#chris metzler
dare-g · 2 years
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Plagues & Pleasures On the Salton Sea (2004)
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Numenor, the Mighty and Frail
This Sunday The Tolkien Society (UK) is hosting an online seminar with the theme of ‘Numenor, the Mighty and Frail.’ Panels will begin at 6:30am EDT and last through early afternoon EDT. Each presentation has a 30 min slot and there are two 30 min breaks.
This seminar is FREE to attend. Go to: tolkiensociety(dot)org/events/seminar-2023/
Several of the scholars presenting on Sunday are people I know and who I know do very strong work (I’ve also gotten to see drafts or alternate versions of a few of these papers and am very excited to see the finished products!)
The Tolkien Society is also organizing another upcoming seminar, “Tolkien and Religion in the Twenty-first Century,” taking place in November of this year.
Presenting scholars and presentation titles for “Numenor, the Mighty and Frail” are below.
Putri Prihatini, “Sea Goddess Worship and the Power of the King: Parallel between Aldarion, Uinen, Mataram Sultanate, and Javanese “Queen of the Southern Sea””
Irina Metzler, “Dealing with the Dead: Nuances of ancient Egypt and medieval theology in Númenor”
Advait Praturi, “Darkness Alone is Worshipful: Discovering A Númenórean Theological Anthropology of Worship”
S.R. Westvik, ““I often dream of it”: Trauma and memory in the legacy of the Downfall of Númenor”
Sara Brown, ““Foretasting Death in Life”: Desire, the Fall, and Attempting to Return the ‘Gift’ of Ilúvatar”
Journeé Cotton, “‘All roads are now bent’: Ethical readings of the corporeality of Númenor”
Alpaslan Tandırcı, “Ecology of Imperialism: Environmental History for Númenor”
Erik Jampa Andersson, “The Akallabêth and the Anthropocene: Myth, Ecology, and the Changing of the Earth”
Kristine Larsen, “Monstrous (Im)mortality: Transhumanism and Ecocriticism in ‘Akallabêth’”
Tom Emanuel, “‘By the Waters of Anduin We Lay Down and Wept’: Exilic Theology in the Akallabêth”
Chris Vaccaro, “‘And Númenor went down into the Sea’: the pleasure of self-dissolution and the masochistic jouissance of Westernesse”
Mercury Natis, “Seducer-Destroyer: Sauron’s Femme Fatale Sources and Their Role in the Númenor Narrative”
Clare Moore, “Elmar, the Experience of Captured Women, and Empires in Decline”
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dnaamericaapp · 8 months
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Experts Cringe At Billionaire’s Claim That MLK Would Have Opposed DEI Efforts
Chris Metzler, an expert on diversity, equity and inclusion, said he did not flinch when he learned that billionaire Bill Ackman had said Martin Luther King Jr., whose life was committed to civil and equal rights, would have “opposed” the ideology of DEI.
Metzler, who created certification courses in diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, at Georgetown and Cornell universities, called the remarks “just ridiculous, but not surprising. He and they — because he’s not alone in this — want to take the ‘content of your character’ part of that historic speech out of context to fit their narrative. It’s wrong.”
Ackman, a hedge fund manager, has been at the forefront of an effort to delegitimize DEI programs, and he was integral to the campaign to oust Claudine Gay as the president of Harvard University. Gay was the first Black person to hold that position. Ackman also wrote in a lengthy post on X that “DEI is racist.”
Now, King’s words are being twisted to promote anti-DEI messaging.
“I think Dr. King would be very opposed to this sort of ideology, even though, you know, diversity is a good thing, even though, of course, a culture where everyone feels comfortable and included is critically important,” said Ackman.
“Here’s the thing: The diversity that they want to focus on is white male,” said Metzler, who is Black and is writing a comprehensive book on DEI. “That’s it. Everything else really, really doesn’t matter to them. They want to talk about diversity of thought, which I think is important. The problem, however, is they want to style it as diversity of their thought, which is not inclusive.” -(source: nbc news)
DNA America
“It’s what we know, not what you want us to believe.”
#dna #dnaamerica #news #politics
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We love a man who loves his band
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cliffbooth-arc · 3 years
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paul metzler: you  bet-zler!!
chris klein as PAUL METZLER in ELECTION (1999) dir. alexander payne
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onlydylanobrien · 3 years
Dylan O’Brien and Sarah Ramos reenact a scene from Election (1999)
With Sarah Ramos as Reese Witherspoon as Tracy Flick & Dylan  & a cheap wig as Chris Klein as Paul Metzler.
