#chhipa community
hastchhap234 · 4 months
The Enduring Beauty of Bagru Print Fabric from Jaipur
Jaipur, the vibrant capital of Rajasthan, is renowned for its exquisite arts and crafts. Among its many traditional crafts, bagru print fabric in jaipur stands out for its timeless beauty and intricate designs. This ancient printing technique, originating from the town of Bagru, just 30 kilometers from Jaipur, has captivated textile lovers across the globe. In this blog, we explore the rich history, meticulous process, and contemporary significance of Bagru print fabric, highlighting the artisans who keep this age-old tradition alive.
A Rich Historical Legacy
Bagru printing is a traditional block printing technique that has been practiced for over 400 years. The Chhipa community, skilled in the art of block printing, migrated to Bagru and established their craft there. Supported by local rulers, Bagru printing flourished and became synonymous with high-quality, handcrafted textiles. Over the centuries, the craft has evolved, yet it remains deeply rooted in its traditional techniques and designs.
The Intricate Craftsmanship of Bagru Printing
Creating bagru print fabric in jaipur is a meticulous and labor-intensive process that requires a harmonious blend of skill, patience, and creativity. Here’s a step-by-step look at how these exquisite fabrics are crafted:
Fabric Preparation: The journey begins with preparing the fabric, usually made of cotton. The fabric is thoroughly washed to remove any impurities and then treated with a mixture of natural ingredients like turmeric, soda ash, and oil. This treatment, known as 'Harda,' imparts a distinctive yellowish tint and enhances the fabric’s ability to absorb dyes.
Block Carving: The intricate designs characteristic of Bagru prints are carved onto wooden blocks by master craftsmen. These blocks, typically made from seasoned teak wood, feature motifs inspired by nature, including floral patterns, leaves, and geometric shapes. Each color in the design requires a separate block, making this a highly detailed and time-consuming process.
Natural Dyeing: Bagru printing is celebrated for its use of natural dyes derived from plants, minerals, and other organic sources. Common dyes include indigo for blue, madder root for red, and pomegranate rind for yellow. These natural dyes not only provide vibrant colors but also make Bagru prints environmentally friendly.
Printing: The heart of Bagru printing lies in the hand-block printing technique. Artisans dip the wooden blocks into the dye and stamp them onto the fabric with precision. This step demands a steady hand and a keen eye for detail, as any misalignment can disrupt the entire pattern. The printed fabric is then left to dry in the sun.
Washing and Fixing: After printing, the fabric undergoes multiple washes to remove excess dye and fix the colors. This ensures that the prints are durable and long-lasting. The final wash, often done in running water, enhances the fabric's softness and gives it a natural sheen.
The Unique Allure of Bagru Prints
Bagru print fabrics are celebrated for their earthy colors, intricate patterns, and the use of natural dyes. The designs often reflect the beauty of nature and the cultural heritage of Rajasthan, making them a perfect blend of tradition and contemporary aesthetics. These fabrics are highly versatile and are used to create a wide range of products, including sarees, kurtas, dupattas, and home furnishings.
Contemporary Relevance and Sustainability
In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in traditional crafts, and Bagru printing has seen renewed popularity. Fashion designers and textile enthusiasts worldwide are incorporating Bagru prints into their collections, recognizing their unique charm and cultural significance. Workshops, exhibitions, and online platforms have provided artisans with new opportunities to showcase their work and connect with a global audience.
The growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products has further boosted the appeal of Bagru prints. The use of natural dyes and handcrafting techniques aligns perfectly with the principles of sustainable fashion, making Bagru prints a preferred choice for environmentally conscious consumers.
Preserving a Cultural Heritage
The future of Bagru print fabric relies on continued support for the artisans and the preservation of traditional methods. Efforts to document the craft, provide training to younger generations, and create market opportunities are crucial for its survival. By embracing Bagru prints, we celebrate a rich cultural heritage and contribute to the livelihoods of the skilled artisans who keep this beautiful tradition alive.
bagru print fabric in jaipur is much more than just a textile; it is a piece of history, an artistic expression, and a symbol of sustainable craftsmanship. As we incorporate these exquisite prints into our lives, we honor the legacy of Jaipur’s artisan community and ensure that the timeless beauty of Bagru continues to inspire and enchant future generations. By choosing Bagru prints, we not only embrace a rich cultural heritage but also support sustainable fashion and the talented artisans who bring these beautiful fabrics to life.
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dsjhjksdf · 9 months
Ajrakh Print Sarees: History And Significance
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Emerging in Gujarat's Kutch region, Ajrakh print sarees are a form of traditional block-printed material. These sarees feature stunning geometric designs created through an elegant layering technique using natural dyes. Blue, white, red, and black are the basic colors used in Ajrakh printing, yet other colors can be seen as well.
Ajrakh print sarees have a nearly three thousand year history, making them one of the most valuable styles to date. Ajrakh sarees were traditionally worn by men and women from Gujarat's Maldhari community, who were largely concerned with cattle keeping and agriculture. However, these sarees have gained popularity among individuals from many walks of life and are now worn on a variety of occasions such as weddings, festivals, and formal functions.
Key Takeaways
Ajrakh print sarees are a type of traditional block-printed textile that originated in Gujarat's Kutch region.
The beautiful geometric designs on these sarees are made by an elegant layering technique using natural dyes.
Ajrakh print sarees have a nearly three thousand year history, making them one of the most valuable fashions to date.
