#choso kamo x original female character
amywritesthings · 5 months
Operation: Battlepass (AKA the Totally Awesome Plan to Play Wingman by Yuuji Itadori) / a Choso x OFC story
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After choosing to live together as brothers, Yuuji decides to introduce Choso to the wonderful world of gaming. What he didn't expect is for Choso to fall head over heels for his online friend. Naturally, hijinks must ensue, and the gang comes up with a plan to make this romcom a reality.
word count: 3k (part one of ??) tags: au - canon divergence, fluff, romantic comedy, told in yuuji's pov, ultimate big brother!choso, gaming, online friendshipcredit: dividers by @saradika-graphics
read on ao3 here.
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disclaimer: this is a very crack slice of life story. everyone's alive. itadori is friends with an adult through online gaming. their dynamic is very much 'you're a kid and i have to protect you from weirdos in gaming lobbies'. iris is inspired by my own older online friends growing up. it's nothing nefarious.
Yuuji Itadori has never been a wingman.
Well — kind of.
If you scratch all of the times that Itadori went along with the ‘Save Megumi’ plan conjured up by the brilliant (and twisted) minds of Gojo-sensei and Kugisaki, then he’s technically never been a wingman.
Come to think of it, he’s never really given the act of dating much thought.
It isn’t like he’s ever had much skin in the game. 
Itadori’s never had a partner, for one.
Fushiguro is smooth enough to flirt without anyone’s help, two.
Kugisaki can be a little intimidating all on her own, three.
So it leaves… well, Itadori to cheer on his perfectly-capable friends as they navigate what it means to be a teenager.
It also leaves him wondering if one day he’ll know the tv-show-butterfly feeling of helping two lonely souls get together.
(He really should focus on his own love life, but given the whole Sukuna ordeal? That’s a mess he hasn’t quite ironed out yet.)
Enter: Choso, his alleged big brother from another mother.
(Or another father? That’s another thing he’s gotta iron out. More at 11.)
Getting a two-bedroom bachelor pad with the guy you only met, like, a few weeks ago wasn't on his year-end bingo card. 
"Really?" If Fushiguro and Nobara question something simultanously, that usually spells danger.
"Yeah!" Itadori exclaims, sipping on his tea. "I mean, why not, right?"
"Wasn't he the guy trying to kill you?" Fushiguro grunts.
"Then he changed his mind on a dime and demanded he protect you with every blood cell in his body?" Nobara adds, lips trembling from her attempt to hide a smile at her pun.
(Neither of the boys catch it.)
Itadori grimaces. "Well, when you put it that way..."
Fushiguro leans back. "Trying to kill you—"
Nobara leans forward. "—to defending you—"
They come together again, and Itadori sinks in his booth.
"—in a few hours."
"Okay, okay, I get it!" Itadori whines. "But it'll be fine. We're great pals and figured it out. He's totally normal now."
So normal that Choso's in the booth at the other end of the restaurant, sipping a coffee black with a newspaper upside-down, waiting to take Itadori and his friends to the shopping district later.
(It's a little weird admittedly, but Itadori thinks it's endearing. He cares!)
So, yeah.
He ditched living at Jujutsu High in order to move in with his brother under the approval of his instructor.
Maybe it was a hasty decision, but Itadori will take the blame on that one.
Call it excitement or stupidity, he doesn’t mind.
After spending a lot of his life wishing he had a sibling of his own, it’s kinda cool to live a brother.
Not even a brother, but a big brother who takes his job very seriously.
For starters, Itadori always gets to order wherever he wants for takeout dinner, which never got to happen back at Jujutsu High.
Fushiguro used to be apathetic about what they’d order, which meant Kugisaki took the liberty in steamrolling every decision.
Itadori gets to show Choso every single one of his favorite foods and then some.
The guy doesn’t eat much — apparently something to do with being a curse, not that Itadori judges — but he thoroughly enjoys the nights watching Choso squint over a takeout box trying to figure out what the heck is in the thing.
It’s nice teaching someone else the ropes, rather than feeling clueless in his own life.
He shows Choso how to cook; how to clean, though they’re both fairly great at lifting furniture to get into those hard-to-reach spots; how to pay bills over the internet — or just to pay for bills in general.
However, there is one important item in life he has to show his big brother:
Video games.
Apparently all he ever played when he was with Jogo, Brains, and Mahito were board games.
“Today is your lucky day,” he tells the man with tightly-coiled space buns one day while Choso's watching television.
