so he takes a bath with her and even tries to build her a nest, he puts her in the nest and starts cuddling and scenting her and encourages her to get better mentally, angst to fluff basically
Yoooo angst to fluff is by FAR my favorite thing to write. (I once wrote a 10 chaptered angst to fluff fic, and I still get comments telling me I had them bawling their eyes out😈😈). Ty for requesting!
A/N: For those of you who don’t know, this is based of my Omegaverse “Untamable” series you can find on my masterlist
Warning: angst, bullying, depression
Nothing had ever frightened Ushijima more than the day you stopped talking.
His fiery little omega that always had something to say, was completely rendered silent.
Your eyes were dull, missing the life he admired in them. And you made yourself small, hunched shoulders, head and eyes cast down. And your scent was so bitter that all he wanted to do was hold you and hide you away from the world.
He blamed himself that this happened. He should’ve walked with you when you were heading to your dorm during lunch to grab something you forgot, he knows you told him no, that you could do it yourself, but he should’ve gone anyway... it was what any other alpha would’ve done.
And because he wasn’t there to protect you, you were now in the worst state he had ever seen you in.
He made sure the beta that had done this to you got what he deserved.
In some ways beta’s were more dangerous than alphas. Alphas liked to get physical, beta’s liked to attack the mind.
And the beta you ended up fighting with, humiliated you in front of a group of omegas, alphas, and betas. Making a show of how powerless you were as you ended up on the ground, foot planted on your back while he spewed the meanest words about how pathetic you were, making everyone laugh at you.
You locked yourself in your dorm afterwards and refused to even let Ushijima in, and you hadn’t showed up to his dorm that night to sleep with him—Ushijima ended up sleeping outside of your dorm room that night because of how worried he was about you.
The next morning you had found the strength to get up and get changed for the school day, but you didn’t speak to him or anyone else.
He kept you close to him throughout the day, making you sit on his lap when he could, holding your hand, and keeping you tucked under his arm when you walked in the hallways. He hadn’t even spoken much to his friends, instead he kept his attention on you, subtly scenting you throughout the day. Ushijima wasn’t good with words, but he’d make sure you knew he was there for you.
By the time practice rolled around, you came with him as usual where he draped his volleyball jacket around you while you sat, so you’d be engulfed in his scent while you waited.
It wasn’t until the following day and you had shown not even the slightest improvement in your mood that he made a decision.
After practice he was bringing you to the train station and buying two tickets.
He was bringing you to his house.
You sat between Ushijima’s legs inside the bathtub, knees to your chest with your face buried in them.
His hands gently massaged your scalp, fingers threading through your wet locks. He used his own shampoo, fully intent on making sure you smelled just like him by the end of the night. And he repeated the actions with his body wash, taking his time to hopefully make your tenseness go away.
...You still hadn’t said a single word.
He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, pressing his face into your neck, nosing gently up and down at your scent gland. The bitter scent was still strong, and he never thought he’d miss your scent as much as he did now... he missed you.
For the first time since you both arrived, he finally spoke.
”Speak to me Omega,” it wasn’t a command. You’ve never heard his voice as gentle as it was now, “Your Alpha’s here, I’ve got you...... please Omega...” he nipped softly at your bond mark before pressing a kiss to the same spot.
His heart plummeted when he was met with only more silence.
”Wait here for me.”
With that he stood up and stepped out of the bathtub.
He had disappeared into his bedroom for a while, as you continued to sit in the warm water that was slowly becoming cooler the longer you sat.
He eventually returned, easily picking you up and towel drying you before he dressed you in a t-shirt of his and a pair of his sweatpants that was way too big for you.
He then picked you up again and brought you to his bedroom where you saw how he attempted to assemble a nest for you.
A pile of blankets and pillows sat on the bed, as well as his clothing— anything that smelled like him.
He placed you down before climbing in himself, drawing you close to his body and pulling the blankets over the both of you.
He placed your face against his neck, making sure your nose was right against his scent gland before stroking your sides softly, scenting you.
He did this for the entire night. Relaxing when you fell asleep against him, but he hadn’t stopped his ministrations— he wouldn’t stop until you were okay.
Ushijima was terrified... he had never seen you shut down in such a way. He didn’t know what he was going to do if you didn’t start returning to your old self soon.
For the first time ever, Ushijima was questioning himself as an alpha.
He eventually fell asleep with you in his arms, but was stirred awake a few hours later with you shaking in his hold.
He blinked, realizing his neck was growing wet with your tears and he finally noticed the tight grip of your hands on his shirt.
You sniffled, “W-Waka-kun...”
Ushijima’s breath hitched— you spoke.
He pulled back slightly, hand gripping your jaw, he so desperately needed to see your face.
It was swollen with tears, shuddering breaths escaping your lips as you cried— and yet you were still the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen.
”My beautiful Omega... I’m sorry for not protecting you.”
Another sob left your throat at his words as you fiercely shook your head, “‘s not y-your f-fault.”
He pulled you close again, your face back against his neck, “We’ll discuss it later. Just know that I’m here now.”
You sniffled again, “L-love you.”
His hand stroked your hair, “I love you too, sweet Omega.”
Requests are open!
@shiguraaa @tycrackculture @kynyta @cuddlesslut @baeshijima @yams046 @kkimoka @elegant-gypsophilia @mrkoala4prsdnt @sapphy-taffy6969 @yougivemebutterfliess @melanieacademy @yeet-these-hoez @nekomasmeow @thirsthourdemon @nekoma-hoe @curiouslilbeast @badboysdoitbetter2 @coupsieddori @mizuchan24-blog @mer92 @voids-universe @savemesteeb @basicallyberry @cherryonigiri @k-eijiakaashi @ethylalcoholforfandoms @sanemisthiccbih @a-book-lover-things @rue-was-here @reject-tinkerbell @kawaiipotatochan @mortifiedmoon @amirahroronoa @asahi-is-jesus-periodt @kkoalaworld @lilidrawz @royalmuffinsworld
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imomomi · 4 years
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Fun Facts:
Whenever Y/N asks random questions, it send Kiyoomi into panic mode because he doesn’t know if she’s upset about something or genuinely curious. 
