#chevalier michel spoilers
lorei-writes · 3 months
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My Honey's a Bunny?! Chapter 1; Chevalier's route
Priorities, Emma. We love it. But wouldn't we love Bunny!Chevalier even more?
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My Honey's a Bunny?! Chapter 2; Chevalier's route
I don't know which of them is more adorable -- Emma as a bunny or Chevalier Cold Beast Michel playing with a tiny tiny adorable bunny.
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And lastly... No, Emma. BE scared. Why does Clavis know how to take care of rabbits? They... weren't test subjects, were they? Pharmaceuticals require tests before they can be used on humans, but I can't see Clavis harming a fly for that purpose, let alone a bunny ;--;
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caffedrine · 10 months
Spoilers for Chevalier’s Sequel Route -
A brief and inaccurate summary of the Chevalier vs Gilbert fight
Chevalier: There are a lot of similarities between us, but there is a key difference.
Gilbert: What?
Chevalier: I have many brothers whom I l-lauggg. Luuubkh.
Emma: . . .
Emma: Are you trying to say ‘love’?
Chevalier: Give me a minute.
Chevalier: One if my most trusted brothers has become someone I can rely on, and his name is ‘Black’!
Leon: . . .
Leon: Are you fucking kidding me?
And finally:
Leon: We’ve been brothers for the past 15 years now, and you haven’t learned my name yet!?
Yves: . . . You mean 27 years, right?
Leon: Oh, yeah. That.
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aquagirl1978 · 3 months
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thewitchofbooks · 4 months
🌹About the Rose Knight (Michel family) of Rhodolite🌹
A few facts about Chevalier's ancestors and the "Rose Knight". From Clavis' story in the "Rhodolite Horror Night" event.
Trigger warnings: War, death, sickness
I'll be putting it under the cut, in case of spoilers:
Clavis and his Mc are about to do a test of courage and they are also about to lift the curse. They find the 150-years-old portrait of a woman, Vivian Michel.
The Michel family took part in the making of Rhodolite, with the production of very strong knights. The portrait might have been 150 years old, but Clavis, just like that, confirmed that the family existed there for a very long time.
And like that, we get to learn about the "Rose Knight". A knight who led every battle in the front lines, as he was the strongest, crowning Rhodolite victorious. Clavis said there was an "anecdote", saying that he once entered the enemy's territory and destroyed it by himself. This information made his Mc think that it did sound like something Chevalier could do too.
Vivian Michel, rumored to be his wife, was wearing on the top of her dress, an insignia of the tiger. The tiger was different from Chevalier's, but it was the same animal (which makes sense on why Chevalier has one too, it wasn't something he just made up). The insignia naturally belonged to the Rose Knight. And in the book Clavis was reading for information, the Knight's wife was rumored to be very sickly.
Sadly, tragedy did strike the Rose Knight. A man who always took a long time to say goodbye and part ways with his wife before every war, was called for a sudden enemy attack. And when he returned to Rhodolite, the news of her passing away left him very saddened. Her funeral was also done a long time ago, before his return. He lost all motivation to fight and left Rhodolite, without anyone knowing where he went.
These are all known from a book Clavis found in the library. He told his fiancée that if she asked Chevalier, he wouldn't know. She thought that he probably wouldn't answer, even if he did.
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gil isn't THAT short >_> chev better be standing on a rock or something
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(but i also love gil being THAT short)
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queen-dahlia · 8 months
Chev's birthday CG
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otomehoneyybearr · 1 day
Ikemen Prince 4th Anniversary Eve
Chevalier & Sariel: Consultation With Chevalier
At the Rhodolite Castle one day――
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Sariel: "I invited you for a drink, but I never expected you'd actually join me, Prince Chevalier..."
Chevalier: "I was merely irritated by the persistent glances you were giving me."
Sariel: "Oh, so you noticed."
Chevalier: "You were doing it deliberately so I'd notice, weren't you?"
Sariel: "As expected of you. Actually, I have something I earnestly wish to consult you about."
Sariel: "Are you aware of the troublesome traps that Prince Clavis has been obsessed with lately?"
Chevalier: "………"
Sariel: "It’s a device that, once stepped on, covers you in paint from head to toe."
Sariel: "If you just stand there in shock, Prince Clavis appears out of nowhere and covers you with a giant piece of paper."
Sariel: "He then laughs loudly, declaring it 'a masterpiece' before leaving. This incident has been happening quite frequently."
Sariel: "We have received numerous reports of victims, starting with Prince Yves and Prince Luke..."
Sariel: "It's far more malicious and difficult to clean up than the pitfalls, so I want him to stop."
Sariel: "Prince Chevalier, could you please admonish him just once?"
Chevalier: "I don't care, nor am I interested."
Sariel: "We ministers can't stop his misdeeds."
Chevalier: "Then bind his hands and feet and throw him in a cell."
Sariel: "…That’s a good idea. I’ll consider it."
Chevalier: "Your main issue isn't such trivial matters, is it?"
Sariel: "……"
Chevalier: "How trivial."
