#chip fullname
maybcgood · 2 years
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*      & .    〔    ekin   koç,   non   binary,   he+they    〕    mavi   kökenli   is   a   thirty₁   year   old   superhuman   known   to   be   amicable   and   phlegmatic,   yet   defiant   and   sharp-tongued   at   the   same   time.   rumor   has   it   they’re   a   vigilante   (   member   of   nemesis   )   who   has   hydrokinetic   +   mediumship   abilities    —    you’d   never   guess   it   when   you   see   them   working   at   junction   blues   as   a   bartender.   apparently   they’re   always   listening   to   dibine   kadar   by   duman,   which   makes   sense   since   they   kind   of   also   remind   me   of   chipped   guitar   picks   stuffed   in   a   jacket   pocket,   the   smell   of   nicotine   and   black   coffee,   and   the   feeling   after   heavy   rain   comes   to   a   stop.
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full  name  :  mavi  kökenli
titles  :  the  onyx  psychic
nicknames  :  vee
gender  &  pronouns  :  non  binary  &  he+they
sexuality  :  bisexual
age  :  thirty  -  one
nationality  :  turkish  -  american
ethnicity  :  turkish
current  location  :  queens  +  the  bronx  ,  new  york
living  conditions  :  the  apartment  complex  he  lives  in  is  rather  gloomy  and  plain,  nothing  you’d  take  a  second  glance  at.  similar  to  a  vagabond,  mavi  is  rarely  to  be  found  home.  if  you  were  to  break  in  (  why  else  would  you  come  to  their  place?  )  you’d  think  this  resident  is  insanely  neat  &  organized  or  no  one  lives  there.  maybe  a  leather  jacket  thrown  on  the  couch  or  a  drumstick  lying  on  the  kitchen  table,  but  nothing  too  out  of  the  ordinary.  you’d  find  a  closet  filled  with  a  variety  of  black  turtlenecks  and  gray  sweaters  ---  nothing  colorful.  no  family  portraits  or  anything  personal.
current  occupation  :  previously  a  drummer  @  junction  blues,  currently  a  bartender.  member  of  vigilante  group  nemesis.
dream  occupation  :  to  not  have  to  work.  
past  occupations  :  has  mainly  worked  as  a  musician,  some  pageantry  as  a  child,  &  fortune  -  telling  /  mediumship.    
social  class  :  working  class  
in  debt?  :  no,  but  mfs  got  unpaid  tabs  for  drinks  he’s  made  !
educational  achievements  :  high  school  diploma,  college  dropout.
family  :  father  (  deceased  ),  mother  (  deceased  ),  no  other  known  family  members.
pets  :  had  a  pitbull  growing  up.    
prized  possession  :  a  drumset  that  belonged  to  his  father.
height  :  1.8  m
eye  color  :  dark  brown
hair  color  :  black
physical  strength  :  the  kind  of  person  who’d  have  raw  knuckles  and  not  flinch
speed  :  above  average
intelligence  :  average.
agility  :  above  average
stamina  :  above  average
abilites  :  hydrokinesis  /  hydrotelekinesis,  &  mediumship.  
ailments  :  
distinguishing  marks  :  a  small  nick  on  his  face  from  a  childhood  injury,  callouses,  marks  in  his  palm  from  digging  his  fingernails  into  his  skin,  a  tiny  mole  on  his  nose,  pierced  ears,  a  toothy  grin.
MBTI  :  estp
enneagram  :  type  iii
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triggers  :  drug  addiction,  death,  parental  death,  abuse,  &  alcohol  /  drinking.
≡  STORY .
did  you  know,  you  are  special?  you  were  always  reminded  by  your  mother,  her  glowing  face  when  she  zipped  up  the  suit  she’d  spent  hours  on,  hunched  over  while  you  watched  in  between  the  stairway.  hiding.  hoping  you  could  conjure  up  some  sickness  to  stay  in,  but  you  can’t  ever  fool  her.  you  hold  your  breath  under  water,  you  dance,  you  smile,  like  a  circus  animal.  everyone  says  you’re  so  lucky,  so  lucky  to  have  been  spared  mundane  qualities.  normalcy.  are  you  so  lucky?
