fandomwritings-cm13 · 3 years
The New Recruit (A King’s Man Drabble) -- Part 1
Pairing: Conrad Oxford x f!reader (not seen in this part)
Summary: This is part one of a request (Conrad meets you after your recruited by his father and the two of them fall in love.). I kinda took the recruitment part for this. The romance is coming in part two ;)
A/N: Reader’s descriptions are more open-ended so you can see yourself in this (as I selfishly do the same lol). Please let me know what you think -- like, comment, and reblog!
Word Count: 542
Requests are open!
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(Y/n)’s heart races as she approaches the building the note instructed her to.
Kingsman Tailor
She stops on the pavement and stares in the window. The suits on the mannequins are well cut and would look incredible on a gentleman. Her gaze drifts down to the golden lettering indicating the shop’s name to passersby.
Knowing she’ll be late if she lingers outside any longer, she continues to the door and enters.
“May I help you, ma’am?” the middle-aged gentleman behind the counter inquires.
“I’m here to meet Arthur,” she replies.
The man nods once. “Around the corner, up the stairs, and to the left.”
“Thank you.”
She follows the man’s instructions, going around the corner and beginning up the stairs. She can practically hear her heart pounding in her ears as she ascends, and as she nears the top, she takes a deep breath in the hopes her heart will settle down. She’s soon in front of the door, her feet carrying her without her really realizing it, and she hesitates at the door. Her hand hovers over the door knob, and she hesitates for another second before pushing the door open.
Immediately, all eyes turn to her. Three gentlemen and a lady sit at the table across the room from where she stands. A fourth man stands behind the woman. 
(Y/n) lingers by the door, her grip tightening on the note with her instructions.
“This is a private meeting,” one of the gentlemen states.
“No, what do you have in your hand?” the man at the head of the table asks.
“Instructions, signed Arthur,” (Y/n) replies.
He smiles lightly. “Welcome, (Y/n). Please take a seat.”
She glances around the room once more as she approaches the chair by the woman. She settles in, tucking the note into her pocket, and directs her attention to the man at the head of the table.
“Is this what we called the meeting for?” inquires a dark-haired man directly across the table from her, a Scottish accent prominent.
The man at the head of the table nods his head once. “We need another in our midst to gain and disperse information.” He turns to (Y/n). “I am Arthur.”
The woman beside her turns to her. “I am Galahad.”
“I’m Lancelot,” the Scottish man chimes in. 
He turns to the brunette seated beside him, though he doesn’t speak. Arthur clears his throat, and the faintest blush forms in the young man’s cheeks.
“I am Hector,” he states, unable to remove his gaze from (Y/n).
“We are missing Bedivere and Percival,” the final man states. “However, I am Merlin.”
“If you accept the invitation to join the Kingsman agency, flip over the card in front of you,” Arthur instructs. “On the back is your codename.”
She eyes Hector for a second longer before looking around the room. Her eyes inevitably end up on the little white card on the table mere inches in front of her. Once again, she feels her heart racing in her chest. 
Her palms are sweaty as she grasps the white card and flips it over.
“Brunor,” she states, looking up and accidentally making eye contact with Hector.
“Welcome to Kingsman,” Arthur says with a smile.
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fandomwritings-cm13 · 3 years
The New Recruit (A King’s Man Drabble) -- Part 2
<Previous Part
Pairing: Conrad Oxford x f!reader
Summary: This is part one of a request (Conrad meets you after your recruited by his father and the two of them fall in love.). This part focuses more on the romance between reader and Conrad ;)
A/N: Work has been a bit crazy lately, and I’ve needed to catch up on stuff after being out sick for a week... But here’s part 2! Again, reader’s descriptions are more open-ended so you can see yourself in this (as I selfishly do the same lol). Please let me know what you think -- like, comment, and reblog!
Word Count: 746
Requests are open!
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It’s a few weeks before another note arrives for (Y/n). Immediately, she takes it to her bedroom so she has privacy given the contents. 
Oxford Estate. Tomorrow evening. 
No other information is on the paper. No reason why she’s going. No details about what to wear or what to bring. 
Just go to the Oxford estate.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
As she approaches the estate in the car, she can’t tear her gaze away from the absolutely beautiful building. The driver stops not far from a stone staircase leading to the front door. She remains inside the vehicle as he gets out and comes around to her door. He opens it and extends his hand to her, which she takes to smoothly exit the vehicle.
(Y/n) remains standing and staring up at the building for a few seconds longer before she begins ascending the stairs, her heels clicking against the stone. When she reaches the door, she taps the door with the knocker twice. As she waits for the door to open, she fiddles with the material of the skirt.
