#chinese restaurants in business bay
tanchadubai · 2 years
Best Chinese Restaurant Business Bay Dubai - Tan cha Dubai
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Tàn Chá has garnered quite a reputation for its feature in the esteemed Michelin Guide, already earning a spot among the impressive array of Michelin-selected restaurants as best-rated Chinese fine-dining destination in Dubai. This prestigious restaurant presents authentic, contemporary Chinese cooking at the heart of Dubai’s Business Bay, where tastefully decorated dishes are met with exceptional service and exemplary culinary standards.Tàn Chá brings you an unmatched full sensory experience with a lively ambiance featuring in-house tunes curated by our DJ crew. Admire original elaborate art installations designed by brilliant artist Grégoire A. Meyer, which contrast with the low lighting of the interior to create a mesmerizing spectacle for the eyes. Tàn Chá manages to achieve the ultimate goal of fusing Chinese cuisine with fine dining, a combination of authentic taste and culinary perfection through an avant-garde mix of flavors and ingredients.
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tancha01 · 1 year
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Private Parties and Exquisite Catering Services at Chinese Restaurant Dubai
Host private parties that leave a lasting impression at Tàn Chá, Business Bay's hidden gem. Indulge in the finest Chinese Restaurant Dubai and Asian cuisine while our dedicated team ensures an unforgettable experience. Take advantage of our exceptional catering services for a seamless and memorable event.
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bakedbakermom · 10 months
Takeout Interruptus (read on ao3) fluff and humor // T // 1k words tagging @today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr
A makeout session is interrupted by an over-enthusiastic delivery boy who just can't take a hint. (Note: "OK Chinese Restaurant" is a real place in the SF Bay Area, so I hope you will forgive me for the name. I always wanted to open another place across the street called "Good Chinese Restaurant.")
Scully’s tongue thrusts hot and wet into his mouth, her hands tangled in his hair. She gasps as his fingers slip under the hem of her shirt to begin a teasing journey up the sweet plains of her stomach, inching higher and higher... when a loud knock sounds at Mulder’s door. “Sorry,” he murmurs against her lips. “Forgot I ordered food.”
She whines when he pulls away, though her stomach is rumbling. “Hurry back, G-Man.”
He smiles over his shoulder as he grabs his wallet and opens the door, revealing a gangly teenager with bright red hair, a smattering of acne, and an anemic little caterpillar of a mustache valiantly attempting to crown his upper lip. In his hands are two bulging bags of takeout, their stylized font proudly proclaiming them the product of Mr. Fung’s OK Chinese Restaurant (Ask About Two-for-One Tuesday Special!).
“Hey, Zack, how’s it going?”
“Good, Mr. Mulder, thanks. That’ll be $27.50.” He holds the bags up for emphasis and Mulder thumbs through his wallet. “Hey, so, you were right about that book you told me about, the one with the yetis? Susie thought it was really cool and now I think maybe she thinks I might be really cool and so I was just wondering if you had any, like, recommendations for more? Because, like, I’m not great with girls, and she’s so pretty and so smart and she smells, like, so good and I just don’t want to blow it, like—“
Mulder pulls out a few worn bills with an unnecessary flourish, waving them right under the boy’s nose, and Zack’s motor mouth dies abruptly. “Next time, okay? Keep the change.”
Oblivious, the young man bumbles on. “Come on, man, it’s just that I’m, like, really nervous? I’m supposed to meet up with her after my shift tonight and she was like, ‘it’s no big deal’ but, like, it’s a super big deal and you’re always so, like, suave and stuff I just thought maybe—”
“Zack,” Mulder says with emphasis, though not without kindness. “I’m a little busy tonight.”
The boy peers around his shoulder into the living room. “Oh hey, Ms. Scully.” She smiles indulgently and wiggles her fingers at him in a small wave. “You guys got some cool new case going on? Oh is it gross? Susie loves when I talk about the gross ones, that Flukeman thing had her fascinated for days so maybe you could just, like, give me a few details and I could like—”
He is inching closer to the door and Mulder sticks a hand out to grab the frame, his forearm forming a barricade before the boy can cross the threshold. “Not exactly, Zack.” Scully can’t see his face, but she can hear in his voice the wide eyes, the raised brows, the way his mouth presses into a thin line as he silently begs the boy to take the damn hint (and the money) and go.
Zack peeks around him again, slower this time, and his eyes widen along with his grin. His gaze flicks back and forth as he takes in Scully’s pinked cheeks, Mulder’s disheveled hair, the coffee table with a pair of near-empty wine glasses and no casefiles in sight. “Oh man! Oh, oh wow. Is this—? Are you—? Oh man!” He gives Mulder a bony but encouraging punch on the shoulder, thumping him in the gut with the takeout bag in the process. “Yeah, sorry, yeah, no, you got it, Mr. Mulder, I’m outta here, say no more, I’ll just, yeah, okay uh—”
He bolts all of three steps before realizing he forgot something, and nearly drops it all as he tries to hand Mulder both bags and take the money at the same time, with only two knobby arms to handle the job. One more glance into the living room, his smile so big it looks painful and shows off an impressively shiny array of orthodontics. “Yeah, okay, bye guys, have a good night, I mean, uh, I’ll just—”
“Bye, Zack.”
“Right, yeah, uh, bye!” He nearly trips over his own oversized feet as he sprints down the hall, shoes squeaking all the way. Rolling his eyes, Mulder pushes the door shut—but not before they hear him whispering excitedly to himself, “Wait ‘til I tell Susie about this!” His voice cracks on the last word.
“Scully?” Mulder asks as he turns back to her. “Do you ever get the feeling that everyone in the world was just waiting for us to get together, and we were too dumb to see it?”
She rises from the couch and takes the bags, then pushes up on her toes to press her mouth fleetingly to his. “Frequently. I’m pretty sure Skinner has Barbie dolls of us and he makes them kiss when he thinks no one is watching.”
He follows her into the kitchen, grabbing plates from the shelves she can’t reach while she rummages through the drawers for clean utensils. When she turns to face him, she finds him already close enough to touch, close enough that his body heat washes over her in a wave that sends tingles from her scalp to her toes. He grabs the counter on either side of her waist, trapping her between the firm brackets of his arms. “Think that kid is gonna get lucky tonight?”
Scully smiles, hooking her fingers through his belt loops and pulling until his hips are flush with hers. She threads her hands into his hair and pulls his face down close. “The more pressing question is,” she whispers, her breath ghosting over his lips, “are you going to get lucky tonight?”
“Would it improve my chances if I started talking about yetis?”
She reaches around, squeezes his ass with both hands, and he yelps as he bucks against her. “Let’s not risk it,” she smirks into his mouth, and kisses him like she wants to swallow him whole.
The takeout goes cold on the counter, but warms up nicely for a midnight snack.
I could not get this idea out of my head. At first I wanted to make it a scene in a larger piece of smut, but ultimately decided it was too funny and needed to be shared on its own. So. Here you go. I do not know why all my fics lately are food-related.
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cantillat · 8 months
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Alright, I decided to take a page from Andre and write about Fuyuki. (yes, I'm linking his post because it is good shit and you should learn more about Stilwater)
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It is never stated the specific province in Japan where Fuyuki is located, only that it is tucked away in a mountain range, in a bay area and it is split right in the middle by the Mion river. The town’s namesake, Winter Tree, comes from the fact that the winters are supposed to be long but they don’t seem to be particularly harsh.
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The west side of the town is called Miyama Town (Miyama-cho) and it is where the older houses are located. There is an intersection road that connects to many different areas of the town: the northern part of the district is the traditional Japanese district, the foreign district to the south, the road to the Homurahara Academy and the commercial district.
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The Emiya residence is located in the Japanese district, atop of a hill. At the time of the construction of the house the zoning weren’t very well defined so the place ended up being a mansion. His place is actually referred as the samurai house. (In FGO, it is the Unknown Coordinates X-A in Singularity F)  Most houses in this neighborhood are what one would expect from Japanese suburban architecture, one or two stores small residences with a small garden, with the odd mansion here and there. The Fujimuras also have a mansion in that district, old man Raiga is the local yakuza boss. His son-in-law practices sumo and his granddaughter is the English teacher at a local high school.
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The foreign district is the southern residential area. Perhaps because of its proximity to the sea there was an influx of people from overseas and the town seems to be friendly towards the Christian faith (which is uncommon in Japan) but they eventually died out or simply became integrated with the general population. It is where you can find the Tohsaka and the Matou residence. (In FGO, Tohsaka Residence is the crater in Unknown Coordinates X-B) Many of the buildings follow what you'd call a Victorian style and other western architecture and they can range from small mansions to regular residences as well.
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In between the two residential districts there is the commercial area known as Mount Miyama. It has a number of shops like a flower shop, the fishmonger and a number of stalls and markets, mostly small businesses. You can find the Koushuuensaikan Taizan, the only Chinese Restaurant in that part of the town and it is famous for its extremely spicy food. There is also the Edomaeya, a food stall with its popular taiyaki and the Singing Birds Retreat, an antique shop. If you keep walking towards the Bridge you'll arrive at the old downtown area that has many larger shops and other commodities. The old city hall and administrative facilities used to be there but were moved to Shinto.
