#chris colfer birthday project
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I'm finally launching the new video project to wish Chris Colfer a 🎂Happy Birthday🎂 from all of us! The title will be "How you make a difference"
For those new to this, I've been organising videos for his birthday for TEN years now 😱 I try to get together as many people as possible, I choose a theme -something about Chris obviously, ask people to send a pic or video and then I edit everything together! What I love the most, and hopefully he likes too, is putting together messages from his fans from all countries and ages, all brought together by love and appreciation of him.
This year's theme will be "how you made a difference" + ..aliens 😜 to support his new book! Hope you'll participate!
You'll have to submit TWO PARTS, so you have to send either 2 videos or 2 pics, one for each part!
➡️PART 1) I want you to share the reason why you think Chris made a difference, it can be in the world, for you, whatever.
-🎥 record a video of yourself telling about why he made a difference. Video lenght: max 20 seconds
-📸 write down the reason why he made a difference on a cardboard, take a pic of the cardboard with yourself in it if you want. Pic: max 3 lines sentence
->the video can be of yourself talking, appearing or not appearing if you're camera shy, or showing the cardboard
->the pic can be of yourself with the writing, or just the writing
➡️PART 2) I want you to wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY with an ALIEN- THEMED pic or video! It means you have to include something alien related to your vid or pic, such as:
an ufo-themed t-shirt, a print of the cover of his upcoming book "Roswell Johnson saves the word", drawing of something alien-related to show in the pic/vid, you dressed up, you showing some alien themed book, being in an UFO relevant place.. whatever comes to your mind!
- 🎥 film yourself wishing him a happy birthday with the alien related detail
-📸 write down the birthday wish on a cardboard with the alien related detail and take a pic with yourself in it if you want.
->the video can be of yourself talking and not appearing if you're camera shy
->the pic can be of yourself with the writing, or just the writing
-> Write in BIG letters, take the pic/video in good lighting!
-> DON'T PUT BACKGROUND MUSIC in the videos, if it's copyrighted it will be muted on YouTube!
Send everything to [email protected] and add your NAME and COUNTRY OF ORIGIN
⚠️Deadline is May 22nd!!!⚠️
I will post a youtube link of the video on X and the vid on Instagram on May 26th - the day before his bday! My X and IG -> mylifeisathread
Help me spread the word, share, repost! He's loved watching the videos these past years and I'd love to try to show him our support again! Thank you!
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Author Spotlights: Kurtdeservesbetter Day 2
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Author: @kurtdeservesbetter​
Share one of your strengths.
I think I am quite decent at making sure a character doesn’t go neglected, or at least making sure the characters are close to how they are in the show (while fixing character weakness that are inconsistent or just bad writing from RIB).
Share one of your weaknesses.
I’m not as consistent or dedicated as I wish to be. I want to finish projects I start.
Which fic has been the hardest to write?
My current fic above; My On My Way AU fic.
Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Any of my chat/social media fics.
Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
Both? I loved research writing and writing in college, and I like writing fanfiction.
Is there an episode or character or arc above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
(Eyes Blog Name) ......Maybe?
What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Write for you first before anyone else. Be your biggest fan.
What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Force yourself to go out of your comfort zone.
If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Wash It All Off but I don’t think Chris Colfer or Grant Gustin would appreciate it. (Rated E for explicit)
What’s your process? Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines? What are the perfect writing conditions for you?
I don’t have a process really. I just write at hyper speed, stop, read it, write at hyper speed for something else, stop, read it, continue.
Check out Kurtdeservesbetter’s Fics
Birthdays and Spying -  R.Berry: And how was I supposed to know Kurt had these spy powers? A.Abrams: spy kurt at it again A.Abrams: my favorite au S.Evans: it’s not really an AU though S.Evans: cause he really is a spy A.Abrams: u right
Bet On It -  It's flu season. Obviously they bet on it.
Detention -  Kurt and Mike get detention. People have opinions about it. Puck is already there.
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justgleekout · 4 years
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First things first: Thank you all so much for joinging every day!! This rewatch only works because so many of you take an hour of your day to join my crazy <3 we have made it to 44 episodes already!! Two whole seasons!!! I am so greatful for y’all! <3 
Today’s episode: 3x01 The Purple Piano Project! “No. I’m afraid I’m gonna beat you. Because I know what that does to you, when, I win.”  
Time: 16:00h EST
I will share a Netflix Party link at 15:55h EST.
For the people who couldn’t join yesterday, I hope we can all watch this next episode together!
For everyone else: Please feel free to join in at any episode! Everyone is welcome! And if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!
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thisiswhymomworries · 5 years
Transgender / Non-Binary Book Reccs
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links to Asexual / Aromantic, Bisexual / Pansexual, Gay (mlm), and Lesbian sheets
TCCL stands for Tulsa City-County Library, in Oklahoma. These reference sheets list the books physically available (not including ebooks only) at the 24 library locations in Tulsa, Oklahoma. For folks outside of this range, I suggest double-checking your local libraries, as well as the apps OverDrive, Hoopla, and YourCloudLibrary!
An online version of this list can be found at https://bit.ly/2lujZLR. This goodreads shelf includes ebooks, new releases, and books not available at the library! It also features a notes section that specifies which character is trans / non-binary / genderfluid / intersex / etc, their exact identity if stated in the text, and whether they are a main or side character.
In the shelf list along the left side of the page, you can also find shelves for other LGBT+ identities, as well as books featuring characters that are disabled, fat, mentally ill, neurodivergent, and people of color. All the books are cross-tagged, so a book featuring a black disabled trans woman would appear in the shelves named disabled, POC, and transgender.
transcription below the cut!
