#chicago mob
Debunking the Myth: Chicago Outlaws MC and Chicago Mob Collaboration
#OUTLAWS #CHICAGOOUTLAWS #OUTLAWSMC We delve the truth behind the rumored partnership between the Chicago Outlaws MC and the notorious Chicago Mob. Join us as we separate fact from fiction to reveal whether these two powerful entities are truly working together or if it’s all just a captivating myth. Discover the web of speculation in our quest to tell the real story behind this fantasy of…
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cherriesbloodclouds · 1 month
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noxequusart · 2 years
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A Piece of the Action
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bonniehooper · 6 months
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Top Picks of 2023
My Top 20 New Favorite Actors - #16: Jesse Lee Soffer
Introduction to Him: Chicago P.D.
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The hordes of teenagers that have run amuck in Chicago were witnesses, just three years ago (during their formative years) to a nationwide wave of rioting, looting and violence lasting months, and participated in by thousands of individuals in almost every state of the union with impunity. Most mainstream Leftist commentators at the time simply made light of the behavior, while others actually justified it; including by misquoting the pacifist civil rights leader Martin Luther King jr.
And so we are now teaching the entire upcoming generation that this is acceptable social behavior. We are literally normalizing it. Several posts ago I mentioned the less violent instances of looting going on in San Francisco and in other areas of California. It is a continuously ongoing phenomenon. And Wal-Marts anywhere near the effected area of Chicago are now closing down; an absolutely logical response.
Good Samaritan rescues couple beaten, robbed by downtown mob
Hundreds of teenagers flood into downtown Chicago, smashing car windows, prompting police response
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bendingthelaws · 7 months
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Abby had just come up behind Dimitri as he and Colt were discussing her pay.  She really had thought Colt had docked her, but he’d never said he would except when he had every right to.  She would have never complained if he had, and she now hoped that her mentioning it wasn’t going to be a problem with Colt and Dimitri.  They were like a little family in the office, even if the two men barked at each other a lot.  Professional hazard from working with lawyers from what she’d ascertained.  
“I, uh, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to cause a problem.”  She stood slightly behind Dimitri since he was still blocking the door into Colt’s office.
Dimitri’s teeth ground, the glare he was shooting at Colt was murderous, and he wanted to beat some sense into Colt; but the fact the babe was in the office would keep Dimitri from it.  In his old life, he wouldn’t have given two shits, but he’d left that life behind..mostly.  
He trusted few, even fewer trusted him, and he damned well liked it that way.  For those who he did trust and have his loyalty, he would rip the city apart for them.  He had the connections still to do it, and those who hired Colt often knew that.  It’s why they’d never had a problem with any clients; they knew better than to fuck with him.
If Dimitri ever figured out how to kill someone without touching them, Colt was sure that he would be the first victim.  “You didn’t cause any problems, sweetheart.  It’s just a discussion.”  He looked over at Dimitri with a “happy now” look and gestured for him to get out of the doorway.  They really needed to have this discussion because he needed both their help with what was going on.
After they’d both made it into the room, Colt leaned against the front of his desk, his hands grabbing the front edge on either side of his thighs.  “My brother called earlier.”  He caught  Dimitri’s eye roll and glared.  “We knew he was getting ready to indict Constantin Rakeovich.  We’re still his attorney of record.  Just after the intent to indict was filed, one of Colin’s interns disappeared.”  Now he had Dimitri’s attention and Abby paled.
“Sweetheart, sit down, you look a little pale.”  Colin motioned to the chairs in front of him or the couch off to the side, then waited for her to sit.  “A few days ago they received a,” he considered how to phrase this.  So far he’d been sucking at doing that well.  “An indication that she was not being treated well.”  He looked at Dimitri, it was clear that the Russian understood the meaning.  “Another was received two days ago.  This morning a package was sitting on his desk.  It contained a human eye.”  
