penguinofspades · 9 months
Honestly I feel like more people need to know about Chicken Little.
And I don't mean the 2005 film I mean the actual fucking fairytale/fable
It's pretty cool and underrated.
The story's that a leaf falls on Chicken Little's tail and he becomes convinced the sky's falling. He convinces a bunch of animals to go with him to tell the King and they get tricked by Foxy Loxy and eaten (though in some versions Chicken Little escapes).
It's moral to think critically for yourself and not just blindly follow what others say is one that needs to be told more, especially in today's age.
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fishii28 · 3 months
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zentriii · 5 months
fandom get to know me better
tagged by @autisticbokutoenthusiast [like a month ago but i accidently lost this in my drafts shh-]
three ships i like
sakuatsu - i'm always thinking about them tbh, ofc they're my no.1 sunaosakomo - i'm usually neutral on/not that into polycules but something about them compels me todobaku - i just think they're neat
first ship ever
uhhhhh katara and aang?? probablyy, i don't exactly remember lol
last song i heard
killing butterflies by lewis blissett
favourite childhood book
chicken licken the sky is falling down. was my first book ever and i used to read it to my little cousins all the time [we weren't related but you know what i mean by cousins, right?]
currently reading
house in the cerulean sea,, it's slow going but it is going !
currently watching
on my kung fu panda shit these days. dunmeshi too
currently consuming
chocolate :D
currently craving
for food? poutine, always. the good kind specifically, i went to montreal once and i will never move on in life? honestly just to graduate and get a job that pays well already, school is so tiring sometimes [still have years left of this orz]
tagging [no pressure ofc ^-^]
@neeksnicoboytoy @sleepintro @s-c-l-n @kitastapioca @ghost-faeries @peronasghosts @lenniereadsalot @goatedgreen
and anyone else who wants to !!! :>
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project-styx · 24 days
Pulse of the Void
"What if Chicken Little was right, and the sky really was falling?" Gwen mused about this idea as she began her commute to work, locking her door and walking out into the corridor. "What if that classic folk tale, Chicken Little, Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, whatever you called it, what if it was actually a prophecy?" Out further now, into the main corridor. The floor was metal, as were the walls and roof. Around her, the hustle and bustle of third shift ending their workday and heading home to relax or out to drink. Of first shift stumbling back after an evening spent partying or hurrying home to catch the latest episode of their favourite show before sleeping. Gwen's shift, second shift, had just woken up and were heading to work. It was a clever system, really. Without a sun providing a natural means of regulating sleep cycles, how did you organise time? This way, everyone got eight hours of rest, eight hours of recreational time, and of course, eight hours of work. Gwen reached the transport station, scanned her phone against the display. Well, 'phone' may not be the accurate term these days, but that was what she called it. Force of habit, she supposed. The screen directed her towards a transport lift that would depart shortly. She approached the lift, stepped in, and waited for it to start its journey. She sat facing a window, as always, and looked out into the huge drum. The Celeste, the great ark ship she was aboard, was huge, its scale often too large for her to comprehend. The vast majority of the ship was the open drum that spun independently from the ship's rear thruster section and the ship's nose, which mainly held some mission control centres. The drum spun, creating gravity by centrifugal force, allowing people to walk and work and live with the would-be wall as their floor. The lift began whirring to life, the doors preparing to close, Gwen pressed play on the program she had configured her phone-not-phone to queue up for her. It was a small, private ritual. Something Gwen did to maintain a feeling of normalcy. She always waited until the moment the doors clicked, a signal that they were about to close, to start the day's episode. The show's opening jingle rose in volume to match the lift accelerating as it always did and, as she always did, she gazed out the window she sat beside, looked out into the huge drum, watching tiny people changing shift. Civilization in a can. A long, thick, hollow cylinder filled with buildings and complexes jutting out into the space inside. A few thousand souls. Souls complete with their own dreams, their own worries, their own reasons for being here.
Helena: "Well, I often receive messages saying things to that effect as well, Paul. What I'd say to those people is that, well, and nobody knows anyone better than themselves, of course, I'm not saying that, I just-"
Paul: "Helena, just-. Worried about our time, here. Would you mind getting to the point?"
Helena: "Of course, Paul. I think a lot of the response that I'm getting is motivated by fear, not rational, measured analysis of the situation. I know that won't be true of everyone that reaches out to me with this opinion, but I feel that broadly, it is."
Paul: "And you don't find that view a little patronising? I mean, adults are surely capable of judging our own emotional state and, well, if we aren't, are we not entitled to an opinion anyway? That is to say: Well, I've often admired you, Helena,"
Helena: "Mhm-"
Paul: "…for your ability to look at things very cognitively. Analytically. You know how to take a situation, any kind of situation, you know, good or bad, and analyse it with some degree of cautious thinking. I do admire that trait in you, of course. But also, are the rest of us not entitled to our own primitive emotional opinions? Not to be too self-deprecating, but you get the gist."