it  gets  a  little  worse.  you  think  your  imaginary  friend  is  too  real.  you  feel  the  things  he  feels,  hear  his  thoughts,  notice  how  nothing  is  running  through  his  veins.  he’s  ice  cold,  no  blood.  somehow  this  is  delightful  for  your  mother,  your  father,  who  sits  on  the  couch  and  slowly  nods  along,  all  so  grateful.  you’re  so  special.
you’re  the  star  of  the  show,  what  a  thrilling  show.  such  a  young  face  sitting  high  up,  looking  into  a  plastic  ball,  talking  to  lost  ones  for  weeping  mothers.  the  human  lie  detector.  the  enchanter.  they  chant,  they  clap,  you  spend  your  entire  childhood  pulled  here  and  there.  propped  up  like  a  doll.  you  miss  school  days,  but  you’re  so  lucky  to.  you  sit  in  the  living  room  and  feel  a  hundred  voices  talking  over  each  other.  they  want  to  know  everything.  why  did  they  die?  where  are  they  here  now?  who’s  lying  and  how  can  you  tell?  how  long  can  you  hold  your  breath  underwater?  can  you  see  my  past,  my  future? 
on  a  drive  back  from  a  meeting  with  a  clergymen  during  holiday  season,  your  mother  boasts  about  how  you  will  reveal  the  truth  about  life  and  death  to  the  entire  world.  isn’t  it  great?  well,  you’ve  never  protested  before,  but  this  time  you  can’t  stay  quiet.  you  don’t  want  to  do  this  anymore,  you  can’t  do  it  anymore.  everyone  you’ve  met,  everything  you’ve  heard  doesn’t  ever  leave  you.  it’s  so  loud  all  the  time.  all  the  time.  screaming,  crying,  begging.  ‘  i  don’t  want  to  do  it  anymore  ’.  she  raises  her  voice  for  the  first  time  and  the  car  swerves,  crashing  into  deep,  icy  water.  you’re  the  only  one  left.  you’re  so  lucky.  
you  try  to  continue  living,  trying  to  feel  something  that  belongs  to  you.  your  emotions,  your  thoughts.  you  want  it  to  stop,  to  go  away,  to  feel  mundane.  so  you  prep  that  needle  and  you  fill  your  glass  up.  you  drift  away  and  only  then,  does  it  quiet  down.  just  a  little.
in  rehab  you  hear  the  about  a  little  rumour.  a  whisper  of  revolution.  nemesis.  is it a  chance  to  correct  the  wrong  in  yourself  you’ve  always  hated?  it’s  the  first  time  you’ve  wanted  to  use  your  powers.  to  do  some  good,  to  clean  the  slate.  you  hear  your  mother’s  chide,  stay  put,  don’t  get  yourself  in  trouble.  but  what’s  the  fun  in  that?
≡  TL;DR .
mavi  kökenli,  previously  known  as  the  onyx  psychic,  was  a  rising  star  in  his  homestate  of  louisianna.  most  applauded  for  his  performance  at  child  pageantries,  his  talents  included  fortune  telling,  mediumship,  and  the  rare  trick  of  holding  their  breath  underwater  for  eight  mintues  !  after  signing  a  contract  with  a  televangelist,  kökenli  and  his  relatives  disappeared.  much  isn’t  known  about  the  star’s  current  life,  i  do  wonder  what  he’s  up  to  .  .  .
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kaykay-13 · 3 years
Consider chongyun with imperfect teeth. Its one of the reasons he doesn't really smile big on the rare occasion he does. Little crooked canines. A slight chip in one of his Little Fangies™. Maybe even a slight tooth gap. He probably lost both front teeth at once when he was younger and was so ashamed when another kid laughed at him over it he refused to smile at all until they'd grown back in. He's probably still really insecure over his smile too
FANG CHONGYUN (haha pun, fang chongyun and FANG chongyun, my HC fullname for the bestest boy) MAKES A RETURN
god i lob this...... chongyun is stoic because of his yang energy AND his insecurity.................. smiles in front of xingqiu only
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corvidexoskeleton · 4 years
And bonus general questions (sorry for flooding you again): 8, 22, 39, 74, 77, 84, 96, 101, 114, 116, 121, 132, 141, 170
Nah, nah, you’re good, I don’t mind at all
8. Who has the worst luck?
I can’t decide if it’s Derrick or Butch. Leaning more towards Butch, since shit just keeps happening without giving them much room to deal with it, and it’s honestly a wonder they made it as far as they did before they started to lose it
