#chris beck x aster drysdale
georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
We’ve gotten a ton of snow where I live, so I’ve spent the snow day catching up with all of your work and I’m 🥺. Whenever you get the chance, I’d love to see more of Ellie and Beck, especially Beck showing the other kids in her class that he does know her!
Oh I hope that you're nice and toasty! We were supposed to get snow, and it was the most pathetic thing in the world! So it will take Beck getting back from his mission before he gets to confront Miss Samantha...so this one might be a bit of a long one. There's going to be tears, cuteness, fluffiness. And I may ruin a bit of Ellie's birthday surprise, but I didn't want to spend too much time at Disney World.
To the Moon and Back
Summary:  Ellie doesn’t want Becks to leave
Pairings:  Beck X Ellie
Rating:  tooth rotting, fluffy fluffster, hurt your wee heart, but it ends sweetly
Word Count:  1.9K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Aster Drysdale Masterlist
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"But but how long are you going to be gone?” Ellie leans back to look at the NASA clad Beck, both her and her mom getting to say their final goodbye to him before his mission.  Her little hand rubs along his cheek, and Aster tries to be strong for the two of them, but seeing her daughter cling to him, it’s bittersweet.  All she’s ever wanted was for Ellie to have a good strong father figure, and she has it.
Beck starts to speak, but has to stop himself when he sees the tears pool in Ellie’s eyes.  “Pumpkin, we talked about this.  I’m gonna bring you a star back.”
“But it won’t be real, and I want you,” the conversations of him leaving were plenty, but it didn’t hit Ellie that he was actually leaving until they were there, the shuttle in the background like her arch nemesis.  “I don’t need a star.”
“I know, but we gotta show that Samantha that you know me, right?  I got a surprise for you, okay?  For when I get back.  And every night, you can look at the moon, and see me.”
“No I can’t, you’ll be too far away, not in yours and mommy’s bed,” she lays her head down on his shoulder.  Her little hands rubbing and patting his back.  “I want you to stay here, I love you.”
Beck looks up at the ceiling, his tears flowing down his face now.  “I promise,” he has to stop himself, and realizing that Becks is crying Ellie starts sobbing on his chest.  “Pumpkin, I got you the moon buddy.  You can hug him every night.”
“I wanna hug you though.”
“Ellie,” Aster starts to pull her off of Beck, but she smacks at her mom.  “Ellie belly, you can’t...we’re supposed to be saying goodbye.”
“No!  I don’t want to say goodbye.  Please, Becks, don’t leave me,” she stops to lean back to look at him; face all splotchy and tear stained.  “I promise I’ll be a good girl, I don’t care about Samantha, just don’t leave me.  I won’t crawl in the bed with you no more, if you stay.”
“We don’t have to say goodbye.  Just I love you...” he presses his lips against her forehead, “To the moon and back.  But I have to get there so I can get back.  And we’ll talk and video call.”
“No, Pumpkin, I’ve got to go, but I’ll be back, and with a surprise.”
“But but...you never got to tell me happy birthday before.”
“Aunt Ree is taking you to Disney World, and I’ll tell you,” he turns when he gets a yell from the Captain saying it was time to wrap it up.  Pulling Aster in for a group hug, he holds on tight to the two people who mean more to him than life itself.  Aster pulls him down for a bruising kiss, while Ellie still buries her face in his chest, her hands clinging tight to him, like she can hold him on earth forever.  “I’ve gotta go,” he struggles to hand Ellie to Aster.  Her body flailing around and scream crying as he gives them both a final kiss.
Walking onto the shuttle he wipes away his tears, “Doesn’t get any easier,” Whatney tells Beck.  “Never thought I’d see you tied down.”
“They’re perfect though.  Now I gotta get proof that my girl knows me.”
“Becks!” Ellie cries when she sees Beck’s smiling face in the screen.  She turns to give her mom a quick giggle, and then back at the screen.  “Where are you?”
“We’re about to land, Pumpkin.  Are you outside?” she nods into the camera, her face hardly lit up with how dark it is.  Leaning back against Aster’s chest as they both stretch out on the blanket staring up at the moon.  “You looking up at the moon?”
“Uh huh!”
“Holding onto your moon buddy?”
“Yes huh!”
“Give his hand a squeeze, Pumpkin,” Ellie looks back at Aster who just smiles down at her, and she gives the moon buddy’s hand a squeeze, hearing Beck’s sweet voice sing, ‘At night, when the stars light up my room. I sit by myself, talking to the moon.  Trying to get to you.  I love you and your mommy so much Pumpkin I’ll be back soon.”
“Becks,” Ellie gives a tearful giggle.  “Oh I think I see you,” her hand waves up at the moon, and Beck tries to hold back his tears, waving back.
“I see you and Starlight, Pumpkin.  I’m waving right back.  You be good for mommy and I’ll see you soon.  Love you two.”
“I love you, Beck,” Aster blows a kiss towards him, and he pretends to catch it, placing it on his cheek.  “You’re so cheesy.”
“Love you Becks!  Hurry home.  Mommy brought my star caster in her room, and I just keep your side of the bed warm for you okay?”
“Okay.  I gotta go, but I’ll talk to you soon,” He places his helmet on his head, giving the two of them a quick wink before ending the call and starts to get in his suit.  Ready to get this mission over with and get back to his family.  
“You’ve got it bad,” Captain Lewis laughs checking over his suit.  “Cute kid.”
“The cutest.  Is it illegal to write something on the moon?” Lewis looks at him confused.  “See there’s this brat girl, and she...she called my kid a liar, when Ellie told her she knew me.”
“It’s not illegal,” she walks away towards the exit ready for everyone to head out.
As soon at they’re out on the moon, Beck asks Martinez for a favor, handing him the camera when he uses his foot to clear out the perfect spot.  “Little brat, calling my girl a liar.  I’ll show her.  Alright, you got this,” he looks at Martinez who is carrying on about Beck trying to get revenge on a four year old.  “My kid isn’t a liar,” he starts using his gloved finger to write out, Ellie belly, my pumpkin, before looking up at the camera smiling beside her name.  “Take that Samantha.  Stupid brat.”
“Picking fights with a baby.”
“She’s a bully.  And my Ellie isn’t a liar!”
“Ellie,” Aster gently taps her daughter sprawled out on her bed.  Her arm wrapped tightly around her moon buddy, and Aster gives his hand a little squeeze to hear Beck’s voice singing to them.  “Ellie, baby, it’s time to wake up.  You’ve got a fancy present on the chair to open.”
“Go back to sleep.”
“Ellie, you get to meet your princess Belle today, and you have a big present waiting for you to open.  It’s from Beck,” Ellie turns her head to look at her mom, and raises to look at the gold wrapping paper.  Jumping up quickly, and still holding her moon buddy she starts ripping the paper off.  “We’ve got the Halloween party at the park later.  I didn’t bring you a costume though,” she smiles when her daughter screeches.
“It’s like the real thing!  Mommy look,” pulling out her very own yellow Belle ball gown, and she hugs it tightly to her chest.  “Can can we take a picture of it to send to Beck?”
“Yes baby.  Aunt Ree got you some more presents, too.  After breakfast.”
Ellie can hardly contain her excitement.  Wanting to put the dress on as soon as possible, but Story just tells her to wait.  Sending the boys out to have some fun when stylists walk in their room.  “So, that’s the birthday girl,” she points over at Ellie who just giggles and wiggles around.  “Ellie, you gotta have Belle’s hair right?  And nails?”
Having a girls day with just your daughters and granddaughters, getting pampered and ready for the Not So Scary Halloween.  Oohing and ahhing when Ellie puts on her dress.  Aster wearing a Princess Tiana inspired dress.  “Mommy, you don’t match.”
“Belle is your princess.  Tiana is mine, she’s a hard worker, and got what she wanted.”
Ellie’s eyes look all around the park as they’re lead to meet Belle.  Wanting to soak everything in.  The way it’s decorated, the way it smells, the sounds, the lights, everything.  Marching directly to her, and Ellie is all giggles and smiles as she hugs onto her.  “Where where’s your prince?” 
Belle gives her a soft smile, “You’re Belle tonight aren’t you?” with her cute Ellie giggle she nods.  “He’s up there,” Belle points up a few steps to see the prince with their back to them.  “Go on.  You deserve your dance.”
She slowly walks up the steps almost embarrassed about dancing with a stranger, looking back at her mom, who uses her hands to gesture her forward.  Ellie takes a deep breath when the prince turns around, “Becks!” running into his arms, she grips him tightly.  “You came back, and you’re all dressed up.”
“Just for you, Pumpkin.  And now, I can say it...”
“Say what?” her glossy eyes lean back to look at him and to pet his cheek, while Aster stands in the distance softly crying at her whole world.  Ransom walks behind her to hold onto her gently.  Gazing at the man that has stolen both his daughter and granddaughter��s hearts.
“I wanna be mad, angel, but I can’t hate that man,” Aster pats at his hand, “He’s a good one.  Perfect for you and Ellie.  Don’t push him away because you’re scared.”
“I don’t want to daddy.”
Beck looks at Ellie’s chubby little face, rubbing his nose against hers, “I love you to the moon...”
“And back!" she finishes, before nuzzling her face agsinst his.
Beck sits quietly in the back of the classroom with Ellie on his lap.  Her hand holding onto a canvas, while the other holds her moon buddy.  The both of them waiting on the student to finish their show and tell.  Her little hand goes to his cheek and gives him a little pat when the teacher calls her name.  
“I brought...” she stops and looks at Beck, who gives her a soft smile and nods his head.  “I brought my moon buddy that Becks gave me before he left, but also,” she flips around the canvas to show Beck smiling with a thumbs up beside her name on the moon, “I didn’t want my...” her feet wiggle a bit, deciding it’s best to change her words, “Becks, I didn’t want him to leave.  And he came back and brought me a star, and my mark on the moon.”
“It looks like sand.”
“Samantha,” the teacher scolds and looks back to Ellie.
“It’s not.  It’s the moon,” Samantha rolls her eyes and shakes her head.  “It is.  My dad went to the moon and wrote my name on it for me,” Beck tilts his head hearing those words come out of Ellie’s mouth, wanting so badly to give her the biggest hug, almost taken aback by how easily it flowed off her lips.  Needing to just hold her, and smell her sweet strawberries and Biscoffs scent, but that brat.
“He’s not even your dad.  Your last name is Henry.”
“Samantha!  Pull a card.”
“He is my dad.  He lives with me, and he plays with me, and he loves me, and brought me back a star, and left me on the moon,” her eyes pout back at Beck.  “You are my dad.  My second dad.”
“No he’s not.”
“Yes, I am.  Miss Katy, I think it’s been a long day for Ellie.  I’ve only just gotten back, and I miss my daughter.  I’m going to sign her out for the day,” he stops at Samantha’s part of the table and leaves behind her own moon buddy before walking up to Ellie, grabbing the canvas out of her hand, and holding her tightly against him.  Not another word spoken to anybody until he gets out of the classroom.  “To the moon and back, Pumpkin.”
“You’re not mad?  I didn’t ask if you wanted to be my dad, and I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t have to, Ellie.  I’m not going anywhere, and I would love to be your second dad.”
“To the moon and back Becks.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
“Oh that’s what Aster was thinking. Little did he or her parents know just how long her and Beck have been going at it. He should know she wouldn’t bring just any man around Ellie!” // Makes me wonder who HE’S bringing around Ellie… 🤔 - 💫
So this is going to be a direct continuation of this. Beck's first night at the townhouse, but Ellie isn't there. She's at her dads. I'm telling you this...heart of gold, and Aster, while hesitant is FALLING hard and fast
With Us
Summary: Ellie goes to Mickey's
Pairings: Aster Drysdale X Chris Beck
Rating: A bit of angst, but ends floofy
Warnings: fatherly!Becks, child endangerment, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 2.3k
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Aster Drysdale Masterlist
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Aster is a bit confused when she pulls into the driveway, already seeing Beck's car in the carport. So when she opens the front door, and it's unlocked, she nearly panics. She knew she shouldn't have trusted this man, and now she's got some creep in her house, but thankfully Ellie is at her dad's for once.
"Beck?" she asks timidly but there's no answer. Looking in her room, and still doesn't find him. It isn't until she walks down the hall and sees Ellie's star caster on, and she gives a little peek to find Beck laying on her toddler bed with all her stuffies, "What're you doing?"
"You know you leave the door unlocked?" she switches the weight of her legs still confused on what to feel. "You're late. I was going to surprise you, but this house is depressing without her."
"So you're laying on her bed that's just for her stuffed animals? The ones you bought?" Beck pats the bed beside him, but Aster laughs shaking her head. "That's her toddler bed."
"You're mad I walked in here?"