Books with Transgender, Non-Binary Characters Available at TCCL
(format: Title Author Genre)
The Black Tides of Heaven Yang, J. Y. Fantasy
The Red Threads of Fortune Yang, J. Y. Fantasy
The Descent of Monsters Yang, J. Y. Fantasy
Gender Failure Coyote, Ivan E. Autobiography
River of Teeth Gailey, Sarah Fantasy / Historical Fiction
Mask of Shadows Miller, Linsey YA Fantasy
Ruin of Stars Miller, Linsey YA Fantasy
A Darker Shade of Magic Schwab, V. E. YA Fantasy
A Gathering of Shadows Schwab, V. E. YA Fantasy
A Conjuring of Light Schwab, V. E. YA Fantasy
Gender Queer: A Memoir Kobabe, Maia Autobiography
The Lost Coast Capetta, Amy Rose YA Fantasy
I Wish You All the Best Deaver, Mason YA Romance
The High King’s Golden Tongue Derr, Megan Science Fiction
A Quick & Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns Bongiovanni, Archie Graphic Novel
What We Left Behind Talley, Robin YA Romance
The Lamb Will Slaughter the Lion Killjoy, Margaret Fantasy / Horror
A Memory Called Empire Martine, Arkady Science Fiction
Wake of Vultures Bowen, Lila Western / Fantasy
Conspiracy of Ravens Bowen, Lila Western / Fantasy
Malice of Crows Bowen, Lila Western / Fantasy
Treason of Hawks Bowen, Lila Western / Fantasy
Man Alive: A True Story of Violence, Forgiveness, and Becoming a Man McBee, Thomas Page Autobiography Hungry Hearts Chapman, Elsie YA Fiction
Something Like Gravity Smith, Amber YA Romance
The Affair of the Mysterious Letter Hall, Alexis Fantasy
Birthday Russo, Meredith YA Romance
These Witches Don’t Burn Sterling, Isabel YA Fantasy
Not Your Villain Lee, C. B. Teen Fantasy
On the Edge of Gone Duyvis, Corinne YA Science Fiction
Chameleon Moon Sylver, RoAnna Fantasy
Two Boys Kissing Levithan, David YA Romance
Full Fathom Five Gladstone, Max Fantasy
Stranger Than Fanfiction Colfer, Chris YA Fiction
Beast Spangler, Brie YA Romance
Lumberjanes, Vol 1 Stevenson, Noelle Graphic Novel
The Art of Being Normal Williamson, Laura YA Fiction
Finding Your Feet Lennox, Cass Romance
The Pants Project Clarke, Cat Middle Grade Fiction
I Am J Beam, Cris YA Fiction
Amateur: A True Story about What Makes a Man McBee, Thomas Page Autobiography
The Wise and the Wicked Podos, Rebecca YA Fantasy
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children Cronn-Mills, Kirstin YA Fiction
Every Heart a Doorway McGuire, Seanan YA Fantasy
Dreadnought Daniels, April YA Fantasy
Trans Mission: My Quest to a Beard Bertie, Alex Autobiography
Escapology Warom, Ren Science Fiction
Blood Binds the Pack Wells, Alex Science Fiction
If I Was Your Girl Russo, Meredith YA Romance
Alex As Well Brugman, Alyssa YA Fiction
Middlesex Eugenides, Jeffrey Historical Fiction
Annabel Winter, Kathleen Fiction
Golden Boy Tarttelin, Abigail YA Fiction
None of the Above Gregorio, I. W. YA Fiction
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migleefulmoments · 6 years
@ajw720...I wrote a thing
Oh you misguided little CCer.  Yes, let’s talk about the video from 10/30/15. 
(scroll down to watch the video.)
Ajw says: “Let’s Talk About that Video from October 30, 2015 shall we?  I am really glad I was reminded of this this AM as it truly highlights how much he LOVES Chris. But it is also an excellent comparison to the manner in which he talks about his girlfriend of 10,572 years”.  
The video doesn’t highlight how much Darren LOVES Chris Colfer.  It is a few random comments- stories he has told over and over and over again because Chris hates being talked about and these stories are already been told so they are safe fodder. You read too much into things and ignore what they are actually saying.
“In this segment of 4 minute and 10 seconds (prior to the song) Darren mentions the word(s) Chris or Chris Colfer a total of 8 times (I think the end is quick) as he recounts for what I believe is the 4thtime in a span of about 10 months the story of their first date. A night he remembers in detail. (funny, I have never once heard him talk about his first date with M as the fact remains, no one even knows when they actually started dating and the recent push is that it may have been even before he went to Italy, yet again changing the timeline)”
He won’t share his first date with Mia for several reasons- 1. it’s private and why should he 2. it was a first date, probably not that exciting 3. when would that come up in an interview? People care about the first time two costar spent time together. They don’t care about when Darren met his fiancée.. . and again It’s private.  Why the hell would he share that with us? Nobody SHOULD know the story or the date. That isn’t our business. 
People wanted to hear about Glee especially as it was ending.  They were coworkers in a job that was very significant to Darren’s current status as an entertainer making the story interesting to the audience  Repeating Chris’s name or saying his entire name is inconsequential to anything...it certainly doesn’t mean love.
“And remember, this show was 10 months after the last time he “publicly” saw one Mr. Chris Colfer.  A man he allegedly hates and only “kind of sort of hangs out with.” (sorry Chris but that quote is going to remain one of my favorites)”
The “Man date” story is safe ground to cover because it has been told over and over and over.  Darren likes to deflect from how own talent and talk about other people. He likes to set the stage for how generous Chris was when meeting Darren-a nobody- who was a nobody walking on to the set of a huge show. 
“Interesting. Let’s see. I believe, and correct me if I am wrong, I have heard him utter his lovely lady of many, many moons name publicly 3 times. The first time was in a radio interview right before Elsie 2015 which coincidentally aired about 3 or 4 days after the Alan Cumming version of mandate aired.  The 2nd on her Birthday during a live stream with Paul from Broadway.com. And the 3rd on his snapchat during Cats when he said she was taking over his phone as his battery had died. This is the grand total over the 10,572 years they have been dating. (But willing to bet we hear it again soon after they read this).”
You missed “My Darling MIa....” and also the time he posted in Insta that he is getting married to MIa and that he and Mia opened a bar baby. 
“What did Darren have to say about Chris in 4 minutes and 10 seconds:
The date he started filming he put together that “he would be linked to Chris Colfer’s character.”
“I went to Chris” (and asked him to go see Sutton as his friend “dropped out”) and when he described how his man agreed to go, Darren said “Oh Thank you, I was so touched he wanted to come along.”
We went to see Sutton Foster, me and Chris Colfer.
Darren next describes how he realized, on day 1, when he didn’t even know what would happen between Kurt and Blaine, that if the story took off “Chris and I will never ever go out in public together ever again” so Darren “needed to embrace the opportunity.”  It is AMAZING how Darren was able to foretell that. I mean at the time he was only signed for a limited number of episodes.  There was no actual plan for Kurt and Blaine to date. But Darren, being the fortune teller he was, knew he had to take this opportunity to take Chris on a date as he knew they would never be able to go out in public again.
“I love telling that story about Chris because I like telling how generous he is even though he was years younger than me. He was a big TV star, he like won a Golden Globe and I’m this new guy.”  Ok, so Darren actually does get one fact wrong, but I think its because he is so in awe of Chris’ accomplishments that he forgets that Chris did not in fact have a Golden Globe when they met. That happened a few months later.