22. Do any of your characters have someone named after them? Or are they named after someone else?
Idk if this counts, but Butch picked the last name Delaney because it was their aunt’s last name (and their mom’s original last name, but she ended up changing it to Selvik bc she was married) and they didn’t want to keep the name their parents used, even if they never changed it legally which also means that and Blair would have agreed that that was a better name than whatever her dead surname was, so she changed it to that when she got a legal name change 
39. Do any of your characters have the responsibilities of an adult despite being a child, or did they when they were?
Darryl would have had some responsibilities put on her when she was a little too young, since the adults around her thought she was mature for her age and decided she could handle it, even though that’s not really a good justification or a good idea
74. Are any of your characters associated with flowers?
Well, Lily, obviously, considering her name. But on a deeper level than that, no
77. Have any of your characters had to kill a friend?
I mentioned before that Darryl wouldn’t have been above killing people on her side in her military days if she thought it was the right thing to do and she knew she could get away with it. I had originally had this as a detail for Butch, but I think it works better for her, but the first time she would have done so would have been while deployed. She would’ve been out with another member of her team, someone she thought she could trust, when they ended up doing something morally reprehensible that she knew they would never face the consequences of even if it ended up getting reported. And things were shitty enough out were they were that no one would question it if she reported that the other person got caught in an accident or went missing
84. Do any of your characters have gaps in their teeth or are missing teeth?
Darryl would be missing a tooth or two, and has another chipped, from the explosion that gave her the scars she has on her face 
96. Which character is The Proudest ™ of their kids?
Butch, for sure. Darryl is proud of the companions she “adopted” but they’re still not her actual kids, and she can’t exactly be proud of her own son. Neither can Derrick
101. Which character is The Most dramatic?
I wanna say Lily because she’s still a teenager, and teenagers are kind of just Like That, but she would eventually grow out of it. Derrick, on the other hand, ends up being dramatic on accident on account of him being sensitive 
114.  Do any of your characters insist on going by their fullname rather than a nickname?
Well, Butch started out as a nickname, so would that count? Aside from that, Lily likes the nickname Lizard that Butch gave her, but most people outside of family/friends likely wouldn’t know it. Darryl is used to people calling her Murphey in professional settings, but her and Derrick just prefer their first names
116. Have any of your characters (almost) drowned?
Almost drowning is super not fun, so I would rather not implement that on any of them if I can help it
121. Do any of your characters have prosthetics?
No? But if Derrick’s knee gets bad enough, he might have to pay the (Darryl Era) Institute a visit
132. Who is the precious cinnamon roll?
Originally it was Derrick, but it looks like Lily is taking that crown away from him
141. Who has a weapon collection?
Practical weapons that could actually be used? Darryl. Knives, swords, and other random shit that’s hardly better than decoration? Butch (pre war, at least)
170. Are any of your characters infamous?
I guess Butch could be considered infamous once they’ve made a name as the Butcher, but they’re obviously one of the less shitty raider bosses around, so maybe their reputation isn’t as bad as it could be. I could also see them being known around town/in certain places as that one researcher/computer scientist who’s openly queer, ‘cause that’s one way to get people to know who you are, and also hate your guts
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/zoom-video-nvidia-and-amd-led-tech-big-winners-q3-spotlight-nasdaqnvda/
Zoom Video, Nvidia, and AMD led tech big winners: Q3 Spotlight (NASDAQ:NVDA)
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Q3 ended with the S&P 500 up 8.5% in the period. Information Technology stocks were in-line (+8.7%) and Information Technology surged ahead with a gain of 11.7%.
Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) led the S&P 500 winners, gaining 76% after announcing its $40B acquisition of SoftBank’s Arm chip unit. Advanced Micro Devices (NASDAQ:AMD) was up 71%, catching a tailwind from rival Intel’s 7nm product delay, strong Ryzen sales, and positive reviews for the new Ryzen products.
Pandemic darling Zoom Video (NASDAQ:ZM) topped tech’s Nasdaq-100 winners (+136%) with the company quadrupling revenue in Q2 and boosting profits tenfold. Nvidia and AMD appeared again, followed by DocuSign (NASDAQ:DOCU) (+52%), benefiting from the work from home shift, and Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) (+44%), which has rode a wave of 5G iPhone optimism all year, posted stronger than expected current iPhone sales, and recently held a Watch/iPad event.
