#choi haneul
g69y · 1 year
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Cupid is so dumb </3
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c-hamdeok · 24 days
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Nome completo: Choi Haneul
Data de nascimento: 08 de janeiro de 1998
Local de nascimento: Jeju-do, Coreia do Sul
Esporte: Patinação (individual)
Dormitório: Dupla
Hall da Fama: Fama nacional e internacional
Perfil: @haneulhdc
Faceclaim: Kim Yoojung (Atriz)
Com tantos Centros de Treinamento Olímpico espalhados pelo mundo, por que o Hamdeok Complex?
A verdade é que Hamdeok sempre foi um sonho, ainda consegui ver as instalações quando eram em Jeju-Do e sempre falei que treinaria ali! Não era como se eu tivesse um sonho de praticar um esporte, meu sonho era ser membro do Hamdeok Complex e, por conta disso, comecei a praticar patinação encontrando uma paixão.
E como você entrou? Alguém te indicou e você passou pelos testes, você se inscreveu voluntariamente para fazer os testes ou houve alguma contribuição monetária envolvida?
Eu me inscrevi voluntariamente para os testes e, com sorte, passei. Já tinha anos de experiências, alguns títulos em competições e ganhei meu segundo ouro no ano que entrei aqui, na verdade! Apesar de alguns boatos, na época meu tio ainda não tinha contatos o suficiente aqui e nem mesmo contei que éramos parentes até que já estava treinando aqui, além disto quando ele se tornou treinador eu já tinha anos aqui dentro também.
Você certamente se destaca no esporte que pratica. O que motivou a sua escolha por ele?
Hm, para ser sincera a patinação não foi o primeiro que me chamou atenção e sim o vôlei, mas logo meu pai notou que eu não era boa nisso (risos). Como ele sempre jogava hockey com alguns amigos, ele me ensinou a patinar quando bem nova e com o ballet, que eu fazia desde os três anos por conta da minha mãe, ele pensou que talvez eu poderia tentar aulas de patinação e eu acabei sendo um talento nato! Depois disso, com o tempo, eu acabei me apaixonando mais e mais ao ponto que não me vejo fazer qualquer outra coisa então diria que meu pai foi quem me motivou a escolher esse esporte, serei eternamente grata por isso.
Pode nos contar, brevemente, sobre sua trajetória no esporte até o momento?
Eu comecei, oficialmente, a patinação com cinco para seis anos de idade e nunca larguei! Em meus primeiros anos, ainda em competições menores, comecei a me destacar ao subir em diversos pódios até o dia que acabei ganhando ouro mesmo que não fosse a favorita da competição, sendo assim consegui alguns patrocinadores e meu nome começou a surgir mais e mais, enfim .. o resto é história, certo? Mas eu diria que minha trajetória é marcada por muito esforço e dedicação, sinceramente, tive que abrir mão de algumas coisas que os meus amigos faziam para passar horas treinando, porém não me arrependo da minha escolha, afinal ela quem me rendeu diversas medalhas de ouro.
Quais são suas maiores qualidades e maiores defeitos? Como elas influenciam seu dia a dia como atleta?
Diria que minha maior qualidade é minha dedicação, sempre fui muito dedicada às coisas que eu amo porém o meu maior defeito .. talvez eu não saiba a hora de parar? Dizem que eu me esforço demais as vezes, mas eu asseguro a todos que estou bem e me cuidando! Também poderia dizer que eu não sou muito boa em fazer ou manter amizades, como eu ‘tô sempre ocupada nem todo mundo aceita muito bem ou entende, mas não julgo eles, afinal todos querem sair com seus amigos em algum momento e eu tenho uma agenda bem apertada.
Sabemos que é uma grande honra ser convocado para representar seu país nos jogos olímpicos, mas existe alguma outra razão pela qual você deseje isso?
Por amor? Não só ao meu país mas também aqueles que torcem por mim, até mesmo de outros países, então quero ser capaz de chegar a grandes palcos, por assim dizer, e mostrar a eles todo meu amor por meio das minhas apresentações.
Dedicação: 19
Determinação: 15
Equilíbrio: 10
Sorte: 10
Jogos Nacionais de Inverno (2014) - Medalha de ouro, 1º lugar
Jogos Asiáticos (2015) - Medalha de prata, 2º lugar
Jogos Nacionais de Verão (2016) - Quarto Lugar
Jogos Mundiais (2017) - Medalha de ouro, 1º lugar
Jogos Nacionais de Inverno (2018) - Medalha de ouro, 1º lugar
Olimpíadas de Inverno (2018) - Medalha de prata, 2º lugar
Jogos Asiáticos (2019) - Medalha de bronze, 3º lugar
Jogos Nacionais de Verão (2020) - Medalha de ouro, 1º lugar
Jogos Mundiais (2021) - Medalha de bronze, 3º lugar
Jogos Nacionais de Inverno (2022) - Medalha de prata, 2º lugar
Olimpíadas de Inverno (2022) - Medalha de ouro, 1º lugar
Jogos Asiáticos (2023) - Medalha de ouro, 1º lugar
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razypie · 11 months
❗️new ptj vid❗️
as much as i love the other three, imma hafta go with haru on this one 🥰🥰
also loved the short bit showing a tarantula and a raccoon behind dabin and haru??? 😭
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azurekryptonite · 1 year
I doodled some of the girls from Lookism, it started as me doodling just Zoe and Crystal but then I drew the other J-High girls, then eventually everyone else lol
I've kinda been missing the J-High girls lately, hoping we'll get to seem them again once all the Gangism stuff calm down and Workers is out of the way.