History of Ajrakh Print
Ajrakh print is a unique style of block printing that emerged from Sindh, Pakistan, and the Kutch district of India. The name 'Ajrakh' is derived from the Arabic term 'Azrak,' which means blue. Ajrakh has a long history, and it is thought that the Mohenjo-daro people introduced printing to the Indus Valley Civilization.
The Ajrakh print is famous for its designs and patterns created with hand-carved wooden blocks. The designs are frequently influenced by nature and contain elements such as flowers, foliage, and geometric forms. The colors used in Ajrakh prints are sourced from natural dyes derived from plants, minerals, and other natural sources.
Over time, the Ajrakh print became an essential element of Sindh and Kutch cultural heritage. The printing process was handed down from generation to generation, and each family created their own printing style. Originally employed to construct shawls, the Ajrakh print has since been utilized to manufacture sarees, dupattas, and other clothing items.
Mughal Emperor Akbar was delighted by the beauty of Ajrakh prints in the 16th century and summoned the artisans to his court. The Mughal court patronized the artisans and bestowed the title of 'Chhipa' on them. Some of the designs utilized in Ajrakh prints show Mughal influence.
Significance of Ajrakh Print
Ajrakh print is a sign of Sindhi culture and traditions, and it is an important element of the region's heritage.
The significance of Ajrakh print lies not only in its elegant designs but also in the complex and arduous procedure that goes into manufacturing it. The materials go through several stages of resist dyeing for different shades, and the process might require up to 21 days to complete. The substances used in the process are all natural and environmentally benign, making Ajrakh print an eco-friendly solution.
Ajrakh print is also popular in nearby areas of India such as Gujarat due to the impact of the Indus Valley civilization. Because of their distinct style and detailed patterns, the prints have received international acclaim. The smoothness of the fabric, as well as its jewel-like look, make it a prized item. Ajrakh is claimed to represent the Universe, and the prints are said to have mystical characteristics. Ajrakh print colors have distinct significance, and each pattern has a tale behind it. The designs are frequently used in traditional apparel, including sarees, shawls, and dupattas, as well as home decor items like cushion covers and tablecloths.
In conclusion, Ajrakh print is more than just a type of block printing; it is a symbol of the region's rich culture and heritage. It is a one-of-a-kind and prized item due to its intricate designs, eco-friendly techniques, and mystical characteristics.
Ajrakh print sarees are now popular all over the world. The printing technique has essentially remained intact over the years. The artisans still use natural dyes and hand-carved wooden blocks to create intricate designs. The Ajrakh print is a sign of Sindh and Kutch's rich cultural past, and it remains an important part of their culture.
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islamic-scholars · 1 year
To the Marriage
▪️Written by Naadira Chhipa
🔳To the marriage that is breaking to pieces.
The once happy couple have now become strangers due to the negative influence of family and friends.They have been separated for over two months and are now considering divorce.
May the Almighty send you hope and soften your hearts.
May you find your way back into the hearts of your spouse and fall in love with each other all over again.
May your family and friends unite you once more instead of breaking you apart.
🔳To the marriage that it is in turmoil due to infidelity.
She saw her husband's various chats to strange women and this broke her heart.
May the Almighty remove your difficulties and grant you ease of mind, heart and soul.
May your husband realise his mistake and turn back to his Creator and beg for forgiveness and from you.
May the Almighty place mercy in your heart to forgive him as he reforms and if you choose not to then may you be granted happiness and peace.
🔳To the abusive marriage.
He always did have an anger management issue. They were married for just three months before she left in the middle of the night with tears in her eyes and blood oozing from her bust lip. He started physically abusing her the first week after marriage. She feared for her life the night she found the courage to leave his house. He never did apologise nor did he ever visit her again.
May the Almighty grant you peace and safety dear sister and may you be blessed with a husband who will be your shield to protect and honour you.
🔳To the loveless marriage.
They have been married for over twenty-five years yet they never did love each other. She was forced to marry him as she loved another and he was respecting his parents choice when they married all those years ago. They have three beautiful children who have moved out and now their nest is empty and so are their lives. They seldom communicate and it has been years since they shared the same bedroom. Strangers living together yet the world sees a loving husband and a wife.
May the Almighty bless you with love and mercy for each other as you become each others strength in your old age.
🔳To the marriage that is picture perfect.
She posts selfies of her picture perfect family on their trip to Paris yet this may be her last holiday with her family. She was diagnosed with cancer three weeks ago and her husband wanted to take her on this trip as he wants to do all he can to comfort her and their children.
May the Almighty grant you complete cure and heal your body, mind and soul.May you be blessed with a long life on earth.
🔳To the average marriage.
The years go by oh so fast and we often take our spouse for granted everyday. Enjoy and make time for each other everyday as life is too short and it is memories that last forever. Smile, laugh, hug, respect, appreciate, love and connect with your spouse as the Almighty has gifted you such a beautiful bond.May you be blessed with happiness and peace in this world and in be together eternally.
May the Creator of unions protect our marriages and beautify our marriages with patience, compromise, understanding, friendship, respect, loyalty, honour, gratitude and love. Marriage is beautiful. Ameen.
▪️நாடிரா சிப்பா எழுதியது
🔳 உடைந்து போகும் திருமணத்திற்கு.
ஒரு காலத்தில் மகிழ்ச்சியாக இருந்த இந்த ஜோடி தற்போது குடும்பம் மற்றும் நண்பர்களின் எதிர்மறையான தாக்கத்தால் அந்நியர்களாக மாறியுள்ளனர். இரண்டு மாதங்களுக்கும் மேலாக பிரிந்த அவர்கள் இப்போது விவாகரத்து பற்றி யோசித்து வருகின்றனர்.