Itadori thrusts a coveted console controller into his view with excitement.
Choso blinks down at it with confusion.
“Because I — Yuuji Itadori, your little bro — am going to show you the wonders and joys of gaming.”
“I know how to play games, Yuuji,” Choso flatly replies, though there’s a warmth to his tone no matter when he speaks to Itadori.
The pink-haired boy shakes his head.
“I’m not talking about Life or Trouble or, ugh, Monopoly — though you can technically play them on a console.”
Choso’s brows slide high: really?
“Yeah, really.”
The man with the black strip over his nose tests the weight of the console controller in his hand, lip slightly pouted.
“So what do you… do?”
“Press buttons, mostly.”
Itadori holds up his own decked-out controller — a modified neon blue and black masterpiece that glows in the dark — and presses a few of the buttons to show him.
“You’ll get used to it. Trust me, it’s way easier in practice.”
Sitting beside his brother with crossed legs, he triggers the console to wake up to its dashboard.
The game show disappears, and a brilliant burst of color takes over the screen.
The reaction is priceless — Choso’s eyes widen to the size of saucers.
Aw, yeah, he has him interested now.
“Do you play these games with your friends?” Choso asks quietly, poking at a button with his thumb.
“Sometimes,” Itadori replies. “Fushiguro isn’t a fan of them. Nobara gets way too competitive. Like… scary competitive. We limit her screen time.”
Choso snorts. “I can picture that.”
Itadori grins and opens up a few window menus so he can set up a profile for Choso on his console.
He hands over his main controller and gestures to Choso.
“Pick whatever profile photo you want.”
Sticking his tongue to the left in the exact way Itadori does when he’s concentrating, Choso flicks over the right joystick to search through the images.
“Yeah, Choso?”
“I don’t see my face.”
“The photographs.” Choso points to the screen. “Where am I?”
Itadori blinks before he realizes.
“Oh! You… don’t, ha. You pick a character.” He pauses. “Like how you choose a thimble or a car and stuff in Monopoly.”
Choso sucks in a sharp inhale and nods in understanding before fluttering through a few more options with more confidence.
He settles over a photo of Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series before clicking it.
“Like this?”
“What, you like Lara?”
“Is that her name?”
“Yeah, she’s kinda super badass.” Itadori takes back the controller to finish up his profile. “My one online friend really likes those games—”
Then, brilliance hits him.
It doesn’t happen often, but today?
Itadori strikes gold.
“Oh, hey — if you want, you can kinda see how me and my one friend play. She’s usually on at this hour. Here.”
He pauses to reach around the couch only to hold out a headset for Choso to take.
“Wear this. It’s my spare.”
With that same inquisitive squint, Choso observes at the headphones with scrutiny.
Itadori showcases how to put them on, popping his RGB headset over his head and squishing his pink hair to his head.
It takes a little finessing with his hairstyle, but Choso does the same. He lets the headphones sit on his head and doesn’t move.
“You good?”
“What?” Choso’s voice shouts over the noise-cancelling feature.
“I said are you—” Itadori pauses, holding up a thumbs up.
Choso blinks. Then his thumb raises.
Itadori blinks back to the television screen where he signs on as himself — YuuMasterGeneral — before searching for a particular name on his friends list.
Truth be told, he’s only ever talked to this girl.
He has no clue what she looks like in person because he’s never met her in person, but she sounds pretty nice.
After Grandpa got sick, there wasn’t much to do around the house.
Sitting in a quiet house wasn’t cutting it, so Itadori tried his hand at online gaming lobbies.
Most of them sucked.
Most of them were full of assholes.
But he got lucky — an older girl that went by the moniker of Iris was nice enough to join his team.
That first night, they talked for hours about nothing in particular. Eventually he told her about his grandpa, and she added him as a friend. Iris told him to poke her whenever she was on so he had someone to play with.
Honestly? It was exactly the kind of lifeline he needed at the time.
After that, he gamed with Iris pretty regularly. Although they mostly game, sometimes they chat about their other hobbies. He's learned she has a full-time job, just recently graduating from university. A few times she's given a sprinkle of real life advice, from an adult figuring it out a couple of steps ahead of a teenager.
He felt safe. Seen.
He and Iris have been friends ever since.
Iris was good at gaming. Like, impossibly good.
So good she’d probably even beat Nobara.
But she wasn’t obnoxious about her wins, which was why Itadori enjoyed chatting with her so much.
Last time he talked to her was maybe six weeks ago. She’d been busy with her day job, but Itadori had been really busy with… well, everything to do with sorcery.