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The Homurahara Academy is its main high school and the location of the associated middle school is never revealed. The Yatsushirodai Elementary School is located just outside Fuyuki in the rural area. Homurahara has an outstanding archery range that is a rather large building next to the woods surrounding the area. (In FGO it is the Unknown Coordinates X-F)
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To the west there is the Mount Enzou, a sacred mountain that has the convergence of all of the city’s leylines in the southwest area. The Ryuudou temple is located atop of the area, its characteristics means that beings having a spiritual body can only enter throughout its front gates. Underneath the temple area there is a cavern that is one of the possible point to summon the Holy Grail. Following a trail behind the temple leads to the graveyard.
South to the temple there is a large forest area, where the Einzbern castle is located. It has a boundary field and it can’t be found by ordinary people. (In FGO, it is the Unknown Coordinates X-G)
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There is a park alongside the river right next to the large bridge that connects the two towns that forms Fuyuki City.
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Shinto (aka New Town) is the newer district located to the east. Around 1990s the area had a major investment to modernize the city, starting a large-scale redevelopment funded by the local government. The City Hall was moved from Miyama, soon a shopping mall was constructed and many buildings followed. The Central Building is the highest building in Fuyuki, located about 4 kilometers (about 2 and a half miles) from the bridge and became a focal point of the town in the properly named Centerville Neighborhood. The Hyatt Hotel is also located nearby and was rebuilt after being partially destroyed in 1994. The Fuyuki Civic Center was supposed to be the crown jewel of the urban development plan along with the Central Building at the cost of 8 billion yen, covering 6600 square meters with four floors and one basement. However, a massive fire completely destroyed the area in 1994 and 134 nearby buildings. Instead of rebuilding the Civic Center, it was turned into the Fuyuki Central Park.
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The area around the park underwent a quick rebuilding process but the Central Park itself isn’t very popular. In fact, it is a little underdeveloped if compared to other smaller parks scattered around town. According to Archer the grudges of the people who died there in 1994 still lingers, causing an effect similar to a Reality Marble. In layman's terms, that means the place could be called "haunted" by normal people or at least have a similar sensation.
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Close to the Central Station there is Copenhagen, a liquor shop that also operates as a pub and redistributes supplies to some locations. Nearby there is also the largest shopping mall in town, named Verde. It has a movie theater, a bookshop (called Azumi), a tea shop and the largest stuffed animal store is also located there (called Fancy Shop). From the Station it is also possible to reach Waku Waku Splash, a large indoors pool complex that opened in 2004.
Also in Shinto there is a residential district named Kurokizaka that is known for its many buildings, including the Semina Apartments and other similar complexes. Around 2004 there was a murder-disappearing case in the building.
To the north there is the harbor, the town receives a large amount of shipments from the continent and other areas. It is also a prime spot for fishing.
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To the south it is possible to find the church and the foreigners graveyard. The church has a living area upstairs and a rather large basement. (In FGO it is the Unknown Coordinates X-E)
Maybe I'm going to make a post with a brief story of the town, both with information for common people and for mages. But this is the general gist of everything. Tumblr also messed the masonry of this post somehow, many of the images were supposed to be in a grid and I'm sorry for that.
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cantillat-moved · 1 year
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Alright, I decided to take a page from Andre and write about Fuyuki. (yes, I'm linking his post because it is good shit and you should learn more about Stilwater)
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It is never stated the specific province in Japan where Fuyuki is located, only that it is tucked away in a mountain range, in a bay area and it is split right in the middle by the Mion river. The town’s namesake, Winter Tree, comes from the fact that the winters are supposed to be long but they don’t seem to be particularly harsh.
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The west side of the town is called Miyama Town (Miyama-cho) and it is where the older houses are located. There is an intersection road that connects to many different areas of the town: the northern part of the district is the traditional Japanese district, the foreign district to the south, the road to the Homurahara Academy and the commercial district.
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The Emiya residence is located in the Japanese district, atop of a hill. At the time of the construction of the house the zoning weren’t very well defined so the place ended up being a mansion. His place is actually referred as the samurai house. (In FGO, it is the Unknown Coordinates X-A in Singularity F)  Most houses in this neighborhood are what one would expect from Japanese suburban architecture, one or two stores small residences with a small garden, with the odd mansion here and there. The Fujimuras also have a mansion in that district, old man Raiga is the local yakuza boss. His son-in-law practices sumo and his granddaughter is the English teacher at a local high school.
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The foreign district is the southern residential area. Perhaps because of its proximity to the sea there was an influx of people from overseas and the town seems to be friendly towards the Christian faith (which is uncommon in Japan) but they eventually died out or simply became integrated with the general population. It is where you can find the Tohsaka and the Matou residence. (In FGO, Tohsaka Residence is the crater in Unknown Coordinates X-B) Many of the buildings follow what you'd call a Victorian style and other western architecture and they can range from small mansions to regular residences as well.  
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In between the two residential districts there is the commercial area known as Mount Miyama. It has a number of shops like a flower shop, the fishmonger and a number of stalls and markets, mostly small businesses. You can find the Koushuuensaikan Taizan, the only Chinese Restaurant in that part of the town and it is famous for its extremely spicy food. There is also the Edomaeya, a food stall with its popular taiyaki and the Singing Birds Retreat, an antique shop. If you keep walking towards the Bridge you'll arrive at the old downtown area that has many larger shops and other commodities. The old city hall and administrative facilities used to be there but were moved to Shinto.
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The Homurahara Academy is its main high school and the location of the associated middle school is never revealed. The Yatsushirodai Elementary School is located just outside Fuyuki in the rural area. Homurahara has an outstanding archery range that is a rather large building next to the woods surrounding the area. (In FGO it is the Unknown Coordinates X-F)
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To the west there is the Mount Enzou, a sacred mountain that has the convergence of all of the city’s leylines in the southwest area. The Ryuudou temple is located atop of the area, its characteristics means that beings having a spiritual body can only enter throughout its front gates. Underneath the temple area there is a cavern that is one of the possible point to summon the Holy Grail. Following a trail behind the temple leads to the graveyard.
South to the temple there is a large forest area, where the Einzbern castle is located. It has a boundary field and it can’t be found by ordinary people. (In FGO, it is the Unknown Coordinates X-G)
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There is a park alongside the river right next to the large bridge that connects the two towns that forms Fuyuki City.
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Shinto (aka New Town) is the newer district located to the east. Around 1990s the area had a major investment to modernize the city, starting a large-scale redevelopment funded by the local government. The City Hall was moved from Miyama, soon a shopping mall was constructed and many buildings followed. The Central Building is the highest building in Fuyuki, located about 4 kilometers (about 2 and a half miles) from the bridge and became a focal point of the town in the properly named Centerville Neighborhood. The Hyatt Hotel is also located nearby and was rebuilt after being partially destroyed in 1994. The Fuyuki Civic Center was supposed to be the crown jewel of the urban development plan along with the Central Building at the cost of 8 billion yen, covering 6600 square meters with four floors and one basement. However, a massive fire completely destroyed the area in 1994 and 134 nearby buildings. Instead of rebuilding the Civic Center, it was turned into the Fuyuki Central Park.
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The area around the park underwent a quick rebuilding process but the Central Park itself isn’t very popular. In fact, it is a little underdeveloped if compared to other smaller parks scattered around town. According to Archer the grudges of the people who died there in 1994 still lingers, causing an effect similar to a Reality Marble. In layman's terms, that means the place could be called "haunted" by normal people or at least have a similar sensation.
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Close to the Central Station there is Copenhagen, a liquor shop that also operates as a pub and redistributes supplies to some locations. Nearby there is also the largest shopping mall in town, named Verde. It has a movie theater, a bookshop (called Azumi), a tea shop and the largest stuffed animal store is also located there (called Fancy Shop). From the Station it is also possible to reach Waku Waku Splash, a large indoors pool complex that opened in 2004.
Also in Shinto there is a residential district named Kurokizaka that is known for its many buildings, including the Semina Apartments and other similar complexes. Around 2004 there was a murder-disappearing case in the building.
To the north there is the harbor, the town receives a large amount of shipments from the continent and other areas. It is also a prime spot for fishing.
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To the south it is possible to find the church and the foreigners graveyard. The church has a living area upstairs and a rather large basement. (In FGO it is the Unknown Coordinates X-E)
Maybe I'm going to make a post with a brief story of the town, both with information for common people and for mages. But this is the general gist of everything. Tumblr also messed the masonry of this post somehow, many of the images were supposed to be in a grid and I'm sorry for that.
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moldygreenblue · 2 years
The City - Location and Language Headcanons
(Day three prompt for Woevember, event created by @asouefanworkevent)
The City is located in the Land of Districts (shorten to LoD by some, or not spoken at all because saying it is a mouthful). The City has a full name, The City by the Bay, for it’s located by a bay (bays; only one bay is properly associated with the City itself via Briny Beach) with a channel that leads directly to the ocean.
Many residents call it ‘The City’, because ‘The City by the Bay’ is a mouthful to say. Being located by a bay (bays) and having access to the ocean itself, the City’s Fish District has ships bringing in numerous fish and other seafood to sell to restaurants, stores, and other businesses in need of seafood, as well as exporting it to other cities located in the LoD, or farther away.
Alongside being a hot spot for selling seafood, the City is a melting pot of people from different cultures around the world calling it their new home. As such, there are numerous languages spoken throughout the City (and to some extension, the LoD).
The City’s primary spoken language is English, and the one many residents speak as default. The main secondary languages are Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), and French. The common tertiary spoken languages are Vietnamese, Tagalog, Korean, Russian, Italian, and Portuguese. Other spoken languages that are heard frequently around are Arabic,Turkish, German, Thai, Lao, Khmer, and Japanese.