“Very cool, I have nothing but good things to say about Chris Colfer.”
Darren messed up, claiming that Chris had a Golden Globe when they met because time had gone by and it didn’t matter that much to him- simple error. Time has a way of doing that. 
He claims he knew he couldn’t hang out with Chris if their characters dated- that isn't something he knew at the time but something that makes the story juicer. It gives context to the fact that they don’t hang out at all because the fans made it hard.  It’s just amping up the story. 
“And then, when Seth next asks him about singing live with Chris, he says (the beginning is quick so perhaps not 100% accurate) “Me and Chris, well Chris hates, hates when you talk about him.  He hates singing live, he hates it, he hates singing live.  Doesn’t like it.”  That is a lot of knowledge about  Chris Colfer that Darren has considering, again, he had not even seen the man in months and that are not even friends.”
I don’t know Chris Colfer and I Know that he hates singing live and that he hates when people talk about him. He has said so many times. You see, while YOU are paying attention to matching details in photos like they both wore plaid suits in 2018 and explaining TrueLoveAlways because they both like Harry Potter and Star Wars...I am listening to what these actually people say-using words- and I respect what they say because that is what grown ups do. 
“Let’s see what has he said about his girl over the entire course of their relationship as opposed to in 4 minutes 10 seconds:
“She’s a big girl, she can take care of herself.”
Darren would NEVER criticize fans in a goofy radio interview or a short fun entertainment setting.  He knows his audience and he knows when the time and place is appropriate to talk about horrible fans who attack his fiancée. 
“She is a very lovely lady I have been with for many, many moons.”
It’s private and I am not going to give you specifics about my private life.
“My partner in crime.”
he is endearingly calling the person who he lives his life with his “partner in crime”. He is making the analogy that his “life” is the “crime” here. I don’t know why you can’t understand this simple thing.  It is mind boggling that you won’t let this go as if it means something devious.   
“I’m a ball and chain kind of guy.”
Again he is defecting from speaking about his private life with a reporter. He’s calling himself the ball and chain... aka he’s a one woman man, old morning couple, you don’t care about us, move on to next question.
“She works at Fox” stated almost one year after she left their employ. Yes, they have tried to fix that and have since allowed her on set to fetch coffee and snap about 3 times since Darren made this statement, but she was not employed by Fox when this was stated, as proven by her own LinkedIn account and her going away party many months prior”.
Literally you are going with “proven by her own LinkedIn account” who updates their LinkedIn? We have no idea what special projects she was doing for Fox. What this really means is ajw wasn’t privy to the private life of Mia Swier.  Boohooo. Newsflash:  You can’t find everything on the inter webs.  The fact is-I know that Darren was there and there was NO reason for him to be there so if he says he was there because Mia was working for Fox then I have no reason to doubt that.
Has mentioned her wearing heels on multiple occasions. Ummm…..no, barely ever Darren.
Seriously? OMG the heels comment was a fucking ad.  How stupid can you be- Darren didn’t write that. THAT was a literally written by either the magazine or Darren’s PR team.  She wears heels every time she goes to a red carpet event. Just because the photo doesn’t show her feet doesn't mean she doesn’t have feet....or heels on. You get that right? 
Has stated how he has asked her not to share things on social media. Which she does all the time.
No, she doesn’t put anything on social media anymore. A few pics get posted with her in them...there is NOTHING in those photos that are private. Being in public places and at public events and posting a picture isn’t private life.  I know you want it to be so you can bitch but you sound unhinged when you do.  The truth is we don't know if Darren asked her to post or not to post. we have one story about one photo from Becca’s horrible podcast.  Darren would NEVER share an actual private moment with us. Mia’s IG is private-I know that PISSES you off so much. She rarely posts to Snapchat when they are going out to an event. Clearly Darren is in the picture and knows she is posting.  
I mean, I could go on and on and on. There have been many quotes, most of which have not been very kind. None of which have ever been loving. None of which have ever been gushing. None of which has made him revert back to the High School Darren talking about the person he has an enormous crush on. And none of which have been said while so much love is emoting from his entire persona.  
I am sure you could go on forever and ever. but none of it is important or factual or shocking. At the end of the day and your latest rant, the only thing that matters is that they are living their lives without you and you don’t matter to them. They are engaged and I know this because Darren Told us he was and his behavior has been consistent with a man who is about to get married. Shall we review: they had a bachelorette  weekend and a wedding shower that Darren attended. He has talked about planning a wedding many times. Lea acts like he is engaged. Three is nothing to suggest that he is lying. 
So you tell me. What is the truth here?  I think we all know
Yes we all know the truth: you are a conspiracy theorist who looks for patterns and makes up a ton of shit to fit your trope with no regard to how much you make Darren sound like a complete douche. 
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47mel47 · 6 years
47mel47 Fanvid Masterlist: Kurt and Blaine
Thanks to @jackabelle73 for suggesting this little project.
These range from my most recent work (which is not all that recent) to my earliest works (and these are actually links to YouTube, not links to Tumblr posts, which goes to show how old. And they are also cringe, but hey, let’s celebrate what we've created, right?)
Glee| The Final Countdown: Top Five Kisses
I really felt this video needed some editing. Here are my improvements and suggestions.
Fearlessly and Forever (Kurt and Blaine)
From beginning to proposal. Their hands were meant to hold each other…
This Old Coffee Shop (Kurt and Blaine)
Their story, through coffee.
Five Times (Kurt and Blaine)
Love, music, hurt, laughter and life
I’ll See You In The Future (Kurt and Blaine)
To have and to hold from this day forward… and from these moments we know our favourite boys will- fearlessly and forever.
With No Regrets (Kurt and Blaine)
Getting to celebrate the wedding of two incredible people is magical. Celebrating the years leading up to the union? Even better.
Marry Your Best Friend (Kurt and Blaine)
Marry your best friend. I do not say that lightly. Really, truly find the strongest, happiest friendship in the person you fall in love with.
You Look So Good (Kurt Hummel)
Created for spaceorphan18 as part of her birthday shenanigans. Yes, I know that you appreciate Kurt for much more than this aesthetic value, but let’s face it, that aesthetic value is pretty damn awesome.
I Wear Your Grandad’s Clothes (Blaine Anderson)
And he looks incredible.
I Will Find Any Way (Kurt and Blaine)
Season six has really hurt with our two boys, but it has been oh so good.