Suguru starts acting nice to Y/N when she’s pregnant because he’s afraid to stress her out. But, she gets more stressed because she thinks he’s up to something.
Mika finished her law degree and started working at a corporate firm, but hated it. She quit and opened up her own independent practice. 
Y/N finally gets her way and Kiyoomi agrees to move into a house. She had to compromise on having a volleyball net installed in the backyard. 
Y/N had no cravings during her pregnancy, but would pretend to see how quickly people would bring her food. 
Kiyoomi and Y/N’s son learned how to throw a ball before he could walk. 
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Chapter Fourteen  ||  Chapter Fifteen [END]
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Taglist [CLOSED]: @90s-belladonna​ @aesthriellez​ @alyssasteaparty​ @anastasiasthings​  @angsty-microwave​ @aomine-100​ @ayumiinuzuka​ @bringmelily @chaosamu @cherryonigiri @chichi-chanischibi @cresentea​ @daninaninani @deimmortales99​ @dumplingzumispam​ @fairsumu​ @fangirling-25-8 @fern-writes-ig​ @food8me​ @ggukiefrappe​ @haikyuuopalite​ @hamsterfan17@heheheh2547 @hqsks @huliannajace @icedoutmywristtitanic@imuziawi @intoomuchfandoms @iwaizluv @kai122303 @kara-grayson04​ @keijination @keijishima @kiyoojima@kurootetsutetsu @kylalily​ @lanadel-dope-blog @letmegetthisclear@lilacshouko @macaronnv @marenskihq @marvel-snowbaz​ @mirakeul​ @miyayassy​ @namyari @nekoma-hoe@nerdyphantomlady @ochabby @of-heroes-and-dreams​ @oikawalmart-hq @onelostgirl @ongjaewonx @raenebalgaire@rinnieee @sakusakymi @sakuzaddy @sckusa @sehunosh@semicielo  @shakiraisawesome @slut4oikawa @song-of-storms162 @space-flamingo @steggy4ever @suna-allie @svtbitch​ @t-rexmoreliket-flex @taxkuu @therealwalmartjesus @toaster-stick@translucentthoughts @trxsmaii @ushiwakasthighs @voids-universe @volleybloop @weirdlylifeismymiddlename @yakus-yakult@yeehawslap  @yougivemebutterfliess @ricefarmerkita@clowninfortodoroki @pleasantlyplantiful @sugaishi @ynjimenez@1-800-b @dadchi-oya @deephumandragonperson @ravioliplease​ @tremendousglitterthing​ @sotiriapark @roiana-mustang​ @parisaanelia​ @muppetz @4don1s​​ @ly-nia​​
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
jujustu kaisen masterlist
🍙 = headcanons || 🍒 = prose || 🌸 = matchup || 🌶️ = nsfw
last updated: March 22, 2021
Nanami Kento
dwelling - timestamps featuring Nanami Kento x grad student!Reader
evenings with you 🍒
Fushiguro Megumi
his little spirit (timestamp series) 🍒
[3:00 AM] (three in the morning) 
Inumaki Toge
[11:45 AM] (timestamp - you make him onigiri) 🍒
learning sign language with inumaki 🍒
tracing words on your skin 🍒
Gojo Satoru
a quiet indoor night with gojo 🍒
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
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the retrospective: alice’s 1k special || requests are CLOSED
“Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close, forever and ever? Take me out and take me home, you’re my lover.”
— Lover (2019)
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masterlist [21/104]: 
Aoba Johsai
Hanamaki Takahiro (for Micchi)
Iwaizumi Hajime (for Vi)
Oikawa Tooru (for Chae)
Date Tech
Aone Takanobu (for Kris)
Akaashi Keiji (for xin)
Bokuto Koutarou (for differentballooncollection)
Ennoshita Chikara (anon request)
Hinata Shoyo (for Priscilla)
Sawamura Daichi (for El)
Sugawara Koushi (for Ren)
Tsukishima Kei (for Lyn)
Yamaguchi Tadashi (for koibitodrawz)
Kita Shinsuke (for Jen)
Miya Osamu (anon request)
Miya Atsumu (anon request)
Komori Motoya (for Yssa)
Kenma Kozume (anon request)
Kuroo Tetsurou (anon request)
Yaku Morisuke (for Serena)
Semi Eita (for Ang)
Tendou Satori (for Elle)
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43 notes · View notes
cherryonigiri · 4 years
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spring blossoms masterlist:
[dd/mm/yy]: description/link || Updates every Saturday/Sunday
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22/07/20: general blog recs pt. 1
03/10/20: Tendou x reader fluff
18/10/20: TBA
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11 notes · View notes
cherryonigiri · 4 years
kuroko no basket masterlist
Last updated August 4th, 2020
🍙 = headcanon || 🍒 = scenario || 🌸 = matchup || 🌶️ = nsfw
Kise Ryouta:
reaction to s/o dancing at school festival 🍙
Akashi Seijurou:
reaction to s/o dancing at school festival 🍙
with a gentle/caring S/O 🌸 🍙
Midorima Shintarou:
reaction to s/o dancing at school festival 🍙
Aomine Daiki:
reaction to s/o dancing at school festival 🍙
Murasakibara Atsushi:
reaction to s/o dancing at school festival 🍙
23 notes · View notes
cherryonigiri · 5 years
haikyuu masterlist
jujutsu kaisen masterlist
kuroko no basket masterlist
Previous/Ongoing Events:
celestial special (500 follower milestone) [CLOSED]
Cherry Nights (recurring) [CLOSED]
the retrospective: Lover (1k special matchups) [CLOSED]
the retrospective: 1k special (general page) 
151 notes · View notes
akaashisupremacy · 3 years
Brimming with Hope
Summary: Having broken off your engagement for an arranged marriage with Gojo, your relationship is in shreds. As you two give your relationship a second chance, what does hope look like to two disillusioned lovers?  
