deerdeardarling · 9 months
[A future chosen meet-up]
May(~30yro, fake crying): This year, I lost my dear rival, Wally-
Wally(who showed up 10 minutes late to the meeting): QUIT TELLIN' EVERYONE IM DEAD?!
May: Sometimes I can still hear him!
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ladyoftheweald · 1 year
How are people chosen by legendaries? Is it a birth thing?
・ 。゚☆Ah. This requires a rather long answer.・ 。゚☆
・ 。゚☆Long ago in the times of old, when pokemon and man kind were beginning to collide. The Almighty made a decree. ・ 。゚☆
Legends of the greatest powers must choose a human. To have as a companion and anchor to thyn realm, someone of equal heart, mind, and soal, to protect and nurture this world. To keep of the balance between us and these strange creatures.
・ 。゚☆... that is atleast of what I remember. Chosen souls, Stars, as many of us called them, were then specifically created for each individual grand legend; and were sent into the world when their time was needed. To protect and save their regions from any catalysts that might hit them. These souls are the only ones who can handle us legendary beasts, as well as the powers they gain when we reunite with them.・ 。゚☆
・ 。゚☆The way, specifically, that a legend chooses is rather simple. The Chosens are already on earth, dormant until the time is right. Until a Catalysts hits, and the Chosens of the region rise with all of their power to save their region. Most of the time, Chosens will seek out legends themselves, others they will just simply be in the right place at the right time. Only when a Chosen is truly ready, is their truest self, will the connection between Chosen and Legend click.・ 。゚☆
・ 。゚☆You are however, not far off in the birth right aspect. For my Chosen- Hop. His bloodline runs ever deep in the land of Galar...but I am unsure of if he knows this yet...・ 。゚☆
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czv-hops-kalos-arc · 1 year
📚💙💫Introducing post
[All Ooc posts will be made in brackets] || 💫Some of Hop's post will include a spinning star symbol (trust me it'll make sense lol) || [all non canon posts will be tagged as HKA, canon posts will have the full title]
[Notice! This au is on the more mature side! I will be tagging stuff accordingly but this is just to let ppl know!]
[Credit for pfp goes to! https://twitter.com/MikkuSushi/status/1210043262280634368?s=20 ]
[All basic DNI rules. Anons on but if you're rude and spam you will be blocked]
[Welcome! To my THRID! Pokemon RP blog. My name is Deerly, my main is @deerdeardarling I am insane. Specifically about this boy. Which is why he must go through horrors. I already have two fanfics for this AU with a third otw!! I will be rebloging the links to them from my main blog as well as some of the base au posts]
[I am specifically looking for Older!Calem, Serena, & Shauna. As well as Elio & Selene.]
[But as always I am flexible with whatever :]
Blog lore ||
|| A year and a half after the events of SwSh, a 17 year old Hop decides to study abroad in Kalos; with a recommendation from Professor Sycamore himself.
But; Not only is Hop journeying to Kalos to further his academics on becoming a future pokemon professor, but he is also the sole respondent of trading information about Dynamax and Infinite energy. Things that could change both; maybe eventually all region's futures.
However, there is another reason he chose Kalos over the other regions; one he hadn't told to anyone, not even his best friend. A year and half prior; Hop was granted the honor of capturing one of the regions legendary pokemon; Zacian.
Hop doesn't understand why he got that honor, because to him he hadn't done anything worthwhile. I mean sure; he managed to calm the wild beast when she was stricken with dynamax energy, but he's still not sure how he even managed to do that. What he does know is that ever since the night after capture; he's felt... alone? He wasn't sure what he felt. Yes he could just talk to his friend; but he doubt they would have more information than he had; having only caught the brother legendary within the same hour.
So; what would any teenager do when feeling alone. Go straight to the internet! And as he was boarding the ship to the neighbouring region he was glad he did. For he might not have gotten in contact with not only others who seemed to also manage to capture other legendaries. Hop also managed to get in contact with one of Professor Sycamore's former students, and she promised to give Hop any awnsers he needed.
Hop was setting off on an opportunity of a life time. To active awnsers not only for himself. But maybe for the Galar region as a whole. He was sure this trip abroad would fly by due to him having a lax but exciting year ahead of him.
An easy in & out trip; (and as he reassured he family and friends many times) He would be back home safe and secure!
Hop's current team!
