#chiry chips
artwithatlas · 1 year
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Well I saw someone ask for it so I took it upon myself to make a ship chart for the shopkeepers and (almost) all the band members
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vibratingskull · 8 days
Hi! I saw your open to chiss requests? I’ve just read the thrawn ascendency trilogy and I’m down bad for Somakro. Grumpy man with a loyal heart of gold?? I’m down so bad.
Anyway. Maybe a fluffy fic about Somakro having feelings for a fellow officer? Maybe he sees her help little skywalker chiri with something and his heart melts because he already respected her military prowess but she’s also good with kids??
I’d really take anything
Grumpy man being a sweetheart deep inside!!! 🥹🥹🥹 It woos me every time! Come get your glorious man and sweep him off his feet!
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art by @jun-c
Samakro x F!Chiss!reader
Tags: Fluffy fluff, lil bit of childcare
Samakro types on his questis, keeping a sharp gaze on the officers under his command and Ch’eri on her chair.  When he is on the bridge nothing escapes him, he becomes an all-seeing being, monitoring his warriors and keeping tabs on everything happening. His subordinates feel him looming behind them and straighten their posture by reflex. 
The Springhawk leaves hyperspace in a resounding thud, shaking everyone present. They arrived. 
“Send me the last coordinates of the Pirates.” Samakro orders. 
He spins to go sit in the command chair and has to muster all his will to not take a step back before you. He didn't hear you approaching. You smile gently, handing him a microchip. 
“The coordinates, sir.” You say respectfully. 
Well, that was quick! 
That was instantly even. 
He takes the chip and inserts it in the port of his questis. 
“I will also need the calculations of their last 8 travels recorded, their spotted hideouts, and the audio recordings of the messages in their native language.” 
“They are all in there.” You nod. 
Well, it is refreshing to have officers able to think ahead. 
“I highlighted the pirates’ favorite routes and calculated some probability for their possible next spot appearance, I noticed a trend in the hours they chose to attack the Ascendancy. They seem random but there is a constant of 3 days and 5 hours between each of them, rinse and repeat 5 times then they disappear for two weeks to a month and resume.” You explain. 
Samakro looks at you, almost suspiciously. 
“And you noticed that alone?” 
“I studied the data during my break times.” 
That’s a heavy workload that you just lift from their shoulders. He and Thrawn will need to check if you are correct in your speculation but that will not take more than 45 minutes to review the data. 
“Thank you... Officer (Y/n)’(F/n)” He finally says after ogling you for several mute seconds. 
“Of course, Sir!” You stand to attention with a smile and walk away. 
He pretends to look back to his questis once again but looks at you walking away. That is not the first time you proved yourself zealous, and the Chiss expansionary defense fleet adores those types of behavior. If you are indeed right in your analysis he should keep a closer tab on you, you may become the next prized pupil of the fleet and his job is to facilitate your accession to higher ranks for the common good. 
He observes how you chuckle and give handshakes to several colleagues as you take back your place. You are visibly popular, which can also be an advantage in the future. With his gruff personality, Samakro was not really appreciated in the ranks of the Navy and counted his friends on the fingers of one hand. 
You do not seem to have that problem. 
“Skywalker Che’ri, you may return to your room and rest.” He orders, refocusing on the data. 
“O...Okay...” He hears the tired voice of the little girl. 
He sniffs, eyes on the screen when reality strikes him. 
Thalias is with Thrawn in his office! 
He spins his head just in time to see the little girl losing her balance as she heads toward the door. 
He is about to throw his questis to the other side of the bridge and lunge to catch the poor child when you pop out of nowhere and receive her little body in the security of your arms. 
“Careful there, Che’ri!” You chuckle with a bright reassuring smile, “I would hate for you to hurt yourself!” 
Samakro finishes crossing the bridge to join you both and kneels next to you. Che’ri raises her visibly tired face toward you and sighs. 
“I... I am sorry (Y/n).” she says almost in tears. 
The kid is exhausted, they had to push her limits to reach their destination. Usually, even Samakro is uneasy with the idea of overworking a child, but those pirates kidnapped several Chiss girls. 
Several potential Skywalkers... 
