#chnage your life
uncanny-tranny · 9 months
I think as we grow up, we have to be really conscious of romanticizing the world we grew up in in order to scorn how the next generations are growing up.
Nostalgia isn't inherently bad, but especially in political spaces, be very wary of this idea that there is an Ideal Past we must Harken Back To.
It sucks to feel left behind, but such is the human condition. It isn't bad to feel nostalgic, but that doesn't mean that these new generations are inherently "lost" and "need to be saved (by you)", and I think that is very important to remember and try to be conscious of.
#politics#'the world you grew up in no longer exists' frankly... GOOD!#the world i personally grew up in was scary and lonely and traumatizing. no kid today should STILL be growing up like that#the whole 'nostalgia as a poltical means' is rooted in this idea that...#1) we all grew up in a hegemony 2) we all turned out the same 3) the way we grew up had more privileges afforded to us#and i personally like nostalgia! i like watching videocamera videos from 2005 and looking up super specific shit#but nostalgia does not a good world make#INSERT UMBERTO ECO'S FOURTEEN POINTS ON FASCISM#(though i don't always think nostalgia can lead to this in a political sense there is a fine line)#be very mindful of what motivates nostalgiaposting#is it because people miss childhood and how 'simple' it felt? or is there a different reason that motivates this type of posting?#are you romanticizing childhood to the point you are not remembering your childhood /at all/ but the *idea* of it?#and honestly it is SO jarring when my peers are nostalgic because it's like... we aren't even that old!!#it comes across like... the world is hard and it's getting harder and so we cannot chnage and must wistfully think of the past...#...and to me it comes across as almost... doomerist in how end-stage feelings of nostalgia and hopelessness seen#i feel compassion for the impulse to feel like your old life is over and you need to grieve it...#...but certainly that isn't the younger generations fault? especially because WE are now the ones rasing them and we still yet live#(even at our completely decrepit age of not even close to a mid-life crisis (sarcasm and lighthearted))
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gonfrees · 1 year
"egg prices rising gave a huge profit boost to corperations" "cans of vegetables all over $1" "cans of beans all over $1" "produce prices skyrocket" "corporations profits rising" "minimum wage stagnant" "rent increase" "tip your landlord" "gas increase in price causes record profits" I am about to commit a crime do fucking henious.
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writing-dilemmas · 6 months
I just got hit with the strongest, most jaw dropping, soul sucking sense of nostalgia
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ryanxross · 10 months
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clelery · 2 years
What's the linked universe??
Didn;t think I have anybody who sees my posts that don't know what it is haha but uh it's a series of super well made comics that have all the Links form the mainstream games.
This is a link to the archive for all the comics and such- https://linkeduniverse.tumblr.com/post/181757349079/archive-highlights-development
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starsworldd · 1 year
𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙤𝙗𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙥𝙩. 4
take with a grain of salt and only take what resonates
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✰ a year in which you have uranus in the 𝟪th house could indicate a life-changing + unforgettable year
✰ lilith in the 𝟣𝟤th house shows obsession with fantasies/spirituality and things that lead you off track. also lack of sleep!