There are other spoken languages heard around in the City, but the languages mentioned are the ones V.F.D. members who live in the City are noted to hear many times in their observations. In fact, V.F.D. members living in the City are expected to know one of the listed languages, or have some knowledge of a language to have a somewhat coherent attempt of a conservation if needed.
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eandamj · 5 months
SINGAPORE 30th April - 2nd May 2024
By the time we reached Singapore on 30th April and transferred to the hotel it was bedtime. We learnt two things on arrival. First that Singapore in common with much of south east Asia is experiencing a heatwave (of course it is always extremely hot anyway!) Secondly, the hotel was totally full and we were warned to arrive for breakfast before 8am as otherwise the buffet is overwhelmed! (While we have been staying here they have actually put out extra tables and chairs to overflow into the lobby as the restaurant is so busy!) The reason for a full hotel is that 1st May is a Chinese holiday which apparently spreads over the rest of the week so we knew Singapore would be very busy.
On 1st May after an early breakfast we took the metro train to Little India. The metro in Singapore is brilliant - very efficient and easy to use. It also provides a way of ducking out of the heat and humidity while travelling. Sometimes you have to walk long distances underground but staying relatively cooler is a bonus.
The last time we visited Little India was 1987. It was good to find that the area still had the low rise traditional buildings:
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The Hindu temple was ornately decorated:
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Having been told it was a Chinese holiday, we hadn’t expected to see many people arriving to attend the temple. However the temple was very full as evidenced by the hundreds of shoes outside and to our surprise a huge queue of people around the side of the temple waiting to enter. We also passed several market stalls making fresh flower garlands that we presumed that those attending temple might buy. Some of the garlands were covered in bees showing how fresh the flowers were and they were certainly very colourful:
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We then returned to the metro and took a 40 minute journey to Changi airport. The reason for going there was to see the Jewel shopping centre with largest indoor waterfall. We had not seen this before but we were curious as the waterfall was formally opened by a Government Minister 5 years ago on the day we flew out of Singapore back to London after our holiday in New Zealand.
The waterfall is certainly spectacular:
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The shopping centre has five storeys and there are viewing points on each floor. We went down to the bottom and watched the waterfall for a while sitting on seats surrounded by plants. From the ground floor, the trees and shrubs planted around the waterfall are very impressive.
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The photos also convey a sense of how busy it was. As the shopping centre can be accessed direct from the airport there were many many people there with lots of luggage, filling their time before or after a flight. In addition, given the holiday, there were huge numbers of people there on a day trip with children. Many restaurants in the shopping centre had huge queues of people waiting for a table. On the top floor there was even an area where children had an adventure playground - for a fee.
On 2 May we decided to visit the Merlion which sits at the mouth of the Singapore River in the Marina reservoir at the point where the reclaimed land starts. We travelled to the Merlion Park by metro. The last time we were in Singapore the Merlion was under repair and under scaffolding! We had to navigate our way through huge numbers of tourists in the Merlion Park to see it properly.
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Opposite the Merlion is the Marina Bay Sands complex:
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We decided to walk along the Singapore River back to our hotel despite the heat. There are several sculptures on the riverside celebrating Singapore’s past. This is my favourite, which shows young boys enjoying swimming in the river many years ago:
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We also walked past the area with original Singapore buildings that we remember first seeing in 1987. It is great that they have been preserved and not demolished for even more high rise corporate buildings as shown behind them:
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As we approached our hotel I took this photo to illustrate a trend we have noticed that many high rise buildings in Singapore now have areas of planting of trees and shrubs as part of the structure:
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We are now relaxing by the swimming pool while waiting for our taxi this evening to go back to the airport. It’s been a fantastic adventure but now homeward bound!
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shubhaytoursandtravel · 6 months
Singapore's Gigantic Mystery: Unveiling the Charms of the Lion City
Singapore, a city-state that surprises and enchants visitors with its fusion of tradition and modernity, welcomes you. Situated at the heart of Asia, Singapore is a diverse blend of cultures where old customs seamlessly blend with innovations. With its stunning skyline, verdant parks, bustling markets, and delicious cuisine, Singapore promises a plethora of experiences to discover. Join Shubhay Tours and uncover the intricate history, vibrant culture, and exciting attractions of this dynamic city-state.
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Best of Phuket Pattaya and Bangkok-By Shubhay Tours
Singapore's Cultural Reflection
A diverse range of ethnic influences, including Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Eurasian traditions, weave a lively tapestry into Singapore's cultural landscape. Embark on a journey through the bustling streets of Chinatown, where ancient temples coexist harmoniously with modern skyscrapers, and indulge in the authentic flavors of Cantonese cuisine at vibrant hawker centers. Immerse yourself in the vibrant sights and sounds of Little India, where colorful sarees, aromatic spices, and bustling markets evoke the spirit of India. Discover the rich heritage of Kampong Glam, home to the majestic Sultan Mosque and bustling Arab Street, where you can explore traditional textiles and savor the delights of Middle Eastern cuisine.
Iconic Places and Destinations
A trip to Singapore would not be complete without exploring its famous landmarks and attractions. Admire the modern architecture of Marina Bay Sands, including the iconic rooftop infinity pool with stunning views of the city skyline. Walk along the charming Singapore River to appreciate the historical sites of Clarke Quay and Boat Quay. Immerse yourself in the greenery of Gardens by the Bay, where impressive super trees and the beautiful Flower Dome create a futuristic atmosphere. Experience the rich history of Colonial Singapore by visiting landmarks such as the Raffles Hotel and the National Museum of Singapore.
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Thailand Paradise Tour Package 5N6D
Culinary Delights
Food lovers will find themselves in paradise in Singapore, where the diverse culinary offerings cater to every palate. Indulge in the city's famous street food at hawker centers like Maxwell Food Centre and Lau Pa Sat, where you can relish local favorites like Hainanese chicken rice, laksa, and chili crab. For a more upscale dining experience, visit Singapore's world-class restaurants, where celebrity chefs showcase their skills with innovative fusion cuisine and international dishes. And of course, don't miss out on trying Singapore's renowned hawker dishes such as bak kut teh, satay, and rojak to truly immerse yourself in the flavors of the Lion City.
Outdoor activities and nature
Singapore, known for its urban environment, also features numerous green areas and leisure activities. Delve into the lush rainforests of the Singapore Botanic Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, to admire unique orchids and peaceful lakes. Escape the city's busy atmosphere by visiting Sentosa Island, Singapore's premier resort destination, where you can unwind on beautiful beaches, explore top-notch attractions like Universal Studios Singapore, and partake in thrilling water sports. Embark on a scenic walk along the Southern Ridges, offering panoramic vistas of the city skyline and verdant scenery.
Exotic USA Tour Package-2N3D
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Carnival of Shopping
Singapore is a true haven for those with a passion for shopping, offering a plethora of gleaming shopping malls, bustling street markets, and an eclectic mix of boutiques that cater to every taste and budget. Embark on a journey through the glitzy shopping boulevards of Orchard Road, where prestigious designer labels, luxurious boutiques, and high-end department stores entice trendsetters. Uncover unique souvenirs and handicrafts at traditional markets like Bugis Street and Chinatown Street Market, where you can engage in the art of bargaining for great deals and savor local snacks. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Singapore's shopping districts, where you can shop until you drop and immerse yourself in the city's thriving retail scene.
Japan Tour 3N4D- Book Now!
Nightlife and entertainment
When night falls, Singapore bursts to life with an exciting nightlife scene that caters to all tastes and preferences. Immerse yourself in the glamour of Marina Bay Sands' rooftop bars, where you can enjoy cocktails with panoramic views of the city skyline. Dance the night away at Clarke Quay and Boat Quay, where vibrant bars, clubs, and live music venues offer a plethora of entertainment options. For a more laid-back ambiance, venture to the historic Ann Siang Hill and Club Street, where stylish cocktail bars and speakeasies serve up creative drinks in trendy surroundings.
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Dubai Dreams Package -3N4D
Singapore is a destination that holds a wealth of experiences, ranging from its rich cultural heritage to its impressive modern attractions and delectable culinary offerings. Whether you find yourself exploring its iconic landmarks, savoring its diverse cuisine, or immersing yourself in its lively ambiance, Singapore is sure to captivate and ignite your imagination. So, prepare yourself with Shubhay Tours for an unforgettable journey as you allow Singapore to weave its magic and leave you with cherished memories in this dynamic city-state situated at the heart of Asia.
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tanchadubai · 2 years
Celebrate The UAE National Day at Dubai’s Best Fine Dining Restaurant
The UAE National Day is a time for all to rejoice. December 2 marks one of the most important days in the nation’s calendar, a day of celebration of the historic moments that define the unification of the seven Emirates under one name and one identity, leading towards a better future. Citizens and expatriates alike welcome the momentous day with joy and excitement to honor the land they call home and pay tribute to not only its cosmopolitan culture of hospitality, unity, and geniality, but also its rapid and exponential progress and its position amongst other countries around the world.
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The National Day long weekend is an opportunity to allow yourself to let loose and indulge in the nationwide festivities celebrating the spirit of oneness. This year, marking 51 years since unification, the period of holidays is the perfect time to spend time with family and friends and plan fun trips and activities to do. And we have just the place in mind.