They NEEDED to arrive before all of them, and for that, they needed Che’ri to push past her limits. But now she is obviously distraught, and Samakro feels a pinch in his heart. 
But you simply laugh and caress her hair gently. 
“Do not be, silly. You worked really hard today! You deserve a warm dinner and a good, long night’s sleep!’ 
Samakro witnesses as you casually kiss the top of the head of the little girl. 
Where does that familiarity come from? 
But Che’ri doesn’t seem weirded out by your action and even presses her little cheek against your arm hugging her. Che’ri sighs again under the caresses on her hair, she looks ready to lose consciousness. She clearly is in no condition to walk back to her suite. 
“Skywalker Che’ri, with your consent I will carry you to your suite, all right?” He says, extending his large hand to her. 
You both turn your head to him, you with a silent approving gaze and her with drawn features and glossy eyes.  
He knows Che’ri is kind of afraid of him. He doesn't exude the calm and paternal aura Thrawn has around the girl, he is too rough around the edges to her liking. 
But she takes his hand nonetheless with a tired nod. 
You help him lift her by seizing her hips and he wraps his arms around her solidly to not let her fall. He feels her tiny arms wrap around his solid neck and her face lays on his shoulder, she hugs him like she would a plushie. You both stand back up and he heads toward the bridge door with the most precious package ever in his arms. 
“Junior Captain, I leave you the bridge for now.” He orders, crossing the bridge door. 
He doesn’t say a thing but he feels silent tears starting to wet his collar and shoulder. Poor little one... 
“Do not cry Che’ri, you did a really good job today.” Your voice rises out of nowhere. 
Samakro stops dead in his tracks, realizing you are following him. 
“Why are you here?” He demands, “I did not authorize you to leave your post.” 
You tap your chrono at your wrist with a grin. 
“My shift just ended.”  
He sniffs. 
“Then go eat and rest. I am taking care of this.” 
“Oh, so you know where her nightclothes are and where she puts her favorite plushie?” You ask with a surprised but gentle expression. 
He considers you in silence for several seconds. Did you ever give a bad look to someone once in your life he caught himself wondering. 
“Because you do, perhaps?” 
You snigger and enjoin him to follow you. 
“This way, Mid-Captain.” 
You walk beside each other, Samakro with his usual gruff demeanor and you a silent confident smile. You turn to look at him and your smile stretches more. 
“What is it, Officer (Y/n)’(F/n)?” He inquires, looking straight ahead. 
Usually, he hates being ogled like that, but this is not the effect your gaze has on him. 
Instead, he feels... Shy? Unconfident? 
Why is that? 
He is surely a little sick... 
“Nothing.” You shake your head softly, “Or rather, yes: Do you have kids Captain Samakro?” 
He feels his eyes rounding up at that question. What... What made you think it was appropriate to ask such a thing?! 
“No, I do not. I am not married.” He recovers the control of his expression. 
“Oh really? Paternity looks really good on you! You always look so... Moody but watching you taking care of Che’ri shines a new light on you.” 
He side-eyes you, looking for mockery on your face. But your red eyes shimmer with a gentle warmth and your grin is soft.  
“Although...” You take a step closer and lower your voice like you are about to share a secret, “After that scene, you may not remain unmarried for long...” 
This time he fully turns his head toward you, with an indignant expression. What got over you? 
“Do not look so shocked, Captain. What is truly shocking is that you are still single!” You raise an eyebrow with a know-it-all expression. 
“And in what way is it shocking exactly?” He demands with a haughty voice. 
“Now come on... The gruff big man with a secret heart of gold! It’s a classic.” 
“It’s a cliche!” He corrects, “And we are not in a holo.” 
“But you look like you come straight out of one!” You keep going, “You could have done modeling or acting with such a face! Oh, all the broken hearts you would have left in your trail...” 
Samakro reassures his grip on Che’ri’s body to put on a front, but inside he feels turmoil.  
Why are you complimenting him so much out of nowhere? Why would you... 
Oh for fucks sake...  
He sighs internally, really he can’t escape politics wherever he goes! Now it has to walk next to him in the corridors of the Springhawk... 
