#chio aburame
onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
Reina Aburame: General info
Wordd count : 1809 Bio only 1662
So, I have been lately feeling down when it comes to my writing and what comes out of it. I feel that everything that I have written so far regarding my OCs and the story seems low quality. I have tried to solve this by rumbling and trying to create headcannons and a better structure to what I do. The solution that I have foound is this, a little bit of Reina. I need to keep writing progressing. But, I do see this platform as my vent place where I post this nonsense that I call fic.
Hope that this brings a little bit of light into who Reina is and his going to be. I will write that with all my OCs, just to bring some context, or trying to, into my fic since I have got the feeling that I am doing a huge mess.
Reina Aburame
Age: (Promises) 18 (Untold) 21
Height: 1,60cm
Weight: (Promises) below 50 (Untold) 75 kg.
Sexual orientation: ¿?
Gender: ¿?
Bio and relationships: She seems quite shy, however that is the effect of the Yamanaka seal upon her for so many years. Once she was freed from the “Outburst seal” from the Yamanaka’s her real self could appeared and be as chatty and lovely as she wished for. That seal sent strong electric shock to her spine every time that she had an outburst of emotion, regardless fi the emotion was considered positive or negative. She does introduce herself as female, but she does not care which pronouns people use with her. Her sibling has tried to explain to her if she feels non-binary like them, she just shrugs and says “I just want to let the worries of living another day faint. I am just comfortable being myself, if you think that makes me non-binary then I am non-binary. If you think it does not, then I am not”. She has never questioned her gender identity. She is really carefree about her sexuality and gender.
More things about her. As an Aburame, she does have a hive, however, when she was infused with the seals the hive started to fade and disappear. Up to the point that during the events in Promises, she had a hive that was less than 100 insects. When she had her hive back, she started to blend her Aburame and Uzumaki side in terms of her jutsus. She achieved that some of her bugs, after a rigorous training and breeding, are a little bit bigger than the average kikaichu, just 2 mm bigger, and they have the possibility to store in them jutsus and seal such as the Uzumaki’s. It requires big quantities of chackra and the sacrifice of some insects form her hive. She sends her insects in special formations that represent the seal, consequently, she can make long distance seals without been caught in the middle of the battle. Those kikaichu that are bigger, can resist the release of the seal better than others. Therefore, those are saved for big seals or special jutsus.
As an Aburame, the first time that she saw Shino she was really weak, and her hive did not vibrate with his as his did. He thought that it was a bad sign, meaning that his hive and he had found someone with whom he could resonate and being loved, but her hive did not consider his hive worthy. The truth was that she was so feeble that her hive was trying to take care of her before even trying to seek for a partner. In my canon, Aburame’s resonate when they find a mate that they and their hives see as prosperous for them. There are little records of cases in which this resonance has not work, (Reina’s grandfather is one of those, and his great-grandfather never resonate), or that it rumbles again as well as doing it with two mates simultaneously. Once her hive was care for and better, she did rumble for him. Although, at the beginning she could not control the volume nor the buzzing of her insect because she had to re-learnt everything that she did when she had a proper hive. She felt so ashamed and wanted to distance herself form Shino, afraid of shame him. He worked with her in her training and support her greatly. He finds it adorable the way that her hive buzzed. She still does, because sometimes she cannot hold her hive still. What he loves about her is when she gets so nervous that a few insects start to tickle her cheeks or in her chin, making it look as she has multiple dimples.
She works in Muta’s family book-café. Although her brothers, Danuja Uchiha and Goro Hyuga, want her to keep pursuing the shinobi career as they do. They do not want her three members squad to be dismantle or her to be change for somebody that they do not know. They are older than she and quite bossy, especially Danuja. They enjoy their team, and they do make a good team and want to keep it like this. However, Reina has seen in Konoha a place where she can finally rest after been the seed for a whole village for 10 years. As a seed, the village ground took her chakra to not just keep the barrier on but also to produce every type of food in the village. At the beginning her ancestors had it a little bit easier, but the Komado family found how to abuse of this, and the village grew without control, mostly because of how they welcomed rogue ninjas. That was something that the noble clans were against it, but due to the “Incident” they did not have form to express their thoughts. They were regard as “things” that protected the village and that was their only purpose, make the village safe AND happy.