Salesforce (NYSE:CRM) surged 46%, hitting an all-time high, after reporting a “monster beat and raise” for Q2. The company also joined the Dow Jones index.
Here’s a look at how the quarter’s top movers compared over the past year:
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Samsung revenue possible halved in Q2 - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (OTCMKTS:SSNLF)
http://tinyurl.com/y5plvq2b Samsung Electronics (OTC:SSNLF) is prone to say second-quarter revenue greater than halved when it reviews preliminary earnings on Friday as a drop in reminiscence chip shipments to China’s embattled Huawei exacerbated a price-squeezing provide glut, Reuters reports. The outcomes could be the corporate’s lowest in practically three years, with the prospect of an earnings restoration nonetheless some quarters away as a interval of oversupply continues unabated amid a broader slowdown in tech markets. window.SA = {"App":{"name":"SA","fullName":"Seeking Alpha","type":"regular","host":"https://seekingalpha.com","emailHost":"https://email.seekingalpha.com","pro":false,"proPlus":false,"contributorCenter":false,"realHostName":"https://seekingalpha.com","isCms":false,"cancelPV":false,"isSharkPreview":false,"usersOnSite":"7,551,560","assetHosts":["https://static.seekingalpha.com","https://static1.seekingalpha.com","https://static2.seekingalpha.com","https://static3.seekingalpha.com"],"moneData":{},"assetHost":"https://static.seekingalpha.com","userEchoHost":"https://feedback.seekingalpha.com","env":{"dev":false,"staging":false,"production":true,"test":false},"gaAccountId":"UA-1466493-1","comscoreAccountId":8500672,"fbAppId":"624608951014846","twitterAccountName":"SeekingAlpha","rollbarToken":"5edf110be2fc4cecb32637fc421111e2","perimeterXAppId":"PXxgCxM9By","embedlyKey":"a6da93fdfc49472099ce63260954716b","mp":false,"chat":{"host":"https://rc.seekingalpha.com"}},"pageConfig":{"Refresher":{"active":false},"Data":{"mc":{"id":3475588,"title":"Samsung profit likely halved in Q2","primaryTicker":"ssnlf","primaryIsCrypto":false,"twitContent":"$SSNLF - Samsung profit likely halved in Q2 https://seekingalpha.com/news/3475588-samsung-profit-likely-halved-q2?source=tweet","isSp500":false,"tags":["tech","na-cap"],"closest_trading_day":"2019-07-03","publishDate":"2019/07/03"},"pageType":"single_news","primaryTicker":"ssnlf","indexTickers":{}},"Ads":{"slots":[{"container":"news-left-slot-1","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":160},"size":[[160,600],"fluid"],"str":"160x600,fluid"},"cls":"mb25"},{"container":"news-right-slot-1","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":1},"size":[[300,250],[300,600],"fluid"],"str":"300x250,300x600,fluid"},"cls":"mb25","flex":true},{"container":"news-right-slot-2","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":100},"size":[[300,100]],"str":"300x100"},"cls":"mb25"},{"container":"news-right-slot-3","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":2},"size":[[300,252],"fluid"],"str":"300x252,fluid"},"cls":"mb25","native":true},{"container":"news-middle-slot","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{},"size":[[640,40]],"str":"640x40"},"cls":"mb25"},{"container":"news-bottom-slot","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":728},"size":[[728,90]],"str":"728x90"},"delay":true,"delta":500},{"container":"instream_recommendation_ad","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":50},"size":["fluid"],"str":"fluid"},"delay":true,"delta":500}],"testScroll":true,"disabled":false,"kvs":{"d":"news","t":["single-post","tech-news"],"mcid":[true,3475588],"tickerbundle":["emerging-markets","technology","zacks"],"cnt":["24","fed","tech","tech2","bny","fnk2"],"s":"SSNLF"}},"Paths":{"int":{"adsAPI":{"src":"https://static3.seekingalpha.com/assets/api/ads-0cf8a56f1d93653afa4e33f67b12af5def2cb05353be15eeceffef0ad3d63d2f.js","id":"sa-ads-api"}},"ext":[{"src":"https://js-sec.indexww.com/ht/p/183642-162053219843577.js","id":"ie"},{"src":"https://www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js","id":"gpt"},{"src":"https://pub.doubleverify.com/pub.js?ctx=818052u0026cmp=DV157324","id":"doubleverify"},{"src":"https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js","id":"sb"},{"src":"https://ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js","id":"ga"},{"src":"https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js","id":"facebook-jssdk"}]},"lastRequested":"2019-07-03 04:06:58 -0400","SlugsPrices":{"disabled":false},"proOpenHouse":{"active":false,"end_date":"2017-03-20T06:00:00.000-04:00"},"proFlashSale":{"active":false,"end_date":"2017-03-23T00:00:00.000-04:00"},"saSource":null,"name":null,"useSQuoteBackup":null,"inFreeArticleTest":false,"featureCampaignVersion":null,"featureCampaignFlow":null,"skipAdoricFeatures":false},"headerConfig":{"noNotificationsMenu":null,"nonFixed":null,"tabless":null,"activeTab":"market-news"},"modules":{},"requires":[],"trackq":[],"exceptions":[],"gptInit":false}; Source link