"I was scared."
"I'm not them. Had it been locked, I would have waited on the porch. How often does she go to Mickey's?" Aster can only shrug her shoulders. "I thought not having an Ellie monster might be nice. Wouldn't get cockblocked, but this...it's awful," dramatically he lays his head back on more stuffies. "You're going to have to give me some Biscoffs to get out of this bed."
"No cookies in the bed. It's in the rules," Beck groans and snuggles deeper in her stuffies, smelling just like Ellie's sweet scent of strawberries and Biscoffs. "Well, Doc, since we don't have a belly monster to cockblock us...?" she starts unbuttoning her shirt, and Beck tilts his head up.
"How can you think about sex at a time like this?" she just shrugs starting to fully remove her shirt. Kicking off those heels, and undoing her pants. "Starlight, what cha doing?"
"Going up to the balcony," she giggles when he shoots up in the bed. Her legs running as fast up the stairs as possible, while throwing off what remains of her clothes. Beck releases a playful growl when she crosses the door to the balcony completely bare to him, giggling when he wraps his arms around her, most of his own clothes discarded. "I brought the phone just in case she calls."
"Good call doc."
"Now, aren't you needing a pelvic exam?"
"Don't be gross," he backs her up to lay her down flat.
"Let me just check to make sure everything is working correctly," his face dips down into her core, and she giggles until he bites and nibbles at her bundle of nerves. Her fingers weave into his hair and she pulls him closer. "Gonna be a long night, Starlight," but she only pushes him back where she needs him. His chuckles vibrating through her.
"Beck, stop," she giggles down at him. "You can not be serious."
"What?" he leans back off of her.
"How many times do you think I need to cum on your tongue? I'm ready for bed," he tilts his head kissing up her thigh, but with a quick intake of air, he dives back in to her honey. "Beecckk!?"
"Go to sleep. I don't need you awake for me to enjoy myself," attempting to pull him back up to her, but he doesn't budge. His nose runs through her folds before he breathes a quick bit of air on her. Ready to dive back in when Twinkle Twinkle Little Star plays on his phone.
"Who is that?"
"My daughter calls you over her own mom," he rummages around, grabbing up his phone, looking at Aster like she's the enemy now.
"Hey Pumpkin, is everything?"
"I had a nightmare. Venus buddy is scared, too," she lets out a soft sigh, her eyes looking around in the dark room, "It's so dark in here. I don't have my star caster."
"We'll get you one to leave there. Do you need us to come get you baby?"
"Mommy! Is Becks at the house?"
"Yes, baby. Do you need us to come get you?" she hums out a no, her lips smack as she starts to get sleepy again.
"It's just loud," she covers the end of the phone and whispers into it, "There's someone here. I heard her voice."
Beck looks over to Aster unsure of what he needs to do, not wanting to overstep his boundaries, but everything in him is saying they need to go get her. "Do you feel safe, Ellie?" Aster asks, her body already walking to the closet and pulling out clothes.
"Yeah, they're just playing Daddy's music," she lets out a big yawn, but stops midway through and screeches.
Aster's body freezes when she hears a man that isn't Mickey laughing and a woman's voice say, "There's a kid in here. Ya lost sweetheart? Look she's got a phone. Hello?"
"Who the hell are you?"
"Cassandra. Who are you?"
"That's my daughter," she snaps her fingers towards Beck, dressing and leaving all at the same time. "Give her the phone back and leave her."
"Ellie, lock the door. Beck and I are coming to get you."
"No! Daddy'll be mad. He doesn't know I have a phone," she goes to lock the door like Aster tells her, jumping back in the bed, she throws the covers over her. "Don't get in a fight please."
"I'm coming to get my baby, okay?"
"I love you, mommy. You too Becks," she hangs up the phone, while Aster is furious. Going into Ellie's room to get something before her and Beck are flying down the road. He just holds the phone staring at it until they arrive. Beck walking in first, and only looking for Ellie, while Aster is on the warpath to find Mickey.
Beck finds the locked door, giving it a few knocks before he asks for Ellie, grabbing her Venus buddy she opens the door. Jumping into Beck's arms and he holds her tightly. Reaching to get her star blankie, and grabbing up her bag before walking back out to the car, Aster still looking for Mickey.
Finally she spots Mickey snorting up a line before stopping his movements. His face falls when he sees Aster standing there shooting daggers at him, "Az, how's it going baby?"
"One night," she starts getting closer to Mickey, "One night, that you asked for."
"Here we go. It wasn't my fault, they...they just showed up."
"And you tell them to leave! I trusted you with my kid. She was asleep in her room when a couple walked in on her."
"She's my kid, too. Not his. Just like you find some man to fucking take my place. That's all she's talked about since being here, just how wonderful Becks is. I'm her father."
Aster lets out a deep laugh, "Then fucking act like it Mickey. You asked for this night, so I obliged even though it's my weekend. It's a night you asked for. And now you've got this trash where my child is."
"I was busy last weekend."
"My god, do you hear yourself? You're always busy. There's always an excuse. I'm not Ellie, the I'm working line doesn't work on me. When she's here with you, she's the only one here with you."
"What about him?"
"Beck is consistently there."
"Because he lives with you, huh?"
"No, he doesn't. He doesn't even stay the night unless she's not there. You lived there, and still he's there more often. Don't forget Mickey, I gave you chance after chance. I wanted you to step up as a father, and you've failed each time. I want you in her life. I've told you that I don't know how many times. But when she's here, she's your fucking priority not these sluts."
"Excuse me?" one of the many girls says, squaring up at her. "Who the hell do you think you are?"
"A mother getting her child from this mess. She won't be back if you can't change. We'll go back to supervised visits. You made me do this. She loves you. She wants you. She may talk about Beck a lot, but you're her dad. You should hear how she talks to him about you. And you're such a disappointment to her. I can't trust you with her. What if one of these men touched her? What if she got whatever dope your smoking? Or some of this shit?" grabbing a cup of booze she throws the liquid at his chest. "I can't do this anymore, her life means more to me than yours. You either change or we're going to court."
"We know how that'll go. Miss Rich Fancy Pants sitting on her throne of lies. Like I have a fucking chance. It'd be easier for you to just take her."
Aster walks a bit closer to Mickey, wondering what she ever saw in him. Wondering why she even told him she was pregnant. "Don't you dare act like my family's money makes me a bad person. I'm trying to include you. Hell that's all I've ever done. You're the one who keeps fucking up over and over again. From now on when you want to see her you can see her at the estate," he scoffs as she starts to leave. "I'd do what I had to do to see my daughter."
"Because you're so perfect. I know, it's impossible to live in Aster Drysdale's shadow. Everything you touch just turns to gold. You always get what you want."
"Go to hell," she marches out to the car, grabbing Ellie's star caster, and shoving it in his hands, "She's scared of the dark. She has nightmares and wants to be in the bed with you, but you won't allow her. Fix it. Get your priorities in order, or it's done. You haven't seen me be a bitch yet."
Ellie sits in Beck's lap, trembling when Aster accidently slammed the door from getting her star caster. She lays her head against his shoulder and gives a big yawn, "I'm sorry Becks."
"Why are you apologizing Pumpkin?"
"I called you. Now mommy's mad. I don't want her mad at daddy or me."
"She's not mad at you. None of us are. Grown ups are dumber than kids, you know?" she gives him a sleepy yawn, and curls up tighter against him. He looks down at the little girl, knowing he's too involved. She and her mother are becoming his everything. He doesn't understand how the stupid Mickey could ever put either in the way of harm. His hand brushes her hair back out of her face, and he presses a soft kiss to her forehead, "Don't ever grow up Ellie Belly."
"Okay, Becks," she jumps back awake when Aster opens the door. Her hands reaching for Ellie, who moves into her arms. Aster rocks her back and forth holding her tight. "I love you, mommy."
"I love you too, baby. Ugh, I'm just so glad you're okay. You are my everything."
"Becks too?" Aster looks up at Beck, giving the tiniest of head nods. Crawling in the backseat, to buckle Ellie in. Not leaving from the back seat. Just holding the little girl's hand, while her other rests on Beck's shoulder. "We going home?"
"Yes baby."
"Becks too?" a quick look in the review mirror he nods at Aster. She takes a deep breath herself. Giving a reassuring squeeze to his shoulder, and he returns the gesture with his own hand. Aster sits and thinks about what just transpired at Mickey's, to what's seemingly going on in this small car.
"Becks too," Aster waits until she sees the signature drool coming from Ellie. Another squeeze to Beck's shoulder has her looking at him through the mirror. "Thank you. I was ready to kill him. He can't do that. He can't put her in that position. Beck, I was so scared when I heard them in her room. There was just...my god it was everywhere."
"I know Starlight. She's coming home though. You know I don't get in your business..."
"I need you to," his eyes meet hers in the mirror, she looks nearly like a lost little puppy, begging for someone to throw her a bone.
"He's gotta have guidelines. I started..." he stops, he knows by admitting this that he's proving how involved he is. This could be the hammer on the nail to make Aster fully push away, but he's too far gone, "I've kept every time he was supposed to get her and didn't. Every time he was going to visit or send child support. Everything is in a notebook. She's confused, and we can't afford for her to be hurt. She's too innocent for that lifestyle. I know that's her dad, and I know you say when he's good, it's great, but there's still not structure. Ellie craves that, and that's why she comes back as a hellian."
Beck starts to apologize when Aster is silent, just knowing that he went too far. "Thanks doc," she leans forward to press against the hand that holds her.
"You're not mad?" his worried eyes meets hers in the mirror.
"Why would I be? You love her?"
"Yeah. You too."
"Say it."
"You first," he laughs. Aster shakes her head no. "I love you Aster Drysdale. I know it's soon, but I do. I love you. And and that little girl."
"I love you, too Chris Beck. We don't deserve you."
"No Az, I don't deserve you two. Can she sleep in the bed with us tonight?"
Even though it's going against her rules, Aster can't stop, she has no desire for this man to be away from her or her daughter. Craving that consistence, and safety. "She can sleep in our bed tonight."
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"Beck, I'd like if you moved in with us."
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
He Really Is
Summary:  coffee date with Becks
Pairings:  Beck X Aster S Ellie
Rating:  coffee fluff
Warnings:  Ellie Belly, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  900
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Aster Drysdale Masterlist
*This was a special request from @tis-thedamn-season​ for her favorite trio...well, one of them
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Ellie’s feet jiggle around in her carseat, singing to the song on the radio.  Her hands pull together and rest on her chest while she starts belting.  Beck looks in the review mirror with a smile at the little girl.  Pulling up his hand that holds onto Aster’s to give it a quick peck.  Ellie had been wanting a family day, and a family day is what she will get!
Her eyes look out around her, when she lets out a shrill scream, “What?” Beck’s eyes look in the mirror to see if she was hurt.
“Mommy!  I need some coffee, and there’s our place!”
Beck looks over at Aster who gives him a sweet smile, “She drinks coffee?”
“Only from mine and mommy’s place, go back!” while Beck is reluctant he does turn the vehicle around to go to the coffee shop.  Ellie jumps out of the back and into his arms, her fingers playing at his soft brunette curls on his neck, pointing in the direction of the café.  
As soon as they walk in, they’re greeted by Vanessa the favorite barista, “Ah, Eliana Rune, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you.  Are you getting your usual baby?” with the biggest smile, her cheeks nearly squishing her eyes closed she gives her a nod.  “Az, the regular nitro cold brew?”
“You know it?  Can we get the cute little scones, and a berry donut, my mom would love one of those.  Beck, you want something?”
“Yeah, you and Ellie go sit down.  I’ll take it from here,” he puts the girl down, the two of them exchanging a cute little high five and handshake before she goes to find their favorite table.  “I’ll take an ice Americano.”
“Listen, you hurt them, you’re gonna have to deal with me,” Beck just shakes his head.  There’s nothing in the world that could ever make him hurt the two of them.  He wants to shield and protect them from hurt.  “Good, Az is a real one, and that baby, been coming in here when she was still baking in the oven.”
“She drinks coffee?”
“You don’t know the Drysdale’s,” with a wink she goes off to make each of them their drink.  Bagging up the treats, and hands it to Beck, but with a whistle, and beckoning with a finger Ellie comes to help him, “Got you a cake pop in there, too, sweetheart,” Vanessa puts a finger up to her mouth, shushing the girl.  Ellie returns by pretending to zip up her lips, and lock them up before bounding off to the table.
Aster gives her a warm smile, her hand smoothing back Ellie’s hair before she smiles up at Vanessa, watching her sweet little boyfriend walk with the drinks.  Ellie takes a long sip from her cup and lets out an exaggerated sigh, “Still got it, Nessa,” giving the barista a thumbs up.  “Try it,” she hands it to Beck, urging him to give her favorite drink to Beck.
