extravagantliar · 2 years
[ UNSENT ]:     a letter written for the recipient, but which the writer ultimately never sends for reasons that the writer conceals, or may reveal within the letter itself.
letter prompts // meme cache // accepting 
In the bottom of a leather holdall, there is a few parcels mixed between inkwells and books. They are wrapped in butcher paper, tied with twine, a sprig of baby’s breath bringing it all together. Lost among the vellum and books is a letter that goes with it, to be mailed with the parcels - however, it is left behind.
The parcel is a few trinkets, a crest of his family, a hair comb with ivory and dragon bone, a bracelet, gifts almost for a birthday if one had ever gone overlooked. The parcels are nice, and the gifts are personalised with the ambassador in mind, however, it is the letter that will be well missed of all. It lays in long swooping handwriting, not addressed to the ambassador or her proper unmarried title rather, it is ‘Posie’  in one swooping capital letter, and the rest cramped rather inelegantly - a joke between them, rather than him being the Viscount, he’s a nickname all on his own. 
Letters are light and fun between them, and when his hand finds the letter crushed against shas that had once belonged to his father in the bag, he is quick to open the envelope, mainly to add on before it too is sent out into the world. 
1st of Kingsway, 9:4... ( the rest of the date is smudged )
By the time both of these arrive, it will be your birthday. I had hoped to join you at your request, however, I do not think Kirkwall will give me the time to rest. You would think that with all that we all give, Kirkwall would have an end to her problems in sight; I am not sure if Kirkwall will ever be free of her curse, but alas, I will do my best to see you before the summer festivals are out, I believe you owe me a dance or two.
My hope of having Kirkwall stable by the winter holidays may still yet be true; every day, the economy seems to be on the mend, even having trading ships sent to Par Vollen and Tevinter. I do not want to fill my head with foolish boyhood optimism, but my love for my home is just as much as your love for yours. I want to see her thrive and I am only her steward for now; I would love for Kirkwall to outgrow me -- even outlive me and surpass me.
I never intended to sit upon the Throne of Thorns or wear its Crown. I am not even sure if this is my intention forever, alas - I will take care of Kirkwall as long as I am asked, even if that means being further from our goals than we anticipated. I, however, am so proud to see your family rise from the ashes; I cannot find another family better suited than yours to aid me with the trading company and even tie our families together through unilateral trade by sea and by ground here in Antiva and in the Free Marches. Perhaps, that is also a reason for Kirkwall’s bloom is the steady trade between the two; imagine the wonders of a steady economy. 
I, of course, am a humble servant to you Posie - without your eye for the logistics, we would not have even been able to get this route out of the harbour. For all of this, I am in a debt that I will always need to repay, for it’s not just my coffers you are refilling. In Midtown and even in Lowtown I find goods of all shapes and colours these days, immigrants who cannot go home or folks who do not have a home finally can taste or feel the familiars while being so far, it’s a mystical and magical feeling, one that brings me great joy. 
Inside the boxes, you will find some trinkets from my travels. Dorian sends you an Ivory comb pressed with dragon bone. In the main box you will find all the things you requested - Kirkwall ink, vellum, and the first copy of my next upcoming serial, another thing I must thank you for…reading my thousands upon millions of words. If you ever tire of them, you must tell me at once. The smaller boxes hold some crests and a bracelet for your birthday - a gift from me to you. Some of the gems are from the Tethras family, I imagine they will look much better on you than they will on me. 
I hope to join you by the end of the month, hopefully for more than two days time. I do hate it when our meetings are so brief, simply because others also need our time. Perhaps, one day, you and I can both learn to take a moment or two for ourselves. 
Faithfully, Varric
The letter is straightened before it has another page laid over it, the date smudged again, but when she finally gets them both, this one shows first.  
11th of Kingsway Posie, 
Happy, early,  Birthday. I will be in Antiva in four days' time. I imagine you will get this letter and I will be in the Square waiting for you. My hope is to see you on the 15th, no later than noon and perhaps we will finally get a moment for lunch. 
Hurriedly yours, Varric
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mercysought · 2 years
‘ no bad news. please. ’
@chiefambassador . tamino or a house among the trees . accepting
Maxima puts the cup in her right hand in front of the ambassador seated. The magister didn't envy the chief diplomat for the Inquisition. Even if the Inquisitor seemed to be doing just fine, it couldn't be easy to navigate all of the intricacies of diplomacy with a dalish elf for the head of your organization. The fact that they managed to convince so many from both Orlais, the Chantry, Ferelden and Tevinter should be already considered a monumental achievement. If, of course, they didn't end up failing.
And if that was the case, then of course no one would be there to remember who had led the Inquisiton and their advisors one way or another.