Surely she wouldn’t get weirded out about showing his older brother the ropes, right?
Iris was a private person, something Itadori could very respect, but he felt comfortable enough to invite her into this little debacle of his life now that Choso was going to be a permanent member of his family.
“Oh, cool, she’s on.”
“Who?” Choso asks, pushing a headphone off of his ear so he can hear Yuuji properly.
“My friend, Iris,” Itadori explains as he clicks to invite her to a party chat.
He then adds Choso, whose eyes widen at the magical sound of his little brother’s voice suddenly coming through the headset clear as day.
“This sounds…” 
Choso trails off, blinking as he hears the echo of his own voice.
Itadori laughs and leans over to mess with his settings once more. 
“Sorry — gotta mute yourself, buddy, otherwise we’ll get an echo going.”
Then a tiny chime sounds, and the brothers simultaneously stare at the television.
Her voice is smooth as honey and soft, like she’s surprised to get the call.
Itadori immediately perks up, but he notices how Choso doesn’t move.
He just… stares, lips parted.
“Iris!” he greets excitedly. “Hey! Long time, no chat.”
“Yuuji,” she greets in return with a small smile in her voice. “Hey, no kidding. How’s it going? And who’s this…. Guest, person?”
“Oh — I haven’t given him a username yet. Iris, I wanted you to meet my big brother, Choso. Choso, this is my online friend Iris.”
He turns his head to look at Choso in the glow of the tv, but his brows furrow when he notices the pale complexion of Choso’s face turn a warm pink.
“Choso?” she asks, and Choso’s throat bobs.
Maybe he’s nervous about new people?
He’s never really been that nervous before.
“I didn’t know you had siblings!”
“Ha, yeah, it’s a complicated situation,” Itadori explains before flicking up his microphone stick so he can whisper directly to Choso: “You can speak in the microphone, you know.”
Choso clears his throat, his pink face turning scarlet in stark contrast to the black stripe across the bridge of his nose, before nodding. 
“....I’m his big brother.”
“Cool, cool,” she chides in return, and Itadori can’t even believe what he’s seeing:
His older brother practically melts in his seat as he presses a hand gently to his headphone as if to push it closer to his ear.
"It’s super nice to meet you, big brother Choso.”
Choso bites his lower lip and glances up at the screen. “You… have a really pretty voice—”
Uh oh.
Abort mission.
Itadori flies off of the end of the couch to quickly flick his microphone up to mute them both for a little familial aside. “Dude!”
Choso’s surprised, still sporting the blush. 
“You can’t hit on my online friend!”
“I wasn’t hitting anyone, I was talking!” Choso hisses right back under his breath.
“Hitting on, not hitting!"
"Look: telling my friend she has a pretty voice is a little weird, okay?”
Suddenly the man looks a little worried. “It is?”
Itadori nods. “Yeah. Girls get bothered online all the time. Just… be cool.” 
He slowly drops his microphone back down.
Choso deflates and nods.
“Sorry about that! Yeah, no, he’s never played video games before so I thought we could show him how it’s done.”
“It's fine. But wait: he’s never played video games before?” Iris asks over her mic with a little laugh. “Seriously?”
Choso smiles small at that.
It’s lopsided and goofy. 
Itadori feels like he’s in the twilight zone.
“Did he live under a rock?” she adds in a gentle tease.
“Something like that.” Yuuji tells her, quickly loading up Fortnite for a game of Duos so Choso can listen and watch. “He’ll just hang with us while we play, if that’s cool with you?”
“So long as he doesn’t mind me asking him questions while we play,” Iris replies, sending a quick game invite to Itadori’s screen.
Both Itadori and Choso stare at one another.
Choso points at himself.
Itadori nods and points at him.
“Me?” Choso asks in a bit of a confused voice.
“Well, I’ve known your little brother for two years now, but I don’t exactly know you, ” Iris explains. “In a way, I kinda felt like his far-away big sister, so I'm happy to know he's got someone looking after him. So how old are you?”
Choso sits up a little taller.
“I'm one hundred and fif—”
“The same age as you!” Itadori chirps, cutting Choso off. “He’s twenty five.”
He can not have his normie friends find out about curse spirits and all of that insanity.
Itadori’s just grateful Sukuna never appeared cackling at his cheek in the middle of an intense match to make a pass out of bad taste.
Choso looks absolutely confused, but he slowly nods in tandem with Itadori’s pleading nod.