“You drink coffee?”
“All the time, drink it,” Aster watches as Beck takes a drink, his eyes going large at the warm beverage that is most definitely not coffee.
“This is steamed...”
“Coffee!” Aster interjects with a warning look.  Waiting until Ellie walks off to play with some wooden toys, watching her child fondly.
“That was apple juice,” Beck laughs, taking another quick sip of Ellie’s drink.
“Yeah, well, she’s been coming here with me before she could walk.  Then when she got old enough to actually want it Nessa started making her steamed apple juice.  There’s also a bit of caramel drizzle, whipped cream, and cinnamon.”
Beck’s eyes shine over at Aster, finding each day that she and Ellie are so amazing and more than he could ever hope for, “So if I come in here and ask for Ellie’s drink?”
“Everyone here knows.  It gets heated to a certain temperature too.”
“Oh, she’s rotten,” Aster responds with a MmmHmm, leaning in to give Beck an innocent kiss, “So are you.”
“I’m not the only one moonbeam.”
“Becks!  Look!” Beck turns to see the little girl holding up a cute little wood toy set, “It’s the planets.  There’s even Earth’s moon,” her eyes cut over to Vanessa’s, “My dad put my name on the moon for me.”
“Oh he did,” this time her deep brown eyes trail over to Aster, giving her a hard glare, and she knows she’s going to have to go talk to Vanessa.  Ellie busies herself again when Aster looks up there.  “How serious is this man that my baby is calling him dad?”
“He’s living with me.”
“Ness, he’s been so good.  Ellie knew him before I did.  He’s even stood up against Mickey.  Before you start, I know it seems sudden, but it’s been months,” Vanessa gasps in a hurt surprise, “I wanted it secret and between me and him.”
“You mean, him in you?”
“Well, yeah, but...I got sloppy, and he met Ellie, but Ellie already met him.  Dad likes him,” Aster wiggles around, because she wants Vanessa to not only like Beck, but love him in her way.
“Well, I’ll cut him slack if grumpy Papa likes him, but I expect to see you three here more often.  And I WILL be watching,” she says louder hoping that Beck hears.  “Anyone has to be better than the sperm donor.”
“He is,” she turns back to look at Beck, his eyes trained on Ellie, laughing at something she’s doing.  “He really is.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
Can you please write about the Beck wedding from Aster/Beck and Ellie’s POV? I know we kind of got a glimpse from Blade/Lo and Story/Carter but I just know Beck would have some sweet vows.
The Beck wedding! I know this has been a bit of a long time coming, and we still haven't seen the Baizen wedding. But let's look into the Moonbeam and Starlight's wedding. I'm so soft for these two right now it's not even funny
Add The Beck
Summary:  Mr. and Mrs. Beck
Pairings:  Aster X Beck
Rating: 😭🥺😂
Warnings: Aster has a potty mouth, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2.7K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Aster Drysdale Masterlist
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“Is the caterer here?” Aster asks her wedding planner who is a on a continuous loop of nodding her head. “The um, the the the cake lady, did she get it here, and have everything set up?” she gets another nod. “Also, the photographer was needing mine and Beck’s rings. They’re here. Please, don’t lose these. Oh and…”
“Az,” you come in to give your daughter a kiss, “everyone’s dresses are steamed. The makeup artist and the hair stylist is here and starting on your sisters. Owin’s and Joshua’s tuxes are with everyone else’s. Creed is keeping Beck in check,” you give a little giggle, but Aster only glares at you. “Oh, sorry Otto and Ellie are keeping each other entertained along with the babysitter that Story brought, she’s got Z and watching the older three. Now, I need you to take your fucking Xanax and calm down, okay? You’re giving all of us anxiety. It’s your wedding day.”
“Telling me to calm down isn’t helping,” you slide the pill over that her best friend prescribed to her. “Go tell Joshua Buchanan I’m swallowing it.”
“Thank you. Now, can I get you something to eat while Tammy does your hair?” with a pout and a head nod you run off to go get her some food. Hopefully calming and easing her.
“I need an iced americano! Tell Owie to bring me coffee! Ahh!” she screams excitedly when Owin walks in with said coffee. “Thank you, Owie Bowie. How is he?”
“Beck? He just took a shot of rum with Creed and they’re laughing with Joshua, Carter, James, and Blade. How is this walking down the aisle business working?”
“Oh,” Aster gets excited when she gets to talk out her plans. “Iris is going down with Creed. Winnie is with you because she refused to go down with Joshua. Joshua is with Story. And Lucy is walking down with Blade.”
“What about August?” Aster curls up her lip. “What?”
“This is a bit out numbered. I don’t have girlfriends. While you and Joshua will be on the groomsman side, you’re really for me. And before you ask, Winnie is Iris’s friend, I just get along with her, okay. To answer your question, August is walking down with Posie, but maybe Blade and him switch last minute.  Now, fetch my father in about thirty minutes. Because I’ll need someone to touch up my makeup,” Owin hisses at Aster. “Stop. No wait, I gotta talk to Joshie first.”
“You do. You almost made it to thirty-five. Beck know about that pact?” Aster nods her head. “Emy?”
“Yeah, I don’t know about that.”
Iris takes one look at the man that walks through the door, and pulls at the girls to leave. Winnie walks past him, and taps on his shoulder before walking out, leaving Aster and Joshua the only ones in the room. “That pill’s working.”
“Eh, it helps to have a good doctor. How ya doing Joshie?”
“Oh you know,” he grabs a seat and sits right in front of her. “Just drinking rum with your almost husband. Can’t believe you’re marrying someone that isn’t into bourbon or whiskey. How’re you feeling?”
“I’m good.”
“You happy, Az?” she grabs a tissue and starts patting at her eyes.
“You know, I never argued with you about Beck. That’s all we did with Scott. Forbid me to hang out with you. Didn’t even want me or Owin as your best man. I told you, and your stubborn ass wouldn’t listen to dear old Joshie.”
“He was jealous of our history,” Joshua shrugs and settles back in his chair. “I’m sorry.”
“I almost made it to thirty-five.”
“Az, we were having fun. Do you regret it?” she smiles shaking her head no. “Me neither. We were kids when we made that pact and if we weren’t where we were right now, I’d do it. The Barnes and the Drysdale’s finally a unit. It would be some disgustingly big wedding. Bigger than yours and your sisters combined. We’d have a good life, but while we love each other…”
“You’re not Beck,” Aster plays around with her perfect teardrop engagement ring when Joshua slides over a not too different silver plated ring, with an obnoxiously large tear drop CZ diamond. “Joshie.”
“I kept that hideous thing. What I was like eleven, when I gave you that thing? We vowed to get married if we weren’t by thirty-five. I love you Aster, but I’m so glad you found someone that is in love with you. I knew it,” Aster picks up that ring remembering how powerful she felt with it, but also hid it from her dad. “I knew the first time I met Beck, that he was the one that swiped you off your feet. You and him played that friends with benefits thing.”
“We were actually just fucking.”
“You played the game, and you my beautiful friend fell so hard. He knows about us, and he’s not threatened because he knows that you love him fully. Mickey was threatened and so was your first limp dick husband who never knew what you tasted like. I hope that Beck tastes you every chance he gets.”
“I have to push him off of me.”
“Good, because you deserve to be devoured. But enough of the sex. That man and Ellie, if I didn’t know, I would think he was the one that made her. Aster, I know you realize how blessed you are,” she smiles nodding her head, and slips that atrocious and yet adorable ring on her pinky. “I want that back. I may need it.”
“If you don’t get that girl a real diamond, so help me Joshua Buchanan Barnes, I’ll cut you.”
“Easy! I’ll get my woman what I want to. But I wouldn’t share a ring from another woman.”
“Do you really want it back?” she pouts over at Joshua who gives that signature laugh of his. “Like really really want it back?”
“Only for safe keeping. I’ll give it back to you when you get back from your honeymoon. Make us a baby,” Aster says a quick no. “Make us two babies. He knows he’s stuck with me and Owie right?”
“No more babies! Joshie, you get back here. Joshua! Joshua Barnes!”
Aster takes a deep breath and taps on her dad’s shoulder who turns around to look at his daughter. Ransom tilts his head to the side and looks over her. Tears immediately fill his eyes and refuses to let them fall. “Daddy.”
“Don’t you daddy me, young lady. I can’t have that sweet voice with you. My god, does he realize the beautiful little star that you are? My daughter found her prince…”
“No, not a prince. Not a knight. He’s just Mr. Perfect,” Ransom rolls his eyes. “He is.”
“AstroBoy. Azzie got her a moon man.”
“I didn’t want a moon man,” her hands go to fanning her face. “See what you did. Gonna ruin my makeup.”
“What I did? What the hell did I do? You’re my hard daughter. You quit that right now. Stop those damn tears,” Aster gives him a strangled laugh. “One of the little baby girls I never knew I wanted and never thought I would get to be apart of her life. Az, you are a third of the reason I changed my life. And because of that change, I have had a life I’m proud of. It’s so full of love and happiness. You my little star are apart of that. I know it may not seem like it, but I’ve always wanted this for you and your sisters.”
Aster rolls her eyes, but still smiles at her dad. “You, my strong and determined child, I worried about. I saw you slipping into the partying. Saw you struggling through Ellie’s early life, and saw you lonely. You always put your daughter first, and she’s happy and safe for that. But when that stupid AstroBoy walked into our lives and became this father figure immediately to Ellie, and then you fell…I knew this was your future with him. There is nobody more perfect for my daughter and granddaughter than Christopher Beck. I don’t want to give you away, but I will to him,” Ransom leans down to give his daughter a gentle kiss to her temple. “I’ll meet you at the end of the aisle.”
“Dad, dad, dad, dad,” Ellie chants with Owin behind her carrying a gift. Her own white dress flowing behind her.
“Pumpkin,” Beck gives her the biggest smile, picking her up to kiss her cheek before putting her back down. “What cha got Ellie?”
“Mommy’s gift. Owie Bowie, hand it to my dad, and open,” Beck opens the gift to see a star map of the first night that him and Aster spent together. “Do you know what that date is? Your book party date when you and mommy finally met.”
“Well, this is awkward,” Beck rubs the back of his neck. Reaching over to grab his own wrapped gift looking eerily similar to the last. Owin cocks up an eyebrow at him. “It’s a different date. Just…just take it to her.”
Owin chuckling to himself walks into the room, giving a loud whistle at the the women. “You ladies are ravishing. Mrs. D, is that a new necklace? Iris the lashes is a nice touch. Princess, black looks good on you, I saw a king wandering around looking a bit lost. Ahh, Winnie my partner today that leg, you might you someone up today.  I saw a boxer asking about you.  And Azzie my beautiful bestie. I bestow to you a gift,” Owin hands her the gift and she looks at him in shock and annoyance. “He said they were different.”
Aster opens the paper and looks at the date a bit confused, until she opens up the card.
Starlight, this was the first time you let down your walls. The night that Ellie caught us together and you tried to push me away. The start of the three of us becoming a family. I love you Aster Sapphire and I’ll be waiting for you, love forever, your Moonbeam.
“I hate him,” she cries looking at Owin. “I don’t at all but I do. He’s so fuc…” Ellie narrows her eyes at her mom. “He’s so sweet.”
Aster takes a deep breath when Otto and Ellie start to walk down the aisle. The two of them giggling at the group ahead. Otto even looking over to Carter and Z and giving them a wave. “Daddy, I can’t do this.”
“You’re doing this. I can’t support you anymore.”
“Oh hush.”
“I can’t. I’m excited to give you to someone else. You’ll be his problem instead of mine,” he looks over at his daughter, but her eyes are only in the front hoping to get a glimpse of her future husband. “Azzie?” she finally turns to look at Ransom. “It’s time baby. Take a deep breath. And keep on breathing.”
Standing at the end of the aisle, she watches Beck take a haggard breath, and struggling to breathe. His shoulders trembling with how hard he tries not to cry, but he can’t stop. His fingers go to swiping at his eyes the closer she gets, because he can’t believe that’s his wife walking down the aisle. Looking like a dream and straight out of a magazine. Ethereal, sexy, perfect, and beautiful all wrapped up.
After Ransom goes to give her away he walks over to you, and nearly folds in on your body. With a pat on his arm, you let him know how good he’s doing.
The ceremony was cute and lighthearted. Until the vows. Aster takes one look at Beck to know that this is going to be a tear jerker, and she’s not ready.