We Light Up the World (Kurt and Blaine)
A celebration of those days that were early Klaine. Inspired by @todaydreambelievers Weekly Challenge: Original Song
Captured Your Heart (Kurt and Blaine)
Just a little vid reliving and celebrating seasons two to five with our favourite boys
But We’re Still Standing Tall (Kurt and Blaine)
Created for the Glee Hiatus Challenge Day 58: Favourite ship
Anywhere You Take Me (Kurt and Blaine)
Created for Glee Hiatus Challenge Day 150: Most romantic moment
Give My All To You (Kurt and Blaine)
We all know what Blaine was thinking during ‘All Of Me’- I just wanted to try and show it.
Crowd Me With Love (Kurt Hummel){created for Glee Hiatus Challenge Day 24: Favourite Season 4 Male Solo}
This performance was perfection. Chris Colfer and Kurt Hummel at their truly magnificent best. And while I have nothing to fault from the actual performance, I thought that the audience shots could use some tweaking.
After all, you cannot tell me that he did not cross his mind at least once during this song.
This Feels Like Falling In Love (Kurt and Blaine)
Created for Glee Hiatus Challenge Day 101: Favourite kiss
Throw Your Arms Around Me (Kurt and Blaine)
Created for Glee Hiatus Challenge Day 100: Favourite hug
All You Need (Kurt and Blaine)
Created for Glee Hiatus Challenge Day 74: Happiest moment
“So Kurt Hummel, my amazing friend, my one true love…will you marry me?”
Rhymed With My Body (Kurt and Blaine)
Because the touch of the fingertips is as sexy as it gets… and sometimes it’s more.
Then and Now (Kurt and Blaine)
Befores and afters, highs and lows, comparison and contrast …” I wanna grow old with you”…
Miles From Where You Are (Kurt and Blaine)
No great love ever came without great struggle. No distance could ever completely come between these two.
I Am Not My Own (Kurt and Blaine)
An old video of mine that I never uploaded to YouTube, but given that it has been 3 years since ‘Original Song’, I thought I should celebrate.
Just Like When Harry Met Sally (Kurt and Blaine)
“It’s not easy putting your heart on the line, and baring your soul to someone you care about.” (Unknown)
You’re Still My Best Friend (Kurt and Blaine)
The phone call that told us everything was going to be ok. The point at which we moved from the dark to the light. The moment in which we knew we’d see them together again…soon.
A Moment of Affection (Kurt and Blaine)
“I wanna go to your house…”
The Light The Heat (Kurt and Blaine)
The way these two look at each other is so damn beautiful- I love that they can say so much, without a single word.
For Another Day (Kurt and Blaine)
There is hope for our boys. It has been dark and angsty and downright horrible, but now we are at the point where, I believe, we can just enjoy the ride these two are going to take on their journey back to each other.
We Could Have Had It All (Kurt and Blaine)
Let’s just call this…part of my catharsis? I just had to get this out. Focusing on eps 3x03 and 3x04.
You Were My Original (Kurt and Blaine)
This much history, this many memories- there is no way any of it can be forgotten or swept aside. They are endgame. That is all.
Where My Demons Hide (Blaine Anderson)
To me, there are so many things that have been left undeveloped with Blaine. We were introduced to this strong and confident characters, and then little by little we were hit with these tiny clues. The unsupportive father, victim of a hate crime etc. And then, of course, there was what went down in ‘The Break Up’. There is a darker side to this character, he has his demons, and I can only hope that in the aftermath of the last episode, we get to explore and understand this character a lot more.
You’re Like A Party (Kurt and Blaine)
Happy, sweet and beautiful moments- it is what we all need at the moment…
Such A Long Way To Go {2x06} (Kurt and Blaine)
So, with all the feels that we are certainly experiencing at the moment, I wanted to take it back and remember when it all began. *Sigh*…
You Made Me Believe (Kurt and Blaine)
So, after seeing the latest episode (Makeover), and the previews for the next, I just needed to focus on some happy memories…
I Will Wait For You (Kurt and Blaine)
Just playing with the whole NYADA, New York storyline…
Throw Me A Line (Kurt Hummel)
A video exploring the early episodes of season two. Our boy really copped it, however, there were moments that I believed shoed that he was not as alone as he might have thought…
I Don’t Know Just Where You Came From (Kurt and Blaine)
These two are born performers- I could watch them sing and dance all day…
Make Me Happy (Kurt and Blaine)
So, many, many rumours are flying about season 4, but I hold complete faith that these two are endgame. This vid shows that- that no matter what, these two do make each other happy and will continue to do so.
Story Through Song (Kurt and Blaine)
So, I had this plan to tell the story of these two, through snippets of the songs they perform on the show. The way it played out in my head was completely different to the final product, but I still think it worked out- I will just have to wait and see what any viewers think.
You Will Find Me (Kurt and Blaine)
A collection of Klaine, from seasons 2 and 3. The dialogue plays out chronologically, while the visuals are a mish-mash of moments.
Hear Your Heart (Kurt and Blaine)
The early days. While I love watching these two together, there is still something so sweet about the time we were all waiting anxiously for it to happen.
The Reason Why You’re Around (Kurt and Blaine)
These boys make me laugh. Just a little vid revisiting some of the giggle and laugh out loud moments. Pure joy.
Do That Brand New Thing (Blaine Anderson)
The boy is adorable, and I just want to celebrate that.
The World Belongs To You and I (Kurt and Blaine)
Klaine moments- from the kiss in 2.16, up to episode 3.18. A bit of a companion piece for my ‘I Keep Waiting’ vid.
What Is Love? (Kurt and Blaine)
Klaine-every relationship had it’s ups and downs. It’s those tough moments that make the great ones all the much more sweeter.
I Keep Waiting (Kurt and Blaine)
All the wonderful, amazing and somewhat angsty Klaine moments- from episode 2.06 to 2.16.
Bedroom Hymns {3x05} (Kurt and Blaine)
A video exploring all the Klaine moments from the amazing episode that was ‘The First Time’.
Move Your Feet (Blaine Anderson)
Just a fun little vid, focusing on our favourite moves from the one and only Blaine Anderson- from the smooth to the downright dorky.
Space They Cannot Touch (Kurt and Blaine)
So, I am addicted to these two, and am having a good time experimenting with making these fanvids. The used comes from the amazing Kate Miller-Heidke. I remember hearing it for the first time, and falling absolutely in love with it- the lyrics are so incredibly beautiful. To make it even better, the first time I saw her in concert, she informed the crowd that it was actually her husband who wrote it. Luckiest woman alive…
Anyway, I just felt the lyrics were so perfect to showcase the Klaine relationship and could not resist.