She also has three more siblings, two of them have already appear in “Untold”. Chikako Akimichi is a trans-woman, she has two years more than Reina, they are the closest and they have always been like that. They love each other unconditionally, as a matter-of-fact Chikako renamed herself like that out of Reina’s lovely mumbling when she was a baby. She always knew who she was, but the circumstances led her to hide her identity from the villagers but not from her family. Her dead name is Chikao, she liked because it was given by her mother who she admires deeply. However, tiny Reina could not avoid put a “k” at the end. She ended out loving it and feels that represents herself completely. As a sister and daughter. She loves her name and treasures it, her nickname is Kazu.
Something similar happened to her brother Genkei Yamanaka. He is a trans-man, he was the worst at hidden who he really was to the villagers. Because of that he was the most resentful towards the villagers and hates them the most. He would not flinch if he saw the whole houses burn and Kagenogure erased from existence. He is a very creative mind and was the one that put the band together. In an alternative AU they will have a Industrial Metal band, however right now I do not know how to fit those strong sounds into the Narutoverse, but I want to be a Heavy Metal Band too. He is the singers of it, and after he has started to treat his transition correctly in Konoha he has fall even more in love with his harsh and deep voice.
Finally, “Mother duck”, Shiori Nara. They are the eldest sibling out of the six of them, they have 6 years more than Reina. They identify as non-binary and only lets his parents and sister call them by “she”. They actually, their siblings, do so when they have to congregate “the sisterhood”. Mostly, to talk about things that the other three do not care about or are rude, also they do that when they have gossips. They are calm, collected and a little bit overprotective over all their siblings. They got the feeling off been a “parent-like-figure” to them, and sometimes they behave as such.
Reina’s direct blood family consist in her father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Takeo Aburame is her father, he deeply loves her and will willingly give whatever it may be to make her child happy and protect her. Proof of this is missing right arm, given so he could stay with his daughter until she bleeds. When that time happened Shiori came with a brilliant idea that let him have her until the rescue team arrived. Cold and firm in his manners, but warm and caring when it comes to Reina. He is not afraid to call her “Ladybug” in public or hold her hand when they cross the road although she is a grown-up. She lets him do it, those are his forms of showing how much doe he cares for her.
Takehiko his her great-grandpa, he is the opposite of an Aburame. Old and wrinkled he is not afraid to speak his mind and do “crazy” things such as enjoy himself without caring what other might thing of his insect covering him or been outside his body. He is an old gizzer and a pervert who never found true love. His homosexuality was an issue for a village so close in mind but not for Chio. She is Reina’s great-grandmother, and although she left this earth a couple of years ago, she left it fighting and being grumpy. She was also homosexual and together with Takehiko decided to make a family. They wanted to be parents but there was no form for them to make the family that they wished for, so they help each other to achieve that dream. Out of that dream came Buna, her grandpa. He is stoic, short in word and even colder than her father. However, he has other forms to show his gratitude and love, for example taking off his jacket to cover his granddaughter. His heart is severely hurt after Hana’s mother refusal, Reina’s grandmother on her mother-side; however, he understood it an took her child Hana into care. He never thought that she would fall in love with his child and gave him her lovely granddaughter.
Buna and Takeo are really protective over Reina, something that Takehiko blames them and reprehends them constantly. Takeo does not want Reina to be gone from his side by mating with Shino. If Takeo could, he would kill Shino or force his hive to be infatuated for another person. However, he knows hat sooner or later she would leave the nest and make her own…that does not mean that he would try to delay that event as much as he can. He has his father support after all.