Still, the past of the Commander of the Inquisiton wasn't necessarily a secret for any that dug enough. She supposed just that would have been enough to give even the best diplomats a headache.
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Taking a sip from her own cup, Maxima sits down in the empty chair in front of Josephine's desk "By the sound of it, I can only presume it's been a day."
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idolbound · 2 years
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@chiefambassador​ said:  ❛ We have to end the hate. ❜
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  “Hatred is... only adding fuel to the fire,” The confession hails from the former Knight-Commander. The rebellion ignited after the fall of the Gallows, by her hand. Yet, surviving the Maker’s wrath has left Meredith with one sole purpose - to serve her life in repentance for her deeds. 
  “I should hope the Inquisitor can find their way through all of this,” Weathered, calloused hands wring together; the mountain air makes her joints ache. Few within Skyhold barely muster their gazes at her, let alone speak, but the Inquisition’s ambassador has at least given her audience. Perhaps, one of a brave few who ever will. “Whatever the outcome... my blade is theirs, to whatever end they see fit.” 
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herisms · 2 years
‘of course I am afraid. I am not a fool. but not afraid enough to quit before I have even started.’ for merilin
dragon reborn | @chiefambassador
merilin didn't know what to make of josephine upon first meeting her - a human noblewoman, literally adorned in more gold than she'd seen in her lifetime, her gaze calm and yet layered with a certain fierceness - but never once did she consider her be a fool.
her impression was quite the opposite - merilin learned quickly that they shared a distaste for bloodshed, and found herself more often in agreeance with the ambassador's guidance than that of cullen or leliana. even with her emotional walls still firmly in place, merilin acknowledged there was much to be learned from the antivan; a strength in softness, a courage that comes with standing up for what is right.
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" i envy your bravery, ambassador, " she confesses with the smallest of wry smiles and a wistful sigh. it took some time for merilin to feel comfortable expressing her respect for the younger woman, reclusive as she is, but she feels josephine's patience and candor has earned a fair turn. " i only hope that i don't squander your efforts. "
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scapedgrace · 2 years
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@chiefambassador​: “It has to be an error. It has to be.”
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       “No, he really does think himself to be some kind of god. Now apparently he has the immortality to prove it.” They’d been so sure when they left Corypheus’s prison that the magister had been dealt with. Now they know all they did was set him free. 
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withoutabsolution · 2 years
no fancy promo yet, but hi. this is a dragon age multimuse ft. qwydion, miriam, & roland from absolution, zevran from origins, a canon divergent hawke from da2, and several original characters.
it’s a sideblog to my main blog @chiefambassador​, but i would love to write/plot with all of you. <3
                                                                                               — 21+, written by vae (she/they).
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whocanretell · 3 years
❛  28 .   a  kiss  over  a  scar . ( bull )
It's new. Not fresh, but new nonetheless. It has yet to sink into her skin, soften and become part of her body's natural topography like the silver lines of scar tissue all over his chest. She doesn't draw his hands away, but he can feel her tense underneath him when his fingers brush over it. Josephine insinuates herself into his side as if she wishes to crawl inside him, meld her rib cage with his and be swallowed whole, burrowed safely in a hollow where she cannot be forced to confront the way that her body keeps the score.
Bull doesn’t push it. Josephine is still so starved for touch and affection after all these years away from home and to draw attention to it is not what she needs. He kisses her freckles, her moles, the features that map the way points of her body. She sketches out her own topography when she hovers over him, kisses hummingbird light as she traces scar after scar after scar on his face and chest.
Until after the triumph at the Winter Palace and her mother’s subsequent betrayal. Until Josephine turns on her heel when they receive word of it and demands that the world move for her. Until she returns to Skyhold, the conquering heroine, triumphant, and they lie quietly in the afterglow of it all.
He clears his throat, fingertips tapping gently on her side, almost touching it. “So.” She stirs begrudgingly, shrinking into his neck. “You ready to talk?”
“I...” Josephine sighs. “I do not wish to complain. We lost so many people.”
“You’re people, last time I checked.” Bull plants a kiss between her furrowed brows. “Any soldier will tell you a civilian caught in the crossfire’s the worst place to be.” He squeezes her gently. “Believe me, I know. Talking lances the wound.”
“And you do love to talk.” She props herself up on his chest, holding his gaze. “Though I believe there is a difference between that and running your mouth.”
He snorts. “You know none of that matters. It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Then, if it doesn’t,” she says sweetly, tracing the scar on his cheek. “Are you ready to talk?” Bull scowls. “Don’t turn this around on me. This is about you.”
“And I love that you put me above all else,” Josephine says smoothly, kissing the scar. “I love you and your strength and your heart that guides it to protect us.” She cups his face with both hands. “But who can understand the choices we were forced to make, if not us? Who can imagine a better world without them, if not us? Why should our pain tip back and forth on a scale when we could simply eliminate it? If we are to be equals, let us be equal in all our joys and sorrows.”