எல்லாம் வல்ல இறைவன் உங்களுக்கு நம்பிக்கையை அனுப்பி உங்கள் இதயங்களை மென்மையாக்கட்டும்.
உங்கள் வாழ்க்கைத் துணையின் இதயங்களுக்குத் திரும்புவதற்கான வழியை நீங்கள் கண்டுபிடித்து, மீண்டும் ஒருவரையொருவர் காதலிக்கட்டும்.
உங்களைப் பிரிப்பதற்குப் பதிலாக உங்கள் குடும்பத்தினரும் நண்பர்களும் உங்களை மீண்டும் ஒருமுறை ஒன்றிணைக்கட்டும்.
🔳 துரோகத்தால் குழப்பத்தில் இருப்பதாக திருமணத்திற்கு.
விசித்திரமான பெண்களுடன் தனது கணவரின் பலவிதமான அரட்டைகளைப் பார்த்தார், இது அவரது இதயத்தை உடைத்தது.
எல்லாம் வல்ல இறைவன் உங்கள் சிரமங்களை நீக்கி, மனம், இதயம் மற்றும் ஆன்மாவை எளிதாக்கட்டும்.
உங்கள் கணவர் தனது தவறை உணர்ந்து, தனது படைப்பாளரிடம் திரும்பி மன்னிப்புக்காகவும் உங்களிடமும் கெஞ்சட்டும்.
அவர் சீர்திருத்தம் செய்யும் போது அவரை மன்னிக்க சர்வவல்லவர் உங்கள் இதயத்தில் கருணையை வைப்பார், நீங்கள் விரும்பவில்லை என்றால், உங்களுக்கு மகிழ்ச்சியும் அமைதியும் வழங்கப்படட்டும்.
🔳 முறைகேடான திருமணத்திற்கு.
அவருக்கு எப்போதும் கோப மேலாண்மை பிரச்சனை இருந்தது. நள்ளிரவில் கண்ணீருடன், மார்பளவு உதட்டில் இருந்து ரத்தம் வழிந்தபடி அவள் வெளியேறி மூன்று மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு அவர்கள் திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டனர். திருமணமான முதல் வாரத்திலேயே அவளை உடல் ரீதியாக துன்புறுத்த ஆரம்பித்தான். அவனுடைய வீட்டை விட்டு வெளியேறும் தைரியத்தைக் கண்ட இரவில் அவள் உயிருக்கு பயந்தாள். அவர் மன்னிப்பு கேட்கவும் இல்லை, மீண்டும் அவளை சந்திக்கவும் இல்லை.
எல்லாம் வல்ல இறைவன் உங்களுக்கு அமைதியையும் பாதுகாப்பையும் வழங்குவானாக, அன்பான சகோதரி, உங்களைப் பாதுகாக்கவும் கௌரவிக்கவும் உங்கள் கேடயமாக இருக்கும் ஒரு கணவரை நீங்கள் ஆசீர்வதிப்பாராக.
🔳 அன்பில்லாத திருமணத்திற்கு.
அவர்கள் திருமணமாகி இருபத்தைந்து வருடங்களுக்கு மேலாகியும் அவர்கள் ஒருவரையொருவர் காதலிக்கவில்லை. அவள் வேறொருவரை நேசித்ததால் அவள் அவனை திருமணம் செய்து கொள்ள வேண்டிய கட்டாயம் ஏற்பட்டது, மேலும் பல ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு அவர்கள் திருமணம் செய்தபோது அவர் பெற்றோரின் விருப்பத்திற்கு மதிப்பளித்தார். அவர்களுக்கு மூன்று அழகான குழந்தைகள் உள்ளனர். அவர்கள் தொடர்புகொள்வது அரிது, அவர்கள் ஒரே படுக்கையறையைப் பகிர்ந்துகொண்டு பல வருடங்கள் ஆகின்றன. அந்நியர்கள் ஒன்றாக வாழ்ந்தாலும் உலகம் அன்பான கணவனையும் மனைவியையும் பார்க்கிறது.
உங்கள் முதுமைக் காலத்தில் நீங்கள் ஒருவருக்கு ஒருவர் பலமாக விளங்கும் போது எல்லாம் வல்ல இறைவன் உங்களை அன்புடனும் கருணையுடனும் ஆசீர்வதிப்பாராக.
🔳 திருமணத்திற்கு சரியான படம்.
பாரிஸ் பயணத்தின் போது அவர் தனது புகைப்படம் சரியான குடும்பத்தின் செல்ஃபிகளை வெளியிடுகிறார், ஆனால் இது அவரது குடும்பத்துடன் அவரது கடைசி விடுமுறையாக இருக்கலாம். அவர் மூன்று வாரங்களுக்கு முன்பு புற்றுநோயால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டார், அவளுடைய கணவர் அவளையும் அவர்களின் குழந்தைகளையும் ஆறுதல்படுத்த தன்னால் முடிந்த அனைத்தையும் செய்ய விரும்புவதால் அவளை இந்த பயணத்திற்கு அழைத்துச் செல்ல விரும்பினார்.
எல்லாம் வல்ல இறைவன் உங்களுக்கு பூரண குணமளித்து, உங்கள் உடல், மனம் மற்றும் ஆன்மாவை குணப்படுத்தி, பூமியில் நீண்ட ஆயுளுடன் வாழ அருள்புரிவானாக.