“...yes, I am... twenty-five years old.”
“Sweet, same age,” Iris chirps, and that goofy little look shows up on Choso’s face again.
(What gives, dude?!)
“And you’ve never played a single game before?” she asks as they load into the next lobby.
“I like Life.”
“The board game?”
“I was so bad at that game.”
“The spinner can really put you in debt,” Choso agrees with a solemn nod—
And Iris giggles.
Itadori blinks.
As he departs his character from the sky bus at the location Iris placed on the map, his lips begin to pull down to a grimace.
He’s never heard her laugh like that.
Not even when she's put toxic guys to shame and made them rage quit in Call of Duty.
“How did you meet my younger brother?” Choso asks, suddenly emboldened by the laugh.
“We met in a Destiny 2 lobby, actually,” Iris explains happily. “He helped me with a few of my bigger raids. When I found out the kid was fifteen-something, I felt like I had to make sure no one was a jerk to him in any future lobbies.”
“So you protected him?” Choso murmurs with surprise.
“More like shepherded him through games, sorta like a—”
“—big sister would,” Choso finishes for her.
“Kind of! Like I said earlier, Yuuji’s a good kid. And he’s really solid at playing games.” Iris clears her throat. “Yuuji, six o’clock. There is a drop over there.”
“Aye, aye, ma’am.”
“Miss!” Itadori corrects. “I mean Miss!”
“Jesus, he acts like I’m fifty sometimes,” Iris bemoans, and Choso smirks.
“Yeah. He acts like I’m a hundred and fifty,” the older man cheekily replies, and Itadori scowls.
On Itadori’s screen, they watch as a potential enemy rounds the corner of the building Itadori’s looting —
He doesn't act fast enough to attack —
But suddenly they fall to their knees, before bursting into confetti with all of their items strewn about.
They both hear Iris whistle from her microphone. 
“Respect your elders, kid.”
“Thanks, Eye. I didn’t realize there were people on my spot,” Itadori chimes.
Because he’s too busy listening to Choso act like he’s going to eat the mic to get closer to Iris —
And the fact that his online friend, his very normal friend, is giggling the way some girls giggle whenever…
They look…
At Gojo-sensei.
Itadori stops moving his thumbs on the controller, too deep in thought to play as Iris carries them.
She's scoping perimeters while he's busy putting the puzzle pieces together.
He's blushing.
She's giggling.
His Mikasa Ackerman avatar gets shot down, and Iris is shouting that she's coming back to save him —
But his eyes are on the guy opposite to him on the couch staring intently.
Not at the game, no.
At Iris’ little avatar that shows up every time she speaks.
Her icon's a little chibi Lara Croft.
Kind of like his generic Lara Croft icon.
Some weirdly-fated choice in a sea of happenstances.
Wait a second.
"Hey, Choso, do you mind taking over for me in the next game?"
Choso whips his attention, eyes widening with uncertainty. "Me?"
Iris laughs again, and Itadori sees it in real-time: that butterfly-in-your-stomach goofy face, smack dab on Choso's lips.
"I'm down if you're down, Choso."
Quickly he takes the glowing controller from his younger brother and straightens up. "I can learn."
"Just don't go running off on me on the map, alright?" Iris requests playfully. "Stick with me and we'll easily get to last twenty."
"I won't fail you," Choso promises with a nod.
Itadori crosses his arms, observing and listening to Iris explain the game gently to Choso.
Although she was just as gentle with him, Itadori can hear something different in her voice. It's like she's trying to get Choso to answer her so he can talk. She asks him questions that will get him to talk more and more, until they're having a full-blown conversation without Itadori in sight.
He likes her voice, that much he's deduced.
But does she like his voice, too?
Something's happening here.
The cogs are turning.
Maybe —
Just maybe —
Yuuji Itadori can actually be a real, bonafide wingman.
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dejwrld · 7 months
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summary — international rockstar choso kamo is in love with the international popstar, y/n.
warning readers discretion is advised ⸻ female reader, female anatomy described, written with black reader in mind, mentions of descriptors of black reader (complexion, hair texture, culture), open to be read by all readers, profanity, angst, lovers to exes, told in third pov Chosoi's pov), mentions of drug and alcohol usage, opposite attracts trope, riding/cowgirl position, brief mention of oral (m.receiving), famous au, modern au, he falls harder trope, praise kink, rockstar choso x popstar!reader one shot
sticky note from deja — this was originally another character plot, but urgh i just think about rockstar choso a lot! well i think about choso a lot period. so here's a sweet treat to the choso gaggers.
