gallecrossing · 3 months
On the subject of hot weather, what's the weather like in Gallecross? If it ever gets wretchedly hot and humid, how do people like to stay cool?
Gallecross is a seaside city, so the weather can get quite warm in the summers and very cold during the worst of the winter squalls. The different boroughs are a bit more nuanced, the more built up areas get hotter and stay warmer but the areas by the water and the ones that are built more spread out cool down faster and stay cooler.
The hottest sections are the wall boroughs, since they're built inside the great walls. They get stuffy and a bit gross, so there are a lot of sections (especially up high to avoid compromising the point of the wall itself) that can fold open like giant windows to let air inside and through as a sort of ventilation measure. It also means that nice breezes don't get fully blocked by the walls during the hotter months. It's really quite a marvel of engineering.
The public parks are usually a good bet to cool off during a particularly warm day, they're shady and full of water features to keep things nice and cool the air. There's also beaches both on the oceanside areas and along a few streams and lakes within the walls. Some of the more affluent folks even have their own personal swimming pools, though space in the city is limited so that isn't too common. Not to mention selling ice creams and other cold treats becomes something of a summer past-time for a lot of restaurants and food vendors with access to small carts or other conveyances. It's great advertising when you can sell something to people whole boroughs away from your main business!
There are charms and enchantments to cool areas down, usually reserved for wealthy individuals or for businesses when they're cooling a whole house or other building, but smaller 'rechargable' cooling charms can be bought on a more personal level (most commonly set on small stones for the stability/sturdiness; they're referred to as chillstones because of this). Wear it on a piece of jewelry or carry it in a pouch or pocket, activate it and it cools you off for a short while with a certain number of activations per day before it needs to recharge for a set time via absorbing the ambient magical energy of the area. We have a good-will program that passes out reduced price (or even free depending on the situation) chillstones to any areas more affected by a heatwave, and to poorer areas and the areas where new arrivals to the city tend to congregate.
On a more personal level, Alkimos and I grew up in an area that was hot, but more dry than here. So it's not the heat that gets us, it's the damned humidity. Usually we stay indoors as much as possible; we've got an enchantment on our house that allows us to keep the humidity down. It's a life-saver honestly. You don't want to see Alkimos when his mane really frizzes up, it's already a fluffy mess half the time even without the humidity's help!
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tinybed · 2 years
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my chillstoner swagger 😔👉👈
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crystal-grotto · 9 months
 refrigerator. for Renjai (or troll equivalent)
A  PEAK  AT  WHAT’S  INSIDE  THEIR... send a number  1 - 30  to take a closer look inside this characters life. [Accepting!]
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Renjai's equivalent of a 'refrigerator' would be a set of wooden shelves paired with boxes lined with runic chillstones. On the shelves Renjai keeps an array of cured meats, preserved organics, grains, nuts, honey, and edible minerals. In the chillstone chests, that is where the she-troll keeps fresher items - like an abundance of vegetables, poultry, and farmed creature eggs, alongside clean drinking water.
Every so often sweets can be found in either of these areas; usually cakey material or dough that she can dabble in cooking herself.
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alleynejay1981 · 5 years
🔥💨💯🤙🏽#staylifted #stayhigh #420life #centralcoast #montereybay #positivevibes #chillstoner #thc #indica #cannibis #maryjane #budd #cbd #scva #medical #710society #cannibiscommunity #connossuier #smokeweedeveryday #sundayvibes #831 #santacruzlife #singlestoner #medicated (at Downtown, Santa Cruz) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0wv6KPHz2O/?igshid=hbrcekq2gev9
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louievt-blog · 6 years
Door way stoner jazz by louievt Full song in link below https://youtu.be/thehaUm6Osw #couples #romantic #chillstoner #jazz #music #stoner #evo #love #420music #scene (at Fresno, California)
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peaceiscannabis · 6 years
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420 x Life
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natural-twenty · 6 years
So I’m in a D&D campaign with my friends. I play a dark elf bard named Gleamwind. I kept getting told to write a backstory so I eventually caved. And then it turned into an actual story?? I don’t know. I’m posting it here because I’m happy with how it turned out and Gleamwind has turned into my favorite D&D character.
Important information:
Fexas is the region dark elves come from. They are generally chaotic neutral.
Fexans all have deep southern accents
High elves have been known to come down from the mountains and steal Fexan children.
Gleamwind physical description:
Hair: Straight, white. Goes down to pec level. Usually keeps it down and behind his back, though he’ll let someone braid it if they want to.
Eyes: Honey, with flecks of yellow
Face: Masculine, but soft.
