kattkeyy · 1 year
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4.1 banner lineup is INSANE like oh my god. i need them both but i have 7 intertwined fates. its joever
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fuckyeahplattenbau · 10 months
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Blooming Earth - Josef Vajce, 1985 Prague, Chodov, Czechia by Tomáš Brabec
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Westfield Chodov se fakt moc snaží bejt nejvíc hip a kůl zápaďáckej obchoďák.
A fakt moc jim to nejde.
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detskykoutek · 13 days
Rekonstrukce DK Westfield Chodov
Omlouváme se všem klientům našeho dětského koutku ve Westfield Chodov - od zítřka 8.9. bude v přízemí DK probíhat rekonstrukce. Po tuto dobu bude hlídací služba v nezměněné podobě probíhat v prvním patře dětského koutku. Vzhledem k těmto komplikacím nabízíme v těchto dnech zákazníkům slevu na hlídání ve výši 50%. Děkujeme za pochopení a těšíme se na vás.
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smollobsession · 4 months
Posted 27.5.
Start of the month:
Met with P in Telč. The weather was terrible :D but I had good svičkova and a good talk with my friend! I also picked up some albums she's been wanting to get rid of, and I'll pass them on to my kids who want them! woo!
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As I was on the bus to get there, I passed the "pretty bridge" again and I decided to finally find it and check out the view. I was right, it's amazing! I then went on to Chodov for some more cinnabuns :D
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On Sunday I went to Hlavni, thought I'd play some pogo. Honestly not many good raids but I did one and I finished a few researches so ok. I had a YUMMY pancake with ice cream.
6.5. Considering doing this
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7.5. I had the most productive morning wow. first of all, i slept i think 9h so wow to that! Made and filled pancakes for C's bday, packed them up nice with skz stickers :D caught up on met gala skz gossip :D made lunch (sandwich and smoothie) bought rice and made breakfast (i researched this morning and apparently potatoes are also bad for ibs. all starches except bland ass white rice are, so, white rice it is) did most of the dishes so it's not a whole mess.
i still have pancakes left over so that's tomorrow sorted :D
i'm following what's happening in Palestine and getting ready for this week's protest. :/
but in the process i was on fb again and found this bit of typical internet discourse
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:( onigiri class for adults is full. the lady hasn't contacted me about meeting. and yesterday i made pancakes for a new friend but it turned out we weren't able to meet and my class pissed me off so i just ate the pancakes.
i'll give it till the end of this week and then i'll contact the lady asking to maybe only speak online, if meeting is too hard.
talked to my dad about this new job idea and he's enthusiasic. his idea is that if i'm looking for a bridge job, i might as well look for one in the general area (family) of they company i'd like to work for. he said oil rigs have a similar system. they are called differently tho which makes my search even more complicated.
idk why, when i talk to others about this, it seems so possible, but when i'm in my own head, it seems like a silly dream.
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meanwhile, pogo gave me 2 more useless 4 stars :D i mean yay i'm happy with my collection but truly every pokemon i use and want to be good is meh :D
the animation before i could catch the diancie was fun :) but the diancie also has trash stats lol.
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hello sir mr vegas sir... afterglow you say? O.O
in completely opposite news, i guess i'm happy someone put this up, even if clearly someone was Very Upset it was up.
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it's nice to know that despite it all, there are SOME czech people who care.
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12.5. They used a bit more!
The lady I wanted to talk to about work has rejected me. I guess my next stop is reddit :D
I had Korean on Friday and it was excellent! I then went to the agency that someone recommended to talk about potential job offers in my city and they were like "uh you should send us an email" which YEP i knew it (i tried but it got spammed).
Yesterday sure was a day. It was my mom's 11 years dethiversary. I had a weird ass dream about her of course.
I made a very hopeful meal plan for the rest of the month... fingers crossed. then went shopping for it. I also went to balkan store to get sweets for my kids, but I'll have to do more today bcs they didn't have my faves. Went to Flora to do some of my Korean HW - I have too much lol - and had a cake for breakfast... not the healthiest of choices but I was starving by that point because I didn't have breakfast at home. Saw C and said hi :D Then had a phonecall with D.
I hoped to see Aurora Borealis last night so I went to sleep early. I just slept until midnight, went out to see if anything was there - saw the city was oddly lively at midnight - didn't see AB, went back to sleep. Got a solid 9-10h last night thanks to this :D
There's a protest today, I'm getting ready and I shaved my legs :D priorities! :D
wore a dress and open sandals, no regrets, it was perfect for the weather, especially with the hat and the mask.
on my way to the protest i was on a bus and a man reached over and gave me a flower. i was confused but my kids reminded me it's mother's day!
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some of them are going to the rammstein concert so the chat is buzzing :D (in the city i also saw hockey fans so wow so much stuff happening here now)
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it was a good protest overall, though i felt like there were maybe fewer people than last time. sadly when we arrived there was a small group of pro isr protesters waiting for us (with cops between us, no issue) and a lady had a massive panic attack, it was kinda scary. ambulance came and helped her and i think it all ended up ok.