“Aster,” she shakes her head no. “Don’t start that,” everyone in the audience gives a little chuckle. “I know this is killing you because you have no control over what I’m going to say. I could keep this real simple and just say I love you, and I could give this big long speech of what I vow to do, but honestly it’s not enough. I fell for you without knowing you. I met this cute little girl coloring her pumpkins blue, and between her and your dad, they talked about this wonderful woman called Aster Drysdale. That little Ellie grabbed my heart, and she still hasn’t let go. Our first meeting, I got to see the woman that they had been talking about, and even though I was falling from words alone, they didn’t do you justice. You’re a pain in my ass, Ellie, Owie has my dollar for that. You’re so stubborn, and such a perfectionist that you know when something in the house has been moved. But that’s just what people get to see. What I see is this woman who guards her feelings because she wants to be taken seriously. A woman who has me and Ellie on a tight schedule, but we have all this time together in the evening, because all our tasks are completed. A woman that puts me and Ellie above herself, so we have to make sure you have time for you. I don’t deserve to be in yours in Ellie’s life, but, Pumpkin you stop that crying,” Beck looks down at Ellie who stands right beside her mom.
“Do I have to move back with Icy?”
“No Eliana, because I’m not just marrying your mom.”
“Moonbeam you stop.”
“I knew when I was ready to stop doing missions I found my girls. I have never hated being in space more in my life. Never wanted a mission to be over. And it was your faults,” Ellie gives a giggle up to Beck. “I love you both so much, and you’re making me the happiest man,” Beck stops when he hears obnoxious crying. “Owie Bowie is crying like a baby.”
“I am.”
“I don’t even care that I have to marry that idiot either.”
“You do, we go together,” Owin cries even more.
“Shh, Beck is telling me how wonderful I am,” Aster whispers looking around Beck.
“You are my beautiful Starlight. The wonderful thing in all the Galaxy and I’ve been to the moon.”
Aster stares up at him, trying to calm herself to get the words out. She looks down at Ellie who just smiles up at her mom, “Chris, no, I’m still calling you Beck. I don’t know how the stars aligned to bring you here to me, Joshie you and Creed stop.”
“I’m sorry Az,” Creed chuckles knocking his friend’s shoulder. “You would say written in the stars for the moon man.”
“Yes. Now hush,” Aster takes a deep breath but is so thankful for the random giggling. “I’m not good at this shit, Ellie, Owie has a dollar from me too. I’m not, you’re not marrying me because I’m mushy though. But I don’t know how we happened. I mean I do, but we’re not talking about that,” you elbow Ransom when a deep growl emits from his throat.
“I didn’t believe in fairy tales. Not the happily ever after or the meeting the man I’m going to marry when I’m a kid. There’s two back there that did. But me? I thought I wanted it, I wasn’t ready then. Because it wasn’t you. I have no doubt that you were made for me, Beck. We work perfectly because you calm my ass down.”
“Sheesh, mommy with the potty mouth. Owie that’s three dollars.”
Beck reaches over and dabs at her tears. “I didn’t realize how happy love would make me, until Ellie, and then you came along and here I am again smiling. I have fun. I’m not a rigid bitch.”
“Aster! I’m going broke here.”
“I’m sorry. You know I have Ransom’s mouth.”
“Hey!” everyone turns and looks at Ran. “Fine. She’s carved out of my ass. Owie you covering me, too?”
“If Mrs. D saves a dance for me.”
“Beck, this is our life. Distractions, chaos, but at the root of it; people that love me so much, and when they fell for you too, I knew. They love you so much, and they don’t like anybody. You’re it. You’re my moon.”
“And you’re my world.”
“And you two are cheesy. Kiss already, I need a beer. Joshie needs some whiskey,” Creed clears his throat. “The big guy needs a vodka. Go on. Power invested in me. Do it!”
“I’ll be cheesy with you any day. And take the boys any day. But let’s kiss and you become my wife.”
“Not yet,” the officiant says pushing them apart. “By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride,” with a big smile Beck pulls her in to kiss Aster. Holding onto her tightly he dips her. Ransom watches, but starts clearing his throat.
“Thatta boy Beck!! Get cha girl and get her outta my hair!”
“You’re doing a good job of pissing of your dad. Maybe we should talk about this,” Joshua adds with a smirk.
“Aster Sapphire that’s enough!” Ransom grouses.
“Do not full name me, daddy. But next time make sure to add the Beck.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
Would you ever write about Beck's first father's day with Ellie? Aster would probably be kind enough to have Ellie spend at least part of it with Mickey but Beck needs some appreciation too!
Beck's first Father's Day 🥺 Aster would be the kind one to at least remind Mickey that Father's Day was on a certain day, but she wouldn't tell Ellie if he was going to show or not. While Aster wants Mickey and Ellie to have a relationship, it's glaringly obvious who has the true father role, and it was just Ellie for seven years, and three of those Beck was in her life.
Spend Time With Your Daughter
Summary:  first father’s day with Becks
Pairings:  Aster/Ellie X Beck, Mickey Henry
Rating:  mild
Warnings: mentions of drug use, mentions of an absentee father, mentions of infidelity, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  950
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Aster Drysdale Masterlist
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Aster knew that today was going to be a different Father’s Day.  Typically she was spending the day with her dad, and Ellie would wait for Mickey to possibly show up.  Distracted enough by Otto and her family, but this is the first year she’s fully aware of what today is.  Knows that Beck will be with her, but Mickey will be noticed if he doesn’t show.
The morning started off easily enough.  Ellie and Aster made breakfast for a too nosey Beck who wanted help the whole time, “Dad, go away!” Ellie shoves at his waist.  “Back in the living room.”
“It’s lonely in there Pumpkin, I just want to keep you and your mom company,” he gives a quick kiss to Aster’s temple, but Ellie still isn’t satisfied.
“You you are standing there.  Sit down,” using her kid safe knife she continues to cut up strawberries for the the breakfast that Aster is preparing.  
“You’re getting better with your knives, Ellie Belly,” he marvels down at the little girl, who pushes at his waist with strawberry sticky fingers.  “Okay, okay, I’ll sit down at the table.”
Beck isn’t sure why he’s so special to be able to be apart of either one of their lives.  Things were almost too easy with Ellie.  They had created a bond immediately, without there ever being a prospect of dating Aster.  Even though to hear Ransom talk, she was not his typical type.  And then the more he talked, the more Ellie talked, the more he was falling for a woman he never met.
And now here he is, watching his two best girls cook him breakfast.  Him, Christopher Beck.  He can’t help but worry about whether Mickey will show up at the estate later.  Got the invitation, and had mentioned he may have to work as soon as the estate was mentioned.
Ellie runs around the estate garden with Otto, Posie trying to teach them basic tumbling but it’s mostly the three of them giggling.  Iris goes over to the trio, trying to assist as well, even showing them her own skills.  Using James’ body to flip on, and it gave the kids even more things to try.
Beck hadn’t let go of the cutest card that Ellie had made him.  Knowing just how much he was a fan of Star Wars, but more so that it had Ellie’s footprint as Yoda.  Adorable, and he couldn’t believe it.  So proud he had to show everyone in the family.  Each of them so thankful that Ellie had a good father figure other than Ransom.
Beck gets up, and runs towards the kids, beginning to chase the three of them, threatening to tickle them if they were caught.  The kids all distracted by him chasing them don’t even realize Mickey walking to the back, leaning around Aster he gives her a little tap.  “You made it.  Glad work didn’t keep you.”
“You don’t have to be like that,” Aster cocks up an eyebrow.  “Yeah, you’re right.  Had I have been like him, would we have worked out?”
“Oh, you mean been there for me and your daughter, no other women, and no drugs?” Mickey gives her nod, still Ellie doesn’t even notice he’s here, and it makes him even more bitter.  “Maybe.”
“I love you.”
Aster scoffs, picking up the glass of wine to take a long drink, “No you don’t.”
“I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you.”
“And you never loved me the way that you love yourself.  We weren’t good,” Mickey gives her a smirk, “The sex was good.  We weren’t.  You were always so hot and cold Mickey.  I never knew which one of you I was going to get.  The man, I could have loved, but I mostly had fun with.  Or the unreliable one, that I couldn’t trust,” his eyes flick down to her finger.
“It’s still not official.  Give me another chance.  For our daughter.  It’s Father’s Day.”
“And you should be spending it with your daughter, instead of trying to get back in my pants.  We tried.  It didn’t work out.  We tried again, and you disappointed me.  You were late to the birth of our child.  Thank god for Iris and Story, because you weren’t there.  She was two weeks old, and you left us.  You’d come back for a few weeks, and would be gone again.  You said you felt uncomfortable here, so we moved to the townhouse, and it was the same damn thing.  And now you want to say that we need to try again?”
“He’s not her father!”
“He never said he was.  He is there for your daughter.  He rides with us to take her to school.  He picks her up sometimes, if she’s sick, he stays with her.  He was on a mission to the moon and called us every fucking day.  You live in the same damn city, and you can’t be bothered to see her on a regular schedule.”
“I have to work,” Aster shakes her head rolling her eyes.  Looking over to Ellie to see if she had noticed her and Mickey arguing.  “Give me one more try.  She needs me.”
“Then, be there.  I have never denied you the right to see her, just how you see her.  And that was your own stupidity.”
“One more chance.  At least one more night, and I’ll leave the two of you alone forever.”
Aster has to look over at Beck, seeing his bright smile chasing after Ellie, it isn’t something she has to consider.  This is how he always weasels in.  This time it’s different.  The thought of not waking up to Beck every morning, terrifies her.  The thought of him not being in Ellie’s life is just as scary.  “Go spend time with your daughter.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Idk if you’ve written extensions to your what-ifs, but how would meeting the Drysdale clan go in the Elio Beck universe?
I do write extensions. So you're talking about an extension to this What If. So keep in mind, there won't be a huge difference, other than Ellie is now Elio. Azzie is meant to be with Beck. He's the one that brings the best out in her, and her family ADORES Beck. Much more than they do Mickey.
Galaxy Theme
Summary:  Ransom meets Elio
Pairings:  Aster/Beck X Ransom/Elio
Rating:  Floof
Warnings: none, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  800
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
What If...? Masterlist
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Beck smiles as Aster hands their sleeping cuddly boy over to her dad to hold for the first time.  His dark blue eyes that she inherited look all over the tiny little sweatered bundle.  Ransom’s finger pets all over his soft baby skin, lifting him up to kiss on his forehead, “I remember when your mom was this small,” Elio lets out a garbled noise, and Ransom smiles.
“I do.  I didn’t get much time with her at this age, but I remember every second, every inch, and every sound that her and your aunt Iris made.”
“Azzie,” Ransom looks up at his daughter, having to stop, to catch his breath, “He’s perfect, and beautiful,” his eyes trail over to look towards Beck with a smile, “Thank you.”
“Why, Mr. Drysdale?” Aster walks over to Beck, and sits in his lap.  Her hands pet over his chest, and she leans over on Beck’s shoulder.  Her eyes still trained on her dad’s who struggles to look away from the little baby boy.
“For showing my baby, her mom’s little star, that true love actually exists,” Aster’s eyes finally move up to Beck’s kind features.  “I knew she could have this if she wanted it, I just always doubted that she wanted it.  Had me worried that she would fall into my bad habits after her divorce, but you’re better than me, Azzie.  Although, you’re just like me in so many ways.  You’ve got this ridiculous attitude, you fight your deep feelings.  You’re stubborn, cuss like a man, you don’t let people in, and you make excuses for ones who don’t deserve it.  But...”
Ransom looks back down at the little baby.  Having had a conversation with Beck the day prior, he knows what his plans are for this family dinner, and he couldn’t be happier for his oldest little girl.  Aster comes off as cold and uncaring, but Beck broke down her walls to see the real her.  The person that she kept hidden from almost everyone, but not her dad.  Ransom was always Aster’s person.  People didn’t realize the closeness that him and Aster had, because it was almost a secret.  
Story was always clinging to her dad, but Aster and Ransom had an almost friendship.  She trusted him, and would talk openly with him, even though sometimes he wished she didn’t.  But he always said, he wanted an open relationship with her, no matter how difficult the conversations.  Aster kept that promise, so Ransom knew exactly how much she cared for Beck.
Her dad being the first one that she told she was pregnant after Beck, and even telling her dad, she wasn’t scared.  She was ready for this chapter in her life, because it was with Beck.  
“Azzie, you found your perfect fit.  He sees what I have always seen in you.  He sees your true worth, and he’s brought out this fun playful side, that you thought you’d lost.  Beck, that’s why I’m thanking you.  You have done what most have tried and failed to do, and that is to be worthy of Aster Sapphire Drysdale.”
“Daddy, stop.  You’re gonna make me cry, and when I cry, you’re going to, and then if my baby boy cries, there will be hell to pay.”
“Starlight, I was going to ask this with your family present, but I don’t think that’s appropriate.”
“Ask me what?”