Tàn Chá is the perfect destination for any kind of celebration, especially one as remarkable as this. Bring your loved ones on an exceptional culinary escapade with good food and vibes nestled into a gorgeous and convivial setting. Tucked away in the heart of Business Bay, Tàn Chá is an upscale Asian venue unlike any other in the city, bringing you unmatched service and delectable fare. Tàn Chá is a place where food becomes a common language, bringing together all the very components that make Chinese cuisine internationally acclaimed. Where the spirit of community, innovation and passion thrives, a unique kind of gastronomic experience emerges, one that surpasses tradition.
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Tàn Chá’s charming and thoughtful menu parallels the restaurant’s intricately designed interior. Enjoy our elaborate art installations and Chinese-inspired wallpapers that juxtapose with the low lighting of the beautiful interiors, forming an extravagant spectacle to behold. Immerse yourself in a full sensory experience with a lively ambiance featuring in-house tunes curated by our DJ crew inside a captivating and delightful environment abundant in personality.
At night, the terrace undergoes a magical metamorphosis where the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes transport you into a realm that transcends the senses. Pair your meals with our specialty signature cocktails and drink to your heart’s delight while the cool night air caresses your face.  
This is your chance to explore dishes prepared our leading culinary masters, a show of expertise that engages the mind and palate alike, inspired by the tastes of the urban side of downtown Hong Kong and the traditional flavours and textures of provincial China. Let us take you on a journey full of intrigue that fuses the traditional and the contemporary and challenges your expectations. From sleek interiors to immaculate food with an innovative flare, Tàn Chá has rightfully earned its reputation as an exceptional restaurant providing unforgettable culinary adventures.
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tancha01 · 1 year
Tàn Chá | Events | Chinese Restaurant Dubai
Are you looking for the perfect venue for your next corporate event or private party? Look no further than Tàn Chá. Our best restaurants in business bay dubai offer the best Asian cuisine in Dubai, including delicious dim sum. Contact us today to learn more about our catering services!
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hong-kong-art-man · 10 months
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Waning Interest In Nightlife—Our Past Glory And What Are The Challenges Of The Night-time Economy In Hong Kong?
Some said, “I am all about nightlife. I live during the night.” Some said, “In nightlife, you can become a star. While in the daytime, you can be a nobody.” Some said, “I don’t like going out. I hate clubs. I hate being around too many people.”
A clothes vendor in the well-known Temple Street Night Market in Hong Kong told South China Morning Post, “The Street seemed lifeless and quiet, with many other stallholders gone for the day. I have been running this stall for more than 40 years and business had never been this bad.” The newspaper reported that in better times, Temple Street presented a mix of old and new. It drew visitors who swarmed its numerous stalls selling clothes, souvenirs, jade, antiques and watches. Traditional fortune-tellers beckoned and Cantonese opera singers performed late into the night, while dai pai dong (‘hawkers’) food stalls dished out everything from chili crab to steamed fish. The subdued state of the street market reflects the situation across the city, alongside the trend of Hongkongers heading to mainland Chinese cities such as Shenzhen to enjoy weekends.
Last night, I went to Tsim Sha Tsui, the touristy area, to look for a restaurant at 9:30p.m. Some were closed. Many were preparing for closing. It was a deeply depressing scene.
Many in Hong Kong, since 1970s, had wandered around in the streets at night until they found no place to stay or nobody else to hang with at midnight.
Hong Kong used to be energetic, boisterous and loud after 8 p.m. The urban noise was constant. Neon lights were colourful, bright and reliable. Such signs took a rest only at AM hours. Shopping, dining, night-time snacking, singing, massage, clubbing and socializing were everywhere.
Some attributed the night-life decline to the lack of tourists who can afford. Some suggest that the lifestyle of people here have changed: they feel happier on emotional front at home. They would rather enjoy online shopping, watching Netflix, cooking, meeting cyber-friends and gym exercising—avoiding being overstimulated by others. Some put the blame on the poor economy of Hong Kong because people want to spend less. Some venue operators complain that there is a serious shortage of 20% manpower in Hong Kong and they cannot hire enough workers who are interested in night-shift work. Some lament that more than 200,000 people have emigrated from this city. Others explain the social phenomenon by the outflux of more than 300,000 local people on Saturday and Sunday for ‘weekend getaways’ to the Greater Bay Area cities in Guangdong. Some feel that the government’s controls on hawkers and street busking are too tight. Some comment that the local handicrafts sold are not attractive or creative.
A vibrant and mixed ‘night-time economy’ is important as it can encourage tourism, boost the local spending power and contribute to shaping trendy places where people want to live. This is why some youngsters like to live near Soho, Central. The night-time economy also makes a significant contribution to the employment situation. To the dismay of the government, people in Hong Kong tend to spend less and less. We are an aging population and more and more citizens survive on savings. Thus, saving money produces a sense of security, especially when people are older. Night activities which eat away at one’s bank balance is considered quite unnecessary. Economically, we are facing a recession. Consumptions inevitably slow down especially for expensive nightlife entertainments inclusive of pubs, bars, nightclubs and shows.
From a family’s point of view, it is not a good idea to suggest staying out late at night. Being out late at night can expose teenagers or girls to various safety hazards such as encountering bad people, getting involved in altercations, or becoming victims of crimes. Staying awake through the night takes a toll on physical health. Fatigue and low energy levels in the daytime may worsen work performance. Parents should return home early and spend more time with children. Children will feel that their parents value them. In the old days, a lot of parents in Hong Kong went back home after 10p.m. and the poor parent-child interactions would harm a child’s development. People should be attracted by the happy moments of a family, instead of the desire and seduction typically associated with night activities outside.
For myself, I want the services sector such as doctors, hairstylists, physiotherapists and herbal treatment centres to close later, ideally till 10p.m. Many people are like me—always in a rush during the day and it will be excellent if we could spend few hours after work on personal grooming and healing. Is this night-time economy?
London, New York, Paris and Amsterdam are the great cities, when it comes to ‘night-time cultural economy’. Cinemas, musicals, light shows, plays, stand-up comedies, opera, ballet, dance and concerts, are abundant and liven up the night. These cultural places make the whole area full of vitality. Look at the number of pizza restaurants in New York for a midnight snack! Hong Kong may follow and use evening cultural activities to captivate the younger tourists who are more educated.
In mainland China, some hospitals have extended their operating hours. The official said, “Any attempt to get people to spend more money at night is a good idea.” The thing to watch out is that the late-night operating hours may not necessarily bring the same ratio of income compared with day-time operating hours.
Ernest Hemingway told us, “Night is always darker before the dawn and life is the same.” Extending business hours will not help our economy much. Recalibrating the tourism fundamentals of Hong Kong towards cultural attractions is the more appropriate direction.
Maurice Lee
Chinese Version 中文版: https://www.patreon.com/posts/xiang-gang-60zhi-93391105?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
Hong Kong Wanchai Night Market  https://youtu.be/OkRU0NKumz4?si=LfP0uMbzK8wQcXCG  Acknowledgement - hokoonho
Hong Kong Temple Street  https://youtu.be/zucAog03Ucc?si=b6kLiRf5J3NjEiw7  Acknowledgement   – 看見香港
Hong Kong at Night  https://youtu.be/01G05Z8rC1Y?si=ulmwG6iVMnyJNaz1  Acknowledgement-Island Hopper TV Travel Highlights
Sheung Wan Gala Point  https://youtu.be/y8dtrv0tJ1M?si=KzxOj20uBAi4f04A  Acknowledgement-Mike Ling
Song 《 兩相依》  https://youtu.be/Kvo9uOt405A?si=xjYR9-MwZXMefbTh  Acknowledgement – charmer0966
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charles5436 · 1 year
Chinese Smartphone Giant Vivo Is Latest to Splurge on Tech Tower || NeoDrafts
China’s No. 2 smartphone company Vivo Mobile Communications Co. has broken ground at a high-rise building in Shenzhen to house its potential headquarters, reflecting the boom in the country’s booming technology market. Scheduled for completion in 2025, the 32-story gadget manufacturer will house 5,800 employees. It was planned by NBBJ, the designers behind Samsung’s Silicon Valley facility and Seattle’s Amazon Spheres.
The new building will feature Vivo’s flagship store, indoor gardens on all floors, and also a spiral exterior with self-shaped glass, according to the architectural firm.
Vivo joins with Tencent Holdings Ltd. and ByteDance Ltd. in investing a great deal on new office space. A lot of it in the booming technology hub of Shenzhen. It will contribute to the mega-building boom at a time when economic uncertainty is causing many companies to cut back. WeChat developer Tencent is constructing an adjacent campus roughly the size of Midtown Manhattan on reclaimed land in Qianhai Bay. It costs the company $1.2 billion.
Cost for New Buildings:
Vivo paid 1.3 billion yuan ($182 million) for the location of its new headquarters. ByteDance, owner of TikTok, recently invested 1.1 billion yuan on the property in the city’s downtown district. It is according to the local land authorities. Also Kuaishou, a YouTube-like video network backed by Tencent, is investing 3 billion yuan based on its fledgeling e-commerce business in Chengdu, complete with live-streaming studios for hawking products.
Some economists claim that building booms signify an overheated economy that precedes a crash. Yet NBBJ, which also built campuses for Google’s Alphabet Inc. and Ant Group’s associated Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., claims that China’s tech giants have outgrown their old digs. They are now merely finding space to lead a possible wave of future global expansion. Vivo, which began life during Android’s growth ten years ago, has gradually developed into a pioneer at home and throughout Asia and Europe. Alongside compadres Huawei Technologies Co. and Xiaomi Corp. The production encapsulates the way Chinese names have started to wave abroad.