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Due to requests we’ve added an extra option into the Chris Colfer Birthday Project. Remember Last day for submissions is 1st May. For any questions feel free to DM me here on Tumblr for submissions or any questions regarding it
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redheadgleek · 7 years
I was tagged by @klaineandbiscuits and @notthatbea and finally am getting some time to do this! 
Nickname: Jules, Julio (the spanish pronunciation), Miss J or Dr. J. My best friend used to call me Sparky, he hasn’t done that in years. My family called me Yaya growing up. 
Gender: cis female
Star sign: I don’t believe in them, but apparently Sagittarius now. They adjusted the star chart when I was a teenager, so I’m no longer a Scorpio. 
Height: 5′3″
Birthday: November 22. As in tomorrow. I’m turning 39 and the thought of changing my “about me” from “mid thirties” to “late thirties” is making me hyperventilate. 
Favorite bands: (Glee Cast), Matchbox 20, Carbon Leaf, The Weepies, Alan Parsons Project (growing up, this was my dad’s favorite group, so there’s a lot of nostalgia here), Barnaby Bright, Of Monsters and Men, Mumford and Sons, Bastille, Computer Games... 
Favorite solo artists: (Glee Cast, especially Chris Colfer, I live in endless hope for his album), Vienna Teng (I’ve seen her live 8 times I think?), Eva Cassidy, Brandy Carlile (she’s got a new album coming out and just released a single which is spectacular), Ingrid Michaelson, Adele, Loreena McKennitt, Alex Wong, Megan Slankman (new favorite - just went to a house concert, her voice is lovely), Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra. 
And because they didn’t ask and they should have:
Favorite musicals: Hamilton, Wicked, Finian’s Rainbow, Hedwig and the Angry Inch (saw it because of Darren and found out a new favorite), The Slipper and the Rose, Aspect of Love (stupid story but Michael Ball’s voice is gorgeous), Guys and Dolls, Mulan, Beautiful, Pippin, Dreamgirls
Favorite soundtracks: Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, The Hunger Games (both the instrumental soundtrack and the inspiration albums), The X-Files (Mark Snow - genius), Lost (Michael Giacchino - genius), Buffy the Musical, Strictly Ballroom, Return to Me, Titanic (it’s disappointing that this became so popular because it is gorgeous), Shall We Dance
Song stuck in my head: Smooth Criminal (glee version) was playing on my drive home today. 
Last movie I watched: In the theater? I think Hidden Figures, which I just realized was last year’s release. I did watch Moana on Netflix a couple of months ago.
Last show I watched: M*A*S*H and Star Trek: Voyager which play every Monday night. I haven’t watched anything since coming home from work today (I don’t actually watch much tv anymore). 
When did I start this blog: Apparently March 2011. Long time ago. 
What do I post: a fair amount of glee and glee cast (particularly Chris Colfer, Amber Riley, Darren Criss and Ashley Fink), politics and health care, check please, photography and nature, things that make me laugh, other fandoms. I’m pretty mixed. 
Other blogs: I have a personal blog (redheadsnippet) that I use infrequently and cross-post to livejournal and dreamwidth. I keep saying that I’ll use them more and then don’t. I miss the LJ days for sure. Feel free to friend!  Also, if we’re mutuals and you want to be facebook friends, message me. I tend to rant a little more about health care policies there. 
Do I get asks: Nope. One or two if I’m doing a meme. 
Average sleep: Depends on the week. If I’m working my 7-day stretch, I get about 6-7, because I have a hard time going to bed before midnight, until I collapse midweek. If I’m working nights, I sleep for about 6-7 hours and then take another nap in the afternoon before work, but I never feel as refreshed. And if I’m not working, I go to bed around 1 and wake up around 9 or 10. 
Lucky number: I like square and prime numbers. I don’t know that any of them are particularly lucky. 
Dream job: Mostly what I’m doing, although I dread the idea of arguing about sodium management with neurosurgeons for the rest of my life. So there might be a career change in 5-10 years. 
Food: Yes, I like food. I live in a great city for food and don’t explore it nearly as much as I should. 
Last book I read:  The Guernsey Literacy and Potato Peel Pie Society. It was a reread but it had been long enough since the first read that it felt like new. Just as charming and engaging.
What I’m wearing: A purple and black sleeveless blouse with a black cardigan and brown/black pants with black socks. I haven’t changed from work yet. 
Favorite fandoms:  Oh gosh. All of my fandoms have been so different, although I mostly interacted with small groups of likeminded fans - I’ve never been a big name fan. My first fandom, X-Files, was a small web-based email group (Fox William Mulder on the Web), where we waxed academically about Fox Mulder’s attributes. I was 20. There was my Gilmore Girls/Literati years where I lurked around the SH.org message boards and then migrated to livejournal. I still have some close friends from those years. I ran a discussion group for LOTR that I still miss to this day (it’s why my website has the URL of lotrinklings). I stayed on the fringes for Harry Potter and Doctor Who, mostly just reading fic and friending a couple of people on LJ. I always wanted to get into the Lost fandom but never found quite the right niche as I didn’t really ship anybody. And then of course, there’s been glee/klaine which has been my main squeeze for, gosh, 6 years now? I can’t describe how much this fandom has meant to me - and I find that I love fandom even more now that the show has ended. Currently, I read and think about fanfic for Check Please (I have a couple of fic ideas percolating), but since many of my glee friends also immersed in the fandom, I haven’t felt the need to seek out additional fandom experiences. 
Tagging to participate: I don’t know who has done this, so the last 5 people from my notifications: @leydhawk, @lishashisha, @jackabelle73, @heresasongthatisreal, and @andintheendtheloveyoutake
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A semi-old fart and her fandom pet peeves...
1) Over-tagging. Say, for example, your post concerns one character and/or the actor who plays him/her/them. It makes sense to tag the character (if the post is about the character). It makes sense to tag the actor (if the post is about another project that the actor is involved in that is not the character they are most known for). It makes sense to tag the project associated with the post. If the post is about one specific character and/or one specific actor from a show, there is no need to tag every single actor and character from the show.