Abby couldn’t contain it, she gasped and started to shake.  One of their clients was doing this?  Her stomach rolled and she felt light headed.  She wasn’t sure whether she was going to pass out or throw up, or both.  Constantin Rakeovich had been in their office.  He’d leaned up against her side board and talked to her.  He was charming and friendly.  Now she knew he had cut out some poor woman’s eye.  Her chest felt tight and she couldn’t think straight, panic was setting in. 
One look at Abby and he knew that she should not have been part of this conversation.  What the fuck had Colt been thinking including her.  His starched white shirt had more color than Abby did at the moment.  Colt was lucky he was out of arm’s reach.
“Darling, look at me.”  Dimitri gently took Abby’s face in his hands as he knelt down in front of her.  The girl was more like a little sister to him than an assistant and he was worried about her.  “Abby.”  He was fighting to keep his voice calm.  Thankfully her name got her attention. 
“You’re safe and we’re going to keep you that way.  Understand?”  Her head shook in his hands.  “Good, now you’re going to lie down on Colt’s couch till you have more color in your face.”  Again she nodded. 
Letting go of her head, Dimitri helped her to lay down and draping his suit jacket over her, before he stood up and walked over to Colt.  His voice dropped and his expression became hard.  “You ever pull that shit in front of her again, I will hurt you in ways you cannot imagine, Masterson.  Learn some damned tact and manners.  You seem to have forgotten both of those lately.”
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ilkkawhat · 1 year
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GEAW Week 2: I Love Trash (Characters): Human Disaster Jack, Gutshot Straight
bonus, he got what he deserved:
(no but really, he got a second chance and boy he ain’t wasting it; he’s making sure that dog gets a loving home with him after he gives almost all of his money to his wife and daughter.)
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aromanticbuck · 2 years
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Moustead + mob AU
“What do you mean we have to botch this case?” “I know, Sarge, I sound insane, but-” “Catching this guy could lead to a hundred arrests.” “I know.” “If you want us to drop the ball on this one, Halstead, you’d better give me a damn good reason.” “...what’s that thing you say? Tell you the truth so you can lie for us?”
Jay had made a promise in the first six months after they got back to Chicago, kept awake into the small hours of the night by memories and pain, not alone but close enough to it when they didn’t factor in each other. Looking out for his best friend had seemed like an easy task, at the time. He just had to answer late night calls when they came, make a few drives when Mouse had too much to drink or a bad high, and at one point, looking after him involved a relatively free brunch. Even when it came to finding a cheap apartment and a visit to the emergency room and they no longer spoke to the person he’d made the promise to, it was easy to follow through with.
And then came the complications.
He spent his days working in a uniform, staying in his district and following up on calls, and he spent his nights watching his best friend get into messier situations. He watched felonies happen from the couch, not even trying to put a stop to it when just seeing Mouse alive and breathing felt like a miracle most of the time. It wasn’t like he was actually hurting anyone by getting information from a few databases. No one died because he got a delivery schedule for the tech store downtown. Technically, it was outside of his jurisdiction, at least five blocks north of his patrol area, and that gave him enough wiggle room to justify not reporting anything he watched.
When the less than legal activities went from simply hacking into systems for whoever paid the right price to running a few errands for someone who paid a little more, he didn’t have a leg to stand on. Jay had let him get away with a lot for too long, and turning him in would only blow back on both of them. And it would ruin everything that had built between them, from friendship to something different, something that involved stolen kisses when they were both sober and aware of what they were doing. And, when Jay needed a foot in the door for an undercover assignment, he had someone with enough mob ties to get it for him.
The case got solved because of that connection, and it led to promotions for the both of them. The arrest of a high ranking member of the mob got Jay a position in the Intelligence Unit, and it gave Mouse a few more rungs on the ladder to climb. Everything was working out, and they just had to make sure they looked out for each other without letting anyone else catch on.
It was just incredibly difficult for them to exist in each other’s worlds without an immense amount of risk.
“How long are we going to have to pretend we don’t know anything about this friend of yours?” “I kind of promised his mom I’d look after him when we got home. Indefinitely.” “Jay...” “He wasn’t caught up in all of this, back then.” “Except he’s not just caught up in it. He’s calling all the shots.”