Gojo Satoru  x reader
Multi-fandom Masterlist || HQ Masterlist || Ao3 version
Genre: fluff, angst, exes to friends to lovers (wc: 1.5k)
“I don’t think they’ve fully made up their mind about me.” Gojo Satoru confesses to Nanami Kento.
In between assignments and his students, Gojo finds Nanami at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech’s grounds. They’re strolling along one of the many wooden hallways when Gojo opens up about you, his ex-fiancee and his current lover.
“What makes you say that?” Nanami rarely involved himself in other people’s romantic entanglements. Too much work really.
Gojo shrugs and sighs, “It’s like their affection is platonic. They care about me as a person, but I’m not sure if they have romantic feelings for me.”
The latest development of his relationship with you has been nothing short of daunting. Your relationship, albeit not exclusive was running past the six month mark. The longer he stayed around you the more pressure he felt. Commitment is not his thing. Dating his ex is also not his thing. But you certainly are.
“Can you blame them?” Nanami snorts, “How does it feel to be at the other end of the uncertainty?”
Gojo scowls in silence, hands pressed deep into his pocket.
“Well if they’re going out with you and stuff, then that’s not platonic.” Nanami offers. “Just make sure you’re not just fucking around again. Some people deserve better, Gojo. Leave them alone if you can’t get your shit together.”
Gojo stops walking. Nanami’s words are harsh and cold, voicing Gojo’s ultimate fear about himself.
Gojo opens his mouth and closes it shut. Nanami raises a brow. He senses some hesitation.
“Everything we do feels more intimate. I’ve been with other people, but this feels so…so….deep.” he murmurs.
Nanami turns around and snorts, “It’s the feelings. You’ve caught feelings.”
“This relationship feels so temporary...just when I feel like I’ve settled in, I’m to be up on my toes knowing this isn’t going to last. I realized they eventually want a family, but not with me. Because that’s just not me. It feels like there’s a time bomb waiting to go off.” Gojo continues, his tone silent and mournful.
More than anyone, Gojo knows you deep desire to be married and have a quiet family life. It's something he doesn't want and it pains him to know that you'll eventually go your separate ways.
Nanami breathes out, waiting for Gojo to catch up with a few long strides, “You can’t have everything.”
“I don’t need everything. Just the things that count.” Gojo replies, walking by Nanami’s side.
“Then you have to look for a happy middle, for you and for them.” Nanami shrugs.
Gojo scratches his head. What can he do?
————————————————————————————— You walk out of the morgue to leave Ieri to her work. As you step out, you come face to face with Nanami, who looks surprised that you’re here.
“Didn’t expect you to be around Ieri’s lair.” he comments.
“I didn’t expect to have a casualty either.” you shrug, waving around a file.
You hardly ever see Nanami after graduating. The school grounds were big. Your schedules never line up. Neither of you were particularly close.
He silently looks around if Ieri is behind you.
“So you and Gojo…” he trails.
You roll your eyes and cross your arms, “Not you too! You know what, instead of asking me, you should ask Gojo and his commitment issues, for updates.”
Your voice rings louder on the empty walls than you intended.
“I did.” he replies.
“Commitment issues with a capital “C” indeed.” Nanami states, as if the fact was self-evident. What’s new? You sniff.
“It’s unusual to see him so conflicted about you. You used to be his rock.” he adds.
Your eyes narrow, as if asking for more information. You were never really sure how Gojo felt about you when you two were younger. He seemed attracted during your brief arranged engagement, but his attention obviously flitted elsewhere after that.
Nanami relents, “When we were freshmen, you reminded him of home. He pretends not to be homesick all the time. He’s not very good at hiding it when he talks about you.”
“Well, that feeling didn’t last, did it?” you murmur just loud enough for Nanami to hear.
The outside of the morgue has always been a little dark. You wished the lights were dimmer because you know Nanami is observing you.
“Not to defend him, but he was so wrapped in you and your engagement that he needed to find who he was outside of that. He likes attention, too. Can’t deny that. But his affections were sincere for a time.” he says, “I don’t know where his feelings stand right now. This isn’t to give you false hope, but he can be in love, even though it’s against his greater instincts and experience.”
He bows briefly to excuse himself. He needs to head in.
“But you already know that deep down. Out of all of us, you know him the longest, and I would argue, the best.” he adds.
You're left outside stunned by his words. Out of all his surviving friends, you assumed it was Nanami who knew him better than everyone else. It was you. You knew him best, even when Gojo wasn't by your side.
You smile a bit. There are some bonds broken romances can't break.
———————————————————— On a train home from your assignment, you find the bullet train crowded as usual. Rush hour is the bane of your existence in Tokyo.
As you try to find an empty seat, you’re surprised to find Gojo opening some sort of regional snack (again).
“How is it that you have so much time for souvenir shopping?” you groan in comment.
“It’s nice to see you, too.” he offers the seat next to his.
You plop down beside him, distracted. You think back to what Nanami said earlier. What was it that Nanami said? That you were Gojo’s rock? What did that mean really?
He tries to offer you some food. You wave him off dismissively. After gathering your thoughts, you decisively turn to him.
“I just want to know,” you swallow, “How did you feel about me when we were kids.”
With his mouth ajar, he blinks. Where was this coming from?
“Why?” he instinctively asks.
You purse your lips, “I’ve been meaning to ask for the longest while. I want to know your answer.”
He leans back into his seat and puts his food down in concentration.
“I thought I knew what love was and it came in the form of you. It’s kind of dumb. What would a teenager know about that kind of stuff?” he shrugs, “I liked the idea that you liked me. You were someone who supported me. You were there for me. You were generous with your time and affection.
“Looking back it’s just infatuation, isn’t it?" he asks rhetorically.
“You sounded naive.” you say, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.
He chuckles, “Who wouldn’t be at that age?”
“And sincere.” you followed up with a smile.
Gojo turns away from you. He sees glimpses of your early teenage years when he sees that smile. It was the smile you wore when he visited you at your clan’s home and helped out with your chores. You liked it when he would carry the firewood you gathered from the forest.