“What we’ve seen right now is part of the natural life cycle of these businesses, where they’ve outgrown their current facilities and need new ones to operationally sustain their increasing global scope,” said NBBJ partner Robert Mankin, who is responsible for the Vivo project. “It’s very uncommon for businesses in the U.S. to build their headquarters building, and you still see it in Asia.”
Tencent Growth Plans:
The tech sector boom fits with China’s trillion-dollar initiative to boost the economy and lay the groundwork for networking and data centering for next-generation Internet technology. As far as offices are concerned, Tencent has among its peers the most ambitious growth plans. Dubbed Net City, the latest initiative involves solar panels, automated sensor arrays, flood control mangroves and also a pedestrian-friendly transit system. This will take about seven years to finish.
According to the local government, Tencent currently has 38,000 employees in Shenzhen. Also with headcount projected to more than double in seven years. ByteDance said it plans to create 40,000 new job opportunities this year.  They also leased new offices in Hong Kong and purchased a Beijing shopping plaza to turn it into a workspace. Oppo, the cross-town competitor of Vivo, is also building new HQ in Shenzhen. The building, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, will include a 20-story architectural lobby, an art gallery, restaurants and also shops. The building is scheduled to be completed by 2025.
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Saraan Fareez Mamun Sharla Stolhandske
Vancouver, Canada. Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Paro, Bhutan. Chosen theme: Culture Introduction
History, traditions, ideas, and practices that characterize a civilization form a compelling tapestry called culture. A community's soul reflects its individuality and helps us grasp its essence. On our cultural adventure, we explore Vancouver, Canada; Dhaka, Bangladesh; and Paro, Bhutan. These sites are a microcosm of their areas, with centuries-old customs and lifestyles. Culture, which encompasses human life, is the focus of this task. Shared experiences, ideals, and manifestations form a society's culture. It affects our identities, habits, and feeling of belonging. We want to discover the differences between these three places and the commonalities that unite us by studying their cultures. Vancouver is a model of cultural tolerance on Canada's west coast. This vibrant metropolis blends Coast Salish traditions with global influences. The city's culture reflects its past as a commercial station, Pacific gateway, and cosmopolitan metropolis. From Chinatown and Little Italy to the Punjabi Market, Vancouver's streets are a perfect mix of languages, cuisines, and cultures.
Indigenous art, artifacts, and storytelling are shown at Vancouver's Museum of Anthropology, demonstrating its devotion to Indigenous history. Indigenous performing arts survive thanks to the yearly Coastal First Nations Dance Festival. Diwali, Lunar New Year, and Vaisakhi show the city's tolerance for many cultures. Moving continents, we arrive at Bangladesh's bustling city, Dhaka. With a 1,000-year history, Dhaka proudly displays its culture. Here, old and modern live in dynamic harmony. Ahsan Manzil Palace and Lalbagh Fort symbolize the city's Mughal past, while rickshaw art on the busy streets captures its dynamic creative energy. Bangla, crucial to Bangladesh's liberation, remains central to its culture. Culture
shapes history, as seen by the Shaheed Minar, which commemorates language movement martyrs.
Visitors may immerse themselves in the native lifestyle in the city's "bazaars," a sensory explosion of colors, noises, and smells. We next go to Bhutan's tranquil Paro valleys. Bhutanese culture and spirituality are embodied in this gorgeous town in the Himalayas (Fry & Chun, 2023). Bhutan's exclusive focus on Gross National Happiness rather than GDP shows its commitment to holistic well-being and cultural preservation.
https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bhutan/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x375b92a573c595cf:0x bb0cac652836bcda?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj-
Perched on a cliff, Paro Taktsang, or Tiger's Nest Monastery, is famous. This hallowed location symbolizes Bhutan's spirituality and Buddhist devotion. Bhutan's colorful religious festival Paro Tsechu features traditional dances, rituals, and art, revealing the country's deeply ingrained culture.
Description and discussion of 3 important places
Vancouver, on Canada's Pacific coast, is known for its multiculturalism and cultural variety. The city has a mix of people, languages, and customs. Vancouver is multicultural because people from throughout the world live there. This cultural blend makes Vancouver
cosmopolitan in its neighborhoods, food, festivals, and everyday life. Vancouver has many diverse cultural places and activities. Chinatown is one of North America's oldest and most significant. Its bustling marketplaces, historic buildings, and genuine restaurants immerse visitors in Chinese culture. Vancouver's English Bay hosts the annual Celebration of Light, an international fireworks competition that attracts thousands. The event's pyrotechnics synced to music symbolize numerous nations and cultures and demonstrate Vancouver's dedication to cultural exchange.
Bangladesh's capital, Dhaka, is rich in history and culture. The city has been crucial to many emperors and kingdoms from ancient times.
https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bangladesh/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x30adaaed80e18ba 7:0xf2d28e0c4e1fc6b?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQ2__00s6AAxV_V6QEHd6gD3EQ8gF6BAgtEAA
Dhaka's architecture, culture, and lifestyle reflect its history. The magnificent Lalbagh Fort captures Dhaka's heritage. Built-in the 17th century during the Mughal Empire, the fort's complex architecture and rich gardens reveal the city's cultural history. Pohela Boishakh, the Bengali New Year, is a boisterous April event. Dhaka's unique culture is celebrated with colorful parades, traditional music, and sumptuous feasts at the opening of the Bengali year.
Paro reflects Bhutan's cultural preservation and Gross National Happiness (GNH) focus. Bhutan's architecture, dress, and lifestyle reflect its cultural uniqueness. Bhutanese society is
shaped by GNH, a development concept that values well-being above money. The annual Paro Tshechu religious festival is a major cultural event in Bhutan. It draws residents and visitors with colorful mask dances, ceremonies, and shows. The event connects individuals to their spiritual origins via religion and culture. Bhutanese Gross National Happiness promotes sustainable development, environmental protection, and citizen well-being. Vancouver, Dhaka, and Paro provide different perspectives on culture and tradition. Vancouver's multiculturalism and cultural events show its variety, Dhaka's monuments and customs show its history, and Paro's dedication to cultural preservation and happiness exemplifies Bhutan's development model. These locations demonstrate the depth and variety of culture, making them significant destinations for tourists exploring human civilization.
Impact on the chosen places
Culture is the dynamic web of human experiences, connections, and endeavors that define a place. This essay examines cultural influences in Vancouver, Dhaka, and Paro, Bhutan. Each city has a unique story of how individuals like me developed its rich culture. Vancouver's unique culture is shaped via personal connections. Residents engage, creating a cosmopolitan metropolis of cultures, languages, and ideas. As a Vancouver cultural activist, I've observed how personal experiences influence the city. Interacting with varied people has helped me appreciate Vancouver's diversity.
Vancouver is lucky to have cultural events. I've hosted ethnic celebrations to celebrate community traditions. Several groups present music, dance, and cuisine at the Vancouver Cultural Fusion Festival. These programs foster intercultural understanding and tolerance. Vancouver has altered culture by encouraging inclusiveness and dialogue. Diversity has shattered stereotypes and crossed obstacles. Sharing stories and cultures in Vancouver has promoted
diversity and respect (Curran & Dolkarb, 2022). Dhaka, Bangladesh's capital, is historical and cultural. Exploring its culture has enhanced my connection to the city and its people. Visiting Old Dhaka markets and chatting with local crafters taught me about the city's culture. Cultural experiences in Dhaka transformed me. Local artists and crafters helped me save ceramics and weaving. These projects preserve culture and enhance the local economy.
Through cultural exchange and preservation, my Dhaka experiences have molded its culture. By supporting local artists and customs, I have preserved Dhaka's past while embracing modernization. Bhutan's magnificent scenery makes Paro a unique cultural experience. Bhutanese culture shaped my values. Gross National Happiness and human-nature harmony define my perspective. Cultural exchange and collaboration in Paro have broadened my worldwide view. My culture and local celebrations have promoted cross-cultural dialogue and learning, strengthening the links to the Bhutan world. I recognize my Paro interactions and experiences are cultural. The links, stories, and love for Bhutanese traditions foster cross-cultural understanding. Personal experiences and interactions may transform city cultures in a connected world. Cultural engagement and variety power Vancouver, Dhaka, and Paro. These cities flourish as global cultural hubs where personal stories, collaborative projects, and open-minded connections combine with collective narratives.
The Story in The Context of Geography Concepts
Space, location, and region help us comprehend how physical surroundings affect human activities and civilizations. Explore how Vancouver, Canada, Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Paro, Bhutan exemplifies these concepts: Vancouver exemplifies urban space. This enormous metropolis sits between the Pacific Ocean and the Coast Mountain Range. The physical layout and infrastructure influence urban space, affecting people's movement and interaction. The
various Vancouver neighborhoods of Chinatown, Little Italy, and Punjabi Market each contribute to the cultural environment. The place is shown in how Gastown and Yaletown have separate identities owing to their history or urban development. Vancouver's skyscrapers, parks, international cuisine, and festivals give residents and tourists a feeling of place.