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kitweewoos · 1 year
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it's just business
For @gregorygerwitz who said, and I quote, "our AU"
Since he was a child, Gregory has been raised to take over his father's position, not just at the company but also with their family business. It didn't matter that Gregory didn't want to follow in his father's footsteps and take over as the company's CEO, and certainly not as the head of the notorious Gerwitz family. He wanted to go to school and lose himself in technology, the one thing in his life that had always made sense. No matter what he tried to argue, his father didn't want to hear it. He had one path forward and it was the one that his parents had paved for him. At least until Gregory makes the mistake of talking back, of questioning his father, of pushing against the life they'd built for him like a prison around him. "I scheduled you a meeting with Gunther," his father said. "He'll remind you of our mission and our building blocks. I've coddled you too much. It's time for you to build a backbone." His backbone is built with fists, apparently. Gunther was a big, hard man with a scar across one cheek and hammers for hands, and he didn't pull any punches. Gregory had never been taught to defend himself, never had to fight for his reputation, or his resources, or his opportunities. When he escaped, it was barely with his life, managing to slip away from Gunther who thought he had blacked out from the assault. Gregory, a little bit, wished that he had, that Gunther had hit him hard enough to wipe away all the pain he'd been through so far, not just the hard hitting blows but the snipes from his mother and the sneers from his father, the things that even the pills couldn't take away. When he escaped, he found himself at a bar nearby, not controlled by his family, digging the pills out of his pocket to toss back with a gulp of beer. There was a guy beside him, who touched his arm and spoke to him softly, and asked if he was okay. Greg didn't want to be touched, but the man was cute - no, the man was beautiful with grey-green eyes and a jaw that Greg wanted to trace with his tongue. "You're bleeding," the man said, and Greg wanted to tell him to lick it off him. "I live upstairs if you want me to clean that up for you." Greg would follow him anywhere. Somehow, Greg followed him upstairs, and the man introduced himself as Jay Halstead, and Greg told him everything, everything about his dad, and the organization, and the business as a front, things that he'd be killed for even saying out loud to someone inside the organization let alone outside of it. He wasn't sure why, but he felt safe here. He felt okay here, with Jay specifically, and he couldn't really place a finger on why that was, but his hands felt warm on his skin as he cleaned Greg's split lip and his bruised knuckles. "I don't want to go home," Gregory said. "Then don't," Jay replied. "Stay here with me." Soft touches turned into soft kisses turned into followed Jay from the kitchen into his bedroom turned into Jay pressing him into the bedspread into Gregory gasping Jay's name as he fell apart in a safe space. They laid in bed after and Jay traced a bruise on his chest and ribs. "I hope this doesn't change things for you, but you know that I'm a police officer, right?" Jay asked. "No. I didn't. Are you going to arrest me?" "No, no, I'm not going to arrest you, but I have to do something with the information you gave me, especially if your father is hurting people, putting drugs on the street." "Do what you need to do, but I don't want to be involved." In the morning, Gregory climbed out of bed aching and sore to find Jay starting a pot of coffee while on the phone. He knew it was coming, Jay sharing the information with someone, a supervisor or a superior officer, someone that Gregory didn't know and didn't trust. But somehow, somehow he did trust Jay. In the last twenty-four hours, he'd been belittled, hurt, betrayed, and beaten almost senseless. However, Jay had done nothing to hurt him. He'd cared for him, and pleasured him, and as he sat there, Jay pushed an extra cup of coffee in front of him without Greg needing to ask.
"Thank you, ma'am. I'll ask him but I can't guarantee he'll be up for it. What you're asking is -" Jay said, and Gregory sat forward. "What do you need?" "Get me inside, and I'll get the rest of what we need to take your father and the rest of his organization down so what happened to you last night will never happen again. So that you don't dread going home." He didn't have to convince Gregory. He'd already proven himself with the touch of his fingers against his jaw as he swiped an alcohol pad over his scraped cheek, with the brush of lips against all the spots Gregory was battered like feathers against the aches, with the gentle press of his body all along Gregory's like a promise in the middle of the night that nothing could harm him when Jay was between him and the world. It seemed insane to feel like this for a man he barely knew, but in Gregory's life, he'd never seen someone so kind and he'd never been held like he mattered. He'd do anything for Jay, and if what Jay wanted was to rip apart the family business that Gregory had been molded to run someday, he'd do anything to destroy his family legacy for him. "I'll do it."