“...you made me feel so grown up, like I had my life together. Not everyone liked who they were engaged to, but I really liked you and you had believed in me so much.” he murmurs, “I felt so lucky to be able to marry you one day. I was literally brimming with hope. But that was 13 years ago.”
You both get off the train. The crowded station greets you both. Although you walk side by side, it is too easy for the crowd to sweep you away. You hold onto his sleeve. He doesn't notice.  
You try to say goodbye when you make it out, but he seems distracted. You begin to walk away.
“You’re not saying goodbye?” he asks, startled.
“I did, but you didn’t mind me.” you smirk with your arms crossed.
“Sorry. There’s a lot going on in my mind.” he nods, walking up beside you.
He leans in to plant a kiss on your cheek. You pull away.
“We’re in public,” you remind him. Gojo isn’t public with you on anything.
He kisses you anyway, pressing his lips on your cheek. You’re surprised but not unpleasantly so. His kiss is long and lingering. You embrace him with your arms around his waist. You briefly close your eyes to drown out the noise of the station.
Gojo can feel his heart racing a thousand kilometers per second. His shoulders relax. It's strangely freeing to be able to kiss you in public.
He knows he’s not into commitment, but whenever he sees you, he questions myself.
“I have to go now.” you bid softly.
I love you. He holds back. He waves carefully to not let his words escape his mouth. He’s not fifteen anymore. He should know better.
Gojo begins walking back to Jujutsu Tech. Being able to kiss you goodbye made him feel so grown up, like he has his life together more than he actually does. It makes him feel, once again, that he is brimming with hope.
I wrote this as a follow up for another Gojo x reader fic who used to be engaged. Check out the other parts!
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8
Comment or message to be added to the taglist! Or write down some comments about your feelsssss
Series Taglist: @tokyo-love-hotel@samkysnks@herownescape@cherrianne192@shamelessdonutsludgebanana@kageyamakock@shirostrbl@luvang3l@cloudsinthecosmos@httpjungoo @saturnki  @itstheee-ha-chan@gucci-froggy @soy1melk @dora-the-grownup @cherryonigiri @fiona782
If you’d like to continue being part of my taglist (JJK or Haikyuu), please let me know! I also write oneshots for both fandoms and soon I’ll be doing BSD too!
192 notes · View notes
akaashisupremacy · 3 years
Yours Truly
Summary: Having broken off your engagement for an arranged marriage with Gojo, your relationship is in shreds. As you and Gojo try to pick up the pieces, he wonders if you can still give him a second chance. Will you? 
Notes: Broke my heart in half to write this fic for Gojo ✌️😩
Gojo Satoru  x reader
Multi-fandom Masterlist || HQ Masterlist || Ao3 version
Genre: ANGST AND PINING, exes to friends to ??, commitment issues lol, some fluff if you wink (wc: 1.1k) 
“What are you doing here?” you exclaim in the dark, stumbling back at the shadow that looms in front of you.
You’ve bumped into Gojo Satoru in the kitchen commons. He’s fresh out of the shower, hair still dripping. His presence is definitely visible because it’s past midnight and all you can hear up to this point are the crickets.
“What are you doing here?” he looks accusingly at you with his eyes wide, “I live and work here!”
He has one hand on his hip and another on a mug of coffee. His reply irks you. He supposedly asked you out on a date tonight and he cancelled last minute for what you thought was a job that was just taking longer than expected again. Was he home all this time?
You were wary of Gojo when he asked you out recently. Not only was he your ex-fiancee, he also has a playboy reputation.
“I’m here to make myself dinner after a long day of working on the school barriers.” you sniff, “And I’m also here to ask why you couldn't  meet up with me. Again.”
You glare. He shifts uncomfortably on the doorway.
“Can you make up your mind about me? I know you want to fix things, but if you’re going to keep cancelling, might as well stop. We don’t have to date or hang out.” you scowl.
He pulls out a chair for you to sit down. “Let me make things up to you. I’ll make dinner for the both of us. I haven’t eaten either. Just got home.”
“Oh,” you remark. Ok, maybe he hasn’t been home all this time.
You quietly sit as he prepares a quick dinner for the both of you. He’s never cooked for you before. It was always you who did the cooking, granted you were arranged to be married when you were kids and you stopped talking as teenagers. It’s complicated.
You watch him put pots on the stove and chop vegetables up on your old school kitchen counter. It’s too quiet, too late, too dark in here. 
“I’m sorry I yelled at you.” you murmur.
He shakes his head.
“Your instincts aren’t wrong. Part of me wishes that us trying to date would end badly to prove that I was right all along, that there was no way this could work. But part of me wants to be wrong for once. I think you would like to grow old with me and all that stuff.” he admits, throwing vegetables into a pan without looking at you.
“This isn’t going to work if you’re just doing this for me.” you reply.
The sizzling of the vegetables almost covers up his next words, “It’s just difficult for me to admit that I have feelings for you, ok?”
“You’re endlessly kind to me and I’m the type to take advantage of kindness. I don’t want to drain you.”
You scoff, “I’m not 15 anymore. I have more boundaries. Give me some credit. You overestimate my compassion.”
As he continues to cook, his bandages start coming loose. His usual black cover for his eyes is gone. It must be laundry day. You stand to tie them for him. Your fingers are nimble, deftly untying the sloppy knots he put up in a rush and retying them firmly.
“You still remember.” he notes with surprise.
“You taught me. How could I forget?” you remark softly, returning to your seat and crossing your arms.
While he plates the food, he asks another question. The kitchen is barely lit. A single light bulb above the table is all the light there is. His shadow follows him as he moves.
“How could you still treat me like this?” he finally sits across you, words peeling with intense sentiment.
“Like what?” you ask curiously.
“Like I’m worth a second chance.”
You smile drily, trying to hide the pain beneath your eyes. You too wonder if he's worth another shot. Although your head knows that maybe he isn't, your heart says otherwise.