Helena: "Well, I suppose you're right… Of course you're right! I just, I think it's better to focus on that measured, reasonable approach in what we discuss, right? I guess I just prefer that scientific angle in debate, because it feels more… healthy?"
Paul: "Yeah, I can see that…"
Helena: "But no, losing contact with Earth, with Sol, is a very scary prospect, of course it is. But I do think that… Well, it doesn't change the mission, you know? If anything, it emboldens it. I mean… I mean, we came out here, some of us at least, in part because we knew about this possibility. Of course, we don't know that it's… over. We don't know what happened. But, do we need to? Our mission, all of us, is in large part to ensure that Humanity keeps going, hopefully keeping as many of the best parts of the human condition as we can alive. Surely, if, if Earth is dead or any of the other scary possibilities, and knowing how hard all the other options would be… Well, why not stick to our mission as it is? Surely, the worse possibilities only make this goal more important to focus on. Excuse me if I got carried away."
Paul: "No, No of course. I mean, there wouldn't be much point inviting you on to the show if I wasn't going to let you get a little carried away. Well, there you have it. Thank you for listening to Pulse of the Void. And remember: No matter what, we're still flowing."
The closing jingle played and Gwen looked up at the screen. They were in the E-Ring and should be at her stop soon. For some strange reason, one that her friends could not totally fathom, Gwen found Pulse of the Void invigorating. Honestly, she couldn't properly explain it herself. When she had to, she'd usually try an explanation involving something about the way that Paul and his guests discussed major events. Something like, "The methodical, comprehensive approach that they usually have re-assures me", is how she would try to elaborate. A lot of the more popular news outlets were quick to sensationalise and take extreme stances. That wasn't anything new. She liked how it usually took at least a minute of discussion, covering various angles of each story, before anyone even bothered to state their opinion. And she loved how they were clear to state that it was just that: their opinion. It made her feel like maybe human affairs could be, if not sensible, at least discussed sensibly. The response she usually got was a sort of vague mixture of "I guess" and "Get off your high horse". Approaching her stop, she decided to finish off this internal conversation. "No accounting for taste", she supposed. Gwen contemplated what Helena ahd said, and thought again about Chicken Little. Recent events considered, it was wholly possible that the sky had fallen. And while broadly Gwen did agree with Helena… Well, it was still eerie to think that, if Humanity was dead on earth, going ahead with the mission meant that it was possible, maybe even likely, that none of them would ever know what had happened. Something about that thought just gave Gwen the shivers. Gwen reached the complex where she worked, found her way to her office, and started working.
Gwen rarely discussed that eerie feeling, and it was never so much of an issue as to motivate her to act differently. However, whenever she thought about Earth, how she may not ever know what happened, she felt vaguely haunted. She aged, the Celeste reached its destination. That moon of Alpha Centauri B (Elpis, it was named) was slightly more habitable than the optimistic estimates, in fact. That subtle, nagging fear at the back of her mind only got worse as society moved on, as it became more certain that she would die not knowing what had happened. In the wisdom of her age, she also felt a strange hope. A hope that earth had fallen due to war or climate change or any of those terrible possibilities. The terrible possibilities that were known. The prospect of alternative explanations terrified her to her very core.
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wheelscomedyandmore · 6 months
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Chicken, Licken & Dicken ! YEE-HAW
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henrysblake · 9 months
PENGUINS TALKING ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE ?!?! secularised primary school winter plays are so good . like I remember one year my younger cousin's nativity was the story of chicken licken but the north star had actually fallen on his head
absolutely incredible scenes
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rodrickstudios · 2 years
My Potential Projects 1: “Chicken Little Hard-Headed”
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Alternative Title: Chicken Licken Hard-Headed (UK)
Latin Spanish Title: La nueva Chicken Little (The New Chicken Little)
Direction and Writing: Mark Dindal, Rodrick
Writing based on the original script/draft for Chicken Little (2005) by Mark Dindal and Randy Fullmer
Production done at Walt Disney Television Animation, with traditional animation provided by Mercury Filmworks, Toon City and Snipple Animation Studios
Character Design: Omar Lozano
Character design adapted from Omar Lozano's illustrations for the graphic novel Far Out Fables: Chicken Little Saves The Moon Base, by Benjamin Harper (published by Stone Arch Books)
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In a world of talking animals, 12-year-old (and 6 acorns tall) Chicken Little's overactive imagination and proneness to panic attacks have made her an outcast at home and in her hometown of Barnyard Warnyard. Her father, Randall Rooster, just wants to have a regular kid like everyone else, which most of the time leads to her questioning about being a "freak" due to how often she seemingly witnesses vampires, ghosts, aliens and monsters lurking around. Because of this, Hailey Hen, Chicken Little's mother, has to constantly keep her husband in line so as to avoid Little from wrongly believing that he doesn't love her after all.
