#choir boy todomatsu
tottymatsuno · 1 year
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It’s my teddy bear, my church girl!
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no-plan-karamatsu · 7 years
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Choir Matsu Boys Feat. Todomatsu 聖歌松
Game: Tabimatsu たび松
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redwylde · 7 years
I'm on a devimega choukei mood, and since you're the queen of choukei headcanons... Got any for Devil Oso and Priest Kara?
You had me at Devimega Choukei~ (also omg, thanks!!)
- If you DON’T think Father Kara sports a very fashionable holster under his robes for his SPRAY BOTTLE full of HOLY WATER for when the Asshole of the Night comes for a visit, you are DEAD WRONG.
- His weapon of choice for devil shooing varies between a flyswatter, the collection plate, stale baguettes from the kitchen or a crucifix tied to a stick.
- The only reason Kara didn’t try to exorcise Oso right away is because he believed he should try to convert Oso rather than condemn him, wholly convinced that he was just a lost soul in need of help. Oso, naturally, thought that notion was HILARIOUS and officially dubbed Kara the funniest Priest he’d ever terrorised with the way he keeps offering Oso “purifying hugs of righteousness” instead of trying to put out his burning robes.
- Oso likes swapping the service bible with fanfiction. He either swaps it completely or laces a few pages into the bible itself so Kara will be halfway through a very touching sermon before he notices they’ve jumped from the Old Testament to Lake Guardian Choro’s latest amorous adventure.
- Oso also likes turning invisible and messing with the church organist while he’s playing so that he’ll mess up and slam the keys in very creative and inharmonious ways. Kara is guilty of hiding his face behind the good book to giggle/snicker at this. (He doesn’t have the heart to tell his faithful organist that he plays like grim reaper decided to get married anyway on the best of days)
- As long as Oso isn't defiling the very name of the Lord or trying to embarrass him during mass, Kara thinks Oso's jokes and tricks are actually pretty funny. He usually excuses himself to pray for forgiveness and sometimes he giggles through his prayer. Oso: [laughing, talking to Kara from outside the booth of shame] Kara-kuuuuun, come on, it’s not a sin to laugh!
- They stopped having debates about their religious standing after a, literally, heated discussion almost got the church burned down. Kara promised to stop trying to convert Oso but he would still low-key sprinkle some sage in his general direction when he thinks he isn’t looking.
- Oso was SO SHOCKED and completely speechless when he found Kara’s ero stash (for some reason I always see him living within the church or at least on a property within the premises) and he was even MORE shocked when Kara just turned his back and said “I can look at the menu, I just can’t order anything”. Oso literally shed a tear and made off with Kara’s stash for himself, and then the spray bottle came back out.
- 742 dicks in total have been drawn around the church.Kara: [scrubbing away at the caricature on the podium] Despite the inappropriate subject, I have to say you’re quite an artist, Osomatsu. Have you considered painting more.. tasteful themes?Oso: Nope. Just dicks.
- Besides messing with Kara, Oso’s favourite pastime is terrorising the head choir boy, Todomatsu, who is fussy, high-strung and holds a very high opinion of himself. Kara begs forgiveness for looking the other way that time Oso put a mouse under his bonnet.
- Kara, after posing, reciting poetry and being generally painful for the entire service: Heh, another wonderful service! It brings me joy to see so many faces eager to listen to the Lord's wisdom.Oso: You'd be a pretty great devil.Kara: Eh!?Oso: Yeah! Y'know, since you like torturing your victims so much.
- Kara: Osomatsu, I have to ask. This is a Holy Place, built from the very earth to embrace and reflect the image of our Lord... how are you able to survive in here?Oso: Pure spite.
- Oso cursed Kara’s leather jacket so that whenever he wears it, blue horns, wings and a sharp tail pop out of him. He thinks it’s just the obvious solution to wearing something THAT metal.
- Choro tried assigning a guardian angel to Kara to help chase Oso away (YOU KNOW WHO I’M TALKIN’ ABOUT) but Kara insisted he was able to handle it, and didn’t want to take the opportunity of a guardian away from someone who really needed it. Choro yielded, but the angel visits anyway because he too had taken a liking to Oso’s pranks. As long as he doesn’t stand too close to Oso, all three of them hang out together in and around the church.
- There was a “Daddy” incident once. Only once.
