#chiaki rp
talk-to-chiaki · 5 months
*Milo has been missing ever since she received the kimono that had been made from Yuna’s haori after she passed away. Right now she’s curled up under a tree, sobbing as she’s become the thing she’d sworn to destroy, a demon. Anytime she looks at her now white to purple hair she is filled with self hate. She wishes the normally fatal dose of blood that she had received from Muzan had killed her as he had intended. At least then she could be with Yuna again. She knows she would be greatly missed but she feels like all the people she cares about are gonna hate her and push her away when they figure out she’s a demon now. It’s been nearly a week since her disappearance and she’s still nowhere to be seen*
Chiaki had begun to grow worried. He hadn't been informed and what happened to Milo but he knew she should have been back by now. Chiaki had grown very fond of the girl and he'd die before losing another person he cared for. So gathering supplies he began to start to search for Milo.
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missshinazugawa · 1 month
*Milo nervously goes to Yuki after training with Sanemi, her ears are flat and she looks weak and injured since Sanemi always overworks her* “Y-Yuki-sama…? C-can you help m-me…?” *The young hashira asks weakly as she looks like she’ll pass out any moment now*
(@ask-milo-suzuki) (Sanemi doesn’t like Milo cause she’s a yokai🥺)
*Hearing someone's approach, Yukino turns around to look at the person before her mouth opened in shocked.* “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU??” *Yukino immediately approach her with a worried frown written on her face.*
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dagaaaaannnn · 2 months
PSA: Do NOT join this server
I tried joining the server today. Everyone was really happy at first when I showed up. Managed to fill out an app for Ryoma, and received full marks on their ratings system.
Before I even got the chance to rp, I found myself banned from the server. Turns out, there were people in it who held a grudge against me for things that happened well over a year ago, and some of the members straight-up told me to unalive myself.
For further context on the things that happened over a year ago, I joined a series of Danganronpa rp servers that was run by a group of some of the same mods. However, they kept on deleting the servers, oftentimes without any warning. I expressed frustration over this, asking why they couldn't have just handed the owner or mod roles over to someone else rather than deleting the entire servers if they didn't want to be in charge of them anymore.
Admittedly, things escalated from there. My temper got the better of me, and I wound up calling the mods incompetent as well as swearing at them before leaving the last soon-to-be-deleted-server I shared with them. It was wrong of me to do this, and I truly am sorry for that. However, I don't think that this warranted a ban from a completely unrelated server, and I especially don't think this warranted people from that server telling me to unalive myself.
For your own safety, I do not recommend joining. If you do decide to join, just keep my warning in mind. Stay safe.
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toyboxfriends · 5 months
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"Go cool your head and only come back when you're ready to be a Great Asset to The Company."
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faterpresources · 1 year
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Cʜɪᴀᴋɪ Nᴀɴᴀᴍɪ - 100 ɪᴄᴏɴs
Source: Danganronpa 2 : Goodbye Despair mangas Size: 100x100 Format: .png Number of Icons: 100
Please like/reblog if used. Credit is appreciated
> Download (Mediafire)
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Continued from here:
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Chiaki was surprised by the sudden hug, but smiled and returned it. It probably wasn't the most comfortable hug in the world, given that Chiaki's metal body was likely cold to the touch, but she was at least relieved that Ibuki didn't seem to be treating her any differently.
"I'm glad to see you again, Ibuki..." The android smiled and let go of her friend.
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special-encounters · 2 years
Bunny girls
By @creepercraftguy​
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Oh, you like it?
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it’s not too bad.
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Let this be a treat, my dedicated servant.
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Such a nice rabbit suit!
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You have good taste, young master.
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Hey Hey, i’m a bunny girl!
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I fuck like a jack rabbit!
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Glad you like it!
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sleepygamerotaku · 2 years
Roleplay Starter
It was a cold day and a light rain drizzled about, damping the ground. Standing in the rain underneath a clear see-through umbrella was a small girl. She was facing away from you so you couldn't her face but her hair was pink and reached to about her mid back. She wore a large black hoodie, light gray leggings and dark brown platform boots that stopped at her knees. What was she doing just standing there in the rain..?
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46cmawayfromyou · 2 years
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Chiaki Ito, the black widow spider
Please do not use my art without permission
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formlesshost · 2 years
A shadow sits alone at a table, playing a game of chess with himself. He's already calculated every move he'll make. He's never lost a game. It's more of a fidget, by now, than a stimulus - base, physical movement without using any of the brainpower required to focus. Every game he could ever play is predictable, and he'll never lose - so then, by definition, it isn't a game. It's idle time-passing. An activity, but not a game.
Something in him stirs and corrects him. Something in him thinks he's wrong. But it's an impossibility. So he waves it away, but keeps it on a string. Imperfection is, after all, unpredictable by inherency.
He moves to checkmate, again. Takes another win.
He is so, so very bored.
//Izuru Kamakura is open for asks!
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despairs-blade · 1 year
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talk-to-chiaki · 2 months
(Milo Kocho au:3)
*Milo is walking around outside to get some fresh air. Since it’s nighttime she’s staying as close to the Butterfly mansion as she can but she eventually finds herself being lured away by a strange force. It’s as if she can’t control her limbs at this moment. The demon responsible for this takes her pretty far from the Butterfly mansion then it attacks her, before it can kill her Chiaki finds this. He sees Milo unconscious and in a puddle of her own blood. The demon doesn’t see Chiaki as it’s about to land the finishing blow on Milo. It already consumed enough of her blood to benefit itself greatly, it just wants to kill her for good measure*
Just as the final blow is almost sent, Chiaki takes out his katana and strikes, killing the demon and crouching next to Milo.
"Milo? Can you hear me?"
His voice is panicked
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letsaskdrstyle · 1 year
Can there be a pajama-clad Chiaki twerking her butt off in front of Chihiro?
It started slow, the poor tired girl just finished losing to Chihiro in a game night, maybe it was on purpose, or maybe Chihiro actually got a lucky break with a bet that if he won in this late-night game night that he would get a special showing from the gamer. Either way with a soft yawn the girl began to bounce her plump rear. Her panties were front and center as she moved more faster as she got more awake and got more aroused by Chihiro giving his seal of approval. Later on, in the middle of the night The two would have a special night as there was loud moaning with Chihiro having his own prize, Chiaki's big fat ass~
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toyboxfriends · 1 year
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“I got a power that spawns a skeleton when I get hit. He is my son now, and I’ve named him Kaz, after Kazuichi.”
“Just like his namesake, he’s good at chasing after people but only lasts a few seconds.”
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Continued from here:
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Chiaki immediately paused her game, and sounded slightly nervous as she asked. "Weird? Weird how? Did something happen recently?"
"Oh, please don't be what I think it is..." She thought to herself.
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special-encounters · 1 year
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