At Barnyard Warnyard Middle School, things are even harder for Little, as a group of bullies led by Foxy Loxy and also formed by troublemaker Goosey Loosey, nerdy Ducky Lucky and airheaded Henny Penny (who often makes the other three wonder why did they included her in the group to begin with) doesn't stop reminding her of how much of an outcast she is. Principal Owl Powell isn't also of help either, as he also sees her as crazy. But then things take a turn for the worst.
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One day, Chicken Little gets hit on the head by an acorn and thinks it's a piece of the sky, so she runs from one end of Barnyard Warnyard to the other yelling with all her might "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!". All of the townspeople freak out at this warning. Soon enough Little has unintentionally incited civil unrest across the town, so much so that she almost destroys it. After discovering it was just an acorn what started it all, everyone is angry at Chicken Little for raising a false alarm. Thus, almost all of them (including Mayor Turkey Lurkey himself) force her to shape up in order to avoid another incident.
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Pressured by this, Little convinces her parents to sign her up at Camp Yes-U-Can, a summer camp set outside of Barnyard Warnyard and meant to improve self-esteem on animal young ones. In fact, even its motto is “Of course you can! At Camp Yes-U-Can!”. To Little’s dismay, Foxy and company end up going as well, and the bullying towards her isn't stopped. Despite this, the little chicken is comforted at camp after meeting other outcast animals from across the land that also have challenges of their own. 
Cygrus "Ugly Duckling" Mallard is a down-to-earth bird from the Pondey Ponds town. He was adopted from the local orphanage by Mrs. Mallard, who already had ducklings of her own. Nowadays, Cygrus is constantly bullied by them (as they don’t take the fact he’s a swan very seriously) and by his school peers. He feels different from the rest and can’t wait for the day on which, according to what his mother always tells him, he will become a beautiful swan.
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Runt of the Litter is the smallest of twelve pig siblings and now weights 700 pounds. Still, he sees himself as a “wee, helpless little pig” because of his constant comparisons with his other brothers and sisters, who (believe it or not) are way more colossal than him. However, despite his low self-esteem, he is very open to meeting new friends.
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Lane “Black Sheep” Flock is a rebellious yet friendly ewe who isn’t seen well by her upper class parents and relatives. She’s one of those animal young ones who prefer staying at home and reading magazines rather than going to an important family reunion. Because of the pressure her family puts her into, she wishes to know if she should just be herself or get used to their fancy lifestyle.
Fish Out of Water is very silly and playful, but not completely accustumed to the lifestyles from dry land yet. The whole fish family, being the parents very prestigious scientists, have moved from their ocean hometown in order to study the behavior of terrestial animals. At land, Fish has problems socializing with other animal young ones. While, for example, sea animals play ball by letting it float in order for another player to catch it, at land one’s supposed to toss the ball directly. Fish hasn’t still get accustumed to this and other aspects from terrestial culture, and is viewed as a weirdo by the land kids. 
Chicken Little gets really well with those animals, who understand her worries as a whole. However, she soon realizes the bullying from Foxy Loxy will be the least of her problems there, as the three sheep who are camp counselors may not be what they seem. She discovers they, led by Counselor Matt, are cooking up a very evil plan for the end of the summer. Thus, she will have to use a lot of courage in order to foil them. But she isn’t alone. Will Little and her new friends obtain the fruits of their personal growth in time to save the day?
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NOTE 1: Fish Out of Water and Goosey Loosey will not talk, but rather have a voice actor doing their respective animal noises á lá Frank Welker.
Chicken Little - Holly Hunter
Randall Rooster - Danny McBride
Hailey Hen - Maya Rudolph
Cygrus Mallard - Sean Hayes
Mayor Turkey Lurkey - Tom Kenny
Counselor Matt - Penn Jilette (when in evil mode)
2nd Counselor - Erica Lindbeck (when in evil mode)
3rd Counselor - Tom Kenny (when in... you get the idea)
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NOTE 2: I've priorized the Latin Spanish/Mexican cast here because I'm an actual Latin American myself and also a big fan of Latin Spanish dubbing. All voice actors listed below are accompanied by one of their characters in parenthesis. I want them to use the voices of those characters when taking their respective roles in Chicken Little Hard-Headed.