I went to the other balkan market later and got a burek and the rest of the sweets i want to share.
then i went to flora again to finish my homework. and have one more cake hehe
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rip my feetsies :D
meanwhile... two things i'm considering. a) swimming in the local pool once a week. idk yet i'm so scared to try but :/ i want to? b) tmi but there's a big sxtoy store near the balkan market and i'm considering a toy. we'll see. honestly i'm far more concerned about the swimming... being perceived half naked is uh :(
and on a totally different note, i asked on reddit about the job and yeah... i think it's not for me. sadly. ah well.
18.5. hm so far all my attempts to socialize have been destroyed, i wonder why :D telc was good but rainy and i ended up being 1h late. my local friend wasn't in for pancakes. last week i made plans for pub quiz and then i locked my card by typing in the wrong number 3 times as i was trying to withdraw ca$h for the quiz master. Sigh. Even the fun lesson i planned with that one class ended up being with only half of us!
Now I joned a pogo group for bounsweet community day... let's see if i manage ><
some other adventures have been happening tho! I managed to try corncob - why sweet? and i found a taiyaki place that i really like!
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yesterday before korean (since i had to leave early to unblock my card......) i was bored and it was raining so i found myself in the small botanical garden which currently has a succulents exhibit.
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I did buy a smol one :) and it inspired me to clean my plants too so i did some of that yesterday and today.
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After Korean I ended up at the Nepalese Indian place and had a great lunch. Omg their food is so good sob.
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In fandom news, Jeff is in Sweden. I'm fine.
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And this vid of Khao by First just melted me. Sometimes when people take pictures or even draw people they love you can just see how they see them and it's wonderful.
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And I made plans with P for next weekend! I'm exciteeed!
It's spring here and plants are pretty <3
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21.5. I've exercised 3 days in a row so that's nice.
On Sunday i did go to the center to meet up with the pogo group i follow on discord. i managed to speak to absolutely no one and even the pic we took hasn't been posted so there's like 0 evidence i was there. well, i got some codes from the leader so that. sigh, i'm so bad at this.
i got my period and bled all over everything again, despite a tampon and a pad. so now i'm washing all my sheets and protectors. happy tuesday to me.
27.5. last Thursday I joined the Pub Quiz group and had a good time and wasn't totally useless. Just got another confirmation I should have more faith in myself.
Evaluations sent and I'm slowly wrapping up the school year. (Omg today I talked to S*'s mom and I was so awkward lorde why am I like thissss aaaa)
Ugh ANYWAY. This weekend P visited! We did some good (and some mid :D ) food tasting, went to a medieval fair and visited the castle!
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When she left, I got on a tram and spent an hour just traveling and reading. I'm reading Natsume's book of friend's finally and I still love it as much as I did originally. Such an underrated manga.
Did my homework in a cafe and had some cake :) and then did my shopping for the week.
Wednesday will be my last Full Day at work. It's really hard saying bye to some of the kids. sG said today that he'll continue if I'm not the teacher. He will be really busy and he would have made time for me but now he's not sure. I almost wept yo. Teens.
PS. I tried a new form where I write more often and keep it in a draft. I like it... but I wonder if it'll post without errors hahaha
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summeroffice · 5 months
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A deleted Instagram image from January 2, 2023 from Westfield Chodov shopping centre in Prague, the Czech Republic.
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james-smith07 · 6 months
Discovering Westfield Chodov: Prague's Ultimate Shopping and Entertainment Haven
In the heart of Prague lies a destination that's more than just a shopping mall; it's an experience. Westfield Chodov, with its sprawling spaces adorned with the finest in retail, dining, and entertainment, is a testament to the city's vibrant culture and modern lifestyle. Whether you're a local resident or a traveler eager to explore, Westfield Chodov offers a glimpse into the future of shopping and leisure. Westfield Chodov pronájem So, let's embark on a journey through this magnificent haven and uncover all that it has to offer.
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The Heartbeat of Prague's Retail
Westfield Chodov isn't just a mall; it's the pulse of Prague's retail scene. With over 300 stores, it's a vibrant mosaic of global brands and local treasures, ensuring that every visit is a new discovery.
Fashion Forward: A Stylist's Dream
For those with a passion for fashion, Westfield Chodov is a dream come true. From high-end designers to fast-fashion favorites, it's a place where trends are born and personal styles are celebrated.
Culinary Delights: A Foodie's Paradise
Imagine a world where every cuisine is at your fingertips. At Westfield Chodov, this dream is a reality. From gourmet meals to quick bites, the culinary options are endless, making every dining experience a memorable one.
Entertainment Galore: Fun for All Ages
Westfield Chodov takes entertainment to a new level. With a state-of-the-art cinema, gaming zones, and regular events, it ensures that fun is always on the agenda, regardless of your age.