The door opens suddenly, and the gentleman called Merlin stands in the opening.
“Ah, Ms. (Y/L/n),” he greets with a warm smile, “a pleasure. Please, come in.”
She steps inside, and he promptly closes the door behind her. 
“Follow me, please, Miss.”
(Y/n) follows just behind Merlin through several halls, the house eerily quiet. He stops at a set of large wooden doors and opens them for (Y/n) to step through. She lingers just outside, gazing in. The room is lit by candles, and the table is set for two.
“Sir, I’m confused,” (Y/n) states, glancing at Merlin. “I thought I’d be meeting Arthur...”
He chuckles, seemingly to himself. “Mr. Oxford will be down shortly. I’ll inform him you’re here.” He disappears down the hall, leaving (Y/n) alone just outside the doorway of the dining room.
She stares after him, watching him leave, before her gaze wanders back to the table set for two. Cautiously, she steps inside and allows her gaze to wander more. The room is large and filled with various paintings, likely all ancestors in the Oxford family line.
A man clearing his throat both startles her and draws her gaze to him.
“Hector?” she questions.
He chuckles, scratching the back of his neck. “Yes.”
“I-... I thought I’d be meeting Arthur.”
“Well, he’s not going to be happy with me doing this, but he’s my father. My name is Conrad.”
“Why did you want me to come? I don’t understand.”
“I wanted to get to know you after meeting you at the tailor shop.”
She raises an eyebrow, a slight blush heating her cheeks. “Get to know me?”
Conrad smiles, going around her and pulling her chair out for her.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
One dinner turned into two. Two turned into several. Several turned into courting. 
Conrad never told his father about bringing (Y/n) to the house or that he was romantically interested, fearing that his father would be against the whole idea. Shola kept his secret over several months.
Until Conrad’s father caught them in the garden together.
To say he was angry would be an understatement. 
“Conrad, what is the meaning of this?” he shouts.
“Father, is taking an interest in her that bad?” Conrad replies.
His father sighs. “If she were a normal girl, this wouldn’t be an issue.”
“Why is it a problem that I’ve fallen for a girl I met-”
“Because neither of you are supposed to know who the other is! That was the point of having code names! It protects all of us. You’ve put both of you in danger by pursuing this entanglement.”
Conrad rolls his eyes. “I thought you would be happy I was happy.”
His father sighs. “I am happy, but I wish you would’ve told me about this sooner. Then, we could’ve talked about it and perhaps this would be a different conversation.”
Silence hangs in the air for several seconds. Neither man looks at the other. Orlando is deep in thought, trying to come up with some sort of solution to this new problem. Meanwhile, Conrad seems to fidget.
“I’m going to ask her to marry me,” he blurts out.
Orlando stops mid-thought and turns to his son. “What?”
“I’m going to ask (Y/n) to marry me. I’ve thought about it a lot, and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her.”
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fandomwritings-cm13 · 3 years
At Long Last (A Conrad Oxford Drabble -- Requested)
Pairing: Conrad Oxford x f!reader
Summary: This is based on an anonymous request. Because of spoilers, it’s directly under the cut. 
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR THE KING’S MAN -- READ AT YOUR OWN RISK IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE MOVIE YET and a bit of angst with plenty of fluff
A/N: I was honestly thinking about this scenario when I saw the movie, so I hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think -- like, comment, and reblog!
Word Count: 638
Requests are open!
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Request: AU of if Conrad survived, and her is injured and comes home to his girlfriend or fiance. 
My apologies for taking so long in writing it!
Knowing how much Conrad had wanted to join the war effort in a meaningful way did not prepare you for the reality of him being away. Many days are spent staring longingly out the window, hopeful for some glimpse of his return. 
The weeks drag on and blur together. Life becomes dull, a seemingly monotonous cycle of the same things day after day after day.
However, upon hearing an engine nearing the house, you fear the worst, your heart racing and pounding in your ears as you approach the front door. You bite your lip as you grasp the door knob and open the door. 
Getting out of the car several yards away is Conrad, and he’s in uniform.
Your heart practically leaps in relief at the merely sight of him.
You step out onto the front porch as he goes around the car. You remain there, watching him approach. His eyes are on the ground, a slight frown on his lips. He doesn’t look up until he’s just in front of the door. His jaw drops slightly when he sees you already standing in the door.
“(Y/n),” he breathes.
