#chief kasei
whatsyourcolor · 4 years
When chief Kasei sends you nudes by accident:
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psycho-pass-lists · 4 years
Akane’s Tips for Keeping Sane During Quarantine
1. Pick up a new hobby.
Akane: There’s so many to choose from!
Akane: Knitting, painting, learning a new language, juggling...
Akane: Or you can just sleep.
Akane: Sleep is good too.
2. Stay informed about the news and new health measures.
Akane: Hopefully your news is less biased and not as filtered as the news we get!
Akane: I’m still painted as the rogue Inspector that went crazy!
Random anime viewer: But what did happen??
Akane: Find out never!
3. Do some research about something you’re interested in!
Akane: Hmmm...
Akane: This Arata-guy sounds like he has some unresolved issues and shady Psycho-Pass and  Ignatov-san sounds like he needs anger management...
Akane: Well, it’s not my problem anymore, so I’ll recommend their hiring!
4. Keep in contact with your best friends. Video call them often!
Akane: Hi, Mika-chan~!
5.Get comfortable!
Akane: I switched out of my boring work clothes and now I wear these comfy clothes all the time.
Mika: You look like a grandma.
Akane: Is that something a best friend would say?
Mika: We’re not best friends.
Akane: Then why do you keep calling me?
6. Remember to still exercise!
Akane: Unless you’re like me, and can keep a highly unrealistic body shape no matter what I do and eat!
7. Accept your new lifestyle.
Akane: You can’t be selfish! You have to stay indoors to keep those who are elderly, disabled, and immunocompromised safe!
Akane: UNLESS you are like me who hasn’t done anything wrong!
Chief Kasei: You can’t know that
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narutoquotess · 7 years
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Follow for more anime posts!
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fandom-snaps · 7 years
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This would be so helpful!!!
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psychosibyl · 8 years
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Never pause anime. 
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Episode 17: "Heart of Iron"
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psycho-pass-lists · 4 years
If Psycho-Pass characters went fishing on a boat
As a team bonding experience.
1. Akane: stays as far away from the water as possible, with as many life jackets as she can fit on her small stature
Kogami: I thought you learned how to swim.
Akane: I can swim, but I don’t want to swim and I prefer not to.
Akane: I could go and make bad life decisions, like running away and not seeking help and keeping it all bottled in, but do I want to?
Akane: Of course not.
Kogami: You didn’t have to call me out like that...
2. Chief Kasei: puts on a whole bathing suit just for this day
Chief Kasei: *puts on sunglasses as she lies on beach chair on the deck* Enforcer Sho, get me a glass of lemonade.
Sho: Y-yes, ma’am!
Everyone else: *averts eyes*
3. Sho: is ordered around to get stuff and is too scared to say no
Sho: I’m too tired to fish now.
4. Mika: complains
Mika: I told the Chief that I got it all handled, that she doesn’t need to be here to supervise.
Mika: What, does she not trust me?
Mika: And why is the blonde and the two traitors here too? They’re not even part of MWPSB anymore.
Mika: And why is Senpai here when she should be in jail????
Akane: Hi?
Mika: So many questions.
5. Frederica: First time fishing, but somehow gets the most fish
Frederica: I guess it’s just beginner’s luck haha!
Kogami: Yeah. Sure. Beginner’s luck.
6. Kogami: tries to act cool and unbothered but is secretly in competition with Ginoza for who can fish the most fish
Kogami: *in his head* I’m going to look so cool in front of both Tsunemori AND Frederica!
7. Ginoza: Didn’t even notice he was in a competition with Kogami
Ginoza: Why are you sweating so much, Kogami?
Kogami: *is losing by 5 fish* The... the sun, I guess.
8. Arata: Uses his mentalist ability to find out who also used this boat in the past
Arata: *exhausted, about to faint* Guess what this boat used to be used for in the 1940s!
Kei: I think you’re done for today.
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fandom-snaps · 7 years
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Call now and only make 10 easy payments of $799!!! (Shipping and handling not included)
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“You’re at the end of your rope, Shōgo.”
Psycho-Pass Restart: Episode 7.
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psycho-pass-lists · 5 years
Psycho-Pass character’s retirement plans
Chief Kasei: The people who work in the MWPSB are... very unlikely to retire.
Chief Kasei: I myself can retire since I can switch myself out to another brain.
Yuki: I would place myself in one of the Sibyl-created retirement homes for my maximum comfort and happiness.
Kaori: I would do the same. I would love to be able to explore different hobbies, instead of just sitting around like I do in my desk job.
Akane: Even if we in the MWPSB aren’t expected to live long enough to retire, I would love to just explore places in the world, see new culture, and meet new people.
Kei: The people outside are just as discriminatory to foreigners.
Akane: Oh...
Akane: Maybe I’ll just throw myself into confinement instead.
Kei: I would love to return to my home country with my wife, safe and sound, though.
Mika: I don’t know what plans I have, but I hope by the time I retire I would rid myself of the guilt I harbor.
Mika: With the stress I have been lately, maybe all I’ll do is get therapy.
Shion: I hope I can improve my Psycho-Pass enough to get out of here and have a good life, and retire properly.
Shion: Maybe find myself someone to settle down with...
Ginoza: I don’t know if I would be able to retire from this job, knowing the fools who run the operation. I’ll be way too anxious if I’m not there to help.
Kogami: I ran away from Sibyl, pretty much making that my retirement. Which kinda wasn’t relaxing.
Kogami: And I threw myself into a lot of conflict too.
Kogami: And then I returned to a more respecting job, which is actually less stressful.
Kogami: So for now, I’m happy.
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hound-0-blog · 9 years
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Break me. It's the game you play. Hate me as I turn away.
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But I played right into it, who am I to criticize?
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st0pdr0pndm0sh · 10 years
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Why am I laughing so much. Oh my goodness.
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rabujoi · 10 years
Psycho-Pass - 18
Psycho-Pass – 18
Another nice father-son moment
Kogami Shinya is a sharp felow. Since the day he met Makishima Shougo, and resolved to judge him, he’d probably suspected he wouldn’t be able to get the job done if he remained a detective under the law. The bizarre actions and motivations of Chief Kasei this week serve as the final nail in the coffin for his career as a detective, a career he ends on his own terms.…
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