Architectural Wonder: Design and Ambience
Stepping into Westfield Chodov is like walking into a futuristic oasis. Its stunning architecture and thoughtful design create an ambiance that blends comfort with luxury, making every visit a delight.
Tech-Savvy Shopping: Innovation at Its Best
At the forefront of retail innovation, Westfield Chodov integrates cutting-edge technology to enhance the shopping experience, offering convenience and connectivity at every turn.
Family-Friendly Features: Joy for Kids and Adults
With a focus on family, Westfield Chodov offers a range of amenities and activities designed to entertain and accommodate visitors of all ages, ensuring a joyful experience for everyone.
Luxury and Lifestyle: Elevating the Experience
For those seeking an elevated shopping experience, Westfield Chodov offers luxury boutiques and exclusive services, from personal shopping to VIP lounges, catering to every desire.
Sustainability: Commitment to the Environment
Westfield Chodov is dedicated to sustainability, implementing eco-friendly practices and initiatives to minimize its environmental impact and contribute to a greener future.
Business and Opportunities: Westfield Chodov pronájem
Westfield Chodov presents unique opportunities for businesses with its rental spaces. Whether you're looking to launch a new venture or expand an existing one, it's an ideal platform for growth and success.
Community Engagement: Events and Activities
More than a shopping destination, Westfield Chodov is a community hub, hosting a variety of events and activities that bring people together, from cultural celebrations to fitness classes.
Visitor Tips: Navigating Westfield Chodov
To make the most of your visit to Westfield Chodov, consider these tips: plan your visit, explore the mall's app for deals and directions, and don't miss out on the exclusive services offered.
Westfield Chodov stands as a beacon of modern retail and entertainment in Prague, offering a diverse and dynamic experience that goes beyond shopping. It's a place where every visit is an adventure, every meal a discovery, and every moment a memory in the making. So, whether you're in search of the latest fashion trends, a culinary journey, or simply a day out with family and friends, Westfield Chodov is your ultimate destination, promising something special for everyone.
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winsome-tea · 1 year
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"This rare cup and saucer were manufactured by Geitner & Stierba in Chodau, Bavaria now Chodov, Czechia; see Robert E. Röntgen's Marks on German, Bohemian & Austrian Porcelain 1710 to Present Updated & Revised Edition, pages 352, mark 3124 and page 389. Beautiful 8-sided, footed cup and saucer decorated with hand painted blue and gilt scrollwork and a wide band of gilding along the inner rim of the cup and handle. The saucer has the impressed Chodau mark."
📸: Trina Taylor Hiemstra
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cysnews · 2 years
Pražská energetika ve spolupráci se Škoda Auto DigiLab otevřela na Praze 11 unikátní dobíjecí HUB – poprvé k dobíjení využívá také energetické úložiště sestavené z použitých baterií vozů ŠKODA Enyaq
Pražská energetika ve spolupráci se Škoda Auto DigiLab otevřela na Praze 11 unikátní dobíjecí HUB – poprvé k dobíjení využívá také energetické úložiště sestavené z použitých baterií vozů ŠKODA Enyaq
– 1x ultrarychlá dobíjecí stanice s výkonem 150 kW + 5x AC dobíjecí stanice s výkonem 2x 22 kW – Energetické úložiště je sestaveno z bateriových modulů, jež dříve sloužily ve vozech ŠKODA Enyaq iV – Mírového hnutí 2385/3, Praha 11 – Chodov, parkoviště u plaveckého bazénu (more…)
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View On WordPress
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kattkeyy · 1 year
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very sane about this guy
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Pink Vase Chodov Rosy Porcelain Czech Republic Pink & Blue Flowers
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name: Roztyly
lines: C
neighborhood: Chodov
namesake: former village presumably named for some fat (roztylí) inhabitants
I’ve never seen a station name up at the top of the wall like this, but Roztyly has it on both sides by the middle of the platform.
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zazitkyna4 · 6 years
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Such a perfect colour matching ❤️ Do you like spicy food?😍🔥🥢 @spicymama_bistro ⠀ #spicymama #chodov #bistro #streetfood #hotfood #chilli #green #fromwindow #seeoutside #mall #obchodnicentrum #eatinprague #spicy #asian #green #beefnudles #ricenudles #tasty #yummy #delicious #asianfood (v místě Centrum Chodov) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPjBLnlIYU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=me6jv8i2d833
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detskykoutek · 21 days
Birthday Party
Omlouváme se klientům dětského koutku Time Out v obchodním centru Westfield Chodov - v neděli 1.9. bude od 16 do 19 hodin uzavřeno horní patro dětského koutku z důvodu narozeninové oslavy. Spodní patro bude standardně otevřeno jako vždy.
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psychicdisco · 8 years
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my time in a czech poliklinika 
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jessicamarkechova · 3 years
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Kuchárska kniha Lucii Devečkovej 
kuchárska kniha piatich chodov rozprestretých na obruse 
kombinovaná technika ノ 275 x 250 mm ノ 2022
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