#rambles :P
fishii28 · 1 month
ok but why does no one talk about how complicated it is to read bsd...
cus wdym theres like 3 different mangas?? ik that beast, age!15 and dead apple all hold their own places but bro.
im trying to read "the day i picked up dazai" but i STILL have no clue about side b or whatever.
i love bsd and everything involved in it but uh what. how does one expect me to wrap my head around such a process.
also this is the first light novel im reading, i have read the beast manga, and the dead apple manga. yet to read the rest of the light novels.
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stelar-time · 1 year
I think I'm going Insane or I connected the dots
In the Stanley Parable original mod we have the red and blue door option but in this one if you choose the red one instead of getting the Zending we get the ending we know today as the Apartment ending, Narrator tells us about how we are always told what to do and how it's going to lead us to eventually dying
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but here's the interesting part about that, in the original version of the game do you know who else gets a door with the color red? You guessed it !
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Stanley !
Well you can take this both ways (or more ! it's jus the interpretations I personally was able to get out of this)
Either as just a little smart callback to it
You can interpret it in a more deep sense of why Stanley has a red door, because just like Narrator told us we will always follow the orders by the end of the day, we might've gone trought the left door and pressed the elevator to go down we STILL went trough the red door and no matter what happens we will wake up in the morning and go to work
No matter what we do we will always end up going trough the red door.
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squipedmew · 8 months
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I went to go see the fnaf movie and someone had set up a picture of markiplier in the chair next to me for the entire movie
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jupiterlandings · 6 months
“How is 12 year old Annabeth head of the Athena cabin??”
1. Demi gods have the life expectancy of a lemming.
2. Gifted kids often burn out by age 16 & I doubt any of the Athena teens have the energy or desire to argue with their little sister who willingly takes care of all the family paperwork.
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tendercherie · 4 months
are u thinking about my tits have u been thinking about my tits will u be thinking about my tits
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risestarkiss · 7 months
Rise Ramblings #41
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He's petty, your honor.✨
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certifiedfreec · 6 months
i feel like there would be some subtle signs that ghost took an interest in you…
- one time you were showing him something on the computer, and he took that massive 6’4” body of his and leaned it right over your shoulder to read the screen. as if that wasn’t close enough, he rested one of his big ‘ol calloused hands on the desk beside you, effectively caging you into your seat. you could practically feel the warmth that radiated off of him when he did that. (he really likes the smell of your shampoo, by the way.)
- he watched you make your coffee one morning, memorizing your order down to the number of sugar packets you used. after that, you’d head down to make your morning cup and all the exact ingredients would mysteriously be laid out on the counter for you. he’d pick on you later about drinking coffee instead of tea, though. maybe he’ll make you a cup for you to try- back in his own office, of course ;)
- everyone in tf141 knows you’re a perfectly capable soldier, so they think it’s odd that ghost always finds ways to provide extra backup for you during missions. guarding you from danger, making sure your area is clear of threats…he can’t help but want to protect and take care of his fellow teammate, though he has a list of other ways he’d like to take care of you :’)
i feel like there would be some subtle signs that keegan took an interest in you…
- he saw your phone screen after training one day, immediately zeroing in on the artist you were listening to. later that evening he casually brings up the exact same band/person, because he’s coincidentally one of their biggest fans! maybe he’ll ask you to go to one of their shows when you’re off duty… looks like you’ve found yourself a concert buddy ;)
- he bullies you, but it’s with the best intentions. it’s more like him relentlessly nagging at you until you match his snarky energy and give him some sass back, which he loves to provoke from you. you always have the best comebacks when he uses his dry humor on you, and he thinks it’s adorable. he definitely likes to push your buttons, but he’d like to undo them even more <3
- ever since he revealed your “shared love” for your favorite artist, he sends you music recommendations for you to listen to (that will hopefully make you think of him whenever you hear them!). pay attention to the lyrics, because he might be trying to tell you something with them… :))
i feel like there would be some subtle signs that graves took an interest in you…
- if you have any snacks or candy on you, he’s nonchalantly stepping right beside you and doing that “underhand-behind-the-back” gesture for you to shake some into his palm. (sometimes he imagines that’s what your lips taste like- omg who said that???)