....before anyone asks...Zoe and Sophia = Bsst Girls
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dxisiesdukes · 10 months
♡ | mission debriefing // @okayhaneul​
the vast change in deiji and haneul’s relationship over the course of a year or so should be studied. there were relics of their past banter in her memory that only served as icky smudges scattered over the pages of their memoir. what ever shift that was given to them to persue had made her old thoughts about him sour, shriveling up and pruning and without elegance. there was no more tension brimming beneath insults, only insaitiable rage that could only be acquired by those who shared blood and family.
now there was a stone wall around her with his stamp on it, and there wasn’t many men around that daisy would allow such stocky arms of protection to engulf her. but haneul’s space in her life had begun to fill a similar absent hole that his partner had when she’d first come into daisy’s life.
there were hardly any incidents to which deiji was allowed the grace of getting the dorm to herself, but the moment the weeks schedules were sent out, she’d jumped at the opportunity for a well needed conversation. she’d even gone as far to brew tea for the two of them, though for her own nerves more than his cloud to catch the blow back of what she needed from him. “i don’t think i have to ask you if someone saw you come here.” she noted letting him into her and the three other girls shared space. 
“before you start stinking up the place with your ‘boy’ i should be done but...yeah, i need a favor.” deiji motioned to the plush couch asking him to sit before taking her space on the other side of it. 
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jiejiian · 1 year
what I think Lookism characters (J High 2nd years only) would do in a boring class☆
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Daniel Park
He’d try to listen and pay attention at first but then fall asleep and wake up in his other body, panicking and trying to fall asleep
Jay Hong
He’d stare at sleeping Daniel for a bit, maybe even draw him before realizing what he’s doing is kinda creepy and shoving the drawing in his bag. I think he’d also imagine scenarios (him and Daniel are the main characters ofc) and just get lost in his imagination
Zack Lee
He’d be close to falling asleep but then realize Mira would be disappointed if he slept so he tries to pay attention to the class
Mira Kim
She’d of course be paying attention💪💪 she’s even taking notes
Zoe Park
She’s too distracted thinking about little Daniel to pay attention
Crystal Choi
She’d be asleep and working with her other body, get that bag queen🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
Duke Pyeon
Of course our king is paying attention, he’s also taking notes💪💪 hardworking king👑🐐
Vin Jin
He’s asleep and dreaming of his success ig idfk I will beat him up
Mary Kim
The queen needs her beauty sleep but she’ll study later after school
Eli Jang
Paying attention for Yenna and his family❤
Vasco / Euntae Lee
Sleeping and giggling while dreaming of being surrounded by puppies<3
Jace Park
Paying attention and taking notes so he can teach Vasco later :D
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midnitexastii · 11 months
We Are At "Soup"
Haneul: *calls Jae and puts her phone on speaker* Erm... Um... Hello...?
Jae: *on the phone* Oh hey gurl, how are you and Cheo doing with our little monsters?~
Haneul: *looks at Kye, Lars, Cory, Ava and Hana arguing* Um.... I kinda need your help.... Can you and Vie please come over here? It's urgent...
Hana: *hits Cheong with her pillow*
Cheong: Owww!! Stop it!!!
Jae: Oh sorry, we can't, we are on a shopping spree right now~
Cheong: OK, but can you both PLEAAAASE hurry up and come over here.... Little miss Hana Choi keeps on hitting me....
Vie: Um.. Jae? I can't find them...
Jae: *talks quietly to Vie* OK... Thanks Jagi... *then talks to Haneul on the phone* Yeah... Bad news... We can't like find them..
Haneul: W-What....?! What do you mean you guys can't find them....?!
Jae: We can't find them.... There's only soup...
Haneul: What do you mean "there's only soup"..?! Like I don't understand...
Vie: Um.. Aein..? Let me do the talking... Would you..?
Jae: *sighs* If you insist, Jagi.... *gives his phone to Vie*
Haneul: Um.... Hello! Can you like hear me right now?!
Vie: Neul? It's me Vie.... I just took Jae's phone so I can do the talk-
Haneul: Vie! Be useful and tell Jae that you and him can get the HELL out of the soup aisle!
Vie: OMG...! You don't have to shout at me, jeez.. You are really a drama queen....
*so both Jae and Vie move to the next aisle*
Vie: There's more soup!
Haneul: What do you mean "there's more soup"?!?!
Vie: There's just more soup god dammit!!