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ernestbruce · 6 years
Achieving Digital Happiness: Your Identity Needs
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things are changing for internet companies such as Facebook, Amazon, Google, Twitter, and Microsoft · new consumer·protection laws such as Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) give people the legal tools to find out what personal·information internet companies collect, how they use it, and whether they share or sell it to other entities · the laws also allow people to stop companies from using or sharing their personal·information
however, while after·the·fact measures are sometimes helpful, most of the time they are not · once somebody obtains your social·security·number and home·address, there is little you can do to address the fact that people can now impersonate you, get credit cards, and buy things in your name for their own use · powerful companies lobby lawmakers to weaken laws aimed at giving consumers effective tools to control how their personal·information is used · CCPA is an example of such weakening · instead of allowing people to sue companies that do not adhere to the consumer·privacy regulations—as it was proposed in the ballot initiative that hastened its creation—CCPA allows consumers to sue irresponsible companies only if they can prove that actual harm occurred in response to companies’ negligence
one effective way to keep personal·information secure is for people to place and keep their data in their own secure·data·vaults or personal·clouds, ubiquitous and secure stores of personal·information · these secure·vaults would be accessed only by the entities the data·owners authorize · only entities with whom the owner has made connections and explicitly authorized to read or modify eir protected·data would be able to do so
i will talk more about these secure·data·vaults in an upcoming article · for now, let us explore an essential prerequisite to having these secure·vaults: an effective, secure, and reliable personal·identity·infrastructure
#use a secure·device to attest your identity on the human·internet# the human·internet is the internet that offers people an effective digital·identity, real data·privacy, and concrete, enforceable data·security · the human·internet has effective infrastructure, rules, policies, and procedures focused on the needs of human·beings, not profit·dedicated entities who compromise their public positions when their profits are threatened
we have seen how bad·actors take advantage of the openness of the internet to abuse their access to personal·information, create fake identities, impersonate others, or spread hate anonymously · these actions will not be possible on the human·internet
effective, reliable, and easy authentication (proving to others that you are who you say you are and whom they think you are, and the other way around) is essential for people to view the human·internet as an environment they can use to store their data, make connections, conduct business, express themselves, and help others
current technology provides the tools needed to perform easy, reliable authentication · many current digital·devices have a capability called trusted·platform·module (TPM) that is usually implemented in a secure·chip known as secure·enclave or secure·element · this is a chip whose contents are not directly accessible to apps or other software, not even a device’s operating·system · the chip manages digital·keys, which can be used to secure your personal·information on the phone and on the human·internet · there are two types of digital·keys, private·keys and public·keys, which come in pairs:
a private·key is used to encrypt and sign data, and is known only to the secure·chip
a public·key is built from a private·key, and can be used by any entity who needs to verify another entity’s identity
the secure·chip can encrypt and decrypt information without revealing the private·keys used perform those tasks · the only way apps have to getting data from the chip is by interacting with it · think of it like a bank teller · the only way to get cash out of a bank is by providing the right information to a teller · in a similar way, apps that run on your device can request public·keys from the chip, but cannot obtain the private·keys on which the encryption process is based · without your private·keys, other entities cannot digitally impersonate you