For example, if you are making a post about Chris Colfer meeting your little nephew who comes to one of his book signings dressed up as Kurt Hummel, it makes sense to tag Chris's name, the title of Chris's book, and Kurt Hummel (because the little kid is dressed like Kurt). You don't need to tag Lea Michele, Darren Criss, Naya Rivera, etc. unless they are in the picture as well. It's not going to get you more notes on tumblr, it's going to get your post blocked because people are sick of seeing unrelated posts in the tags for their favorites. People who have certain characters/actors blacklisted through Tumblr Savior or XKit might also miss out on your perfectly innocent post because you tagged that actor even though they aren’t in the picture. For example, say there is someone who is a big fan of Chris and Kurt, but they have Naya’s name blacklisted because she’s most famous for playing Santana, and the fan found Santana’s treatment of Kurt objectionable and gets sad whenever they see her face. If you tag the whole cast, that person is not going to see your precious nephew meeting Chris because your post got lost in their blacklist. The same thing goes for characters who are played by multiple people. Davey Jacobs is my favorite character in Newsies. If you're making a gifset of all the actors who played him, it makes sense to tag "Davey Jacobs" and the names of all the actors who played him in the various iterations of the movie/show. If your gifset or post exclusively features/discusses Ben Fankhauser and/or his particular portrayal of Davey, you do not need to tag Jeremy (Greenbaum), Jacob or Stephen in the post.
2) Tagging multiple characters/actors/ships in a controversial post just to get a rise out of people. There is a bit of an overlap with the overtagging here as the offenders tend to be the same. My examples here are the "Marvin discourse" in Falsettos and the identity discourse in Newsies. Marvin is written as gay and is referred to by other characters in the show as "homosexual." He divorces his wife because he wants to be with a man (who, technically, he was already with if Trina's account in "I'm Breaking Down" is correct). However, the character description on a few different character breakdown sites claims he is bisexual. These sites are not "gospel" and are generally not written by the creators of the projects themselves. While sexuality can certainly be fluid, Marvin's marriage to a woman and successful conception of a child seems to be a result of closeted behavior rather than bisexuality. The majority of the Falsettos fandom seems to accept that Marvin is gay, but occasionally there will be someone who INSISTS he's bi (not that there's anything wrong with being bisexual) and fills EVERY SINGLE FALSETTOS-RELATED TAG with it for attention.
With Newsies, there's a strong contingent of people who headcanon the less-developed background newsies (and sometimes the lead newsies and their friends and siblings) as LGBT. I haven't seen the movie in probably 20 years (I thought it was boring which is why I had no intention of seeing it live until one of my dearest friends booked the tour) so the characters in the movie-verse might have done something that was very clearly gay that I missed when I was in sixth grade, but I didn't catch anything particularly "gay" in the stage version although if the writers had gone the Jack/Crutchie route I could sort of understand it based on their interactions. That being said, unless someone is blatantly making stuff up or ripping Katherine or Sarah apart for the tiniest little flaw to blow a hole in Jack/Katherine or Jack/Sarah to justify why they ship Jack/Davey or Jack/Crutchie or Jack/Race or whatever, headcanoning characters as gay really isn't hurting anyone. If some gay kid in the middle of nowhere sees a lot of himself in Crutchie and wants to imagine a world where Crutchie is EXACTLY like him (well, apart from being born in a different century), it's not a bad thing.
I'm younger than most film-Newsies fans but I'm a lot older than most stage-Newsies fans. I was well into my twenties before I joined ANY fandom, and while there are characters I share some similarities with, I can enjoy them and identify with them without needing them to be exactly like me and filling holes in their descriptions with my personal identity traits or with traits I know the actor behind them has but that haven't been specified for their character. That being said, I know that there are other people who do feel more connected to a character they like if they see the character's canon struggles through the lens of a not-necessarily-canon identity (in the case of gender/sexuality/ethnicity) or diagnosis (in terms of a mental illness or developmental disorder). Like, OK, yeah, MOST of the newsboys in 1899 New York were probably cishet neurotypical males and a lot of them were white-passing if not outright white. The thing is, people KNOW that. Posting that and then tagging every single character and actor in the show, even if it's historically accurate, is just going to make you look like a dick (because these are literally just FICTIONAL CHARACTERS and you're screaming "MINE, NOT YOURS!" in people's faces), whereas the people who have headcanons of Jack as mixed race or Davey as autistic or Spot as transgender aren't posting their headcanons to be dicks. That being said, I don't know how many people (I'd wager most, but not all) of the people who headcanon characters with not-explicitly-canon identities actually belong to the identity communities themselves. I don't think it's wrong for a gay autistic trans kid to see Spot Conlon and go "ooh, what if he was gay and autistic and trans like me?" but if it's a straight neurotypical person (and by a straight person, I mean, an actual straight person, not someone who is questioning or closeted gay/lesbian/bi/pan) going "ALL YOUR FAVES ARE GAY! AND TRANS! AND AUTISTIC!" and tagging every single fandom they are in, it reads as a little fetishistic but that's just me.
3) "Rares" blogs posting pictures that aren't rares. If an actor posts an in-costume selfie with his castmates to his instagram during the process of creating a show or after the show is finished, it's not a "rare," even if the first time YOU'VE particularly seen it is two years after the show goes off the air and five years after he posted it. The same goes for someone who is involved in the project from a production aspect (like, for example, Joaquin or Kalen from Glee). A rare would be something that a friend-of-a-celebrity or a fan posted on a public social media account (like Twitter or Instagram) of the celebrity at a party or involved in something they did before their "big break." For example, I think if someone were to be like "hey, oh crap, I just remembered I went to see NLT years ago and I have a selfie with Kevin McHale when he was a teenager that I've never posted," THAT would be a rare. If someone posted a picture of Darren from his study abroad in Italy, that would be a rare. Posting a picture from the Glee set that's been tweeted or Instagrammed (sometimes multiple times) by the actors themselves is not "posting a rare."