He is about to open his mouth to shut you down for the rest of the day when an ungodly sound resonates in the corridor. You both look at Che’ri, who seems to bury her face harder in the crook of his neck. 
“It wasn’t me...” Samakro hears her muffled little voice. 
“Oh, Che’ri...” You put your hand on her back to caress it gently, “It’s okay, dear. Wait, I think I have something in my pockets.” 
You search your pockets until you take out a cereal bar that you give to the skywalker. She eagerly takes it, opens the package, and bites into it immediately. Samakro observes the little girl’s expression relaxing as she eats the treat. 
“Good thinking Officer.” He nods to you, “You seem to have experience with children. I imagine you have one?” He throws back the question at you, see how you like it. 
“Oh no.” You chuckle, “I am unmarried too.” 
“Really?  A motherly woman like you did not find a man to wed?” He mocks playfully, raising a haughty eyebrow at you. 
For some unknown reason 
He is relieved to learn you are single. 
“Alas, I did not!” You laugh, unbothered, “All my other partners were rather immature, not husband nor father materials... Contrary to you, Captain.” 
He stops again. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” 
“Only that your time of celibacy might be more short-lived than you expect.” You grin, “People talk to me, sir. You are quite popular.” 
Great... a fat lot of good that does him! 
“I am here to serve the Ascendancy, Officer! Not to find a wife!” He clarifies harshly. 
Which prompts your grin to grow larger again. 
“This is exactly what Fleet Admiral Bak’if  said before finding a wife in his crew!”  
“I am not Fleet Admiral Ba’kif.” 
“True, but you might be our next Fleet Admiral!” You theorize, “You have all that is needed for the job: Courage, a cunning attitude, great tactical abilities, charisma-” 
“Drop the compliments.” He cuts you short, at the end of his patience, “What do you really want?” 
You consider him, mute for the first time. 
He gauges you back. If you play politics, you are way too upfront about it! Complimenting someone so much is so amateurish... 
That is not what makes his blood boil he realizes. 
What makes it boil is that you may compliment him for a hidden goal and not because you truly mean it.  
He should not care. 
But the thought that all your words might be false in your head... Stabs his heart. 
He mentally shakes his head. Why does he even care what you think in the first place? 
Because you are a great officer, with a lot of good qualities. One of those that are too rare. He met plenty of good officers, but rarely great ones. And seeing one playing the political game so badly, risking getting caught and destroying their own career like that is disheartening. 
This is surely why he feels like that.. 
No possible other reason! 
You squint at him, your soft expression gone to leave the place to a more... thoughtful one. 
And to his surprise. 
You start giggling. 
You let out a breathy laugh before hiding your growing elated smile behind your hand, your red eyes shimmering like glitter and pure light. The notes of your laugh are like none other, they rise high, where the angels are. They are like a song to his ears, a delicious melody he never heard before but he feels like he has known all his life. 
Are you... Mocking him? 
Usually, he would use his Captain’s voice and shut you down harshly, disciplining you into obedience and teaching you respect for your superior.  But he feels his legs melting into jello and his heart picks up pace in some sort of panic he cannot explain. 
Why do you have such effects on him? 
“What did I say?” He finally demands, trying to sound intimidating. 
Not really succeeding. 
You take a step closer and your hand travels from his shoulder to his hand and you intertwine your fingers.  
And for some reason 
He lets you do it. 
Samakro isn’t used to small physical acts of affection. He collects partners to get his release and then they both go their merry way. He knows why he is seeking them out and they know why they accept him in their sheets, they do the deed and never speak ever again. 
It is simple and effective. 
But somehow. 
The simple act of holding your soft hand puts him in turmoil even his most kinky partners never managed to do! 
He feels his heart accelerating and his breath getting more shallow. 
This... is not an act of lust and primal carnal desire.  
But of tenderness and affection, such simple fondness and adoration.  
He should rip his hand out of your grip, he knows he should. 
But it is beyond him. 
He feels more naked than he ever has in his entire life, making his stomach twist and a strange warm sensation spread in his stomach. 
Making him feel... fluffy. 
You gently raise on your tip toe and very slowly, very gently, kiss his cheek. 
It is short. 
It is chaste. 
It is sweet. 