“Oh, wouldn’t you like to be alone for this?”
“No,” Beck smiles shaking his head, “I think having the most important men in Aster’s life in one room, is perfect.  Especially since we’re here talking about how amazing, wonderful, smart, sexy, the best mom I know, punctual, organized, and...there’s not enough ways to describe how perfect I find you.  Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
Aster chirps sitting in his lap.  She looks over to her dad that holds hers and Beck’s son, until she’s back to looking at Beck with a hand over her mouth.  “We don’t have to get married right away.  I know how you are, and you will want to plan something extravagant, and you’ll want to get back to your before the baby body, so you can wear a sexy dress, but please say yes and become Aster Beck.”
“Yes,” she giggles, crashing her lips into his.
“Oh good grief.  Now you’ve gotta tell your mother, and we’ve got to plan another wedding.  I’ll tell you what, Blade and Lucy better not be getting married anytime soon.  The old married couple and the King and Queen of Boston was enough.  Now I’ve got the moon man and Azzie.”
“Starlight and Moonbeam, daddy.”
“Whatever.  You going to have a galaxy theme wedding?”
“Starlight?” she hums nuzzling into Beck’s face.  “You’re gonna have to tell Joshua, he better start looking for him a wife now.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
Which characters you got in mind 😉 I hate you’ve had a long week! We’re preparing for snow 🥴 // I don’t mind actually, surprise me! 😌 I’m hoping for a better week next week but you never know😅😫 ah it’s cold and icy where I am but I don’t think we’ll be getting snow anytime soon! -🦋
Well, I have had a certain astronaut and Ellie belly cuteness brewing in my mind...Well I hope next week is a bit better for you! Winter is such a tough time. We're expected to get 3-4 or 6-10 inches depending on which station you listen to 😂 very rarely does it snow where I'm from.
*so at this point Beck has been living at the townhouse with Aster and Ellie for quite some time, and it's not much longer until he goes on his mission...
My Life
Summary: Ellie is sick
Pairings: Aster X Beck, Becks X Ellie
Rating: sweetness
Warnings:  sick Ellie, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1.1K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Aster Drysdale Masterlist
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“Why are you here?” Aster is very much aware of her father randomly looking into her office as soon as Beck walked in.  But she just can’t help it.  Finding him extremely sexy and randomly showing up at her work with a bag of take out.
“Thought you might want a lunch break,” she steps the tiniest bit closer to him, closing the gap in between them.  Her hand resting on his chest as she wraps the other around his neck; pulling him into a kiss.  Giggling on his lips when her father growls.
“You’ll have to excuse him.  No matter how old I get, I’m still his baby.”
He gives her a shy grin, but starts laying out the food.  Normally she doesn’t take a lunch, just picks at food, continuing to work, but having him here, and forgoing a few phone calls for thirty minutes is nice.  She’s never had this, never had someone just want to do something nice for her.  It was always, what can she do for them.
“Hey Aster,” Judith the secretary pokes her head in the office, and Aster looks towards her acknowledging her presence.  “The school is on line two, Ellie’s got a fever and isn’t feeling well.”
“Oh, shit.  Thanks Judith, you want to get my day cancelled?”
“You’ve got that meeting with the board.  You want me to see if Ran...”
“No.  She’s my responsibility, and he’s got a meeting with Walt that he’s put off long enough.”
Beck clears his throat, raising his eyebrows he gives Aster a soft smile, “Let me go get her.  I'm not just some man.  I’m not busy today, and I kinda live with the two of you. She's part of my responsibility too," Aster shakes her head at him, still ready to cancel her day, "Starlight, I don't mind. Let me do this for you. Finish what you need to, and if she just needs her mom, I know how to get in touch with her, okay?"
"You're sure? You're not going to hold this over my head later?" his face falls when he realizes that people have always just used her. Used her kindness and her money just to get what they want.
"I want to do this. It's been awhile since Ellie and I have had a day anyways. How about, you bring some soup home for the sweet girl? I can call your mom, she'll get something fixed right up."
Ellie sits and holds her newest buddy, Mars tight to her chest. Those chubby little cheeks inflamed and heated with her fever, and she only gagged a bit at the taste of the medicine. Her eyes pout up at Beck, and he's unaware of what he should do, "Pumpkin, what's wrong?"
She looks around the room and gives a little rock in the seat. She's scared that he's going to tell her no, but she's tired, and she just wants to be held. "Mommy holds me when I don't feel good," looking down at her Mars buddy she plays with the hair a bit before looking back at Beck with a few tears in her eyes, "And I don't feel good."
"Come here, Pumpkin. Let me hold you. And if it's not good enough, we'll call mommy, deal?"
"Lay down," getting up off the couch, she points at the cushions, and Beck follows her command. Crawling up on him she lays her head down on his chest, and releases a satisfied sigh. "She also plays with my hair."
Giggling to himself, he takes his hand to brush over her hair. Still smelling like strawberries and Biscoffs. Ellie gives a little cough and a cold chill runs up her spine. Beck grabs the blanket off the back of the couch to cover the two of them up. Still running his fingers over her hair and heated cheeks. "Becks?" he releases a soft hum in answer, "How how long are you gonna be gone?"
"About a month."
"Are you going to miss us?"
"Of course. I'll call as often as possible. May even get to have a video chat."
Ellie lets that conversation float in the room, her eyes getting heavier but still she has more questions. "Do you love mommy?"
"I do."
"And me?"
"Of course silly goose. Why are you asking?"
"Are are you gonna marry her?"
It isn't a thought that hasn't crossed his mind. It's just too soon, he knows that Aster will require more time to fully trust him. Still letting her walls down slowly on brick at a time. Him being here with Ellie is a big step, and he's fully aware of that. "I hope to eventually."
"Is that why you had a picture of a ring on your phone?"
"Yes. I knew I shouldn't give you my phone, snoop."
"It's pretty, but it looks like Iris's ring, so don't get it. Mommy is different, she doesn't want a traditional ring like Ree and Iris. She wants teardrop, okay?"
"Can we keep this our secret?"
"If you bring me back a star from your trip. And you promise to call because because you're missing my birthday."
"I promise."
"Then it's a secret. Don't wait though," her mouth let's out a big yawn, and she nuzzles her face deeper into Beck's chest. "You're warm Becks."
He sits quietly still petting along her hair and back, before he himself drifts off into a sleep. Dreaming of stars and teardrops. Neither of them stirring when Aster walks in, and see the two of them sleeping. Not even wanting to wake them up for soup, because they look so peaceful. This is everything she never thought she wanted.
Made herself believe she wanted children with Scott, and when it didn't happen, she just chalked it up to being infertile. Didn't care about who she was sleeping with or even how she allowed Mickey to be too comfortable with her. Not long into their partying ending up pregnant, and knowing that baby was just for her. She didn't even care if Mickey wanted to be in her life.
And now the picture in front of her, of the love of her life, Eliana Rune Henry snuggled up to a man that she's falling so deeply in love with, it makes her pause. It's scary how quickly she and Ellie both were falling for Beck. How effortlessly he worked his way into their lives. And how he truly enjoyed every minute of their domestic life.
Beck peaks open his eyes a bit to see Aster just staring at the two of them. His chest a bit wet with Ellie's notorious drool. Pressing a hand over her head, he feels how she broke the fever, and he fully looks at her, "What're you looking at Starlight?"
"My life."
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
The only thing getting me through this ultimate Monday of all Mondays is Ellie Bellie & Beck. 🥺🌗
Oh 🥭anon I'm sorry you've had a MONDAY Monday. Beck is seriously one of the sweetest. He was falling for Aster before he ever met her. Between the way Ransom would talk about her, to Ellie herself, he was FALLING!! Beck did make it to one of her games though!
Pluto Buddy
Summary: Beck goes to a soccer game
Pairings: Aster Drysdale X Chris Beck, Beck X Ellie Belly
Rating: Angsty fluff
Warnings: Mickey, sad!Ellie, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 2K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Aster Drysdale Masterlist
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Aster pushes Ellie out onto the field. Her eyes already search among the few who are already here, "Mommy do you think Becks is coming?"
"Beck?" Ransom asks looking down at Ellie and then back over to Aster. "He's never told you he was coming before Ellie Belly."
"Yes he did."
"Ellie, go warm up with the team, baby," Aster takes a sip of her iced coffee, refusing to look over at her dad. Taking another long sip before she waves to you.
"Wanna tell me what that was about?" she shakes her head no, but looks towards the parking lot. This was not the place she was wanting to have this conversation with her father. Knowing eventually it would come up. Refusing to tell any of her siblings about the game, even though she got a phone call from a few, because she couldn't imagine all of them meeting Beck, if he shows up. Still not wanting to fully push him into the dramatic family. It was still so new, and he knew Ransom. "Aster Sapphire..."
"Do NOT use my whole name with me," you walk up to her and give her the biggest hug. Seeing your little Ellie Belly turn to give a smile and wave, but when she starts running in a different direction, everyone turns. Her hands wide as she grabs ahold of the man from the book press party a few months ago.
"I wondered if that would happen," you smart to your daughter, who still acts oblivious.
"Becks you came! We're playing a really hard team too. And and...what's in your hand?" she tugs at the little bag and squeals when she sees two planet buddies. "THEY'RE BABY ONES!"
"This is Pluto and his moon Charon. He's a dwarf planet," he tries to explain more, but she just giggles at the two small plushies.
"He's adorable," she pulls them out of the bag to excitedly show her mom. "Becks got me babies! Thank you!"
"Ellie, practice," giving Beck a final hug, she hands you the bag and trots off. "You know, I didn't tell her you were coming."
"I even wore blue."
"I see that," she stares with a warm smile at Beck, the two not saying too much. You can't help but watch the adorable moment. Knowing that she's in deeper than she wants to admit seeing how Ellie knows him.
"It's the wrong color blue. I was going to bring you a coffee, but I was right in my thinking," her booted foot toes at the gravel, before pulling at his hand.
"Let me introduce you to my mom. Properly."
"We're doing this?"
She gives him a wide smile nodding her head, "You're here. I don't know if you realize what it means to both of us that you showed."
He follows her over to you and Ransom, their fingers still intertwined together, "I told you I keep my commitments," offering the most sweet and quick kiss to her temple, he stops his movement to gaze in her eyes, "I know it'll take time for me to earn that trust. But I don't want to disappoint either of you. And I don't have a problem in waiting to earn that trust."
"Mom, I would like you to meet Chris Beck," you give him a smile, but your eyes look over to your daughter, who is too purposefully not looking at you. "Don't need to introduce you two," but Ransom nearly burns holes into him. You give him a stiff hit with your elbow, warning him to behave.
Everyone continuously eyes Beck and just how into the game he is. Nearly getting into a cheering match with Ransom, when he deemed Beck trying to out yell him. Ellie's smile had never been bigger. Even showing off a few of her skills. After every goal running over to Beck and her mom for a hug.
You had never seen Aster's smile so big. Never seen her show any form of affection towards any of her partners the way she was Beck. But what was more important, was how effortlessly he split his attention between her and Ellie. Clearly enthralled in her game, while also loving the random soft arm touches she was giving to him.
"She looks thirsty, I'm gonna grab her some water," before Aster can protest, he gives her a fleeting kiss beside her lips before walking to the concession. Her eyes light up as she watches him retreat.
Only barely catching yours and Ransom's eyes watching her, "Shut up."
"Didn't say anything," you laugh, giving your husband a pinch to his side before he makes an unnecessary comment. "I swear to you, if you say anything to her, I'm biting a nipple off."
"You talked that man up for months, and now you've got a problem with him? You're ridiculous," he quietens down with his harsh stares, continuing to get into the game, and feeling much more accomplished now that he's the loudest yelling.
Beck gives the attendant a smile handing over the money for the snacks and water he had gotten for Ellie starting to walk back when he runs into a man, "Excuse me, sorry, man," starting to walk around him, but he only steps to the side. Beck gives another smile thinking it's an honest mistake before he blocks him again, "I said I was sorry. It's not a big deal."
The man scoffs, but allows him to walk past. Only vaguely mentioning to Aster, who shrugs her shoulders, letting her eyes beam at Ellie. Ellie's eyes look across the field while they're running, and you know that look. Aster knows that look. And when she stops to run in the wrong direction and right into her daddy's arm, you see Aster tense up. Mickey picks her up and spins her around, peppering kisses all around her face before placing her back down, and patting at her back. Aster's body becomes less comfortable with Beck. "Son of a bitch," she whispers, and Beck looks at her odd. "Mickey's here."
"That's that man."
"Guess he's been here for awhile. Couldn't watch his daughter, but he could spy on me," her eyes start to fill with tears before she takes a long calming breath. Watching Ellie run back to the field when Mickey walks over to the four of you.