[Hop couldnt take most of his galar team, except for Basil who is registered as his partner pokemon.]
[The nicknames are as follows;
Basil the Dubwool
Amysthst (or 'Mist) the shiny Vaporeon [the names not set yet]
Luke/Lucas [lucadius??] The Lucario
Tarra the Fletchling]
[This will update, and some of his catches wont appear on list]
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
@deerdeardarling interaction between Naomi and CZV Hop.
CZV! Hop: So your dad was a Chosen?
Naomi: Yep! I feel like he would have done amazing things if we was still with us.
CZV Hop, assuming Soul died when doing Chosen work: ....if. If you don't mind me asking...what...or who....lead to his....you know.
Naomi: ...well. If I had to point the blame, it would be those royal weirdos.
CZV Hop grimacing: Of course-
Naomi: I mean i wouldn't have lost him if they just gotten Cursed....though I guess I wouldn't wish that on them, no matter how I feel about them.
CZV Hop: ...what-
Naomi: But really, what did them in was Zacian Choosing him, but accidentally Cursing him as well.
CZV Hop: Uh-
Naomi: Being Chosen and Cursed clashed really badly together, so he got really sick and passed away.
CZV Hop: I-
Naomi: In fact, said Chosen-Curse was put on me! Mom was worried I would get sick and die too, but it all worked out :D
CZV Hop:
( realistically, I don't think Naomi would be this casual with her father's death and the fact that she could have gone out the same way as her father, but the idea of giving CVZ Hop whiplash was semi funny to me lol)
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deerdeardarling · 4 months
How many people know about the modern Chosens? Like among their respective groups?
ooo a good question! I think all the Kanto + Johto + Hoenn are the main three regions that recognize it the most, due to them being smaller knit regions. But the real question is; are the general public referring the them as just 'the chosen one(s)'/'hero(s)'/'savior(s) ect ect., or do they know they're Chosens with a capital C. Easy answer, obviously people don't really know what Chosens actually are other than chosens themselves (who even they only get the basics gist of-) and those Chosens are close to. but like let's take Lance for example; you ask him what a chosen is and he could only give you a basic response of "they are trainers that have earned the favor of our regions legendaries." and that's it. Not only was there alot of confusion during the first 4 gens but also the general consensus that 'hey maybe we should be hush hush about this while there's evil orgs. around' which only works about 60% of the time. if i haven't said it yet i have mostly determined that by Swsh/SV; the Chosens are established- but they're as established as they can be with only ~25 years of experience and collaboration with everyone. At least by BW/2/XY they've been aware that some type of pattern exists with new chosens possibly popping up every 2~3 years This popped up while i was writing but Alola is probably the most lax region and the one with the most history on chosens aside from Sinnoh (well. saying sinnoh very loosely because if some ancient ruin isnt ruined beyond repair its vague as fuck). But with the Tapus having what i think is the most human version of Chosens, and just general closeness to the main legend in general (Lillie being a Nova) and just. Alola being a chill region and culture for the most part, it's the best region for chosens
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deerdeardarling · 9 months
Any idea for a general tag for folks who have pokemon chosen aus?
So my mutual @a-tale-of-legends brought up in the tags of their recent post asking if there was a general tag for people on here who have Pokemon Chosen Aus. And tbh this is something I've been thinking about for a long while; cause I would love to see other people's take on this au! So does anyone have any thoughts on what it should be?
Of course there's the simple easy generic "Pokemon Chosen Au", which is a tag that I've used myself once or twice. But if other have any other ideas (and we can all come to a concise agreement lol) I would love to hear!
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deerdeardarling · 2 years
Hop's Kalos Arc
A year and a half after the events of SwSh, a(just turned) 17 year old Hop decides to study abroad in Kalos; with a recommendation from Professor Sycamore himself.
But; Not only is Hop journeying to Kalos to further his academics on becoming a future pokemon professor, but he is also the sole respondent of trading information about Dynamax and Infinite energy. Things that could change both; maybe eventually all region's futures.
However, there is another reason he chose Kalos over the other regions; one he hadn't told to anyone, not even his best friend.
A year and half prior; Hop was granted the honor of capturing one of the regions legendary pokemon; Zacian.
Hop doesn't understand why he got that honor, because to him he hadn't done anything worthwhile. I mean sure; he managed to calm the wild beast when she was stricken with dynamax energy, but he's still not sure how he even managed to do that.