It is utterly devastating. 
He audibly gasp despite his best effort at the touch of your soft lips. 
Wh... Why do you make him feel like this? 
He turns his gaze to you, unsure, to discover you looking at him with pure, raw adoration in your burning gaze. 
“Let’s put Che’ri to bed, and then we will talk over a cup of caccoleaf. I will explain everything.” 
And you boop his nose with the most mischievous grin he ever saw. 
“What do you say, Mid-Captain?” You tilt your head. 
“All... All right.” He finally gulps, his throat dries like the desert. 
For some reason 
Sharing a cup of caccoleaf cup with you is the most thrilling proposition anyone ever gave him. And he had numerous proposition. 
You squeeze his hand gently in yours, your soft confident smile on your face, looking sure of yourself, you guide him yourself in the corridor. 
And for Samakro for whom getting power and obedience from his crew was his goal... 
He thinks that following someone’s else lead might not be that bad after all... 
Especially yours. 
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin@ineedazeezee @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @obbicrystaleo @germie2037 @leo4242564@davesrightshoe @holylonelyponyeatingmacaroni 
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comiclysmic · 2 years
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Spinning Chips into Broams~
Cosmere Inktober - Glass ft. Rysn and Chiri-chiri
✒️ Made with Kuretake and Deleter ink, plus Dr. Ph. Martin watercolour
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halibellecter · 5 years
So this is a continuation of a comment on this post:
It's a post about assistive tech in my headcanon for SWTOR! I really loved getting to work all this out and I'm so excited to gush about it.
As background, my character Liri is neurodivergent. She was genetically engineered, like Shara was, to be a more ideal Agent, but a lot of her tweaks came at a price. (I made a self insert. That's the long and short of it. I'm ND and, well, I wanted to play an Agent like me.)
So, for example, when her hyperfocus kicks in, the Empire has the perfect operative: she can go for hours or days without things like food or sleep, maintaining exactly the same high level of work the entire time. But after the mission, when she leaves that headspace, all the needs and sensations come crashing back all at once and suddenly she's miserable. It also doesn't turn off or down: a mission is one thing, and it makes perfect sense for her to go days on the bare minimum. But it becomes a problem when she hits the floor in the medbay to work on a patient requiring top secret clearance... only to give report sixteen hours later and realize she forgot to eat. Or drink. Or sit down for a break. .......Again.
If she were in this world, we'd say she doesn't register internal cues. Her diagnosis in character is called MIED: Modification Induced Executive Dysfunction, and it has symptoms consistent with what we'd call ADHD and autism. Which is how she wound up with a hyperfocus that plays off of her weak internal cues and causes havoc. They're working with her on not seeing this as a bad thing, but it led to her being tortured at the Academy in the name of making her "better" (similar techniques to ABA). So it's a long road to getting her to be okay with her own neurobiology.
Okay, background out of the way, let's talk about the tech itself! Liri was outfitted with a biomonitor chip for ID and security purposes in Intelligence, but it also reads things like vital signs and blood sugar and other basic lab values. This makes it super convenient to treat a chipped patient, but in her case, it forms the foundation of letting her take care of herself.
Liri carries around a little droid, about the size of a glucometer, the design of which was a team effort with my friend and fellow roleplayer @redwingedwhump . Her character glued some googly eyes onto it on day one, but it was already cute to begin with, painted and shaped like a little round porgish creature. She named it Chiri.
Chiri reads information off of her biomonitor chip, and alerts for things like high pulse and blood pressure, rising serum sodium, falling blood sugar, etc.
But the problem is that if you tell Liri that she's dehydrated or hypoglycemic or whatever, and she's working on a patient, she's not going to take a break. She's going to look at the alert on her holocomm, go "yeah okay, once I finish placing this central line", and go right back to work... and forget allllllllllll about feeding herself or drinking water or doing something about the fact that her pulse hasn't dropped below 120 all day. She's an Agent and a medic and there are lots of things more important than taking care of herself. But if it's framed as taking care of a poor innocent creature that can't care for itself, she'll remember, scrub out and go get a glass of water or take a break. So, Chiri doesn't display lab values or standard alerts. Instead, it's like having a tamagotchi, with alerts like "I'm hungry!" "I'm stressed!" "I've been working too long!"