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He liked her more than he had expected. He never was the one to be in a committed relationship—didn't quite go with the rockstar image as an artist, nor did it sell to the public. He thought it was better to sell into the stereotype that rock stars do hardcore drugs, can't remember their flings' names, and show up late to their sound checks for concerts. But here he was, staring at her as she peacefully slept on his chest as if she belonged there. 
Well, she did. She was different from the people he pursued romantically who entered his life and exited quickly when they realized they couldn't keep up with his lifestyle. She could handle the throat-cutting hate from fans because she had rabid fans. She could take the intrusive questions from music journalists because she had one of the world's best PR and media training teams. 
He didn't want to admit that he was falling in love with her. 
But, here, Choso was itching to smoke a morning cigarette but too afraid to wake her because she had a late recording session.
And don't get him started on the reckless shit he did while she was locked up in the studio last night. 
"Good morning," Her voice comes off like a whisper as if they were in a library with strict talking rules. She's placing tired kisses on Choso’s chest with a smile. 
"Mornin'," Choso mumbles back, his arms resting behind his head. His brown-colored eyes met her gaze when he felt her hand rubbing his thighs. "Don't you have to be at the studio in a couple of hours?" His right eyebrow, embedded with a piercing, raised at her. 
She chuckled, letting her hand rub against his cock that had hardened in the wake of morning wood. Betraying him entirely as he's inhaling sharply at her actions. 
"I just need two hours with you," She responds. "And maybe one to get ready." She adds before smiling. Her eyes glistened with lust, and Choso couldn't deny that look. 
"Help yourself." He responds, getting even more comfortable in his king-sized bed. His hands still rest behind his head because he wouldn't have cared for her to use him as she pleased. 
With a pleased smile, she leaned closer to peck his lips before leaving a trail of kisses on his bare chest and traveling downward to disappear under the gray-colored duvet that covered them both. 
Choso was waiting for her to notice the impulse thing he did yesterday. Quite afraid of her reaction because maybe he had gone a bit overboard. He wasn't sure she loved him as much as he loved her. 
Choso!" She climbs back from under the blanket and quickly tugs it off the two of them. "What the fuck is this?" Her acrylic tapered square-shaped nails trace alongside his waist, and that simple movement causes his pale skin to garnish with goosebumps. 
"Surprise cupcake." He gives her a cheeky grin. 
"Surprise my ass!" 
Just above his waist, stopping right where his white-haired happy trail ended, was her name in old English font. 
He couldn't read her facial expressions. Her perfectly shaped eyebrows furrow together in confusion, but her mouth held back a snicker. Y/N's fingers traced alongside the tattoo's outline that imprinted Choso's skin.
"I can't believe you did this insane shit." She stares at Choso and then at the tattoo before giggling. "You're so insane, but I love you for that." 
Choso didn't think she knew what she had just said because before he could respond, she was kissing the tattoo so delicately that it caused Choso’s toes to curl in anticipation. Her tongue traces the outline of each lettering on his skin, and Choso could feel the precum on his tip immediately stain his Calvin Klein boxers. 
"Fuck!" He breathed out, letting his head sink into the back of his hands resting behind his head. 
His boxers were removed, and soon, his body relaxed under the feeling of her tongue licking at the precum on his tip as if it were a sweet delight. He peeks through his long eyelashes at the way her tongue glides up and down his thick shaft before engulfing his cock in her mouth without a care. The sound of Y/N gagging on his cock followed by the sight of saliva pooling out her mouth caused Choso’s skin to heat up instantly. He removed one hand from the back of his head to palm at the top of her head. His fingers fiddle with the silk scarf that protects her hair for the night while he guides her head up and down his hardened cock like a sports ball on a court. 
His dark eyes opened and were met with Y/N’s, whose hands flickered up and down his cock before briefly letting the pad of her thumb rub at his plump pink-shaded tip, smearing the precum and saliva that coated it. It drove Choso mad at the way she looked at him. It was as if he was the best thing since sliced bread when, in reality, Choso was just some musician who, on some days, couldn’t even keep his eyes open as he was in the studio high on whatever drug he consumed that morning. 
She released his cock with a pop before she removed the remaining amount of clothes. First, it was the yellow-colored Calvin Klein cheeky underwear—she was a brand ambassador for them (of course, he knew that). Then, it was the oversized t-shirt that belonged to him that she managed to look better in. Her brown skin glistened in the sunlight that shone through the high-rise windows in Choso’s penthouse. The warmth of her thighs on his side from straddling his lip caused Choso to smile. His eyebrows raised in curiosity at what was her next move. When he said, help yourself—he didn’t expect her to want to ride him. 