Holding tightly onto Ransom's hand, because you as a whole family made a pact, and you're making sure his short tempered self adhered to it. "Bringing your boy toys around our daughter, huh?"
"Not doing this here, Mickey," she answers through her teeth smiling at Ellie who gives them all a wave. Five more minutes, and it's over. "Glad you could show up."
"Yeah, well, got off work early," Aster finally spares him a glance before rolling her eyes. Looking back at Ellie, and wondering why she ever thought that things with Mickey would ever work. When he was good, it was great. The problem was that it never lasted long enough before he was disappointing her, and worse, their baby. "Can we talk?"
"We are."
"In private."
"Our daughter's game is still going on. You came to watch her play, so you should. Whatever you have to say can wait."
With a sigh he turns to watch her, not into the game the way Ransom and Beck are. Not screaming and cheering her on. And you can see it in his face when Ellie runs straight to Beck, all sweaty and grass stained that he's about hit his peak of anger. When Beck stands with Ellie in his arms. "Aster, I need to talk to you."
"Do not embarrass my daughter," she grits her teeth with a growl. You try and corral her away from the impending argument.
"I'm embarrassing her? You're the one that has her on the arm of your flavor of the week. We agreed no men or women in and out of her life."
"Daddy, please stop," you reach over to grab your granddaughter, needing her to get away from Mickey who issues low blow after low blow, "Daddy! Stop!" she screams with the biggest tears. "I don't like when you do that with m-m-my mommy. Mommy," her hands reach towards Aster, and she pulls her into a hug, walking away from the situation.
"She told you not to embarrass her," Ransom starts squaring up with him.
But Beck is the one that surprises you, "We haven't met, so I can understand your confusion and frustration. I'm not a flavor of the week. In fact me and Aster have been dating for a few months now. I only met Ellie recently as her mom's boyfriend. I have no intentions of hurting her."
"She's got to you. She always tells lies about me. First to our daughter, now to you. I don't want to hurt her."
"Then quit hurting her," he turns without another word. Grabbing up the bag of planet buddies. He nearly runs after Aster and Ellie who pitifully cries in her moms arms. Leaving you and Ransom to deal with Mickey. Ransom telling him that for what little he sees his daughter he could at least make her leave happy and not with tears every time.
"You hate each other," Ellie cries in Aster's neck. Her fingers clinging to her sweater. "Why did you have me?"
"Ellie, we don't hate each other."
"You always fight."
"Baby, look at me," those long lashes, matted with her thick tears look into her mom's eyes, "I will never regret the day that I had you. You are my everything. My life had purpose the moment that nurse placed you in my arms. I have never been more happy or proud in my life than the day I got to call myself Eliana's mommy," Ellie gives a bit of a smile wiping her mom's tears off her cheeks.
"I love you, baby. I know your dad and I don't always get along, but we don't hate each other. He gave me, you. And I can't ever thank him enough for that."
"Y-y-you promise?" she hiccups, and Aster nods her head, holding her close to her, pressing hard kisses on her cheeks. "Beck, you you brought my baby planet buddies."
"I did Pumpkin. I figured you might need them," she lifts her head off Aster's shoulder, reaching towards him. Hesitantly he takes her in his arms. Almost like his warm body was the cure to calm her down, she just melts on him. "Would you and your mom like to go to Coldstone?"
"Can we go to Papa and Mimi's instead? Papa makes the best sundaes. For special occasions he melts cookie butter."
"Will there be Biscoffs?" he asks, giving her a little tickle. Aster sniffles a bit. Staring at the bound. If she didn't know that it was established prior to her and Beck making it official, she would be terrified. The ease he has with her, the way he's not trying for her attention, he naturally earns it.
Ellie turns to whisper in Beck's ear, "Papa doesn't share Biscoffs, but Story showed me where he keeps a secret stash."
"Papa doesn't share?" she shakes her head with a giggle. Her eyes finally lighting up. "Well, I'm going to have to get Ellie her own box of Biscoffs for her house and at Papa and Mimi's, huh?"
"And and I can show you my room there. Me and mama used to live there. I still sleep there sometimes."
Beck reaches in her car to buckle the girl up. Closing the door to give a lingering hug to Aster. Softly kisses her neck, Beck gives Mickey a regretful smile as he watches the three of them. Witnesses three people slowly becoming a familial unit in a way that Mickey couldn't. Beck hopes that one of these days, Mickey could learn to be a better father. Until then, he will have no problem picking up the pieces that Mickey rips off Ellie and Aster. Mending them from the hurt and lies that he just can't quit.
It isn't until then that Mickey realizes just how much he's screwed up time and time again. Thinking Aster would always be there to welcome him into her life and her bed. Used her for a home, but bailed whenever it got too real. The love Ellie has for him scares him, and he's unsure what to do with it. But seeing this man in their life, and realizing how Aster is truly gone this time, hurts than he would ever admit.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Summary:  Ellie gets Noodle
Pairings:  Aster/Ellie X Beck
Rating:  🐈🐈🐈
Warnings:  Noodle, Beck is a horn dog with Az, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 700
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Aster Drysdale Masterlist
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“Do I have to?” Aster looks up at Beck grimacing, and groaning when he nods yes. “But, cat equals fur, fur equals shedding, shedding equals a nightmare for me.”
“We have like seven rombas in this house.”
“Because I can’t handle…no, I don’t want to do this.”
“You already told Ellie that we were going to pick out her very own fluff ball. Those were your exact words,” Beck reminds her snaking his arms around her waist. “And because you made our little girl so happy, what did I do in return?”
“You having an hour long dinner on my pussy is more for you.”
“Ehh,” he kisses up her neck. His hand palming her over her jeans. “So you gripping tight to my hair, and pushing me closer to that sloppy cunt was just me getting something out of it.”
“Don’t act like you don’t enjoy it.”
“Oh I very much love feasting on you. You’re the one denying how much you love it.”
Aster dramatically her head back screaming, “Fine. You two clean up after the cat. I will not deal with feeding it, watering it, cleaning the litter box, bathing it, playing with it, nothing.”
“You don’t get the benefits of holding it, petting it, and hearing it purr, either.”
“And so help me, if she picks out a bitchy kitty like Chloe, it’s going to live with Owie. I can’t deal with cats jumping on me.”
Ellie calmly walks down the kitty row at the shelter. Her eyes filling with tears with each cat she passes. “Beck?”
“You can’t have them all Ellie,” Aster responds quickly, only to have Ellie puff out a bit of air.
She stops abruptly when she hears a tiny little meow. Bending over she sees a little bitty kitten with the brightest blue eyes. “His eyes look like yours, Dad,” Beck beams with pride, and pulls Aster closer to him. “I want him.”
“That’s a she. She’s a baby rag doll.”
“Rag doll? The breed of cat is rag doll?” Ellie lets out a little squeal, and the kitty reaches out her paw towards the little girl. “Mommy, dad, she is adorable! I need her, I really do!”
“You owe me coffee for life, Beck.”
“You wanna go upstairs and show Owie your new cat?” Aster brushes her daughter’s baby hairs out of her face. As much as she was opposed to the cat, Ellie is ecstatic. So excited about her new friend. And Aster finds herself falling for the silly kitten because of Ellie’s excitement.
Going ahead and ordering everyone their drink while Beck takes a business call, she stays and talks awhile with the new barista, taking a long drink from her iced americano with two stevias, she carries Ellie’s and Beck’s drink over to the table.
Upon sitting down he flips his phone around to show her a table, “Oh I like that.”
“I knew you would.”
“Well it looks like a real table.”
Giving a little giggle he looks back at his phone before showing a video to Aster. “Do not show this to Ellie.”
“Oh, I’m gonna.”
“No! She’ll want you to build that.”
“Exactly! Have Noodle an obstacle course on her wall. Did you know rag doll cats are the most dog like of cat breeds. They’re very loyal to their owners.”
“Why did you name her Noodle?” Owin asks laughing when his bitchy puss jumps too high for the kitten.
“Because look at her. And the woman said that when she gets older, she just goes limp on her humans. Like a wet noodle. Noodle. It’s perfect. Look at her eyes, Owie Bowie, they look like my dad’s. Oh I love her! Thank you for plotting with Beck against mommy. I needed a friend because I don’t have any brothers or sisters.”
“At the rate that Beck and your mom are going you will,” Ellie cocks up an eyebrow looking at him. “I mean, I never thought she’d let anyone move in with you guys unless it was me or Joshie.”
“That’s true. She loves Beck though. And I love him, because he talked mommy into letting me have a cat. She said no pets because they smell. But I think she secretly likes Chloe.”
“And that witchy puss loves her.”
Beck’s Video
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
Will you write about the Aster and Beck proposal? Did he get the ring that Ellie belly told him Aster wanted?
Beck is a very smart man, and he listened to Ms. Ellie Belly. So this happens after Beck had to go to Cape Canaveral for a week for some business. He just needed to spend time with hims girls
My Girls
Summary:  Becks and Ellie make a picnic for Aster
Pairings:  Beck/Ellie X Aster
Rating:  cavities
Warnings: Ellie tears, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  800
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Aster Drysdale Masterlist
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“Hand me those, Pumpkin,” Beck points over to the flowers, and Ellie hands them over to him laughing, “What?”
“You know mommy’s name is Aster.  These aren’t asters.  The asters are those purple flowers in the garden.  These are Mimi’s flowers,” Beck continues to put the peonies into a short vase, and finishes laying out the food, ready to send that message to Aster that she had a surprise outside.
“Yeah, I know, Pumpkin.  Do you know what peonies represent?” she shakes her head no, “Do you know why your Mimi loves peonies so much?” he gets another head shake of no.  When he had talked to Ransom and you about asking to marry Aster, you had taken him for a walk in the garden, pointing out each flower, and which member of the family it represented, and why you had grown fond of peonies.  
Not only does the flower literally symbolize love and honor, but the first bouquet of flowers you ever got from Ransom were pretty pink peony buds.  They were also the main flower in your wedding bouquet.  They had become the representation for yours and Ransom’s love.  Beck was made fully aware of that, and he hoped that Aster would catch on to the odd choice of flower.
Grabbing up his phone he sends Aster a text, and it isn’t long that her smiling face is walking out the door.  “What are you two doing?” she asks, wrapping an arm around Beck, and leaning up to give him a smiling kiss.
“You are working and it’s beautiful.  Dad and I made you some lunch.  Mimi helped up with the cookies,” Aster looks over the blanket, noticing the cookies wasn’t the only thing you had helped them with.  “We got you an iced Americano with two stevias, too.”
The three sit down, enjoying a nice lunch, Aster giggly, and even laying down on Beck’s thigh, while he scratches her scalp, “Ellie Pumpkin Belly?” Ellie crawls over with a cheery grin, jumping up into Beck’s face, and rubs her nose on his.  “I got you something.  I know that me being gone a week was hard,” he never gets to finish, because as soon as he points, she’s going towards it.
Pulling out an Earth buddy, she gives him a big hug, noticing something is off.  Her little fingers go to digging at that spot, while her mom and Beck smile at the other.  “Dad, there’s something wrong with this one.  It’s got a hard spot.  Maybe,” finding it, she sees there’s a pocket.  Beck steals one glance over there to see Ellie rooting around in it, pulling out the black box.
Ellie shrieks when she opens it.  Her face a mixture of happiness, excitement and tears, “You got it.  The right one.”
“What are you two talking about?” Beck lifts Aster off of him, and reaches for the box.  “Stop.  What is that?”
“Christopher Beck, you stop.”
“Aster,” Aster’s eyes beam up at him, her eyeline refusing to let those tears fall.  “I can’t imagine another day without you as my wife, and our sweet little Ellie.  The two of you have brought so much love and happiness to my life, and I know I don’t deserve you, but I’m taking the risk, because I can’t live without you.  I want all of you.  Your crazy ass family, you scary dad who glared at me when I asked for his blessing.  Your siblings that are full of energy.  But mostly I want you and Ellie.  Aster Sapphire Drysdale, would you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?”
Ellie’s legs bounce her around.  Her hands clapping and she gives a squeal, “Say yes, mommy say yes.  Please, I want Becks to be your husband.”
She closes her eyes with a laugh, “Yes.  Yes!  My god, yes, I will marry you tomorrow,” Aster’s voice screams, and she lets out a squeak when he puts on the most beautiful ring she’s ever seen on her finger.
“No!  I wanna wear a pretty dress.  No, no.  Mimi and everyone can plan it.  But I need a dress.  Mommy!” a smiling, crying, and laughing Beck and Aster turn to look at her, as she gets so serious.  “I actually get to see you in your wedding dress,” she slowly walks over to her mother, her happy squeals replaced with overwhelmed tears.  “Mommy, you’re going to be so beautiful.”