“I’ve accepted my lot in life, that I’m not going to deserve everything I get. Sometimes it’s just arbitrary.“ you sigh, “It sucks sometimes. I did get the short end of the stick, but I don’t want to shut you out of my life because of that.”
Gojo pauses with his chopsticks midway between his mouth and his food. He puts them down.
“You’re too much of a saint for me.”
“And you’re a sucker for that apparently.” you half-snort, half-roll your eyes. He can’t help chuckling.
His pauses then his face is serious all of a sudden.
“You know how Ieiri-san always jokes that I’m always a little in love with you? Well it’s true. I’m still a little in love with you and I grow more in love with you every time I see you. I don’t really know why.” His voice is a mix of bitterness, heartbreak and confusion.
You put your utensils down and reach out from under the table to grasp his fingers.
“I haven’t changed.” he hesitates to take your hand, his face ridden with guilt. He pulls away, “Don’t do this.”
You gently shake your head and indignantly keep your hands out.
“This isn’t about that. This is about being here for you, even if I'm not your fiancée. I’m here as just me.”
“How can you be so kind after I’ve hurt you all these years?” he asks, completely stupefied. 
“I came to the conclusion that you didn’t intend to hurt me.” you shrug,  “When you chose to be with other people, it wasn’t because you didn’t like me or wanted to spite me. It was because of things outside of our relationship: the familial pressure, the control and so on.”
“If it was just the two of us, you wouldn’t spite me. You have no reason to.” you add softly. He finally reaches out to hold you. His hands are not too warm or calloused. His fingers are slender and his grip firm.
Gojo is moved beyond words. He’s used to receiving attention and affection, but always in exchange for something: his time, his body, his power. You’ve never asked any of that. You give yourself unconditionally with all the tenderness you could spare, asking nothing in return.
What is this feeling? Hope? Redemption? Vindication? Whatever it is, it pushed him to look at you, quelling the sob rising in his chest.
How far you’ve both come. How far you have left to go.
After the meal, he insists on cleaning up. He turns to you when he’s done. You’ve passed out with your hand on the table. It’s been a long day.
Gojo shuffles through the nearby rooms for some clean blankets. He drapes one over your shoulders and readies to turn off the light in the kitchen. Right before he leaves, he catches a glance at you. He goes back to get another blanket and pulls out the chair in front of you and closes his eyes. He has a lot of time to make up for.
I wrote this as a follow up for another Gojo x reader fic who used to be engaged. This is 3 out 4 so let me know if you’d like to be tagged in the rest of the releases! 😊
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8
Comment or message to be added to the taglist! :D
Series Taglist: @shamelessdonutsludgebanana @kageyamakock @shirostrbl @luvang3l @cloudsinthecosmos @httpjungoo @saturnki  @itstheee-ha-chan @gucci-froggy @cherryonigiri
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akaashisupremacy · 3 years
Knee Deep in Longing
Summary: Having broken off your engagement for an arranged marriage with Gojo, your relationship is in shreds. As you and Gojo try to pick up the pieces, what does love look like? 
Gojo Satoru  x reader
Multi-fandom Masterlist || HQ Masterlist || Ao3 version
Genre: ANGST, PINING, fluff?? exes to friends to lovers (wc: 1.3k)  
“You don’t want to be seen around me.” you abruptly pull away, visibly hurt, “Look, I know we’re not seeing each other seriously or exclusively, but you don’t have to act like I’m nothing to you.”
After seeing an elder in the jujutsu community in the crowded streets of Tokyo, Gojo Satoru dropped his hand from your waist. He put some distance between your sides while his shoulders tried not to tense.
Being with Gojo is complicated. He’s your ex-fiancee from a marriage arranged by your families. It’s difficult not to resent him after your clan exiled you after you both broke off the arrangement, while Gojo kept his position.
Ten years after all that trouble, you’re both slowly experimenting with romance. Not that it’s going well or anything. It’s a lot of denials, hesitations and resistance to affection.
“It’s not that!” he exclaims defensively.
“So what is it?” your voice rises. Your fists start to clench.
Gojo’s never been good at commitment. He’s handsome and powerful and boy does he know it.
You knew this would happen. If someone you both knew saw the two of you together, Gojo would deny his involvement with you. It’s not a surprise of course, but it still hurts.
He tries to put his arm around you again. You brush him off.
Your temper is extra volatile today.
You’re ready to walk off when he makes a last attempt to explain himself.
“I want to be extremely private about you. No more repeats of our engagement.” he blurts out, “Everybody knew everything about us. They talked when they saw us with anyone outside of each other. They speculated about your dignity when we broke up. They continue to talk about you like an outcast.”
“I felt like I didn’t know you outside of what people thought of you anymore.” he murmurs. “I can't undo my mistakes and I’m trying to keep myself from repeating them. But I’m new to do this and I don’t mean the mistakes I’m making…”
He can see the gears in your mind turning, considering each word that falls from his lips.
“Don’t leave me, please?” he swallows in quiet desperation.
You’re taken aback by his tone. It’s muted, humble and pleading, everything that Gojo is not.
He reaches out both hands to you, with the slightest of tremors.
When you take his hand, he almost sighs loudly in relief.
“I’ll make this up to you. We can make out in the Shibuya crossing—“ he says half seriously.
“It’s ok,” you wave dismissively, “You’re forgiven.”
You squeeze his hand to reassure him. He smiles a bit more.
Exploring your relationship on our own terms outside of your with familial expectations is tough. You both have scars from your past lingering between you. Gojo is right. Mistakes will be made.
You both slow down the pace to enjoy the city, his hand tightly clutches to yours. You stop by Ueno park to view endless paths of cherry blossoms at full bloom. The air is a little crisp yet not too cold for early spring.
Every gust of wind that blows by comes with a gust of cherry blossom petals.
“Our first cherry blossoms,” you murmur.
“I wouldn’t say ‘first’ necessarily,” he chimes in, “We’ve had quite a few strolls under cherry blossom trees when we were younger. Maybe the first without all the resentment.”
He quirks his brow and turns to you.