His body tensed up at the feeling of her cunt sinking further down on his cock. His body instantly reacted immediately because that was just the charm Y/N had on him. The littlest things could have had his cock twitching in whatever pair of sweatpants he wore. His fingers clutched at her waist while he guided her hips at a pace that was wonderful for both of them to enjoy. Such a little thing like this made Choso realize even more why that insane impulse idea he did the previous night was even more justified. He was in love. He showed it when they had sex. From his last relationships and embarrassing one-night stands that led to signed NDAs, he didn’t care to use them for a quick nut and go on about his business. But with her, with Y/N, he made love to her as if, just in the blink of an eye, she wouldn’t be here anymore. He ate her out as if it was the last thing he had eaten in fuckin’ centuries. He wanted all of her when he had a vision to please her when they had sex. 
“Look at you,” Choso’s voice is a sweet, teasing tune, similar to his most recent single. His fingers trace the outline of her stretch marks that connect from her thighs to her love handles. “Helpin’ yourself. Need help?” He chuckles.
Quickly, he’s thrusting his hips upward to meet Y/N’s sudden bounce. He felt her nails piercing his bare chest, bracing herself for his abrupt thrusting. Her plump, kiss-swollen lips gasped apart to let out a moan that caused Choso to feel feral. He wanted to flip her over—have his fuckin’ way with her. Fuck her into the mattress to show to her that she was his and only his. It was the only way—but no, Choso had to let her do her. Let her fuck him how she pleases. 
So the grasp he had on her waist loosened. His thrusts that met with her bouncing abruptly stopped, and he relaxed under her weight. The only thing the rockstar could do was glance up at her completely lovestruck—completely pussy drunk. 
“Thought you were helping me, hm?” She questions in between raspy whimpers that make Choso’s cock harder. 
“You’re a big girl, and you got it covered.” He spat back.
She couldn’t even respond to his words because she got lost in the pleasure of his cock kissing at that spot, which caused her to feel like she was on the fluffiest cloud. Her hips rocked backward and forwards. The headboard clashed against the wall, and Choso thanked every God that the property next to his was empty. He did not have the energy or time to deal with noise complaints. Especially given Y/N’s moans that only grew louder as she bounced on his cock as if it was the most critical task. He was trying so hard not to grab upon her, slam her harder on his cock—milk her out until she creamed on him. But no, he told her to help herself. 
“That’s my girl.” His brown eyes met hers when those words of praise fluttered off his lips.
If Choso could look close enough, he could see a sparkle in her eyes, and her pussy clench around his cock. 
“You’re doing well, Y/N. Is that what you want to hear?” He teasingly questioned. “You look so fucking beautiful riding me.” He adds, but this time—he no longer could control his impulse to feel upon his girlfriend. 
He ached for her touch. 
His hand finally found the place on her waist to help bob her upon his cock. His face flushed and was so hot— Choso knew that when his face got as red as the bottom of Y/N’s favorite red bottoms, he was about to cum. He felt his balls grow heavier with each pounce of Y/N, and the only thing he could utter was her name as if it was a lyric in one of his songs charting on the Billboard 100. 
“Fuck, I’m about to—” His words were cut off by Y/N.
“Me too, baby.” She huffs, rocking her hips fast to reach her pleasure wave. “Just tell me one thing, baby. Please.” She coos, and Choso can only nod. 
Whatever she wanted, she could have. Whatever she needed, she could get. Choso would give her the whole world plus some with how she rode him. 
“Tell me you love me.”
“Fuck, Y/N. You know I love you. I wouldn’t get your name tattooed on me.” Choso breathed out. 
“But I want you to say it when you cum,” She moans out. “So you have it imprinted on that silly brain of yours who makes you feel like that.”
Choso glanced into her eyes and realized she was serious about this. He was yanking her down so that her chest was on his and thrusting his hips upward, embracing her in a heated kiss that made him feel intoxicated. He was so intoxicated that he was questioning whether he should pull out now. Her teeth nibble at his lower lip just in time for them to come together. The feeling of her cunt pulsing around his cock drove the rockstar insane. When he pulled back from the kiss, his sweat-covered forward pressed against hers as he thrusts a couple more times, ensuring every droplet of his cum stayed inside her. 
“I love you, Y/N.” 
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