In order to address the alerts, Liri has to change what the chip is reading from her own body. If Chiri is thirsty, and she wants to fix it, she has to drink to clear the alert. Once she gets enough fluids in, her serum sodium goes down, and the alert goes away.
Can she function without Chiri? Yeah, absolutely, but she winds up running herself into the ground. She'll survive a mission without assistive tech and she'll be fine in the end, but short term and especially right after the mission is over, she's gonna be sick and miserable from not taking care of herself in the moment. So having the accommodation really helps her out with staying on top of things.
Tagging @kartaylirsden and @vespertine-legacy for asking the question / wanting to know more about the character~ y'all rock! I'm having so much fun with these!
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keytosolidarity · 5 years
Gives Chirithy a plate of chocolate chip cookies. "All for you. Thanks for looking out for your own as well as you do."
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“Whaaat? A-Are these for me?” Chiri’s ears gave a wiggle as the cat spirit leaned over the plate of cookies, nose twitching. “They smell so good..”
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preservationandruin · 7 years
Oathbringer Liveblog: Interludes Four
Our spread this time is Venli, Rysn (yay! Rysn again!) and Teft. 
Venli gets on a ship, Rysn is at a boring job which quickly gets less boring. I realize the horrific implications of a jewelry heist, and something is very very wrong with our good good boys. 
Venli is living in a cave outside Marat, because that’s more convincing to the Thaylen slaves they’re talking to. She’s also told to speak of “passion” more. She’s also forced to relive the essential death of her people every time she gives her speech. She’s not allowed to answer questions anymore, because she answered honestly about the specifics of Parshendi history. 
Venli notes that Odium, apparently, didn’t know she was in the vision with Dalinar. That’s good. She’s sailing with them out of Marat--to Thaylen City, I’ll bet. 
We get confirmation that they’ll ride the Everstorm into Thaylen City, which is bad--they can sail in it, while human ships will have to stall. And we get a melancholy note from Rine, the Fused: 
“The strongest and most skilled of our number have yet to awaken--but even if we were all awake, we would not fight this war alone. This world will not be ours; we fight to give it to you, our descendants. When it is won, our vengeance taken and our homeland secured at long last, we will sleep. Finally.” 
Really driving that moral hammer in deep here, Brandon. They just want their home back. And all that stands between them and it are, uh, thousands of lives, including a few the narrative has made us care about. 
Over to Rysn, whose job--now--seems to be keeping Queen Fen’s ledgers. So she’ll be in the area for whatever is about to go down. That seems important. She’s not an apprentice anymore--Vstim traded some favors to get her this job, actually. But she’s bored out of her mind. 
Her legs are still paralyzed, of course. The only memento she’s kept is her potted grass, all the way from Shinovar. That, and the small larkin she got. She’s named it Chiri-Chiri, which is the cutest thing. It’s sleeping in the grass. Apparently, it eats Stormlight, because it’s bothering Rysn about trying to eat the light she’s using to read. 
VSTIM IS BACK! He’s accepting the Minister of Trade appointment--the highest civilian appointment in the kingdom. He brings a ruby chip as a treat for Chiri-Chiri, who is rather protective of Rysn. And who also tries to hide in grass despite being way too big to. 
Apparently,  she tried going to Renarin, but it’s been too long since the injury for him to heal it. We also get that she refused to go out and trade more, because she sees herself as too weak to. 
And he gives her a deed of ownership to a ship. It’s name is Wandersail. He’s also, hilariously, the auditor she was waiting for--he decided to do that instead of sit in on the meeting of the monarchs. Probably for the best, given how catastrophic it was. 
I just. I love Vstim and Rysn’s interactions so much they’re so good.
She’s with a guardsman the queen had sent--spiked eyebrows are mentioned, so I’m assuming its her son. Chiri-Chiri isn’t supposed to be in there, but she comes anyway, because she’s Chiri-Chiri and she does what she wants. 
Vstim finds an old gemstone that he owned once. Says it’s smaller than he thought. 
And we see a gemstone named the King’s Drop. A huge ruby, still glowing after two hundred years in a vault. 