🎥©: saraheramos on IGTV
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kwebtv · 3 years
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The Best Times -  NBC  -  April 18, 1985 - June 24, 1985
Drama (6 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Janet Eilber as Ms. Joanne Braithwaite
Beth Ehlers as Mia Braithwaite
Jim Metzler as Mr. Dan Bragen
Jay Baker as Tony Younger
Liane Alexandra Curtis as Annette Dimetriano
Darren Dalton as Chris Henson
LaSaundra Hall as Dionne McAllister
Tammy Lauren as Giselle Kraft
David Packer as Neil "Trout" Troutman
K.C. Martel as Dale Troutman
Melora Hardin as Joy Villafranco
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enestoestuve · 4 years
Qué estuve viendo #11
Tracy Flick se está postulando a presidente del Consejo Estudiantil. Y no la va a tener fácil.
Nuevo Qué estuve viendo.
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Election (1999)
Cuando comencé a escribir esto, no habían pasado ni 12 horas desde que un grupo de manifestantes adherentes a Donald Trump se tomó el Capitolio. Su objetivo era bien simple: Sabotear la certificación de Joe Biden como presidente electo de Estados Unidos. Se sabía desde un principio que el tipo de pelo naranja estaba dispuesto a todo por revertir los resultados de la elección, y de acuerdo a las barbaridades que ha escrito o dicho, lo que hayan hecho sus adherentes tiene su aval. Todo esto sin ningún tipo de respeto por la institucionalidad, o, aunque sea solamente para tener un trato cordial con el presidente electo.
En el Qué estuve escuchando #4, escribí sobre el episodio de El contador de películas dedicado a La elección (Election), y ahí mencioné una serie de personajes que suelen habitar la fauna electoral de Estados Unidos. Si es necesario mirar esa fauna, y decidir qué tipo de candidato fue Trump, ¿cuál sería? ¿El candidato idealista? ¿El candidato designado por comité? ¿El candidato harto del sistema? Cuando empecé a escribir esto, pensaba que Trump era esto último, pero luego de pensarlo bien, suena más a un híbrido entre el segundo y el tercero, en la película sería básicamente una cruza entre los hermanos Metzler.
Con esto es que puedo empezar a hablar de La elección. Cuando se entera de que Tracy Flick (Reese Witherspoon) se postula a presidente del Consejo Estudiantil, Jim McAllister (Matthew Broderick), querido profesor de historia por los alumnos, y miembro de ese mismo consejo, se decide a cerrarle el camino a la presidencia poniéndole a un popular jugador del equipo de fútbol americano escolar, Paul Metzler (Chris Klein) como su competencia. La elección se pone color de hormiga cuando Tammy (Jessica Campbell), por mero despecho producto de la postulación de su hermano, también se postule, pero con intenciones anárquicas.
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A que no saben dónde irá a parar esa carpeta con firmas…
La clave de la comedia negra dirigida por Alexander Payne (Los descendientes), co-escrita por Payne y Jim Taylor, y basada en la novela de Tom Perrotta, es que es una película de high school en cuya historia cubre el sistema electoral. Bien podría ser el estadounidense, pero su construcción perfectamente permite quitar el sistema estadounidense, reemplazarlo el de otro país, y no se notaría mucho la diferencia.
Esta es segunda vez que veo esta película, en esta ocasión doblada. Ahí me percaté de dos sutilezas que no capté la primera vez que la vi. La primera es lo bien usado que está el placement de Pepsi en la película, para señalar la posición de oposición que tiene Jim a la campaña de Tracy. La segunda es que, si bien Jim se está vengando de Tracy por la relación que ella tuvo con su amigo, lo que en verdad pasó es que su amigo se pasó de la raya con Tracy, haciendo que la película tenga como protagonista a un villano, que a lo largo de ella va tirando sus principios a la basura. Así es. El querido profesor de historia va a un camino que amenaza no solo su reputación, sino también la del colegio completo.
Pero a quien tenía que ver de nuevo en esta película es a la hermana de Paul, Tammy. Cuando la vi, me acordé de esos afiches que uno se encuentra en la calle incitando a no votar, porque el sistema está arreglado, y asdf. Tammy es una versión humana de ese afiche. El discurso que se manda en su presentación como candidata lo dice claramente (no es lo que dice exactamente, pero es algo así): “Si me eligen, voy a disolver el Consejo Estudiantil, y asegurarme de que no tengan que presenciar nunca más asambleas como esta”. Y se escucha un aplauso estruendoso después de eso.