“Aw, baby,” Aster coos at her, wrapping an arm around her daughter.  Looking at her ring.  “You’re going to be beautiful.”
“Both my girls are going to beautiful,” his head nuzzles in closely to Elli, and he pulls up his fiance’s face by her chin.  “I don’t want a long engagement, Starlight.”
“Me neither, Moonbeam.”
“Dad, why the Earth?” Ellie goes to plop on Beck’s lap as she plays with her last planet buddy.
“Because, Pumpkin.  You and your mommy are my world.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
Will you ever tell us the stories of how Beck gave Ellie belly all of the other planet buddies?
I honestly hadn't planned on it, but if you guys are interested in when Beck gives them to her, I can make that happen. So here's the story of how Ellie got her Uranus buddy.
I Call Him Dad
Summary:  Time to see Joshua and Emy
Pairings:  Beck, Aster X Joshua, Emy X Ellie
Rating:  pitiful
Warnings: mentions of Ellie’s behavioral issues after being with Mickey, Mickey Henry, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.4K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Aster Drysdale Masterlist
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Joshua looks over the three people in his office. His dad had told him not to mix business with family or friends, but Aster was persistent. “So what brings you three in here?”
“I don’t know how to behave,” Ellie blurts out quickly.
“No,” Aster places her hand on her daughters hand. “No, that’s not it.”
“That’s what you said.  You said that my behavior is awful,” her little fingers fidget around with the sleeves of her shirt, wishing she had something more to touch.
“What your mom said was your behavior changes after you’ve seen your dad,” Ellie throws her head back on the couch and lets out a groan.
“No, it’s not. And he’s my daddy. Not my dad.”
“Ellie,” Joshua gives the little girl a soft smile, knowing that small children aren’t his expertise. “Why do you think that your mom and Beck say your behavior is different when you come back?”
“Because I get to have fun with daddy,” even though Beck doesn’t respond, Joshua can see the hurt in his eye at that comment. “I don’t like your office. Emy has toys and crayons. Where’s yours?”
“Would you want to go into Emy’s office? I don’t believe she has anyone in there?”  Ellie jumps towards the edge of the couch and nods her head excitedly. “Well come on, then,” he holds out a hand for her to grab but Beck stops him.
“I was gonna wait until after the session. But your fingers need something soft don’t they Pumpkin?” Aster is already reaching in her bag for the little stuffie to add to Ellie’s ever growing collection of planet buddies. “This is Uranus,” Ellie gives a tiny little chuckle, but reaches out for the soft, and brighter plushie. “Which planet is he?”
“He’s the seventh planet from the sun. And he has rings, and lots of moons,” he finally hears that sweet little Ellie giggle that he’s grown so fond of. Reaching over to give her a hug, as her fingers trace between the soft plush, and the textured rings. “Thanks Becks,” she responds skipping off with Joshua.
He returns, slumping into his seat, staring at the two of them, “Emy will talk with her, in her way, and see if there’s something going on while she’s with Mickey. Does she always spend one on one time with him?”
“Rarely is it consistent. We had started back with him visiting her at the estate, but he kept every single appointment. Showed up, was kind to mom and dad, and even Beck, so I granted him outings with her, no overnight stays. And she has her phone with her,” Joshua starts to speak, but Aster is a Drysdale and already interrupts him.
“I know she’s young. But other than Beck and myself, it just as my family’s numbers in it. That way one of us can always get to her in case of an emergency. She’s became more needy though, and more scared of the dark, and doesn’t want to be away from home, and…” she looks up at Beck mouthing a quick I’m sorry, “the first day or two that she returns, she doesn’t even look at Beck. Hardly talks to him, and I know it hurts him and he’s an adult, but she loves Beck. Adores him. For two days she calls him Becks instead of dad. And then the third day it’s like she’s confused on what to call him.”
“Did you ask her to call him dad?”
“No,” Beck shakes his head firmly. “I didn’t ask her to call me anything. She just called me dad in front of her classmates. After some brat was telling her I couldn’t be her dad because of the last name.  I don’t care if she calls me Becks or dad. What I care about is the conflict she’s feeling.”
Joshua scratches at his chin a bit looking at the two. He’s known Aster for years, and has never seen her in a more vulnerable position. Never allowing herself to open up to someone the way she is Beck. “So you think this has something to do with Mickey?”
“It only happens when she comes back from being with him for a couple of hours. She gets back into her routine, and is good, only for him to spend another couple of hours with her. And then demanding he gets overnight stays. And I’m not comfortable with doing that unless he gets his home evaluated.”
“So you have reservations with her being there overnight?” Aster and Beck both nod their head. “I’m assuming something happened?”
“Yeah. He had a party with drugs and alcohol, while my daughter was trying to sleep in her room. Had she not had a phone and called me, Joshie, I don’t want to think about. I was ready to kill him that night. He thinks only of himself when he gets like that. I know he loves her in his way. He just doesn’t want to be a parent to her. He wants to be a friend. Mickey is a child himself, he doesn’t know how to raise one.”
Emy watches as Ellie colors a picture of her family. She had started on adding her whole family, only to move on to another piece of paper to draw her household, but not leaving Mickey out. Taking extra time on him, before she pushes the paper over to Emy.
“So who do we have here?”
“Uh, that’s me, my mom, and my dad,” her finger points at each one, and she looks back up at Emy, “I mean, Becks.”
“And who is this?”
“My real dad, Mickey.”
“Why is he over here by myself?” Ellie shrugs her shoulders and looks down at her Uranus buddy and plays with the crunchy holographic material. “You really wanted to get him right. Even stuck your tongue out when you were drawing his hair.”
“He misses mommy, and he’s all alone,” Emy gives her a nod. Standing up, she goes to get a box of manipulative toy bears for her to play with. “He doesn’t like Becks. Doesn’t want me to call him daddy, and I don’t.”
Ellie brings out a few of the bears creating colorful patterns with them before Emy goes on, “because you call him Beck?”
“I call him dad. Daddy told me he isn’t though. That he made me with mommy. He’s mad at her. Says that that she should put me first instead of Becks,” one by one Ellie starts to knock each of the bears over, before grouping them in like colors.  “He doesn’t want them to have a baby. Said that I should be enough, because I am for him.”
“Do you want them to have a baby?”
“Yeah, like Ree.  I want a sister. Otto has a brother,” Ellie changes her sorting to sizes, but doesn’t like the way it looks and returns all the bears to hug tightly to Uranus. “Can I get the magnet tiles?” Emy tells the little girl yes and she grabs the bears bin to put up and grab a new toy.
“Did you tell your daddy that?” she gives her a nod and continues to build with the tiles.
“He doesn’t like her. He calls her,” she looks around the room before leaning into whisper at Emy, “a stuck up witch, but you know with a b.”
“Do you like when he talks about your family?” she shakes her head no. Wanting to say something but stays quiet. “What about Mimi and Papa?”
“He’s scared of Papa. But Papa is so nice. He gives me extra Biscoffs. Becks he he got me a bunch of them to keep at Papa’s office in his desk. Daddy, he said that I shouldn’t go there when there’s no school, because it’s boring and that mommy and Papa have enough money for me to have a sitter.  But I like being with Papa. Mommy is there too and I always have a ‘meeting’ in her office. That’s what I call my naps. But but I like being with my Papa, it’s just me and him.”
Emy leans across the table to brush the wisps of hair out of Ellie’s face, “You have a good Papa. You ready to clean up here?  I think I heard Beck say something about coffee.”
“Coffee?” Ellie asks throwing her tiles into the bin. “I love coffee. I get special coffee, with cinnamon on the whipped cream.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
I know you said you did a wheel for all the grandbabies, but omg, since Ransom has already mentioned that they have too many twins in the family…
*clears throat*… May I interest you in Beck GIRL Triplets, Madame? You did say Beck is a girl dad…. and imagine Azzie, the baby who always chanted “No more babies!” her whole life, ending up with the most number of children 😌
(or maybe this can be a what if maybe)
your loyalist,
We're going to have to make this a What If, because Story will have the most babies, more than her mom, and all hers are single births. Aster would be perfectly fine with six children, but she doesn't want them 😂😂 so let's take a look into the Beck's life, if Azzie was going to have girl triplets.
No.  More.  Babies
Summary:  Time for some Beck triplets
Pairings:  Beck X Aster
Rating:  too cute
Warnings: sweet Beck, more celestial names for the Beck’s, I’m beginning to think you guys just want me to give you baby names, just ask next time, none of these names are going to be actually their next child’s name, what if babies get their own names, there’s another what if coming up with more baby names, I really like baby names, that’s why there’s so many babies, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  650
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
What If...? Masterlist
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"Uh-uh,” Aster giggles as Beck tries to walk closer to her.  Her hand rubs on her overly stretched stomach, “You keep your distance.”
“Starlight, you’re already pregnant.”
“You’ve got like super sperm.  You’ll put another one in there.  Beck, we’re about to have six kids,” with a tilt of his head he gives her the softest smile.  “No, this is it.”
“Because, we’re going up in numbers.  Next we’ll be having quadruples,” he shrugs his shoulders coming even closer to his wife, “Back,” she gives him a playful swat, but stops when he gives her a smiling kiss.  “You’re so crazy Moonbeam.”
“Says my wife, who is concerned that I’ll put another baby in you.  You’re five months pregnant.  There’s not going to be another one.  Now kiss me, and that way you can ride on top.  I don’t know what else to do with this belly.”
Ellie helps her mom put away some of the triplets clothes.  They were getting the biggest room in the townhouse, because there was three of them.  Even though it was the biggest, it looked like one of the smallest with all the cribs.  She gives a sweet smile up to her mom, and rubs on her belly, “Can we have another after this.”
“No more babies!  You’re worse than Beck, this my dear sweet daughter, this is it.  I’ve had enough babies in me.  I’m not getting anymore.”
“Well,” Ellie draws out, “You could always adopt.”
“No more babies.  There’s six of you.  That’s more hands than me and your dad have.”
“Have you given anymore thought to names?” Beck sits at the foot of the bed rubbing at Aster’s feet.  Bed rest.  And with that meant, Beck and Aster working from home.  Beck getting Ellie off to school, and mostly him tending to the boys at home.  Aster does her work from her bed or the couch.  Trying to keep her feet propped up.  He gives a deep roll of his thumb on the ball of her foot, and she lets out a soft moan.  “Don’t do that.”
“It felt good.”
“You’re refusing sex.”
“I’m as big as this house,” Beck rolls his eyes continuing the rubbing of her feet.  “I want them to be named after moons,” he gives her a soft smile, but doesn’t look up at her.  Reaching over to grab the polish, he starts to paint her toes a soft white shade.  “Astrea means star-maiden,” she gives him a quick sniffle.  This last week has made her so emotion.  “My name means star.”
“Astrea is one of them, then.”
“Give her a moon,” Beck rattles off a few names, and Aster repeats them after each one until, “Astrea Eris Beck,” she whispers pouting up at him.
“It’s perfect just like her mom.  Give me some names like our star-maiden,” Aster reads down a list of names until she sighs at him.  “What?”
“Moon halo.  Oh, a little moon halo.”
“What’s the name?”
“Aylin.  Okay, okay, moon names babe,” Beck goes through some more names having Aster repeat it with Aylin each time, but then Beck stops.  “You must like this one.  What is it?”
“Aylin Elara Beck,” Aster’s little lip trembles, and Beck crawls up the bed, now finished with her toes, to let her lay on his shoulder.  His hand over her large belly.  “Continue with your list of names.”
Doing an extensive search on her phone and none of them just sound right.  Right away realizing the pattern they have gotten into with them all starting with A.  “Beck!” he flinches and ask what, “Amaris means child of the moon, and it starts with an A.  Give me some moon names!”
“Why?  Do you not like Amaris?”
“Starlight, I love it,” he leans over to give her a chaste kiss on her lips, “Amaris Rhea Beck.”
“Yes,” she cries through her tears as she gives him a kiss.  “Let’s not ever wait to name our children this late again.”
“Wait.  Did you just agree to more?”
“No.  More.  Babies!”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
Can you write about Aster and Beck babysitting Brooks? I feel like they’d steal him for practice before the twins are born!
Aster and Becks and their Brookie!! Beck become extra attached with Brooks because of him almost being a father, but also he was the first person that Story let hold him that wasn't Carter. Brooks was Story's itty bitty baby, and she felt safe with Becks holding him, because he was a doctor, but she could also feel this need for Beck to hold him. Even after Orion and Atlas are born, Beck still has such a sweet relationship with Brookie.
Let me also say, they weren't far away from Story. Not only did she have a bit of PPA with Brooks, but she wanted to exclusively nurse. But the Baizen Castle is a big house, and it helps her get some sleep and cuddles with her boys. Especially her biggest baby Archie.