“What’s that for? I thought you said you’d forgiven me for that?!” you put your hands around your hips. He doesn’t say anything, but he grins widely.
“Do you think dating would be more romantic if we were younger?” you  muse, referring to your earlier outburst, “Dating as adults so boring, it’s a lot of trauma processing and all that jazz.”
After spending the afternoon at the park, Gojo offers to drive you home. The walk along the park was surprisingly romantic and you're still a little high from your time together.
Gojo had his arm around you and you even shared a kiss before the drive back. It fills you with giddiness every time you think back to it.
“No.” he flat out answers.
“Why not?” you turn to him, curious at the swiftness of his reply.
“Because…” he sighs with his eyes trained on the road, “my earlier relationships felt like they were victims of my hormones or circumstances. Like the reason why I was attracted to them was because they were the only people I saw around.”
“I want to see you because I choose to see you…not because there’s no one else.” he adds, “It feels nice to know that you probably have other prospects, but you chose to spend today with me. Just because.”
The hint of vulnerability does not escape you. You uncross your arms.
“All I’m saying is that there’s a loss of innocence and a sense of wonder when we age, y’know?” you shrug, with a small smile.
Gojo finally turns to you.
“Today was kind of dreamy though,” he murmurs, “We’re not 15 anymore, but there’s still a certain magic to life don’t you think?”
You both pause to reflect. The car enters into prime Tokyo traffic, the remnants of your walks now behind you. You glance at the city lights. The day is ending too quickly.
“Now is good,” he adds.
Gojo turns on the music the rest of the drive. You make small talk and flirt here and there. You make a joke, he shoots back, the usual. When you finally reach your apartment, you unbuckle your seatbelt.
“See you around,” you nod.
“I’ll call you.” he replies. You snort. Sure.
“What's with that?!” he exaggerates his aghast expression.
“I will call you.” he insists, “I’ll even call you when I get home.”
You look at him skeptically. Although you and Gojo never formally dated, you knew that he wasn’t great at keeping promises and much less so with calling back.
Today’s adventure was great, but you don’t expect much follow up after that, at least not consistently. He’s more of a sporadic caller if anything.
“Bye,” you sigh, reaching for the door.
He stops you from getting out of the car by grabbing onto your forearm. He leans in for another kiss. This time longer and more passionate than the one you shared. His hands don’t wander, instead he places his hand on yours and interlaces your fingers. His lips are warm and his touch tender.
There was something emotional about his gesture, like a longing that has been shoved aside now fulfilled at last.
When you’re both done, he looks flushed, completely smitten.
“I want you right now.” he whispers in your ear, leaning in again.
Your face momentarily gives away your consideration of his proposition.
You quickly hold up your hand, “Then that should give you more incentive to call.”
You get out of the car hearing his faint snort. He watches you disappear into the darkness.
In less than an hour, your phone rings. You pick it up without looking, unsure whether it was work or Gojo.
“Whats up?” you instinctively answer.
“You told me to call and so I called.” Gojo says.
You stand completely still in your room. He’s silent on the other line, as if waiting for you to pass judgement on him. He actually did it. He actually called you back.
“Are you ok?!” you blurt out, baffled by his follow through.
He lets out a chuckle, “Of course, I’m the best I’ve been in a really long while.”
Gojo listens to your amused reaction. He can see your eyes crinkle and your lips pressed together into a smile--it’s his favorite part about seeing you. Watching you sincerely be happy around was something he thought he would never crave, yet here he was knee deep in longing.
“I’m mostly good,” he thinks to himself, “Just a little too in love with you.”
I wrote this as a follow up for another Gojo x reader fic who used to be engaged. Check out the other parts!
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8
Comment or message to be added to the taglist! Or write down some comments about your feelsssss
Series Taglist: @tokyo-love-hotel @samkysnks @herownescape@cherrianne192 @shamelessdonutsludgebanana@kageyamakock@shirostrbl @luvang3l @cloudsinthecosmos@httpjungoo @saturnki  @itstheee-ha-chan @gucci-froggy @soy1melk @dora-the-grownup @cherryonigiri 
 If you’d like to continue being part of my taglist (JJK or Haikyuu), please let me know! I also write oneshots for both fandoms and soon I’ll be doing BSD too!
331 notes · View notes
haikyuucute · 4 years
Okay but what if in the Ushijima omega au they get into an actual fight because there's this traditional thing/way of thinking that isn't that good so the orange omega is trying to say that because it's upsetting and Ushijima just says how she's just an omega and should just be quiet and actually listen because that's how if is and it won't change so she runs of crying but Ushijima fully believes he's in the right until the team talks to him and he makes you with the reader?
A/N: For those of you who don’t know this is based off of my “Untamable” series which you can find on my masterlist
Warning: Angst to fluff
You hated to admit it, but sometimes you felt like you ended up making a mistake by mating with Ushijima.
You knew he came from a traditionalist family, alphas were on the top and omegas on the bottom and no one was allowed to question that structure.
The irony was that your whole life was spent fighting against traditionalists— especially alphas... and yet you found yourself mated to one.
At times he surprised you with how forward thinking he could be and you’d think maybe it wasn’t so bad, especially when there was something he didn’t understand and he’d listen to you explain it to him.
But other times, times like these, you wondered if you expected too much from him and if becoming his mate was a mistake.
It was just a stupid silly argument but he ended up using the fact you were an omega against you to shut the conversation down.
And it worked.
You ended up walking away with tears in your eyes while he stayed there, firmly believing he was in the right.
You hadn’t spoken to him in four days.
He had tried approaching you the day after the fight, you originally assumed he was going to apologize, but when he had acted as if nothing had happened you realized he hadn’t realized what he had said hurt you, so wordlessly you walked away.
You ignored him ever since.
And it was really bothering Ushijima.
Every time he tried to approach you, you would walk away. You wouldn’t follow him to practice as usual and so you didn’t follow him to his dorm afterwards. Your missing presence from beside him at night had bothered him to no end, making sleep difficult for him. And when he tried going to your dorm, either no one would answer or your roommate would yell at him to go away.