(Entre nos, y ya que vi la versión doblada: ¿Se imaginan a Misty, de Pokémon, con frenillos? Así es como hablaba Tammy. Y si, la voz de Tammy ES de la actriz que hace la voz de Misty. Para mí, es la voz más reconocible en toda la película.)
La elección es una película que ha perdurado en el tiempo, incluso 20 años después de su estreno. Si tengo que explicar porqué, es que los vicios que se ven en la elección protagonista de la película, han perdurado en la realidad. ¿Candidatos que juegan sucio? Check. ¿Candidatos que son cordiales en cámara, después de haberse jugado sucio? Check. ¿Gente que está cansada de las elecciones porque siente que no se discute nada? Check. ¿Cabos sueltos que se aprovechan de la debilidad del sistema para vulnerarlo? Check. El tono high school quizá la haya hecho envejecer un poco, pero el componente electoral central aún lo pueden encontrar en la actualidad, y no es necesario mirar muy lejos para encontrar ejemplos de ello. Tan solo pregúntenle al copetón que perdió una elección e incitó a sus adherentes a evitarlo.
La edición en Blu-Ray, a partir de la cual vi la película, anda descatalogada. Tuve suerte de que me la conseguí a un precio razonable en Amazon. Si se la quieren conseguir en físico, la mejor opción, hoy, es la edición de The Criterion Collection. No está en español, pero tiene una gran cantidad de material adicional a la cual seguro le querrán echar un ojo después de ver la película. Y si la quieren en digital, la mejor opción es la tienda de iTunes, al estar con audio y subtítulos en español.
Sea cual sea la opción en la que escojan verla, tienen enfrente una comedia incómoda que seguro querrán repetirse después de verla a la primera.
Disponible en formato físico (Blu-Ray y DVD) y digital (iTunes y Google Play).
Imagen 1: Propia. Imagen 2: The Movie District.
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justincaseitmatters · 6 years
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moviesandmania · 7 years
Rodents of Unusual Size (USA, 2017)
Rodents of Unusual Size (USA, 2017)
‘This ain’t no fairytale’
Rodents of Unusual Size is a 2017 American documentary film directed by Quinn Costello, Chris Metzler and Jeff Springer. Wendell Pierce provided the narration.
The fragile wetlands of Louisiana are under relentless attack by legions of 20 pound semi-aquatic invasive rodents known as the nutria, which have greatly accelerated coastal erosion and made the bayou much more…
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thestageyshelf · 2 years
SOLD 🎭 Wicked @ Victoria Apollo Theatre 2014 (#170)
Title: Wicked
Venue: Victoria Apollo Theatre
Year: 2014
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Condition: Marking
Author: Music and Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz. Book by Winnie Holzman. Based on the Novel by Gregory Maguire
Director: Joe Mantello
Choreographer: Musical Staging by Wayne Cilento
Cast: Jennifer DiNoia, Savannah Stevenson, Jeremy Taylor, Philip Childs, Sam Lupton, Katie Rowley Jones, Chloe Ames, Kyle Anthony, Lee Bridgman, Lucyelle Cliffe, Nicholas Collier, Chris Cowley, Maria Coyne, Matthew Croke, Jeanie Dinger, Laura Emmitt, Kerry Enright, Joseph Fletcher, Rosie Fletcher, Sheila Grant, Emma Hatton, Daniel Hope, Lauren James Ray, Jasmine Kerr, Sophier Linder-Lee, Natalie McQueen, Oliver Metzler, Scott Monello, Rachael Muldoon, Sam Salter, Joe Toeland, Hannah Toy, Russell Walker, Liam Wrate, Liza Sadovy, Martyn Ellis
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runbrief · 3 years
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The Professional Triathlete’s Organisation (PTO) has today revealed the full teams for the inaugural Collins Cup, which is due to take place later this month. Eight triathletes qualified for each of the three teams earlier this week via the automatic qualification spots, which are based on the athletes’ performances over the past two or three years. Today, the team captains of each team have revealed their picks for the final four spots in each team. Check out the full team line-ups below. Who’s in Team Europe? The eight athletes to gain a spot via automatic qualification were: Jan Frodeno (GER) Daniela Ryf (SUI) Gustav Iden (NOR) Anne Haug (GER) Joe Skipper (GBR) Lucy Charles-Barclay (GBR) Patrick Lange (GER) Holly Lawrence (GBR) Team captains Normann Stadler and Natascha Badmann (who recently replaced Chrissie Wellington) have now confirmed their four picks to complete the team: Kat Matthews (GBR) Emma Pallant-Browne (GBR) Sebastian Kienle (GER) Daniel Bækkegård (DEN) Who’s in Team USA? The eight athletes who achieved automatic qualification to Team USA were: Sam Long Skye Moench Rudy Von Berg Heather Jackson Matt Hanson Jackie Hering Ben Kanute Chelsea Sodaro Team USA captains Mark Allen and Karen Smyers have also picked: Katie Zaferes Taylor Knibb Chris