Big Huge Titans
Summary:  Beck and Az babysit Brookie
Pairings:  Aster X Beck, Brooks
Rating:  sweet
Warnings: sweet Becks, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  800
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Aster Drysdale Masterlist
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"Give me the Brookie!” Beck makes grabby hands at Story who cradles that little baby so tight to her.  “Ree, we talked about this.  Aster and I are here in the castle.  Spend time with that sweet Archie, take a nap, whatever..”
“He’s just so little.”
“I know,” he agrees.  His voice softening when he sees her struggling.  “I’m a doctor.  We’re all in the same house,” he looks down at Archer who clings on to his mom’s leg.  “And I know a little boy that needs his mother.  It’ll be good practice for me and Az, and I’ll get you if we need you.”
She hands the tiny little baby over to Beck, and needing someone to hold onto, picks up Archer, clinging to her biggest mama’s boy.  Otto spending the day with Carter, and Zephyr with Beau and James.  She knows how much Archie needs her, especially with the birth of Brooks.
“I have pumped, but I would prefer to nurse.  He fed right before you guys got here, so he should be fine for awhile,” she pets at his soft skin, and tilts her head looking at Aster and Beck.  “I’m trying,” she whispers pressing a soft kiss on Brooks’ forehead, leaving a tear on his tiny cheek.  “Now, Archie, it’s you and me baby.  Let’s go to the play room, and we’ll do whatever you want,” she looks at her sister and Beck whispering a thank you before she walks up the stairs.
“He’s so tiny,” Aster reaffirms.  Her hands rubbing on her belly getting scared.  “Twins are small.”
“Dis Brookie boy is extra small though.  He was premature, Azzie, it’s different.  Wook, mama is feeding him good.  Wook at this extra chin you’re getting buddy,” Beck plays around with his chin, causing the tiny baby to squeak out a smile.  
Aster smiles fondly at Beck as he carries the small baby over to the couch, holding him tightly to his chest just so he can look at him.  Looking at him with the same love that he looks at Ellie, and soon their own babies.  “I can’t wait, Az.  Just you holding Orion, me holding Atlas, or whichever way you want to do it.  Ellie sitting in between us as she smiles at the brothers she didn’t want.”
“She just wanted a sister,” she coos.
“Yeah, well just means we gotta do this again,” Aster rolls her eyes as him.  “You said you’d give me two more tries to get a girl.  How about, two more kids?” Aster doesn’t respond only gives him a sweet kiss.  He looks back down at that tiny baby in his arms, “Is it going to feel like this with Atlas and Orion?”
“Oh, Moonbeam, it’s going to feel like this and better.  Hand me the Brookie,” handing the baby over to Aster, even though he doesn’t want to.  She grabs his and presses it against her belly.  “That right there, that is our big boy Atlas.  He is our active boy.  He’s always moving, and I’m pretty sure he’s the one that likes spicy pickles.”
Aster slides Beck’s hand over to the other side of her stomach, this time a bit lower, “And this, he’s our little Orion.  He’s our smaller baby.  I think he’s going to be just like you.  He’s always so calm, but he gets hiccups a lot.  he’s also the one that reacts the most to your singing.  Even if it’s not great.”
“I worry that I won’t be a good father.”
Aster looks up from Brooks and at her sweet husband’s face.  “You already are a good father.  Dare I say the best.  You’re a great uncle.  I don’t know if you know, but it’s not easy for Story to give up this baby to someone.  She needs this, and needs you to show her it’s okay to let go.  And I know, no matter what happens, if we get our own itty bitty baby, or they’re both these big huge titans, that you my handsome, smart, witty, funny, sexy, adorable, amazing husband are going to be perfect for our boys.”
“Titans, huh?” she gives him a nod.  “Even though their names are based on Greek mythology, neither one of them are titans.”
“They’ll be our titans, Moonbeam.”
Beck leans over, capturing her lips with his, “I love you Starlight.”
“I love you too, AstroBoy.”
“We gotta talk to your dad about a better name for me,” Beck grimaces, and then shrugs, “It’s gotta be better than Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum though.  Pin Cushion is pretty bad, even though BFG does suit Chris better.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
I know you kind of touched on this a little bit, but can you write about a heart to heart between Aster and Ransom? I feel like after seeing how good Beck is with Ellie, he’s just be so relieved that she finally has a good man in her life. I also feel like having Ransom’s approval means more to Aster than she’d think
Aster isn’t a gushy daddy’s girl like Story, but she values Ransom’s opinion SO much!  It’s funny that Ransom basically hand picked Beck for Aster, and didn’t even realize it.  He spent months talking that man up to Kitten and Aster, even saw his interactions with Ellie first hand, and didn’t even think that he would be a good fit for Aster.
They Can Help Too
Summary: Ransom is proud of Azzie
Pairings: Ransom X Aster
Rating: mostly floof
Warnings:  mentions of Mickey, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1.3K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Aster Drysdale Masterlist
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There’s a lot of things that Hugh Ransom Drysdale does not like. He doesn’t like Caesar dressing, doesn’t like when people lie to him, hates if someone is ugly to his family, especially his wife, but he really hates that his kids grew up. Wishing nearly everyday he could go back and do things differently, maybe then some of his kids wouldn’t have suffered such heartbreak.
Ransom really hated his first born became a mother alone. He knew her almost reluctance to become a mother at all, after her first marriage. Had made up her mind that she was not having children, because that’s just what society tells women they need to do. And then the partying happened.
Becoming single for the first time in years, after a mentally exhausting marriage, Aster thought only of herself. Tired of always trying to please a man, she wanted to please herself. And she did. Several times over, and then she met Mickey.
Mickey was a fling. He was hot, willing to have sex anytime and anywhere. Mickey was talented and funny. He was never meant to be a dad.
Ransom watched Aster feel guilty for the choices she made. Tried to be strong when Story had lost so much, but also felt like people overlooked all that she had lost. And Story had Carter, the man that she knew was for her, her whole life. She had Mickey, when he was sober. And only after almost six months of hiding her pregnancy.
Mickey wasn’t consistent, and never wanted to be a father. The one person that Aster had was her dad. She understood her sister’s need to want to hold their dad’s fingers. Holding onto him like she was a child again, and that he could take it all away. Ransom wished he could.
He spent the better half of Ellie’s first few months tending to the baby, and when Blade had her, he had Aster. Would let her literally crawl in his lap and cry about how she doubted she would be a good mom. Had already failed with choosing a good dad for her precious Eliana.
Ransom wanted to make it all go away. Wished that Mickey could step up, but knowing he probably wouldn’t. He was Mickey, until he met you. Mickey hadn’t found his reason to be sober, and only he could make that decision.
He watched Aster’s confidence as a mom grow overtime. No longer in her head about what she did wrong, and started focusing on what she could do right. Raising her daughter without a father, because Ellie had strong men in her life. She had all the father figures she needed.
Ransom hates when she moved out. Telling him she wasn’t used to how crowded the big estate got. She just needed space. And hated watching the happy couples that surrounded her. She wanted to focus on Ellie, herself, and her work.
Aster poured herself into work, and as soon as she clocked out, everything was about her daughter. Spending every evening just the two of them. Talking like they were best friends. Ellie had an extensive vocabulary because of these conversations.
So when Ransom met Beck, and saw how quickly his granddaughter took to him, Ransom even found himself jealous of all the times that Ellie chose him over her own grandfather. Ransom was unaware that he was liking Beck for Aster. All the qualities he saw Beck possessed, he knew that Aster would be compatible with. And then Beck was falling for Ellie. Falling for Aster without even have met her, and only on Ransom’s and Ellie’s talks about her alone.
All the times that Ransom had talked to Aster about Beck, he didn’t realize that he was letting her know that he approved of him. So when he found out they were dating, he wanted to be angry. Because that’s what Ransom does. He doesn’t want his daughters single, but he doubts if anyone would ever be good enough for them.
Beck never changed how he was with Ellie, just because he was dating Aster. If anything, he became more involved. Started to look at Ellie as his daughter. Looked at her so fondly, was protective of her, never spoke ill of her father, and when confronted by Mickey, Beck was firm but calm.
When Aster had told Ransom what had happened when her and Beck had to leave in the middle of the night to get her daughter he was furious, but also impressed. Heard how calm he was with Ellie, how he thought of nothing but protecting that little girl. Wanted nothing more than to make Aster and Ellie happy and to keep them safe. Ransom wants to be mad, but he can’t.
He sits in his office, staring across the hall to Aster; watching her smile while talking on the phone. A smile she never gave anyone before. A smile that no matter how hard she tries, it can’t be dulled. Hearing her full of life giggles while she takes a quick phone call from her boyfriend, just talking about what to eat for dinner. He knows his daughter finally found her one. And he��s never been so sure in his life. Hell, when he met the whole family, he fit right in. Loved being around them.
So when she hangs up the phone and he pokes his head in there with a big smile, “Don’t start. He’s my boyfriend, and I’m allowed to have breaks,” Ransom walks further into the office and stands in front of her. “What are you doing?”
He wraps his arms around her giving her the Aster hug. The hug where someone wraps you in their arms so tightly, and the other person stands their unmoving. “I’m proud of you.”
“For what?”
“Letting those Drysdale walls come crumbling down. You let a good man into your life, but most importantly into your heart. A man that is not only good for you, but for your most precious little girl. I have never seen you happier. And I’m proud that you allowed yourself this happiness.”
“Daddy stop.”
“No, Azzie. You deserve this. You deserve this life. You deserve happiness, just like Ellie does. You deserve that beautiful smile on your face. Deserve to quit being so fucking hard, and having a heart. I have never seen you let someone see this part of you that isn’t family. It’s because he’s your family now, huh?”
Aster finally returns the hug, crying on her dad’s shoulder when she nods. “I want to hate all you girls’ choice in men. But I gotta tell ya, you three have done good. Even though I’ve had to put up with two of them for almost three decades. I think that’s why I like Beck the most.”
“No, it’s not,” she leans back to look at him. “He really does make me happy. He’s so cheesy and a cornball. But I never worry about him. He comes home to me every night. Calls and texts throughout the day. He’s loyal and faithful and he loves my kid.”
“If he didn’t, I’d kill him.”
“I’d let you,” she lays back down on Ransom’s shoulder, looking at the new picture Ellie had framed and snuck in her office. A picture of Beck, Aster, and Ellie after a soccer game. She can see even in pictures of how happy Beck is. “Thanks, daddy. For the approval.”
“Yeah, well if you always listened for my approval we wouldn’t have Ellie belly.”
“No, but now my baby is getting her a real daddy. I love him.”
“I know you do, Azzie. But warn him, should he mess up, I know how to get rid of bodies. Just tell him. Your mom and sisters are into true crime, they can help too.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
Yeah, I second what someone said. These Ellie/Aster/Becks moments are so real. As a child of divorce, my dad was definitely NOT like Mickey, but even still, it brings up residual shit. - 💫
I was a teacher for nearly a decade, taught Pre-K so around Ellie’s age, and this happens too often. I’ve seen it with my kids. And it’s such a heart wrenching feeling. When your kids are your life, as they should be, it’s terrifying just letting them be away from you. But seeing your fears be brought to life? And in real time like Aster did? It’s a wonder she didn’t kill Mickey.
Mickey in a controlled in environment is good. Still immature, but when he doesn’t has his distractions is amazing. Ellie adores him. The problem is he has these friends that show up, and he can’t say no. Or even had he had called Aster, she would have been there. Been pissed but would respect that Mickey was trying to do the right thing. He’s a man child that’s never grown up.
But now she’s got a Becks in her life. Mickey is extremely jealous of him. Not just his relationship with Ellie but Aster’s as well. He was never meant to be a permanent in anyones life. But then she had Ellie.
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
jen. jen i can’t do this anymore
my heart is dying from all the angst but ELLIE BELLY AND BECKS 😩
dream team. and now they’re living together!?!?
mickey you can burn in hell 😤
- 🍄
Whew!! There will be some more angst tomorrow, featuring Bwade. But most is going to be sweet.
Ellie and Becks 😩 Aster isn’t going to know what to do with herself!! Someone who loves her the way she should be, and Beck LOVES Aster Drysdale. But someone reliable. And ENJOYS her kid!! Like Ellie would spend random nights at the estate because she wanted to be with Mimi and Papa, that’s going to be hard for Beck to deal with. He hates when she’s gone.
His next mission is coming up soon and just who do you think is missing who more? Mickey needs to grow up. He doesn’t want anything bad to happen to his daughter. He just doesn’t want to change his lifestyle either. But that was Aster’s last straw. And now she’s left to wonder how often did things like that happen.
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