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sarahjackson14 · 3 months
the mafia wife aesthetic micro-trend to fashion month trend
There have already been so many well-articulated commentary videos and think pieces of this micro trend that TikTok has manifested almost out of thin air…did you catch my sarcasm? I hope so because let me tell you something as an older Gen Z with heavy influence from the millennial generation, this trend could’ve had a better name because news flash to the Italian American women who are quite…
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bandcampsnoop · 2 months
New label alert. Inscrutable Records is a St. Louis, Missouri based label run by Martin Meyer (Soup Activists). Pleasant Mob (Chicago, Illinois) is one of four new releases on the label. Lead song "#3 Dream" reminds me of The Clean, and "Mob" has a Bats feel. And while the other songs do have a Flying Nun feel, the other songs on this release fit the indie pop genre, but bounce between styles throughout.
Pleasant Mob's frontman, Raidy Hodges (of Spread Joy) has a new surrounding band for this release. Mikey Young mastered this.
Inscrutable Records first four line-up is solid - Pleasant Mob, Famous Mammals, Soup Activists and Tia Rosa. Their bigcartel website also looks like the dabble in distribution too.
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thirdsonofeve · 6 months
woke batman show with t4t ivy & two face except they dated before either of them transitioned and at some point they're both like Wow the men/women I date now are so much hotter than you were you were such a mess thank god you got your shit together and transitioned so I don't have to be embaressed about having dated you
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baseballbybsmile · 9 months
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Today In 1931: Notorious gangster Al Capone and his son attend the Cubs vs. White Sox "Chicago City Series" game at Comiskey Park! (edit/color by BSmile)
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bendingthelaws · 6 months
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Demitri and Colt had left shortly after the meeting in Colt’s office to go and talk to some of their contacts.  They also needed to decide how to handle the fact that they WERE still the attorney on record for Constant Rakeovich and neither of them wanted to remain such.  After what had happened in his office, Colt thought it better for that conversation to happen somewhere that Abby would not overhear them again.
Sensing his dark mood, Abby covered the top of Colt’s desk in post-its. Each one with something goofy, or a question out of her Bar Exam study guide. He'd left those post-its of hers from the other night on his desk all night, ones she’s just put smiley faces on after he’d won his latest court case...she wondered what he'd do with all these.  She knew if left to just the two of them, both Colt and Dimitri would stew.  Somewhere in the last five years, she had become the one to break the tension, and this was her newest way. Dimitri would get a dozen pryaniki on his desk in the morning, he was brightened up more with food, and seemed to love teaching her to bake treats from his homeland.
Colin was in danger, his intern being tortured and murdered, and Colt was in a fucking shitty ass mood from everything he and Dimitri had found out while they were out of the office. So when he opened the door to his office and saw the top of his desk, he came to a complete stop. The little imp that was his assistant had covered the top of his desk in pastel colored post-it notes…again. Dear god, there were dozens of them.  He thought there had to be even more than the last time she’d done it.  Her antics from the other night had been topped, but what the fuck had she put on them this time?
He went over to his desk and started looking at them. Her elegant writing was on each of them. Some made him laugh and others just had him shaking his head. What in the fuck was she doing?
Then it hit him and he felt like an idiot, she was distracting him. That's what she was doing. And she'd done a damn good job. While I'd been reading every single one, two hours had passed and I hadn't thought of where his brother was, or what was going on with him. He had relaxed. He had even laughed. It was what he needed. Damn little imp.
"ABBY!" Colt’s voice rang out it his office, more than loud enough for her to hear in her little alcove of an office off of their waiting room.