Leiferman Justin Metzler Who’s in Team International? Team International’s eight automatic qualifiers were: Lionel Sanders (CAN) Teresa Adam (NZL) Braden Currie (NZL) Paula Findlay (CAN) Samuel Appleton (AUS) Carrie Lester (AUS) Max Neumann (AUS) Jeanni Metzler (RSA) Captains Lisa Bentley and Simon Whitfield have also picked: Ellie Salthouse (AUS) Sarah Crowley (AUS) Jackson Laundry (CAN) Kyle Smith (NZL) What is the Collins Cup? Taking inspiration from golf’s Ryder Cup and organised by the Professional Triathletes Organisation (PTO), the competition is due to take place on 28 August 2021 and will pit the three teams above against each other in pursuit of glory and a prize purse of $1.15m. The race itself will be a middle-distance non-drafting format (1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run) with each team putting forward one athlete to race against each other in a three-person ‘matchplay’ battle. Each team member will need to battle their own three-person individual contest. The 12 races will be staggered 10 minutes apart with the points from each individual race deciding who will be crowned overall winners. Top image credit: Stephen Pond/Getty Images for Challenge Triathlon https://ift.tt/37E20Ya via 220 Triathlon https://ift.tt/3lXxqBc }
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Panic!: *huddled around a fire trying to keep warm*
Kiara: The fire's dying again
Brendon: We need to burn something else. I'm all out of set list papers
Jake: *slowly pulls out Beebo*
Brendon, Mike, Nicole, Dan, Zack, the strings and the horns: No!!
Jake: Damn it.
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alessandro-bottai · 4 years
DIG 2020 | Rodents Of Unusual Size (Quinn Costello, Jeff Springer, Chris Metzler)
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Proiezione del film di Costello, Springer, Metzler from OOOH.Events https://ift.tt/3iyHpqY
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kisafilms · 4 years
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Film Review – Election (1999) Title – Election (1999) Director – Alexander Payne (Nebraska) Cast – Matthew Broderick, Reese Witherspoon, Chris Klein, Jessica Campbell, Delaney Driscoll Plot – Quietly spoken high school teacher Jim McAllister (Broderick) gets caught up in a fiesty school election featuring high achiever Tracy Flick (Witherspoon), football jock Paul Metzler (Klein) and his younger sister Tammy […] Film Review – Election (1999)
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bighousela · 4 years
Free VIP Day passes to our full days film screenings available to all whom register for this free event with Gerry Fialka, The list of films screening will be available as the films are selected to screen, updates to film blocks screening at the festival social media pages, and website:
Nov 7th. Sat "Film Fest La & L.A. LIVE" presents FILM CAN'T KILL YOU BUT WHY TAKE A CHANCE from 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. at Regal Cinemas 1000 W Olympic Blvd, LA CA 90015, Info: 310-306-7330 Laughtears.com Free workshop and day passes sponsored by BigHouse-la.com Paramedia ecologist Gerry Fialka's fun interactive workshop explore cinema's hidden psychic effects via Marshall McLuhan's Menippean satirized percepts: "We shape our tools, then they shape us." and “The Balinese have no word for art, they do everything as well as they can.” and "How about technologies as the collective unconscious and art as the collective unconsciousness?" Delve deep into Live Cinema, Neurocinema and the metaleptic heart of movies. Read the OtherZine article: sticks-and-stones-may-break-your-bones-but-film-will-never-hurt-you.Gerry Fialka has been praised by the LA Times as "the multi-media Renaissance man." The La Weekly proclaimed him "a cultural revolutionary." His new book Strange Questions: Experimental Film as Conversation, with a foreword by David James will be published soon. His new feature The Brother Side of the Wake (BroSide) is the experimental documentary about the people of Venice, California. It probes the cliché: "Is the journey more important than the destination?" Watch the preview on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBj0UdpFEWo
Laughtears Press is proud to announce the new book,
Strange Questions: Experimental Film as Conversation
by Gerry Fialka, Edited by Rachael Kerr, Foreword by David James.Publication date: SoonContact: Gerry Fialka
Compelling interviews with notables in avant-garde cinema offer insights into moving image art--its creative processes, formative influences, and hidden psychic effects. Through interviews with George Manupelli, Chick Strand, Tom Gunning, Lynne Sachs, Jay Rosenblatt, Martha Colburn, Evan Meaney, Mike Hoolboom, Robert Nelson, and Nina Menkes,
Strange Questions
links powerful personal stories with the contemporary media-scape.