So he figured if you were going to be this stubborn, he’d stop making the effort.
It wasn’t until Semi had spoke up that he realized how serious the situation truly was.
He had been at lunch with Tendou, Semi, and Reon as usual, what wasn’t usual was the empty seat on the other side of him.
Semi had noticed Ushijima’s stare boring into the back of your head as you sat a few tables over by yourself. And with a sigh figured that enough was enough.
”She asked me if becoming your mate was a mistake.”
Everyone fell silent at the confession. It was true though, you had made him swear not to tell Ushijima (it was why you hadn’t asked Tendou instead, knowing that he had loose lips).
”(F/N)?” Ushijima asked.
”Tendou’s the only other one with a mate and they’re not fighting, so yeah, (F/N).” Semi rolled his eyes.
”Why would she think becoming my mate was a mistake?” His eyes were narrowed and although he seemed just as usual, anyone that knew him could see how the news hurt him.
Semi sighed, already exhausted with the conversation, “She’s scared that you don’t see her as you equal.”
”But... she’s an omega.”
Tendou facepalmed at the claim.
“That’s true but, if you invalidate her feelings by calling her an omega then...” Reon added.
”Then she’s not going to want to be with you if she feels like she can’t stand on even ground with you,” Semi finished.
”Ahh, Wakatoshi-kun,” Tendou sighed dramatically, “You know that little omega hates when people look down on her, especially by you.”
The conversation had pretty much ended with that.
But their words had definitely engrained themselves into Ushijima’s head.
Hearing that you were doubting your relationship made his heart ache— he hadn’t meant to hurt you, but to him it was just the way of life, it was how he was raised.
But he knew what he was getting himself into the moment he marked you and even through your arguments in the past he had never once doubted the fact that you were his omega— but now you were doubting that he was your alpha.
And that was out of the question.
Ushijima really did respect you but he was starting to realize his words were patronizing, and you didn’t deserve to feel like your opinions weren’t validated.
So instead of going straight to practice that day, he found you, but when you ignored him again he followed you to your dorm until you turned around and frustratedly hissed out a, “What?—“
”I shouldn’t have said you were wrong because you were an omega and I was an alpha,” He said, finally gaining your full attention, “I respect you (F/N), I’m sorry for making you doubt becoming my mate.”
You sighed, “Semi told you huh?” Ushijima nodded.
You chewed on your lip in contemplation as you stared at him. You knew he was being sincere, he didn’t know how to be anything but.
You nodded and walked passed him, making him turn around in question. “(F/N)—“
”C’mon Waka-kun, you have practice don’t you?” He nodded, “Then let’s go, you can make it up to me after with cuddles.”
For the first time that week Ushijima finally relaxed. He easily caught up with you, intertwining his hand with yours.
”I missed you Omega.”
You bit back a small grin, ”Yeah, yeah, I missed you too Alpha.”
@shiguraaa @tycrackculture @kynyta @cuddlesslut @baeshijima @yams046 @cutepet09 @kkimoka @elegant-gypsophilia @mrkoala4prsdnt @sapphy-taffy6969 @yougivemebutterfliess @melanieacademy @yeet-these-hoez @nekomasmeow @thirsthourdemon @nekoma-hoe @curiouslilbeast @badboysdoitbetter2 @coupsieddori @mizuchan24-blog @mer92 @voids-universe @savemesteeb @basicallyberry @cherryonigiri @k-eijiakaashi @ethylalcoholforfandoms @sanemisthiccbih @a-book-lover-things @rue-was-here @reject-tinkerbell @kawaiipotatochan @amirahroronoa @asahi-is-jesus-periodt @kkoalaworld @lilidrawz @royalmuffinsworld
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akaashisupremacy · 3 years
Sunset Drives
Summary: Having broken off your engagement for an arranged marriage with Gojo, your relationship is in shreds. As you and Gojo try to pick up the pieces, what does healing look like for the two of you? 
Gojo Satoru  x reader
Multi-fandom Masterlist || HQ Masterlist || Ao3 version
Genre: ANGST AND PINING, exes to friends to ??, commitment issues lol, some fluff if you wink (wc: 1k)   
“Let’s go for a walk down the beach.” Gojo Satoru insists out of the blue.
After a long day of work regarding the security updates for Jujutsu Tech, you agree. Gojo has always been spontaneous. He’s not one to make extensive plans.
The sky is quickly turning orange and purple as the car parks near the sand. You welcome the sea breeze when the door opens and the golden light coats both of you.
“We haven’t had a walk like this in a long time, just the two of us. At least one outside of the school.” you comment.
“Hardly a surprise. We were barely on speaking terms,” he retorts.
“And now we’re fixing things.” you smile with a skip of hope in your tone.
Gojo pauses before replying in a murmur, “We are.”
Ten years after your teenage break-up of your arranged marriage engagement, you’re both finally starting to find peace. Earlier this year you were both screaming and crying and hurting as you aired out your bottled up feelings and hurt. Things are finally settling down at last.
“This is nice,” he adds as if reading your thoughts.
You’re both in thick windbreaker jackets. Despite your weatherproof clothes, Gojo’s polo shirt collar peaks through his jacket. He’s dressed up today: leather shoes, slacks and his sunglasses instead of his eye covers. He looks good, handsome even.
You both take a moment to look into the ocean. He puts an arm around your shoulder and draws you in. His grip is gentle and firm.
“When I said I wanted to go to the beach, I meant during summer, you know?” you turn to him.
“We can come back during the summer. It’s near enough to drive.” he assures.
“Really?” you quirk a brow.
“Really.” he nods with a grin.
You both continue walking, kicking up a bit of sand here and there.
“I thought I would hate you the rest of my life because I wasn’t sure I could separate my feelings for you from my familial duties.” he exhales.
It’s your turn to pause.
“It’s ok, Gojo, you can say it.”  you murmur, “We’re really happy right now. Whatever this is.”
He lets out a low chuckle
“I like having you in my life again,” he says.
. Your eyes are peaceful and a small smile forms at the edge of your lips.