4) This sort of could be combined with number 1, but it's more about Instagram/Twitter than Tumblr. It's one thing to make a cool edit of a character or an actor and tag them in it. Like, for example, Stephanie Styles and Drew Gehling were just in a stage production of Roman Holiday. Photoshopping their faces onto the film actors' bodies on the movie poster is a cool edit and I'm sure they would love to be tagged in something like that. Maybe you drew a picture of Brittana from Glee having a picnic and giving each other flowers; there's nothing wrong with tagging Heather and Naya in that. Maybe you identify a lot with Evan Hansen and make an "Evan Hansen aesthetic post" and want Ben Platt to see. Whatever, that's fine. What is overkill is when people literally just post screenshots from a TV show/movie/Broadway bootleg or steal pictures from actors' Instagrams or OTHER PEOPLE'S EDITS and have a completely unrelated caption like "uggggggggh I have so much math homework" or "my stepdad is being a dick and says I can't go see (insert movie here)" and tag the actors just because they happen to be in the picture. Sometimes people look in the actor tags on Instagram for news on their fave that might not be announced yet (for example, someone else from a project an actor is working on tagging them in a BTS picture) but it gets swamped under the same screenshot of the Newsies seizing the day or Klaine kissing or Andrew Rannells standing over Christian Borle with what appears to be a boner or Ben Cook doing the splits while Josh Burrage makes a goofy face in the background OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. Sometimes a fan is having a hard time and all they want is to be noticed by their favorite cast member of a show, but their friends' post petitioning the actor to wish them a happy birthday is swamped under 900 notifications of the same unedited screenshot. I have a friend who will sometimes post an old Newsies photo and go on an unrelated rant underneath, but she doesn't tag the actors or the show, so it's fine. If you didn't make the edit, don't post the edit (like, even if you credit whoever made it, someone else might steal it from you and they won't). If you HAVE to post a picture from a show with an unrelated caption, don't tag the actors. It's annoying as hell, and I suspect it contributes a lot to why a lot of them pull away from Instagram.
5) Roleplay blogs clogging up the tags, and then people creating blogs specifically to ADVERTISE their roleplay blogs when they know the actual blogs themselves are getting blocked. Also, FACEBOOK ROLEPLAYS. Facebook won't even let a lot of trans people change their name without a shit load of documentation, but it seems fine with people pretending to be fictional characters and celebrities and changing their FB handles to (insert first name) (insert embarrassing RPF ship portmanteau). Facebook is for real people and businesses, and I can SORT of see making a FB profile for a baby or a pet to have a place where only certain people can access photos and information (since most people have FB but not everyone has Instagram). Also, some of the roleplay scenarios people have are seriously fucked up and racist/ableist/both. YIKES.
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ccfetish · 7 years
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http://www.gofundme.com/chris-colfers-27th-birthday Hey, guys! I'm so excited to announce this new project @gleekforcolfer (ig) and I (@mygleek) have put together for Chris' 27th birthday! Chris has gotten countless gifts, messages, and different projects for his birthday in the past. Which have all been incredible and I have no doubt that he appreciates each and every one. However, this year, we wanted to do something a little different! If there's anything Chris is, it's generous. He's incredibly thoughtful and always wants to help those in need, which he has inspired us to do as well. We wanted to showcase that inspiration he gives and bring together all his fans, our fandom, to bring forth his legacy and highlight the influence he restores in all of us. As #bookhuggers, majority of us love to read. Now, I'm sure many others do too and don't always have the funds to purchase the many worlds they wish to escape to. FirstBook.org is a non profit charity that gives back to readers in need, to help kids grow and succeed. For Chris' birthday, and to honor him and the work of literature he's left to us, we want to raise funds for this organization and give back! In honor of another year of Chris and the light he shines on so many, we wanted to raise at least 2,700 (since Chris is turning 27!) dollars for the FirstBook foundation in Chris' name. But we can't do it alone! All of us have to come together to make this possible. Ways you can help? Just repost this and spread the word! That alone will help, so very much! If you can, just donating 50 cents will help these kids in need. Anything you have to offer will be much appreciated! To do so, go to the go fund me page and donate anything you can! Wether it's one dollar or 30 dollars, every donation helps! If you can't donate, spread the word! Repost on facebook, tumblr, twitter and instagram to spread the word! As Chris mentioned in Stranger Than Fanfiction, "if only diplomacy worked as efficiently as a fandom, there would never be war again.” I truly believe in this man's words from his best selling masterpiece. This project is a way to show him and the world just how much we all believe in it. It's also a way to show Chris how much he means to us all and the impact he's made on the world. Both Victoria and I really hope you can be apart of it. Thank you all, so much! Love you, guys! http://www.gofundme.com/chris-colfers-27th-birthday
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Hi! With great joy I'm ready to launch, hopefully with your help and participation, Chris Colfer's 2023 birthday video, "From then to now"
I've started thinking about all the years we've been knowing Chris and following his amazing career, his projects and achievements. Related to this, I focused on the fact that since last year we've been celebrating the anniversaries of his book's publications and on how proud he is of being an author... and that's when the inspiration for the video came! We will be going down the memory lane, thinking back to when we first knew him, up until now!
Here are the instructions to participate in this year's project, if you're doing the video you can send just one, if you take pics you'll have to send two, one for each part!
I want you to share:
➡️ the first memory you have of Chris, how you got to know him, the first moment you thought how amazing he is
➡️AND then your favorite quote from his books! Plus wish him a Happy Birthday!
You can either:
-🎥 record a video of yourself telling about the first memory you have of him + then reading or telling your fave quote from his books+ WISH HIM HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Video lenght: max 20 seconds + the quote (make it possibly no more than 30 seconds in total)
-📸 send two pics: one pic of the cardboard where you wrote down the memory (with yourself in the pic if you want). The second pic of the cardboard where you wrote down the quote (you can be in the pic if you want) +INCLUDE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISH!Pic: max 3 lines sentence about the memory+ the quote + Happy Birthday
->the video can be of yourself talking and not appearing if you're camera shy, or you can film a video showing just the cardboards
->the pic can be of yourself with the writing, or just the writing
->include the book where the quote comes from in the pic/vid!
TIPS! Write in BIG letters, take the pic/video in good lighting!
Send everything to: [email protected] and add your NAME and COUNTRY OF ORIGIN
⚠️Deadline is May 22nd!!!⚠️
I will post a youtube link of the video on Twitter on May 26th -the day before his bday! I would really appreciate if you could spread the word, share, repost! He loved watching the videos these past years and I'd love to involve more and more people! Thank you!
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becausehiships · 7 years
No Mystical Design - Chapter 11
Note:  it's almost 6 months without her. it took me 5 months to read through our google chat. i'll start organizing everything we ever wrote and edit it out of typos and start posting. i'm sorry it's taken so long; grief is fucking awful.
this one is a stupid little one we wrote right when glee ended.  they get much better as time goes on... i promise to organize everything and get it posted.
the one that happens when Darren gets a case of nostalgia.
Masterpost | AO3
Darren has the biggest, baddest, most powerful iPhone money could buy.  So when a notification pops up to let him know that he’s nearly out of space, he scoffs loudly in his empty apartment and sets to start a reorganization project between his iCloud and the phone immediately, since there is absolutely no point to having a four thousand megapixel camera on a cell phone if he can’t use it to capture every special moment.  It’s sunny and warm in the city; he should probably be outside.  But then he’d want to take pictures of how beautiful everything around him is and he can’t do that until he cleans out what’s simply not needed.  He plugs in and gets started.