✰ 𝟣𝟤th house ruler in the 𝟪th could indicate lack of sleep or trouble sleeping for that year
✰ having solar return part of fortune conjunct the natal ascendant could mean having something really lucky/fortunate happening to you especially money wise (does not always have to correlate to money though, also general happiness)
✰ wherever your solar return mc falls in your natal chart shows what your responsibilities may consist of:
solar return mc in natal 7th = working with somebody else in order to accomplish your goals/responsibilities for that year
solar return mc in natal 2nd = goals/responsibilities may have to do with reorganizing your personal values/possessions/money/self-worth etc…
solar return mc in natal 5th = you may be able to display your creativity on a more public level this year
✰ asteroid fama (𝟦𝟢𝟪) in the 𝟣𝟣th is a fame indicator
✰ solar return vertex in the 𝟪th/scorpio (sometimes 𝟫th as well) can also show a life-changing year
✰ asteroid mony (𝟩𝟩𝟪𝟤) in solar return (sr) 𝟣st house shows that you may be more ambitious and may do side hustles to get more $$
✰ but in my opinion asteroid mony doesn’t only speak to the actual money it can also show where we are finding future opportunities to make $$ for that year as well
✰ lilith opposite mc in sr can show some mental health struggles for that year
✰ check to see where sr vertex falls in your natal:
12th = themes of isolation/mental health/creativity/spirituality are more present
2nd = managing finances/self-worth/skills and basically getting yourself together
7th = enemies/friends/one-on-one situations/business impact that year ahead
✰ sr lilith conjunct neptune can also show mental health struggles but emphasis on fears and anxiety
✰ sr moon in the 𝟫th indicates chnages in your philosophy
✰ a year in which you have your sr rising in your natal 𝟤nd house could mean that you are preparing for something long term for that year
✰ years in which you have sr rising in angular houses are action-oriented, it’s almost more in-your-face and this-is-it type of energy if that makes sense
✰ ive noticed that people usually have neptune in the 𝟨th house when they’ve dropped or taken a break from school?
✰ asteroid academia (𝟪𝟤𝟫) in the 𝟦th is indicative of an emotional year (especially in scorpio), you are exploring your feelings more deeply and learning how to nurture yourself better
✰ mc/𝟣𝟢th house ruler in 𝟥rd can mean a lot of activity on social media
✰ sr vertex conjunct natal mercury or visa versa can indicate making connections that change your life trajectory
✰ sr vertex at the 𝟤𝟤nd degree could mean a very busy but also kind of mentally exhausting year
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friendly reminder that i have solar return (and other readings) available as of right now :)
hope you enjoyed!
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phyrexian-lesbian · 6 months
I also have complicated feelings about Donna but I'm curious what chnaged for you after the specials?
look she was my favourite companion before the specials and she was great during them but it was the ending that threw it off for me. like, the doctor lost donna over a thousand years ago. and i guess it’s sort of nice that she got a happy ending, but it sort of just feels like a repeat of journeys end with rose. she gets a personal tennant!doctor and everything is fine. it feels cheap. and also the solution to the metacrisis? “you’re a man so you wouldn’t understand letting power go?” oh we must be erasing “doctor i let you go” again. it was cheap. her ending was the easy way out, and it was happy, and everything was totally okay. and, of course, the doctor had never been happier in his life. what about your fucking wife you moron. that’s pretty much it, but needless to say donna isn’t my favourite companion anymore. all the weight is kinda taken from her story knowing she can just will away all her troubles and that she’ll get a 10 clone.
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infiniteko · 1 month
Do u think aliens exist? I saw this profile on twitter and i thought maybe aliens were spreading non dualism to make us go crazy or spiral out of control 😭😭😭
You promise your not some malevolent alien???
Im only 13 and shifting realities has ruined my life and taken away my innocence. I just keep going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole. Im insatiable right now. I just wanna know whats real. 😭😭
Literally from "no concepts," to loa, to shifting, astral projection, alien, conspiracy theories, demons, alchemy, angels, folk spiritual practices, witchcraft....ever since I was 11 and came across shiftok I dove deep into all these esoteric studies
And while "no concepts" feels the best, when you chnaged your pfp I got scared 😭😭😭 because it happened when I came across this community of people that think aliens are gonna come for disclosure and theyre not sure if theyre good or bad, but that humanity needs to know. It was such a stupid synchronicity...maybe i dreamed up this way...because im so scared of all this crazy esoteric knowledge i know now. All my friends think im crazy, but they also think its cool, but also dont have the mental fortitude to dive as deeply as i did 😭😭😭 im all alone
Theres these beings that esoteric people on 4chan talk about, theyre called mantids and they can control your brains😭😭😭 theyre partially aliens
Idk what to believe, but again, i even tried witchcraft and spell work, and astrology. EVERYTHING over these past two years to find out the truth of reality. I have over a terabyte of files worth of esoteric knowledge. And i still don't know!!! I wish i never came across tiktok and did this deep dive into the unknown. I wish I had just been a normal middle schooler
I wish i just found loa and non dualism first
Do you have any advice? I know, I think u might be an alien. But ur probs not lol.