He turns to you, about to lean in for a kiss when you hear voices coming from the back.
“Gojo-sensei, is that you?” wonders Itadori out loud.
Gojo winces and quickly plants a peck on the tip of your ear before turning to his students. A group of first and second year students are walking together led by one of the Zenin girls. She must be Maki.
“Yes.” he says, “Who else?”
“And you ex…wife?” Itadori tries to recall.
“Fiancée .” you correct, amused, “We never made it to the altar.”
You steal a glance at Gojo’s unreadable expression.
“You’re too beautiful for sensei. Is that why you broke up?” asks a spunky girl with short brown hair. This must be Kugisaki Nobara.
“Nobara, you shouldn’t say that in front of Gojo-sensei.” nudged Itadori.
You and Gojo look at each other as if exchanging an inside joke.
“Something like that.” you grin.
“I would argue that was really the least of our problems.” Gojo snorts crossing his arms.
“Excuse the two of them.” Fushiguro bows.
Maki reigns the rest of the group in order to return your privacy with their teacher. Gojo keeps his hands off you the rest of the walk. You feel slightly disappointed.
When you return to the car, you empathize with his reactions to his students. Sometimes they forget he has a life outside of them.
“Thanks for today.” you nod, strapping in your seatbelt
“You can save that for later. It’s not time for goodbyes just yet.” he waves lightly, “If you like the beach so much, you should come visit me more often. I’ll drive you down here.”
“I don’t want to take up more of your time.” you demure, “Besides you’re not one to be good at promises.”
“I will always make time for you.” he glances at you, eyes fully certain, “and I’ve been better at promises now that I’m older. You’ll see. You’re not the only one that’s changed.”
Before he gets the engine going, he leans into you for a kiss. You place a hand at his chest to steady yourself. He presses a little harder. His hand finds itself on the side of your cheek. Your hands gently brush away the sides of his hair. The kiss long and tender, neither of you in a hurry to be apart.
When you finally pull away, you ask.
“Is this the part where we drive off into the sunset?”
“Yes.” he says, slowly backing the car out of its slot.
“Maybe you had a different person in your mind but I guess, you get me today.” you joke.
“You don't know that.” he replies without skipping a beat.
Gojo Satoru is the man who has everything. Whether you’ll be by each other's side temporarily or forever, he doesn’t know. With you by his side, there is nothing else he could ask for.
“I am happy.” he nods to you. You’re surprised he brings it up again.
“Whatever this is,” he adds.
I wrote this as a follow up for another Gojo x reader fic who used to be engaged. This was supposed to be the last chapter but I have some extra material (fluff to help heal all the hurt I put us thru lol). 
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8
Comment or message to be added to the taglist! :D
Series Taglist: @tokyo-love-hotel @samkysnks @herownescape @cherrianne192 @shamelessdonutsludgebanana @kageyamakock@shirostrbl @luvang3l @cloudsinthecosmos @httpjungoo @saturnki  @itstheee-ha-chan @gucci-froggy @soy1melk @dora-the-grownup @cherryonigiri If you’d like to continue being part of my taglist (JJK or Haikyuu), please let me know! I also write oneshots for both fandoms and soon I’ll be doing BSD too!
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imomomi · 4 years
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Fun Facts:
Y/N was such a bad manager that one time she was on a different team’s court for a full set before realizing that none of her teammates were there. 
Kiyoomi hates driving because all he can think about is how many ways he could crash.
Suguru was hoping to run into Kuroo at the Qualifiers match, but he hasn’t seen him around lately and texting him will make it seem like he misses him.
Mika’s grown to like volleyball so much that sometimes she’ll sneak to a game without Suguru. 
Nohebi goes on to qualify for Spring Nationals and makes it all the way to the semi-finals, placing third in Japan.
One time Y/N fell asleep during one of his college matches and Kiyoomi never lets her forget it. 
A/N: We’re getting closer to the end 🥺🥺 Also, pls ignore my shitty editing skills with the meme, I was doing it on my phone and was too lazy to go back and clean it up. 
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Chapter Eight || Chapter Nine || Chapter Ten 
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Taglist [CLOSED]: @90s-belladonna​​ @aesthriellez​​ @alyssasteaparty​ @anastasiasthings  @angsty-microwave​ @aomine-100 @ayumiinuzuka @bringmelily @chaosamu @cherryonigiri​ @chichi-chanischibi @cresentea @daninaninani @deimmortales99 @dumplingzumispam @fairsumu @fangirling-25-8 @fern-writes-ig​ @food8me @ggukiefrappe @haikyuuopalite @hamsterfan17 @heheheh2547 @hqsks @huliannajace @icedoutmywristtitanic @imuziawi​ @intoomuchfandoms @iwaizluv​ @kai122303 @kara-grayson04 @keijination @keijishima @kiyoojima @kurootetsutetsu @kylalily @lanadel-dope-blog @letmegetthisclear @lilacshouko @macaronnv @marenskihq @marvel-snowbaz @mirakeul @miyayassy @namyari @nekoma-hoe @nerdyphantomlady @ochabby @of-heroes-and-dreams @oikawalmart-hq @onelostgirl @ongjaewonx @raenebalgaire @rinnieee @sakusakymi @sakuzaddy @sckusa @sehunosh @semicielo  @shakiraisawesome @slut4oikawa @song-of-storms162​ @space-flamingo @steggy4ever @suna-allie @svtbitch​ @t-rexmoreliket-flex​ @taxkuu @therealwalmartjesus @toaster-stick @translucentthoughts @trxsmaii @ushiwakasthighs @voids-universe @volleybloop @weirdlylifeismymiddlename @yakus-yakult @yeehawslap  @yougivemebutterfliess @ricefarmerkita @clowninfortodoroki @pleasantlyplantiful @sugaishi @ynjimenez @1-800-b @dadchi-oya @deephumandragonperson @ravioliplease @tremendousglitterthing @sotiriapark @roiana-mustang @parisaanelia​ @muppetz @4don1s​ @ly-nia​
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