🔳 சராசரி திருமணத்திற்கு.
வருடங்கள் மிக வேகமாக செல்கின்றன, நாம் அடிக்கடி நம் மனைவியை அன்றாடம் பொருட்படுத்துகிறோம். வாழ்க்கை மிகவும் குறுகியதாக இருப்பதால், அது என்றென்றும் நிலைத்திருக்கும் நினைவுகள் என்பதால், ஒவ்வொரு நாளும் ஒருவரையொருவர் அனுபவித்து நேரத்தை ஒதுக்குங்கள். சிரிக்கவும், சிரிக்கவும், கட்டிப்பிடிக்கவும், மதிக்கவும், பாராட்டவும், நேசிக்கவும், உங்கள் துணையுடன் இணைந்திருங்கள், சர்வவல்லமையுள்ள இறைவன் உங்களுக்கு இவ்வளவு அழகான பிணைப்பைப் பரிசாக அளித்துள்ளான். நீங்கள் இந்த உலகத்திலும், என்றென்றும் ஒன்றாக இருப்பதிலும் மகிழ்ச்சி மற்றும் அமைதியுடன் ஆசீர்வதிக்கப்படுவீர்கள்.
மனித சமுகத்தில் ஒற்றுமையை உருவாக்கியவர் நம் திருமணங்களைப் பாதுகாத்து, பொறுமை, சமரசம், புரிதல், நட்பு, மரியாதை, விசுவாசம், மரியாதை, நன்றியுணர்வு மற்றும் அன்புடன் நம் திருமணங்களை அழகுபடுத்தட்டும். திருமணம் அழகானது. ஆமென்.
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craftfurnish-blog · 4 years
Block Prints of Sanganer & Bagru
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One of the most colourful and vibrant states of India, Rajasthan is famous for its rich heritage and cultural background. The rich tradition of Rajasthan is attributed to the influence of majestic Rajputana culture and a number of communities here who are involved in performing some exclusive art and craft activities for decades. In this blog, I will talk about one of the most talented communities and its special art form – the Chhipa community and their very famous Hand Block printing.
The art of Hand Block printing started in Sanganer, a town near Jaipur around the 18th century during the reign of Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh. The constant availability of water near the town and the royal patronage helped the hand block printing industry to flourish fast. Initially started as a local craft done on clothing fabrics in the small town of Sanganer, it later spread to other places like Bagru, Ahmedabad and Farukhabad. It was passed down from one generation to the other as one of the foremost fabric printing techniques for both fashion and furnishing industries.
This art of printing requires skilled craftsmen to create a uniform, clear and accurate patterns on the cloth. The design to be printed is first drawn on paper and then transferred to a smoothened wooden block. Then follows the process of the fine carving of the pattern on the block. The block is then soaked in oil so that it gets soft to give a good impression on the fabric when dipped in the dye for final printing. The dyes used in block printing can be either natural or synthetic depending on the requirement. This printing draws its inspiration from nature and mythology where traditional Indian motifs of flowers, fruits, birds, animals and human figures were drawn.  
Though Block printing was started in Sanganer, it soon spread to Bagru, a small village near Jaipur. This gave rise to two beautifully different hand block printing styles – Sanganer Block Printing and Bagru Block Printing.
Sanganer block print is the most famous printing style and is primarily done on an off-white or white coloured fabric with neatly crafted and intricately detailed wooden blocks. The printing is dominated by floral and geometric patterns using both natural and chemical dyes. It is also known as Calico printing. Here, the outlines are first printed, and then the colour is filled in it.  The patterns are printed repeatedly in diagonal rows. Today, Calico printed bed covers, quilts, saris, etc. are much in demand.
This printing technique is generally done on the bluish indigo background using natural colours. Bagru is famous for its Syahi-Begar prints and Dabu prints. In Syahi-Begar prints, designs are in the combination of black and yellow ochre or cream while in Dabu prints, a part of the pattern is hidden from the dye by applying a resist paste. The motifs in the traditional Bagru printing are geometrical patterns combined with flowers, leaves and other life forms.
Hand block printing has always been one of the most admired arts and has successfully survived for ages. Besides having a tremendous demand in the apparel industry for saris, suits, tops, and dresses, it caters to the accessory segment as well where handbags, clutches, and even jewellery pieces have hand block motifs. This technique of block printing is used in both fashion and interior industry wherein products of home décor like bed sheets, bed covers, pillow and cushion covers, table cloths, curtains, etc. are becoming extremely popular.
The tremendous efforts that go into each stage of the block printing process make the art truly worthy of every bit of recognition and appreciation it enjoys all over the world. The Geographical Indication certificate (GI tag) awarded to both Sanganer block print and Bagru Block print in the years 2010 and 2011 respectively have not only recognised the uniqueness and beauty of the art form but has also given a distinct identity to its extremely talented Chhipa community.  
These fabrics are delicate and can be machine-washed with a mild detergent in cold water. It is preferable to wash colours separately. Pre-soaking of fabrics should be avoided and they should be dried in shade away from direct sunlight. The block printed fabrics should be ironed on the reverse side of printing.
Indian Handicrafts Online
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fabritual12 · 3 years
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Dabu Indigo Plant block indian hand block printing art is said to have started around 450 years back. The village had a community of Chhipas or traditional craftspeople who printed fabrics by hand. They are known for their unique designs of luxuriant trellises in sophisticated natural colors.