What he does know is that ever since the night after capture; he's felt... alone? He wasn't sure what he felt. Yes he could just talk to his friend; but he doubt they would have more information than he had; having only caught the brother legendary within the same hour.
So; what would any teenager do when feeling alone. Go straight to the internet! And as he was boarding the ship to the neighbouring region he was glad he did. For he might not have gotten in contact with not only others who seemed to also manage to capture other legendaries (although, it was hard to discern what was real or not. It was the internet after all) Hop also managed to get in contact with one of Professor Sycamore's former students, and she promised to give Hop any awnsers he needed; (again, he was sceptical about it; but he had confirmed on a video-call with the Professor and she was in fact real.)
But regardless; Hop was setting off on an opportunity of a life time. To active awnsers not only for himself. But maybe for the Galar region as a whole.
He was sure this trip abroad would fly by due to him having a lax but exciting year ahead of him.
An easy in & out trip; (and as he reassured he family and friends many times) He would be back home safe and secure!
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deerdeardarling · 8 months
( I rolled a d100 generator lol)
2,11 and 70 for Fiona and Malik!
Thhhaaannnkkkkk you bestie 2. Do they do anything to celebrate their b-day('s) hmmm yaknow thinking about it the opposite happens for both; Fiona's party would usually just be her and Hop's families (and the magnolias but that was only sparingly)- since they didn't really have another other friends. Meanwhile Malik (being the son of nobles) would have big parties; even tho the kids he spent time with felt fake- (i think im answering this wrong lmao) So now adays they've swapped; with Fiona having more eventful parties (and especially when she gets 20+ and has become friends with the other Chosens; sometimes she'll go to a whole region with the gang for the week.) And Mal prefers chiller parties- either dj-ing/preforming his own music or maybe just a movie night with friends (and trying to beat Bede at chess so he can win a night hgawfvub-) 11.How would your character court the person of their dreams? (i know you said this was random but this feels targeted PFFT-) okay so- (from what i've read about courting-) i feel like Fiona's already got this in the bag? Her and Hop have been friends since she moved next door (at 8yo) and they've been attached at the hip (until HKA; where they start to grow into their own without one another-) so i feel like when she "courts" him she just does what she's always done like helping him (first it was with training but now its with field work), she'll do the thing where if she'll get meaningful gifts and give them in bunches at a time (so she finds like 20 and distributes them in 5's over a few months lol), and she always, ALWAYS sends supportive texts (think it'd be funny if she sent those to Him before She goes out to a battle lol) NOW MALIK ON THE OTHER HAND- He went full blown after having Bede open up (post game duh); 20 roses, fancy dinners, walks in the forest (even tho it sometimes makes him claustrophobic-) he was literally trying to do everything by the book (a literal book his Ma' gave him-) it was difficult at first because of a certain-snooty-someone, but after some persistence it worked! And then almost immediately fell apart (for those unaware it's due to cosmic horrors-) So in an ideal world; after cracking that hard shell (it wasn't that hard lmao) things would go as smooth as they'd be able (cotton-head's still got his own baggage but Mal would supportpay for therapy) 70.What about your character is cowardly? (what. what does this mean-wait hold up-) again they are the same but in different directions. They both don't tell people shit- but on one hand Malik tries to fix it himself (with clear duct tape and elmers glue/just surface level fix) Fiona on the other hand just ignores it until it roundhouses her in the face- either from herself or someone else. and of course the most used reason for why they don't say anything is because they don't want to hurt people around them (This kicks off for Fiona during game/being champ. but i think Mal grew up with this mindset)
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deerdeardarling · 1 year
Chosen’s first powers
(wow i do not like desktop; also im p much just taking these from my discord)
Read @/ a-tale-of-legends post about Red and now I'm thinking about how some of the chosens dealt with their new powers. 
 Like Red just wakes up one morning and is floating 3 inches above his bed. Blue touches a machine in the Lab and the buildings whole power dies (can work for both Melmetal & Zapdos lol) Green gets charged at by a Tarous and throws her hand up and it either goes flying cause telekinesis or it just stops right infront of her and passes out.