Abby's head peaked around the corner, her brows raised as she pretended not to know what was going on. "Yeah, boss? Has something more happened?  You didn’t need the Smith filings until the morning, I’m still working on getting them all entered.  I hate this case, just so you know."  She gave him a sarcastic smile, still playing stupid
Had something more happened? So, the imp would play stupid. It almost made him laugh. "Yes, it has. SOMEONE has vandalized my office. I need you to call Detective Kase and tell him he'll need to come by. This is the work of someone devious.  Boxes left on Colin’s desk and apparently pastel post-it notes on mine.  Might be the work of the same person." He was smirking and he was trying to keep from busting up laughing.
"Vadalism?  Are they threatening?" She stepped into the doorway. Surely he recognized her handwriting. "Are you sure it's not a friendly prank? Someone just being silly?" If he hadn't docked her pay in the past, he was going to now. Or maybe even fire her. Her heart raced and she felt light headed, the color draining from her face slowly once more.
Wrong day to be sarcastic, apparently it was the wrong day for Colt to do anything. Putting down the few post-its he had in his hand, he walked over to where Abby stood looking like she was about to panic. Demitri was eventually going to kill him for upsetting her, it was just a matter of time.  Maybe he’d get a warning shot in the shoulder if he was lucky.  Although he’d never known his partner to be especially generous in that department.
"Sweetheart, I was teasing." He took her face in his hands and tipped her head to look at him. "Just a tease. I knew it was you, and it has helped my mood." He leaned forward slightly to look her in the eyes. "You need to relax, or you're going to have your other boss kicking my ass." He chuckled as he looked down at her.
Heat flooded her cheeks, bringing with it a bright pink tinge. "Oh, oh god, I'm sorry, Colton. I guess I'm just on edge." The feel of his hands on her face was distracting, as was how close he was. The scent of his deep and rich cologne wasn't helping. You weren't supposed to be attracted to your boss. "I'm glad it helped. If Demitri gets too grouchy, I'll just pour more Yellow Spot in his coffee. That seems to do the trick." She gave him a nervous smile, trying not to get lost in those yellowish-green eyes of his.
"I'm sure it does help," Colt chuckled and moved his hands to her shoulders. If he kept them on her face, he was going to end up kissing her and then there really would be problems. She was a decade younger, and he was her boss. There was no way that it would get him anything but slapped and hated. "You know I'd never really dock your pay, right?" That had bothered him, Demitri was right that she was far better than either of them deserved.
"I, umm, well I would have deserved it if you had." Butterflies were filling her stomach and she felt very nervous suddenly.  Her hands fidgeted nervously between them as she was now very acutely aware of how close he was, the weight of his gaze, and the feel of his hands still on her.
There was little she could have said that would have made him feel like more of an ass. They were going to lose her when she passed the Illinois Bar Exam.  It was far past time to talk to Demitri about that. He wasn't ready for her to walk out of his life, maybe it took such a situation to make him realize it.
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rainynightdog · 9 months
Watch Demons on YouTube Music
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kwebtv · 2 years
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The Making of the Mob  Chicago -  AMC  -  July 11, 2016 - August 29, 2016
Docuseries (8 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Narrated by  Jeremy Davidson
Michael Kotsohilis as Al Capone – The Boss
Paolo Rotondo as Johnny 'The Fox' Torrio – The Mentor
Jason Fitch as Tony Accardo – The Enforcer
Christopher Valente as Paul 'The Waiter' Ricca – The Brains
Emmett Skilton as Sam 'Momo' Giancana – The Wild Card
Andrew Robertt as Frankie Yale
Amelia Reynolds as Mae Coughlan
Andre King as Big Jim Colosimo
George H. Xanthis as Frank Capone
Josh Harriman as Ralph 'Bottles' Capone
Stephen Lovatt as Dean 'Dion' O'Banion
Kip Chapman as Earl 'Hymie' Weiss
Jack Barry as George 'Bugs' Moran
Owen Black as Frank 'The Enforcer' Nitti
Emmett Skilton as Sam 'Momo' Giancana
Toby Leach as William Dever
Cohen Holloway as Jack 'Machine Gun Jack' McGurn
Ruth Wynne as Anna Torrio
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