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creepingsharia · 5 years
More on the “U.S. citizen”  jihadist caught in Mexico
"Mohammed A” was on the American "no-fly" list and on his way toward a foreign jihadist group to join them, at least initially to Egypt.
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A Most-Wanted American Jihadist Caught in Mexico Was On His Way to Egypt, not the U.S. Border
By Todd Bensman on August 21, 2019
On or about August 16, Mexico's Federal Ministerial Police issued a rare and most curious public announcement: Mexican immigration had apprehended an American citizen who was wanted on an Interpol "blue notice" warrant on suspicion of supporting violent jihad and radical Islam on digital platforms.
The man, identified by Mexican media as "Mohammed Azharuddin Chhipa", was found and arrested at a migrant detention center in the town of Huehuetan, just a few miles north of a heavily trammeled Guatemala border crossing for northward-moving U.S.-bound immigrants. Interpol blue notices are put out for international travelers that law enforcement suspects of involvement in a crime.
The U.S. national security concern about Chhipa was such that Mexico deported him by air to Washington D.C., no doubt into the hands of FBI counterterrorism investigators.
Absent further detail, an observer with just this knowledge might guess Chhipa was clandestinely returning home to America on the migrant trails from the Middle East battlefields of ISIS posing as a migrant, as did many dozens of European citizens to reach their home countries. But that is not the case, according to reliable intelligence community sources.
I was told that Chhipa actually was outbound from the United States and on his way toward a foreign jihadist group to join them, at least initially to Egypt. The reason Chhipa was traveling southward away from the United States was because he was on the American "no-fly" list and couldn't depart from an American airport. He decided to find one somewhere unnamed in Latin America where no fly lists are not a thing, sources told me.
Little else about the suspect, his itinerary, or the FBI investigation could be learned, not even whether the suspect's name is real.
But while the idea that violent Islamic jihadists crossing into the United States at the southern border has inspired significant homeland security investment and programs, American jihadists have also sought to escape no-fly list restrictions and law enforcement detection by traveling southward over the same border to get to the jihad overseas.
Read it all for more examples of “American” leaving through South/Central America to wage jihad.
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brandkessa · 4 years
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The term “Chhipa” has been derived from the Gujrati word “Chhapa” meaning print. Originally thought to be a warrior clan, the Chhipa community hails from Nagaur in Rajasthan. Today, the community is concentrated in North Gujarat, Rajasthan, and in certain districts of Ahmedabad, Baroda, Nadiad, and Bharuch. The block printing that has put Indian textiles on the global map is a result of their hard work and creativity. Juxtaposed against the hustle and bustle of modern Rajasthan, the Chhipa community has managed to preserve the ancient art of block printing. And, they still use the traditional hand-carved block and natural dyes to print meters after meters of cotton fabric. This post is Kessa’s way to honor the Chhipa community who has brought global fame to the country with its mesmerizing handicraft. #chhipacollection #handblockprinted #handblockprintedfabric #handblockprintedtextiles #blockprintedbyhand #womenofindia #sheroes #chhipacollection #sustainablefashion #sustainableclothing #sustainablefashionbrand #sustainablefashionbrandindia #cottonfabric #shoplocal #localartisans #artisansofindia #streetsofindia #indianfashion #ancientindia #kessawear #Kessacustomer #kessa #kessacollection https://www.instagram.com/p/CLqk092peVD/?igshid=1ultg1goem2dw
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hastchhap234 · 4 months
The Timeless Charm of Bagru Print Fabric from Jaipur
Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, is a city steeped in history, culture, and craftsmanship. Among its many artistic traditions,bagru print fabric in jaipur holds a special place. Originating from the small town of Bagru, located around 30 kilometers from Jaipur, this ancient textile art form has enchanted people worldwide with its intricate patterns and natural dyes. In this blog, we will explore the fascinating history, detailed craftsmanship, and modern-day relevance of Bagru print fabric, celebrating its timeless elegance and the artisans who preserve this beautiful tradition.
A Rich Historical Tapestry
Bagru printing is a traditional block printing technique that dates back over 400 years. The Chhipa community, skilled in the art of block printing, migrated to Bagru and brought with them their rich heritage of textile printing. Supported by local rulers, the craft flourished, adapting to changing tastes over the centuries while retaining its traditional essence.
The Intricate Craftsmanship of Bagru Printing
Creating bagru print fabric in jaipur is an elaborate process that requires a harmonious blend of skill, patience, and creativity. Here’s a step-by-step look at how these exquisite fabrics are crafted:
Fabric Preparation: The process begins with preparing the fabric, usually cotton, which is thoroughly washed to remove any impurities. The fabric is then treated with a mixture of natural ingredients such as turmeric, soda ash, and oil. This treatment, known as 'Harda,' gives the fabric a distinctive yellowish tint and enhances its ability to absorb dyes.
Block Carving: The intricate designs of Bagru prints are carved onto wooden blocks by master craftsmen. These blocks, typically made from seasoned teak wood, feature motifs inspired by nature, such as flowers, leaves, and geometric patterns. Each color in the design requires a separate block, making this a time-consuming and highly detailed process.
Natural Dyeing: Bagru printing is renowned for its use of natural dyes derived from plants, minerals, and other organic sources. Common dyes include indigo for blue, madder root for red, and pomegranate rind for yellow. These natural dyes not only provide vibrant colors but also make Bagru prints environmentally friendly.
Printing: The heart of Bagru printing lies in the hand-block printing technique. Artisans dip the wooden blocks into the dye and stamp them onto the fabric with precision. This step requires a steady hand and a keen eye for detail, as any misalignment can disrupt the entire pattern. The printed fabric is then left to dry in the sun.