Chicken Little - Fernanda Gastélum (June in the 2017 Ducktales reboot)
Randall Rooster - Ricardo Tejedo (Rick Mitchell in The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Hailey Hen - Berenice Vega (Linda Mitchell in Mitchells)
Foxy Loxy - Jessica Ángeles (Catra in She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Ducky Lucky - José Antonio Macías (Bert in Sesame Street)
Henny Penny - Erika Langarica (Sonata Dusk in My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Sunset’s Backstage Pass)
Mayor Turkey Lurkey - Gerardo Reyero (Humongous Chicken in The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland)
Cygrus Mallard - Yamil Atala (Dexter in Dexter’s Laboratory)
Runt of the Litter - Miguel Ángel Ruiz (Joey Felt in Atomic Puppet)
Lane Flock - Rossy Aguirre (Buttercup in The Powerpuff Girls)
Counselor Matt - Arturo Mercado (Bob the Builder) when in good mode; José Roberto Pisano (Death in Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) when in evil mode
2nd Counselor - Rubén Cerda (Horton in Horton Hears a Who) when in good mode; Carla Medina (Bellwether in Zootopia) when in evil mode
3rd Counselor - Adriana Núñez (Miss Rabbit in Peppa Pig) when in good mode; Rolando de Castro (Dr. Wolfowitz in 3 Pigs and a Baby) when in evil mode
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CHICKEN LICKEN LEBOWAKGOMO would love your feedback. Post a review to our profile. https://g.page/r/CUnAeQaUJ9Y2EBE/review
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petnews2day · 3 months
Puppy cries for Chicken Licken
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/TdMBl
Puppy cries for Chicken Licken
Pet parents are great at sharing entertaining content about their pets on social media.  A page that shares lots of love and ‘Pawsitivity’ is Salaam and Friends. It is dedicated to a golden labrador named Salaam.  In a video that captured the essence of this pup’s roots, we saw the little guy cry for the […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/TdMBl #DogNews
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elymaiis · 8 months
no hate on chicken licken but do you think they could have come up with a better name for their spicy mayo than “soulfirenaise”?
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real-lyf-dawg · 8 months
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fact. the chicken licken in this joint is so ass brah go craft bar in the corner (whateva its called) slap gang draughts
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umfazi-wephepha · 8 months
Had a semi decent week, I did order Chicken Licken on Sunday and takeaway including cake during the week.
Sleep is getting better.
Lactose intolerance kicking my ass though - recent discovery of yoghurt rearing its head but going to minimize.
Started taking bone broth, not sure what the benefits are but it’s protein I guess.
Seeing the benefits of not consuming alcohol. New year’s intention: become a two-drink girlie when I do drink.
Going to start week 3 of C25k next week. Looked for new running shoes, nothing makes sense but we persevere.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Hummel "Chicken Licken" Retired TMK5 385 BJ219.
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(to the men of the warld!)
This morning you've got time for a hot home-cooked breakfast not a test, but this has: delicious and piping hot to have,
microwave minutes Are you kidding? Yo, pretty packages weeding delights Look, it comes withs' nt'.
He-he, I like that I wanna number four, a number six, and throw in a plastic fix just enjoy the gritty crunch, but flat!
Tastes just like chicken wrappers of many bite sizes man, are you freaking kaiser? That's a rock, all mixed n sicken!
Momma's homemade from scratch, well, not quite Toasted over flames, they be tasting quite right All hail King Neptune and Rappers delight his water-breathers brand names!
No snail thing too quick for his water-feeders, smeeters? Don't waste time or neither your net Our net worth is fearer,
ready, go, many know others, what? We be the colors of the mad and the wicked, bad! We be bad, we re-brick it, twat!
-hour sign shower my habits I dont know you eyes but if you want the skies, while you dine like rabbits.
With the crunchy, crunchy carrots (oh, that's chicken) Gotta have it superfast, licken! A whole lot of breakfast you got funky!
for! Superfast, superfast, I come in last I made my blast fut just in time for breakfast
Keep us through, keep us through, forever blue The night, the night throws a zoo.
Aluminum, I crush your fun Aluminum, the sea is radioactive The sea is radioactive All hail King Neptune and his wand-
breathers, no snail thing too quick for his water-feeders Don't waste time with you, wavers! Our net worth is set, catch my ring,
many know others, what? We be the colors of the mad and the wicked, and the sad, We be bad, we re-brick, bat!
it with the 24-hour sign shower my habits while you absort when shine, you dine like mine.
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ultrajaphunter · 1 year
Chicken Licken SA
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vfxexpress · 1 year
Chicken Licken – Big John- VFX Breakdown by BlackGinger
VFX breakdown for the Chicken Licken “Big John” commercial, directed by Greg Grey in collaboration with our amazing partners Romance Films and agency Joe Public. We had an absolute blast creating this one! From ideation to execution, each scene had its own challenges. We crafted backgrounds & set extensions, entire 3D environments & props, and designed futuristic UI’s to support these epic…
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