you probably have in your hands a device that can serve as your personal·id on the human·internet · with the wide availability of phones with secure·chips and biometric capabilities (processing faces and fingerprints), they make good and convenient personal·identification·devices, personal·ids for the human·internet · using personal·identification·devices, all entities can trust that when dealing with other entities on the human·internet, they are dealing with the person or organization they expect to be dealing with · in the human·internet, no entity can impersonate you · thanks to the secure·chip, a hacked device or app can do to little damage to your personal·information, your safety, and your reputation
with your secure device on hand, you can have your trusted digital·identity implanted in it so that you can be a citizen of the safe and secure human·internet
#base your digital identity on your real·life identity# in real life, you must often authenticate yourself to others, such as when you show your ID to enter a concert or buy booze · the same it true in digital·life · you often use a username and a password to authenticate to an app or website that you are a registered·user
entities use several open standards that aim to provide authentication capabilities to entities on the internet · these standards include:
Cryptographic Token Interface (PKS #11), used throughout the internet to manage digital·certificates and to work with smart cards to provide single·sign·on capabilities
FIDO, used by YubiKey to authenticate users to desktop or laptop devices
OpenPGP, used in several platforms to perform encryption, message·signing, and authentication tasks
all those standards accomplish what they set out to accomplish through reliable processes and chains of trust · however, to provide trusted·authentication for entities on the human·internet, something else is required: a person that can vouch·for or attest to the identity of another person
the first step to establish your identity on the human·internet is to verify your identity in real·life · because government agencies are the best legally·recognized authorities who can attest to someone’s identity, for access to the human·internet, people use notaries·public to create their trusted digital·identities · notaries·public perform this service by relying on documents people provide that prove their identity
to make a secure·device your personal·identification·device you take your identity·proving documents and your device to a notary·public · after verifying your identity using those documents, the notary·public runs a special app on your device, which instructs the device to authenticate you as its owner—which you do with your face or fingerprint, and PIN · the notary·public then enters your main identifiers (fullname, nickname, birthdate, and birthplace) and the notary·public’s attestation·credentials (which can include an identifier issued by the appropriate city of jurisdiction) into the app · after connecting to a personal·identity·service, your device becomes your personal·identification·device on the human·internet
now, you can use your phone to make connection·requests to other individuals, who may accept, deny, or ignore your request · you may also receive connection·requests, which you can also accept, deny, or ignore · all entities on the human·internet can rely on the fact that the real identities of all entities participating in connection·requests have been attested by a government authority
#know who you deal with, for your safety# on the human·internet every entity represents a real·life entity · there is no anonymity · there are no fake entities · when you connect with someone through your personal·identification·device on the human·internet it is just like making a connection with someone in real·life
0 notes
bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Sprouts names Sinclair its new CEO; CFO departs - Sprouts Farmers Market, Inc. (NASDAQ:SFM)