Vancouver is part of North America's Pacific Northwest. Stanley Park's rainforests, seashore beaches, and mountains give the city its regional character. Additionally, its closeness to the US border has led to economic and cultural relations with adjacent American communities. Dhaka, one of the world's densest cities, exemplifies urban congestion. The Buriganga River restricts the city's size. Rapid urbanization and population increase have caused vertical and horizontal expansion through high-rise structures and adjacent regions. Dhaka's neighborhoods, such as Old Dhaka, with its antique buildings and bustling marketplaces, reflect the place. Each neighborhood has cultural and social value, shaping the metropolis. The tiny alleys, busy bazaars, and traditional buildings depict Dhaka's past and present. Dhaka's regional prominence comes from being Bangladesh's capital and economic center. A hub of government, business, and culture, it links the nation.
Paro is a unique cultural zone owing to its individuality and preservation of traditional traditions. Bhutan's Gross National Happiness program emphasizes cultural and environmental integrity. Paro's Himalayan scenery defines its culture and how people connect with it. The regard for Paro's cultural icons, including the clifftop Paro Taktsang (Tiger's Nest) monastery, shows the location. These spiritual and historical sites make the area unique. Bhutan's focus on cultural distinctiveness has led to intentional seclusion from other influences, changing the region's meaning. Bhutan's regional identity as a symbol of cultural preservation and sustainable
development in a rapidly changing world is strengthened by Paro. Migration and demographic trends shape Vancouver, Dhaka, and Paro's cultures:
Vancouver: Migration shaped the city's diverse culture. Asian, European, and other immigrants have enriched Vancouver's culture with their customs and languages. Chinatown and Punjabi Market honor Chinese and Punjabi contributions. This multiculturalism has contributed to gastronomic fusion, heritage festivals, and a multicultural mindset. Dhaka: Bangladesh's metropolis has seen rural migrants seeking economic possibilities. This inflow has shaped the city's diverse terrain with rural and urban cultures. Traditional and urban lives influence architecture, gastronomy, and social standards. This influx has caused informal settlements and infrastructural pressures.
https://www.google.com/maps/place/Dhaka,+Bangladesh/@23.7808405,90.419689,12z/d ata=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x3755b8b087026b81:0x8fa563bbdd5904c2!8m2!3d23.804093!4d9
Paro: Bhutan's isolationist policy has preserved its culture by limiting migration. However, economic forces are driving rural-to-urban migration. Paro's culture is changing as more Bhutanese youngsters leave agriculture.
https://www.google.com/maps/place/Paro,+Bhutan/@27.3996499,89.437251,13z/data=! 3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x39e19de85a6c39b7:0x1fa780f5a070190!8m2!3d27.428684!4d89.41636
Maintaining cultural roots while accepting economic progress is difficult. Vancouver, Dhaka, and Paro demonstrate how geography and culture are linked. These localities accept their surroundings, form different identities, and contribute to regional contexts. Population dynamics and migration influence their cultures, stressing the relationship between human mobility and cultural change.
The personal impact of selected locales
Vancouver, on Canada's west coast, thrives on its ethnic variety.
https://www.google.com/maps/place/Canada/@56,- 96,3z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x4b0d03d337cc6ad9:0x9968b72aa2438fa5!8m2!3d56.1303
My worldview and admiration for diverse cultures have been shaped by the mosaic tapestry spun by ethnic populations. I encountered a variety of languages, cuisines, cultures, and worldviews on Vancouver's busy streets. This encounter opened my eyes to new viewpoints that enhanced my life. Vancouver's many cultures allowed me to meet individuals from different backgrounds. Conversations with other people showed me the richness of different beliefs, practices, and traditions. The lively Chinatown, Little Italy, and Punjabi Market revealed others' lifestyles. These experiences taught me to appreciate diversity and realize that humanity is more important than culture (Roman, 2018).
My Vancouver experiences helped me grow personally. Exposure to diverse cultures forced me to face my preconceptions. This self-examination challenged my preconceptions, encouraging empathy and humility. The city's focus on inclusivity and tolerance allowed me to express myself without criticism. Through this, I learned the value of constant learning and flexibility for personal progress. Vancouver allowed individuals from many countries to bond. These interactions shaped my identity. Sharing tales, meals, and experiences with people from quite diverse backgrounds broadened my worldview. These interactions reminded us that our narratives are intertwined and that our links form us.
Dhaka, Bangladesh, is a vibrant cultural hub that has shaped my identity and belonging. From its bustling marketplaces to its ancient landmarks, Dhaka is full of history and tradition, revealing an intriguing and transformational world. Exploring Dhaka's culture was like travelling across time. The city's history is remembered through Ahsan Manzil and Shaheed Minar. Immersing myself in traditional music, art, and food gave me a feeling of belonging to a place that, despite its differences, shared my beliefs and experiences. The friendliness and hospitality of Dhaka residents strengthened this relationship.
I experienced significant realizations while walking through Dhaka's busy streets. The city's resiliency, the contrast of technology and history, and people's steadfast spirit taught me to accept change while respecting the past. I learned that unity and variety are strong during religious holidays, which changed my view of societal cohesiveness. I learned to appreciate simplicity and personal connection in Dhaka. I learned the significance of human contact in dynamic marketplaces, where merchants welcome customers warmly. My appreciation for education and spirituality shaped my view of lifelong learning and reflection. Dhaka's tenacity and the people's commitment to retain their tradition despite modernization reminded me of the value of roots.
Paro, amid Bhutan's beautiful countryside, prioritizes happiness and spiritual well-being. Paro changed my life, helping me develop and connect with this magical nation's culture. Bhutan's Gross National Happiness (GNH) ideology challenged my achievement standards. I like the focus on overall well-being, community, and environmental care. The peaceful monasteries and prayer flags in the air made me rethink my contentment. I discovered myself in Paro's tranquillity. I discovered peace in reflection away from contemporary distractions. My program included mindfulness and meditation from Bhutan, which helped me gain self- awareness and purpose.
Bhutanese culture has shaped my health. The happiness, mindfulness, and environmental connection I learned in Paro have shaped my life. The feeling of connectivity with myself and the world has changed my priorities, creating a more balanced and satisfying existence. Vancouver's cultural richness, Dhaka's rich legacy, and Paro's focus on well-being have shaped my worldview. These three destinations have helped me develop, extend my viewpoint, and find
my identity. Learning and connecting in these varied places continue to influence my self- discovery and personal satisfaction.
Interconnectivity of the places and experiences
Cultural tapestries are constantly changing due to numerous influences. Exploring the connections between Vancouver, Dhaka, and Paro reveals surprising linkages. Personal experiences in each area have illuminated the cultural and global factors that define our environment. These encounters have made me realize cultural connections and their tremendous influence on my thoughts. Multiculturalism is evident in Vancouver, a booming coastal city in Canada. Its diversified population matches the city's thriving food scene, which offers international cuisine. Dhaka, Bangladesh's capital, has a diverse cuisine that reflects its past as a cultural hub. On the Bhutanese Himalayas, Paro has a unique cultural identity founded on Buddhist traditions and stunning scenery.
Despite their distances, all three locations have mixed cultures. Global influences assisted by technology are partly to blame. Social media and easy travel have facilitated the cross-border interchange of ideas, art, and customs. Vancouver's Chinatown, for instance, blends Chinese and Western cultures, echoing Dhaka's Silk Road commercial history. Traditional Bhutanese architecture and contemporary influences in Paro demonstrate the worldwide tapestry of civilizations. I've been lucky to live in Vancouver, Dhaka, and Paro and experience their unique cultures. Each location has molded my viewpoint. Vancouver exposed me to a "cultural mosaic," where variety is valued and adds to the city's vibrancy. This attitude shaped my visits to Dhaka, where diversity was celebrated despite problems. The busy streets of Dhaka's Old Town and Vancouver's Gastown reflect their metropolitan vibrancy.
My stay in Paro was different yet complementary. Bhutan's serenity and strong spiritual undercurrents reminded me of mindfulness, which I learned at Vancouver's yoga facilities. This contrast helped me realize how common ideals vary by culture. The Bhutanese devotion to the environment and Vancouver's dedication to sustainability made me realize the need for connectedness in Paro. Reflecting on these interrelated cultural experiences shows that common ideals, historical linkages, and cross-cultural exchanges weave our global civilization. Vancouver, Dhaka, and Paro show that civilizations are nodes in a vast network of human experience. The popularity of yoga studios in Vancouver and Dhaka and the enthusiasm for local handicrafts in Paro and Vancouver's artisan markets show these linkages.
This connection has drawbacks. The fast spread of global influences might eclipse local customs. It's important to remember that civilizations change. Global and local influences produce dynamic cultural manifestations that reflect our changing reality. Dhaka's rich art scene, influenced by global trends yet grounded in local storytelling, exemplifies this delicate balance. Vancouver, Dhaka, and Paro represent global culture (Quainton, 2022). The features and global influences that link these sites demonstrate the power of human contact, communication, and invention. My experiences in each area have deepened my knowledge of this interconnectivity, proving that cultural exchange is two-way. As I travel, I am reminded that each connection adds to the mosaic of cultures, creating greater understanding and a more integrated human experience.