He stares only a second longer before he’s pulled you tightly into his embrace with his nose in your hair. It takes you a few seconds before you’re wrapping your arms around him just as tightly as he. Tears begin sliding down your cheeks, and you bury your face in his chest.
“I was so worried about you,” you whisper.
“I missed you immensely,” he replies softly. “I thought of you every day.” He pulls away, staring directly into your eyes. His hands settle into place on your waist, and yours rest on his arms just above his elbows. “I needed to see you before handling some business at my father’s instructions.”
“What will that entail?”
A faint blush reddens his cheeks and ears. “I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to discuss.”
“When will I see you again?”
“I’m not entirely sure. There is still so much to be done.”
“I hope you’ll come by again when all is done.”
“Of course, my love.”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A hurried knock on the door startles you. You quickly set your book aside and watch the entry to the sitting room. You’re able to catch your name from a muffled voice down the hall, along with a few other words you cannot make out. 
A moment later, Conrad is in the open doorway. He remains there only a couple seconds before he’s approaching you.
He pulls you to your feet before closing the gap between the two of you entirely, his lips on yours. His hands grip your waist tightly and keep you against him. You kiss him back, one hand going to his cheek and the other to his arm right above his elbow. He deepens the kiss, and you move your hand up his arm towards his shoulder.
You pull back when you feel warm liquid against the skin of your hand. When you look at your hand, you see blood, and your eyes widen.
“Conrad, what happened?” you inquire.
“It’s nothing,” he replies, leaning in to kiss you again.
You place your hand on his chest to stop him, raising a brow.
He sighs, loosening his hold on you. “Alright...” He pauses briefly. “It happened while I was on business for my father.”
You shake your head. “You’re reckless.”
“Not when I have you at home.”
“At least allow me to clean you up, Conrad.”
He shakes his head. “No, I should see a physician. I must’ve broken the stitches...”
“Would you allow me to come with you?”
He smiles brightly, grasping your hand against his chest. “Only if you allow me to take you out to dinner this evening.”
You roll your eyes. “Why would I say no?”
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fandomwritings-cm13 · 3 years
You answered my prayers with that Conrad content! Anymore of that in general. But can I request a specific one where the reader is not white (u leave that open ended) and maybe some stuff where the reader is a badass woman. Thank you!!
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I’m honestly kinda obsessed with writing for him at the moment.
Here’s the first of a few King’s Man requests!
Requests are open!
. . . . . . . .
Pairing: modern!AU Conrad Oxford x f!reader
Warnings: fluff (technically no spoilers in this drabble!)
A/N: I tried to keep reader’s descriptions open-ended so you can see yourself in this (as I selfishly do the same lol). Please let me know what you think -- like, comment, and reblog!
Conrad hears the door slam, but he doesn’t turn from the stove. (Y/n) practically stomps into the apartment to drop her things in the normal spot along the wall behind the couch. She hangs up her coat and slips out of her shoes. 
“How was work?” Conrad calls.
(Y/n) slumps into the kitchen and immediately wraps her arms around his slender, and frankly muscular, figure from behind. She nestles her face into his back.
“That bad?”
She nods, tightening her hold for a second. “What’re you making?”
“Your favorite. I figured it was time.”
(Y/n) takes a deep breath, noticing the smells filling the room for the first time. The tension leaves her body at the familiar scents.
“You’re too good to me, Conrad,” (Y/n) mumbles.
“Well, I’m glad I can receive such high praise,” Conrad replies.
She pulls back a little to see him smirking at her over his shoulder. “What’s that supposed to mean!”
“You’re not exactly easy on your co-workers.”
“Is that such a bad thing? I simply hold them accountable for what they are supposed to do.”
“I think it’s quite amusing, actually.” He pauses. “Tell me what happened.”
“Mark decided to say I hadn’t done what he needed by today. I had everything that was under my control, but he was still upset with me.” She rolls her eyes. “I tried to explain, even though he didn’t seem to listen.”
“I’m sorry, my love.”
She shrugs, again laying her head on his back.
“Perhaps your favorite dinner will help you feel better.”
She nods slowly. “I did handle the situation before I left work today.”
“At least you won’t have to worry about dealing with it tomorrow.”
“But Mark may choose to be a complete pain again regardless.”
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fandomwritings-cm13 · 3 years
The New Assistant (A Perry Mason Imagine)
Pairing: Perry Mason x female!reader
Summary: Perry and the reader meet because she’s Paul’s new assistant, she’s very competent and he loves it. He is a perfect gentlemen to her.