Questions addressed in this collection include:
What role does the audience play in the creative process?
Can art-making be egoless?
Is perception reality?
What is the role of intention in the creative process?
What counts as storytelling? Are experimental filmmakers telling stories a different way or doing something completely different?
What was the motive of the cave artists?
What is more important: conviction or compromise?
Is ambition based more on fear or joy?
Accolades from award-winning experimental filmmakers:
"Fialka is a damn good interviewer. His questions are sometimes so precise that it tickles and sometimes so grand and thought provoking that one feels on the edge of a new spiritual awareness." --Lynne Sachs
"Fialka asks unexpected Questions about important Ideas, eliciting Answers that can surprise even those doing the answering. My Interview with him taught me something about myself; it was a Gift." --David Gatten"Fialka's was the funniest interview I have ever had. He has developed a very wise way of triggering thoughts in the interviewee." --Leighton Pierce"Fialka's interview had me buzzing inside with thoughts and memories that his engaging questions set in motion. Super stimulation." --Larry Gottheim"I thank Gerry Fialka so much. I really enjoyed his interview with me, especially his unjaded joie de vivre, hearty laugh, and endless pursuit of knowledge sparked by social curiosity." --Phil Solomon."Gerry Fialka is a master interviewer. Working out of his natural sympathies and his erudition, Gerry cannily and cheerfully guides his interviewees along a path of Socratic inquiry that goes far deeper than the average Q & A and possibly deeper than the interviewee thought himself/herself capable of going. With Gerry at the helm, the journey really is about the destination and not just the journeying." --Fred Worden"Fialka is a meteor shower in the contemporary media arts discourse. He's blowing my mind." -- Craig Baldwin
Gerry Fialka, artist, writer, and para-media ecologist, lectures on experimental film, avant-garde art, and subversive social media at NYU, USC, UCLA, Cal Arts and MIT. He has been called "the multi-media Renaissance man" by the
Los Angeles Times
and "a cultural revolutionary" by the
LA Weekly.
Fialka's interviews have been published in books by Mike Kelley and Sylvere Lotringer. They have been heard on Pacifica KPFK radio, and have appeared in magazines:
Canyon Cinema, OtherZine, CineSource,
AMASS magazine, LA Jazz Scene, Jazz News,
Bird, Flipside, Venice BeachHead.
"Gerry Fialka is Los Angeles' preeminent underground film curator." - Robin Menken, CinemaWithoutBorders
Rachael Kerr is a filmmaker, writer, and researcher. She is a 2017 graduate of the University of Michigan Department of Screen Arts and Cultures. As a student she collaborated on the feature documentary
The Big House
, now slated for theatrical release in Japan. In Winter 2017, Rachael was part of a UM course taught be Terri Sarris and supported by the University's Bicentennial Committee, which explored the AAFF's long relationship to the University.
David E. James has written or edited a dozen books on avant-garde cinema and other forms of non-commodity culture, especially in Los Angeles. His latest publication is
Rock ‘N’ Film: Cinema’s Dance With Popular Music
(2016). His films have screened at the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Los Angeles Filmforum, and Canyon Cinema in San Francisco.
SoonSunday 7pm at Beyond Baroque
681 Venice Blvd Venice CA
FREE Admission
MOM - Movie Or Manuscript on Mother's Day -
Celebrate the publication of Gerry Fialka's new book
Strange Questions: Experimental Film as Conversation
his new feature film
The Brother Side of the Wake (test screening). Facebook=
VIEW Youtube Clips=
LilyCat Radio Show - Gerry talks about both book and film -
Upcoming volumes in the
Strange Questions
book series:
Experimental Film as Conversation, Continued.