Green and Blue would have to tie Red toa rock so he doesn’t fly off lmao.  Green and Blue on ground floor freaking out like "wtf is happening" and Red in the sky belly up just -_-
Ethan can just. Breathe under water and once he finds this out he brings Sliver to some pool of water (beach/a litteraly pool) and then promptly scared the shit out of him when Ethen doesn't come up for several minutes
Kris she touches mud and it turns to pure water. Or she touches water and it turns to ice. Lyra (and possibly Lucas?) accidentally go 10-15 minutes forward or backwards in time. Silver not sure what to do with other than its always like. humid? when he’s around?? not sure.
Barry starts running one place and ends up on the other side of the region (Palkia) you bet he hits a wall like. 6 time out of 10.
if running with the timeline that DPPT happens when they trio is 12, PLA happens 3 years after. so could possibly Dawn’s awakening.
these are all i got for now but if i come up with more I’ll reblog
Uh- May already touched lava on her first battle with Groudon so afterwards she just straight up goes swimming in a low lava pool. She comes out perfectly fine just a lil slimy (like she got a second skin on?? Idk how to properly describe it)
And Brenden could probably hear the ocean from anywhere magic conch shell mf
Wally is probably the first to clearly communicate with Rayquaza (prolly also with help from Zienna. I know that's not how to spell her name-)
Also with these three being the first chosens of the modern era they are simultaneously freaking out, but also "this is so cool / this might as well happen" cause this is the 90's. And either Brendan or Wally starts documenting everything they go through.
When news pops up in Johto about Team rockets return, maybe that's when they go visit and see if there are any others like them (As you can tell, none of this is concrete yet)
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deerdeardarling · 1 year
I'm working on the replies but here-
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deerdeardarling · 1 year
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Hopefully this isnt super confusing, so ill try to explain some of it here!
So im gonna explain the lines first, the lines are pretty much just connecters to show whos above/below who. So like The Creation Trio are under Arceus.  These are more about the pokemon rather than their Chosens, but their Chosens are in the same spots.
Mew and Arceus are on the same level. The Lake trio and just under Arc cause i kinda see them as like...advisors?? the Unknown are on the same level. Eternatus is on the same as all the other grand dragons, but isnt connected via line cause it doesnt really listen, same applies to Necrozma. Technically Calyrex is above the wolves but! because it doesnt have a chosen the wolves got bumped up, so they’re on the same level. The Johto Beasts are technically on the same level, but Suicune is canonically the “leader” of them. And the Ultra Beasts and Sivally are on the same level as opposing forces. but they are more on the same level as the Kanto birds. I feel like I’m forgetting alot, so any questions are always welcomed!
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deerdeardarling · 1 year
Saw a mute use a picrew (link below)
So I made the three galar chosens, Fiona, Hop, & Malik!
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deerdeardarling · 1 year
Hey yall, remember when I said all chosens have ichor (gold/bl**d of the gods)
Well yeah prepare yourselves cause I might have smthing soon for that.
Just a short drabble
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deerdeardarling · 1 year
[Pulled from my discord, was written by me]
Thinking about Mama Zacian
How when Hop was first sticking around Zac would take him home as soon as he fell asleep, but as the two spend more and more time with each other and Zac becomes more attached; they find themself keeping Hop for longer and longer.
When Hop's conked out in a nap Zac will just let him stay as she transforms back into her wolf form; making a softer place for Hop to sleep on(and to give her a break from her human form), and when Hop wakes up with a second wind of child energy they'll explore more, deeper into the weald.
Zacian will never keep him after the sun has started to set; but there has been a time or two when Hop is the first one to say sometime along the lines of how 'he should've been home by now', and after a briefly getting caught off guard; Zacian looks to the sky and sees that they let time slip past them again.
Now Zac will never deny Hop of going home; she wishes she could drop him off at the door themself. It's just always a wake up call for them that they aren't really supposed to have Hop yet. And that the time when he truly needs her will not be one of child whimsy and fun adventures; but one of peril and life and death. And the closer and closer she gets to the time for when they have to part; they just wish they could have more time
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deerdeardarling · 1 year
Im fuckin sick about Malik & Bede cause imagining Bede just being absolutely love sick and being happy And then all the Fuck-Shit happens and I’m sick-
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deerdeardarling · 1 year
So going with the Origin Shards thing- I've had the idea for a while of like. grayscale portraits for all the chosens with their key items colored (so the rusted sw/sh, the sun/moon flutes, and the focus of this post- the origin orbs. Their eyes would also be colored.) And so the image of Wally (Rayquaza's chosen) holding the four sharp Origin Shards in between his fingers like wolverine claws is one of my top favorites.
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