As he’s watching the photos and videos flash across the screen within the import to his hard drive, it’s as though he’s watching a chronological movie of his whole life.  Every single moment that he once thought to be important enough to document reflects for a split second, glaring back at his reflection he sees against the sunlight of the window behind him.
Every person in every picture is familiar and a complete stranger, and holy shit they’ve all come so far since Darren’s start on the show.  Baby faces and grins, the billions of photos from hanging out on tour, selfies that weren’t classified as such yet on duck boats and in front of royal living quarters and decked out in pointed black hats in Salem, and later at sushi restaurants and Disneyland and whoever’s house.  Pictures of a baby-young Chris taking his first shot somewhere in the midwest, pictures of Ashley and Dianna posing in second-hand prom dresses they found in a vintage shop in Brooklyn, the Zurich sky, the Eiffel Tower.  Dublin.  A group photo dressed as Cheerios, Darren blowing out birthday candles with Chris grinning at him in the background before they were totally good again.  A video of Chris doing Single Ladies on tour.  Warbler rehearsal.
Darren leans back in his chair and covers his wet eyes with one hand.  He feels flushed and dizzy and all alone.  Cooper appears and sits beneath Chris’ desk, staring at him through the glass top.
“Okay, Coop.  I’ll take you in a minute.”
He navigates to his iTunes shamelessly and scrolls to the exact four minutes and fifty-seven seconds that he needs to hear right now.  He crosses the room and turns on the bluetooth stereo system on the top of their dresser.  He comes back to his computer and hits play.  Lea’s voice floods the apartment, and he sits underneath the desk with Cooper, hugging the only thing that will let him right now.  The dog grins and bears it, wagging his tail softly.  Man’s best friend.
Glee has given him so much opportunity, a chance at fateful and unconditional love, friends and lovers that have since turned into family.   Even if no one has really reached out to Chris or Darren since they found each other again, they all have a special bond that only those on the inside looking out will ever understand.  It’s a connection that will remain for the rest of their lives.
He loses it at more than trophies on a shelf because God, that’s so fucking true.  He wrote the damn song and he doesn’t realize the thing that he took away from the experience is the new shape of his career, his life, his heart.
Darren sobs in the midst of pushing Cooper off of his lap, the dog glaring back at him before stalking away to spitefully pee on the rug near the laundry room and Darren can’t bring himself to care.  Not now.
He lets the song fade out as he climbs in bed and hugs a pillow, crying silent flowing tears that stream down the bridge of his nose as they fall to their death.  Nearly three years to the day and it finally hits him.  He feels like such a douchebag for not getting emotional at any point before right this second.<br /> Those days were sacred and irreplaceable but most of all, over.
Shaking his head, he attempts to snap himself out of it once and for all.  It’s not fair that he’s crying about it when it’s old news; it’s not fair that he’s sad about any of it because he would trade it all in a million times if he could still wind up with Chris in the end.
He hears the door’s lock hitch; he hears footsteps in the foyer and a distinct, “Oh Coop!  What’d you do?  Dare?”
He doesn’t trust his voice so he waits until Chris can figure out the fact that he’s right around the corner.  Eventually, he’s welcomed by a tilted head and a very confused expression.
“What happened?”
Darren turns his neck to look at Chris.  “Glee’s really over.”
Chris looks startled and laughs but cuts himself off when Darren continues to stare, wet eyelashes and puffy red cheeks to boot.
“Oh, honey.  Did it just hit you?”  Chris rushes around the back of the couch and gathers Darren in his arms.
“I owe my whole life to that stupid show, Chris.  My whole life.”
“You would have found your career without Ryan Murphy.”
“Would I have found you?”
Chris lets out a larger than life sigh and curls his lips into the childish smirk Darren loves.  “I would have still been in Clovis without Glee.  I imagine I’d be the assistant manager of a Best Buy.  So no, probably not.”
Darren nods and kisses him, a brush of lips hardly enough to enunciate his gratitude for this perfect moment between the two of them.  “I love you so much, Colfer.”
He’s faced with a genuinely concerned, nervous look on Chris’ beautiful face.  “Dare…”
“Shhhh, just hold me.”
“That, I can do.”  Chris rubs a palm up and down Darren’s forearm, ignoring the fur babies to take care of his boyfriend.  “I love you.  But honestly, why did it just hit you?  How?  It’s been...”
Darren shrugs.  “I dunno.  Just looking at pictures.  Hey, what did you take from set?”
Chris giggles.  “Oh.  I don’t remember.”
“Shut up.  Of course you remember.”  Darren smiles and pats the couch under them.
“Fine.”  Chris combs through Darren’s curls and looks out into space as he thinks.  “I took… the hippo broach, a pair of pants from the last episode, Pavarotti’s bedazzled pencil box casket, because I actually spent time and effort on that. Oh, and I got you.”
“I took miniscule little things that, in the grand scheme of things, meant nothing.  Because the prize I got was so much better than your couch or Cory’s jersey, or Santana’s Cheerio skirt.”  Chris nuzzles Darren’s neck.  “What was the line?  We didn’t need to win any stupid show choir competition singing a break up song.  Because we won so much more than that.  What’s the line!”
Darren grins and straightens his posture, slipping into Blaine one last time.  “We did win.  We got each other out of this.  That’s better than any trophy, don’t you think?”
“I ask you to walk the dog once while I’m gone, maybe pick up some milk while you’re on your way home, and nothing.  But you can remember one measly line from like, your fourth episode ever.”
“Certain important things stick.  When I was memorizing that script, I saw so many… I thought about you a lot back then.”
“And now?”
“And now.”  Darren shrugs his way into a smirky little kiss that turns quickly into so much more.
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new info regarding the Scrapbook project:
deadline is: (for emailed submissions only/for emailing me for info on where to send a physical letter and whatnot) tonight at midnight. I feel like such an ass for just posting this now, and not a few days ago, but stuff happens. email account is in the previous post. :)!
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Chris Colfer 2018 Birthday Project, Simple way you can partake in it. Twitter: @gleekyxklainerx Email: [email protected]
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stealthy-chameleon · 13 years
I participated in the Chris Colfer Birthday Project earlier this year.
He mentioned it in the interview.
Chris Colfer has something with my handwriting and picture in it.
I'm gonna go cry forever, nbd.
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I'm still at "Dear Chris" oh lord
and the deadline is today help me
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