Haneul: Go! Into the next! AISLE!!!!
*so Jae and Vie go to the next aisle, again..*
Vie: There's still soup!!!!
Haneul: Where the HELL are you 2 right now?!
Vie: We're at soup!
Haneul: WHAT STORE ARE YOU 2 IN?!?!?!
Vie: FUCK YOU!!!! *hangs up*
Jae: J-Jagi... C-Chillax...
Jae: Just c-chilla-
Jae: Can you please LISTEN to ME for 1 fucking SECOND?!
Jae: We're, in, PUBLIC VIE!!!
*Vie then realizes that they are indeed in public and everyone stares at them*
Vie: O-Oh shit.. I am so so sorry... G-Get back on what you're doing.. Nothing to see here..
*Everyone stops staring at Jae and Vie and they do they*
Jae: Maybe we are in the wrong store Jagi....
Vie: *facepalms* OMG.... When... Will you look at the damn right directions....?
Jae: I'm sorry.... I just don't know eh...
Vie: OK.... Maybe.... A fucking e-Map might help.....
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verykaiotic · 5 months
settling back at home // @okayhaneul
it wasn't often that any of the three spent time apart. and maybe that's because in the first two years of their budding friendships, and relationships, they were literally on top of each other traveling the globe. but as they settled back into seoul, it seemed like schedules were doing everything in their power not to line up. somi had something, dae had something, kai had something, and they had to breeze past each other in buildings and events because of the absence of time. year end activities hadn't made anything much better but at least malachi and dae had the option of coming home to each other after a long day.
he'd been missing han's presence. like an older sibling away at college you long for them to return so a since of normalcy could rejuvenate the layers of your families home. it was a breath of fresh air to settle next to him on his balcony, blunts and beers in hand both landing with their own distinct sounds on the wearing wooden table. "where the fuck have you been bro." malachi teased him, picking up one of the sticks of marijuana wrapped in the smooth brown gar. he placed it to his pretty lips and inhaled the flames as the tip of it began to glow a tantalizing orange.
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k-pop-lovers · 9 months
top rated songs will compete for the best k-pop song of the second quarter of 2023
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pillowsuit · 2 years
it's concerning how many Korean celebrities I'm into
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keep-it-classy-xxx · 3 months
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noarotic · 3 months
❛ what are you so afraid of? ❜ - from haneul
his head let off a soft thud against the wall of his home. they were stationed on the porch, sharing a beer and more as the night set in over the forest ahead of them. his lungs expanded to their full capacity before letting the breath go into the cooling atmosphere, a faint tuff of smoke following it as it exited his lips. his eyes grew slightly sad, tossing over his response in his mind in summersaults before it actually left his lips. "failing. if i fail, in any aspect and any where, i just feel like that's what's going to bring it all crashing down." he confessed, tucking his lips between his teeth for moment before releasing them, angry at himself for letting that slip.
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liainettofficial · 7 months
Third mini episode is out! (part one)
I think you maybe know who is Yume, Lilith, Sunny, Chris and Annabelle...
Quick info about featuring characters:
Makura Hennaoto - guitar player of the Music Club, despises Kashi Tsuyoto for his remixes.
Rei Heiyanomiya - Yuna's little brother, kind and cute. He's the victim of bullying, and also a singer, just like Yuna. He still has a female voice... :)
Okami Shemuru has appeared in that mini episode, she's the member of the Shemuru Family, learns about her school's past.
Leah Gataki - an energetic "cat", likes Sean Choro very much.
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fatcdrcam · 2 years
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sassy emo boy (he owns a motorcycle this is important to know)
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verykaiotic · 1 year
✘ | old stomping grounds // @dxefillz x @okayhaneul​
he tugged at the lapel of his leather jacket as they stepped out of the uber, standing and holding the door open for dae to exit hoping that haneul was right behind him. kai felt a strange sense of surrealness stepping out into his old neighborhood. he wouldn’t take them closer to where his old apartment was, for his sanity and their safety, but his best friend from back then had moved just outside of the altged area. it wasn’t much of move up the ladder, but it wasn’t their decaying building. they were starting to build up the surrounding areas now, but kai felt like that it was more to push out the current residents rather than to make their windy city sparkle again.
the singer hated having to be this way, but he knew that once they stepped inside that he wouldn’t need to be as alert as he had to out here. his hand was firm against the small of dae’s back as they turned the corner and walked up to a house, the soloist going to knock before he sent a quick text. like clock work the door was opened and a handsome guy with a shit-eating grin splitting his beautiful, dark skin stuck his hand out. kai dabbed him up immediately, laughing in disbelief as he pulled the guy into a hug. “hakeem dude what? no way?” he said in english. the other smiling wildly as he ruffled malachi’s hair. “yo, mr. kpop man i’m surprised you have the time for us.” 
“don’t do that, you already knew i was coming to see you as soon as i landed, oh um, this is dae...my girlfriend, and my big brother haneul.” he motioned for the two to introduce themselves his smile not leaving even though he ducked in shyness.
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