http://tinyurl.com/y5p4hrwr Sprouts Farmers Market (NASDAQ:SFM) has named Jack Sinclair its new chief executive officer. Sinclair joins the corporate’s board as effectively. The transfer is efficient June 24. Sprouts additionally says its chief monetary officer and interim co-CEO, Brad Lukow, has resigned to pursue different alternatives. It is named Lawrence “Chip” Molloy to function interim CFO. Sinclair has been CEO of 99 Cents Solely Shops since 2018 after serving as that firm’s chief merchandising officer; from 2007 to 2015, he was govt VP of the U.S. Grocery Division at Walmart. Sprouts additionally notes co-founder Shon Boney will step down from the board. window.SA = {"App":{"name":"SA","fullName":"Seeking Alpha","type":"regular","host":"https://seekingalpha.com","emailHost":"https://email.seekingalpha.com","pro":false,"proPlus":false,"contributorCenter":false,"realHostName":"https://seekingalpha.com","isCms":false,"cancelPV":false,"isSharkPreview":false,"usersOnSite":"7,527,669","assetHosts":["https://static.seekingalpha.com","https://static1.seekingalpha.com","https://static2.seekingalpha.com","https://static3.seekingalpha.com"],"moneData":{},"assetHost":"https://static.seekingalpha.com","userEchoHost":"https://feedback.seekingalpha.com","env":{"dev":false,"staging":false,"production":true,"test":false},"gaAccountId":"UA-1466493-1","comscoreAccountId":8500672,"fbAppId":"624608951014846","twitterAccountName":"SeekingAlpha","rollbarToken":"5edf110be2fc4cecb32637fc421111e2","perimeterXAppId":"PXxgCxM9By","embedlyKey":"a6da93fdfc49472099ce63260954716b","mp":false,"chat":{"host":"https://rc.seekingalpha.com"}},"pageConfig":{"Refresher":{"active":false},"Data":{"mc":{"id":3472860,"title":"Sprouts names Sinclair its new CEO; CFO departs","primaryTicker":"sfm","primaryIsCrypto":false,"twitContent":"$SFM - Sprouts names Sinclair its new CEO; CFO departs https://seekingalpha.com/news/3472860-sprouts-names-sinclair-new-ceo-cfo-departs?source=tweet","isSp500":false,"tags":["consumer","breaking-news","small-cap"],"closest_trading_day":"2019-06-21","publishDate":"2019/06/20"},"pageType":"single_news","primaryTicker":"sfm","indexTickers":{}},"Ads":{"slots":[{"container":"news-left-slot-1","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":160},"size":[[160,600],"fluid"],"str":"160x600,fluid"},"cls":"mb25"},{"container":"news-right-slot-1","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":1},"size":[[300,250],[300,600],"fluid"],"str":"300x250,300x600,fluid"},"cls":"mb25","flex":true},{"container":"news-right-slot-2","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":100},"size":[[300,100]],"str":"300x100"},"cls":"mb25"},{"container":"news-right-slot-3","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":2},"size":[[300,252],"fluid"],"str":"300x252,fluid"},"cls":"mb25","native":true},{"container":"news-middle-slot","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{},"size":[[640,40]],"str":"640x40"},"cls":"mb25"},{"container":"news-bottom-slot","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":728},"size":[[728,90]],"str":"728x90"},"delay":true,"delta":500},{"container":"instream_recommendation_ad","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":50},"size":["fluid"],"str":"fluid"},"delay":true,"delta":500}],"testScroll":true,"disabled":false,"kvs":{"d":"news","t":["single-post","consumer-news"],"mcid":[true,3472860],"tickerbundle":["growth","mid-cap","consumer-services","zacks"],"cnt":["fed","bny","fnk2"],"s":"SFM"}},"Paths":{"int":{"adsAPI":{"src":"https://static3.seekingalpha.com/assets/api/ads-0cf8a56f1d93653afa4e33f67b12af5def2cb05353be15eeceffef0ad3d63d2f.js","id":"sa-ads-api"}},"ext":[{"src":"https://js-sec.indexww.com/ht/p/183642-162053219843577.js","id":"ie"},{"src":"https://www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js","id":"gpt"},{"src":"https://pub.doubleverify.com/pub.js?ctx=818052u0026cmp=DV157324","id":"doubleverify"},{"src":"https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js","id":"sb"},{"src":"https://ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js","id":"ga"},{"src":"https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js","id":"facebook-jssdk"}]},"lastRequested":"2019-06-20 17:12:35 -0400","SlugsPrices":{"disabled":false},"proOpenHouse":{"active":false,"end_date":"2017-03-20T06:00:00.000-04:00"},"proFlashSale":{"active":false,"end_date":"2017-03-23T00:00:00.000-04:00"},"saSource":null,"name":null,"useSQuoteBackup":null,"inFreeArticleTest":false,"featureCampaignVersion":null,"featureCampaignFlow":null,"skipAdoricFeatures":true},"headerConfig":{"noNotificationsMenu":null,"nonFixed":null,"tabless":null,"activeTab":"market-news"},"modules":{},"requires":[],"trackq":[],"exceptions":[],"gptInit":false}; Source link
0 notes
bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Microsoft's new Xbox console coming 2020 - Superior Micro Gadgets, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMD)