Body type: Lithe, like a swimmers build. So some muscle, but not like a gymrat or anything.
Height: 5'7" 
“I always liked lis'nin to my momma's songs. Truth be told, they weren’t pretty, and they weren’t quite right, but it was her, and it was home. Been awhile since I last went back; I s'pose I should be visitin' again but… I don’t know. I can’t yet, ya know? Not yet. I made him a promise and I intend to keep it.” He reached for his pint and downed what remained. “Well, I reckon it’s time for me to get back on stage. I’ll see ya around.” Winking at the drunken patron, Gleamwind grabbed the lyre and pan flute he kept on hand and walked to the front of the tavern.
He took a look around at the location he's been playing at for the past few nights. It certainly isn't the largest, but the clientele is nice and the food is delicious, especially after being on the road for a week.
“WINDYYYYYYYYYYY. WINDY PLAY THE *hic* PLAY THE, THE FAMILY SONG.” A drunken voice shouted from somewhere in the crowd.
“Now now, ya know I like to end the night with that, and I’m not quite done yet. But don’t you worry your pretty little selves, Gleamwind knows how to keep ya satisfied. I think I've got one more piece before I wrap up. Feel free to join in if ya know it.”
He started singing, his words flowing energetically through the air:
“In the field, you know her well,
The gnomish lass,
And her big fat…heart.
The men would come to dance and play.
They come to throw their woes away.
They'd come to try to have a chance.
At the gnomish lass.
With the big fat…heart.”
His song, though crude, sounded as sweet as honeydew. It was almost cruel how rough Gleamwind's instrumental playing was in comparison. It was by no means bad, and could honestly sound quite pleasant if he sat down to play a slower song. But if he were to play a faster, jovial song? Well, you were there for the atmosphere he created and the smooth baritone of his voice, not the instrument.
Too soon the song came to its conclusion, the audience finally joining in for the final lines:
“So come to the field.
She’s waiting there.
The gnomish lass,
With the big fat…” Gleamwind cut out, letting the crowd finish the song. “ASS.” And they sang, as they always did, that.
He chuckled at the crowd, “One day y’all will say heart. It’s gonna happen.”
“FAMILY SONG, FAMILY SONG.” The crowd started chanting, their drinks pounding against the table.
“I said I’d play that next, didn't I? And just so y'all have it right, it’s called 'A Family, A Home.” It actually started out as what my momma sang to me when I was younger. And as I grew I took it and made it my own. Hope y’all enjoy it.”
Gleamwind's fingers danced across his lyre's strings as he started his song. It was as much a song as a story, a story of family. A story of love and of life. It was a story of him. He sang it with yearning in his heart and longing on his tongue.
Gleamwind likes to say that he was born with a lyre in his hand and a song on his tongue. Firelight, his mother, and Chillstone, his father, like to say that he screamed a lot. He preferred his version. It wasn’t that he was bad at singing. He, luckily, did not take after his mother. It was just that singing wasn’t a very public thing to the Fexans. Yes, bards would pass through and perform at the taverns. And yes, a mother would sing her child to sleep. But a Fexan growing up to be a traveling bard? Well, the idea was silly. It wasn’t like being a bard would be shame to the family or would get you laughed at. It was just known that a Fexan would not be a bard.
Gleamwind did not agree with this. He told his parents as much.
“Hush now, darling. Put down the strings and pick up an axe.” Firelight would tell him.
“But, Momma!” He would whine back. “I wanna sing and play!”
“Your mother’s right, son. Listen to her.” Chillstone would always reply. “We’re not always gonna be around. How are you going ya protect yourself if'n you’re off playing with that silly lyre?”
“I still could! Didn’t you see the bard who came through town yesterday? He could do magic!”
“Hmph, parlor tricks.” His father rolled his eyes, then bent down and ruffled Gleamwind’s hair. “You know we love you, and if you end up going down this path we’ll always support you. But think hard about it.”
“I know…”
Starbright was Gleamwind’s first love. She had hair the color of twilight that fell down to her hips. He would braid it for her, his fingers dancing through her locks.
“I should grow my hair out someday.” He would sigh.
In reply, he would always hear “That someday could be 'today,' you know.”
They were not together long enough for anything physical to manifest between them, but he still held her in his heart all the same.
Flownight was the first that Gleamwind laid with. Gleamwind would serenade him with songs of love, and in turn Flownight would hum, letting his hands idly running up and down Gleamwind.
But they wanted different things, and they too parted.