My parents and grandparents cant even help...all they care about is work and keeping our lives organized. My mom and dad told me im just going down rabbit holes for no reason. My family laughs that im into all this esoteric stuff. I actually think they think its a cool quirk in the family. So shallow😭😭😭😭😭😭 im too young for this mental illness
But its too late, I know too much...
Any other no concepts people, please say anything to this post
Ur guys words have been the thing that makes the most sense. But this awakening/noticing is intense and nobody around me is going through this 💔❤️‍🩹😭🫶🏻
jesus christ???????
1. Anon with all due respect, your first question.. if you know i'm an AV/" " account, where does the belief in aliens fit in?
2. In a slightly concerning tone, don't you see how out of touch all of this sounds?
3. At your young age of 13 you might want to stay away from social media for a bit because.. this does not sound healthy anymore😬 over a terabyte of files worth esoteric knowledge.. jesus christ
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lavender--fairy · 2 years
Hey am crying rn so I am❄+🔥 like I was trying hard to get into void it's like I I forcing lmao I am laughing at it lol its stupid that I was changing something from a way it can't be changed I was trying to chnage the 3d it's like I want to get treated for a disease and went to the dentist lmao I tried for void but never got in no matter what no matter if it's alpha theta delta whatever I tried tried and kept trying then this day I was feeling absolutely shit from the second I woke up I was in a questioning state I was feeling suuuuper down this is about Saturday btw so yeah I found out about Edward art and I went to sleep listening to his videos and it was the eye opening point for me like I felt the switch I felt myself become my desired self and I felt totally different I found out where I was going wrong I used to think that no matter how much I try to get in the void I'll only get in the day I am supposed to but edward told me that there's nothing like fate or destiny you make your own destiny I was mesmerized and totally calm and I also gave myself credit and took responsibility of the I AM I realized how I was a fuccing mess always looking at 3d and mourning while everything I wanted could have been mine but I didn't get sad over that as it's never too late and time isn't real anyways so yeah I was soo calm I didn't get a single negative thought if I saw something undesirable I didn't care or gaf naturally as I totally grasped the concept that 4D IS WHAT MAKES 3D so if I look ugly or not how I want to then instead of crying I naturally thought if I feel like I look ugly then that's my creation and I take full responsibility and just how I got this face and body I'll get what I really want if I really keep going back to the new story how I used to go back to the old story istg I feel so woken up I still doubt but not as much also I manifested sm instantly like literally one second told myself this will happen next second it did ikr crazy. Yall it's all within do it there's no divine timing you decide everything... you're God
hey butterbean!! omgg i am so proud of you!! you deserve to be fearless and calm, tysm for this <3 edward really out here saving people's life lmaoo
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ivemanifest · 2 months
How To Chnage Your Entire Life With Meditation
How To Transform Your Life With Meditation
Transform Within What A Great Way To Spend Your Full Moon With some transformations Today is a Full Moon and it’s a great opportunity to use those expansive energies to go within & make transformations. One of the best way to cause transformations in your own life is by tuning in with that inner world that exists. This can easily be achieved through meditation and in today’s blog post I will…
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astroandry · 11 months
To anyone who needs it, 100 Reasons to Stay Alive:
1. to make your parents proud
2. to conquer your fears
3. to see your family again
4. to listen to your favourite artist live
5. to listen to music again
6. to experience a new culture
7. to make new friends
8. to inspire
9. to have your own children
10. to adopt your own pet
11. to make yourself proud
12. to meet your idols
13. to laugh until you cry
14. to feel tears of happiness
15. to eat your favourite food
16. to see your siblings grow
17. to pass school
18. to get a tattoo
19. to smile until your cheeks hurt
20. to meet your internet friends
21. to find someone who loves you like you deserve
22. to eat icecream on a hot day
23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
24. to see untouched snow in the morning
25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
26. to see the stars light up the sky
27. to read a book that chnages your life
28. to see flowers in the spring
29. to see the leaves change from green to brown
30. to travel abroad
31. to learn a new language
32. to learn to draw
33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them
34. puppy kisses
35. Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek)
36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them
37. Trampolines
38. Ice cream
39. Stargazing
40. Cloud watching
41. Taking a shower then sleeping in clean sheets
42. Receiving thoughtful gifts
43. "I saw this and I though of you"
