texasspineclinic · 7 months
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comprehensive pain solutions of texas. Texas Spine Clinic and Pain provides individualized, Comprehensive pain management solutions. In texas spine clinic certified team offers a range of procedures for enhanced physical and functional well-being.
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piasservicedogfund · 4 years
Chronic Illness - A day in the life
Please share your day here too if you want... I wake up around 8:30 AM, I’m tired, hungry and in pain. My nose is congested, my throat is sore. I get up to feed Aunna (cat), let Benny (dog) outside & take my medicine. I have a small banana bread loaf and yogurt for breakfast...still hungry. I try not to eat anymore because I know its the medication that is making me so hungry and I need to loose weight. I'm exhausted so I lay back down but don't sleep - check email - fb - tiktok - linked in - tumblr - paypal... I get up again around 10:30 - what can I do today? The house is a mess and I want to clean, I need to loose weight and I want to exercise but all I can think about is that my back, neck, shoulders, legs, and arms are sore. My head and heart are pounding. I pick up some trash and throw it away... what else can I do? I find a tiny spider on the kitchen ceiling and I stand on a chair to capture it to take it outside. I'm so tired, lifting the chair is hard, my muscles ache. I'm still hungry. Its around 11 now. I decide to have a plenny shake (meal supplement to help me get all my nutrients). Ok what next? Nothing, I hurt, I sit down to rest.  It’s 11:30 and I feel like I have the flu, maybe I should shower, that at least feels productive but I don’t know if I have the energy to wash my hair...maybe a bath. Lets check our phone - oh it needs an update - we can do that. I start to write this out while I wait, my throat is sore & I have a small cough, my voice is hoarse, what else is new?  This is pretty much how my entire day goes - how every day goes right now - I want to get things done - I do a few small things (make food, take out the trash, maybe do the dishes) before the exhaustion kicks in. Then I rest, feel guilty, angry, annoyed, then I try to be productive online (but there is only so much you can do). Then I try to entertain myself with a book or a movie or tv or tiktok. Then I feel guilty again for being so unproductive. Eat, Sleep, Repeat.  It could be a lot worse of course - I have a roof over my head and Benny & Aunna are good company but the way things are right now I can’t get anything done. My house is a mess, even getting out of bed in the morning is hard. Even typing this hurts my shoulders and arms...  What does a day in your life look like?
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imamalewitch · 8 years
Hi all, a little about myself, I am John, and I have fibromyalgia, I know a guy with fibro, an oxymoron I know. Unfortunately it is true, you don't make that kind of stuff up. I was diagnosed back in may of 2016, Wow has my life, and quality of life changed since then. I think, no I believe I have been fighting this chronic syndrome, for several years with me thinking it was arthritis, due to the pain really only in my joints. Like the rest of us I have pain everywhere all the time.
I get pains, and numbness in my face, my feet, weird areas of cramping or spasming, and all the fatigue that goes with this. I struggle to keep awake at work. Yes, I have tried a diet change, and exercise, to no avail. I have tried meds, but being a chronic depression sufferer, the meds counteract each other. (at least for me they do. Others may have success!)
I have gone through the full spectrum of emotions of why me, what did I do to deserve this, maybe if I hadn't had the neck fusion surgery maybe I would still be able to do what I did before. I know none of that will change anything, but we go through it and still do. I have a supportive Wife, who understands my need to nap. My pushing myself beyond my own body to stay awake and help, or do things that need to get done. I still feel bad, and like I am burdening or disappointing my family, my inlaws, and such by my inability to be as active as before. This has hit me as bad as anyone else right now I have an itch in my shoulder that won't go the hell away!!!! Gaaaaahhhhh!
I have developed the hypersentiviity to light, sound taste. the simplest touch I hurt and break out in a rash. With all of this, I have learned that I am becoming a stronger version of myself, one who has to think before he does, to save himself some energy for later. I have had to learn to ask for help. most of all I try (key word here) to not let my chronic/invisible illness get the best of me, it is not who I am. I try not to let that happen.
we are in this together, this silent fight no one will truly understand unless they have it themselves. Stay positive, (as much as possible) keep on fighting and try to raise awareness so we can find a cure or at least some true relief.
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projectrefinedlife · 7 years
Aromatherapy with California Native Plants
Image Courtesy of californianativeplants.com I believe that mother earth provides us with everything we need to heal.  Our earth is full of natural medicine, we just need to be opening and willing to try it. As a child, my mother had a tea for everything! I wish I had paid a little more attention and wrote her remedies down. Every once in a while something I’m reading or learning about in one my…
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