In Vancouver, Canada; Dhaka, Bangladesh; and Paro, Bhutan, we explored the unique fabric of culture and geography, learning how they impact human experiences and worldviews. The investigation has shown how interconnected we are as a varied global society, encouraging
everyday experiences and opinions across borders. Vancouver, known for its diversity and natural beauty, was our starting point. We found a happy cohabitation of many cultures that strengthen the city's personality. The mix of cultures and religions has created a thriving cultural landscape with festivals, foods, and art from across the globe. We next went to Dhaka, a city that embodies Bangladesh's history and perseverance. We saw old customs and new goals blend in the rush and bustle, capturing the nation's history to the present. Finally, we enjoyed Bhutan's Gross National Happiness ideology at Paro. Preserving Bhutanese customs in stunning settings showed how the environment affects culture. We learned that culture and geography shape individual experiences and views throughout our journey. Exposure to many cultures in Vancouver fosters tolerance and understanding. Dhaka's dynamic interplay between tradition and modernity forces citizens to question their identity in a changing world. Paro's natural scenery and spiritual focus have fostered a contented and harmonious lifestyle. Culture and geography blend to foster personal development and a better understanding of the world. As we finish our trip, interconnectedness emerges. Vancouver, Dhaka, and Paro are separated by distance, but their human experience is not. Culture and location show how intertwined our world is. Each city's distinctiveness weaves human civilization. Vancouver's multiculturalism festival shows how people from different countries can coexist. Dhaka's lively mix of old and new shows the worldwide battle to retain cultural identity despite modernization. Pero's emphasis on spiritual well-being reminds us that all humans seek meaning and satisfaction, whatever of culture.
Culture and location are more than labels or geographic markers; they offer life flavor, color, and significance. They give us a feeling of identity and belonging, helping us connect with people and the world. The vast human experience is shown by Vancouver, Dhaka, and Paro's diverse cultures. These expressions reveal people's values, history, and goals. As we stand at the
intersection of these three locations, we see the necessity of honoring cultural variety. An aesthetically and emotionally fascinating tapestry is created by sharing ideas, customs, and experiences. As the globe grows more linked, we must value our humanity. Understanding and valuing the cultures and locations influencing people worldwide strengthens our relationships as a varied but cohesive global society. The trip to Vancouver, Dhaka, and Paro reaffirmed that our shared story transcends our tales. Culture and place celebrate the kaleidoscope of humankind. These cities teach us to be open, adaptive, and polite and discover beauty in our world's variety. Each culture is a thread that weaves our ordinary existence.
References Currana, D., & Dolkarb, T. (2022). Legal pluralism and environmental governance: the regulatory
design potential of Bhutan's gross national happiness and Canada's reconciliation
approaches. Fry, G. W., & Chun, H. (2023). Happiness Education. Happiness Education: Holistic Learning for
Sustainable Well-Being. Quainton, A. C. (2022). Eye on the World: A Life in International Service. U of Nebraska Press. Roman, M. (2018). The Internationalization of Teacher Education Faculty in Two Global Cities: A
Case Study of Two Universities in New York and Hong Kong. Seton Hall University.
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goldiers1 · 2 years
Singapore's Billion-Dollar Playground: Resorts World Sentosa
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  Welcome to Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore's premier integrated resort and billion-dollar playground. Situated on Sentosa Island, this resort is a world-class destination that combines luxurious accommodation, world-renowned attractions, and exciting entertainment options. With its beautiful beaches, stunning gardens, and endless activities, Resorts World Sentosa is the perfect destination for families, couples and solo travellers. In this blog post, we will take you on a journey through Resorts World Sentosa and explore the many attractions and experiences that make it a must-visit destination in Singapore. Resorts World Sentosa has something for all types of visitor, from the Universal Studios theme park to the S.E.A. Aquarium to the luxurious hotels and spas. So discover the magic of Resorts World Sentosa and experience the ultimate luxury, entertainment, and adventure.  
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Gateway to Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore. Photo By William Cho. Flickr.  
Singapore's Billion-Dollar Playground.
Located on Sentosa Island, this destination provides endless entertainment with attractions ranging from Universal Studios Singapore to the world's largest oceanarium and unique hotels. This integrated resort is one of the most visited destinations in Singapore; it welcomed around 17 million visitors in 2019. It features six unique hotels with various dining options that cater to all tastes, including celebrity chef restaurants and casual eateries.   
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Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore. Photo By William Cho. Flickr.  
Location & Accommodation.
Resorts World Sentosa (R.W.S.) is a world-class integrated resort located in the heart of Singapore. It offers guests a unique experience with its luxurious accommodation, world-renowned attractions, and various dining options. R.W.S. meets the needs of both leisure and business travelers alike. R.W.S. offers five hotels, each with a distinct personality: Hotel Michael, Equarius Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel Singapore, Ocean Suites, and Crockfords Tower. Guests can also take advantage of the resort's extensive recreational facilities ranging from water parks to spas, that cater to all ages.  
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Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore. Photo By cattan2011. Flickr.  
Attractions & Entertainment.
Singapore's Resorts World Sentosa has plenty of popular attractions, including Adventure Cove Waterpark and Universal Studios Singapore. The Adventure Cove Waterpark has 12 thrilling waterslides and a 1.8-kilometer-long lazy river for guests to relax. Universal Studios Singapore offers movie-themed rides, shows, and attractions, with seven themed zones from Hollywood to Ancient Egypt.  Resorts World Sentosa also houses two world-class casinos; the Casino at Marina Bay Sands and the Casino at Sentosa. Both offer various games, such as slot machines, table games, and private gaming rooms for high rollers.  
Dining & Shopping.
R.W.S. Singapore, is a world-class integrated resort and home to some of the region's premier dining and shopping experiences. Situated on Sentosa Island, R.W.S. offers endless choices when it comes to indulging in unique culinary adventures.  To satisfy any palate, guests can choose from over 100 restaurants and bars, ranging from hawker fare to fine dining establishments such as Syun Japanese Restaurant or the award-winning Osia Steak & Seafood Grill. For those who prefer something more casual, there are also quick-serve eateries that provide delicious local delights.  
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Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore. Photo By Choo Yut Shing. Flickr.  
Festivities & Events.
Singapore's Resorts World Sentosa offers a range of festivities and events throughout the year. Guests can look forward to an exciting calendar filled with seasonal celebrations, cultural performances, and special activities held at various attractions around the resort.  For Chinese New Year, visitors can explore the festive bazaars located within Universal Studios Singapore and S.E.A. Aquarium to purchase traditional treats and souvenirs while enjoying lively lion dances and live entertainment. During Easter, adults and kids alike can participate in egg hunts organized by Adventure Cove Waterpark while they make their way through puzzles and mazes. In addition, every weekend from December to February, Christmas-themed carnivals will be held with beautiful light displays at The Forum under R.W.S.'s annual light-up event.  
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Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore. Photo By rajan singh. Flickr.  
Singapore's Resorts World Sentosa is a fantastic destination for travelers and tourists. Guests can look forward to world-class entertainment, unique attractions, and delicious dining options that will make their trip unforgettable. Resorts World Sentosa is situated on Singapore's Sentosa island, making it an excellent location for visitors who want to explore the city and enjoy a more laid-back atmosphere. The resort offers a variety of activities, from theme parks and waterparks to shopping malls, spas, and casinos. Unique attractions include Universal Studios Singapore™ and Adventure Cove Waterpark™, where guests can experience thrilling rides and aquatic adventures. For those looking for quality cuisine or nightlife entertainment, Resorts World Sentosa has a great mix, with restaurants serving up international cuisines and bars offering live music performances in the evenings.   Sources: THX News & Wikipedia. Read the full article
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Willowbrook Shopping Centre Redevelopment, British Columbia
 The final phase of QuadReal Property Group's redevelopment of the Willowbrook Shopping Center in Canada's Langley Township has been completed.
The final phase of QuadReal Property Group's redevelopment of the Willowbrook Shopping Center in Canada's Langley Township has been completed. Beginning in 2016, the redevelopment was completed in June 2020.
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The shopping center, which was built in 1979, sees more than 6.9 million people every year. The mall now features new shops for fashion, home goods, entertainment, and food thanks to the redevelopment.
The enclosed shopping center is a popular Fraser Valley destination for retail therapy.
Location of the Willowbrook Shopping Center The shopping center is in Langley, British Columbia, on the Fraser Highway. It is approximately 45 minutes southeast of Vancouver.
Highways and main roads lead to the mall, which is at the junction of the Township of Langley and the City of Langley.
Details about the redevelopment of the Willowbrook Shopping Center The shopping center has more than 150 stores and more than 2.5 million square feet of retail space. More space has been added as part of the redevelopment to accommodate over 200 restaurants, service businesses, and retailers.
The opening of a new Toys'R' Us and Sport Chek in the former Target location was part of the first phase of the redevelopment. In the fourth quarter of 2021, the T&T Supermarket will take over the 40,000 square feet of the former Toys R Us space at the north end. The Chinese barbecue, Asian deli, sushi, and in-house bakery will be part of the Canadian supermarket chain.
The off-price department store Nordstrom Rack opened in the shopping center as part of the redevelopment. It covers an area of 30,000 square feet. Steve's Poké Bar, Fatburger, Murchies Tea & Coffee, Tim Hortons, and Starbucks are also located in the shopping center.
The mall has a number of shops and services, including Jack & Jones, Aldo, Michael Hill, Bath & Body Works, Foot Locker, H&M, Pandora, SoftMoc, The Children's Place, American Eagle Outfitters, The Body Shop, and Sephora. Other shops and services include Sephora. The Pop-In, which opened in October 2018, is home to a number of local businesses, including Nettle's Tale, HelloFresh, Buddha-Full Provisions, Vancouver Fashion Truck, State of Grace, and Style Vancouver.
Hudson's Bay department store and Winners discount store are also located in the shopping center. TacoTime, Subway, Manchu Wok, Crêpe Delicious, Freshslice Pizza, and KFC are among the dining options available to visitors.