http://tinyurl.com/y2z4gnvb Often called “Mission Scarlett,” Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) has unveiled its next-generation Xbox console, which is about to hit retailer cabinets throughout the 2020 vacation season. The machine can be 4 occasions extra highly effective than the Xbox One X and be powered by an Superior Micro Gadgets (NASDAQ:AMD) chip, the corporate introduced throughout its Xbox E3 convention in Los Angeles. Microsoft additionally stated it is going to start publicly testing its new “Mission xCloud” videogame-streaming initiative in October, simply forward of when Google’s Stadia competing service is slated to launch. window.SA = {"App":{"name":"SA","fullName":"Seeking Alpha","type":"regular","host":"https://seekingalpha.com","emailHost":"https://email.seekingalpha.com","pro":false,"proPlus":false,"contributorCenter":false,"realHostName":"https://seekingalpha.com","isCms":false,"cancelPV":false,"isSharkPreview":false,"usersOnSite":"7,505,463","assetHosts":["https://static.seekingalpha.com","https://static1.seekingalpha.com","https://static2.seekingalpha.com","https://static3.seekingalpha.com"],"moneData":{},"assetHost":"https://static.seekingalpha.com","userEchoHost":"https://feedback.seekingalpha.com","env":{"dev":false,"staging":false,"production":true,"test":false},"gaAccountId":"UA-1466493-1","comscoreAccountId":8500672,"fbAppId":"624608951014846","twitterAccountName":"SeekingAlpha","rollbarToken":"5edf110be2fc4cecb32637fc421111e2","perimeterXAppId":"PXxgCxM9By","embedlyKey":"a6da93fdfc49472099ce63260954716b","mp":false,"chat":{"host":"https://rc.seekingalpha.com"}},"pageConfig":{"Refresher":{"active":false},"Data":{"mc":{"id":3469987,"title":"Microsoft's new Xbox console coming 2020","primaryTicker":"amd","primaryIsCrypto":false,"twitContent":"$MSFT $AMD - Microsoft's new Xbox console coming 2020 https://seekingalpha.com/news/3469987-microsofts-new-xbox-console-coming-2020?source=tweet","isSp500":true,"tags":["tech","top-news","large-cap"],"closest_trading_day":"2019-06-10","publishDate":"2019/06/10"},"pageType":"single_news","primaryTicker":"amd","indexTickers":{}},"Ads":{"slots":[{"container":"news-left-slot-1","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":160},"size":[[160,600],"fluid"],"str":"160x600,fluid"},"cls":"mb25"},{"container":"news-right-slot-1","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":1},"size":[[300,250],[300,600],"fluid"],"str":"300x250,300x600,fluid"},"cls":"mb25","flex":true},{"container":"news-right-slot-2","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":100},"size":[[300,100]],"str":"300x100"},"cls":"mb25"},{"container":"news-right-slot-3","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":2},"size":[[300,252],"fluid"],"str":"300x252,fluid"},"cls":"mb25","native":true},{"container":"news-middle-slot","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{},"size":[[640,40]],"str":"640x40"},"cls":"mb25"},{"container":"news-bottom-slot","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":728},"size":[[728,90]],"str":"728x90"},"delay":true,"delta":500},{"container":"instream_recommendation_ad","data":{"name":"/6001/sek.news/single-post","disable_collapse_empty_div":false,"targeting":{"tile":50},"size":["fluid"],"str":"fluid"},"delay":true,"delta":500}],"testScroll":true,"disabled":false,"kvs":{"d":"news","t":["single-post","tech-news","top-news"],"mcid":[true,3469987],"tickerbundle":["growth","large-cap","technology","zacks"],"cnt":["fed","bny","fnk2"],"s":["MSFT","AMD"]}},"Paths":{"int":{"adsAPI":{"src":"https://static3.seekingalpha.com/assets/api/ads-0cf8a56f1d93653afa4e33f67b12af5def2cb05353be15eeceffef0ad3d63d2f.js","id":"sa-ads-api"}},"ext":[{"src":"https://js-sec.indexww.com/ht/p/183642-162053219843577.js","id":"ie"},{"src":"https://www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js","id":"gpt"},{"src":"https://pub.doubleverify.com/pub.js?ctx=818052u0026cmp=DV157324","id":"doubleverify"},{"src":"https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js","id":"sb"},{"src":"https://ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js","id":"ga"},{"src":"https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js","id":"facebook-jssdk"}]},"lastRequested":"2019-06-10 04:33:05 -0400","SlugsPrices":{"disabled":false},"proOpenHouse":{"active":false,"end_date":"2017-03-20T06:00:00.000-04:00"},"proFlashSale":{"active":false,"end_date":"2017-03-23T00:00:00.000-04:00"},"saSource":null,"name":null,"useSQuoteBackup":null,"inFreeArticleTest":false,"featureCampaignVersion":null,"featureCampaignFlow":null},"headerConfig":{"noNotificationsMenu":null,"nonFixed":null,"tabless":null,"activeTab":"market-news"},"modules":{},"requires":[],"trackq":[],"exceptions":[],"gptInit":false}; Source link
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