Washing and Fixing: After printing, the fabric undergoes multiple washes to remove excess dye and fix the colors. This ensures that the prints are durable and long-lasting. The final wash, often done in running water, enhances the fabric's softness and gives it a natural sheen.
The Unique Allure of Bagru Prints
bagru print fabric in jaipur are celebrated for their earthy colors, intricate patterns, and the use of natural dyes. The designs often reflect the beauty of nature and the cultural heritage of Rajasthan, making them a perfect blend of tradition and contemporary aesthetics. These fabrics are highly versatile and are used to create a wide range of products, including sarees, kurtas, dupattas, and home furnishings.
Contemporary Relevance and Sustainability
In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in traditional crafts, and Bagru printing has seen a resurgence in popularity. Fashion designers and textile enthusiasts around the world are incorporating Bagru prints into their collections, recognizing their unique charm and cultural significance. Workshops, exhibitions, and online platforms are providing artisans with new opportunities to showcase their work and connect with a global audience.
The increasing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products has also contributed to the growing popularity of Bagru prints. The use of natural dyes and handcrafting techniques aligns perfectly with the principles of sustainable fashion, making Bagru prints a preferred choice for conscious consumers who value both style and environmental responsibility.
Preserving a Cultural Heritage
The future of bagru print fabric in jaipur depends on continued support for the artisans and the preservation of traditional methods. Efforts to document the craft, provide training to younger generations, and create market opportunities are crucial for its survival. By embracing Bagru prints, we not only celebrate a rich cultural heritage but also contribute to the livelihoods of the skilled artisans who keep this beautiful tradition alive.
bagru print fabric in jaipur is much more than just a textile; it is a piece of history, an artistic expression, and a symbol of sustainable craftsmanship. As we incorporate these exquisite prints into our lives, we honor the legacy of Jaipur’s artisan community and ensure that the timeless beauty of Bagru continues to inspire and enchant future generations. By choosing Bagru prints, we not only embrace a rich cultural heritage but also support sustainable fashion and the talented artisans who bring these beautiful fabrics to life.
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The Ancient Art of Jaipur Block Printing. The traditional process of hand block printing on textiles, with rich natural colors, has been practiced in Rajasthan for around 500 years.  Block printing was introduced to the Jaipur region of Rajasthan by the Chhipa community.  This community was originally located in Bagru Village, an area now famous for its vegetable dye and mud resist (dabu) block prints.  The art of block printing has been passed down for generations within families and communities and has branched out in recent decades to other regions such as Sanganer, just South of Jaipur.  In traditional Bagru style block printing, the ‘recipes’ for the traditional plant-based dyes are developed within each family and kept alive from generation to generation.  The colors are dependent on the quality of the plants, the water and skill and knowledge of the printing masters.  In more recent forms of block printing, such as those practiced in Sanganer.   WHATSAPP : 073001 31952 - FOR QUERIES AND ORDER Web : http://www.jaipurvillagecraft.com/   #handblockfabric #blockprinting #blockprint #printmaking #handmade #printmaker #handicrafts  #fabricblock #fabric #handprint # #fabricblockprinting #art #handprinted #blockprinted #embroidery #handcarved #imprinted #print #cotton #indigo #jaipur #fashion #blogger #handprintedtextiles #blog #fabricart #soft #reliefprinting #dabuprint #indigoblue https://www.instagram.com/p/CBc60LjpILZ/?igshid=x0l1fekckonh
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About Bagru
“Bagru, a small village town in Rajasthan, is situated at a distance of 32 kms. east of Jaipur city. Its traditional processes of hand block printing on textiles with rich natural colors have been known for many centuries. With the attraction of foreign buyers for the traditional hand printed textiles, this village hum with much activity today, supplying exquisite printed materials for the export trade.
The hand printers, known as chhipas, came from Sawai Madhopur, Alwar, Jhunjhunu and Sikkar districts of Rajasthan to settle in Bagru and make it their home some 300 years ago. According to a legend, at the very outset, some two families of chhipas were brought by the Thakur of Bagru to settle in Bagru from Isarda, a village four miles from Jaipur and from then on migration of more families of chhipas continued from different places”
- Block Printing and Dyeing of Bagru, Rajasthan by Bijoy Chandra Mohanty and Jagadish Prasad Mohanty
Bagru Print
The Bagru prints in the past these prints were essentially used by the local community. Color and motif often denotes caste, community and marital status.
These prints traditionally were in combinations of deep red, iron black and indigo blue highlighted with green and yellow, and mud-resist used to conserve areas of white ground. In building up patterns, geometrical forms were adopted along with floral, animal and bird motifs.
Even though the traditional printing processes of bleaching resist and color printing and dyeing have continued, many of the natural ingredients have been substituted with chemicals, though some craftsmen still use the original methods. Despite the simplicity of motif and limited color palette, the earthy quality of Bagru prints continues to appeal.
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atiyastudio-blog · 7 years
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Bagru is a small village about 30 km away from Jaipur,famous for hand block printing and vegetable dyes. The Chhipa community maintains this ancient tradition using vegetable dyes derived from berries,roots,flowers,leaves,seeds and fruits to obtain red, yellow, orange,brown and blue colors.