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Sariel: "…So you’ve seen through my reasons as well. I'm impressed."
Sariel: "I recently drank with Prince Leon, and now I wanted to deepen my relationship with you, Prince Chevalier."
Chevalier: "There's no need to treat me and the black one as equals outside of official duties."
Sariel: "Yes. However, I want to."
Sariel: "Having learned Prince Leon’s thoughts, I want to understand yours next, Prince Chevalier…"
Sariel: "As the Prime Minister, I want to always maintain a fair stance."
Sariel: "…Though it may be a selfish, self-satisfying desire."
Chevalier: "Do you think I'll humor your chatter?"
Sariel: "Even just drinking together and spending time can help me understand your thoughts."
Sariel: "You could have ignored my invitation, but you decided to join me."
Sariel: "That fact alone reflects one of your thoughts, doesn’t it?"
Chevalier: "………"
Sariel: "Thank you."
Chevalier: "…If you're going to invite me, prepare a more substantial topic along with the alcohol."
Sariel: "Indeed. I will do better next time."
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ikesimpleton · 3 months
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princess-pray-a · 8 months
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Omg my heart claviss you need to hear this it is from the clavis dramatic route !! I mean seee this they are trueeeee brothersss!! My baby clavis have a little confidence ok? Just chev i wanna hug you too my babies
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
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dreamofjoys · 3 months
Two types of people in Gilbert’s route (contains spoilers)
First type: Sobbing crying throwing up at his backstory
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celiciaa · 8 months
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Battle in Rhodolite ~Crossing swords, connecting bonds~
translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
special thanks to @dark-frosted-heart for providing the story!
The Goodwill martial arts competition 5th round — wolf’s team Gilbert vs. deer’s team Chevalier.
The most heated battle of this tournament is about to begin——
But before we knew it, the two beasts had escaped from the venue.
Gilbert: Wow….what is this? A fluffy love story that almost made me laugh.
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Chevalier: ….
Carrying books instead of swords, Gilbert and Chevalier indulge in reading stories in a quiet library.
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Gilbert: How can you read this stuff with a straight face?
Chevalier: …..
Gilbert: Even though you seem to have nothing to do with things like romance and love…
Gilbert: Surprisingly, out of all the Rhodolitian princes, you’re the one who understands the maiden’s heart the most, no?
Chevalier: …..
Gilbert: Hey, can you just stop giving your guest of honour a silent treatment and entertain me instead? I'm getting bored.
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Chevalier: If you have too much free time, go back to the venue.
Gilbert: You're a sarcastic man because you know what I'm talking about.
Gilbert: What do you think would happen if I showed up in front of a crowd like that, even if it was a friendly match?
Gilbert: I’m a prince of the empire that once stained Rhodolite with blood. They might throw stones at me.
Chevalier: I don't think you have a sensitive heart to worry about that.
Gilbert: You’re right. But there is a certain rabbit who cares, you know?
Gilbert: I've decided to be kind to her.
Chevalier: ….Ridiculous.
Gilbert: Besides, I should have fulfilled my minimum obligation by participating in the opening ceremony.
Gilbert: Good for you. The one who came to Rhodolite was not the bloody emperor — but me, the sweetest little guy.
Chevalier: …..
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Gilbert: Anyway…
Gilbert: You're still so good at taking care of me, following me around when I wanted to be on my own like this.
Chevalier: I've never heard…the term "care" before.
Gilbert: Is that so? But haven’t I always been so difficult to deal with?
Chevalier: I don't recall taking care of you.
Gilbert: You’re just being too modest. You see, when I was in Rhodolite, we got involved with some strange people——...
Man: Ehehe, you both are very well-dressed boys, huh? Please lend me some money.
Gilbert: Wow, there are guys like this outside of the book world. I've never seen it before.
Gilbert: I've heard that Rhodolite is a relatively safe neighborhood….
Chevalier: Don't deal with them. You're wasting your time.
Man: Cheeky little guy, aren't you? Well then, let me show you how harsh the world really is.
Gilbert: Geh, we’ve provoked him.
Chevalier: It's no problem.
Gilbert: I can't do it. There’s no way I can fight.
Chevalier: I didn't have high expectations from the beginning. You are weak.
Gilbert: ….You’re making me angry.
Gilbert: Watch out——
As the man tried to grab the black-haired boy, the blond-haired boy caught the man’s foot and pulled him to the ground.
The way he stomps on the head of the man who tries to get up is the true beast, even though he is small,
The frightened man simply turned tail and ran away.
Chevalier: That’s how you should do it.
Gilbert: ….You're an incredibly strong fighter.
Gilbert: Thank you for protecting me.
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Chevalier: I didn't protect you, I just dealt with what was in front of me.
Gilbert: But he was targeting me first, wasn't he?
Gilbert: If you didn't do anything, I would definitely get hurt.
Chevalier: ….
Gilbert: So, there’s nothing wrong with thanking you.
Gilbert: ——Even you would still stubbornly deny it.
Chevalier: It's not a matter of denial, it's a matter of interpretation.