Construction The shopping center's exterior construction work included structural changes to the current entrances to make room for a new glass box structure. In addition, the contractor improved the exterior facade and added a wood slat ceiling feature to the interior. There were two phases to the mall renovation project.
Phase one of the redevelopment included the relocation of Toys "R" Us, as well as the renovation of the mall's interior and food court and the creation of four new tenant spaces by repurposing the former Sears premises.
The development of two brand-new mall entrances was part of the second phase. Both phases of the redevelopment project saw the construction and renovation work carried out by the Canadian company Graham.
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starfishhua · 2 years
Chatting deeply this time. Talk about serious in person or text. He said he is trying hard to be less serious and more smiles. He said he will smile for me :) He said he does not trust people easily in order not to get hurt or upset. I told him that I was a little angry that he did not make sure time with me last time and he will make up for me😆
We went to paint nite. I was really expecting this but I felt upset because I did not understand the jokes in the paint nite which made me feel there is a gap between he and I. I tried to talk with him more but no becaue of language barrier... In addition, my Eiffel Tower looked like rocket...😞 I also felt bad that I refused to his suggestion that we trade the paintings of each other's.
He invited me to John Legend's concert on 5/27. He also created a song lists for me.
I told him that I had a blue Monday and he sang a song for me. I did not expect that he would sing "你好不好". It was very touchy and I felt happy with his romantic voice. He said he will sing for me all the time!! We chatted deeply again. He asked me about my deepest fear. He does not get angry easily but upset. We told about my feeling in paint nite and he used the study of bilingual people will change personality in different language which really explains the things I feel these years.
On going chatting. We talk about go running, hiking, cooking, watching movies together... We set up the movie marathon. I sent him a first heart icon but in yellow 💛 on 4/20/17. Then I got ❣️ back again.
He had not texted me for a while... I was still wondering if we will have a dinner the other day. Then I texted him but not got his message for a while. I felt bad that I think at least you have to tell me not meeting tomorrow. Hence, when he replied to me, I just told him that I would not go because of sickness. Happy Fool Day! It was his first time calling me dear in the message. I did not feel too much because I was a little bit not happy about not telling me the plan tomorrow. He was having a big birthday day party so was so busy with hosting that day...
We went to Chinese restaurant. I prepared a cake for him and he was happy that that was his first birthday cake, lol. I started feeling good with him. I asked him to sing to me many times so he eventually sang one in the parking lot which is little happiness 小幸運. He was cute that he sang into it and was luder and louder. He still cared about if others noticing him. We had a American friendship hug from the front (first time). It was cute that he opened both of his arms to ask for hug, lol. I always felt bervous when we finished meeting. Not sure what to do, lol. I actually noticed that he changed his profile picture on his facebook to the picture I took for him. :)
He invited me for bay to breaker. He even said he could run with me for terrain(5/20/17) and bay to breaker(5/21/17). I kinda like he is trying hard to join my life. I also told him that we can jem together once I practice my piano hard.
I showed him that I did eggs dyeing with my students. He showed me that he bought goldfish and the tank. He invited me to paint nite. I was so happy about that because I am looking for someone to accompany with me for that. I like he used "us" when he said he would do one for us.
On going chatting. He went to Tahoe and improved of his skill on snowboarding. He booked one paint nite for us. He was providing very professional suggestions of my allergies, rash on my face. He called me a dear again and told me that it means sweet person or important person. I was saying thank you for thinking that I am a sweet person. Although I hope he thinks I am an important person, I think girls might need to bit a little passive, lol. When I was boarding and heading to San Jose. I called him a dear too. I said he is a dear too and not just a sweet person though 🙃. When I arrived, he sent thank you and ❣️to me. It is the first heart icon I got from him.
Went to Seattle. He did not text me for whole day even I came back from Seattle 😭😭. Although he said that he had whole day meeting with friends, I still felt upset about that.
Let him know that I felt upset when he did not text back! Thank you, Hopkins, he texted me back frequently and said he will fight my ghost and let me now worry about it. He shared his blog with me. He said he is seldom truely happy! I want to make hime happy!!!
His definition of true love: a little bit of sincerity a little bit of fate and a little bit of magic. Continuing chatting and set up our looong day! He recored the whole song of 你好不好 to me but I like previous one better. He felt his gf dumped him. Poor guy... I told him about angel rule, trust, people do not hurt others intentionally but because of love,,, He said I am awesome >///<
Continuing chatting... He asked about a trip in memorial holidays. We decided to go to Chicago.
We went out whole day, hiking, ramen, Logan, going away party for Geoffrey. And, we bought our Chicago tockets!!! He wiped my car windows and inside for me, gave me three specal towels. I leaned on him in the end of the movie and karaoke time. I like he placed his hand on my head and leaned back his head. He was a little jealous with Geoffrey and tried to reset his role and had great chatting with my friends. Thank you for using Mandarin that much. It is touchy when he said that he learned Mandarin and slept late in order to chat with me💛. Like he put his hand on my shoulder when we walked back to the his car.
We said we are exclusive dating 💛❣️
Bf/gf: understanding others need. Being more as a single couple rather than 2 persons
I was struggling in first speech topic. He said he would drive down and support me! Make me know what topic I want- 幸福!Thank you for letting me rehearse my welfare and happines life! Sent him a music 幸福就是
Hopkins came to support my speech in toastmasters! When we had a dinner together, he said that he made a list for us to do in the following time. He said he will give me a tiny cake with a huge fork and a huge pink balloon with a tiny string which I can only pinch it!! I sang A-Lin p.s.我愛你 to him.💛 He gave me my glases that he fixed whole night and this morning for me❣️He is cute when I said I will find others to go with me to the club and then he decides to come with me then ;)
We talked deeply about relationship and exclusive boundaries. I felt a little upset because it made me feel like he wanted the relationship is based on marriage... I do not know I can think about marriage now... He is a very nice person who makes me think a lot about good things that ex treated me. Thanks god to give me another chance to catch this man and thanks ex to make me become a person Hopkins likes.
We walked around San Mateo (first time to be there). We hanged out in Draeger first. He put his hand on my shoulder first and then held my arm and then we held hands. I was very nervous but happy 😊. We walked around and then we went to Philz cafe. Mint coffee is good better than the ginger one he likes, lol. We sat together and planned out Chicago trip. Enjoy he hugged me and time we spent together. We chatted a lot in his car. He smelled my hair at first which made me nervous because it was smelly😞😞. Then I smelled his neck back... then oops, that was very close, I felt his face was very close to me. We turned a little bit to each other. His lip touched the corner of my mouth and then we kissed🙈🙈🙊🙊. We chatted about our ex. I thanked for them so we met each other in the right time so luckily!! We found out we started being interested in each other in 4th time we met- his birthday dinner. He felt I am a thoughtful person who brought him a cake. I like he sang to me. He said he really likes me and felt I am very attractive when I told him about others love. He thanked for me to wait him for being slow and I thanked for him to try to understand me even if language barriers! Like you although it seems like we are still in exclusive dating!! 💛❣️
5/7/17 we went running trianing in central park, Fremont. He tried hard to keep up my speed. We had lunch with Emily and Johnny. Thank you him for accompanying with my friends and getting along well with them. Poor baby got super allergic of pollens. We planed our Chicago trip at my place. Let my dear sleep to reduce allergies and we did 色色的事。First time kissing my top>///< 
5/12/17 san jose downtown with my dear... He made a pasta risotto for me but his co-worker mistook and had it 😭.  Wechatted a lot and talked about my life in usa and I almost cried. We did something 色色的in parking lot (touch her >///<)
5/13/17 I brought flowers to mama Poon because of coming up Mother's Day. It was my first time meeting Hopkins' parents. She is cute. He brought me to look around his past schools including elementary and middle schools. He said I am a delinquent, lol. He shared with me his past!! We went to buy coffee ate the store he used to study. We had our dinner and I really liked 蛤蜊義大利麵. We did 色色的when we came back... we both did first time os >///<. My first time overnight and he came out with me for buying my contacts.
5/18/2017 I made a lunch box to my dear. He made a soup to me. I was too uncomfortable so we went to the porridge. 
5/19-20/2017 We went to SF to pick up racing stuff. His first time in pier 39. We walked around and and had dinner at apple bee. I was very happy that I heard he gave poor people food and borrowed them money! He kidnapped me. It was funny and cute that his condoms were all expired and he even did not use one of them. He went out and had one. First sex and he did not …hmm, lol
5/21/2017 We went to bay to breaker. I was happy to run with him. But I hope I could get more private time with him... really like him.
5/26-29/2017 We had a trip in Chicago. We had an airport emergency, lol. I forgot to bring my ID before we headed to SF airport. We went to wrong airport because of my fault when we came back from Chicago. We shared our past. I told him about my fault and then he became scary analytical mode... Eventually he still said he would do all in and asked me to be his gf and gave me a necklace. 5/29 or memorial day is our anniversary. 
06/02-04/2017 cooking for dear's family. First time cooking together. Meet his sister and brother in law. BBQ trip in Monterey with friends and aquarium 
06/06/2017 slept with dear but we both needed to work the other day🙄. Super tired but sweet. Love my dear sang for me to wake me up色色的小海星
06/09/2017 我讓寶貝生氣很多沒禮貌的driver.寶貝一直抽氣
06/10/2017 我讓寶貝不高興因為無辜司機。寶貝被我逼到不只yell還一直打自己巴掌嗚嗚,其實那天看著你的紅眼睛我好想哭⋯⋯寶貝我好想保護你
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