He stares at her for a long moment, gaze soft. Bull shakes his head with a faint chuckle. “Damn, you’re good.” She smiles, briefly raising her eyebrows, and waits. He exhales slowly, takes another breath, then nods. “Okay.” He turns his head to kiss the inside of her palm. “Okay, kadan. Equals.”       
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     A part of Dorian wanted to forget the trouble his brother was in. Perhaps the more selfish part wanted to help if only to ensure Cyrus's safety so his duties wouldn't fall on Dorian. It would be a lie to say he didn't care about his brother. Thoughts of his predicament incessantly flooded Dorian's mind. Cyrus's side of the story indicated he wasn't being completely reckless. He was set up, and Dorian couldn't be mad at him for that. He wanted to help. He just didn't know how. Until it hit him like a ton of bricks — out of the blue.
     The rest of his group was back at the inn. Dorian told them he was going to bed early and snuck off. He didn't want them to know of his connections. He trusted them, but he continued putting up a front even after they found out who he was. A small fear used to nag in the back of his mind that people only wanted to be around him because of his status. He knew this group found him before they knew who he was, but now that they knew, he felt paranoid. It was best, for now, if he took care of this on his own.
     Josephine wasn't a strong connection of his. He was pretty sure he had been to one of her parties once, but it couldn't hurt to give her a try. Before he left the Silken Squall, he caught wind of her traveling toward Marquet. It took some asking around. Luckily for him, he knew how to put on the charm. It wasn't long until he was before her, a less confident smile on his face and a slight bow. "Lady Josephine," he addressed her in a way that felt too formal, but he didn't want to insult her. "I don't know if you remember me, I— Well, I'm a bard. Dorian Storm. I believe we've been acquainted once before?" This was going less than smoothly. He cleared his throat and stood taller. "I came to see if I might request a favor of you," he added, almost sheepishly. "Not without payment, of course."
@chiefambassador     /     plotted starter
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dionadaiiraaa · 3 years
“ Mistress Montilyet.” Eden greeted as he walked into her office. A smile graced his lips as he carried over a tray of dinner, along with a nice glass of wine. 
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“ Ye ken, if ye work too hard, ye’ll already have one foot in the grave.” he teased as he sat the tray down in a vacant spot on her ornate desk. 
“ Also ah hear it causes wrinkles.” he grinned then. “ Tis why ma face is so smooth.”
@chiefambassador​ S.C.
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graunblida · 3 years
@chiefambassador​​   //   Josephine Montilyet.
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“ Forgive me, Ambassador, “ She looks down at the box of hastily acquired sweets - the container appears to have seen better days. “ but I have been told you would appreciate these more than any blade I could possibly offer you. “ Once she was privy to the woman’s love of Carastian candies, Lexa believed they would be a more THOUGHTFUL gesture. “ Of course, the dagger is still in my possession...should you be interested. “ 
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divinesleft-a · 4 years
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@chiefambassador​ liked for a lyric starter // sudden desire - hayley williams
     “i try not to think about what HAPPENED last night-”
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idolbound · 2 years
3-5 Things Survey    
The rules are simple: for each of the below items, fill in three to five things that your character might be identified by. After that, repost and tag away!
Tagged by the effervescent @gentlejack​ Tagging: @extravagantliar​ @chiefambassador​ @whalefelled​ for Shepard, @milfyclaus​
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Emotions/Feelings: Confidence. Control. Powerful. Distant. Cruel. 
Greetings: A raise of the eyes in acknowledgement. A nod. A firm handshake. A bow of the head.
Colors: Blood red. Gold. Silver. Lyrium blue.
Scents: Lyrium. Forged steel. Leather. Faint traces of personal floral perfume.
Clothing: Chantry robes. Plate armour. Leather gloves and boots. Breeches. Red hood.
Objects: Greatswords. Lyrium kit. Andraste’s circlet crown. 
Vices and Bad Habits: Overly righteous. Violent. Excessive cruelty. Hypersexual habits. Habitual wine enjoyer. 
Good habits: Protective. Caring of those closest to her. Devoted to Andraste and the Maker. Competent. 
Body Language: Upright and stiff, but walks with a purpose; hard and stern stares. Raspy, loud orders barked; yet, soft spoken in private. 
Aesthetic: Religious imagery (and blasphemy); paladin/white knight hero; ‘she glittered like the sun but her heart was ice’; a ‘tall, handsome woman.’