44. The feeling you get when someone says, "I love you."
45. The relief you feel after crying
46. Sunshine
47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention
48. Your future wedding
49. Your favourite candy bar
50. New clothes
51. Witty puns
52. Really good bread
53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time
54. Completing a milestone
55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can't stop smiling
56. The smell before and after it rains
57. The sound of rain against a rooftop
58. The feeling you get when you're dancing
59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them.
60. Trying out new recipes
61.  The feeling you get when your favourite song comes on the radio
62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage
63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable
64. Breakfast in bed
65. Getting a middle seat in a movie theatre
66. Breakfast for dinner
67. Pray
68. Forgiveness
69. Water balloon fights
70. New books from your favourite authors
71. Fireflies
72. Birthdays
73. Realising that someone loves you
74. Spending the day with someone you love
75. Opportunity to create meaningful and lasting relationships
76. Potential to learn, grow, and evolve as a person
77. Joy and Happiness in the little things
78. The power to inspire others
79. The ability to create art, music, and other forms of self-expression
80. To explore different cultures, traditions, and ways of life
81. To make a positive impact on the environment and help the planet
82. Experience the joys of parenthood and raise a family
83. Learn new things and develop new skills
84. Create a legacy that will outlive you
85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed
86. Someone's skin against yours
87. Holding hands
88. The kind of hugs where you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person's, and you feel like the only two people in the world
89. Singing offkey with your best friends
90. Road trips
91. Spontaneous adventures
92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes
93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees
94. Thunderstorms
95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland
96. The taste of your favourite food
97. The child-like feeling you get on christmas morning
98. The day when everything finally goes away
99. Compliments and praises
100. To look on this moment 10 years time and realise you did it.
Credit to @mathew0 on youtube under the video "oneheart X reidenshi- Snowfall (slowed) (1 hour loop)" or https://youtu.be/_r0vlyp33pw 
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corpsepng · 5 months
download epubs and an e-reading app instead of using pdfs it'll CHNAGE YOUR LIFE
eeeeeh idk. epubs are looking like they cost money and i'm not reading these things on a phone. i'm mostly after scans of out of print non fiction for research purposes.
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same <333
AAHH SPIN HELLO ANGEL!! OK- i will be talking about my beloved blorbo Viridian !! I want to talk about how she has grown over the past year- seeing as she is one of my creations!! ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ heads up this might be a long read because i have a lot to say (and lots of screenshots aaah)
So- I've had Viridian as an OC since July last year. She has gone through a new small chnages- but every version of her I love with all my heart- she is so special to me (an explination to one of the reasons why can be found here)
OK LETS START WITH VANILLA VIRIDIAN (from my blind run of cp2077 which lasted from July to septmber 2022) - vanilla viridian looks very similar to my 2071 viridian (minus the arasaka cyberarm)- this version of her had No mods (because I didnt know how to mod). At this time I Couldn’t really make out her vibe- all i knew was she loved jackie and had hair kinda like mine &lt;3 - the vanilla run was more- more for me to just sit and play cyberpunk- and cry because i went in blind not knowing what would happen (ugh uhm komepki plaza I AM LOOKING AT YOU) - this version of viridian was played / used before transmog was a thing in cp2077- so i was always like "GOS HOW DO I DRESS HER?!?!?" and she looked... interesting at times XD
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After my vanilla run- I though "oh hey... what If i gave modding a go? 2022 is all about trying now and scary things after all!!".. so I shopped around for a basic mod and ended up trying out this pride eyeshadow mod - took me... god a few hours and lots of screaming at my pc to get it working (because i had no idea the main file had to be unzipped- hey @genocidalfetus - i am forver greatful for your help with that!!) after getting that one (1) mod installed- i felt like i could fight god and went ham installing mods (then the gamer gods humbled me when i deleted a main game file by mistake and it took 8 hours for my game to re install) BUT WE MOVE- I started to play around with more mods- realised I wanted Viridian to have her arasaka cyberarm so I managed to get that- then started to play around with hairstyles- viridian had a really shirt haircut for like-- ages!! --- and and i found a mod for jackie's leather bomber which made me SO HAPPY AAAHH
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This was around october/november 2022- kinda around the time i was shyly approaching tumblr and posting blorbo stuff. But then the 1.61 patch dropped and i yelled because all my mods had to be re installed - but again we move - we learn and grow!