This volume includes interviews with filmmakersDavid Gatten, Frank Mouris, P. Adams Sitney, tENTATIVELY a cONVENIENCE, Bill Brand, Pip Chodoov, Craig Baldwin, Bill Morrison, Braden King, Naomi Uman, John Smith, Patrick Turrant, Madison Brookshire, Tony Gault, Bill Daniel, Vera Brunner Sung, Alexandra Cuesta, Tooth, Fred Worden, Mark Street, Leslie Raymond, Jason Jay Stevens, Ben Russell, Bryan Konefsky, Owen Land, Peter Rose, Alfonzo Alvarez, Jesse Lerner, Terri Sarris, Chris McNamara, Oren Goldenberg, Jesse Drew, Roger Bebe, Jon Jost, Betsy Bromberg, Thom Anderson and more.
Michigan Aesthetics as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with Mike Kelley, George Clinton, Sam Green, Jack Epps Jr, Grace Lee Boggs, Marshall Crenshaw, Ari Weinzweig (Zingerman's), Steve 'Muruga' Booker, John Sinclair, and Mary Jane Shoultz.
Venice Aesthetics as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with
Venice artists
Rip Cronk, Earl Newman, and Carol Fondiller.
Art as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with artists William Pope.L, Alexis Smith, Hunter Drohojowska-Philp, George Herms, Doug Harvey, Winston Smith, and Robert Branaman.
Poetry as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with poets Amiri Baraka, SA Griffin, Suzanne Lummis, ruth weiss, Linda Albertano, Les Plesko, Harry Northrup, and David Meltzer.
Political Activism
as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with political activists Grace Lee Boggs, Tom Hayden, Haskell Wexler, Bill Ayers, Skip Blumberg, Jon Rappoport, Lila Garrett, and Marcy Winograd.
Jazz as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with musicians Horace Silver, Jon Hendricks, Annie Ross, Oscar Brown Jr, Hadda Brooks, David Amram, Perry Robinson, Theo Sanders, and jazz writers Kirk Silsbee and Greg Burk.
Literature as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with writers Eric McLuhan, John Bishop, Chris Kraus, Kristine McKenna, Janet Fitch, Brad Schreiber, and Johanna Drucker.
Comedy as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with comedians Paul Krassner, Ric Overton, Paul Provenza, David Misch, Roy Zimmerman, Wes Skoop Nisker, Lady Lord Buckley, and Darryl Henriques.
Rock N' Roll as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with musicians Mac Rebennack (aka Dr John), Pamela Des Barres, Steve Vai, Van Dyke Parks, Barry Smolin, Bruce Langhorn, Jeff Mosier, Roger Steffans, Paul Zollo, Billy Vera, Del Casher, Baby Gramps and John French.
Avant Garde Music as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with musicians DJ Spooky, Carl Stone, Patrick Gleeson, David Ocker, Blue Gene Tyranny, Frank Pahl, and Veronika Krausas.
Documentary Film as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with documentary filmmakers Ondi Timoner, Marina Goldovskaya, Rodney Ascher, Jay Weidner, Tiffany Shlain, Mary Jordan, William Farley, Chris Felver, Chris Metzler, Stan Warnow, and Jon Alloway.
Performance Art as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with performance artists Ann Magnuson, Heather Woodbury, Gordon Winiemko, Joseph Keckler, Mark Pauline, and Ed Holmes (aka Bishop Joey).
Dance as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with dancers Simon Forti and Rudy Perez.
Hollywood as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with Hollywood people James Harris, Orson Bean, Timothy A. Carey, Mews Small, Abraham Polonsky, Jeremy Kagan, Jay Cassidy, Steve DeJarnatt, and Steve Fife.
Animation as Conversation.
This volume includes interviews with animators Bruce Bickford, Karl Krogstad,and Gary Schwartz.
++++++This first book is the beginning of a 22-volume series.Upcoming
Strange Questions
will cover:More Experimental Film as ConversationMichigan Aesthetics as ConversationVenice, California Aesthetics as Conversation
Art as ConversationPoetry as ConversationPolitical Activism as ConversationJazz as ConversationLiterature as ConversationComedy as ConversationRock 'n' Roll as ConversationAvant-Garde Music as ConversationDocumentary Film as ConversationPerformance Art as ConversationDance as ConversationHollywood as ConversationAnimation as ConversationMedia Ecology as Conversation
Sculpture as ConversationPhotography as ConversationLive Cinema as Conversation
Gaming & Coding: Information Technology as Conversation
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