Oh god. The radiants were going to seal an unmade in one of those. Oh god don’t do anything don’t do anything. 
Oh god, is this why the Voidbringers are going to Thaylen City? Are they trying--oh, god. The King’s Drop was the one mentioned while we were listening to the epigraphs talking about Ba-Ado-Mishram and the plan to imprison her. 
Fuck, Renarin was asking about larger gemstones in the city.  He can see the future. 
The Voidbringers are trying to unleash Ba-Ado-Mishram, the one who was called a general, who seemed to have some powers of Connection over the parshmen. 
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The queen’s guard killed Tlik.  He did it with a knife, right in the neck. Tlik dropped without a word, though the sound of the knife being ripped free shocked Rysn.
He takes out the King’s Drop, locks an injured Vstim in the vault, and looks at Rysn--and then the guards get there. Fuck, he’s absolutely working for someone else, isn’t he. Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
...The thief is healing himself. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Either he’s a Knight Radiant, or he has access to Radiant powers. I’m really really hoping it’s not a worse-case scenario here, because there is a secretive Radiant with healing abilities AND potential illusion abilities who was asking about large gems. But no. No. Chiri-Chiri lands on the cloth covering the King’s Drop. Chiri-Chiri no! 
Rysn grabs the ruby and Chiri-Chiri and drags them around the corner, and uses the captain’s cord Vstim gave her to tie the ruby to her leg, so she doesn’t have to carry it--and starts pulling herself along the shelves. Vstim is locked in the queen’s vault bleeding. She needs to help him. 
The thing about Rysn--as much as she puts herself down, she always rises to a challenge. I love her. Chiri-Chiri is riding on the ruby, dimming its light. And Rysn is moving faster than she expected. 
Rysn underestimating herself? Or Chiri-Chiri helping? it’s a mystery, but I’m cheering for her! She has a crossbow--but she can’t step to load it. 
Rysn lowered her crossbow. What did it matter? Did she think she could fight? That man could just heal anyway.  She was alone.  Helpless.  Live or die. Did she care? I... Yes. Yes, I care! I want to sail my own ship!
Chiri-Chiri moves, distracting the man--and eating Voidlight off of him. Yes!!!!! Go Chiri-Chiri, although I’m not sure eating that is good for you! 
Oh, thank god, it’s not Renarin. The guy’s face melts off to reveal a Voidbringer, who swears at Chiri-chiri--who flies off. 
And with a rope, a chair, and some ingenuity, Rysn manages to load the crossbow. And shoot him in the face. 
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And Chiri-Chiri seems to have grown a little! Anyway, she heads for the vault door. She has to save Vstim. She’s also wondering why the Voidbringers want the King’s Drop--I think I know. Ba-Ado-Mishram. 
Over to Teft, as I cheer for Rysn for eternity. 
Over to Teft, whose state, in the first line, is described as “can function.” 
That’s a worryingly low bar. Bridge Four is subdued, heading back towards their barracks. And Teft’s spren appears again, and I still love her. 
You have Words to speak, Teft, she said in his mind.  “Storm you,” he muttered.  You have started on this path. When will you tell the others the oaths you have sworn?  “I didn’t--”  She turned away from him suddenly, becoming alert, looking down the corridor toward the Bridge Four barracks.  “What?” Teft stopped. “Something wrong?”  Something is very wrong. Run quickly, Teft!
No. Nononononononononono. Not my boys. Not Bridge Four. 
Their common room is in a shambles; blood stains the floor. Three bodies are near the back--Rock, Bisig, and Eth.  Rock’s still breathing. So is Bisig. The wounds were made by a Shardblade. By a Shardblade. Fuck. Eth was killed. 
...he was the one carrying the Honorblade. That was the target. Fuck. 
They need Renarin. Laran, one of the other ladies and the fastest in Bridge Four, sprints for the spanreeds. Whoever it was had a bridgeman coat on, the bastard. The bastard. 
Short man, Alethi. Bridge Four coat with Lieutenant’s Knots. 
...oh, no. Teft’s coat. Teft’s coat which he sold off weeks ago for spheres, for firemoss. 
Oh, Teft. 
Oh, Teft. 
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