- he let you wear his jacket during an operation where you were in the freezing cold outside for an extensive amount of time. he watched you shiver through your orders, trying your best to be a good soldier for him :( he walked up to you and draped his shadow company jacket over your shoulders (which smelled deliciously like him) and flashed you that toothy grin. “you look like you’re ‘bout to get frostbite, soldier. take this.” (he was definitely thinking of some other ways that he could warm you up…)
- he took his time when he read through your file, and wow, it looks like your city’s professional football team rivals his. it’s the perfect way to initiate banter with you. he’ll be giving you a hard time about it for sure, and maybe he’ll make some interesting bets with you depending on how well the season’s going ;)
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leverage is so fucking funny. man manages to find the most mentally ill and neurodivergent group of thieves on the market + an even more mentally ill guy whose literal job description was trying to chase all of them, and forces them into a found family speed-run by trying to blow them all up. they lowkey stage a full fucking country wide coup and are like eh 🤷 just another wednesday. this might be a fun place to vacation tho i guess. sophie shows up to her own funeral twice. they're so good at convincing people of their shit that they make a guy's body start reacting to an illness he doesn't have because it isn't real. go completely out on a limb and basically hand this one guy a new password for his computer so they can get into it and he goes with it. parker and hardison have straight up just "fake it 'till you make it"d into the fbi without even attempting to cover their tracks beyond just These Two Guys. half their clients never asked to be their clients and don't know they're their clients, and the other half are random people who find them who fuckin knows how, meanwhile no government agency can track them down without selling their soul to sterling. they make a point to have a dramatic scene w a Big Bad Shadowy Government Guy who doesn't actually get caught or brought to justice or anything telling them he's going to hunt them all down, and in any other show this would probably earn at least a minor arc later on but he literally never shows up again. an entire season finale hinged on a cake and a bunch of clams. they accidentally made eliot a celebrity not once, not twice, but three times. parker blew up her foster parents' house when she was like. nine. and it's hardly a footnote. hardison is just casually an artistic prodigy but it's only ever brought up for the most background of background gags. eliot's biggest beef with parker and hardison for like two and a half seasons is that they won't stop making weird food with lasers and refuse to realize they can't make a decent beer to save their lives. sophie's immediate response to being shot is to call her shooter a wanker. there's a character who has literally killed a man with a mop and they had the audacity to only put her in one episode.
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anna-scribbles · 9 months
someone more attuned to the feligami agenda than i am should make a pride and prejudice au where darcy, caroline, & bingley —> felix, chloe, & adrien
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sneezinbird-new · 2 months
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based of this post by @lazorbeanz
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fishii28 · 2 months
my honest reaction to spam liking my mooties' posts
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(me with @proclaimers-of-heroes rn)
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stelar-time · 9 months
Stanley's and Narrator's need for each other
I had this idea yesterday when I was tired let me explain.
The epilogue is specifically very emotional to me but I couldnt catch exactly why of course you can say it's the stanley button its the years that went by with the narrator being alone but I disagree, and to explain i will come back to one of the first endings you'd probably get playing TSPUD, the museum ending, in that ending Curator tells us two important things:
*the game does not end, no matter what you choose what happens to Stanley will be meaningless always
*Stanley and Narrator wish to detroy each other, but most importantly they need each other
This is quite shocking at first, or at least I remeber I felt that way when I saw that ending for the first time back in 2019, it's supposed to tell something and it's VERY straightforward, but that idea is still pretty much shown, only that it's not being told to us, it's being shown instead.
They need each other for the scape pod to work, they need to be both there for the story to work, but, I dare say they need each other in a personal level as well, the epilogue happens after the skip button ending, we don't know exactly when it only says it's been many years, but Stanley, not us, not the player, Stanley, he walks trough the desert for days, we don't have a choice here, we can walk any direction we want Stanley will still get to a differet part of the desert, he's doing it because he wants to, when we finally see the memory zone, that's where he wanted to go, we can't go anywhere else, the door does not close behind us we want to be in there at that moment, then you find the buttons, and of course in your first time you think all of them say jim till you hit the last one, and it says Stanloey.
Narrator told us, the first time, when they both were at the expo that he didn't want to go trough the trouble of making a button that actually said the player's name but he did one for Stanley (see this as a reach if you want XD) whether he ever planned to show Stanley or not we shall never know, but the important thing is that HE made that button that said stanley's name, he did it for one mroe person even though at first he thought it was too much work, after that Stanloey looks at the computer buried under the memory zone, and after it we can hit start, and everything is normal again. This feels important and emotional, because they don't say anything not a single word is uttered about it but Stanley went with the trouble of walking trough thjat desert for who knows how long so he could maybe find where narrator was, only to find the button that the thing Narrator said he wouldn't put effort that said his name, Narrator also needed Stanley, so he made that button, and Stanley needed Narrator, so he found the memory zone.
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frm9pm · 3 months
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He’s playing beatmania
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polyphonial-old · 2 years
do u guys have a character/ship that you are the #1 enthusiast and understander of but you just. never post about them. like they are on your mind 24/7 rent-free but you just don't talk about them
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dootznbootz · 4 months
Every character is aspec if you're not a coward 🤷
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"but how does Robin know that-" if steve knows, then robin knows. next question.
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