Gilbert: Yes, yes. So how do you explain this situation now?
Chevalier: I just didn't want to get involved in troublesome things like martial arts tournaments.
Gilbert: It's part of diplomacy, and as I said, even you would have taken part in it seriously if it weren't for me.
Gilbert: But now that I’m alone, there's no telling what kind of evil I might do.
Gilbert: That's why you're still keeping an eye out to protect the people in the court.
Chevalier: …..
Gilbert: I'm no longer under your protection….
Gilbert: Your actions are always for the protection of your country or people…right?
Gilbert: Well, maybe people call you "cruel and merciless beast" because your way of protecting them is extreme.
Chevalier: If you describe my method as "protecting", I suppose that means you would do the same thing.
Gilbert: Ahaha. Yes, that's right. We just protect different things.
Gilbert: Although we are quite similar, we are never compatible because we protect different things.
Gilbert: Up until now, you won’t get along with me.
Chevalier: I've never wanted to be friends with you, though.
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Gilbert: Ehhh....is that what you say to your old friend?
Chevalier: You've just been treating me like one.
Gilbert: I guess that part hasn't changed either….
Gilbert: I don't mind. I'm more interested in antagonizing you than being your friend.
Gilbert: Please continue to be my enemy, okay, Chevalier?
Chevalier: …..
The two beasts spent some time in secret while listening to the cheers of the martial arts contest coming from a distance——.
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caffedrine · 11 months
Can you give us roderich spoilers from chevs sequel?
Okay, here's roughly what's happening (so far)
spoilers for Chevalier's sequel
Chevalier's sequel has Chevalier and Emma in an already-established relationship. And, because Chevalier is himself, he is absolutely besotted with Emma - which means that he absolutely trusts her, and he wants her to be confident and trust herself enough to make her own decisions on how to proceed. They're a team, not a boss and subordinate. So far, in his route, between Chevalier and Gilbert, Emma is independently moving the narrative forward. I'm sensing a little bit of Gilbert's MC in this route.
It's a plot-heavy route rather than lovey-dovey romance heavy, which means that Emma and Chevalier get fewer cute moments together than I was anticipating. They did have a chapter where essentially all they did was make out at various locations within the capital city of Obsidian, but in general, their moments together are dealing with Gilbert-plot-shenanigans, and not spending entire scenes reaffirming the love they have for each other.
Which, honestly, I do appreciate.
Where Roderich comes in:
They are giving Roderich a pretty big secondary character role in this route - he's the 'face' of Obsidian, the person in charge of implementing Gilbert's orders in regard to handling Chevalier's group. This means that while Gilbert is currently coming off as final boss of Chevalier's route (again, I'm still relatively early in his route) Roderich is the immediate opposition.
Due to Gilbert-plot-related shenanigans, Chevalier needs to perform actions before Gilbert cuts him off. And, since they are very much a team, this is where Emma comes in.
Emma is the one distracting Roderich and their Obsidian monitors away from Chevalier - and since it's her, that means that she gets to have cute moments with Roderich. They go shopping together, food tasting together, baking together, and discuss Obsidian culture.
There's nothing strong or wild that suggests a Roderich x Emma subplot, but for very valid plot-related reasons, they're getting all the cute moments together.
And before you worry about Emma cheating on Chevalier, there is the occasional line in her and Roderich's interactions that show that Cyran, Lucien, Yves, and a small host of Obsidian soldiers are with them too.
But damn, reading about Emma feeding Roderich is very cute.
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aquagirl1978 · 3 months
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Chevalier, Main Route - Romantic End, Ch. 24 - Premium Challenge
Gilbert, Main Route - Romantic End, Ch 24
Same line - one happy, one heartbreaking (I'll let you decide which one is which). Both definitely needed a hug in these scenes. They're both so different, yet so alike, and so connected to the other.
I finished reading Gilbert's Romantic End earlier. And after that trip (yes, his route made me cry a second time - but also again, not for anything he said or did), I had to be comforted by reading Chevalier.
Ep 0 has another flashback to when Chevalier and Gilbert were young and friends. Gilbert helps another child, and Chevalier is confused why Gilbert would help. He just doesn't get it. Gilbert then tells him...
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Flash forward to present day now. Emma is getting fitted for a new diplomatic dress. Chevalier is watching her and thinking about how much he loves her.
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Emma was the one to show him what it's like to be loved and show love; Gilbert was the one who told him.
I wonder how Gilbert would feel being called "scourge of the world" and how it compares to "eyepatch bastard" 😂
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lorei-writes · 3 months
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My Honey's a Bunny?! Premium End; Chevalier's route
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Two things Chevalier doesn't know?! In one event?! This truly is magic.
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Why. Why is he so adorable. (And of course, it constantly makes me think of the Fantasy AU of my OCverse. HA! I called it! He'd give a forehead kiss to ferret!Esther too!)
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I still think about one of the craziest footnotes in Licht's sequel when he beat up like 100 Tanzanite princes.
And earlier we had Chevalier dodging bullets from 100 Obsidian soldiers.
What EVEN is this game 😭
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