“Windy, Windy come on!” His younger brother and sister yelled in tandem. The twins, barely children, chased after the butterfly they had spotted the moment prior.
“Hold yer horses I’m coming!” He chased after the two spirited youngsters. “You two have too much energy for me.”
“You’re just old!” The girl responded.
“Why I never! What a blow, from my own sister.” He dramatically raised his hand to his head, before realizing where they were. “Breezemare, Ashdusk, stop. We need to go back. Now. It isn’t safe.”
While they were still children, Breezemare and Ashdusk knew to listen to their brother. Halting in place, they turned.
“What’s wrong?” Breezemare asked.
“Yeah, it’s just the mountains. We’ve been here tons of ti-“
“Well, well, look at what we have here.” A sharp timbre cut off Ashdusk, followed by a high elf walking out from the patch of trees shortly ahead of them. On his hip rested a shortsword.
“Breeze, Ash, get behind me.” Gleamwind grabbed his siblings arms, pulling them away from the stranger.
“Now that won’t do! I’m just saying hello.” He drew his sword from it’s scabbard.
Gleamwind yelled, and then prayed that his child self was right. He snapped his fingers, conjuring a bright flash of light in front of the attacker’s eyes. Grabbing his brother and sister under his arms, he ran as fast as he could back towards his village.
He burst through the door to his house, the children crying in his arms.
“Breeze? Ash? Gleamwind, what happened?” His mother exclaimed, looking from frightened face to frightened face.
“A high elf *huff* tried attacking us near *huff* the mountains.” He responded, taking deep gulps as he tried to regain his breath.
“He, he had a sword.” Breezemare sniffed.
“He wanted to take us!” Ashdusk cried.
“Thankfully I was able to blind him for long enough that we could run away.”
His father pulled everyone into a tight embrace. “I’m so happy you’re alright.”
“Momma, Dad…I think I need ta go.” It had been three weeks since the accident, and his family was still a bit shaken.
“Darling, what do you mean?” His mother questioned.
“I feel like I have so much potential. I saved X and Y with what little I know, think what I could do if I could travel and learn more! I love you and Dad, but Fexas isn’t suited for what I need.”
“You’re sure you don’t want to stay? I’m sure there’s room for you with the carpenters still.”
“No ma, this is what I am.”
“I’m assuming you’ve packed and all already?” His father inquired.
“Of course.”
“Then alright. We trust you, son.”
“Thanks Dad, Momma. I love you. And,” he bent down, ruffling the hair on his siblings' heads, “I love you two squirts.” Addressing his entire family, he told them “I promise I’ll come home. And when I do, I'll be strong enough to protect everyone. You four and all of Fexas. I promise.”
“Bye, Windy.” His siblings hugged his legs, crying.
And with that, Gleamwind left his home behind.
+ Events of the campaign that I’m currently in occur. +
Gleamwind’s voice grew fainter as he reached his song’s close, until at last the only sound that could he heard was the soft sniffling of a handful of the tavern's patrons.
“Well I reck'n that I've reached my end for tonight. Was a pleasure playing for y’all. Be sure to come back tomorrow night to hear some more.” He stepped off the stage, making his way back to the bar.
“Now look what you've gone and done! Nobody likes a sad drunk, Windy.” The barkeep jested as she passed a mug to Gleamwind. “If I have to clean up another dwarf's drunken teary snot from my tables…”
“Oh please, you know I gotta finish with that. Besides, you love it.” He flashed a grin at the barkeep, causing a faint blush to appear on her otherwise unmarked skin.
“Hmph, let’s see you clean up after this then.”
“Now let’s not get too hasty, darlin'. I’m just a simple bard. I couldn’t possi-“
“Oh my goooood, Windy.” A shrill voice cut him off. “That was amaaaaazing.”
Oh joy, not again. He thought, turning to the interrupting voice and plastering a smile on his face. “Well thank ya, Miss…?”
“Yennefyr. I adored your performance.” She sat down in the stool next to Gleamwind. “I was hoping you’d be amenable to give me a more…personal show?” She batted her eyelashes, the flirtation in her voice heavy.
“Well, Yennefyr, if you truly enjoyed the show then you'd realize that I’m not interested. Thank you for the offer, but no.” He denied the young half-elf, turning back to his drink. He felt a hand on his thigh, moving slowly upward.
“Are you sure? I think we could have a lot of fun.” Her chest was pushed out, the hand moving like a snake towards his center.
“I would be more than pleased to share a drink with pleasant company, but I have no interest in what you’re offering.”