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screenviolense-a · 4 years
@chiefambassador​ sent: [ comfort ] – for your muse to soothe mine ( for Anais )
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           the elf had nightmares before all this, but they had never been as bad as they had after haven. suddenly she had dreams about being buried underneath the snow, trying to scream for help to no avail, her voice only becoming more and more muffled as she began to lose feeling in her fingers. this dream was close, of the feeling of corypheus pulling her up like she weighed nothing and tossing her aside. she awoke with a start, gasping for air that soon became sobs.
              josie’s hands on her arms helped bring her down to earth once more, but the sobs didn’t stop as she buried her face into the other’s nightgown.
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ourdawncomes · 3 years
24 & 35
24. what is their opinion on blood magic? would they ever use it, if given the chance?
The Carta semi-regularly employed apostates, either for healing, or magical knowledge, or to get an edge on the competition. We see this in Origins where Carta dwarves will occasionally be fighting alongside a mage, and I think from a practical viewpoint it makes sense. While certainly not all of these apostates were blood mages, I think it stands to reason that some of them were. It puts Thora in a position to have somewhat complicated emotions about the discipline, exposing her to some who used it in ways she was uncomfortable with and others who used it no differently than any other mage. Her opinion evolves from one of discomfort to... acceptance? I think there’ll always be something about it that gets under her skin, if you’ll forgive the pun, but it would be something practised by the people around her both in the Carta and then, later, post-Trespasser as she’s working outside dominant Chantry forces.
35. how do they feel about “the game”?
It’s no good! But also sometimes better than fighting!!
She’s glad the peace talks ended with the war over, no more soldiers sent to battle to die for Celene or Gaspard. She’s also glad she was able to spare the life of Florianne and, although she had been trying to vie for a position of power for Briala, she’s glad that roping her in seemed to have saved her life. She regrets Gaspard’s execution, and she’s also cognizant of the fact that there was a kitchen full of people she couldn’t save.
The diplomacy aspects of the Game are what Thora likes, that a problem can be solved without a drop of blood shed, but the sticking point is that it doesn’t actually go that way. In other parts of the Game beyond the Winter Palace, where she can charm a judge to do Josephine a favour and get things done without intimidation or battle, she’s more amenable to it.
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ode-of-odr-archive · 4 years
@chiefambassador​ continued from here
Avvar weren’t strangers to some of the arts, they had songs and poems! However, Raserei imagined those of Orlais would argue with him on if Avvar music and poems were that. Everything about those people was opulent beyond belief. So much waste, it was nauseating sometimes. Granted he was biased, but that aside the people of Orlais were something else. 
Now there was the fact he seemed to have caught the eye of a noble, lightening shot down his spine. It made the situation more...difficult to navigate. Josephine ever smart and knowing clearly sensed this, she knew, he told her about everything, he had to. The Vashoth appreciated her offer to handle the matter herself, but he couldn’t keep hiding like a scared child. He couldn’t let the scars of his past to continue to rot within him and fester. 
Raserei sighed, “No, no I will go. You can’t keep giving me the option to avoid these people, because I’m likely to keep taking it,” he smiled at her, “You know I hate dealing with the nobles.”
Lowlander culture was a bit out of Raserei’s depth, but noble scene of Orlais and this “Game” they play? He might as well be tossed out to sea with iron tied to his feet. He was a sinking ship.
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“Besides what’s the worst that could happen?” His Avvar ass could cause a international and cultural incident, “Don’t answer that.” 
“I guess this means I’m going to have to wear something other than my furs and vitaar.” he grumbled, “And another thing, her swooning, over me? Really? Are you sure it’s just not the Inquisitor title?”
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withoutabsolution · 2 years
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my name is VAE! i’m 30 and use they/she pronouns. this is my private, independent, and selective multimuse blog for qwydion, miriam, and roland from bioware’s dragon age: absolution, along with zevran of dragon age: origins + several original characters set in the same universe.  this blog is strictly 21+, and i ask that you please read my rules before interacting.
SIDEBLOG TO @chiefambassador​​
                                                      ┊┊┊✧ canons✧ ┊┊┊
click names for bios.
qwydion: she/they, pansexual, qunari mage. miriam: she/her, lesbian, elven rogue. roland: he/him, gay, human warrior.
zevran: he/him, bisexual, elven rogue.
yismay: they/them, lesbian, human rogue. purple hawke / champion of kirkwall. canon divergent.
                                             ┊┊┊✧ original characters ✧ ┊┊┊
ashathari: she/her, lesbian, elven mage. bellanthe: she/her, lesbian, human mage. essien: he/him, bisexual, elven mage.
katherine: she/her, bisexual, human warrior.
herah: she/they, lesbian, qunari rogue. mera: she/her, bisexual, half-elven rogue. prudenzia: she/her, bisexual, human rogue (secretly: mage).
laurien: he/him, bisexual, human civilian.
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