Requested by: @fantastical-67impala-fangirl​
Warnings: none(?) other than period typical sexism
A/N: Requests are still open. Send a message or fill out the form in my masterlist to request! :)
Word Count: 827
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She’s writing away in her notebook when someone strolls right by. She can smell the cigarette being smoked, so she looks up to see her boss, Paul Drake heading for his office.
“Oh, Mr. Drake!” she calls, rising to her feet.
The man turns on his heels and approaches her desk again. “What is it, (Y/n)?”
“Mr. Mason wanted to see you about the latest case. Something about tracking down a waitress, I think. I left the note on your desk.”
He smiles brightly, taking a seat on the corner of her desk. “Thank you. Did Mr. Mason come down here himself to send this message?” He blows out a puff of smoke, his eyebrows raised in anticipation.
“No,” (Y/n) replies with a blush in her cheeks, “Gertie dropped it over here just after you left for lunch.”
“Ah, I see.”
“Let me know if there are any calls you need me to make or anything, Mr. Drake.”
He nods. “Of course, dear. Have you had lunch yet?”
“I was about to go and grab my lunch from the lounge, but I didn’t want to miss you.”
“Go ahead, (Y/n). I’ll make sure the stack doesn’t get too tall on your desk.”
“Thank you, Mr. Drake,” she replies with a small smile.
As she rises to her feet, Paul does the same and heads for his office. (Y/n) exits the office and goes down the hall to the entrance to Perry Mason’s office. She steps in quietly and shuts the door behind her before heading for the employee lounge.
“Good afternoon, Gertie,” (Y/n) greets as she passes her desk. 
“Oh, (Y/n)!” Gertie calls, which causes (Y/n) to stop and turn to her. “Did you pass along Mr. Mason’s message?”
(Y/n) nods. “Of course, Gertie. I’m sure he’s taking care of things now.”
She settles back into her seat as (Y/n) enters the lounge. 
(Y/n) pulls her lunch box out of the fridge and goes to the coffee pot, pouring Paul a cup of coffee. With the coffee and her lunch box in hand, she returns to her desk to drop off her lunch. She approaches Paul’s office door and knocks twice before poking her head in.
“Do you have a moment, Mr. Drake?” she inquires.
He nods, motioning her in.
She enters and shuts the door behind her. “I just wanted to check in with you, Mr. Drake.” She crosses the room and sets the coffee on his desk. “And I figured a cup of coffee would be necessary at this point in the day.”
He smiles at her. “You’re probably the best assistant I’ve ever hired, (Y/n).”
(Y/n) blushes again. “You’re too kind, Mr. Drake.”
“I need you to-”
The door opens across the room. Mr. Mason enters, looking right at Paul and totally missing (Y/n) standing just beside his desk as he approaches. 
“Paul, have you put one of your men on that waitress yet?” Mr. Mason inquires.
“I just finished putting one of my men on it, Perry,” Paul replies. “What’s the rush? I thought it was a valet we were looking for.”
“If we find her, we’ll find the valet.”
“You mean they’re in cahoots?” (Y/n) asks, and both men turn to look at her.
Paul grins, looking at Perry with raised eyebrows.
“In a sense,” Perry answers, smirking.
“Well, we should be able to find them both fairly soon,” Paul interjects. “Frank will be calling me when he finds them.” He turns to (Y/n), tearing off a sheet of paper from a notepad on his desk. “Call him again and make sure he knows he’s looking for two people.”
“Yes, Mr. Drake,” (Y/n) replies as she takes the paper.
Without another word, she turns and returns to her desk outside Mr. Drake’s office. She dials the number on the paper handed to her and calls Frank Roberts to pass along Paul Drake’s message. Once that’s done, she opens her lunch box and pulls out a sandwich. 
(Y/n) is about halfway through her lunch when someone walks into her office. She quickly sets her food aside and wipes her mouth with a napkin, chewing quickly to greet the person. She opens her mouth to speak but freezes when she sees Mr. Perry Mason approaching her desk.
“Good afternoon, Ms. (Y/L/n),” he greets, stopping just in front of her desk.
“Afternoon, Mr. Mason,” she replies. “Is there something I can do for you? I can call Mr. Drake for an update with the waitress, if you’d like.”
He shakes his head. “No, no. I had a question for you.”
She raises her eyebrows. “Of course, Mr. Mason.”
“Would you care to join me for dinner at Clay’s Grill?”
“Tonight? But, Mr. Mason, what about your case?”
He chuckles softly. “Then after the case.”
She smiles a little. “That sounds lovely. I look forward to it.”
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