A deep voice cut Yennefyr off, the owner’s thick arm wrapping itself around Gleamwind’s shoulders. “Your performance was spectacular as always, love.” Gleamwind took his eyes away from Yennefyr to take note of the newcomer. He was a half-orc, probably a foot taller than himself, with short-cropped red hair.
“Ah, well, yes. I’m glad you could make it.” Gleamwind managed to stutter out.
“I wouldn’t miss it. And who might you be?” He directed to the half-elf, who was silently withdrawing her hand.
“Just a fan. Thanks again, Windy. Find me if you ever want something a bit”, she grimaced at the half-orc, “more petite.” With a wink, she fled.
Gleamwind let out sigh. “Thank god. I hate when they don’t understand. Thank you, by the way.” He addressed his new companion, who had by then taken the seat left behind by Yennefyr.
“You looked like you could use the help. People like her don’t seem to understand that sex isn’t always on the table.” He stuck out his hand. “I’m Asarak.”
Gleamwind smiled and returned the handshake. “A pleasure.” With a quirked eyebrow and a smirk, “Your voice seems a bit higher than a moment ago, ‘love’.”
“Yeah, well…” Asarak muttered out, rubbing the back of his neck. “People seem to expect the big scary half-orc to be gruff. It’s much too easy to just play to that.”
“Well, Mr. Big and Scary, let me buy you a drink. As a thank you for stepping in.”
The corner of Asarak's mouth pulled upward. “I’d like that.”
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solorunning · 6 years
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Skechers Chillston en SoloRunning.com al mejor precio. https://www.solorunning.com/es/calzado-casual-hombre/skechers-chillston
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420v1bez · 6 years
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source https://cannabis-growers-blog.tumblr.com/post/175187315032
chillstoners:Stoner x Lifestyle
Stoner x Lifestyle
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alleynejay1981 · 5 years
Some flan again from #cookies #medicalmarijuanapatient #firebudd #indica #chillstoner #thc #blazeit #cannibis #cannibiscommunity #cbd #831 #santacruzlife #beachboardwalk #positivevibes #centralcoast #montereybay #armyvet #veteransforcannabis (at Santa Cruz, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0HgMc1luS7/?igshid=1m1y4208y44tt
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alleynejay1981 · 5 years
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Love #420girls #420everyday #cannibiscommunity #womenwhosmokeweed #cbd #indica #montereybay #stayhigh #hybrid #medical #medicalmarijuanapatients #centralcoast #positivevibes #chillstoner #thc #monterey #livelife #420girls #710 #connossuier #concentrates #smokehash (at Santa Cruz, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0FfziZho19/?igshid=1s33srun9j24h
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alleynejay1981 · 5 years
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Saving this guy for a special occasion #keif #keifjoints #cannibiscommunity #centralcoast #thc #firebudd #singlestoner #singlemale #cbd #indica #montereybay #stayhigh #specialday #medical #medicalmarijuanapatient #maryjane #budd #irontree #positivevibes #chillstoner #santacruzlife #salinas #831 #killakali #420day #cannibis #marijuana #smokeweedeveryday #lovelife #cannalife (at Santa Cruz, California) https://www.instagram.com/jjay831/p/By5l8LmFEYN/?igshid=1pz34060b299i
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alleynejay1981 · 5 years
Fuego🔥💨#supersourdiesel🍋⛽️ #supersourdiesel from @scva.santacruz #firebudd #summertime #smokeweedeveryday #lovelife #blazeit #lit #medicalmarijuanapatient #medicine #weedoverpills #fuckopioids #positivevibes #chillstoner #thc #monterey #santacruzlife #sativa #centralcoast #armyvet #veteransforcannabis #cannibiscommunity #cannibisconnoisseur #831 #saturdayvibes (at Santa Cruz, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0_rv4CFNkv/?igshid=1nyf48thwsfa9
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alleynejay1981 · 5 years
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This is some straight fire #gasmints #cookies #indoor #firebudd #cannibis #indica #montereybay #stayhigh #420everyday #caliroots #connossuier #cbd #831 #santacruz #beachlife #highaf #420life #centralcoast #armyvet #positivevibes #chillstoner #thc #staymedicated #smokeweedeveryday #lovelife #blazeit #lit #cannibiscommunity #medical #medicine #medicalpatient #maryjane #weedoverpills #fuckopioids #armyvet #veteransforcannabis (at Santa Cruz, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0FghJhFnmT/?igshid=1v53yl4uriwtf
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420v1bez · 6 years
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source https://cannabis-growers-blog.tumblr.com/post/174954720502
chillstoners:Chill x Music
Chill x Music
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