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fabritual12 · 2 years
jaipur block print fabric
on etsy | Indian block print fabric by the yard |block print fabric by the yard |Jaipur block print fabric on etsy
View More:-https://cutt.ly/VJ4lo9n
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Jaipur block print fabric on Etsy | Indian block print fabric by the yard |block print fabric by the yard |Jaipur block print fabric on Etsy ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Floral motif Indian block print cotton fabric Natural and vegetable colors Bagru Printing Printed by hand 100% Cotton High-Quality Fabric Fabric is 44" Wide Colour –Red, Beige, and Black This beautiful art of block Printing is known as Bagru Printing. It is hand-block printed by artisans of Bagru, a small village near Jaipur, Rajasthan in India. For at least 400 years, Bagru has been home to the Chhipa community.  It employs more than 48% of women in the process.  It is done by printing dark or colored motifs on a cream or dyed background through wooden blocks by hand. The method starts by getting ready the fabric to finish written materials through their endemic strategies. The whole process is done by hand and uses natural and vegetable dyes. Ideas for use: Fabric is lightweight, so good to use for home decor, summer curtains, kids' dresses, pillows, women's clothing, face masks, quilting cotton, upholstery, and many more. You can use it in your own style, make anything to wear, or use it to craft your accessories. We take custom orders of block print cotton, indigo blue Dabu block print as per the client specifications. We accept wholesale orders, for wholesale orders message us. Special discount offers are available for wholesale orders. If you purchase more than 1 Yard you will get it in running length. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ *Wash separately *Made in India *Fabric measures: In Yard *Slight difference in color from the visible product image is possible *Some variation in print due to hand-printing Thanks for your Visiting Namaste #blockprintfabricmanufacture #blockprintfabricdesign #blockprintfabricsindia #blockprintfabric #handblockprint #runningfabric
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dailymagazinblog · 6 years
Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) [India], Dec 01 (ANI): Rajasthan is home to various unique art forms that have originated from this land, and the state has mesmerised many in different parts of the world. One such unique art is Dabu art which is known for the usage of intricate motifs and premium quality dye. A community named Chhipa from Akola village of Chittorgarh district is carrying forward this ancient legacy since ages. The 5000-year-old handcraft has remained unchanged till date, due to its organic nature. To create Dabu art, the craftsmen create handmade-designed wooden blocks which they dip in a special mixture made of various natural ingredients. Later the blocks are printed on clothes and processed. A superior quality of natural colours are used for the purpose of dye. However, with time it is becoming increasingly difficult to earn a livelihood through this unique art. The Chhipa community is shifting to other professions gradually as they complain that 'middleman' is taking benefit of their painstaking craft. One of the pioneers of the Dabu Art, Sureshchand Chippa says, "I have received National Award in 2015 but the recognition failed to change our scenario." Chippa further says, "We stay inside the village and people do not come here much. We lack exposure thus we fail to reach people. The middleman showcases our work to the world and we are obliged to them for it but we do not get what we deserve." About seven to eight families work under Chippa to create products with Dabu art. Chippa's father brought the changes in Dabu art by introducing the technique in fabrics such as bed sheet, saree and stole. In Akola village, 60 to 70 families have retained this vocation and most of them earn their livelihood by making 'fetiya' (skirts) for the elites. Moreover, with screen prints which are available in the market in large quantity, Dabu art is seeing a downfall. Chippa feels that online business will help them in dealing with the customers directly, however, at present, it is the government's assistance which the Dabu artists are looking forward to. While customers from around the world clad themselves in Dabu art, the Dabu artists live in hope to see a better future someday. (ANI)
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The Century Old Tale about Bagru Printing
Are you fond of beautifully designed dresses in Bagru Printed Dress Material?  Don’t they look traditional yet contemporary? But, do you know the story behind this amazing printing style? Wondering?
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The Bagru block printing is one of the oldest techniques in India that originated in Rajasthan. It reflects the beauty of handcrafted Indian textiles blended with contemporary style. Bagru printing originated in a small village near Jaipur, named Bagru, which is a centuries-old centre for hand block printed textiles.
An Introduction
India has always been a pioneer in ancient cultures and crafts. The credit goes to the many communities and regions of India. And one of them is Bagru prints, which is a hand-block printing style to print and dye clothes using traditional vegetable dyes. For instance, indigo is used to make the colour blue, green made from indigo mixed with pomegranate, turmeric to make yellow and red from madder root.
While there is no literature about how this printing technique actually began, it is said that it started around 450 years back in Bagru. The village is known for its breath-taking craftsmanship till date. CHHIPAS - a community of traditional craftsmen who print and design fabrics by hand are the people behind this technique.
Process and the Intricate Designing
A manual process of fabrication, Bagru printing is used to produce some of the most amazing kurtis, bed covers, ghagras and other materials. Impressions that are printed repeatedly are blocked. Placing the next block a little different is the beauty of this art. It is difficult to understand the historical progress of these designs. Mostly, these are derived from the flora and fauna, hence entirely natural in origin. Mainly there are 5 types of motifs used in Bagru Printing – Tendrils, Flowers & Birds, Geometrical motifs, Trellis or Jaal Designs and human or animal figures.
Bagru printing is done on different dyed background, like indigo where the prints have a slight reddish hue to them. Conventionally, Bargu motifs are large with bold lines wherein most of the printing is done with relatively small blocks on very small & low tables called the ‘Paatiya’.
Bagru in Current Trends
Nearly 5 decades ago, Bagur prints were confined to fabricate ghagras and cholis for women of their own community. These were also sold in their local market. Also, these prints were identifications for Hindu castes, such as the leather workers used to wear the same print as blacksmiths. But, they were differentiated by the base colour.
