skelebee · 2 years
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Day 3: phidippus putnami
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do you have a bug fursona???
show me !!! I need inspiration for my latest girl !!!!! pm, ask, rb, whatever's fine!! just wanna see ur Bugs !!!!
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invertebeast · 1 year
I keep discovering new terms, so which ones are the most popular?
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hellooldsmelly · 3 months
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haedgaf · 4 months
OMG FUUUUVKVKKKK AESPA RELEASE OUT im doing a live listening like. it’s really yummy. rhyming armageddon with imma get it done is a fire ass move we just had to praise, the writers for armageddon probably felt bad as helll writing this bar OH HOW NO GROUP WILL GET ON THEIR LEVEL
JUST WATCHED THE MV AND I JUST FUCKKNG KNEW GODSPA WOULD NOT DISAPPOINT LIKE I KNEW THIS WAS GONNA EAT FROM THE TEASER AARRGGGHHH IM IN THIS AESPA FOR LIFE 😭😭😭😭 the imma get it done part is so cunt like holy shit who even thought of that.. and the music video, i got so much to say but to summarise, aespa you’ll never be known for bad mvs.. trust me.. it probably sounds like i’m exaggerating but i’m literally listening to it while typing this and the way my body just HAS to move, this is definitely better than supernova and that song already is one of their best 🤦🏽‍♀️ URI GOATSPA GODSPA QUEENSPA
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microecobus · 2 years
I can only draw at level of a seven year old, but lately i've had a urge to draw a fly person, so here we go. His name is Dragutin.
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nardacci-does-art · 2 years
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On the 5th day of Spidermas, my bestie gave to meeeee~, a theridion grallator aka Smileeeyyyyy~
Because this one has the cool tough-sounding fantasy ass name Theridion Grallator, but also freaking “Smiley Face Spider,” I made it a grizzled warrior who has a cheerful disposition. I feel like I could do a better job on the coloring & bg but also I’m very tired & didn’t mean to even do a bg.
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ozkar-krapo · 1 year
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Sergio MONTORI & Gian Paolo CHITI
"Quadri antichi"
(LP. Duse rcds. 1979) [IT]
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sivavakkiyar · 1 year
4 more days until the family leaves…
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a110crazy13 · 2 years
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Enzo Ferrari, Carlo Chiti, Giancarlo Baghetti
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skelebee · 1 year
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Apiary April - Blueberry Bee
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fun fact: I have never played league of legends. Please infodump about Veigar, their design looks really cool
-Short blog :] (I dunno how to get the asks off my main blog while using desktop version on mobile)
Omg thanks so much for asking!
So basically he's a short furry magical creature called a yordle (basically a sort of fae) who decides to leave the spirit realm to live among mortals and teach them magic. Unfortunately the place where he settles down gets conquered by an undead warlord named Mordekaiser, who enslaves him and possibly tortures him as well. Eventually Mordekaiser is defeated and Veigar goes free, but he comes out unable to remember who he used to be or even what his name was. Because of his Trauma he decides he must be the evilest sorcerer ever to evil, and begins his reign of terror, except he ends up mostly driving out rival warlords and sorcerers and not really oppressing his new subjects. Also he's sensitive about his height.
(my profile picture is from an alternate universe skin where he's a level 1 video game boss who gets annoyed at a speedrunner's constant resets and traps a bunch of gamers and player characters in an arcade world)
If you want to learn more about Veigar I recommend playing Legends of Runeterra, an online card game with a lot more lore and character stuff than League (and it's just more fun), and also check out universe.leagueoflegends.com
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invertebeast · 9 months
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Forcing myself to learn PETSCII art. Based this off a pixel art I did to help me learn the ropes. It’s not easy but the things I see people do with it keeps me trying.
This is actually my sona, Zeal! She’s a Eupholus magnificus weevil and a bit of a mad scientist. Front facing views are not kind to her and her fat snout.
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storyteller-21 · 3 months
जंगल के दिल में एक दयालु हाथी, एक प्यारे हाथी की कहानी है। उसके विशाल आकार और ताकत के बावजूद, हाथी का दिल सोने जैसा है और जंगल के सभी जानवर उसे प्यार करते हैं। एक दिन, वह एक छोटी लेकिन होशियार चींटी से दोस्ती करता है, जो हाथी के संरक्षण और देखभाल से आकर्षित है। हमारे साथ जंगल की रोमांचक यात्रा पर चलें और हाथीराम और चींटी के बीच विशेष बंधन की खोज करें। क्या उनकी दोस्ती जंगल की चुनौतियों पर विजय पाएगी? देखें और जानें!
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randomrichards · 3 months
DOG MAN (2018):
Timid dog groomer
Face Voltaire gangster
How long till he breaks
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microecobus · 2 years
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Dragutin sits in a more formal costume (i really love suits)
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