In the december of 2022 I came up with my first ever AU- the devil canon (which is an AU where Viridian gose back to arasaka near the end of her life- a very angsty AU)
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At the start of 2023 I played around with more outfits and hairstyles (finally figured out what shair i'd like viridian to have canonically) - learnt about model swapping too! also started to actually flesh out her alter ego "arasaka's red rabbit" a brutal netrunner !! As my confidence with modding has grown- I've tried many fun outfits for her !! some of my fave looks can be found here, here , here and here (others are below!)
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And now we are at the present- May 2023!! Viridian now has a solid design- I'm still having fun making new outfits for her- trying out new things- new poses- new ways to light my work!! Viridian also now exists in a few other universes / games such as The sims 4 or dragon age inquisition! (was inspired by my dear friend @halsin !!)
Recently- like as in- yesterday I made a very fun shoot where I dressed Viridian in summery clothes/swimwear and photoed her at a pool with Jackie!! One of my fave sets i've made so far this year- very fun to work on!!
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well ok- if you've gotten to this point you're a champ!! I know i do rammble a lot about my ocs- but Viridian means a lot to me- It was very fun traulling through my tumblr and old chat feeds with friends to find stuff!! I am forver growing and learning when it comes to creating- I have fun and- yknow dont mind if stuff looks a bit janky or off at times!!
Thank you for coming to my TED talk <3 thank you for being such lovely humans - for all the hype and support- i love you all a lot and can't wait to see where I go next on my little modding and photography adventure !!
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esidolmail · 3 months
to crazy B
hihi its yami again! ive been feeling better lately thanks to your songs. they always help me out of rough times. i love yall with all my heart truly. "never be a loser" so true my life has chnaged
- yami
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Hi its me, I'm the problem.
Look, as much as I love Philip Graves, he gives off jackass bitch energy. So, he leads on the reader (who's just fuckin adorable, wife energy, protect this one for the rest of your life vibes) before leaving them after a one night stand and then they meet again years later and readee chnaged into a badass boss bitch dommy mommy you'd wanna tap but she's fucking hostile af. Also dating Rudy, cuz Rudy's the only man who deserves to score a pre-Graves reader.
Idk, im in my "fuck me up and you're next" era
Alright, I got you, will tag ya when its done<3
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magical-glimpse · 8 months
Hello Miaro,
I'm curious about this:
"It ended up not being that much lol, i had just noticed out of nowhere that the energy had shifted A LOT and i got worried i was reading them wrong the entire time, so i needed someone to check that it indeed shifted and that i am not a bad reader lol"
When you say the "energy shifted," what does that mean? Is it a different person? Or did they make a significant change in their life? How does someone shift their energy? How does it feel before and after the energy shifts?
Could you elaborate on that, please?
I cant elaborate myself that much because im not even sure what happened. I had the impression that it might be a different person,but that other reader said it felt more like that person was undergoing some change.
You cant exactly shift your energy "on purpose", your energy is the result of who you currently are and the phases you are going through, it chnages as you do.
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