Because of the fabulous prints, Bagru has a unique place in the international fashion and they are highly used in modern fashion today. The indigo colour with beautiful block work on pants, kurtis, skirts, jackets and more deeply attracts many Indians. Moreover, the summer fashion is incomplete with Bagru prints. Further, these prints are greatly used in home furnishing items and accessories, other than the fashion.
Using Bagru in Daily Life
1)      Apparel – Bagru block printed skirts, kurtis, jackets, pants, scarfs, ae must have in the wardrobe. Girls love to wear such clothes paired with kolhapuri chappals and silver jewellery for that ethnic plus contemporary look.
 2)      Home Furnishing – To give a refreshing look to home interiors, Bagru printed bedsheets, cushion covers are used immensely. They also make the room looks brighter and more colourful.
Maintenance of Bagru Printed Dress Material
They are eco-friendly fabrics, but it is important to take special care for their longer life. Therefore, the first thing to keep in mind is that these must be washed in cold water, separated from other fabrics. Secondly, one should not dry them in direct sunlight to prevent colour fade.
Wrap Up
It feels great to know the untold stories of craftsmen that remain embedded in these beautiful fabrics. Truly, these patterns have made a space into our life. Undoubtedly, these prints have always been the cultural identity as well as the life of this small unknown village, Bagru. So, if you too are fascinated by the charm of these dress material and wish to make them a part of your life, check out our collection. We are the manufacturers and wholesalers of block print dress material.
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hastchhap234 · 4 months
Bagru Print Fabric: Jaipur’s Timeless Craftsmanship
Jaipur, famously known as the Pink City, is a living museum of art, culture, and heritage. One of its most cherished artistic traditions is Bagru printing, a time-honored technique originating from the town of Bagru, about 30 kilometers from Jaipur. This exquisite craft, known for its intricate patterns and natural dyes, continues to enchant people around the world. In this blog, we will explore the rich history, detailed craftsmanship, and contemporary significance of Bagru print fabric, celebrating its timeless elegance and the artisans who bring it to life.
A Journey Through History
Bagru printing has a history that stretches back more than four centuries. The Chhipa community, historically involved in the art of block printing, migrated to Bagru and established this intricate craft. Their work was highly valued by local rulers, which helped the craft flourish. Over the years, Bagru prints have remained true to their traditional roots while evolving to meet modern tastes and preferences.
The Intricate Process of Bagru Printing
The creation of bagru print fabric in jaipur is an elaborate process that combines traditional techniques with the skilled craftsmanship of artisans. Let’s delve into the steps involved:
Fabric Preparation: The process starts with preparing the fabric, usually cotton, which is thoroughly washed to remove any impurities. The fabric is then soaked in a mixture of natural ingredients such as turmeric and oil. This treatment, known as 'Harda,' imparts a yellowish tint to the fabric and ensures better dye absorption.
Block Carving: The unique designs of Bagru prints are carved onto wooden blocks by expert craftsmen. These blocks, typically made from seasoned teak wood, feature motifs inspired by nature, such as flowers, leaves, and geometric patterns. Each design requires a separate block, adding to the complexity and artistry of the process.
Natural Dyeing: Bagru printing is distinguished by its use of natural dyes derived from plants, minerals, and other organic materials. Common dyes include indigo for blue, madder root for red, and pomegranate rind for yellow. These natural dyes not only produce vibrant colors but are also environmentally friendly.
Printing: The core of Bagru printing lies in the hand-block printing technique. Artisans dip the carved wooden blocks into the dye and carefully stamp them onto the fabric. This step demands precision and an eye for detail, as any misalignment can spoil the entire pattern. The printed fabric is then left to dry in the sun.
Washing and Fixing: After printing, the fabric undergoes multiple washes to remove excess dye and fix the colors. This process ensures that the prints are durable and long-lasting. The final wash, often done in flowing water, enhances the fabric's softness and brings out its natural sheen.
The Allure of Bagru Prints
bagru print fabric in jaipur are celebrated for their earthy colors and intricate patterns. The designs reflect the beauty of nature and the cultural heritage of Rajasthan, making them a perfect blend of tradition and contemporary style. These fabrics are incredibly versatile and are used to create a wide range of products, including sarees, kurtas, dupattas, and home furnishings.
Modern-Day Significance and Sustainability
In recent times, there has been a renewed interest in traditional crafts, and Bagru printing has experienced a resurgence in popularity. Fashion designers and textile enthusiasts worldwide are incorporating Bagru prints into their collections, appreciating their unique charm and cultural significance. Workshops, exhibitions, and online platforms have provided artisans with new opportunities to showcase their work and reach a global audience.
The growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products has further boosted the appeal of Bagru prints. The use of natural dyes and handcrafting techniques aligns perfectly with the principles of sustainable fashion, making Bagru prints a preferred choice for environmentally conscious consumers.
Preserving a Timeless Tradition
The future of bagru print fabric in jaipur relies on continued support for the artisans and the preservation of traditional methods. Efforts to document the craft, train the younger generation, and create market opportunities are essential for its survival. By embracing Bagru prints, we celebrate a rich cultural heritage and contribute to the livelihoods of the skilled artisans who keep this beautiful tradition alive.
In conclusionbagru print fabric in jaipur is much more than just a textile; it is a piece of history, a work of art, and a symbol of sustainable craftsmanship. As we incorporate these exquisite prints into our lives, we honor the legacy of Jaipur’s artisan community and ensure that the timeless beauty of Bagru continues to inspire and enchant future generations.
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