- Though Kara puts up a fight concerning Oso’s misdeeds, he always covers for him when good Samaritans from within the church circle come calling to exorcise the demon they heard resides here. He’s not sure when the unholy infestation became his friend. Oso expresses his gratitude by sitting still for a whole five minutes.
-  When Kara prays, Oso stands behind him and waits til he's done. He used to poke and prod him, try to interrupt him because his reactions were funny, but on a day where Kara was weak and desperate, his forehead pressed to the carpet and tears streaming from his eyes begging for a cure for a terminally ill family member, Oso ceased. Since then, Oso stays quiet and when he's done, he asks Kara if there's anything he can help him with. "Well, y'know, the Big Guy's got a full inbox, might not even get to yours for like, a WHILE - sick orphans and whatever - and my office is open". He's hesitant at first but Kara quickly got into a groove of praying privately and then talking to Oso about what he's worried about afterwards, and though Oso's advice isn't always the best, being able to talk about it does make him feel better.
- Oso has the ability to appear as a mortal human and has taken to posing as Kara’s “twin brother” when he’s bored of hiding or holding his invisibility while the church is full. Kara chokes on his soul when well-meaning parishioners suggest they both share out responsibilities within the church and Oso gets THAT GRIN on his face.
- Kara converted an old storage room on the lower floors into a space for Oso to live in. Oso was too surprised and touched to bother telling Kara that he doesn’t technically live on this plane of existence, and he warmed up to it quickly. He was like a puppy relishing in the soft pillows, bedding, his own property spaces and ended up hoarding things found elsewhere in the church in his room (including Kara’s stash). When asked, Kara only said that it was to stop Oso from following him home every night and rearranging his house.
- Oso decorated his room just like you’d imagine, like a torture chamber, and he likes to play loud heavy metal music. It “chills him out”. One time Kara came down to fetch him and when he walked in, he paused for a minute and said “Oh, I like this song”, grinning.
- When Oso keeps trying to bring alcohol into the church, Kara insists they go out to bars instead so that Oso can drink his fill without tainting the sanctity of the church. Oso joked that he spiked Kara’s barley tea with some beer and when Kara collapsed under the bench wailing about how he’d been poisoned, that God will forsake him forevermore and that he can feel his inhibitions fading into the void, Oso has to wait until he’s stopped crying with laughter to tell him “it was just Coke, genius!”
- Kara doesn’t know it but Oso spends a lot of time making sure no other devils/demons/evil spirits come near Kara or the church. He always maintains it’s just because he’s territorial.
- One time Oso found Kara praying for him, not to convert him or to banish him, but to ask that he’d remain healthy and in high spirits. Oso didn’t know how to feel about it, but the same day Oso found himself hoping the Big Man up there was legit, and that he’d look after Kara too.
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strawberrysjunkdump · 7 years
lord jesus christ above pls give me choir boy!todomatsu x devil!osomatsu I'll give you my kidney
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burrusignis · 7 years
;; promo
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goodenoughmatsu · 8 years
Matsu's reaction of s/o waking them up singing "Good Morning to you, Good morning to you. Good morning ___________matsu...Good morning to you!" (Its supposed to be the same tune as Happy birthday. But like they say it super kindly and sweetly bonus points if s/o kisses them on the nose right after
Osomatsu: Is ready for the affection, and he’ll shower them in affection too. Get ready to accomplish nothing all morning because he’s cuddling.
Karamatsu: “heh, my own concert from someone who beats a choir of an-” he’s been smooched, blue boy is now face slammed on his pillow to hide the blush.
Choromatsu: glares before realizing its his s/o and instead pulls them into the sleeping mat. The sun is up, but he is not; that is until s/o pulls a secret attack and kisses his nose. Now He is awake and dazed.
Ichimatsu: Did actually glare and pull them into the sleeping mat to sleep. He’s shocked from the kiss, enough so he hides his face on his s/o’s chest to avoid waking up and embarrassment.
Jyushimatsu: singing the same song back to them, and getting super happy from the kiss. He kisses back, and excitedly goes out to spend the morning with his s/o or begging them to play baseball with him.
Todomatsu: “I have beauty sleep you know.” he whines forever until they kiss his nose, than he demands a real kiss for being attacked like that. He kisses their cheek as revenge and groggily stays up with them.
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strawberrysjunkdump · 7 years
i hope angel!jyushimatsu is in love with choir boy!todomatsu _(-ω-`_)⌒)_
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