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onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
Day 2: Diary
I know that I have been doing the wrong challenge, in terms of the year. But, I have already settled to do it with that one so... sorry
Words: 807 yes it is really short sorry. (Chokako's name is Chikako, but Reina as misspronounced it since she was a baby and everyone knows her by her misspronounced name. She actually likes it, finds it cute. Also, yes Chokako is a trans character and she stated her gender very early and since that moment everyone has addressed her with the correct pronouns and name. So, I hope that nobody comes talking about it so everything is clear. )
-Cho-The lovely lady smiled at her broadly, showing her teeth without shame - You will be in charge of Reina for today okey? - Cho replied laughing happily. - Yes, I am with the baby!! - shouted. She immediately took her humble sandals and started to walk around the compound towards the Aburame home. - Hello!!!! Good morning!!- shouted the girl who was just 5 years old. -Choo- could be heard equally vividly by a tiny squeaking voice. In the garden a toddler. Reina was wearing a shirt too big for her and her barefoot was touching the grass. She giggled when she saw her and started to run to her sister. Chokako hugged her firmly -Chookakoooooo - said the toddler who kept elongating the vowels laughing while doing so. Cho tried to take her in her arms, the soft voice of Takeo looked at them - Chokako are you going to help me with this rebellious bumblebee? - the tall man approached both girls holding a big guard, he then put it on his back. The girl smiled seriously - It’s today’s mission, sir yes sir - Reina was bubbling some words trying to imitate her. 
The small group started their walk towards the rice fields. Reina did not have shoes for her, but the toddler seemed to not care about it. Chokako held her hand firmly while guiding her, they were straight behind Takeo. Aburames were usually in charge of everything related with the agriculture in that place, the overflow of chakra than the seed produced led quite usually to huge plagues that endangered the town’s supplies, or better said Kamo’s cargo. Aburames took good care of all of it, Chokako had lately accompanied her mothers to the repair and construction sites, learning the profession they would tell her; although it was more about learning about everything that was expected from her. However, today they need help keeping an eye on Reina. Nobody told her how, but Shiori’s serious face made her uncomfortable. Something happened, she was sure about it…but what?
-Apa apa gapa ? - said the toddler
-Let grandpa rest, ladybug - Chokako look at Reina
-Buna is ill?- Reina answered by munching her shirt. Nobody answered either of the toddlers. When they reached the rice field, Takehiko and Chio were already there. They just wave their hands. 
-Girls, stay near me okey? - both nodded with their tiny heads. Takeo started to work as was expected of him. He took the guard off his back and opened the jar. He then did some signs using one hand and started to concentrate his chakra, some insects left his body and started to do their routine checking the state of those big fields. While the insects started to work on that, Takeo went into the rice puddles, and started to harvest the rice. The girls looked at him amazed 
-Daice - laughed tiny Reina while giving little jumps. The man looked at both girls - Let me see your palms darlings - both girls offered their hands and the man put some rice on them
-Is brown? - said Chokako amazed by the look that unclean and unprocessed rice had before it was ready to be eaten. Reina tried to munch it - Nooo -shouted and took the rice off. A very agitated conversation started among both toddlers about why they shouldn’t eat that rice. Takeo laughed low and kept working. 
After some hours the girls run out of ideas to play with. Takeo had cleaned almost a whole field, experience and the fact that he was a shinobi for real allowed him to work faster than any worker. He got closer to the girls - What are you doing? - they were drawing with a stick on the Earth. 
-Is a picture of you! -
-PAPA - said Reina, sometimes she got her words right. He felt his heart break in two any time she said that word. - I should write that in a diary.
-What 's diary?
- It’s like a book, but the pages are empty and you write what you want there. Most people write about their day. - The tiny Chokako looked at the mud thinking - Let’s make a diary Reina
-Deina- repeated her. Both girls started to draw in the mud their own particular diary. Chokako could actually write her name and her clan name, but Reina just made a huge mess of sticks and figures. 
-No Reina is not like that - reprehend the kid.
Those were good times, but not the best of them. They kept playing with the mud, practicing more their letters and stick figures, forgetting about the rumbling in their stomachs and about the sounds that visitors made to the rice fields. Forgetting that they were trapped there, so did Takeo.
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Takeo Aburame teaching young Chokako Akimichi and Reina Aburame to write their names and family name.
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